Phil Munsey 8-30-16 6pm Service
The Lord’s Prayer Main Scripture: Mt. 6:9- [NKJV] The Lord’s Prayer “In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”
Introduction: Jesus emptied himself as God to become fully human and experience everything we experience. He knows temptation better than we do because He always resisted it and therefore received its full impact. He connected to God in the same way we do. Anything God does on earth is an answer to someone’s prayer. Revelations tells us in chapter 6 that there are seven forces at work on earth, the Seven Seals: 1 - White Rider on a White Horse: Jesus. It is still His earth. 2 - Red Horse of War: War begins in the heart--having a desire for something you can’t have creates havoc and ultimately bloodshed. We must pull the reins on our own desires to control the Red Horse. 3 - Black Horse of Economic Injustice: The rider holds a scale with oil and wine on one side and a day’s wages for a day’s work on the other side. Greed takes wealth and manipulates it. The Holy Tithe acknowledges that God owns all the resources of the earth.
4 - Pale Horse: premature death and disease. The Enemy’s desire to take life before the appointed time. Jesus keeps him in check because He is the Healer. 5 - Suffering of the Saints: Suffering births truth and power unlike anything else. When you are willing to suffer and die for your beliefs, they become more than a philosophy and it gives them power. Until you’re willing to die for your belief system, it’s just a philosophy. 6 - Earth: The earth groans (natural disasters are a reaction to our spiritual state) for mankind to worship and acknowledge its Creator. 7 - Prayers of the Saints: Prayer keeps the earth from getting overrun by evil. A prayer never dies. It is first purified by the fire of the alter in heaven, poured into a bowl until it reaches a tipping point, then it tips over into the world and pours out, shaping your reality. Prayers leave a footprint, permanently marking the earth.
Mt. 6:12 - NKJV (Lord’s Prayer) - Prescription For the Six Ills of the Human Race 1 - Inferiority: “OUR FATHER” takes away our inferiority because it tells us we are children of God.
2 - “IN HEAVEN” - Heaven’s existence gives us higher meaning and purpose, tells us we are spiritual beings, and we can start to see beyond our perception of reality and through a spiritual lens. This cures our feelings of Worthlessness. Praying gives one perception to see through things and to see things through. 3 - “YOUR KINGDOM COME, YOUR WILL BE DONE” He has plans for you, a purpose. This is the cure for Depression. He gives us immense worth. God has a detailed plan for our lives when we surrender to God’s will, God surrenders the will to do it back to us. There is no time to be depressed; we have a purpose and a life to live! 4 - “GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD” cures our anxiety. -God says, “Chill, I got this.” He knows when a sparrow falls to the ground. We can trust him. Hebrews 7:8 “And here men that die receive tithes; but there he receives them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives.” Our tithe testifies to the existence of God - it is the seed in the apple. God needs our faith (not our money), and He doesn’t take anything from us. We are sowing it, and it will come back to us, running over.
5 - “FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS” covers our past, present and future sins (even WHILE we are sinning). We don’t have to renegotiate our forgiveness. Guilt and shame keep us in bondage, not our sin (that battle is WON). Replace shame with the knowledge of unconditional love, remembering in the moment of sin that God still loves us, is more effective than guilt. Guilt says that the cross was not enough. Remembering our sins is the one thing we can do that God can’t! When we don’t forgive, it turns into bitterness and keeps us in bondage. 6 - FEAR is the evil that robs us of our destiny. It paralyzes us. Jesus BROKE death - the greatest fear we could have on earth HAS BEEN DEFEATED!!!
Conclusion: When we break that fear off, we are FREE TO LIVE! Don’t make FailYOURS. What are you afraid of? Death has been defeated!