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OCR AS Media Studies Unit G322: Audiences and Institutions

Introduction to Intermedial Media Texts

Dr Who is a good example of an intermedial text Intermedial describes a media text which relies on an understanding and experience of other media to make meaning; intermedial texts are supported by associated media products which increase audience enjoyment and interaction with the text. Being a fan of Dr Who is an intermedial experience. You can watch the TV show either scheduled, on-demand or on DVD; BBC7 also broadcast Dr Who as a radio drama; the Dr Who website offers a range of online pleasures related to the show and there is a popular magazine Dr Who Adventures that accompanies the programme; there are Dr Who video games for every platform as well as You Tube clips from the series as well as user-generated content.

Short Research Activity:

Think of an intermedial media product from either the TV, film, gaming or music industry. Dubplate drama X-Factor Britain's Got Talent Glee Guitar Hero GTA Launch of Robbie Williams album

Where can you access your media product? How and where can you consume your media product? In what ways is your chosen media product an example of technological convergence? How does the intermedial nature of your media product increase audience pleasure? How does the intermedial nature of your media product benefit the industry?

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