The Creative Project is part of FM1. The FM1 unit is worth 40% of your total AS Film Studies grade. For FM1 you submit a portfolio of work. Your portfolio contains the following: 1. Your MICRO film essay – an analysis of a film extract – 1500 words (30 marks) 2. Your Creative Project – a film sequence of approximately 2 minutes and containing between 10 and 25 different shots (some of which may be repeated). If working in groups each candidate must identify their role in the group and which MICRO element each group member is responsible for (such as camerawork, sound, editing, performance etc.). The film extract is worth 50 marks. 3. Creative Project – Reflective Analysis – 750 words. Worth 10 marks. The reflective analysis should select key micro features of the sequence and explain how the micro features communicate meaning and provoke responses in audiences. Candidates working in groups should focus on the construction and impact of their chosen MICRO aspect. This analysis can be presented: • As a continuous piece of writing (750 words); • On an online blog or web site; • As a focused DVD commentary; If you want to give a recorded commentary, please see Guy and borrow an MP3 recorder if needed. FM1 element MICRO film essay (1500 words) Creative Project (approx. 2 minute film) Reflective Analysis
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Worth 30 marks 50 marks 10 marks