UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Title Accounting
Additional Science
1121 2121
Max 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS
A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(160) A(320)
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(280)
100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320)
Additional Science Coursework Biology Unit 2 Foundation Biology Unit 2 Higher Chemistry Unit 2 Foundation Chemistry Unit 2 Higher Physics Unit 2 Foundation Physics Unit 2 Higher Full Course Award
Additional Applied Science
Anthropology GCE
ANTH1 ANTH2 ANTH3 ANTH4 1111 2111
ARCH1 ARCH2 ARCH3 ARCH4 1011 2011
Applied Art and Design
AD01 AD02 AD03
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Name Introduction to Financial Accounting Further Aspects of Financial Accounting Further Aspects of Management Accounting Financial and Management Accounting AS Award Advanced Award
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(240)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160)
C(60) C(60) B(70) C(60) C(60) B(70) C(60) C(60) B(70) C(60) B(280) C(240)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(200)
E(40) E(40) E(45) E(40) E(45) E(40) E(45) E(160)
F(30) F(30)
G(20) G(20)
Science in the Workplace 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) Science at Work Foundation 111 UMS Science at Work Higher 160 UMS A*(144) A(128) Using Scientific Skills 160 UMS A*(144) A(128) Full Course Award 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) Being Human: Unity and Diversity 100 UMS A(80) Becoming a Person: Identity and Belongings 100 UMS A(80) Global and Local: Societies, Environments and Globalisation 100 UMS A(80) Practising Anthropology: Methods and Investigations 100 UMS A(80) AS Award 200 UMS A(160) Advanced Award 400 UMS A(320) The Archaeology of Religion and Ritual 80 UMS A(64) Archaeological Skills and Methods 120 UMS A(96) World Archaeology 120 UMS A(96) Archaeological Investigation 80 UMS A(64) AS Award 200 UMS A(160) Advanced Award 400 UMS A(320)
D(40) D(80) D(80) D(80) D(200) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200) D(40) D(60) D(60) D(40) D(100) D(200)
E(32) E(64) E(72) E(64) E(160) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160) E(32) E(48) E(48) E(32) E(80) E(160)
F(24) F(48)
G(16) G(32)
B(112) B(112) B(280) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(280) B(56) B(84) B(84) B(56) B(140) B(280)
C(48) C(96) C(96) C(96) C(240) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(240) C(48) C(72) C(72) C(48) C(120) C(240)
F(48) F(120)
G(32) G(80)
Investigation of 2D visual language Investigation of 3D visual language Working to a brief
B(70) B(70) B(70)
C(60) C(60) C(60)
D(50) D(50) D(50)
E(40) E(40) E(40)
100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS
A(80) A(80) A(80)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Applied Art and Design
Unit AD04 AD05 ADA6 ADB6 ADC6 ADD6 ADE6 ADF6 AD07 AD08 AD09 AD10 AA11 AB11 AC11 AD11 AE11 AF11 AA12 AB12 AC12 AD12 AE12 AF12
8511 8513 8516 8517 8519
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries Name Max Historical and contemporary references 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Professional practice, communication and meaning100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Drawing and painting or printmaking 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Photography, film and video 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Graphic design 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Public art 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Textile art and fashion 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 3D design 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Application and development of 2D visual language100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Application and development of 3D visual language100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Working to self-identified briefs 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Cultural and critical studies 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Drawing and painting or printmaking 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Photography, film and video 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Graphic design 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Public art 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Textile art and fashion 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 3D design 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Drawing and painting or printmaking 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Photography, film and video 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Graphic design 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Public art 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Textile art and fashion 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 3D design 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) AS Award 300 UMS A(240 B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) AS Double Award 600 UMS AA(480) AB(450) BB(420) BC(390) CC(360) CD(330) DD(300) DE(270) EE(240) Advanced Award 600 UMS A(480) B(420) C(360) D(300) E(240) Advanced and additional AS Award 900 UMS AA(720) AB(675) BB(630) BC(585) CC(540) CD(495) DD(450) DE(405) EE(360) Advanced Double Award 1200 UMS AA(960) AB(900) BB(840) BC(780) CC(720) CD(660) DD(600) DE(540) EE(480)
2D and 3D Visual Language Materials, Techniques and Technology Working to Project Briefs Double Award
GCSE 38101 38102 38103
Art and Design GCSE 42011 42012 42021
Art and Design Unit 1 Art and Design Unit 2 Fine Art Unit 1
100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) 300 UMS **(270) *A(255) AA(240) AB(225) BB(210) BC(195) CC(180) CD(165) DD(150) DE(135) EE(120) EF(105) FF(90) FG(75) GG(60) 180 UMS A*(162) A(144) B(126) C(108) D(90) E(72) F(54) G(36) 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) F(36) G(24) 180 UMS A*(162) A(144) B(126) C(108) D(90) E(72) F(54) G(36)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Applied Business
Unit 42022 42031 42032 42041 42042 42051 42052 42061 42062 42071 42072 42111 42112
Max 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) 180 UMS A*(162) A(144) 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) 180 UMS A*(162) A(144) 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) 180 UMS A*(162) A(144) 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) 180 UMS A*(162) A(144) 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) 180 UMS A*(162) A(144) 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) 180 UMS A*(162) A(144) 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240)
4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4211
Fine Art Unit 2 Graphic Communication Unit 1 Graphic Communication Unit 2 Textile Design Unit 1 Textile Design Unit 2 Three-Dimensional Design Unit 1 Three-Dimensional Design Unit 2 Photography Unit 1 Photography Unit 2 Applied Art and Design Unit 1 Applied Art and Design Unit 2 Art and Design Short Course Unit 1 Art and Design Short Course Unit 2 Full Course Award (Art and Design) Full Course Award (Fine Art) Full course Award (Graphic Communication) Full course Award (Textile Design) Full course Award (3-Dimensional Design) Full course Award (Photography) Full course Award (Applied Art and Design) Short Course Award
Investigating Business 100 UMS People in Business 100 UMS Financial Planning and Monitoring 100 UMS Meeting Customer Needs 100 UMS Business Communication and Information Systems100 UMS Developing a Product 100 UMS Career Planning 100 UMS Business Planning 100 UMS Marketing Strategy 100 UMS Promotional Activities 100 UMS The Marketing Environment 100 UMS Managing People 100 UMS Managing Information 100 UMS Managing Change 100 UMS Financial Accounting for Managers 100 UMS Managing Resources 100 UMS AS Award 300 UMS
BS01 BS02 BS03 BS04 BS05 BS06 BS07 BS08 BS09 BS10 BS11 BS12 BS13 BS14 BS15 BS16
A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(240
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) F(36) B(126) C(108) D(90) E(72) F(54) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) F(36) B(126) C(108) D(90) E(72) F(54) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) F(36) B(126) C(108) D(90) E(72) F(54) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) F(36) B(126) C(108) D(90) E(72) F(54) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) F(36) B(126) C(108) D(90) E(72) F(54) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) F(36) B(126) C(108) D(90) E(72) F(54) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) F(36) B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) F(90) B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) F(90) B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) F(90) B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) F(90) B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) F(90) B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) F(90) B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) F(90) B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) F(90) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(210)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(180)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(150)
G(24) G(36) G(24) G(36) G(24) G(36) G(24) G(36) G(24) G(36) G(24) G(36) G(24) G(60) G(60) G(60) G(60) G(60) G(60) G(60) G(60)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(120)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Applied Business
Award Name 8613 AS Double Award 8616 Advanced Award 8617 Advanced and additional AS Award 8619 Advanced Double Award
GCSE 38301 38302 38303 3831
Applied ICT
IT01 IT02 IT03 IT04 IT05 IT06 IT07 IT08 IT09 IT10 IT11 IT12 IT13 IT14 IT15 8751 8753 8756 8757 8759
Applied ICT
GCSE 38501 38502 38503 3851
Applied Media GCSE 48701 48702 48703
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries Max 600 UMS AA(480) AB(450) BB(420) BC(390) CC(360) CD(330) DD(300) DE(270) EE(240) 600 UMS A(480) B(420) C(360) D(300) E(240) 900 UMS AA(720) AB(675) BB(630) BC(585) CC(540) CD(495) DD(450) DE(405) EE(360) 1200 UMS AA(960) AB(900) BB(840) BC(780) CC(720) CD(660) DD(600) DE(540) EE(480)
Investigating Business People and Business Business Finance Double Award
100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) 300 UMS **(270) *A(255) AA(240) AB(225) BB(210) BC(195) CC(180) CD(165) DD(150) DE(135) EE(120) EF(105) FF(90) FG(75) GG(60) ICT and Society 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) ICT and Organisations 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Data Handling 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) ICT Solutions 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Fundamentals of Programming 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Computer Artwork 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Creating a Website 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Project Management 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Software Development 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Advanced Spreadsheet Design 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Communications and Networks 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Publishing 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Systems Analysis 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Interactive Multimedia 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Supporting ICT Users 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) AS Award 300 UMS A(240 B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) AS Double Award 600 UMS AA(480) AB(450) BB(420) BC(390) CC(360) CD(330) DD(300) DE(270) EE(240) Advanced Award 600 UMS A(480) B(420) C(360) D(300) E(240) Advanced and additional AS Award 900 UMS AA(720) AB(675) BB(630) BC(585) CC(540) CD(495) DD(450) DE(405) EE(360) Advanced Double Award 1200 UMS AA(960) AB(900) BB(840) BC(780) CC(720) CD(660) DD(600) DE(540) EE(480) ICT Tools and Applications 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) ICT in Organisations 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) ICT and Society 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) Double Award 300 UMS **(270) *A(255) AA(240) AB(225) BB(210) BC(195) CC(180) CD(165) DD(150) DE(135) EE(120) EF(105) FF(90) FG(75) GG(60) Introduction to Media 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) B(35) C(30) D(25) E(20) F(15) G(10) Developing Media Production Skills 150 UMS A*(135) A(120) B(105) C(90) D(75) E(60) F(45) G(30) Research and Preparation for Media Production 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) B(56) C(48) D(40) E(32) F(24) G(16)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Applied Performing Arts
Unit 48704
Award 4871
Name Realising a Media Product Double Award
Single Award
GCSE 38801 38802 38803 38804
Skills Development, Knowledge and Understanding140 UMS A*(126) A(112) B(98) C(84) D(70) E(56) F(42) G(28) Showcase Performance 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) B(42) C(36) D(30) E(24) F(18) G(12) Working to a Commission 140 UMS A*(126) A(112) B(98) C(84) D(70) E(56) F(42) G(28) Final Performance/Designs for the Chosen Commission 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) B(42) C(36) D(30) E(24) F(18) G(12) Double Award 400 UMS **(360) *A(340) AA(320) AB(300) BB(280) BC(260) CC(240) CD(220) DD(200) DE(180) EE(160) EF(140) FF(120) FG(100) GG(80) Single Award 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) B(140) C(120) D(100) E(80) F(60) G(40) Analysing and Preparing Performance 40 UMS A*(36) A(32) B(28) C(24) D(20) E(16) F(12) G(8) Practical Performance 160 UMS A*(144) A(128) B(112) C(96) D(80) E(64) F(48) G(32) Analysing and Preparing Performance in Adopted Roles 40 UMS A*(36) A(32) B(28) C(24) D(20) E(16) F(12) G(8) Practical Performance 160 UMS A*(144) A(128) B(112) C(96) D(80) E(64) F(48) G(32) Double Award 400 UMS **(360) *A(340) AA(320) AB(300) BB(280) BC(260) CC(240) CD(220) DD(200) DE(180) EE(160) EF(140) FF(120) FG(100) GG(80) Single Award 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) B(140) C(120) D(100) E(80) F(60) G(40)
Investigating Science at Work 100 UMS Energy Transfer Systems 100 UMS Finding out about Substances 100 UMS Food Science and Technology 100 UMS Choosing and Using Materials 100 UMS Synthesising Organic Compounds 100 UMS Planning and Carrying out a Scientific Investigation100 UMS Medical Physics 100 UMS Sports Science 100 UMS Physics of Performance Effects 100 UMS Controlling Chemical Processes 100 UMS The Actions and Development of Medicines 100 UMS Colour Chemistry 100 UMS The Healthy Body 100 UMS The Role of the Pathology Service 100 UMS Ecology, Conservation and Recycling 100 UMS AS Award 300 UMS
3881 3886 Applied PE
38901 38902 38903 38904 3891
Applied Science
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries Max 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) F(36) G(24) 400 UMS **(360) *A(340) AA(320) AB(300) BB(280) BC(260) CC(240) CD(220) DD(200) DE(180) EE(160) EF(140) FF(120) FG(100) GG(80) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) B(140) C(120) D(100) E(80) F(60) G(40)
SC01 SC02 SC03 SC04 SC05 SC06 SC07 SC08 SC09 SC10 SC11 SC12 SC13 SC14 SC15 SC16
A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(240
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(210)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(180)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(150)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(120)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Applied Science
Award Name 8773 AS Double Award 8776 Advanced Award 8777 Advanced and additional AS Award 8779 Advanced Double Award
Art & Design
Science in the Workplace Science for the Needs of Society Foundation Science for the Needs of Society Higher Developing Scientific Skills Using Scientific Skills for the Benefit of Society Double Award
Art and Design (Art, Crafts and Design) Unit 1 Art and Design (Art, Crafts and Design) Unit 2 Art and Design (Art, Crafts and Design) Unit 3 Art and Design (Art, Crafts and Design) Unit 4 Art and Design (Fine Art) Unit 1 Art and Design (Fine Art) Unit 2 Art and Design (Fine Art) Unit 3 Art and Design (Fine Art) Unit 4 Art and Design (Graphic Communication) Unit 1 Art and Design (Graphic Communication) Unit 2 Art and Design (Graphic Communication) Unit 3 Art and Design (Graphic Communication) Unit 4 Art and Design (Textile Design) Unit 1 Art and Design (Textile Design) Unit 2 Art and Design (Textile Design) Unit 3 Art and Design (Textile Design) Unit 4 Art and Design (3D Design) Unit 1 Art and Design (3D Design) Unit 2 Art and Design (3D Design) Unit 3 Art and Design (3D Design) Unit 4 Art and Design (Photography) Unit 1 Art and Design (Photography) Unit 2 Art and Design (Photography) Unit 3 Art and Design (Photography) Unit 4 1201A AS Award (Art, Craft and Design) 2201A Advanced Award (Art, Craft and Design)
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries Max 600 UMS AA(480) AB(450) BB(420) BC(390) CC(360) CD(330) DD(300) DE(270) EE(240) 600 UMS A(480) B(420) C(360) D(300) E(240) 900 UMS AA(720) AB(675) BB(630) BC(585) CC(540) CD(495) DD(450) DE(405) EE(360) 1200 UMS AA(960) AB(900) BB(840) BC(780) CC(720) CD(660) DD(600) DE(540) EE(480) 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) B(56) C(48) D(40) E(32) F(24) G(16) 195 UMS C(168) D(140) E(112) F(84) G(56) 280 UMS A*(252) A(224) B(196) C(168) D(140) E(126) 220 UMS A*(198) A(176) B(154) C(132) D(110) E(88) F(66) G(44) 220 UMS A*(198) A(176) B(154) C(132) D(110) E(88) F(66) G(44) 800 UMS **(720) *A(680) AA(640)AB(600) BB(560) BC(520) CC(480) CD(440) DD(400) DE(360) EE(320) EF(280) FF(240) FG(200) GG(160) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 200 UMS A(160) B(140) C(120) D(100) E(80) 400 UMS A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Award Name 1202B AS Award (Fine Art) 2202B Advanced Award (Fine Art) 1203C AS Award (Graphic Communication) 2203C Advanced Award (Graphic Communication) 1204D AS Award (Textile Design) 2204D Advanced Award (Textile Design) 1205E AS Award (3D Design) 2205E Advanced Award (3D Design) 1206F AS Award (Photography: Lens and Light) 2206F Advanced Award (Photography: Lens and Light) GCE BENG1 Reading and Writing BENG2 Reading and Writing 1636 AS Award 2636 Advanced Award GCSE 46351F Listening Foundation 46351H Listening Higher 46352F Reading Foundation 46352H Reading Higher 46353 Speaking 46354 Writing 4636 Short Course Award (Spoken) 4637 Short Course Award (Written) 4638 Full Course Award GCE BIOL1 Biology and Disease BIOL2 The Variety of Living Organisms BIO3T Investigative and Practical Skills BIO3X Investigative and Practical Skills BIOL4 Populations and Environment BIOL5 Control in Cells and in Organisms BIO6T Investigative and Practical Skills BIO6X Investigative and Practical Skills 1411 AS Award 2411 Advanced Award GCSE BL1ASF Biology Unit 1A Foundation (on-screen) BL1ASH Biology Unit 1A Higher (on-screen) BL1BSF Biology Unit 1B Foundation (on-screen) BL1BSH Biology Unit 1B Higher (on-screen) BLY1AP(F) Biology Unit 1A Foundation (paper)
Max 200 UMS A(160) 400 UMS A(320) 200 UMS A(160) 400 UMS A(320) 200 UMS A(160) 400 UMS A(320) 200 UMS A(160) 400 UMS A(320) 200 UMS A(160) 400 UMS A(320) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 200 UMS A(160) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) 100 UMS A(80) 140 UMS A(112) 60 UMS A(48) 60 UMS A(48) 100 UMS A(80) 140 UMS A(112) 60 UMS A(48) 60 UMS A(48) 300 UMS A(240 600 UMS A(480) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 34 UMS
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries B(140) B(280) B(140) B(280) B(140) B(280) B(140) B(280) B(140) B(280) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(140) B(280) B(70) B(98) B(42) B(42) B(70) B(98) B(42) B(42) B(210) B(420) B(35) B(35)
C(120) C(240) C(120) C(240) C(120) C(240) C(120) C(240) C(120) C(240) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(120) C(240) C(60) C(84) C(36) C(36) C(60) C(84) C(36) C(36) C(180) C(360) C(30) C(30) C(30) C(30) C(30)
D(100) D(200) D(100) D(200) D(100) D(200) D(100) D(200) D(100) D(200) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(100) D(200) D(50) D(70) D(30) D(30) D(50) D(70) D(30) D(30) D(150) D(300) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25)
E(80) E(160) E(80) E(160) E(80) E(160) E(80) E(160) E(80) E(160) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(40) E(45) E(40) E(45) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(80) E(160) E(40) E(56) E(24) E(24) E(40) E(56) E(24) E(24) E(120) E(240) E(20) E(23) E(20) E(23) E(20)
F(30) F(30) F(60) F(60) F(120)
G(20) G(20) G(40) G(40) G(80)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Business, Administr'n and Finance
Business, Administr'n and Finance
Business, Administr'n and Finance
Unit Award Name Max BLY1AP(H) Biology Unit 1A Higher (paper) 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) BLY1BP(F) Biology Unit 1B Foundation (paper) 34 UMS BLY1BP(H) Biology Unit 1B Higher (paper) 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) BLY1F Biology Unit 1 Foundation 69 UMS BLY1H Biology Unit 1 Higher 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) BLY2F Biology Unit 2 Foundation 69 UMS BLY2H Biology Unit 2 Higher 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) BLY3F Biology Unit 3 Foundation 69 UMS BLY3H Biology Unit 3 Higher 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) BLYC Biology Coursework 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 4411 Full Course Award 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) BUSS1 Planning and Financing a Business 80 UMS A(64) BUSS2 Managing a Business 120 UMS A(96) BUSS3 Strategies for Success 100 UMS A(80) BUSS4 The Business Environment and Managing Change 100 UMS A(80) 1131 AS Award 200 UMS A(160) 2131 Advanced Award 400 UMS A(320)
C(30) C(30) B(35) C(30) C(60) B(70) C(60) C(60) B(70) C(60) C(60) B(70) C(60) B(70) C(60) B(280) C(240) B(56) C(48) B(84) C(72) B(70) C(60) B(70) C(60) B(140) C(120) B(280) C(240)
Business enterprise Business administration Teams and communication in business Customer service and sales in business Working and personal financial planning Level 1 Principal Learning Award
8 Points A*(6) 4 Points A*(3) 4 Points A*(3) 8 Points A*(6) 8 Points A*(6) 32 Points A*(24)
A(4) A(2) A(2) A(4) A(4) A(16)
B(2) B(1) B(1) B(2) B(2) B(8)
Business enterprise 10 Points A* (8) Business communication and administration 10 Points A* (8) Business finance and accounting 10 Points A* (8) Marketing, sales and customer service for business10 Points A* (8) Business administration and teams 10 Points A* (8) Understanding business in a changing world 10 Points A* (8) Success at work 10 Points A* (8) Level 2 Principal Learning Award 70 Points A*(56)
A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(42)
B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(28)
C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(14)
21 Points A* (18) A(15)
PL (3) BAF3U1
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Business enterprise
D(25) D(25) D(25) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(200) D(40) D(60) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200)
E(23) E(20) E(23) E(40) E(45) E(40) E(45) E(40) E(45) E(40) E(160) E(32) E(48) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160)
F(30) F(120)
G(20) G(80)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Business Subjects and Economics
Unit Award Name BAF3U2 Business communication and administration BAF3U3 Business finance and accounting BAF3U4 Effective marketing and sales for business BAF3U5 Managing a project BAF3U6 Customer service for business BAF3U7 Managing business in a changing world BAF3U8 Planning for my career and financial success 7853 Level 3 Principal Learning Award
GCSE 413001 413002 413003 413004 413005 413006 413007 413008 413009 413010 413011 413012 413013 413014 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Max 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) 126 Points A*(108) A(90)
B(8) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(12) B(72)
C(6) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(9) C(54)
D(4) D(4) D(4) D(4) D(4) D(4) D(6) D(36)
E(2) E(2) E(2) E(2) E(2) E(2) E(3) E(18)
Setting up a Business 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) Growing as a Business 70 UMS A*(63) A(56) Investigating Businesses 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) People in Business 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) Marketing and Customer Needs 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) Enterprise 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) Business Finance 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) ICT Systems in Business 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) Using ICT in Business 70 UMS A*(63) A(56) Investigating ICT in Business 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) Personal Economics 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) Investigating Economic Issues 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) Business Start up 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) Investigating Small Businesses 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) Short Course Award (Business Studies) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) Short Course Award (Economics) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) Full course Award (Business Studies) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) Full Course Award (Business and Comm Systems)200 UMS A*(180) A(160) Full Course Award (Economics) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) Double Award (Applied Business) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) Foundation Chemistry 100 UMS A(80) Chemistry in Action 140 UMS A(112) Investigative and Practical Skills 60 UMS A(48) Investigative and Practical Skills 60 UMS A(48) Kinetics,Equilibria and Organic Chemistry 120 UMS A(96) Energetics, Redox and Inorganic Chemistry 120 UMS A(96) Investigative and Practical Skills 60 UMS A(48) Investigative and Practical Skills 60 UMS A(48)
B(56) B(49) B(35) B(84) B(84) B(84) B(56) B(56) B(49) B(35) B(70) B(70) B(35) B(35) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(140) B(140) B(280) B(70) B(98) B(42) B(42) B(84) B(84) B(42) B(42)
C(48) C(42) C(30) C(72) C(72) C(72) C(48) C(48) C(42) C(30) C(60) C(60) C(30) C(30) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(120) C(120) C(240) C(60) C(84) C(36) C(36) C(72) C(72) C(36) C(36)
D(40) D(35) D(25) D(60) D(60) D(60) D(40) D(40) D(35) D(25) D(50) D(50) D(25) D(25) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(100) D(100) D(200) D(50) D(70) D(30) D(30) D(60) D(60) D(30) D(30)
E(32) E(28) E(20) E(48) E(48) E(48) E(32) E(32) E(28) E(20) E(40) E(40) E(20) E(20) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(80) E(80) E(160) E(40) E(56) E(24) E(24) E(48) E(48) E(24) E(24)
F(24) F(21) F(15) F(36) F(36) F(36) F(24) F(24) F(21) F(15) F(30) F(30) F(15) F(15) F(30) F(30) F(60) F(60) F(60) F(120)
G(16) G(14) G(10) G(24) G(24) G(24) G(16) G(16) G(14) G(10) G(20) G(20) G(10) G(10) G(20) G(20) G(40) G(40) G(40) G(80)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Chinese (Mandarin)
Citizenship Studies
Citizenship Studies
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Award Name 1421 AS Award 2421 Advanced Award GCSE CH1ASF Chemistry Unit 1A Foundation (on-screen) CH1ASH Chemistry Unit 1A Higher (on-screen) CH1BSF Chemistry Unit 1B Foundation (on-screen) CH1BSH Chemistry Unit 1B Higher (on-screen) CHY1AP(F) Chemistry Unit 1A Foundation (paper) CHY1AP(H) Chemistry Unit 1A Higher (paper) CHY1BP(F) Chemistry Unit 1B Foundation (paper) CHY1BP(H) Chemistry Unit 1B Higher (paper) CHY1F Chemistry Unit 1 Foundation CHY1H Chemistry Unit 1 Higher CHY2F Chemistry Unit 2 Foundation CHY2H Chemistry Unit 2 Higher CHY3F Chemistry Unit 3 Foundation CHY3H Chemistry Unit 3 Higher CHYC Chemistry Coursework 4421 Full Course Award
Max 300 UMS A(240 600 UMS A(480) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320)
B(210) C(180) D(150) B(420) C(360) D(300) C(30) D(25) B(35) C(30) D(25) C(30) D(25) B(35) C(30) D(25) C(30) D(25) B(35) C(30) D(25) C(30) D(25) B(35) C(30) D(25) C(60) D(50) B(70) C(60) D(50) C(60) D(50) B(70) C(60) D(50) C(60) D(50) B(70) C(60) D(50) B(70) C(60) D(50) B(280) C(240) D(200)
E(120) E(240) E(20) E(23) E(20) E(23) E(20) E(23) E(20) E(23) E(40) E(45) E(40) E(45) E(40) E(45) E(40) E(160)
GCSE 46701F 46701H 46702F 46702H 46703 46704 4671 4672 7673
Chinese: Listening Foundation Chinese: Listening Higher Chinese: Reading Foundation Chinese: Reading Higher Chinese: Speaking - recorded/unrecorded Chinese: Writing Short Course Award (Spoken) Short Course Award (Written) Full Course Award
41 UMS 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) 41 UMS 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) 90 UMS A*(81) A(72) 90 UMS A*(81) A(72) 150 UMS A*(135) A(120) 150 UMS A*(135) A(120) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240)
C(36) C(36) C(36) B(42) C(36) B(63) C(54) B(63) C(54) B(105) C(90) B(105) C(90) B(210) C(180)
D(30) D(30) D(30) D(30) D(45) D(45) D(75) D(75) D(150)
E(24) E(27) E(24) E(27) E(36) E(36) E(60) E(60) E(120)
1101 2101
Identity, Rights and Responsibilities Democracy, Active Citizenship and Participation Power and Justice Global Issues and Making a Difference AS Award Advanced Award
80 UMS 120 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS
A(64) A(96) A(80) A(80) A(160) A(320)
B(56) B(84) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(280)
C(48) C(72) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(240)
D(40) D(60) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200)
E(32) E(48) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160)
Citizenship Studies Unit 1 Advocacy and Representation
80 UMS A*(72) A(64) 120 UMS A*(108) A(96)
B(56) B(84)
C(48) C(72)
D(40) D(60)
E(32) E(48)
GCSE 41051 41052
F(30) F(120)
G(20) G(80)
F(27) F(27) F(45) F(45) F(90)
G(18) G(18) G(30) G(30) G(60)
F(24) F(36)
G(16) G(24)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Classical Civilisation
Classical Civilisation
Unit 41053 41054
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
4106 4107
Name Citizenship Studies Unit 3 Taking Informed and Responsible Action Short Course Award Full Course Award
Max 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320)
B(56) B(84) B(140) B(280)
C(48) C(72) C(120) C(240)
D(40) D(60) D(100) D(200)
E(32) E(48) E(80) E(160)
1021 2021
Greek Architecture and Sculpture Athenian Democracy Aristophanes and Athens Women in Athens and Rome Menander and Plautus The Life and Times of Cicero Homer Iliad Homer Odyssey Athenian Vase Painting Athenian Imperialism Roman Architecture and Town Planning The Second Punic War Mycenaean Civilisation The Persian Wars Greek Tragedy Augustus and the Foundation of the Principate Socrates and Athens Alexander Roman Epic Tiberius and Claudius AS Award Advanced Award
100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(280)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(240)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160)
4021 4022
Stories and Histories Foundation Stories and Histories Higher Drama and Life Foundation Drama and Life Higher Conflict and Carnage Foundation Conflict and Carnage Higher An Evaluative Study Short Course Award Full Course Award
69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320)
C(60) B(70) C(60) C(60) B(70) C(60) C(60) B(70) C(60) B(70) C(60) B(140) C(120) B(280) C(240)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200)
E(40) E(45) E(40) E(45) E(40) E(40) E(45) E(80) E(160)
GCSE 40201F 40201H 40202F 40202H 40203F 40203H 40204
A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(160) A(320)
F(24) F(36) F(60) F(120)
G(16) G(24) G(40) G(80)
F(30) F(30)
G(20) G(20)
F(60) F(120)
G(40) G(80)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Title Communic'n and Culture
Construction and the Built Environment
Construction and the Built Environment
Construction and the Built Environment
1511 2511
Design influences Applying design principles Using tools Methods and materials Value and use the built environment Maintenance of the built environment Modern methods of construction Level 1 Principal Learning Award
4 Points A*(3) 4 Points A*(3) 4 Points A*(3) 4 Points A*(3) 8 Points A*(6) 4 Points A*(3) 4 Points A*(3) 32 Points A*(24)
A(2) A(2) A(2) A(2) A(4) A(2) A(2) A(16)
B(1) B(1) B(1) B(1) B(2) B(1) B(1) B(8)
The design process Materials and structures Applying design principles Structures Using tools Communities Facilities management Level 2 Principal Learning Award
10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 70 Points A*(56)
A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(42)
B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(28)
C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(14)
Design factors Stages in the design and planning process Physical and environmental influences
14 Points A*(12) A(10) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) 21 Points A* (18) A(15)
B(8) B(12) B(12)
C(6) C(9) C(9)
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Understanding Communication and Culture 100 UMS A(80) B(70) The Individual and Contemporary Culture: Portfolio100 UMS A(80) B(70) Communicating Culture 100 UMS A(80) B(70) Communication and Culture in Practice: Portfolio 100 UMS A(80) B(70) AS Award 200 UMS A(160) B(140) Advanced Award 400 UMS A(320) B(280) Problem Solving, Programming, Data Representation 120and UMS Practical Exercise A(96) B(84) Computer Components, The Stored Program Concept 80 and UMSthe InternetA(64) B(56) Problem Solving, Programming, Operating Systems, 120 Databases UMS and Networking A(96) B(84) Computing Practical Project 80 UMS A(64) B(56) AS Award 200 UMS A(160) B(140) Advanced Award 400 UMS A(320) B(280)
1626 2626 Computing
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(240) C(72) C(48) C(72) C(48) C(120) C(240)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200) D(60) D(40) D(60) D(40) D(100) D(200)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160) E(48) E(32) E(48) E(32) E(80) E(160)
D(4) D(6) D(6)
E(2) E(3) E(3)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Creative and Media
Creative and Media
Creative and Media
Critical Thinking
Unit Award Name CBE3U4 Health safety and environmental influences CBE3U5 Management processes CBE3U6 Adding value to the wider community CBE3U7 Protecting and maintaining 7813 Level 3 Principal Learning Award
B(8) B(12) B(12) B(8) B(72)
Discovering creativity Investigating ideas Experimenting with the tools of creativity Responding creatively - coursework Responding creatively - written Responding creatively - combined Level 1 Principal Learning Award
8 Points A*(6) 8 Points A*(6) 8 Points A*(6) 4 Points A*(3) 4 Points A*(3) 8 Points A*(6) 32 Points A*(24)
A(4) A(4) A(4) A(2) A(2) A(4) A(16)
B(2) B(2) B(2) B(1) B(1) B(2) B(8)
Exploring creativity Creating inspiration Creating possibilities Discovering creative potential Developing a creative response Creative teamwork Promotion and review Level 2 Principal Learning Award
10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 70 Points A*(56)
A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(42)
B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(28)
C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(14)
Communicating creatively Exploring professional creativity Realising creativity Creating opportunity Working with a client Realisation and review Level 3 Principal Learning Award
21 Points A* (18) A(15) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) 126 Points A*(108) A(90)
B(12) B(12) B(12) B(12) B(12) B(12) B(72)
Critical Thinking Foundation Unit Information, Inference and Explanation Beliefs, Claims and Arguments Reasoning and Decision Making AS Award Advanced Award Understanding Dance
100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS 80 UMS
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(280) B(56)
CRIT1 CRIT2 CRIT3 CRIT4 1771 2771
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Max 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 126 Points A*(108) A(90)
A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(160) A(320) A(64)
C(6) C(9) C(9) C(6) C(54)
D(4) D(6) D(6) D(4) D(36)
E(2) E(3) E(3) E(2) E(18)
C(9) C(9) C(9) C(9) C(9) C(9) C(54)
D(6) D(6) D(6) D(6) D(6) D(6) D(36)
E(3) E(3) E(3) E(3) E(3) E(3) E(18)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(240) C(48)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200) D(40)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160) E(32)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Max 120 UMS A(96) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 200 UMS A(160) 400 UMS A(320) 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240)
F(18) F(18) F(18) F(36) F(90)
G(12) G(12) G(12) G(24) G(60)
D&T: Electronic Products Unit 1 Design and Making Practice Full course Award
160 UMS A*(144) A(128) B(112) C(96) D(80) E(64) F(48) 240 UMS A*(216) A(192) B(168) C(144) D(120) E(96) F(72) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160) F(120)
G(32) G(48) G(80)
1541 2541
Materials, Components and Application Learning Through Designing and Making Design and Manufacture Designing and Making Practice AS Award Advanced Award
100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS
D&T: Food Technology Unit 1 Design and Making Practice Full course Award
160 UMS A*(144) A(128) B(112) C(96) D(80) E(64) F(48) 240 UMS A*(216) A(192) B(168) C(144) D(120) E(96) F(72) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160) F(120)
G(32) G(48) G(80)
D&T: Graphic Products Unit 1 Design and Making Practice Full course Award
160 UMS A*(144) A(128) B(112) C(96) D(80) E(64) F(48) 240 UMS A*(216) A(192) B(168) C(144) D(120) E(96) F(72) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160) F(120)
G(32) G(48) G(80)
1551 2551
Materials, Components and Application Learning Through Designing and Making Design and Manufacture Design and Making Practice AS Award Advanced Award
100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS
1231 2231 Dance
GCSE 42301 42302 42303 42304
D&T: Electronic Products
GCSE 45401 45402
D&T: Food Technology
D&T: Food Technology
GCSE 45451 45452
D&T: Graphic Products GCSE 45501 45502 D&T:Product Design
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Name Choreography and Performance Dance Appreciation: Content and Context Group Choreography and Solo Performance AS Award Advanced Award Critical Appreciation of Dance Set Dance Performance in a Duo/Group Dance Choreography Full Course Award
A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(160) A(320)
A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(160) A(320)
B(84) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(280) B(42) B(42) B(42) B(84) B(210)
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(280)
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(280)
C(72) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(240) C(36) C(36) C(36) C(72) C(180)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(240)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(240)
D(60) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200) D(30) D(30) D(30) D(60) D(150)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200)
E(48) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160) E(24) E(24) E(24) E(48) E(120)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Title Type Unit D&T: Product Design GCSE 45551 45552 D&T:Product Design (Textiles)
D&T: Resistant Materials
160 UMS A*(144) A(128) B(112) C(96) D(80) E(64) F(48) 240 UMS A*(216) A(192) B(168) C(144) D(120) E(96) F(72) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160) F(120)
1561 2561
Materials, Components and Application Learning Through Designing and Making Design and Manufacture Design and Making Practice AS Award Advanced Award
100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS
D&T: Resistant Materials Unit 1 Design and Making Practice Full course Award
160 UMS A*(144) A(128) B(112) C(96) D(80) E(64) F(48) 240 UMS A*(216) A(192) B(168) C(144) D(120) E(96) F(72) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160) F(120)
G(32) G(48) G(80)
Design and Technology SC Unit 1 Design and Making Practice Short Course Award
80 UMS A*(72) A(64) B(56) C(48) D(40) E(32) 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) B(140) C(120) D(100) E(80)
F(24) F(36) F(60)
G(16) G(24) G(40)
1556 2556
Materials, Components and Application Learning Through Designing and Making Design and Manufacture Design and Making Practice AS Award Advanced Award
100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS
D&T: Systems & Control Technology Unit 1 Design and Making Practice Full Course Award
160 UMS A*(144) A(128) B(112) C(96) D(80) E(64) F(48) 240 UMS A*(216) A(192) B(168) C(144) D(120) E(96) F(72) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160) F(120)
G(32) G(48) G(80)
D&T: Textiles Technology Unit 1 Design and Making Practice Full course Award
160 UMS A*(144) A(128) B(112) C(96) D(80) E(64) F(48) 240 UMS A*(216) A(192) B(168) C(144) D(120) E(96) F(72) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160) F(120)
G(32) G(48) G(80)
GCSE 45751 45752
D&T:Systems and Control Technology GCE
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
D&T: Product Design Unit 1 Design and Making Practice Full course Award
GCSE 45601 45602
D&T (Short Course)
D&T:Systems and Control Technology GCSE 45651 45652 D&T: Textiles Technology GCSE 45701 45702
A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(160) A(320)
A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(160) A(320)
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(280)
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(280)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(240)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(240)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200)
G(32) G(48) G(80)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Title Drama
Type Unit GCSE 42401 42402
4242 Drama and Theatre Stds
DRAM1 DRAM2 DRAM3 DRAM4 1241 2241
ECON1 ECON2 ECON3 ECON4 1141 2141
GCSE 44301 44302
GCSE 38701 38702 38703
3871 Engineering
GCSE 48501 48502 48503 48504 4852 4854
Name Drama Unit 1 Drama Practical Full Course Award
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries Max 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) F(36) 180 UMS A*(162) A(144) B(126) C(108) D(90) E(72) F(54) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) F(90)
G(24) G(36) G(60)
Live Theatre Production Seen and Prescribed Play120 UMS A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) Presentation of an Extract from a Play 80 UMS A(64) B(56) C(48) D(40) E(32) Further Prescribed Plays including Pre-20th c. 120 UMS A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) Presentation of Devised Drama 80 UMS A(64) B(56) C(48) D(40) E(32) AS Award 200 UMS A(160) B(140) C(120) D(100) E(80) Advanced Award 400 UMS A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160) Markets and Market Failure 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) The National Economy 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Business Economics and the Distribution of Income100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) The National and International Economy 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) AS Award 200 UMS A(160) B(140) C(120) D(100) E(80) Advanced Award 400 UMS A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160) Introductory Electronics 105 UMS A(84) B(74) C(63) D(53) E(42) Further Electronics 105 UMS A(84) B(74) C(63) D(53) E(42) Practical System Development 90 UMS A(72) B(63) C(54) D(45) E(36) Programmable Control Systems 105 UMS A(84) B(74) C(63) D(53) E(42) Communications Systems 105 UMS A(84) B(74) C(63) D(53) E(42) Practical System Synthesis 90 UMS A(72) B(63) C(54) D(45) E(36) AS Award 300 UMS A(240 B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) Advanced Award 600 UMS A(480) B(420) C(360) D(300) E(240) Electronics Unit 1 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) F(90) G(60) Electronic Systems synthesis 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) Full Course Award 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160) F(120) G(80) Design and Graphical Communication 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) Engineered Products 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) Application of Technology 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) Double Award 300 UMS **(270) *A(255) AA(240) AB(225) BB(210) BC(195) CC(180) CD(165) DD(150) DE(135) EE(120) EF(105) FF(90) FG(75) GG(60) Materials, Technologies, and Design Considerations80 UMS A*(72) A(64) B(56) C(48) D(40) E(32) F(24) G(16) Designing, Communicating and Manufacturing 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) F(36) G(24) Application of Technology 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) B(56) C(48) D(40) E(32) F(24) G(16) Developing Design and Manufacturing Products 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) F(36) G(24) Short Course Award 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) B(140) C(120) D(100) E(80) F(60) G(40) Full Course Award 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160) F(120) G(80)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Title Engineering
English Language A
Type Unit Award Name Max PL (1) ENG1U1 Introducing the world of engineering 4 Points A*(3) A(2) ENG1U2 Practical engineering and communication skills 8 Points A*(6) A(4) ENG1U3 Using computer aided engineering 4 Points A*(3) A(2) ENG1U4 Routine maintenance operations 4 Points A*(3) A(2) ENG1U5 Introduction to engineering materials 4 Points A*(3) A(2) ENG1U6 Introduction to electronics 4 Points A*(3) A(2) ENG1U7 Engineering the future 4 Points A*(3) A(2) 7831 Level 1 Principal Learning Award 32 Points A*(24) A(16) PL (2) ENG2U1 The engineered world 10 Points A* (8) A(6) ENG2U2 Engineering design 10 Points A* (8) A(6) ENG2U3 Engineering applications of computers 10 Points A* (8) A(6) ENG2U4 Producing engineering solutions 10 Points A* (8) A(6) ENG2U5 Construct electronic and electrical systems 5 Points A*(4) A(3) ENG2U6 Manufacturing engineering 10 Points A* (8) A(6) ENG2U7 Maintenance 5 Points A*(4) A(3) ENG2U8 Innovation, enterprise and technological advance 10 Points A* (8) A(6) 7832 Level 2 Principal Learning Award 70 Points A*(56) A(42) PL (3) ENG3U1 Engineering business and the environment 14 Points A*(12) A(10) ENG3U2 Applications of computer aided designing 14 Points A*(12) A(10) ENG3U3 Selection and application of engineering materials 14 Points A*(12) A(10) ENG3U4 Instrumentation and control engineering 14 Points A*(12) A(10) ENG3U5 Maintaining engineering systems and products 7 Points A*(6) A(5) ENG3U6 Production and manufacturing 14 Points A*(12) A(10) ENG3U7 Innovative design and enterprise 14 Points A*(12) A(10) ENG3U8 Mathematical techniques and applications for engineers 14 Points A*(12) A(10) ENG3U9 Scientific principles and applications for engineers 21 Points A* (18) A(15) 7833 Level 3 Principal Learning Award 126 Points A*(108) A(90) GCE
ENGA1 ENGA2 ENGA3 ENGA4 1701 2701
English Language B
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries B(1) B(2) B(1) B(1) B(1) B(1) B(1) B(8) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(2) B(4) B(2) B(4) B(28) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(4) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(12) B(72)
C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(1) C(2) C(1) C(2) C(14) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(3) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(9) C(54)
D(4) D(4) D(4) D(4) D(2) D(4) D(4) D(4) D(6) D(36)
E(2) E(2) E(2) E(2) E(1) E(2) E(2) E(2) E(3) E(18)
Seeing Through Language Representation and Language Language Explorations Language Investigations and Interventions AS Award Advanced Award
120 UMS 80 UMS 120 UMS 80 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS
A(96) A(64) A(96) A(64) A(160) A(320)
B(84) B(56) B(84) B(56) B(140) B(280)
C(72) C(48) C(72) C(48) C(120) C(240)
D(60) D(40) D(60) D(40) D(100) D(200)
E(48) E(32) E(48) E(32) E(80) E(160)
Categorising Texts Creating Texts Developing Language
120 UMS 80 UMS 120 UMS
A(96) A(64) A(96)
B(84) B(56) B(84)
C(72) C(48) C(72)
D(60) D(40) D(60)
E(48) E(32) E(48)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
English Language & Literature A
English Language & Literature B
Unit ENGB4
Award 1706 2706
1721 2721
Integrated Analysis and Text Production 100 UMS Analysing Speech and its Representation 100 UMS Comparative Analysis and Text Adaptation 120 UMS Comparative Analysis Through Independent Study 80 UMS AS Award 200 UMS Advanced Award 400 UMS
A(80) A(80) A(96) A(64) A(160) A(320)
B(70) B(70) B(84) B(56) B(140) B(280)
C(60) C(60) C(72) C(48) C(120) C(240)
D(50) D(50) D(60) D(40) D(100) D(200)
E(40) E(40) E(48) E(32) E(80) E(160)
Introduction to Language and Literature Study Themes in Language and Literature Talk in Life and Literature Text Transformation
120 UMS 80 UMS 120 UMS 80 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS
A(96) A(64) A(96) A(64) A(160) A(320)
B(84) B(56) B(84) B(56) B(140) B(280)
C(72) C(48) C(72) C(48) C(120) C(240)
D(60) D(40) D(60) D(40) D(100) D(200)
E(48) E(32) E(48) E(32) E(80) E(160)
1741 2741
Victorian Literature World War One Literature The Struggle for Identity in Modern Literature Creative Study Reading for Meaning Extended Essay and Shakespeare Study AS Award Advanced Award
120 UMS 120 UMS 120 UMS 80 UMS 120 UMS 80 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS
A(96) A(96) A(96) A(64) A(96) A(64) A(160) A(320)
B(84) B(84) B(84) B(56) B(84) B(56) B(140) B(280)
C(72) C(72) C(72) C(48) C(72) C(48) C(120) C(240)
D(60) D(60) D(60) D(40) D(60) D(40) D(100) D(200)
E(48) E(48) E(48) E(32) E(48) E(32) E(80) E(160)
1746 2746
Aspects of Narrative Dramatic Genres Texts and Genres Further and Independent Reading AS Award Advanced Award
120 UMS 80 UMS 120 UMS 80 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS
A(96) A(64) A(96) A(64) A(160) A(320)
B(84) B(56) B(84) B(56) B(140) B(280)
C(72) C(48) C(72) C(48) C(120) C(240)
D(60) D(40) D(60) D(40) D(100) D(200)
E(48) E(32) E(48) E(32) E(80) E(160)
The natural environment
4 Points A*(3)
ELLB1 ELLB2 ELLB3 ELLB4 1726 2726
English Literature A
English Literature B
Environm'l and LandBased Stds
PL (1) ELS1U1
Max 80 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Name Investigating Language AS Award Advanced Award
A(64) B(56) C(48) D(40) E(32) A(160) B(140) C(120) D(100) E(80) A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Environm'l and LandBased Stds
Environm'l and LandBased Stds
Environm'l Science
Environm'l Studies
Unit Award Name Max ELS1U2 Production, systems and services 4 Points A*(3) A(2) ELS1U3 Introduction to working in the sector 4 Points A*(3) A(2) ELS1U4 Working with plants and animals 8 Points A*(6) A(4) ELS1U5 Introducing the role and value of plants and animals 4toPoints societyA*(3) A(2) ELS1U6 Sustainability and the importance of sustainable use8ofPoints the environment A*(6) A(4) 7861 Level 1 Principal Learning Award 32 Points A*(24) A(16)
A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(3) A(3) A(42)
B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(2) B(2) B(28)
C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(1) C(1) C(14)
The ecology of the natural environment and the importance 7 PointsofA*(6) biodiversity A(5) The management of natural resources and succesful 14 production Points A*(12) systems A(10) Business Management and careers in the sector 21 Points A* (18) A(15) Plants and animals: applied science 14 Points A*(12) A(10) Plants, animals and humans: how they relate 14 Points A*(12) A(10) Plants and animals: safe working practices and relevant 14 Points legislation A*(12) A(10) Sustainable management and development of resources 14 Points A*(12) A(10) Global impacts and the Environmental and Land-based 14 Points sectorA*(12) A(10) Research methodology, evaluation and environmental 14 Points analysis A*(12) A(10) Level 3 Principal Learning Award 126 Points A*(108) A(90)
B(4) B(8) B(12) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(72)
C(3) C(6) C(9) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(54)
D(2) D(4) D(6) D(4) D(4) D(4) D(4) D(4) D(4) D(36)
E(1) E(2) E(3) E(2) E(2) E(2) E(2) E(2) E(2) E(18)
Topics Foundation Topics Higher Investigations Full Course Award
209 UMS C(180) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) B(210) C(180) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) B(280) C(240)
D(150) D(150) D(50) D(200)
E(120) F(90) E(135) E(40) F(30) E(160) F(120)
The Living Environment The Physical Environment Energy Resources and Environmental Pollution
80 UMS 120 UMS 100 UMS
D(40) D(60) D(50)
E(32) E(48) E(40)
GCSE 44401F 44401H 44402
B(1) B(1) B(2) B(1) B(2) B(8)
Environmental influences upon ecosystems 10 Points A* (8) Working in the sector 10 Points A* (8) Plant management and care 10 Points A* (8) Animal management and care 10 Points A* (8) Plants and animals: their role in society 10 Points A* (8) The importance of a sustainable environment to society 10 Points A* (8) Monitoring the environment 5 Points A*(4) Sources and uses of energy 5 Points A*(4) Level 2 Principal Learning Award 70 Points A*(56)
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
A(64) A(96) A(80)
B(56) B(84) B(70)
C(48) C(72) C(60)
G(60) G(20) G(80)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Expressive Arts
Extended Project French
Unit ENVS4
Award 1441 2441
Max 100 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS
Response to set stimuli Response to studies of existing arts works Full Course Award
120 UMS A*(108) A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) F(36) 180 UMS A*(162) A(144) B(126) C(108) D(90) E(72) F(54) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) F(90)
Extended Project AS Listening, Reading and Writing French: Speaking Test French: Speaking Test Advanced Listening, Reading and Writing French: Speaking Test French: Speaking Test AS Award Advanced Award
28 Points A*(24) 140 UMS 60 UMS 60 UMS 140 UMS 60 UMS 60 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS
A(20) A(112) A(48) A(48) A(112) A(48) A(48) A(160) A(320)
B(16) B(98) B(42) B(42) B(98) B(42) B(42) B(140) B(280)
C(12) C(84) C(36) C(36) C(84) C(36) C(36) C(120) C(240)
D(8) D(70) D(30) D(30) D(70) D(30) D(30) D(100) D(200)
E(4) E(56) E(24) E(24) E(56) E(24) E(24) E(80) E(160)
Using and Applying Statistics 100 UMS Working with Algebraic and Graphical Techniques 100 UMS Modelling with Calculus 100 UMS Using and Applying Decision Mathematics 100 UMS Money Management 119 UMS Using Spatial Techniques 119 UMS Using Data 119 UMS Financial Calculations 200 UMS Shape and Space 200 UMS Data Handling 200 UMS Algebra and Graphs 200 UMS Data Analysis 100 UMS Hypothesis Testing 100 UMS Dynamics 100 UMS Mathematical Principles for Personal Finance 100 UMS Decision Mathematics 100 UMS Calculus 100 UMS French: Listening Foundation 41 UMS French: Listening Higher 60 UMS A*(54)
A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(100) A(100) A(100) A(180) A(180) A(180) A(180) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80)
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(85) B(85) B(85) B(165) B(165) B(165) B(165) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(70) C(70) C(70) C(150) C(150) C(150) C(150) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(36) C(36)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(55) D(55) D(55) D(135) D(135) D(135) D(135) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(30) D(30)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(120) E(120) E(120) E(120) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(24) F(18) E(27)
GCSE 42601 42602
1651 2651 Free Standing Maths Qual'n FSMQ 6990 6991 6992 6994 9981 9982 9983 9984 9985 9986 9988 9993 9994 9995 9996 9997 9998 French GCSE 46551F 46551H
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Name Biological Resources and Sustainability AS Award Advanced Award
A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) A(160) B(140) C(120) D(100) E(80) A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160) G(24) G(36) G(60)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Unit 46552F 46552H 46553 46554
Max 41 UMS 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) 90 UMS A*(81) A(72) 90 UMS A*(81) A(72) 150 UMS A*(135) A(120) 150 UMS A*(135) A(120) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) 45 UMS A*(40) A(35) 59 UMS 90 UMS A*(80) A(70) 45 UMS A*(40) A(35) 119 UMS 180 UMS A*(160) A(140) 360 UMS A*(320) A(280)
General Studies Unit 1 General Studies Unit 2 Full Course Award
50 UMS A*(45) A(40) B(35) C(30) D(25) E(20) 150 UMS A*(135) A(120) B(105) C(90) D(75) E(60) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) B(140) C(120) D(100) E(80)
1761 2761
AS Culture and Society AS Science and Society A2 Culture and Society A2 Science and Society AS Award Advanced Award
100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS
A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(160) A(320)
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(280)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(240)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160)
Conflict Space Power Change AS Award Advanced Award Physical and Human Geography Geographical Skills Contemporary Geographical Issues Geography Fieldwork Investigation Geographical Issue Evaluation AS Award
100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS 140 UMS 60 UMS 120 UMS 80 UMS 80 UMS 200 UMS
A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(160) A(320) A(112) A(48) A(96) A(64) A(64) A(160)
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(280) B(98) B(42) B(84) B(56) B(56) B(140)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(240) C(84) C(36) C(72) C(48) C(48) C(120)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200) D(70) D(30) D(60) D(40) D(40) D(100)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160) E(56) E(24) E(48) E(32) E(32) E(80)
4656 4657 4658 French B
GCSE 46501 46502F 46502H 46503 46504F 46504H
General Studies
GCSE 47601 47602
General Studies A
General Studies B
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Name French: Reading Foundation French: Reading Higher French: Speaking - recorded/unrecorded French: Writing Short Course Award (Spoken) Short Course Award (Written) Full Course Award French B Unit 1 French B Unit 2 Foundation French B Unit 2 Higher French B Unit 3 French B Unit 4 Foundation French B Unit 4 Higher Full Course Award
C(36) C(36) C(54) C(54) C(90) C(90) C(180) C(25) C(50) B(60) C(50) B(30) C(25) C(100) B(120) C(100) B(240) C(200)
B(42) B(63) B(63) B(105) B(105) B(210) B(30)
D(30) D(30) D(45) D(45) D(75) D(75) D(150) D(20) D(40) D(40) D(20) D(80) D(80) D(160)
E(24) E(27) E(36) E(36) E(60) E(60) E(120) E(15) E(30) E(35) E(15) E(60) E(70) E(120)
F(27) F(27) F(45) F(45) F(90) F(10) F(20)
G(18) G(18) G(30) G(30) G(60) G(5) G(10)
F(10) F(40)
G(5) G(20)
F(15) F(45) F(60)
G(10) G(30) G(40)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Geography A
Geography B
GCSE 40301F 40301H 40302F 40302H 40303 40304F 40304H
GCSE 40351F 40351H 40352F 40352H 40353F 40353H 40354
GCSE 46651F 46651H 46652F 46652H 46653 46654
German B
GCSE 46601 46602F
Award Name 2031 Advanced Award Physical Geography Foundation Physical Geography Higher Human Geography Foundation Human Geography Higher Local Fieldwork Investigation Physical & Human Geography SC Foundation Physical & Human Geography SC Higher 4031 Short Course Award 4032 Full Course Award Managing Places Foundation Managing Places Higher Hostile World Foundation Hostile World Higher Investigating the Shrinking World Foundation Investigating the Shrinking World Higher Local Investigation 4036 Short Course Award 4037 Full Course Award AS Listening, Reading and Writing German: Speaking Test German: Speaking Test Advanced Listening, Reading and Writing German: Speaking Test German: Speaking Test 1661 AS Award 2661 Advanced Award German: Listening Foundation German: Listening Higher German: Reading Foundation German: Reading Higher German: Speaking - recorded/unrecorded German: Writing 4666 Short Course Award (Spoken) 4667 Short Course Award (Written) 4668 Full Course Award German B Unit 1 German B Unit 2 Foundation
Max 400 UMS A(320) 104 UMS 150 UMS A*(135) A(120) 104 UMS 150 UMS A*(135) A(120) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) 140 UMS A(112) 60 UMS A(48) 60 UMS A(48) 140 UMS A(112) 60 UMS A(48) 60 UMS A(48) 200 UMS A(160) 400 UMS A(320) 41 UMS 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) 41 UMS 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) 90 UMS A*(81) A(72) 90 UMS A*(81) A(72) 150 UMS A*(135) A(120) 150 UMS A*(135) A(120) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) 45 UMS A*(40) A(35) 59 UMS
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries B(280) C(240) C(90) B(105) C(90) C(90) B(105) C(90) B(70) C(60) C(60) B(70) C(60) B(140) C(120) B(280) C(240) C(60) B(70) C(60) C(60) B(70) C(60) C(60) B(70) C(60) B(70) C(60) B(140) C(120) B(280) C(240) B(98) C(84) B(42) C(36) B(42) C(36) B(98) C(84) B(42) C(36) B(42) C(36) B(140) C(120) B(280) C(240) C(36) B(42) C(36) C(36) B(42) C(36) B(63) C(54) B(63) C(54) B(105) C(90) B(105) C(90) B(210) C(180) B(30) C(25) C(50)
D(200) D(75) D(75) D(75) D(75) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200) D(70) D(30) D(30) D(70) D(30) D(30) D(100) D(200) D(30) D(30) D(30) D(30) D(45) D(45) D(75) D(75) D(150) D(20) D(40)
E(160) E(60) E(68) E(60) E(68) E(40) E(40) E(45) E(80) E(160) E(40) E(45) E(40) E(45) E(40) E(45) E(40) E(80) E(160) E(56) E(24) E(24) E(56) E(24) E(24) E(80) E(160) E(24) E(27) E(24) E(27) E(36) E(36) E(60) E(60) E(120) E(15) E(30)
F(30) F(30)
G(20) G(20)
F(60) F(120) F(30)
G(40) G(80) G(20)
F(30) F(60) F(120)
G(20) G(40) G(80)
F(27) F(27) F(45) F(45) F(90) F(10) F(20)
G(18) G(18) G(30) G(30) G(60) G(5) G(10)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Government and Politics
Hair and Beauty Stds
Hair and Beauty Stds
Unit 46602H 46603 46604F 46604H
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Name German B Unit 2 Higher German B Unit 3 German B Unit 4 Foundation German B Unit 4 Higher Full Course Award
Max 90 UMS A*(80) A(70) 45 UMS A*(40) A(35) 119 UMS 180 UMS A*(160) A(140) 360 UMS A*(320) A(280)
1151 2151
People, Politics and Participation Governing Modern Britain The Politics of the USA Ideologies Politics and Power The Government of the USA Political Issues: Ideologies in Action Perspectives on Modern Politics AS Award Advanced Award
100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS
Introducing the hair and beauty sector Creating a positive impression Introducing hair styling Introducing basic skin care treatments Introducing basic hand and nail care services Personal appearance, styling and well-being Careers in the sector and related industries Level 1 Principal Learning Award
4 Points A*(3) 4 Points A*(3) 8 Points A*(6) 4 Points A*(3) 4 Points A*(3) 4 Points A*(3) 4 Points A*(3) 32 Points A*(24)
Safe and healthy working practices in the sector 5 Points A*(4) A(3) B(2) The world of hair and beauty 10 Points A* (8) A(6) B(4) The science of hair and beauty 10 Points A* (8) A(6) B(4) Communication and client care in the sector 10 Points A* (8) A(6) B(4) History of hair and beauty in society 5 Points A*(4) A(3) B(2) Promoting and selling products and services by professional 5 Points recommendation A*(4) A(3) B(2) Salon business systems and processes 10 Points A* (8) A(6) B(4) Exploring skin care and makeup 5 Points A*(4) A(3) B(2) Exploring hair care and styling 5 Points A*(4) A(3) B(2) Exploring hand care and nail art 5 Points A*(4) A(3) B(2) Level 2 Principal Learning Award 70 Points A*(56) A(42) B(28)
B(60) B(30)
C(50) C(25) C(100) B(120) C(100) B(240) C(200)
D(40) D(20) D(80) D(80) D(160)
E(35) E(15) F(10) E(60) F(40) E(70) E(120) F(80)
A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(160) A(320)
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(280)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160)
A(2) A(2) A(4) A(2) A(2) A(2) A(2) A(16)
B(1) B(1) B(2) B(1) B(1) B(1) B(1) B(8)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(240)
G(5) G(20) G(40)
C(1) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(1) C(1) C(2) C(1) C(1) C(1) C(14)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Title Hair and Beauty Stds
Hair and Beauty Stds (Wales)
Hair and Beauty Stds (Wales)
Hair and Beauty Stds (Wales)
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Business location and design Event management and enterprise Product research, design and development Exploring business management Exploring media and image Exploring the world of spas Business planning and finance Cosmetic science Level 3 Principal Learning Award
Introducing the hair and beauty sector (Wales) 4 Points A*(3) Creating a positive impression (Wales) 4 Points A*(3) Introducing hair styling (Wales) 8 Points A*(6) Introducing basic skin care treatments (Wales) 4 Points A*(3) Introducing basic hand and nail care services (Wales) 4 Points A*(3) Personal appearance, styling and well-being (Wales)4 Points A*(3) Careers in the sector and related industries (Wales) 4 Points A*(3) Level 1 Principal Learning Award 32 Points A*(24)
Safe and healthy working practices in the sector (Wales) 5 Points A*(4) A(3) B(2) The world of hair and beauty (Wales) 10 Points A* (8) A(6) B(4) The science of hair and beauty (Wales) 10 Points A* (8) A(6) B(4) Communication and client care in the sector (Wales) 10 Points A* (8) A(6) B(4) History of hair and beauty in society (Wales) 5 Points A*(4) A(3) B(2) Promoting and selling products and services by professional 5 Points recommendation A*(4) A(3) (Wales) B(2) Salon business systems and processes (Wales) 10 Points A* (8) A(6) B(4) Exploring skin care and makeup (Wales) 5 Points A*(4) A(3) B(2) Exploring hair care and styling (Wales) 5 Points A*(4) A(3) B(2) Exploring hand care and nail art (Wales) 5 Points A*(4) A(3) B(2) Level 2 Principal Learning Award 70 Points A*(56) A(42) B(28)
C(1) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(1) C(1) C(2) C(1) C(1) C(1) C(14)
Business location and design (Wales) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) Event management and enterprise (Wales) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) Product research, design and development (Wales)14 Points A*(12) A(10)
C(6) C(9) C(6)
14 Points A*(12) A(10) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 126 Points A*(108) A(90)
A(2) A(2) A(4) A(2) A(2) A(2) A(2) A(16)
B(8) B(12) B(8) B(8) B(12) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(72)
C(6) C(9) C(6) C(6) C(9) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(54)
D(4) D(6) D(4) D(4) D(6) D(4) D(4) D(4) D(36)
E(2) E(3) E(2) E(2) E(3) E(2) E(2) E(2) E(18)
D(4) D(6) D(4)
E(2) E(3) E(2)
B(1) B(1) B(2) B(1) B(1) B(1) B(1) B(8)
B(8) B(12) B(8)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Health and Social Care
Health and Social Care
Unit Award Name HAB3W4 Exploring business management (Wales) HAB3W5 Exploring media and image (Wales) HAB3W6 Exploring the world of spas (Wales) HAB3W7 Business planning and finance (Wales) HAB3W8 Cosmetic science (Wales) 7878 Level 3 Principal Learning Award HC01 HC02 HC03 HC04 HC05 HC06 HC07 HC08 HC09 HC10 HC11 HC12 HC13 HC14 HC15 HC16 HC17 HC18 HC19 HC20 HC21
Max 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 126 Points A*(108) A(90)
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries B(8) B(12) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(72)
C(6) C(9) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(54)
D(4) D(6) D(4) D(4) D(4) D(36)
E(2) E(3) E(2) E(2) E(2) E(18)
8621 8623 8626 8627 8629
Effective Caring 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Effective Communication 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Health, Illness and Disease 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Child Development 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Nutrition and Dietetics 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Common Diseases and Disorders 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Needs and Provision for Elderly Clients 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Needs and Provision for Early Years Clients 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Complementary Therapies 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Psychological Perspectives 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Working in Health and Social Care 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Human Development: Factors and Theories 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) The Role of Exercise in Maintaining Health and Well-Being 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Diagnosis and Treatment 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Clients with Disabilities 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Early Years Education 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Understanding Mental Disorder 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Social Policy 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Physiological Aspects of Health 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Environmental Health 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Research Methods and Perspectives 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) AS Award 300 UMS A(240 B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) AS Double Award 600 UMS AA(480) AB(450) BB(420) BC(390) CC(360) CD(330) DD(300) DE(270) EE(240) Advanced Award 600 UMS A(480) B(420) C(360) D(300) E(240) Advanced and additional AS Award 900 UMS AA(720) AB(675) BB(630) BC(585) CC(540) CD(495) DD(450) DE(405) EE(360) Advanced Double Award 1200 UMS AA(960) AB(900) BB(840) BC(780) CC(720) CD(660) DD(600) DE(540) EE(480)
Health, Social Care and Early Years Provision 100 UMS A*(90) Promoting Health and Well-Being 100 UMS A*(90) Understanding Personal Development and Relationships 100 UMS A*(90) Double Award 300 UMS **(270)
GCSE 38201 38202 38203
A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) *A(255) AA(240) AB(225) BB(210) BC(195) CC(180) CD(165) DD(150)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries DE(135) EE(120) EF(105) FF(90) FG(75) GG(60)
Health and Social Care
GCSE 48201 48202 48203 48204 4822 4824
Understanding Personal Development and Relationships 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) B(56) Health, Social Care and Early Years Care and Education 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) B(84) The Nature of Health and Well-Being 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) B(56) Promoting Health and Well-Being 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) B(84) Short Course Award 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) B(140) Full Course Award 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) B(280) The Crusading Movement and the Latin East, 1095-1204 100 UMS A(80) B(70) Britain, 1483-1529 (B) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) The Reformation in Europe, c1500-1564 100 UMS A(80) B(70) Britain, 1603-1642 (B) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) Absolutist States: The Reign of Louis XIV, 1661-1715 100 UMS A(80) B(70) France in Revolution, 1774-1815 100 UMS A(80) B(70) Britain, 1815-1865 (B) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) Tsarist Russia, 1855-1917 100 UMS A(80) B(70) The Development of Germany,1871-1925 100 UMS A(80) B(70) Russia and Germany, 1871-1914 100 UMS A(80) B(70) Britain, 1906-1951 (B) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) USA, 1890-1945 100 UMS A(80) B(70) Totalitarian Ideology in Theory and Practice, c1848-c1941 100 UMS A(80) B(70) Conqueror and Conquest, c1060-1087 (B) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) The Church in England: the Struggle for Supremacy, 100 1529-1547 UMS (B) A(80) B(70) The Reign of Henry IV of France, 1589-1610 100 UMS A(80) B(70) Britain, 1625-1642: the Failure of Absolutism? (B) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) The Reign of Peter the Great of Russia, 1682-1725100 UMS A(80) B(70) Challenging British Dominance: the Loss of the American 100 UMS Colonies, 1754-1783 A(80) B(70) (B) The Forging of the Italian Nation, 1848-1871 100 UMS A(80) B(70) Britain, 1902-1918: The Impact of New Liberalism (B) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) Britain and Appeasement, 1919-1940 (B) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) A New Roman Empire? Mussolini's Italy, 1922-1945 100 UMS A(80) B(70) The Impact of Stalin's Leadership in the USSR, 1924-1941 100 UMS A(80) B(70) Life in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945 100 UMS A(80) B(70) Anti-semitism, Hitler and the German People, 1919-1945 100 UMS A(80) B(70) The Impact of Chairman Mao: China, 1946-1976 100 UMS A(80) B(70) The Campaign for African-American Civil Rights in 100 the USA, UMS 1950-1968 A(80) B(70) The USA and Vietnam, 1961-1975 100 UMS A(80) B(70) A Sixties Social Revolution? British Society, 1959-1975 100 UMS (B) A(80) B(70)
C(48) C(72) C(48) C(72) C(120) C(240) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60)
D(40) D(60) D(40) D(60) D(100) D(200) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50)
E(32) E(48) E(32) E(48) E(80) E(160) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40)
F(24) F(36) F(24) F(36) F(60) F(120)
G(16) G(24) G(16) G(24) G(40) G(80)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
1041 2041 History A
GCSE 40401A 40401B 40402A 40402B 40402C 40402D 40403 40404A 40404B 4041 4042
History B
GCSE 40451 40452 40453 40454 4046 4047
History of Art GCE
Name Max Liberal Democracies: Power to the People? 100 UMS A(80) The Angevin Kings of England: British Monarchy, 1154-1216 120 UMS (B) A(96) The Triumph of Elizabeth: Britain, 1547-1603 (B) 120 UMS A(96) The Emergence of a Great Power? Spain, 1492-1556 120 UMS A(96) British Monarchy: the Crisis of State, 1642-1689 (B)120 UMS A(96) France and the Enlightenment: Absolutism under Threat, 120 UMS 1743-1789 A(96) Stability and War: British Monarchy and State, 1714-1770 120 UMS (B) A(96) British State and People, 1865-1915 (B) 120 UMS A(96) Monarchies and Republics in France, 1815-1875 120 UMS A(96) The State and People: Britain, 1918-1964 (B) 120 UMS A(96) Triumph and Collapse: Russia and the USSR, 1941-1991 120 UMS A(96) From Defeat to Unity: Germany, 1945-1991 120 UMS A(96) The Making of Modern Britain, 1951-2007 (B) 120 UMS A(96) Aspects of International Relations, 1945-2004 120 UMS A(96) Historical Enquiry 80 UMS A(64) AS Award 200 UMS A(160) Advanced Award 400 UMS A(320) Medicine Through Time - Full Course 70 UMS A*(63) A(56) Media Through Time - Full course 70 UMS A*(63) A(56) The American West, 1840-1895 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) Britain, 1815-1851 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) Elizabethan England, 1558-1603 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) Germany, 1919-1945 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) Historical Enquiry 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) Medicine Through Time - Short Course 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) Media Through Time - Short Course 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) Short Course Award 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) Full Course Award 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) International Relations: Full Course 90 UMS A*(81) A(72) 20th Century Depth Studies 90 UMS A*(81) A(72) Historical Enquiry 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) International Relations: Short Course 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) Short Course Award 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) Full Course Award 240 UMS A*(216) A(192) Visual Analysis and Interpretation 80 UMS A(64) Themes in History of Art 120 UMS A(96) Investigation and Interpretation (1) 100 UMS A(80) Investigation and Interpretation (2) 100 UMS A(80)
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries B(70) B(84) B(84) B(84) B(84) B(84) B(84) B(84) B(84) B(84) B(84) B(84) B(84) B(84) B(56) B(140) B(280) B(49) B(49) B(56) B(56) B(56) B(56) B(35) B(35) B(35) B(70) B(140) B(63) B(63) B(42) B(42) B(84) B(168) B(56) B(84) B(70) B(70)
C(60) C(72) C(72) C(72) C(72) C(72) C(72) C(72) C(72) C(72) C(72) C(72) C(72) C(72) C(48) C(120) C(240) C(42) C(42) C(48) C(48) C(48) C(48) C(30) C(30) C(30) C(60) C(120) C(54) C(54) C(36) C(36) C(72) C(144) C(48) C(72) C(60) C(60)
D(50) D(60) D(60) D(60) D(60) D(60) D(60) D(60) D(60) D(60) D(60) D(60) D(60) D(60) D(40) D(100) D(200) D(35) D(35) D(40) D(40) D(40) D(40) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(50) D(100) D(45) D(45) D(30) D(30) D(60) D(120) D(40) D(60) D(50) D(50)
E(40) E(48) E(48) E(48) E(48) E(48) E(48) E(48) E(48) E(48) E(48) E(48) E(48) E(48) E(32) E(80) E(160) E(28) E(28) E(32) E(32) E(32) E(32) E(20) E(20) E(20) E(40) E(80) E(36) E(36) E(24) E(24) E(48) E(96) E(32) E(48) E(40) E(40)
F(21) F(21) F(24) F(24) F(24) F(24) F(15) F(15) F(15) F(30) F(60) F(27) F(27) F(18) F(18) F(36) F(72)
G(14) G(14) G(16) G(16) G(16) G(16) G(10) G(10) G(10) G(20) G(40) G(18) G(18) G(12) G(12) G(24) G(48)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Award 1251 AS Award 2251 Advanced Award
Home Economics: Child Development GCSE 45801 45802 45803 4582 Home Economics: Food and Nutrition
GCSE 45851 45852 4587
HE: Child Development Written The Research Task Child Study Full Course Award
Max 200 UMS 400 UMS
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries A(160) B(140) C(120) D(100) E(80) A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160)
120 UMS A*(108) A(96) 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240)
B(84) B(42) B(84) B(210)
C(72) C(36) C(72) C(180)
F(36) F(18) F(36) F(90)
G(24) G(12) G(24) G(60)
HE: Food and Nutrition Written 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) Food and Nutrition in Practice 180 UMS A*(162) A(144) Full Course Award 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) Introducing the UK hospitality industry 4 Points A*(3) A(2) An introduction to customer service 8 Points A*(6) A(4) Skills for success 8 Points A*(6) A(4) Principles of preparing and serving food and beverages 4 Points A*(3) A(2) Preparing and serving food and beverages 8 Points A*(6) A(4) Level 1 Principal Learning Award 32 Points A*(24) A(16) Exploring the UK hospitality industry 10 Points A* (8) A(6) Customer service skills 10 Points A* (8) A(6) Legislation and regulation 5 Points A*(4) A(3) Effective teamwork 10 Points A* (8) A(6) Basic business and financial principles 10 Points A* (8) A(6) Hospitality service and current trends 10 Points A* (8) A(6) Techniques for food preparation and cooking 5 Points A*(4) A(3) Preparing and cooking meals for a range of customers 10 Points A* (8) A(6) Level 2 Principal Learning Award 70 Points A*(56) A(42) Investigating the social and economic trends in the 14 hospitality Points A*(12) industry A(10) Importance of customer service in hospitality 14 Points A*(12) A(10) Building and developing effective hospitality teams 14 Points A*(12) A(10) Effective people management skills for the hospitality 7 industry Points A*(6) A(5) Finance and budgetary control for the hospitality industry 7 Points A*(6) A(5) Running a hospitality business 21 Points A* (18) A(15) Sales and marketing of hospitality products and services 14 Points A*(12) A(10) Managing a food operation in hospitality 21 Points A* (18) A(15)
B(84) B(126) B(210) B(1) B(2) B(2) B(1) B(2) B(8) B(4) B(4) B(2) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(2) B(4) B(28) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(4) B(4) B(12) B(8) B(12)
C(72) D(60) E(48) F(36) C(108) D(90) E(72) F(54) C(180) D(150) E(120) F(90)
G(24) G(36) G(60)
C(2) C(2) C(1) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(1) C(2) C(14) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(3) C(3) C(9) C(6) C(9)
D(60) D(30) D(60) D(150)
D(4) D(4) D(4) D(2) D(2) D(6) D(4) D(6)
E(48) E(24) E(48) E(120)
E(2) E(2) E(2) E(1) E(1) E(3) E(2) E(3)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Human Biology
Unit Award Name HOS3U9 Hospitality services 7883 Level 3 Principal Learning Award
C(6) C(54)
D(4) D(36)
E(2) E(18)
A(96) A(96) A(48) A(48) A(96) A(96) A(48) A(48) A(240 A(480)
B(84) B(84) B(42) B(42) B(84) B(84) B(42) B(42) B(210) B(420)
C(72) C(72) C(36) C(36) C(72) C(72) C(36) C(36) C(180) C(360)
D(60) D(60) D(30) D(30) D(60) D(60) D(30) D(30) D(150) D(300)
E(48) E(48) E(24) E(24) E(48) E(48) E(24) E(24) E(120) E(240)
1521 2521
Topics Foundation 209 UMS Topics Higher 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) Investigations in Human Health and Physiology 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) Full Course Award 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) Humanities Core 90 UMS A*(81) A(72) Humanities Options 90 UMS A*(81) A(72) Humanities Investigation 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) Full Course Award 240 UMS A*(216) A(192) Practical Problem Solving in the Digital World 100 UMS A(80) Living in the Digital World 100 UMS A(80) The Use of ICT in the Digital World 120 UMS A(96) Practical Issues Involved in the Use of ICT in the Digital 80 UMS World A(64) AS Award 200 UMS A(160) Advanced Award 400 UMS A(320)
B(210) B(70) B(280) B(63) B(63) B(42) B(168) B(70) B(70) B(84) B(56) B(140) B(280)
C(180) C(180) C(60) C(240) C(54) C(54) C(36) C(144) C(60) C(60) C(72) C(48) C(120) C(240)
D(150) D(150) D(50) D(200) D(45) D(45) D(30) D(120) D(50) D(50) D(60) D(40) D(100) D(200)
E(120) E(135) E(40) E(160) E(36) E(36) E(24) E(96) E(40) E(40) E(48) E(32) E(80) E(160)
The digital world Working with people Working with technology - coursework Working with technology - written Working with technology - combined Multimedia Level 1 Principal Learning Award
B(2) B(2) B(1) B(1) B(2) B(2) B(8)
1406 2406 Human Health and Physiology GCSE 44151F 44151H 44152 4417 GCSE 40701 40702 40703
Information Technology
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries B(8) B(72)
Max 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 126 Points A*(108) A(90)
The Body and its Diseases 120 UMS Humans - their Origins and Adaptions 120 UMS AS Investigative and Practical Skills 60 UMS AS Investigative and Practical Skills 60 UMS Bodies and Cells In and Out of Control 120 UMS The Air We Breath, The Water We Drink, The Food120 WeUMS Eat Advanced Investigative and Practical Skills 60 UMS Advanced Investigative and Practical Skills 60 UMS AS Award 300 UMS Advanced Award 600 UMS
8 Points A*(6) 8 Points A*(6) 4 Points A*(3) 4 Points A*(3) 8 Points A*(6) 8 Points A*(6) 32 Points A*(24)
A(4) A(4) A(2) A(2) A(4) A(4) A(16)
F(30) F(120) F(27) F(27) F(18) F(72)
G(20) G(80) G(18) G(18) G(12) G(48)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Title Information Technology
PL (2) INF2U1 INF2U2 INF2U3 INF2U4 INF2U5 INF2U6 INF2U7 7842
Information Technology
PL (3) INF3U1 INF3U2 INF3U3 INF3U4 INF3U5 INF3U6 INF3U7 7843
GCSE 46301F 46301H 46302F 46302H 46303 46304 4631 4632 4633
LAW01 LAW02 LAW03 LAW04 1161 2161
GCSE 41601 41602 4162
Leisure and Tourism
GCSE 38401
Name The potential of technology Exploring organisations Effective communication Skills for innovation Technology systems Multimedia Managing projects Level 2 Principal Learning Award
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Max 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 70 Points A*(56)
A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(42)
B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(28)
C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(14)
The potential of technology 14 Points A*(12) A(10) Understanding organisations 14 Points A*(12) A(10) Professional development 21 Points A* (18) A(15) Creating technology solutions 21 Points A* (18) A(15) Multimedia and digital projects 21 Points A* (18) A(15) Making projects successful 21 Points A* (18) A(15) Managing technology systems 14 Points A*(12) A(10) Level 3 Principal Learning Award 126 Points A*(108) A(90) Italian: Listening Foundation 41 UMS Italian: Listening Higher 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) Italian: Reading Foundation 41 UMS Italian: Reading Higher 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) Italian: Speaking - recorded/unrecorded 90 UMS A*(81) A(72) Italian: Writing 90 UMS A*(81) A(72) Short Course Award (Spoken) 150 UMS A*(135) A(120) Short Course Award (Written) 150 UMS A*(135) A(120) Full Course Award 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) Law Making and the Legal System 100 UMS A(80) The Concept of Liability 100 UMS A(80) Criminal Law (Offences against the Person) or Contract 100 UMS Law A(80) Criminal Law (Offences against Property) or Tort and 100Concepts UMS of LawA(80) AS Award 200 UMS A(160) Advanced Award 400 UMS A(320) The English Legal system 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) Law in Action 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) Full Course Award 200 UMS A*(180) A(160)
B(8) B(8) B(12) B(12) B(12) B(12) B(8) B(72)
B(42) B(63) B(63) B(105) B(105) B(210) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(280) B(70) B(70) B(140)
C(6) C(6) C(9) C(9) C(9) C(9) C(6) C(54) C(36) C(36) C(36) C(36) C(54) C(54) C(90) C(90) C(180) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(240) C(60) C(60) C(120)
D(4) D(4) D(6) D(6) D(6) D(6) D(4) D(36) D(30) D(30) D(30) D(30) D(45) D(45) D(75) D(75) D(150) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200) D(50) D(50) D(100)
E(2) E(2) E(3) E(3) E(3) E(3) E(2) E(18) E(24) E(27) E(24) E(27) E(36) E(36) E(60) E(60) E(120) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160) E(40) E(40) E(80)
Investigating Leisure and Tourism
100 UMS A*(90)
F(27) F(27) F(45) F(45) F(90)
G(18) G(18) G(30) G(30) G(60)
F(30) F(30) F(60)
G(20) G(20) G(40)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Unit 38402 38403
3841 Leisure and Tourism
GCSE 48401 48402 48403 48404 4842 4844
Leisure Stds
LS01 LS02 LS03 LS04 LS05 LS06 LS07 LS08 LS09 LS10 LS11 LS12 LS13 LS14 8641 8643 8646 8647 8649
Name Marketing in Leisure and Tourism Customer Service in Leisure and Tourism Double Award
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries Max 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) 300 UMS **(270) *A(255) AA(240) AB(225) BB(210) BC(195) CC(180) CD(165) DD(150) DE(135) EE(120) EF(105) FF(90) FG(75) GG(60)
Understanding Destinations 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) B(56) C(48) D(40) E(32) F(24) G(16) The Nature of Leisure and Tourism 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) F(36) G(24) The Business of Leisure and Tourism 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) B(56) C(48) D(40) E(32) F(24) G(16) Investigating Tourism Destinations and Impacts 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) F(36) G(24) Short Course Award 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) B(140) C(120) D(100) E(80) F(60) G(40) Full Course Award 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160) F(120) G(80) The Leisure Industry Today 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) A People Business 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Getting it Right in the Leisure Industry 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Leisure Facilities 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Lifestyles and Life Stages 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Leisure Organisations 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Fitness Training for Sport 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Leisure in Action 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Working in the People Business 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Current Issues 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Leisure and the Media 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Lifestyle Management 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Leisure in the Community 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Outdoor Leisure 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) AS Award 300 UMS A(240 B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) AS Double Award 600 UMS AA(480) AB(450) BB(420) BC(390) CC(360) CD(330) DD(300) DE(270) EE(240) Advanced Award 600 UMS A(480) B(420) C(360) D(300) E(240) Advanced and additional AS Award 900 UMS AA(720) AB(675) BB(630) BC(585) CC(540) CD(495) DD(450) DE(405) EE(360) Advanced Double Award 1200 UMS AA(960) AB(900) BB(840) BC(780) CC(720) CD(660) DD(600) DE(540) EE(480) Decision 1 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Decision 2 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Further Pure Mathematics 1 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Further Pure Mathematics 2 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Further Pure Mathematics 3 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Further Pure Mathematics 4 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Mechanics 1A 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Mechanics 1B 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Mechanics 2B Mechanics 3 Mechanics 4 Mechanics 5 Pure Core Mathematics 1 Pure Core Mathematics 2 Pure Core Mathematics 3 Pure Core Mathematics 4 Statistics 1A Statistics 1B Statistics 2B Statistics 3 Statistics 4 Pure Core Mathematics A2 Pure Core Mathematics AS 5361 AS Mathematics 5366 AS Pure Mathematics 5371 AS Further Mathematics 6361 Advanced Mathematics 6366 Advanced Pure Mathematics 6371 Advanced Further Mathematics Mathematics B GCSE 43051F Mathematics B Unit 1 Foundation 43051H Mathematics B Unit 1 Higher 43053F Mathematics B Unit 3 Foundation 43053H Mathematics B Unit 3 Higher 43055F Mathematics B Unit 5 Foundation 43055H Mathematics B Unit 5 Higher 4307(F) Full Course Award Foundation 4307(H) Full Course Award Higher Mathematics (Pilot) GCSE 93002F Number and Statistics Foundation 93002H Number and Statistics Higher 93003F Algebra, Geometry and Measures Foundation 93003H Algebra, Geometry and Measures Higher 9307 Full Course Award Media Studies GCE MEST1 Investigating Media MEST2 Creating Media MEST3 Critical Perspectives
Max 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 200 UMS A(160) 200 UMS A(160) 300 UMS A(240 300 UMS A(240 300 UMS A(240 600 UMS A(480) 600 UMS A(480) 600 UMS A(480) 75 UMS 108 UMS A*(97) A(86) 112 UMS 162 UMS A*(146) A(130) 230 UMS 330 UMS A*(297) A(264) 500 UMS 600 UMS A*(540) A(480) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 139 UMS 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) 300 A*(270) A(240) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80)
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(140) B(210) B(210) B(210) B(420) B(420) B(420)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(120) C(180) C(180) C(180) C(360) C(360) C(360) C(65) B(76) C(65) C(97) B(113) C(97) C(198) B(231) C(198) C(360) B(420) C(360)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(100) D(150) D(150) D(150) D(300) D(300) D(300) D(54) D(54) D(81) D(81) D(165) D(165) D(300) D(300)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(80) E(120) E(120) E(120) E(240) E(240) E(240) E(43) E(49) E(65) E(73) E(132) E(149) E(240) E(240)
C(60) C(60) C(120) B(140) C(120) B(210) C(180) B(70) C(60) B(70) C(60) B(70) C(60)
D(50) D(50) D(100) D(100) D(150) D(50) D(50) D(50)
E(40) F(30) E(45) E(80) F(60) E(90) E(120) F(90) E(40) E(40) E(40)
G(20) G(40) G(60)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Unit MEST4
4812 4814
Max 100 UMS A(80) 200 UMS A(160) 400 UMS A(320) 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320)
B(70) B(140) B(280) B(56) B(84) B(56) B(84) B(140) B(280)
C(60) C(120) C(240) C(48) C(72) C(48) C(72) C(120) C(240)
D(50) D(100) D(200) D(40) D(60) D(40) D(60) D(100) D(200)
E(40) E(80) E(160) E(32) E(48) E(32) E(48) E(80) E(160)
1676 1676
Reading and Writing Reading and Writing AS Award Advanced Award
100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 200 UMS
A(80) A(80) A(80) A(160)
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80)
Listening Test Reading Test Speaking Test Writing Test Short Course Award (Spoken) Short Course Award (Written) Full Course Award Influences on Music Compositional techniques Free Composition or Pastiche Arranging Performing: Interpreting Musical Ideas Music in Context Compositional techniques Free Composition or Pastiche Arranging A Musical Performance AS Award Advanced Award Listening to and Appraising Music Composing and Appraising Music Performing Music Composing Music
100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) 90 UMS A(72) 90 UMS A(72) 90 UMS A(72) 90 UMS A(72) 120 UMS A(96) 120 UMS A(96) 90 UMS A(72) 90 UMS A(72) 90 UMS A(72) 90 UMS A(72) 300 UMS A(240 600 UMS A(480) 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) 160 UMS A*(144) A(128) 80 UMS A*(72) A(64)
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(140) B(280) B(63) B(63) B(63) B(63) B(84) B(84) B(63) B(63) B(63) B(63) B(210) B(420) B(56) B(56) B(112) B(56)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(120) C(240) C(54) C(54) C(54) C(54) C(72) C(72) C(54) C(54) C(54) C(54) C(180) C(360) C(48) C(48) C(96) C(48)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(100) D(200) D(45) D(45) D(45) D(45) D(60) D(60) D(45) D(45) D(45) D(45) D(150) D(300) D(40) D(40) D(80) D(40)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(80) E(160) E(36) E(36) E(36) E(36) E(48) E(48) E(36) E(36) E(36) E(36) E(120) E(240) E(32) E(32) E(64) E(32)
1571 2571 Media Studies GCSE 48101 48102 48103 48104
Modern Hebrew
Modern Hebrew
GCSE 46751 46752 46753 46754 4676 4677 4678
GCSE 42701 42702 42703 42704
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Name Media: Research and Production AS Award Advanced Award Investigating the Media Understanding the Media Exploring Media Industries Responding to a Media Brief Short Course Award Full Course Award
F(24) F(36) F(24) F(36) F(60) F(120)
G(16) G(24) G(16) G(24) G(40) G(80)
F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(60) F(60) F(120)
G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(40) G(40) G(80)
F(24) F(24) F(48) F(24)
G(16) G(16) G(32) G(16)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Award Name 4272 Full Course Award GCE PANJ1 Reading and Writing PANJ2 Reading and Writing 1681 AS Award 2681 Advanced Award GCSE 46801F Panjabi: Listening Foundation 46801H Panjabi: Listening Higher 46802F Panjabi: Reading Foundation 46802H Panjabi: Reading Higher 46803 Panjabi: Speaking 46804 Panjabi: Writing 4681 Short Course Award (Spoken) 4682 Short Course Award (Written) 4683 Full Course Award
Performing Arts
D(200) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(100) D(200)
E(160) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(40) E(45) E(40) E(45) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(80) E(160)
1171 2171
Skills Development 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) Showcase Performance 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) Working to a Commission 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) Final Performance/Designs for the Chosen Commission 80 UMS A*(72) A(64) Short Course Award 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) Full Course Award 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) An Introduction to Philosophy 1 100 UMS A(80) An Introduction to Philosophy 2 100 UMS A(80) Key Themes in Philosophy 120 UMS A(96) Philosophical Problems 80 UMS A(64) AS Award 200 UMS A(160) Advanced Award 400 UMS A(320)
B(84) B(56) B(84) B(56) B(140) B(280) B(70) B(70) B(84) B(56) B(140) B(280)
C(72) C(48) C(72) C(48) C(120) C(240) C(60) C(60) C(72) C(48) C(120) C(240)
D(60) D(40) D(60) D(40) D(100) D(200) D(50) D(50) D(60) D(40) D(100) D(200)
E(48) E(32) E(48) E(32) E(80) E(160) E(40) E(40) E(48) E(32) E(80) E(160)
1581 2581
Opportunities For and the Effects of Leading a Healthy 120 and UMSActive Lifestyle A(96) B(84) C(72) Analysis and Evaluation of Physical Activity as a Performer 80 UMSand/or in an A(64) Adopted B(56) Role/s C(48) Optimising Performance and Evaluating Contemporary 120 UMS Issues within Sport A(96) B(84) C(72) Optimising Practical Performance in a Competitive Situation 80 UMS A(64) B(56) C(48) AS Award 200 UMS A(160) B(140) C(120) Advanced Award 400 UMS A(320) B(280) C(240)
D(60) D(40) D(60) D(40) D(100) D(200)
E(48) E(32) E(48) E(32) E(80) E(160)
Knowledge and Understanding (Short Course) The Active Participant (Short Course) Knowledge and Understanding (Full Course)
D(30) D(45) D(60)
E(24) E(36) E(48)
GCSE 48801 48802 48803 48804
Physical Education
Physical Education
GCSE 48901 48902 48903
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries C(240) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(60) B(70) C(60) C(60) B(70) C(60) B(70) C(60) B(70) C(60) B(140) C(120) B(140) C(120) B(280) C(240)
4882 4884 Philosophy
Max 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 200 UMS A(160) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320)
60 UMS A*(54) A(48) 90 UMS A*(81) A(72) 120 UMS A*(108) A(96)
B(280) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140)
B(42) B(63) B(84)
C(36) C(54) C(72)
F(30) F(30) F(60) F(60) F(120)
G(20) G(20) G(40) G(40) G(80)
F(36) F(24) F(36) F(24) F(60) F(120)
G(24) G(16) G(24) G(16) G(40) G(80)
F(18) F(27) F(36)
G(12) G(18) G(24)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Physics A
Physics B
Unit 48904 48905 48906
4891 4892 4894
Name The Active Participant (Full Course) Knowledge and Understanding (Double Award)) The Active Participant (Double Award) Short Course Award Full Course Award Double Award
Physics Unit 1A Foundation (on-screen) Physics Unit 1A Higher (on-screen) Physics Unit 1B Foundation (on-screen) Physics Unit 1B Higher (on-screen) Physics Unit 1A Estimate Physics Unit 1A Foundation (paper) Physics Unit 1A Higher (paper) Physics Unit 1B Foundation (paper) Physics Unit 1B Higher (paper) Physics Unit 1 Foundation Physics Unit 1 Higher Physics Unit 2 Foundation Physics Unit 2 Higher Physics Unit 3 Foundation Physics Unit 3 Higher Physics Coursework Full Course Award Particles, Quantum Phenomena and Electricity Mechanics, Materials and Waves AS Investigative and Practical Skills AS Investigative and Practical Skills Fields and Further Mechanics Astrophysics Medical Physics Applied Physics Turning Points in Physics Advanced Investigative and Practical Skills Advanced Investigative and Practical Skills AS Award Advanced Award Harmony and Structure in the Universe
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries Max 180 UMS A*(162) A(144) B(126) C(108) D(90) E(72) F(54) G(36) 120 UMS A*(108) A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) F(36) G(24) 180 UMS A*(162) A(144) B(126) C(108) D(90) E(72) F(54) G(36) 150 UMS A*(135) A(120) B(105) C(90) D(75) E(60) F(45) G(30) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) F(90) G(60) 600 UMS **(540) *A(510) AA(480) AB(450) BB(420) BC(390) CC(360) CD(330) DD(300) DE(270) EE(240) EF(210) FF(180) FG(150) GG(120) 34 UMS C(30) D(25) E(20) F(15) G(10) 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) B(35) C(30) D(25) E(23) 34 UMS C(30) D(25) E(20) F(15) G(10) 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) B(35) C(30) D(25) E(23) 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) B(35) C(30) D(25) E(20) F(15) G(10) 34 UMS C(30) D(25) E(20) F(15) G(10) 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) B(35) C(30) D(25) E(23) 34 UMS C(30) D(25) E(20) F(15) G(10) 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) B(35) C(30) D(25) E(23) 69 UMS C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(45) 69 UMS C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(45) 69 UMS C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(45) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) F(30) G(20) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160) F(120) G(80) 120 UMS A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) 120 UMS A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) 60 UMS A(48) B(42) C(36) D(30) E(24) 60 UMS A(48) B(42) C(36) D(30) E(24) 120 UMS A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) 120 UMS A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) 120 UMS A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) 120 UMS A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) 120 UMS A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48) 60 UMS A(48) B(42) C(36) D(30) E(24) 60 UMS A(48) B(42) C(36) D(30) E(24) 300 UMS A(240 B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) 600 UMS A(480) B(420) C(360) D(300) E(240) 120 UMS A(96) B(84) C(72) D(60) E(48)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
1456 2456 Polish
PLSH1 PLSH2 1686 2686
GCSE 46851 46852 46853 46854 4686 4687 4688
GCSE 41801 41802 4181 4182
Psychology A GCE
PSYA1 PSYA2 PSYA3 PSYA4 1181 2181
Psychology B GCE
PSYB1 PSYB2 PSYB3 PSYB4 1186 2186
Public Services
PL (1) PBS1U1
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Name Max Physics Keeps Us Going 120 UMS A(96) AS Investigative and Practical Skills 60 UMS A(48) AS Investigative and Practical Skills 60 UMS A(48) Physics Inside and Out 120 UMS A(96) Energy Under the Microscope 120 UMS A(96) Advanced Investigative and Practical Skills 60 UMS A(48) Advanced Investigative and Practical Skills 60 UMS A(48) AS Award 300 UMS A(240 Advanced Award 600 UMS A(480) Reading and Writing 100 UMS A(80) Reading and Writing 100 UMS A(80) AS Award 100 UMS A(80) Advanced Award 200 UMS A(160) Listening Test 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) Reading Test 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) Speaking Test 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) Writing Test 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) Short Course Award (Spoken) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) Short Course Award (Written) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) Full Course Award 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) Making Sense of Other People 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) Understanding Other People 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) Short Course Award 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) Full Course Award 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology and 100 Research UMS Methods A(80) Biological Psychology, Social Psychology and Individual 100 UMS Differences A(80) Topics in Psychology 100 UMS A(80) Psychopathology, Psychology in Action and Research 100Methods UMS A(80) AS Award 200 UMS A(160) Advanced Award 400 UMS A(320) Introducing Psychology 100 UMS A(80) Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology and Individual 100 UMS Differences A(80) Child Development and Applied Options 100 UMS A(80) Approaches, Debates and Methods in Psychology 100 UMS A(80) AS Award 200 UMS A(160) Advanced Award 400 UMS A(320)
B(84) B(42) B(42) B(84) B(84) B(42) B(42) B(210) B(420) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(140) B(280) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(280) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(280)
Introduction to public services
4 Points A*(3)
C(72) C(36) C(36) C(72) C(72) C(36) C(36) C(180) C(360) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(120) C(240) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(240) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(240)
D(60) D(30) D(30) D(60) D(60) D(30) D(30) D(150) D(300) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(100) D(200) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(200)
E(48) E(24) E(24) E(48) E(48) E(24) E(24) E(120) E(240) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(80) E(160) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(160)
F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(60) F(60) F(120) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(60)
G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(40) G(40) G(80) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(40)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Public Services
Public Services
Religious Studies
Unit Award Name PBS1U2 Public services in local communities PBS1U3 Health and well-being in local communities PBS1U4 Public services for protecting local communities PBS1U5 Developing skills to work in the public services 7921 Level 1 Principal Learning Award
A(4) A(2) A(4) A(4) A(16)
B(2) B(1) B(2) B(2) B(8)
Exploring public services 10 Points A* (8) Public service funding 10 Points A* (8) Government, legislation and people's rights 10 Points A* (8) Providing public services for different communities 10 Points A* (8) Promoting and influencing public services 10 Points A* (8) Health and well-being programmes 5 Points A*(4) Operations to protect society 10 Points A* (8) Working in public services 5 Points A*(4) Level 2 Principal Learning Award 70 Points A*(56)
A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(3) A(6) A(3) A(42)
B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(2) B(4) B(2) B(28)
C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(1) C(2) C(1) C(14)
Public services and the importance of collaborative21 working Points A* (18) A(15) Community engagement and partnership working in14public Points services A*(12) A(10) Accountability and public service funding 21 Points A* (18) A(15) Leading effective public services 21 Points A* (18) A(15) People management and public service values 21 Points A* (18) A(15) Project management in public services 14 Points A*(12) A(10) Marketing and public relations in public services 14 Points A*(12) A(10) Level 3 Principal Learning Award 126 Points A*(108) A(90)
B(12) B(8) B(12) B(12) B(12) B(8) B(8) B(72)
C(9) C(6) C(9) C(9) C(9) C(6) C(6) C(54)
D(6) D(4) D(6) D(6) D(6) D(4) D(4) D(36)
E(3) E(2) E(3) E(3) E(3) E(2) E(2) E(18)
Religion and Ethics 1 100 UMS Religion and Ethics 2 100 UMS Philosophy of Religion 100 UMS Religion, Philosophy and Science 100 UMS History of Christianity or Religion, Art and the Media100 UMS Old Testament 100 UMS New Testament 100 UMS Religion and Contemporary Society 100 UMS World Religions 1 100 UMS World Religions 2 100 UMS Islam 2 The Life of the Prophet 100 UMS Religion and Ethics 100 UMS Philosophy of Religion 100 UMS
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40)
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Max 8 Points A*(6) 4 Points A*(3) 8 Points A*(6) 8 Points A*(6) 32 Points A*(24)
A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Religious Studies A
Religious Studies A
1061 2061
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries Name Max The History of Christianity or Religion and Art 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Old Testament 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) New Testament 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Religion and Contemporary society 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) World Religions 1 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) World Religions 2 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Life, Death and Beyond or Perceptions of Ultimate 100 Reality UMS or ReligiousA(80) Experience B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) Religious Fundamentalism or Religion and Contemporary 100 UMS Society or religion A(80) and B(70) the Visual C(60) Arts D(50) E(40) Religious Authority or Ways of Moral Decision-Making 100or UMS Ways of Reading A(80)and B(70) Understanding C(60) Scripture D(50) E(40) AS Award 200 UMS A(160) B(140) C(120) D(100) E(80) Advanced Award 400 UMS A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160)
4051 4052
Christianity Christianity: Ethics Roman Catholicism Roman Catholicism: Ethics St. Mark's Gospel St. Luke's Gospel Philosophy of Religion Islam: Islam: Ethics Judaism Judaism: Ethics Buddhism Hinduism Sikhism Short Course Award Full Course Award
100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160)
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80)
F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(60)
G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(40)
4061 4062
Religious Studies A Unit 1A Religious Studies A Unit 1B Religious Studies A Unit 1C Religious Studies A Unit 1D Religious Studies A Unit 2A Religious Studies A Unit 2B Full Course Award Short Course Award
100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80)
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(70)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(60)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(50)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(40)
F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(60) F(30)
G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(40) G(20)
GCSE 405001 405002 405003 405004 405005 405006 405007 405008 405009 405010 405011 405012 405013 405014
GCSE 40601A 40601B 40601C 40601D 40602A 40602B
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Title Religious Studies B
Religious Studies B
Retail Business
Retail Business
Retail Business
GCSE 40551 40552 40553 40554 40555 40556
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
4056 4057
Religion and Citizenship Religion and Life Issues Religion and Morality Religious Philosophy and Ultimate Questions Religious Expression in Society Worship and Key Beliefs Short Course Award Full Course Award
100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160)
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80)
F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(60)
G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(40)
3062 3067
Religious Studies B Unit 1 Religious Studies B Unit 2 Religious Studies B Unit 3 Religious Studies B Unit 4 Full Course Award Short Course Award
100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80)
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(70)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(60)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(50)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(40)
F(30) F(30) F(30) F(30) F(60) F(30)
G(20) G(20) G(20) G(20) G(40) G(20)
An introduction to retail 4 Points A*(3) Exploring enterprise in retail businesses 8 Points A*(6) Introducing the retail supply chain 4 Points A*(3) Introducing the retail outlet 8 Points A*(6) Introduction to customer service in retail businesses4 Points A*(3) Introduction to retail selling 4 Points A*(3) Level 1 Principal Learning Award 32 Points A*(24)
A(2) A(4) A(2) A(4) A(2) A(2) A(16)
B(1) B(2) B(1) B(2) B(1) B(1) B(8)
Exploring retail Exploring retail channels Sourcing and buying for product ranges Exploring the retail supply chain Operating the retail outlet Stock control in retail businesses Customer service in retail Selling in retail Retail theatre Level 2 Principal Learning Award
10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 5 Points A*(4) 5 Points A*(4) 5 Points A*(4) 10 Points A* (8) 5 Points A*(4) 70 Points A*(56)
A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(3) A(3) A(3) A(6) A(3) A(42)
B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(2) B(2) B(2) B(4) B(2) B(28)
C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(1) C(1) C(1) C(2) C(1) C(14)
Examining the world of retail Developing retail channels
14 Points A*(12) A(10) 21 Points A* (18) A(15)
B(8) B(12)
C(6) C(9)
D(4) D(6)
E(2) E(3)
GCSE 30601 30602 30603 30604
PL (3) RBS3U1 RBS3U2
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Science A
Science B
Unit Award Name RBS3U3 Buying practices of retail businesses RBS3U4 Retail supply chain management and logistics RBS3U5 Marketing in retail businesses RBS3U6 Merchantising in retail businesses RBS3U7 Management of sales in retail RBS3U8 Visual merchandising for retail 7933 Level 3 Principal Learning Award GCSE BL1ASF Biology Unit 1A Foundation (on-screen) BL1ASH Biology Unit 1A Higher (on-screen) BL1BSF Biology Unit 1B Foundation (on-screen) BL1BSH Biology Unit 1B Higher (on-screen) BLY1AP(F) Biology Unit 1A Foundation (paper) BLY1AP(H) Biology Unit 1A Higher (paper) BLY1BP(F) Biology Unit 1B Foundation (paper) BLY1BP(H) Biology Unit 1B Higher (paper) CH1ASF Chemistry Unit 1A Foundation (on-screen) CH1ASH Chemistry Unit 1A Higher (on-screen) CH1BSF Chemistry Unit 1B Foundation (on-screen) CH1BSH Chemistry Unit 1B Higher (on-screen) CHY1AP(F) Chemistry Unit 1A Foundation (paper) CHY1AP(H) Chemistry Unit 1A Higher (paper) CHY1BP(F) Chemistry Unit 1B Foundation (paper) CHY1BP(H) Chemistry Unit 1B Higher (paper) PH1ASF Physics Unit 1A Foundation (on-screen) PH1ASH Physics Unit 1A Higher (on-screen) PH1BSF Physics Unit 1B Foundation (on-screen) PH1BSH Physics Unit 1B Higher (on-screen) PHY1AE Physics Unit 1A Estimate PHY1AP(F) Physics Unit 1A Foundation (paper) PHY1AP(H) Physics Unit 1A Higher (paper) PHY1AR(F) Physics Unit 1A Foundation (paper) PHY1AR(H) Physics Unit 1A Higher (paper) PHY1BP(F) Physics Unit 1B Foundation (paper) PHY1BP(H) Physics Unit 1B Higher (paper) SCYC Science Coursework 4461 Full Course Award GCSE BLY1F Biology Unit 1 Foundation BLY1H Biology Unit 1 Higher
Max 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 126 Points A*(108) A(90) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 34 UMS 50 UMS A*(45) A(40) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80)
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries B(8) B(12) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(72)
C(6) C(9) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(54) C(30) B(35) C(30) C(30) B(35) C(30) C(30) B(35) C(30) C(30) B(35) C(30) C(30) B(35) C(30) C(30) B(35) C(30) C(30) B(35) C(30) C(30) B(35) C(30) C(30) B(35) C(30) C(30) B(35) C(30) B(35) C(30) C(30) B(35) C(30) C(30) B(35) C(30) C(30) B(35) C(30) B(70) C(60) B(280) C(240) C(60) B(70) C(60)
D(4) D(6) D(4) D(4) D(4) D(4) D(36) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(25) D(50) D(200) D(50) D(50)
E(2) E(3) E(2) E(2) E(2) E(2) E(18) E(20) E(23) E(20) E(23) E(20) E(23) E(20) E(23) E(20) E(23) E(20) E(23) E(20) E(23) E(20) E(23) E(20) E(23) E(20) E(23) E(20) E(20) E(23) E(20) E(23) E(20) E(23) E(40) E(160) E(40) E(45)
F(15) F(15)
G(10) G(10)
F(30) F(120) F(30)
G(20) G(80) G(20)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Science in Society
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Name Chemistry Unit 1 Foundation Chemistry Unit 1 Higher Physics Unit 1 Foundation Physics Unit 1 Higher Science Coursework Full Course Award
Max 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 69 UMS 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 400 UMS A*(360) A(320)
C(60) C(60) C(60) B(70) C(60) B(70) C(60) B(280) C(240)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(200)
E(40) E(45) E(40) E(45) E(40) E(160)
1401 2401
AS Exploring Key Scientific Issues Reading and Writing about Science Advanced Exploring Key Scientific Issues Case Study of a Scientific Issue AS Award Advanced Award
120 UMS 80 UMS 120 UMS 80 UMS 200 UMS 400 UMS
A(96) A(64) A(96) A(64) A(160) A(320)
B(84) B(56) B(84) B(56) B(140) B(280)
D(60) D(40) D(60) D(40) D(100) D(200)
E(48) E(32) E(48) E(32) E(80) E(160)
Introduction to the sectors 4 Points A*(3) Introduction to principles and values 4 Points A*(3) Introduction to partnership working 4 Points A*(3) Introduction to communication within the sectors 4 Points A*(3) Introduction to safe working within the sectors 4 Points A*(3) The importance of health and well-being 4 Points A*(3) Introduction to how needs are assessed 4 Points A*(3) The importance of human growth and development 4 Points A*(3) Level 1 Principal Learning Award 32 Points A*(24)
A(2) A(2) A(2) A(2) A(2) A(2) A(2) A(2) A(16)
B(1) B(1) B(1) B(1) B(1) B(1) B(1) B(1) B(8)
Principles, values and personal development within10 thePoints sectors A* (8) A(6) B(4) C(2) The importance of communication and partnership 10 working Points A* (8) A(6) B(4) C(2) The importance of safeguarding and protecting individuals 10 Points within A* (8) the sectors A(6) B(4) C(2) How the growth, development and lifestyle of individuals 10 Points impact A* on (8) theA(6) sectors B(4) C(2) How individual needs are addressed by the sectors10 Points A* (8) A(6) B(4) C(2) The importance of the work of the Community Justice 5 Points sector A*(4) A(3) B(2) C(1) The importance of the work of the Children's and Young 5 Points People's A*(4)Workforce A(3) B(2) C(1) The importance of the work of the Health sector 5 Points A*(4) A(3) B(2) C(1) The social Model of Disability and its importance to the 5 Points work of A*(4) the Adult A(3) Social B(2) Care sector C(1) Level 2 Principal Learning Award 70 Points A*(56) A(42) B(28) C(14)
Society, Health and Development PL (1) SHD1U1 SHD1U2 SHD1U3 SHD1U4 SHD1U5 SHD1U6 SHD1U7 SHD1U8 Society, Health and Development PL (2) SHD2U1 SHD2U2 SHD2U3 SHD2U4 SHD2U5 SHD2U6 SHD2U7 SHD2U8 SHD2U9
C(72) C(48) C(72) C(48) C(120) C(240)
F(30) F(120)
G(20) G(80)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries Title Type Unit Award Name Max Society, Health and Development PL (3) SHD3U1 Sectors in context within Society, Health and Development 21 Points A* (18) A(15) B(12) C(9) D(6) E(3) SHD3U2 Principles and values in practice 21 Points A* (18) A(15) B(12) C(9) D(6) E(3) SHD3U3 Partnership working in practice 21 Points A* (18) A(15) B(12) C(9) D(6) E(3) SHD3U4 Why effective communication and information sharing 21 Points are vital A* (18) A(15) B(12) C(9) D(6) E(3) SHD3U5 Personal and professional development in practice21 Points A* (18) A(15) B(12) C(9) D(6) E(3) SHD3U6 How the sectors covered protect individuals and society 21 Points from A* risk(18) A(15) B(12) C(9) D(6) E(3) 7913 Level 3 Principal Learning Award 126 Points A*(108) A(90) B(72) C(54) D(36) E(18) Society, Health and Development (Wales) PL (1) SHD1W1 Introduction to the sectors (Wales) 4 Points A*(3) A(2) B(1) SHD1W2 Introduction to principles and values (Wales) 4 Points A*(3) A(2) B(1) SHD1W3 Introduction to partnership working (Wales) 4 Points A*(3) A(2) B(1) SHD1W4 Introduction to communication within the sectors (Wales) 4 Points A*(3) A(2) B(1) SHD1W5 Introduction to safe working within the sectors (Wales) 4 Points A*(3) A(2) B(1) SHD1W6 The importance of health and well-being (Wales) 4 Points A*(3) A(2) B(1) SHD1W7 Introduction to how needs are assessed (Wales) 4 Points A*(3) A(2) B(1) SHD1W8 The importance of human growth and development (Wales) 4 Points A*(3) A(2) B(1) 7916 Level 1 Principal Learning Award 32 Points A*(24) A(16) B(8) Society, Health and Development (Wales) PL (2) SHD2W1 Principles, values and personal development within10 thePoints sectors A* (Wales) (8) A(6) B(4) C(2) SHD2W2 The importance of communication and partnership 10 working Points(Wales) A* (8) A(6) B(4) C(2) SHD2W3 The importance of safeguarding and protecting individuals 10 Points within A* (8) the sectors A(6) (Wales) B(4) C(2) SHD2W4 How the growth, development and lifestyle of individuals 10 Points impact A* on (8) theA(6) sectors (Wales) B(4) C(2) SHD2W5 How individual needs are addressed by the sectors10 (Wales) Points A* (8) A(6) B(4) C(2) SHD2W6 The importance of the work of the Community Justice 5 Points sector (Wales) A*(4) A(3) B(2) C(1) SHD2W7 The importance of the work of the Children's and Young 5 Points People's A*(4)Workforce A(3) (Wales) B(2) C(1) SHD2W8 The importance of the work of the Health sector (Wales) 5 Points A*(4) A(3) B(2) C(1) SHD2W9 The social Model of Disability and its importance to the 5 Points work of A*(4) the Adult A(3) Social B(2) Care sector C(1)(Wales) 7917 Level 2 Principal Learning Award 70 Points A*(56) A(42) B(28) C(14) Society, Health and Development (Wales) PL (3) SHD3W1 Sectors in context within Society, Health and Development 21 Points (Wales) A* (18) A(15) B(12) C(9) D(6) E(3) The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Spanish B
Unit Award Name Max SHD3W2 Principles and values in practice (Wales) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) SHD3W3 Partnership working in practice (Wales) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) SHD3W4 Why effective communication and information sharing 21 Points are vital A*(Wales) (18) A(15) SHD3W5 Personal and professional development in practice 21 (Wales) Points A* (18) A(15) SHD3W6 How the sectors covered protect individuals and society 21 Points from A* risk(18) (Wales) A(15) 7918 Level 3 Principal Learning Award 126 Points A*(108) A(90) GCE SCLY1 Culture and Identity; Families and Households; Wealth, 80 UMS Poverty and Welfare A(64) SCLY2 Education with Research Methods; Health with Research 120 UMS Methods A(96) SCLY3 Beliefs in Society; Global Development; Mass Media;80Power UMS and Politics A(64) SCLY4 Crime; Stratification and Differentiation with Theory120 andUMS Methods A(96) 1191 AS Award 200 UMS A(160) 2191 Advanced Award 400 UMS A(320) GCSE 41901 Studying Society; Education; Families 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 41902 Crime and Deviance; Mass Media; Power; Social Inequality 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 4191 Short Course Award 100 UMS A*(90) A(80) 4192 Full Course Award 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) GCE SPAN1 AS Listening, Reading and Writing 140 UMS A(112) SPA2T Spanish: Speaking Test 60 UMS A(48) SPA2V Spanish: Speaking Test 60 UMS A(48) SPAN3 Advanced Listening, Reading and Writing 140 UMS A(112) SPA4T Spanish: Speaking Test 60 UMS A(48) SPA4V Spanish: Speaking Test 60 UMS A(48) 1696 AS Award 200 UMS A(160) 2696 Advanced Award 400 UMS A(320) GCSE 46951F Spanish: Listening Foundation 41 UMS 46951H Spanish: Listening Higher 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) 46952F Spanish: Reading Foundation 41 UMS 46952H Spanish: Reading Higher 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) 46953 Spanish: Speaking - recorded/unrecorded 90 UMS A*(81) A(72) 46954 Spanish: Writing 90 UMS A*(81) A(72) 4696 Short Course Award (Spoken) 150 UMS A*(135) A(120) 4697 Short Course Award (Written) 150 UMS A*(135) A(120) 4698 Full Course Award 300 UMS A*(270) A(240) GCSE 46901 Spanish B Unit 1 45 UMS A*(40) A(35) 46902F Spanish B Unit 2 Foundation 59 UMS 46902H Spanish B Unit 2 Higher 90 UMS A*(80) A(70) 46903 Spanish B Unit 3 45 UMS A*(40) A(35) 46904F Spanish B Unit 4 Foundation 119 UMS
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries B(12) B(12) B(12) B(12) B(12) B(72) B(56) B(84) B(56) B(84) B(140) B(280) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(140) B(98) B(42) B(42) B(98) B(42) B(42) B(140) B(280)
C(9) C(9) C(9) C(9) C(9) C(54) C(48) C(72) C(48) C(72) C(120) C(240) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(120) C(84) C(36) C(36) C(84) C(36) C(36) C(120) C(240) C(36) B(42) C(36) C(36) B(42) C(36) B(63) C(54) B(63) C(54) B(105) C(90) B(105) C(90) B(210) C(180) B(30) C(25) C(50) B(60) C(50) B(30) C(25) C(100)
D(6) D(6) D(6) D(6) D(6) D(36) D(40) D(60) D(40) D(60) D(100) D(200) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(100) D(70) D(30) D(30) D(70) D(30) D(30) D(100) D(200) D(30) D(30) D(30) D(30) D(45) D(45) D(75) D(75) D(150) D(20) D(40) D(40) D(20) D(80)
E(3) E(3) E(3) E(3) E(3) E(18) E(32) E(48) E(32) E(48) E(80) E(160) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(80) E(56) E(24) E(24) E(56) E(24) E(24) E(80) E(160) E(24) E(27) E(24) E(27) E(36) E(36) E(60) E(60) E(120) E(15) E(30) E(35) E(15) E(60)
F(30) F(30) F(30) F(60)
G(20) G(20) G(20) G(40)
F(27) F(27) F(45) F(45) F(90) F(10) F(20)
G(18) G(18) G(30) G(30) G(60) G(5) G(10)
F(10) F(40)
G(5) G(20)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Unit 46904H
Name Spanish B Unit 4 Higher Full Course Award
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries Max 180 UMS A*(160) A(140) B(120) C(100) D(80) E(70) 360 UMS A*(320) A(280) B(240) C(200) D(160) E(120) F(80)
The importance of an active and healthy lifestyle The importance of participation Introducing science in sport and exercise Introducing the sport and active leisure industry Working with customers Working with specific populations Level 1 Principal Learning Award
4 Points A*(3) 8 Points A*(6) 4 Points A*(3) 8 Points A*(6) 4 Points A*(3) 4 Points A*(3) 32 Points A*(24)
A(2) A(4) A(2) A(4) A(2) A(2) A(16)
B(1) B(2) B(1) B(2) B(1) B(1) B(8)
Active and healthy lifestyle choices Encouraging participation Science in sport and active leisure Working in your locality Businesses in the industry Media in sport and active leisure The customer experience Access for all Level 2 Principal Learning Award
5 Points A*(4) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 5 Points A*(4) 10 Points A* (8) 70 Points A*(56)
A(3) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(3) A(6) A(42)
B(2) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(2) B(4) B(28)
C(1) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(1) C(2) C(14)
The impact of an active and healthy lifestyle 14 Points A*(12) A(10) Effective management and leadership in sport and 14 leisure Points A*(12) A(10) Applying science to sport and active leisure 21 Points A* (18) A(15) Applying scientific principles to enhance performance 14 Points A*(12) A(10) The sport and active leisure workforce and the economy 7 Points A*(6) A(5) Globalisation and the sport and active leisure industry 14 Points A*(12) A(10) Politics and policies in sport and active leisure 14 Points A*(12) A(10) Promoting opportunities for all in the sport and active 14 leisure Points industry A*(12) A(10) Developing community cohesion through sport and14 active Points leisure A*(12) A(10) Level 3 Principal Learning Award 126 Points A*(108) A(90) Statistics 1A 100 UMS A(80) Statistics 1B 100 UMS A(80) Statistics 2 100 UMS A(80) Statistics 3 100 UMS A(80)
B(8) B(8) B(12) B(8) B(4) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(72) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70)
C(6) C(6) C(9) C(6) C(3) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(54) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60)
Sport and Active Leisure PL (1) SAL1U1 SAL1U2 SAL1U3 SAL1U4 SAL1U5 SAL1U6
Sport and Active Leisure PL (2) SAL2U1 SAL2U2 SAL2U3 SAL2U4 SAL2U5 SAL2U6 SAL2U7 SAL2U8
Sport and Active Leisure PL (3) SAL3U1 SAL3U2 SAL3U3 SAL3U4 SAL3U5 SAL3U6 SAL3U7 SAL3U8 SAL3U9 7943 Statistics
D(4) D(4) D(6) D(4) D(2) D(4) D(4) D(4) D(4) D(36) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50)
E(2) E(2) E(3) E(2) E(1) E(2) E(2) E(2) E(2) E(18) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Unit SS04 SS05 SS06
Travel and Tourism
Statistics 4 Statistics 5 Statistics 6 AS Award Advanced Award Statistics Written Foundation Statistics Written Higher Statistics in Practice Full Course Award
8651 8653 8656 8657 8659
Inside Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism - A People Industry Travel Destinations Working in Travel and Tourism Marketing in Travel and Tourism Tourism in the UK Overseas Destinations Study Travel and Tourism Project Travel and Tourism - People and Quality Current Issues in Travel and Tourism Impacts of Tourism Business Operations in Travel and Tourism Management in Travel and Tourism Special Interest/Activity Holidays AS Award AS Double Award Advanced Award Advanced and additional AS Award Advanced Double Award
100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 100 UMS A(80) B(70) C(60) D(50) E(40) 300 UMS A(240 B(210) C(180) D(150) E(120) 600 UMS AA(480) AB(450) BB(420) BC(390) CC(360) CD(330) DD(300) DE(270) EE(240) 600 UMS A(480) B(420) C(360) D(300) E(240) 900 UMS AA(720) AB(675) BB(630) BC(585) CC(540) CD(495) DD(450) DE(405) EE(360) 1200 UMS AA(960) AB(900) BB(840) BC(780) CC(720) CD(660) DD(600) DE(540) EE(480)
Travel and Tourism
Introduction to planning journeys Introduction to destinations and attractions Looking after customers Working together Working in the sector Level 1 Principal Learning Award
4 Points A*(3) 8 Points A*(6) 8 Points A*(6) 8 Points A*(6) 4 Points A*(3) 32 Points A*(24)
A(2) A(4) A(4) A(4) A(2) A(16)
B(1) B(2) B(2) B(2) B(1) B(8)
Travel and Tourism
10 Points A* (8)
GCSE 43101F 43101H 43102
TT01 TT02 TT03 TT04 TT05 TT06 TT07 TT08 TT09 TT10 TT11 TT12 TT13 TT14
PL (2) TAT2U1
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Max 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 100 UMS A(80) 300 UMS A(240 600 UMS A(480) 125 UMS 180 UMS A*(162) A(144) 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) 240 UMS A*(216) A(192)
5381 6381
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(210) B(420)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(180) C(360) C(108) B(126) C(108) B(42) C(36) B(168) C(144)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(150) D(300) D(90) D(90) D(30) D(120)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(120) E(240) E(72) F(54) E(81) E(24) F(18) E(96) F(72)
G(36) G(12) G(48)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Travel and Tourism
Unit Award Name TAT2U2 The UK sector TAT2U3 The business environment TAT2U4 Projects TAT2U5 Improving customer service TAT2U6 Promoting techniques TAT2U7 Working in travel and tourism 7952 Level 2 Principal Learning Award
Use of Mathematics (Pilot)
B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(4) B(28)
14 Points A*(12) A(10) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 21 Points A* (18) A(15) 14 Points A*(12) A(10) 126 Points A*(108) A(90) 41 UMS 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) 41 UMS 60 UMS A*(54) A(48) 90 UMS A*(81) A(72) 90 UMS A*(81) A(72) 150 UMS A*(135) A(120) 150 UMS A*(135) A(120) 300 UMS A*(270) A(240)
B(8) B(8) B(8) B(8) B(12) B(8) B(12) B(8) B(72)
C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(2) C(14)
Using and Applying Statistics 100 UMS Working with Algebraic and Graphical Techniques 100 UMS Modelling with Calculus 100 UMS Using and Applying Decision Mathematics 100 UMS Applying Mathematics 100 UMS AS Award 300 UMS
A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(240)
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(210)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(180)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(150)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(120)
Data Analysis Hypothesis Testing Dynamics
A(80) A(80) A(80)
B(70) B(70) B(70)
C(60) C(60) C(60)
D(50) D(50) D(50)
E(40) E(40) E(40)
6990 6991 6992 6994 UOM4
9993 9994 9995
A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(6) A(42)
4646 4647 4648
GCSE 46451F 46451H 46452F 46452H 46453 46454
Use of Mathematics
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Destinations and cultures Environmental influences of the sector Political and economic influences in the sector Technology in travel and tourism Project management in travel and tourism Image and perception The people sector Changes and trends Level 3 Principal Learning Award Urdu: Listening Foundation Urdu: Listening Higher Urdu: Reading Foundation Urdu: Reading Higher Urdu: Speaking - recorded/unrecorded Urdu: Writing Short Course Award (Spoken) Short Course Award (Written) Full Course Award
7953 Urdu
Max 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 10 Points A* (8) 70 Points A*(56)
100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS
C(6) C(6) C(6) C(6) C(9) C(6) C(9) C(6) C(54) C(36) B(42) C(36) C(36) B(42) C(36) B(63) C(54) B(63) C(54) B(105) C(90) B(105) C(90) B(210) C(180)
D(4) D(4) D(4) D(4) D(6) D(4) D(6) D(4) D(36) D(30) D(30) D(30) D(30) D(45) D(45) D(75) D(75) D(150)
E(2) E(2) E(2) E(2) E(3) E(2) E(3) E(2) E(18) E(24) E(27) E(24) E(27) E(36) E(36) E(60) E(60) E(120)
F(27) F(27) F(45) F(45) F(90)
G(18) G(18) G(30) G(30) G(60)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX
UMS / Points grade boundaries
qualifications available from Summer 2010 listed in alphabetic Title order (version 1.0 - 08/2010)
Use of Mathematics (Pilot)
Unit 9996 9997 9998 USE1 USE2 USE3
9361 9362
Functional Maths Competency Level 2 (paper) 200 UMS A*(180) A(160) B(140) C(120) D(100) E(80) F(60) Functional Maths Competency Level 2 (on-screen)200 UMS A*(180) A(160) B(140) C(120) D(100) E(80) F(60) Full Course Award 400 UMS A*(360) A(320) B(280) C(240) D(200) E(160) F(120)
GCSE 93001P 93001S
Max 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 100 UMS 300 UMS 600 UMS
Grade (UMS/Points) Boundaries
Name Mathematical Principles for Personal Finance Decision Mathematics Calculus Algebra Mathematical Applications Mathematical Comprehension AS Award Advanced Award
A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(80) A(240 A(480)
B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) B(210) B(420)
C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(60) C(180) C(360)
D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(50) D(150) D(300)
E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(40) E(120) E(240)
G(40) G(40) G(80)
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 3644723 and a registered charity number 1073334. Registered address AQA, Devas St., Manchester M15 6EX