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2023 Street Construction Project
The 2023 construction season is underway. The anticipated reconstruction for W. 18th Street and Madison Street is following suit. The planned reconstructions involve a total removal and replacement of the roadway, with underground utilities replaced if needed. At this point, the main-line paving on W. 18th Street is underway for Stage 1. Reopening of Stage 1 will occur once the entirety of the reconstruction work is completed on these two segments. Meanwhile, closure on Madison Street is well underway with most of the underground utilities replaced at this time. The contractor is preparing the street for the new pavement surface. The work is primarily funded by the Local Option Sales Tax!
W. 27th Street Reconstruction
The City of Cedar Falls, and its contractor, Peterson Contractors Inc. of Reinbeck, will continue with reconstruction of W. 27th Street project this summer. The focus of the remainder of the 2023 construction season is to finish the W. 27th and Greenhill roundabout by midsummer, in order to open to the new Cedar Falls High School site. Meanwhile a second crew works westerly to build and finish two single-lane roundabouts as entrances for the new school by this fall. The overall project includes improvements to the water main, storm sewer, sidewalks, trails, roadway lighting, landscaping, a new signal at Hudson & W. 27th Street, and other roadway items. Also included as part of the project, is the construction of three new roundabouts at the intersections of Greenhill Road and two at the entrances to the new school. The limits of construction for each phase are:
Phase I: W. 27th Street at Panther Parkway (2022)
Phase II: Hudson Road Improvements & Greenhill Road Roundabout (2022–2023)
Phase III: W. 27th Street School Connections with Roundabouts (2023–2024)
During the 2023 construction season, crews will also rebuild the Hudson Road and W. 27th Street intersection with new traffic signals and turn lanes required with the future traffic loading of the new school. New trail and sidewalk connections will be installed along with the signal. By the end of the 2023 construction season, crews will be working to have all of W. 27th Street—including the three new roundabouts—open to traffic. Landscaping, grading, and final seeding operations will likely continue into the spring of 2024.
Additional information and updates will be provided on the City’s webpage. For ongoing active projects, sign up for e-mail notifications at www.cedarfalls.com/NotifyMe
Ashworth Drive Roadway Extension
This project extends Ashworth Drive, from Kara Drive eastward to Hudson Road. This is the first step to providing a second connection to Aldrich Elementary School and relieving traffic on Erik Road.
Dave Schmitt Construction Company, Inc. is the contractor. The project includes water main, storm sewer, subdrain, and sanitary sewer extensions along the new pavement, as well as converting the Ashworth/Hudson intersection from a 3-way stop controlled intersection to a 4-way traffic signal controlled intersection.
The east side of the Hudson/Ashworth intersection will be closed during construction. Two-way traffic on Hudson road will be maintained on Hudson road throughout construction; traffic will be reduced to one lane in both directions at certain times. Construction is expected to last throughout 2023, with final completion in spring 2024. Updates will be posted on the City website. For ongoing active projects, sign up for e-mail notifications at www.cedarfalls.com/NotifyMe.
Olive Street Box Culvert
The City of Cedar Falls and its contractor, Peterson Contractors, Inc. of Reinbeck, Iowa, will continue with the final phase of this project. Crews will switch from box culvert related work to landscaping work in the Pettersen Plaza extension over the new box culvert. During the summer, crews will focus on placement of new landscaping on top of the new culvert including trees, shrubs, and perennials. Other new amenities include new brick pavers throughout the plaza and extension, new pedestrian lighting and new limestone seating along the extension, replacement of the existing seating block in the plaza, and new fencing. Additional information and updates will be provided on the City’s webpage. For ongoing active projects, sign up for e-mail notifications at www.cedarfalls.com/NotifyMe
North Cedar Heights Area Reconstruction— Phase 1A
This project will reconstruct West Ridgewood Drive from—and including part of—Greenwood Avenue to Cherry Lane.
Dave Schmitt Construction is the contractor. Work includes reconstruction of water main, storm and sanitary sewers, slope repairs, installation of new 8" subdrain, asphalt pavement with concrete curb, and/or edging, and concrete intersections.
This project will be built in two phases and involve complete road closures for each phase during its respective construction period. Construction is expected to last through the end of 2023, with final completion in spring 2024. For ongoing active projects, sign up for e-mail notifications at www.cedarfalls.com/ NotifyMe