Sofia city november 2017

Page 1

E X H I B I T I O N S / Изложен ия September - December 2017 HUNTING, FIS HING, SPORT

Hunting and Sport Weapons, Fishing Accessories, Sport Ловни и спортни оръжия, риболовни принадлежности, спорт


Aesthetics, Cosmetics, SPA, Health, Hair, Nail, Mackeup Форум за здраве, красота и естетика

29.09 - 01.10.


Communication Art, Print, Image, Sign Рекламни и печатни комуникации

02 - 04.10.


Автомобилен салон София

14 - 17.09.

13 - 22.10.


Hotel and Restaurant Equipment Хотелско и ресторантско оборудване

08 - 11.11.


Meat Industry Месна промишленост

08 - 11.11.


Dairy Industry Млекопреработвателна промишленост

08 - 11.11.


Bakery and Confectionery Хлебопроизводство и сладкарство

08 - 11.11.


Wines and Spirits Вина и спиртни напитки

08 - 11.11.


Food Industry Хранително-вкусова промишленост

08 - 11.11.


Balkan Entertainment and Gaming Expo Игрална и развлекателна индустрия

22 - 23.11.


Baby and Kids Products Всичко за бъдещите и настоящи родители

24 - 26.11.


23 Christmas Charity Bazaar 23-и Коледен благотворителен базар rd

January - June 2018 HELLO WINTER STORY Health and Sport Здраве и спорт FESTI VA L


20 - 21.01.


International Tourist Fair Международна туристическа борса


Wedding andEvents Industry Сватбена и събитийна индустрия

23 - 25.02.

Building Materials and Machines Строителни материали и машини

07 - 10.03.


Safety&Security Цялостни решения за сигурност и безопасност

07 - 10.03.


Chocolate and Chocolate Products Шоколад и шоколадови продукти


Baby and Kids Products Всичко за бъдещите и настоящи родители

16 - 18.03.


Event for the Fans of the Brand Събитие за феновете на марката

17 - 18.03.


Water and Water Management Води и воден мениджмънт

27 - 29.03.


Machinery, Industrial Equipment and Innovative Technologies Индустриални машини, оборудване и иновационни технологии

27- 30.03.


Woodworking and Furniture Industry Дървообработваща и мебелна промишленост

24 - 28.04.


Furniture, Interior textile and home accessories Обзавеждане, интериорен текстил и аксесоари за дома

24 - 28.04.


Medical and Dental Industry Медицина

14 - 16.02.

10 - 11.03.

16 - 18.05.

Sofia City ® Info Guide



Publisher: Design:

10 Accommodation

On the Cover:

AMATI BULGARIA Ltd. AMATI BULGARIA Ltd. ПхотPhoto by Assen Velikov Janet 45 Ltd.


16 Restaurants

24 Culture

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28 Useful Numbers

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission. Monthly circulation: 20 000


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Bulgaria in Brief 3



TOURIST ATTRACTION The Western Gate of Serdica Archaeological Park

The Western Gate of Serdica Archaeological Park is located between George Washington Street, Todor Alexandrov Blvd., Pirotska Street and the Catholic Cathedral of St. Joseph. One of the newest tourist attractions in Sofia is opened for visitors every day (9:00-17:00), free of charge. This became possible after the realization of a large-scale project regarding the conservation, restoration, exposure and development of the site. The site is an affiliate of Sofia History Museum. The Western Gate of Serdica is part of the historical and archaeological reserve Ancient Serdica - Medieval Sredets. It is an immovable cultural heritage of national significance. A team from Sofia History Museum led by Magdalena Stancheva started to research the site in 1974.

At this stage, part of the western fortress wall, the north tower of the gate, parts of the main ancient street (decumanus), the northwest angular triangular tower; an antique canal; buildings inside the fortified city; fragments of a mosaic of an impressive building in the northeastern part, etc. have been discovered, studied and exposed. The artifacts that were discovered during the archaeological excavations include: bronze and silver coins, ceramics of various shapes and sizes and with varied decorations, clay lamps, weights for looms, fragments of glassware, rings, fibulae and other parts of garments made of various metals and alloys, hair pins, bone combs, dice, sewing needles, etc. Today the artifacts are not exposed due to ongoing exploration.

overview 5

Археологически парк “Западна порта на Сердика” Археологическият парк “Западна порта на Сердика” се намира между ул. “Георг Вашингтон”, ул. “Княз Борис I”, ул. “Пиротска” и бул. “Тодор Александров”. Една от новите атракции на София може да бъде посетена безплатно всеки ден от 9:00 до 17:00 ч. Това стана възможно след реализацията на мащабен проект за консервация, реставрация, експониранe и благоустрояване. Обектът е филиал на Регионален исторически музей – София. Западната порта на Сердика спада към историко-археологическия резерват “Антична Сердика – Средновековен Средец”. Тя е недвижима културна ценност от национално значение. Проучването й започва през 1974 г. от екип на Музея за история на София с ръководител Магдалина Станчева. На този етап са разкрити, проучени

и експонирани: част от западната крепостна стена; северната кула от портата; части от главна антична улица (декуманус); северозападна ъглова триъгълна кула; античен канал; постройки във вътрешността на укрепения град; фрагменти от мозайка на внушителна по размери сграда в североизточната част. Артефактите, откривани по време на археологическите проучвания, са: бронзови и сребърни монети, керамични съдове с различна форма, украса и големина, глинени лампи, тежести за станове, фрагменти от стъклени съдове, пръстени, фибули и други елементи на костюма от различни метали и сплави, игли за коса, костени гребени, зарчета, игли за шиене и други. Намерените артефакти все още не са изложени публично, тъй като се проучват допълнително.

6 overview SOFIA CITY REGION The capital city of Bulgaria is situated in the geographic center of Southeastern Europe thus serving as a natural bridge to the Middle East.


Sofia Municipality 33, Moskovska Str. (map E3) & 02 937 73 03 Population: 1 291 591 Area: 1 310, 8 sq. km The city motto: “Growing without aging” GDP: around 29% of the national GDP Sofia is the biggest and the most dynamic center of the economic life in Bulgaria. Half of the foreign direct investments in Bulgaria are concentrated in the capital. One third of the annual tax revenues in the national budget come from Sofia. The region occupies the central part of the Sofia Plain (with average altitude of 550 m) and it is encircled by the Balkan Mountains (in the north) and the Vitosha Mountain and the Lyulin Mountain (in the south). The area has an abundance of curative mineral springs (Gorna Banya, Ovcha Kupel, Bankya). The Vitosha Mountain is an international winter sports destination. From ancient times, Sofia was wellknown as a spa centre, thanks to its 18 healing mineral and thermal springs. Those springs are depicted on its cote-of-arms and have been drawing settlers and conquerors from ancient times to these days.

THROUGH THE CENTURIES Founded seven thousand years ago, Sofia is the second oldest European city. The city situated in the center of Moesia, Thrace and Macedonia has been the official center of the Bulgarian nation for 127 years, since shortly after the liberation of the country it was declared the capital of Bulgaria. Sofia has been the capital of Bulgaria since April 3, 1879. It is the permanent seat of the National Assembly (the Parliament), the President, the Council of Ministers, the central governing

bodies of various agencies, political parties and public organizations. Sofia accommodates also the cultural institutions in Bulgaria. It has been given several names in the course of history. • Serdika was the name of the central dwelling of the ancient Thracian tribe known as “Serdi”. • The toponym Sredets was indicative of its central location on the Balkan Peninsula. When the city became part of the Bulgarian state at the beginning of the ninth century it acquired this Slavic name and it was soon recognized as one of the most important feudal towns. • Sofia – In nowadays the Bulgarian capital carries the name of St. Sofia (the holy Lady of wisdom), inspired by the name of the church St. Sofia.

St. Sofia Church

CULTURAL HERITAGE The cultural heritage of Sofia combines traces from the civilizations of the Neolith and the Thracians, of the ancient Greeks and Romans, of the Slavs and the proto-Bulgarians and the Ottomans, These tribes and ethnic groups molded the face of the city through victories and defeats and through consequent cultural influence. The socialist realism and the dynamic changes of modernity are still defining the development of Sofia and are also part of its inextinguishable charm. While walking on the streets of Sofia today, people can still see the remnants from older civilizations can still be seen. As early as the Neolithic age the territory of the present-day million city was inhabited by primitive societies. Archaeologists continue to discover implements and tools from the Stone, Copper and Bronze ages in the city and in its vicinity. There are more than 70 Eastern Orthodox churches and monasteries, many of which have become emblematic for the Bulgarian capital. The city center is an eclectic mix of communist era neoclassical and West European architecture, which enchants with its aristocratic atmosphere the Eastern charm.

overview 7

8 overview София област

полуостров. Градът става част от Българската държава в началото на Столицата на България е разположена в девети век, той получава славянско име Югоизточна Европа и поради тази причина и скоро бива признат за един от найслужи за естествен мост между Европа и важните феодални градове. Близкия Изток. • София – В днешно време българската столица носи името на Света София (мъдрост), вдъхновено още и от името на Население: 1 291 591 църквата Света София. Площ: 1 310, 8 кв. км Девиз: „Расте, но не старее“ БВП: около 29% от нациналния БВП Културното наследство на София София е най-големият и най-бързо съчетава останките и следите на развиващия се център в икономическия цивилизации от неолита и траките, на живот на България. Половината от древните гърци и римляни, на славяните директните чуждестранни инвестиции в и прабългарите, на османците – тези България са концетрирани в столицата. племена и етнически групи са оформили Една трета от годишните данъчни лицето на градът пред победи и загуби приходи в националния бюджет идват от и са й дали значително културно София. Регионът заема централната част повлияване. Социалистическият реализъм от Софийско поле (със средна височина и динамичните промени през модерните от 550м), което е заобиколено от Стара времена все още определят развитието на планина (на север) и Люлин планина (на юг). София и са също част от нейния неописуем Районът се радва на изобилие от лечебни чар. Докато се разхождате по улиците на минерални извори (например Горна Баня, града днес, можете да видите исторически Овча Купел, Банкя). Витоша планина е спомени от по-стари цивилизации. дестинация за зимен спорт. От древни Още от ранен неолит територията на времена София е добре известна като днешния милионен град е била обитавана спа център, благодарение на лечебните от примитивни общества. Археолозите свойства на 18-те минерални и термални продължават да откриват инструменти извори. Тези извори са изобразени на герба от Каменната, Медната и Бронзовата на града. епоха в града и в околностите му. Тук има повече от 70 източноправославни църкви и манастири. Много от тях са емблематични за българската столица. Основана преди 7 000 години, София е Центърът на града е еклектичен микс вторият най-стар европейски град. от комунистическата епоха, примесен Градът, който се намира в центъра на с неокласическа и западноевропейска Мизия, Тракия и Македония, е официален архитектура, който очарова със своята център на българите повече от 127 аристократична атмосфера и източния години. Малко след Освобождението на си чар. страната, той е обявен за столица. Официалната дата е 3-ти април 1879. Градът е постоянното седалище на Народното събрание (парламента), Президентството, Министерски съвет, централи на важни държавни агенции, политически партии и обществени организации. В София се намират много културните институции. Градът е бил известен под различни имена през историята. • Сердика е името, дадено му, от тракийското племе “серди”. • Средец е следващото име на града, което показва неговото централно местоположение на Балканския


Културно наследство

През вековете

overview 9

& Garden

10 Accommodation Room Service TV in All Rooms Minibar in All Rooms Airconditioned Rooms Restaurant Bar Business Facilities Swimming Pool Fitness Facilities Casino Hotel Parking Credit Cards WiFi Handicape Room with good view Please note: Number of stars according to the Bulgarian classification


2-4, Budapeshta Str. h 2 map D3 & + 359 2 8 107 777 Public transport: cell: 0886 10 77 77 Tm -20, 22; Metro fax: +359 2 8 107 770 e-mail: Double rooms - 40, Suites - 23 Room rates: EURO 120 - 280 Strategically located in the heart of the city, right next to the major government institutions, business centers and banks, as well as some cultural and historical places, the luxurious Arena di Serdica Residence Hotel is an excellent choice for business and cultural trips.

Grand Hotel Sofia 1, Gen. Yosif V. Gurko Str. h 3 map D3 fax: +359 2 811 0801 Public transport: Reservations: Tb-9; Tm-12,17 & +359 2 811 0800 e-mail: Room rates: EURO 100-510 Located in the very city center, overlooking the City garden on the doorstep of the National Theatre and the City Art Gallery. The hotel features 105 unique spacious rooms of over 50 sq.m. At guest’s disposal are also 17 comfortable oversized suites including 2 Grand suites and 3 Panorama suites with balcony, providing the finest lodging in Sofia. All rooms have air condition with individually controlled temperature, satellite and pay TV, inroom safe and electronic lock system, separate bathtub and shower cabin, bathroom telephone. Direct international dial telephones, voicemail messaging and high speed Internet access. Conference facilities seating from 10 to 150, gourmet restaurant, café, lobby bar, Private Lounge, Sofia club, health centre, indoor parking.

111, Alexandar Malinov Blvd. h 5 map back & 02 807 07 07 Public transport: fax: 02 807 07 08 B-413,113,213 Room rates: from EURO 70.00 The hotel offers 130 luxurious en-suite bedrooms with separate bath and shower, flat screen TV and free high speed internet. The international Executive Chef provides a variety of dining experiences ranging from an informal meal to a gourmet dinner at the Brasserie Restaurant & Terrace. 11 state-of-the-art conference suites for up to 300 delegates at highly competitive rates. The unique ESPRIT Fitness & Spa club facilities include a 19m indoor swimming pool, indoor and outdoor Jacuzzis & gym with the latest Technogym equipment. In close proximity to Sofia Airport and the city centre. 100 free secure parking spaces available to hotel guests and event delegates.

Sofia Hotel Balkan 5, Sveta Nedelya Sq. h 9 map C3 & 02 981 65 41 Public transport: fax: 02 980 64 64 Metro; Tm-9,10, 12, 18 Room rates: EURO 135 - 225 Located in the heart of Sofia, it is ideally situated just a stroll from the business and commercial district. Recognized as one of the city’s grandest hotels and architectural landmarks, the Sheraton Sofia offers guests an exceptional experience of Bulgaria’s finest culture and service. Archways of ceiling-high columns, distinctly constructed doors and moldings, and imported Italian marble floors outline the lobby of the hotel. Offers 184 splendid, soundproof rooms and suites, including one Presidential Suite, 17 spacious suites, 17 smart rooms and 71 non-smoking rooms.


Accommodation 11

Expo Hotel 6, Stara Planina Str.

phoneStr. +359 2 915 15 00 h 11 map E2 6, Stara Planina & 02 915cell 15+359 00 885 650 665 Public transport: fax: 02 20 00 Tm-20,22, Metro Enjoy your stay! Room rates: EURO 69-169 First-class hotel right in the city centre, close to the Sofia Opera House. 61 air-conditioned rooms and suites, Internet access, lobby bar, restaurant, 2 conference rooms, currency exchange office, sauna, massage center, hair-dresser, laundry, dry-cleaning and summer garden.

Crystal Palace Hotel 14, Shipka Str. h 12 map F3 & + 359 2 9489 489 Public transport: Fax: + 359 2 9489490 Metro, B - 306, 280 cell: +359 886 399 504 Tb - 2, 5 e-mail: Single Rooms - 53, Junior Suites - 3, Suites - 10 Room rates: EURO 110 - 250 Crystal Palace is one of the best 4-star hotels in Sofia because of its great architecture and city center location. In close proximity to all important venues in Sofia, the Crystal Palace Boutique Hotel.

149, Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd. h 10 map back & 02 817 81 00 Public transport: fax: 02 974 30 90 Bus 114, 1, 6, Metro Station e-mail: Room Rates: EUR 69 – 109 Take advantage and enjoy the central location of the Best Western Hotel Expo in the heart of the business area of the Bulgarian capital and just within 7 minute drive from Airport Sofia. A step away from Sofia’s premier International Exhibition and Congress center, the 4 star Best Western Hotel Expo features 99 rooms, flexible meeting rooms, a state-of-art Business Lounge and elegant bar and dining options as well as lush open-air summer garden. Complimentary shuttle service to and from Sofia International Airport, just within 7 minute drive. Enjoy the central city landmarks by taking the Metro which is situated just front of the hotel. Within 2 minute car ride can easily reach the city concert & sport venue Arena Armeec Hall, several shopping malls and main countryside highways.

Best Western Premier Sofia Airport 27, Vasil Levski Blvd. h 17 map C5 & 02 930 52 00 Public transport: fax: 02 930 53 00 B-94, Tb-9,1, 2, 5, 8 GPS: N 42.696895, E 23.319111 Offers a perfect setting for business and leisure. 59 air-conditioned, non-smoking guest rooms, including 12 suites, all being a harmonious blend of the cozy comfort of a home and luxurious amenities of a hotel. Free Internet; Meeting facilities up to 60 persons; Restaurant and lobby bar; Fitness, sauna, solarium and massage for maximum guest comfort.

11, Bryuksel Blvd. +359/ 2 905 13 13

h 13 (map back) Public Transport: B-84, Metro

Part of the largest hotel chain in the world - Best Western - with more than 4000 hotels worldwide. Boasting a convenient location at the new business district of Sofia, just 0,5 km from Sofia International Airport, the impressive brand new 4-star BEST WESTERN PREMIER Sofia Airport hotel offers convenient access from two main highways and several dynamic Business centers, including Sofia Airport Center and European Trade Center Europe.

12 Accommodation The modern BEST WESTERN PREMIER hotel provides 155 spacious Premier King & Twin, Deluxe Queen and Business Suite rooms. The hotel offers easy access of shopping areas, dining and leisure options via Metro, public transport or taxi. Organize an event for up to 400 people at BEST WESTERN PREMIER hotel with the latest A/V technology and a 450 sq. meter flexible function space, including Heathrow grand ballroom. Whether it’s for a meeting, training seminar or wedding, our dedicated team will ensure your event is a success.

HILL HOTEL 76B, James Bouchier Bvld. h 17 map D3 & +359 2 806 55 55 Public transport: cell: 0878 44 11 84 Metro fax: +359 2 806 55 00 e-mail: Single rooms - 14, Double rooms - 34 Room rates: EURO 100 -120 BB Hill Hotel is a modern 4-star business hotel located near the city center and just 100 meters away from the closest subway station. It is close to the city’s commercial and financial areas and has easy access to the airport and Central Railway station. Hill Hotels offers its guests a business center, large conference hall as well as fitness and SPA center.

29, Knyaginya Maria Luiza Blvd. h 18 map C2 & 02 980 55 77 Public transport: fax: 02 980 33 55 Metro; Tm-20,22 e-mail: Room rates: EURO 75-135

The Maria Luisa hotel occupies an exquisite building dating back to the turn of the last century and considered one of the national cultural monuments. It is situated in the very heart of Sofia in close proximity to significant business and administrative centers, Ministries and Central shop markets. 15 rooms, 5 suites, restaurant, lobby bar, business centre, parking. All rooms are beautifully appointed, with luxury in-suite bathrooms, cable TV, audio equipment, direct telephone connection, internet access.

64, Tsarigradsko shose Blvd. h 19 map back & +359 2 42 47 900 Public transport: fax: +359 2 875 70 00 Metro, B76, 84, 213 E: Room rates: EURO 108-176 Rooms: Single - 31, Double - 141, Suites - 11, Corner Studios - 16, Panorama apartments - 2 Stylish urban hotel with unconventional design welcomes you at the eastern gate of the capital city – 3 km away from Sofia Airport, 4 km from Business Park Sofia and within a walking distance from the International Expo Centre (IEC) and The Mall shopping centre. Discreet and thoughtful service, feel-at-home sensation and varied entertainment make your stay a memorable experience.

115N Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd. h 20 map back & /Fax +359 290 43 000 Public transport: Metro; B-84, 204, 604 e-mail: Novotel Sofia is ideally located in one of the most important business districts of Sofia and is only 10 min from the historical city center and the airport. This new 4-star hotel is adjacent to The Mall, one of Sofia’s biggest shopping and entertainment centers. Either you come for business, for a meeting or with your family, you will be fascinated by the modern atmosphere and functionality of its design. WIFI is free of charge in all hotel spaces. Take advantage of the NOVO 2 Lounge Bar & Restaurant or relax in Balance fitness where massages are also available. Parking is free for all hotel guests.

Accommodation 13

409, Tsar Boris III Blvd. h 26 map back Knyazhevo District Public transport: & +3592 957 15 09 B-58, 59 cell: +359888 81 89 38 Tm: 5 Room rates: EURO 15 (Suites: EURO 45) 14 rooms and 3 suites. The Amphora family hotel offers you the opportunity to combine your business engagements in the Bulgarian capital with a nice rest on the slopes of the Vitosha mountain. The hotel is situated on the main road from Sofia to the towns of Knyazhevo and Vladaya and is only 5 min. on foot from the public transportation. At the hotel a guarded parking lot is also available.

Ibis Sofia Airport Hotel

132, Mimi Balkanska Str. h 46 map back & +35929444488 Public Transport: fax:+35929444488 Bus 84 e-mail: Room rates: EURO 55-65 The brand new Ibis Hotel is ideally located just 500 m from Sofia Airport Center and 2 to 5 minutes driving to Megapark, European Trade Center, Interexpo Center and Arena Armeets hall. It is easily accessible by public transport - 1 minute walking distance to a bus and 1,6 km to metro ARTE HOTEL station. With 84 standard Ibis rooms, a summer garden restaurant and 4 meeting rooms, free WiFi, business corner and office by day services, Ibis 5 Dondukov blvd. Hotel is perfect for business trips and a smart Tel. +359 2 402 7100 choice for weekend breaks. Public transport: Metro; Tram - 20, 22, 23 Map D3 Located in the most attractive part of the city centre, the hotel is next to major government institutions, cultural sites and tourist venues. Alexander Nevski Cathedral, National Archaeological Museum, Sofia Opera and Serdika tube station are a stone’s throw Meg-Lozenetz away. With its 25 elegantly appointed units offering a comprehensive range of in-room facilities and free WiFi, Arte hotel is the perfect choice for both business and leisure trips. 84, Krum Popov Str. h 29 map C7 & 02 965 19 70 Public transport: & 02 963 35 23 Tm-6,9; B-94 Cell: 0889 464 300 Metro /Europian Union/ Restaurant Azaar Spanish Cuisine - 0888 020 020 e-mail: Room rates: EURO 75-150 Boyana District, 5, Sborishte Square &/fax: 02 959 05 29 h 35 map back It is in the close proximity to the National Palace of Public transport: Culture and to the shopping area of the “Vitosha” e-mail: B-107, 64 boulevard, just 15 minutes by car from Sofia Airport. The hotel is near Metro Station “Europian Room rates: EURO 40-50 Located in the middle of Boyana village, a few Union”. The hotel has 17 luxury furnished double minutes from “National History Museum”, a few and triple rooms. Rooms offer internet connection, AC, mini bar, IDD phone, TV, own heating, meters away from the world famous “Boyana room service. Restaurant, spanish cuisine with Church” and only ten minutes by car from the cosy garden, newly opened lobby bar with special downtown of Sofia. Comfortable well-appointed menu, parking. bedrooms. Special welcomes by request.

14 Accommodation

Hotel Restaurant Montecito h 32 map back Phone: +359 2 973 6246 Public Transport: Cell: +359 88 800 4820 B 5, 6, 7 Hotel Montecito is situated on the main boulevard, leading to the city center, close to Sofia Airport, Sofia Business Center and International Expo Center. The hotel features 101 well-appointed guestrooms, main restaurant, resembling a small palace, cozy summer garden, outdoor swimming pool and large parking. Montecito Hall is the newest value in Sofia, luxury designed in style of The Palace of Versailles, perfect for special events. Montecito kids is huge and attractive party center, offers professional animation and services.

NIKY HOTEL 16, Neofit Rilski Str. h 30 map B4 & 02 952 30 58, 02 953 01 10 Public transport: fax: 02 951 60 91 Tb-1, 2, 5, 8 & 02 851 19 15 – restaurant e-mail: Room rates: EURO 35-105 16 Suites, 3 Single and 4 Double rooms. All rooms offer free of charge Internet accesses, cable T.V., direct telephone line, kitchenette (coffee, tea making facilities), room service, air-conditioning, own heating. BBQ restaurant-garden with authentic bulgarian cuisine.

Park Hotel Moskva 25, Nezabravka Str. h 46 map H8 & +3592 971 10 24 Public transport: e-mail: Metro Room rates: EURO 24 - 61 Park hotel Moskva is situated in the most beautiful and green part of Sofia - the Borisova garden. An ideal location and easy access to all modes of transport. The hotel offers 120 rooms and 40 new suites with panoramic views, 2 restaurants, a summer and a winter garden, 7 conference halls up to 600 seats, parking and alot more.

4, Verila Str. h 37 map B5 & 02 952 08 30 Public transport: &/fax: 02 951 57 60 Tm-6; Tb-1, 2, 5, 8, 9 cell: 0886 51 35 82 e-mail: Rooms rates: EURO 31-43 Located in the very heart of Sofia next to the National Palace of Culture. All rooms are designed according to European standards - air-conditioning, separate bath-room, cable TV, Wi-Fi, refrigerator. Equipped with telephone, air-conditioning, cable TV, central heating, free internet access. rooms, wireless internet, cable TV, air-conditioning.

easyHotel Sofia - LOW COST 29, Hristo Belchev Str. h 34 map C4 & + 359 2 4811400 Public transport: fax: + 359 2 4811401 Tb-1, 2, 5, 8, 9 Room rates: EURO 50 – 90 Located in the heart of the city, near the major business and shopping centres as well as cultural monuments Sofia Place Hotel offers 20 modern designed rooms equipped with telephone, mini bar, air-condition, Wi Fi, cable TV and central heating. But our best quality is the staff! Personal attention to every guest is our “speciality”!

108, Aldomirovska Str. h 38 map back /Todor Alexandrov Blvd./ Public transport: & 02 920 16 54 Metro, Tm 3, 8,10 fax: 02 822 82 15 e-mail: Room rates: EURO 19 - 34 EUR easyHotel Sofia is part of the British hotel chain, which is unique for offering modern facilities and impeccable service at unusually low rates. Situated on the corner of Aldomirovska Street and the main Todor Alexandrov Boulevard, the brand new hotel is on just

Accommodation 15 5 minutes walk from the beating heart of central Sofia. All the 57 rooms are minimized in size however each is equipped with private bathroom, double bed, TV and Wi-Fi access, air-conditioning. The earlier you book, the less you pay. Check in – 2 pm; Check out – 11 am. Check best rates and book at

coziness at a reasonable price. We offer fully furnished and equipped apartments and studios for short and longer term stay. The apartments are located in the center of Sofia. We offer studios, onebedroom and two bedroom apartments . In some of the flats there are spa bathroom.

Vitosha Apartments - self-catering serviced apartments on and nearby Vitosha Blvd.

12, Dragovitsa Str. h 39 map back & 02 944 89 52 Public transport: fax: 02 943 34 71 B-11,305,413,72 e-mail: B- 404;Tm-20,22 Cosy and quiet family hotel, situated close to the city center and Poduyane railway station. 14 rooms (2 single, 10 double, 2 double deluxe) and a suite. Equipped with telephone, air-conditioning, cable TV, central heating, free internet access.

Apartment Rentals

bl. 531, Anna Ahmatova Str., h 41 map back Mladost 1A Distr. Public transport: Metro fax /& +359 2 974 41 60 cell: +359 2 887 70 55 30 B-213,88,76, 305 e-mail: Are you looking for a good accommodation during your stay in Sofia? The information for our lodging conditions shall be useful for you: double rooms and apartments in a new building, with guaranteed comfort and coziness – situated in the south-east part of Sofia, Mladost 1A, 5,5 km. from the Sofia airport.

h42, C4 35, Tsar Asen Str. (entrance from Uzundzovska Str.) оffice: +359 2 987 03 88 Public transport: mobile: +359 897 845 055 metro, Tb 1,2,5,8,9 e-mail: Airport Pick up service Room rates: EURO 45 - 90 per night Hello dear guests and friends of Vitosha Apartments. We are glad to announce you that we’ve moved to another central location. We are now at 9, Bistritsa Street, off Hristo Botev Boulevard within a 5 minutes walking away from our old Office. Our new place is called MEETING POINT and you can contact there with us only with appointment on the given mobile phone and e-mail for reservations. Check-in will be done at the address which will be given in advance. Thank you so much for beeing faithful guests, partners and friends! The team of Vitosha Apartments.

Anyone can do it! Every Saturday, at top places, in top cities: Free, organized running for everyone! The pleasure - to run for pleasure!

Marrinella apartments

53, Patriarh Evtimii Blvd h43, Map B5 Cell: 00359898367112, & 00359 2 9516 555 min 36 euro - max 84 euro Airport shuttle, Tv in every room, Children television networks, Ironing service, Laundry, Air Conditioning, Heating, Bottle of water and coca cola. Marrinella apartments combine comfort, privacy and

16 restaurants

Bulgarian restaurant Chevermeto – whatever is at heart Bulgarian restaurant “Chevermeto” is the first authentic, real Bulgarian restaurant in Sofia established in 1996. With its opening the restaurant has a tradition every night the rich musical program to be attended by a beautiful folklore composition, the unique Bulgarian folklore and popular songs. The great Valya Balkanska, the unforgettable Stefka Sabotinova, Nadka Karadzhova and Kostadin Gugov have performed at the restaurant. For years has been singing the national singer Binka Dobreva from the Mystery of Bulgarian Voices. The actress and singer Stefka Berova has also been present in the restaurant’s repertoire for a long time. Tanya Skechelieva from the “Filip Kutev” Ensemble, which won the Pirin Folk Fest 2013, Margarita Popova, Sonya Ivanova and Ilian Iliev continue to sing at the restaurant every evening. The unique Ensemble “Gotse Delchev” – Sofia performs its beautiful spectacle including national dances from all regions of the country every night. In our capital only the Bulgarian restaurant “Chevermeto” maintains every evening its unique program for the past 20 years. Bulgarian restaurant “Chevermeto” combines authentic atmosphere, dishes from old recipes and a folklore spectacle. An atmosphere offering real Bulgarian comfort and returning us back in time to roots and traditions. For special occasions as wedding celebrations, jubilee events and others the restaurant offers authentic customs. Meeting the guests with bagpipes, bread with honey and salt, rituals left as traditions from our ancestors during the ages. We will take you to a Bulgarian fairytale as an old as legend. And maybe that’s the evening you want to have? This can come true only at our Bulgarian restaurant “Chevermeto”.

restaurants 17

NDK - Prono, 1, Bulgaria Blvd., &+359 2 9 630 308; +359 885 630 308 Every day from 12.00 to 00.00,

18 restaurants Please note: the price guide is an approximate dinner cost s - up to 25 lv per person; ss - up to 40 lv per person sss - over 40 lv per person

Bar & Dining


Club of Architect

ss 11, Krakra Str. (map F4) Open: 12.00-24.00 cell: +359 888 880 979 Offers great variety of European cuisine: interest salad, dishes, desserts & rich list of wine. Summer & winter garden: 110 seats Credit cards: accepted

21, Tzar Osvoboditel Blvd. +359884 441 441, ss, Esterhasi bar is located in the heart of Sofia, one step away from everything. Modern interior, European cuisine and a friendly atmosphere are the perfect combination for waiting out the evening traffic, with a glass of wine in your hand. You certainly have to test out our talented chefs, while enjoying the view to the Knyazheska Garden and Turkish consulate. Every Friday and Saturday night, Infiniti’s latest model will take you to your next party destination. Esterhasi bar – the place, everyone talks about! The cool place in town…

The corner of Evlogi Georgiev Blvd. and ss Hristo Smirnenski Blvd. cell: +359 88 233 3555 Working time: 24/7 Maraia Classic is an ideal place for business and friendly meetings at any time of the day. Here you can enjoy delicious meals, drink your favorite cocktails and drinks, or relax after a night out in Sofia. Above all, this is where hospitality adds value to the feeling of being in an oasis in the middle of the city. Come and be our guests, so you could enjoy the Maraia experience!

The New Fox&Hound 34, Angel Kanchev Str., (map C5) Cell: +359 876 331 419 & +359 980 74 27 Open: 10.00 - 24.00 Stepping through the doors of the Fox & Hound is like traveling back in time to foggy old Albion. This lively and friendly British pub serves excellent food and an impressive selection of drinks.


NDK - Prono ss 1, Bulgaria Blvd. (map B6) Open every day: 12.00 - 00.00 & +359 2 9 630 308 cell: +359 885 630 308 e-mail: Restaurant Chevermeto combines authentic atmosphere, dishes prepared according to old receipts and a folklore show. Every evening a whole lamb is roasted on fire as “cheverme”, where the name of the restaurant comes from. If you want to try all these take your friends and bring them to Chevermeto, the way it is done by ministers, presidents, royalties and celebrities.

71, Knyaz Al.Dondukov Blvd. (map F2) s Reservations: +359 887 45 50 50 Staria Chinar (Old Sycamore) will rekindle the passion of the fans of game meats and delicious homemade dishes from the Balkans culinary, prepared in original and spicy style. Welcome to the heart of Sofia, to the heart of culinary temptations, in cozy house built in 1922, where good food for a good company is waiting for you!

Restaurant Vodenitzata Dragalevtsi District (map back) ss & 02 967 10 58, fax: 02 967 50 07 Open: 12.00-24.00 One of the top ranked restaurants due to its magnificent scenery. During the winter months 2 fireplaces illuminate the stone walls. The impression of the programme show can be multiplied by tasting traditional Bulgarian specialities and splash them with the excellent rakia and wine. Reservations by all means.


restaurants 19

1, Oborishte Str. & 0888 04 04 04

“La Cattedrale” restaurant ss Unique view in the heart of Sofia. Several different in its own style gardens...You can immerse yourself into the comfort and tranquility of the flora in the yard of the Academy of Arts or in front of the imposing figure of a temple-monument “Alexander Nevsky”. Fine cuisine with recipes from all around the world, special menus and excellent service.

La Vitta e Bella

ss 6, Stara Planina Str. (map E2, Best Western Plus City Hotel Sofia) & 02 989 70 07 Open: 12.00 - 23.00 La Vita è Bella is the restaurant of the capital Best Western Plus City Hotel. The interior is in the spirit of radiant, relaxed and cozy Italian atmosphere and in the warm season the garden outside is like a small Italian city oasis in old Sofia. Great food, great wines and hearty welcoming – this is what clients here receive. restaurant - terrace

Restaurant LEBED

241, Samokovsko Shose Str. (map back) ss & 02 992 11 11 Open: 12.00-24.00 Situated on the very shore of the Pancharevo lake. 2 halls and splendid garden, whose Mediterranean style and natural beauty make the atmosphere really romantic. Seafood delights, as well as a rich collection of selected beverage.

Restaurant Maraia Fusion 123 „Georgi S. Rakovski“ Str. cell: +359 88 266 6777 Working time: 08:00 - 24:00


Restaurant MARAIA FUSION is a modern restaurant offering European and Asian cuisine! Here you will find a variety of tastes and culinary nuances that will make you visit us again! Fusion is the hottest trend in the food industry, that’s who we are - Fusion!

Indian / Nepal

gourmet burger

113 “Georgi S. Rakovski” Str. Cell: +359 879555559 restaurant - terrace Working time: 10:00 - 23:00 Hamburguesa Nostra emerges as a pioneer in a bold Gurkha ss gourmet burger endeavor: discovers the traditional concept of the Lozenets Distr. burgher by making it a gourmet food. 56, Tsvetna Gradina Str. (map B8) & 02 865 02 16 cell 0884 939 100 Open: Every day 11:00-24:00 121 G. S. Rakovski str. 10:00am - 11:30pm DELIVERY HOLE SOFIA - till 22:00h +359 884 474 003 Indian and Nepali cuisine. Dishes from all over Asia. Nice and cozy place. Easy to find, 2 minutes from s NDK, with a range of hotels around - Marinella, Hilton, Hemus, Lozenets, Apartment House Lozenets, VinoVino is a charming bistro-pizzeria in the heart of California, 7 Hills, Greenville... Parking. Wi-Fi zone. Sofia. Its garden is vibrant, its interior – unexpected. Delivery 11.30-22.00 The food is delicious homemade gourmet. The wine is abundant. It brings sense of cosiness.


20 Bulgaria in Brief

Bulgaria in Brief 21


Club Stroeja 10, Lege Str. Reservations: +359 885 974666 Open: Monday - Sunday 16:00 - 3:00

Erotic barS

4, Vitosha Blvd. (map C3) & +359 2 981 36 63, +359 2 981 07 70 Open every day: 9 PM - 4 AM Friday and Saturday 9 PM - 5 PM The only and unique FETISH club in Sofia. Every night you can enjoy the company of 20 highly attractive and hottest girls in most pleasant atmosphere. Do not hesitate and call us - we promise to bring all your fantasies to life!

Club Terminal 1 1, Angel Kanchev Str. Reservations: +359 889 219001 Open: Thursday - Saturday 21:00 - 6:00


Casino Sofia

4, Narodno Sabranie Square (Radisson Hotel BLU) cell: +359 888 77 66 55

MEN’S PARADISE 19, Karnigradska, Str. (map C4) (near Vitosha Blvd.) cell:+359 897 93 66 02 OPEN: 23:00 - 05:00 Topless EROTIC BAR Men’s Paradise is the newest place for entertainment and perfect relax. Get ready to experience exciting and deeply satisfying moments with our top dancers, who can stop your breath and make you feel in real paradise for men with their beauty, flexibility and erotic charm.

Princess Sofia

131, Kn. Maria Luiza Blvd. (map C0) (Sofia Ramada Hotel), & +359 2 933 88 88

Viva Casino

Sofia Hotel Balkan (map C3) & 02 981 57 47, 02 986 35 01, cell: +359 893 729 190

PEEP SHOW BAR 7, Lavov Most Sq. (map D1) cell: +359 897 936 602

Bulgaria in Brief 23

24 CULTURE Culture Centers - Programme Polish Institute in Sofia 12, Veslets Str. & +359 2 981 09 07 Fax +359 2 981 57 44 Twitter: @PLISofia Web: FB:

Exhibition Józef Piłsudski - A Polish and European statesman 24 October – 30 November 2017 Exhibition devoted to Józef Piłsudski, the Commander of Polish Legions, vanquisher of Bolsheviks, Chief of State and the first Marshal of Poland. 13 boards shows the character of the Marshal through the prism of universal values - the efforts to secure Europe, the right to self-determination of nations, the fight for social rights (universal employee insurance and electoral rights of women).

Sofia Opera and Ballet

1, Vrabcha Str. & 02 987 13 66 3, Friday- 10:00 - SHEGOBISHKO ON THE ISLAND OF MIRACLES 3, Friday 19:00; 4, Saturday 19:00; 5, Sunday 16:00; 9, Thursday 19:00 - PREMIERE CARMEN 4, Saturday 11:00 - THE THREE PIGGIES 5, Sunday 11:00 - WINNIE-THE-POOH 10, Friday 10:00 - THE THREE PIGGIES 11, Saturday 11:00 - HÄNSEL UND GRETEL 11, Saturday 19:00; 12, Sunday 16:00 - CARMEN 12, Sunday 11:00 - SHEGOBISHKO ON THE ISLAND OF MIRACLES 16, Thursday 10:00 - HÄNSEL UND GRETEL 17, Friday 10:00 THE GOLDEN APPLE 18, Saturday 11:00 LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD 19, Sunday 11:00 - DAS RHEINGOLD FOR CHILDREN 24, Friday 10:00 - DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE FOR CHILDREN CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL – OPENING 24, Friday 19:00; 25, Saturday 19:00; 26, Sunday 16:00 PREMIERE LE CORSAIRE 25, Saturday 11:00 - WINNIE-THE-POOH 26, Sunday 11:00 - THE THREE PIGGIES 30, Thursday 10:00 - HÄNSEL UND GRETEL 30, Thursday 19:00 - GIAMPIERO SOBRINO clarinet CONCERT

CULTURE 25 National Music & Ballet Center - Sofia

1st, 19.00 - ANNUAL AWARDS “Cristal Lyre” 4th,11.00 - The ugly Duckling 4th, 19.00 - THE CSARDAS QUEEN 5th, 14.00 - concert by P.Vangelov 5th, 17.00 - concert of the 100th anniversary of the music theater 8th, 19.00 - Orpheus in hell 11th, 11.00 - Yan Bibiyan 11th, 19.00 - Sunset Boulevard 12th, 11.00 - the golden cock 12th, 19.00 - Sunset Boulevard 17th, 19.00 - Concert National academy of Music-prof. Pancho Vladigerov 18th, 19.00 - escape 19th, 11.00 - the golden cock 19th, 17.00 - escape 23rd, 19.00 - one night in venice 24th, 19.00 - THE CSARDAS QUEEN 25th, 11.00 - Aladin 25th, 19.00 - concert of the 100th anniversary of the music theater 26th, 11.00 - Charl the cat 29th, 19.00 - Gats 30th, 19.00 - Orpheus in hell 29th, 17.00 - premiere Orpheus in hell ARABESK 2nd, 19.00 - a mirror of time 16th, 19.00 - urban noise black box 26th, 17.00 - COMPETITION dedicated to Margarita Arnaudova

100, Vasil Levski Blvd. & 02 943 19 79 01.11. - 19.00ч. - Годишни награди „КРИСТАЛНА ЛИРА” 02.11. - 19.00ч. - „Огледало на времето“ – Балет Арабеск 04.11. - 11.00ч. - „Грозното пате“ 04.11. - 19.00ч. - „Царицата на чардаша“ 05.11. - 14.00ч. - „На чаша шампанско с П.Вангелов 05.11. - 17.00ч. - Концерт „100г. ОПЕРЕТА” 08.11. - 19.00ч. - „Орфей в ада“ 11.11. - 11.00ч. - „Ян Бибиян“ 11.11. - 19.00ч. - „Булевардът на залеза“ 12.11. - 11.00ч. - „Златното петле“ 12.11 - 17.00ч. - „Булевардът на залеза“ 16.11. - 19.00ч. - „Градски шум-черна кутия“ Премиера - Балет Арабеск 17.11. - 19.00ч. - Концерт на НМА „Проф.П.Владигеров” 18.11. - 19.00ч. - „Бягство“ 19.11. - 11.00ч. - „Златното петле“ 19.11. - 17.00ч. - „Бягство“ 23.11. - 19.00ч. - „Една нощ във Венеция“ 24.11. - 19.00ч. - „Царицата на чардаша“ 25.11. - 11.00ч. - „Аладин“ 25.11. - 19.00ч. - „100г. ОПЕРЕТА” 26.11. - 11.00ч. - „Котаракът Шарл“ 26.11. - 17.00ч. - Конкурс „Маргарита Арнаудова” – Балет Арабеск 29.11. - 19.00ч. - „Котки“- Гостува ТМПЦ гр.Варна 30.11. - 19.00ч. - „Орфей в ада“



“Sofia” Theatre has the pleasure to invite you to be part of one unforgettable experience with performances also with subtitles in English. All performances with subs will be designated with this symbol: *

01.11. - ГОСПОЖА МИНИСТЕРШАТА 02.11. - АННА КАРЕНИНА 03.11. - ЖЕНИТБА 04.11. - НОЩТА НА 16-ТИ ЯНУАРИ 05.11. - ПИТЪР ПАН 07.11. - СКАЧАЙ! GRAND HALL - 19:00 08.11. - АЛОНСО 1st, 10th, - THE MINISTER’S WIFE 09.11. - ОЛД СЕЙБРУК И ПОСЛЕДНИЯТ 2nd, 21st, - ANNA KARENINA * СТРАСТЕН ЛЮБОВНИК 3rd, 17th, - MARRIAGE 10.11. - ГОСПОЖА МИНИСТЕРШАТА 4th, 22nd, - THE NIGHT OF JANUARY 16TH 11.11. - МАЛКАТА МОРСКА СИРЕНА 7th - JUMP! * 11.11. - АПЕТИТ ЗА ЧЕРЕШИ 8th, 23rd - ALONSO 9th, 30th - OLD SAYBROOK and LAST OF THE 12.11. - МЕРИ ПОПИНЗ 13.11. - ЖЕНСКО ЦАРСТВО RED HOT LOVERS * Гостува „Искри и Сезони“ 13th - FEMALE KINGDOM guest theatre 14.11. - ФРАНКЕНЩАЙН 14th, 28th - FRANKENSTEIN 15.11. - ТИРАМИСУ – 100-тно представление 15th, 29th - TIRAMISU * 16.11. - РЕВИЗОР 16th - THE GOVERNMENT INSPECTOR 17.11. - ЖЕНИТБА CHAMBER HALL 18.11. - ПОКАНА ЗА ВЕЧЕРЯ 11th - APPETITE FOR CHERRIES 19.11. - ПИПИ - Премиера 18th - INVITATION FOR DINNER 21.11. - АННА КАРЕНИНА FOR CHILDREN - THE PLAYS BEGIN AT 11:00 22.11. - НОЩТА НА 16-ТИ ЯНУАРИ GRAND HALL 23.11. - АЛОНСО 5th, 8th - PETER PAN * 26.11. - РОНЯ, ДЪЩЕРЯТА НА РАЗБОЙНИКА 11th - THE LITTLE MERMAID 28.11. - ФРАНКЕНЩАЙН 12th - MARY POPPINS 29.11. - ТИРАМИСУ 19th - Pippi premiere 30.11. - ОЛД СЕЙБРУК И ПОСЛЕДНИЯТ 26th - RONIA THE ROBBER’S DAUGHTER СТРАСТЕН ЛЮБОВНИК 23A Yanko Sakazov Blvd. phone.: +359 2 944 24 85 / +359 878 92 75 21


CULTURE 27 3, Lege Str. (map C3) cell: 0894 341 724 Mon – Sat: 11.00 - 19.00

The exhibition of the original Burgas painter Nikolay Angelov - Gary. The exhibition will last until November 31st. Изложбата на своеобразният, бургаски художник Николай Ангелов - Гари. Експозицията ще продължи до 31 ноември.

Between November 2nd, and 16th,, we will present five young and talented authors - Tanya Pavlova, Alexandrina Ivanova, Stevlin Yovchev, Mariana Maneva, Katya Walter Pozkova. In Между 2 и 16 ноември ще представим петима млади и талантливи автори - Таня Павлова, Александрина Иванова, Стевлин Йовчев, Мариана Манева, Катя Валтер Поцкова..

Aleksandrina Ivanova

Katia Valter Pockova

Art Shop

4, Vitosha Blvd., Sofia Mon.-Sun.: 10.30-20.30 Phone: +359 879 947022 Email:

Knyaz Aleksander I Sq. 1000 Sofia The shop is situated in the former royal palace in the heart of Sofia. Phone: +359884550610 Working hours: 09:00-18:00

With lots of devotion and love we collect the best of Bulgarian handicrafts! You will find here Bulgarian traditional souvenirs and cosmetics, silver filigree, music, paintings, icons, sweets and beverages. Welcome to Balkansko – Tradition & Spirit!

28 Useful Numbers Car Rentals

Railway Central Railway Station

53, Nikola Vaptsarov (map back) & 02 439 02 22/ 23 fax: 02 439 12 25 e-mail: Sofia Airport: & 029 459 217

Knyaginya Maria Luiza Blvd. (map C0) & 02 931 11 11, 02 932 33 33

Info Center

CENTRAL BUS STATION 100, Knyaginya Maria Luiza Blvd. (map C0) & 0900 21 000

Diplomatic Missions Austria 4, Shipka Str. - & 02 932 90 32 Canadian Honorary Consulate 7, Pozitano Str. - & 02 969 97 10 e-mail: France 29, Oborishte Str. - & 02 965 1100

Underpass of St. Kliment Ohridski Univercity of Sofia and Metrostation St. Kliment Ohridski Open: Mon - Fri 9.30 - 18.00 (winter) & 02 491 83 44/ 45

Medical Services The Embassy the country you came from may be able to refer you to a doctor who speaks your language. The Accident and Emergency Hospital for Sofia is the Pirogov hospital at 21, Gen. Totleben Blvd.

Germany 25, Fr. Joliot-Curie Str. - & 02 918 38 00 Italy 2, Shipka Str. - & 359 2 921 73 00

MHATEM “N.I.Pirogov”

Japan 14, Lyuliakova gradina Str. - &+359 971-2708 Mon.-Fri.08:30 -12:30 ;13:30- 17:15

1606 Sofia, 21, Totleben Blvd diagnostics, therapy, education and training, scientific research, methodology, emergency help.

Netherlands 15, Oborishte Str. - & 02 816 03 00


Emergency : 02/ 915 44 11


90B, Tzar Samuil Str. Phone: +3592 983 21 84 Every Day: 07.00-18.00 The “Zhenski” (female) market is an attractive touristic destination – the largest and the oldest market in the central part of Sofia. The bazaar offers fresh vegetables and food, unique Bulgarian souvenirs, spices from Bulgaria and the Middle East. Many fast food restaurants, cozy cafés and the new cultural area – “Serdika” Gallery are also there to visit.





ISSN 2367-4717 I FREE GUIDE IN ENGLISH + MAP I Jan - Feb 2017 I ISSUE 16




20 Useful Numbers


Дойде време за седмото издание на DiVino.Taste!

The time has come for the seventh edition of DiVino.Taste!

И през този ноември София се превръща във винена столица на България. Седмото издание на най-големия форум за българско вино DiVino.Taste ще се проведе от 17 до 19 ноември 2017 година. DiVino.Taste отново ще е в Националния дворец на културата, но този път в зали 7, 8, 9.

This November, Sofia will became the wine capital of Bulgaria. The seventh edition of the largest forum for Bulgarian wine DiVino. Taste will be held from 17th to 19th November 2017. DiVino. Taste will be again in the National Palace of Culture, but this time in Halls 7, 8, 9.

Независимо дали сте винен познавач, ценител или просто ентусиаст, ще имате възможност да се запознаете с хората, които създават найдобрите вина в България. DiVino.Taste ще ви помогне да откриете повече от 400 вина от над 60 български изби и да се ориентирате в огромното предлагане на пазара.

Whether you are a wine connoisseur or just an enthusiast, you will have the opportunity to meet the people who create the best wines in Bulgaria. DiVino.Taste will help you find more than 400 wines from more than 60 Bulgarian wineries and you can orient yourself in the huge market offer.



Гости на град Пловдив, ЕЛАТЕ на тазгодишния фестивал “ Дефиле на младото вино” 2017! С още повече участници, локации и забавления, ще прекарате последния уикенд на ноември в Стария град с чаша ароматно вино!

Тази година Пловдив Джаз Фест ще се проведе между 1 и 4 ноември в Дом на културата „Борис Христов”

12.12.2017 “Лезгинка” представлява мултиетнически състав, в който можете да видите не само красотата на кавказкия фолклор, но и песните на 33-те националности от Дагестан и Северен Кавказ. Танцьорите показват, че въпреки многото различни националности, могат плодотворно обединяват усилията си в конструктивни и творчески цели.

4 overview Plovdiv - Ancient and Eternal

Plovdiv is one of the oldest urban establishments in the world history. Its history dates back to the Neolithic era and according to many updated historical data and researches the first settlement in this area was founded around 4000 year B.C. Initially it was a Thracian city known as Puplpudeva but throughout the centuries Plovdiv was largely known by its Greek name Philippopolis given to it in the honor of the father of Alexander the Great king Philip II. The ancient name of the city Philippopolis is still largely used in Greece and in Cyprus. Plovdiv passed in Roman hands as a result of the separation of the Roman Empire and then the city passed under Byzantine rule. The Bulgarian hegemony over Plovdiv was firmly established after the wars of King Simeon the Great with Byzantium but later Byzantine Emperor Vassileios II got back control of the city. In the beginning of 13th century Plovdiv got under the jurisdiction of the Latin Empire which marked the beginning of major Catholic religious influence in the area. As a result of this even at this point the biggest Catholic community in Bulgaria is in Plovdiv. Later on Bulgarian rule was established in Plovdiv for a short period but in 1364 the expanding Ottoman army seized the city and it became part of the new empire. Plovdiv was finally included in the borders of the modern Bulgarian state on 6th of September 1885 after the Unification of the Princedom of Bulgaria with the Eastern Rumelia Province of the ailing Ottoman Empire. This short historical flashback shows

some of the reasons for which the city of Plovdiv remains so interesting and appealing throughout the years. Its geographical position between seven syenite hills and on the two banks of Maritsa River and mild climate with many warm sunny days during the whole year also adds greatly to its special charm. On the other hand the passage of various tribes, the frequent change of ruling states especially in the medieval ages and the long Ottoman dominance are maybe the main reasons for Plovdiv’s unique history, cultural traditions, local mentality of the city inhabitants and way of life. And last but not the least-Plovdiv has always been one of the main spiritual centers in Bulgaria. Its longstanding Orthodox tradition has defined its history from 5th century onwards. Nowadays Plovdiv is the second largest Christian Orthodox diocese of the Bulgarian Patriarchy which has a significant importance in the religious matters of our country. Many scholars point out the fact that Plovdiv is the perfect example how relatively harmonious coexistence among different cultures can be achieved in the Balkans. Bulgarians, Greeks, Jews, Turks, Armenians and Roma live together in a quite convenient way. These characteristics of the city have also found their reflection in its architecture, in its gastronomic culture and generally in the way of life of the citizens. The local inhabitants are generally open for new contacts and experiences, warm and talkative and ready to offer a helping hand to a stranger. Also they are very fond of having a good time and with a vibrant sense of humor which sometimes could be quite spicy.

overview 5 Пловдив е един от най-старите градове в световната история. Неговата история датира от неолита и според много актуални исторически данни и проучвания първото селище в тази област е основано около 4000 години преди Христа. Първоначално това е бил тракийски град, известен като Пулпудева, но през вековете Пловдив бил известен с гръцкото му име Филипопол, даден му в чест на бащата на Александър Велики цар Филип II. Древното име на града Филипопол е все още широко използвано в Гърция и Кипър. Пловдив преминава в римски ръце, в резултат на разделянето на Римската империя, а след това градът преминава под византийско управление. Българската хегемония над Пловдив е твърдо установена след войните на цар Симеон Велики с Византия. По-късно византийският император Василей II си връща контрола над града. В началото на 13 век Пловдив попада под юрисдикцията на Латинската империя, която бележи началото на голямото католическо религиозно влияние в района. В резултат на това дори в този момент най-голямата католическа общност в България е в Пловдив. По-късно българското управление е основано в Пловдив за кратък период, но през 1364 г. разширяващата се османска армия завладява града и става част от новата империя. Пловдив е окончателно включен в границите на съвременната българска държава на 6 септември 1885 г. след обединението на България с провинция И з т о ч н а Румелия. И с т о р и я обосновава някои от причините, поради които град Пловдив остава толкова интересен и привлекателен през годините. Географското

му положение между седем хълма и двата бряга на р. Марица и мек климат с много топли слънчеви дни през цялата година също допринася значително за особеното си очарование. От друга страна, преминаването на различни племена, честата промяна на управляващите, особено в средновековието и дългото османско владичество, са може би главните причини за уникалната история на Пловдив, културните традиции, местния манталитет на жителите на града както и техния начин на живот. И не на последно място - Пловдив винаги е бил един от основните духовни центрове в България. Дългата му православна традиция е определила своята история отпреди 5 века. Днес Пловдив е втората по големина християнска православна диоцеза на българската патриаршия, която има голямо значение в религиозните въпроси на нашата страна. Много учени изтъкват факта, че Пловдив е идеалният пример за това как хармонично съжителстват различните култури. Българи, гърци, евреи, турци, арменци и роми живеят заедно. Тези характеристики на града също са намерили отражение в архитектурата, в културата на хранене и като цяло в живота на гражданите. Местните жители обикновено са отворени за нови контакти и преживявания, учтиви и готови да предложат помощ на непознат. Пловдивчани обичат да се забавляват, имат чувство за хумор, което понякога може да бъде доста пикантно.

6 overview Bearing in mind all of the above you will have a splendid time in Plovdiv for sure. The best way to feel and research the unique atmosphere of the city is to visit some of its historical and cultural landmarks where you can also meet and observe its people. They are located mainly in the centre and in the areas around it so they could be easily found and accessed. Here is a list of some of them:

The ancient Roman Theatre is one of the few of its kind so well preserved and maintained. It dates back to the rule of Emperor Trajan (98-117) and it has 7000 seats. On some of the walls of the theatre there are some quite interesting inscriptions in ancient Greek. It is part of the greater Roman City which includes the Odeon and the Stadium. The Roman theatre is one of the symbols of Plovdiv and is included in the UNESCO List of World Cultural Heritage. It is good to know also that during spring and summer time a lot of theatrical plays are staged there. The experience of watching a performance in such a surrounding is really unforgettable.

The Old Town is definitely one of the best preserved and maintained cultural sites in Bulgaria. It is designated as a historical reserve by state law and was fully renovated and maintained during the 70’s and the 80’s of the last century. It gives the visitor the opportunity for a walk through a historical micro cosmos of the different stages of development of Plovdiv-from the ancient times to the period of the liberation of the country. The Old Town of Plovdiv is one of the most visited and popular historical sites in Bulgaria and still is a centre of a rich cultural activity. Each building carries its own charm and character and combines various features from different epochs and architectural influences.

St. Marina Cathedral is the main temple of the Plovdiv Orthodox diocese. The tradition says that the church was erected first in the middle of 15th century but it was constructed in its current state and wholly in stone from 1851 to 1856. St. Marina Cathedral is notable for its unique wooden bell tower, for the mural paintings depicting masterfully different Bible themes and for the astonishing wood carved Episcopal throne. The cathedral is very popular spot for the citizens of Plovdiv especially on big Christian holidays and also is preferred holy space for religious weddings and baptisms.

overview 7 Имайки предвид всичко това, със сигурност ще имате прекрасно време в Пловдив. Най-добрият начин да усетите и изследвате уникалната атмосфера на града е да посетите някои от неговите исторически и културни забележителности, където можете да се срещнете и да наблюдавате хората. Те се намират главно в центъра и в районите около него, за да могат лесно да бъдат намерени и достъпни. Ето списък на някои от тях: Древният римски театър е един от малкото добре запазени и поддържани паметници на културата. Той датира от управлението на император Траян (98-117 г.) и има 7000 места. На някои от стените на театъра има някои доста интересни надписи на древногръцки. Той е част от по-големия римски град, който включва Одеон и стадион. Римският театър е един от символите на Пловдив и е включен в списъка на световното културно наследство на ЮНЕСКО. Старият град определено е един от най-добре запазените и поддържани културни забележителности в България. Той е обявен за исторически резерват и е напълно обновен и поддържан през 70-те и 80-те години на миналия век. Позволява на посетителя да усети различните етапи на развитие на Пловдив - от древността до периода на Освобождението до днес. Старият град Пловдив е един от най-посещаваните и популярни исторически обекти в България и все още е център на богата културна дейност. Всяка сграда носи своя чар и характер и съчетава различни елементи от различни епохи и архитектурни влияния. Св. МАРИНА катедрален храм на Пловдивската православна Епархия. Църквата е издигната в средата на 15-ти век, но изцяло е достроена в периода 1851 - 1856 г. Катедралата “Св. Марина” е забележителна със своята уникална дървена камбанария и стенописите, изобразяващи

майсторски различни библейски теми, с изумителния дърворезбован епископски трон. Катедралата е много популярно място за гражданите на Пловдив, особено по време на големите християнски празници. КАТЕДРАЛА НА СВ. Луис е може би най-големият католически храм в България. Построена е през 1850 г., а през 1861 г. е монтиран и първият орган в страната. Катедралата е център на богатата католическа традиция в тази част на държавата и добавя различно неокласическо докосване до архитектурата на града , Синагогата е идеален пример за еврейската религиозна архитектура, обогатена от влиянието на османската култура. Тя е построена в част от Стария град на Пловдив, където еврейският квартал е бил разположен преди два или три века. ДЖУМАЯ Джамия е типичен османски средновековен религиозен храм. Намира се в центъра на Пловдив. Вътрешната украса на джамията е доминирана от типични османски проекти, които изобразяват различни стихове от Корана. Има и други места в Пловдив, където можете да усетите неговия дух и уникална атмосфера. Например има интересни открити пространства, спортни и развлекателни зони, както и красиви паркове и квартали в близост до центъра на града. Препоръчахме някои от тях: Капана се намира в непосредствена близост до центъра на града и до Стария град. Това е очарователен квартал с малки живописни улички и малки магазини, пълни с ръчно изработени сувенири, картини и бижута. Архитектурата е много подобна на тази на Стария град, така че е идеалното място за разходка и пазаруване. ЦЕНТЪР е идеална възможност

8 overview

The Cathedral of St. Louis is maybe the biggest Catholic temple in Bulgaria. It was constructed in 1850 and also the first organ in the country was installed inside it in 1861. The cathedral is the natural centre of the rich Catholic tradition in this part of the state and adds a different neoclassical touch to the architectural scenery of the city.

The Dzhumaia Mosque is a typical Ottoman medieval religious temple. It is located in the center of Plovdiv The inside decoration of the mosque is dominated by typical Ottoman designs some of which depict various verses from the Quran. Recently it has become object of controversy between the Muslim religious communities in Bulgaria and some political circles and NGOs.

The Synagogue Cion is a perfect example of the Jewish religious architecture enriched from the influences of the Ottoman culture. It is built in a part of the Old Town of Plovdiv where the Jewish quarter was located two or three centuries ago. The Synagogue has a richly painted dome, an exquisite Venetian-glass chandelier and all the surfaces are covered with elaborate geometrical designs. There are some other places and sites in Plovdiv where you can feel its spirit and unique atmosphere. For example there are interesting open spaces, sports and recreational areas and also beautiful parks and quarters nearby the city centre. We recomended some of them:

The Kapana area is located very close to the city center and to the Old Town. It is a charming neighborhood with small picturesque streets and little shops full of handcrafted souvenirs, paintings and jewelry. The architecture is very similar to this of the Old Town so it is a perfect place for a walk and shopping.

The City Centre is an ideal option for a walk in all times of the day. Most of the buildings are well preserved and renovated and create wonderful scenery for a beautiful day out. The main street “Alexander Battenberg� is pedestrian zone and most of the major luxury shops, restaurants and cafeterias are situated there.

overview 9 за разходка по всяко време на деня. Повечето от сградите са добре запазени и обновени и създават прекрасен пейзаж. Главната улица “Александър Батенберг” е пешеходна зона и повечето от големите луксозни магазини, ресторанти и кафенета са разположени там.

статуята на руския цар Александър II и паметникът на съветския войник Альоша. Откритото пространство между хотел “Рамада” и Централната поща е предпочитан маршрут за разходка на много от жителите на Пловдив. Често тази част от голямата пешеходна зона в центъра на града, е домакин на различни големи концерти и други събития. Наблизо има много ресторанти и кафенета, където можете да опитате добра храна или да се освежите.

НЕБЕТ ТЕПЕ е едно от многото исторически места в Пловдив, което заслужава вашето внимание. Това е археологически обект, където можете да намерите останките от древна цитадела, датираща от тракийската и гръцката епоха. Над хълма има два красиви православни храмове - “Св. Международният търговски панаир е друга забележителност на града, Константин и Елена” и “Св. Неделя”. която заслужава внимание. Основана БУНАРДЖИКА е вторият по височина е през 1892 г. и оттогава панаирът хълм от седемте, сред които градът се постепенно се превръща в най-голямото е развивал през вековете. Жителите на изложбено място в Югоизточна града предпочитат хълма Бунарджика Европа. С изключение на търговските за малки екскурзии в природата и за изложения, които панаирът организира други развлекателни дейности. Има всяка година, има много други и два паметника с голямо значение - културни, търговски и обществени

10 overview

Nebet Tepe is one of the many historical spaces in Plovdiv which deserves your attention. It is an archeological site where you may find the remnants of an ancient citadel which dates back to the Thracian and the Hellenic Era. Down the hill there are two beautiful Orthodox temples-St Constantine and St. Elena and St. Nedelya.

The Bunardzhika Hill is the second highest hill of the seven ones among which the city has evolved through the centuries. The city inhabitants prefer the Bunardzhika Hill for small getaways in the nature and for other recreational activities. There are also two monuments of major significance-the statue of the Russian Tzar Alexander II and the monument of the Soviet soldier Alyosha, a vast reminder of the period of Communist rule in Bulgaria.

The open space between Ramada Hotel and the Central Post Office is a preferred route for a walk by many of the citizens of Plovdiv. Very often this part of the large pedestrian area in the city center hosts various major concerts and other happenings. Nearby there are a lot of restaurants and cafeterias where you can have a good meal or a refreshment.

The International Trade Fair is another landmark of the city which deserves attention. It was founded in 1892 and since then the Fair has gradually become the biggest exhibition venue in Southeastern Europe. Except the trade shows which the Fair hosts every year there are a lot of other cultural, commercial and public activities which take place there on a permanent basis. It has 17 pavilions, vast parking lot and is a prime example of the modern architecture from the 80’s.

The Rowing Channel is one of the biggest and most elaborate athletic facilities ever built in Bulgaria. Its length is 2200 meters and it is designed to meet all the requirements for international rowing championships.

The Lauta carting track is outside the city center. Many young people visit the place in order to experience high levels of adrenaline when racing the small carting vehicles which slightly resemble the bolides of a Formula 1 Championship. If you are not so fond of extreme experiences you just may watch the amateur races among the drivers or play some pool games in the recreational premises nearby.

overview 11

дейности, които се провеждат там постоянно. Разполага със 17 павилиона, огромен паркинг и е отличен пример за съвременната архитектура от 80-те години. Гребният КАНАЛ е една от найголемите и най-сложни спортни съоръжения, построени някога в България. Дължината му е 2200 метра и е проектиран така, че да отговаря на всички изисквания за международни шампионати за гребане.

наподобяват булидите на шампионата от Формула 1. Ако не сте любители на екстремните преживявания. Тук се намира и Детската железница - за радост на децата.

Панаир Пловдив От 1892 г., когато Пловдивският панаир започва своето съществуване, Пловдив се утвърди като топ дестинация за бизнес туризъм. Два пъти всяка година панаирът с неговите 19 павилиона събира бизнес пътници от цял свят, като им предлага много ПАРК ЛАУТА - КАРТИНГ е извън центъра възможности за бъдещи професионални на града. Много млади хора посещават и предприемачески контакти и за мястото, за да се забавляват или се качествено забавление. състезават с малки колички, които леко


exposition “Unification of Bulgaria 1885” was opened here. On an area covering 1000 sq. m., through authentic items, weapons, photographs and documents are traced back the efforts of Bulgarians in the establishing of Eastern Rumelia as The Second Bulgarian State, their fight for the Unification with Principality of Bulgaria and its military defense - The Serbian-Bulgarian War.

REGIONAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM 1, Saedinenie Sq. tel.: 032/ 624 339, tel./fax: 032/ 633 106 Summer working hours /May – October/: 10:00 – 18:00 Closed: Monday Winter working hours /November – April/: 9:30 – 17:00 Closed: Sunday and Monday Day for a free-of-charge visit: First Thursday of each month – for students and retirees The Regional Archaeological Museum in Plovdiv is one of the oldest cultural institutions in Bulgaria. Officially opened in 1882, its development passes through the stage of being archaeological-numismatic collection-office, until it was finally established as Archaeological Museum in 1920. The museum possesses one of the richest collections of artifacts and works of human art related to the history of Plovdiv District and the Town of Plovdiv – successor to one of the largest and most important ancient cities on the Balkan Peninsula – Philippopolis.

Exposition “Book Publishing in Bulgaria in the second half of 19th and the beginning of 20th century” 2, Mitropolit Paisiy Str. tel.: 032 629 405 Summer working hours /April-October/: 9:30 – 18:00 Closed: Saturday and Sunday Winter working hours /November-March/: 9:30 – 17:00 Closed: Saturday and Sunday Day for a free-of-charge visit: First Thursday of each month The building was built in the mid 19 century and Hristo Gruev Danov, the founder of organized book-publishing in Bulgaria, lived here from 1869 until his death in 1911. Today, an exhibition dedicated to the history of bookpublishing in Plovdiv and Plovdiv region is situated here. The stages in the development of Bulgarian education on the basis of Hristo G. Danov and Dragan Manchov’s publishing activity are traced here.


Exposition „Bulgarian National Revival” Exposition „The Unification of Bulgaria 1885” 1, Saedinenie Sq. tel.: 032 629409 Summer working hours /April-October/: 9:30 – 18:00 Closed: Saturday and Sunday Winter working hours/November-March/: 9:30 – 17:00 Closed: Saturday and Sunday Day for a free-of-charge visit: First Thursday of each month The building was built in 1885 for the Provincial Counsel of Eastern Rumelia. On 19.09.1985 the national museum

1, Tsanko Lavrenov Str. tel.: 032 623 378 Summer working hours /April-October/: 9:30 – 18:00 Winter working hours /November-March/: 9:30 – 17:00 Closed: Sunday Day for a free-of-charge visit: First Thursday of each month “Bulgarian Revival” Exposition is set in the house of the rich merchant of Plovdiv Dimitar Georgiadi, which was built in 1848 and traces the history of Plovdiv during the period from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century. Rich documentary and photographic material allows guests

overview 13 to submerge in the atmosphere of the city’s distant past – a time of foreign rule, but also a time of assertion of Bulgarians’ national identity, a time of fight for independent Bulgarian education, church and national independence.

and Srednogorie during the National Revival. Among the many museum collections, those of brassware, pottery, weapons, shepherds wood-carving, jewelry and church items, sewn and crocheted laces, costumes from the entire Bulgarian ethnic territory, musical instruments, and urban decor stand out.

REGIONAL NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM Museum Centre of Modern History 14, Angel Bukoreshtliev Str. tel.: 032 628 886 Summer working hours /April-October/: 9:30 – 18:00 Closed: Saturday and Sunday Winter working hours /November-March/: 9:30 – 17:00 Closed: Saturday and Sunday Day for a free-of-charge visit: First Thursday of each month The building was built in 1895 as officers’ club. From the beginning of 1905 until 1923 it was a “Public House” with theatrical company, brass music band, orchestra and night school. Today it is a Museum Centre for Contemporary History and houses the permanent exhibition entitled The Soul of the Japanese Doll - a donation from the Friends of Bulgaria society in Japan.

34, Hristo G. Danov Str. tel.: 032/626 683 Summer working hours /May-September/: 9:00 – 18:00 Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 – 17:00 Winter working hours /October-April/: 8:30 – 17: 00 Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 – 17:00 Day for a free-of-charge visit: First Thursday of each month The museum is the second largest natural history museum in the country, with modern and contemporary styled exhibitions, with enhanced nature conservation idea. The halls of Geology, Botanic, Invertebrates, Amphibians and Reptiles, Birds and Mammals are on the first floor, and on the ground floor are the halls of Fishes, Aquarium and Seabed. The museum presents a freshwater aquarium with an area of 100 sq. m., where over 32 species of ornamental fish and exotic plants are shown.


REGIONAL ETHNOGRAPHIC MUSEUM 2, Dr. Stoyan Chomakov Str. tel.: 032/625 654; fax: 032/626 328 Summer working hours /April-October/: 9:00 – 18:00 Closed: Monday Winter working hours /November-March/: 9:00 – 17:00 Closed: Monday Day for a free-of-charge visit: First Thursday of each month – for students and retirees The exhibition is located in Argir Kuyumdzhiouglu’s beautiful Renaissance house, which was built in 1847 by the masterbuilder Hadzhi Georgi. Inside of it, there are representations of traditional material and spiritual culture of the Bulgarians who lived in the region of Plovdiv, Rhodope Mountains

Permanent exposition 14 A, Saborna Str. tel.: 032 635 322 Summer working hours /May-October/: 9:30 – 18:00 Winter working hours /November-April/: 9:00 – 17:30 Day for a free-of-charge visit: First Thursday of each month – for students The exposition is housed in the building of the Young Girls’ College, designed and built under the guidance of architect Joseph Schnitter in 1881. It is arranged chronologically on two floors. There are over 200 original artworks, which trace the development of Bulgarian art from the National Revival up to present day. Prominent authors and characteristic stylistic trends are represented here.

14 overview Icon Gallery 22, Saborna Str. tel.: 032 626 086 Summer working hours /MayOctober/: 9:30 – 12:30 and 13:00 – 18:00 Winter working hours /NovemberApril/: 9:00 – 12:30 and 13:00 – 17:30 Day for a free-of-charge visit: First Thursday of each month – for students The Icon Exposition opened in 1975. It was structured near the Revival Church of St. Constantine and Elena, on top of the round defensive tower of the early Byzantine city wall in the Old Town. Some of the best examples of icons taken from the Gallery’s collection and the Plovdiv Bishopric are exhibited here. They represent the Orthodox Christian art in the region of Plovdiv and the entire Southern Bulgaria from the end of the fifteenth century to the late nineteenth century.

Permanent Expositions „Tsanko Lavrenov” and „Mexican Art” 11, Artin Gidikov Str. tel.: 032/ 628 745 Summer working hours /MayOctober/: 9:30 – 12:30 and 13:00 – 18:00 Closed: Sunday Winter working hours /November-April/: 9:00 – 12:30 and 13:00 – 17:30 Closed: Sunday Day for a free-of-charge visit: First Thursday of each month – for students

9:00 – 12:30 and 13:00 – 17:30 Closed: Sunday Day for a free-of-charge visit: First Thursday of each month – for students Encho Pironkov (born 1932) is from the generation of artists which in the 1960s not only modernized the look of the Plovdiv art school, but also of the Bulgarian art. 45 works donated by the author, covering various periods of his creative development are exhibited here.

Gallery of Temporary Exhibitions 15, Aleksandar I Str. tel.: 032 624 221 Summer working hours /May-October/: 9:30 – 18:00 Winter working hours /November-April/: 9:00 – 17:30 Day for a free-of-charge visit: First Thursday of each month – for students The exhibition spaces are housed in a building with a typical urban architecture from the beginning of the 20th century. In the halls on both floors are presented temporary exhibitions relating to the anniversaries of outstanding Bulgarian artists, as well as the history and problems of the country’s cultural life. Exhibitions of foreign artists, experimental exhibitions and children exhibitions are also presented here.

Tsanko Lavrenov /1896-1978/ was one of the most famous Bulgarian painters, a distinctive natural talent with high erudition, limitless energy and incredible creative imagination. The exhibition includes the artist’s best works. The first floor presents the exposition of Mexican Art – modern Mexican graphic arts, crafts and copies of stone sculpture and ceramics. The exhibits are donated in honor of the 1300 anniversary of the Bulgarian State, and the gallery was opened in 1981.

29, Saborna Str. Old Town Email: Phone: 032 622 742

Open: 10.00 - 19.00

Permanent Exposition „Encho Pironkov” 1, Vasil Kanchev Str. tel.: 032/ 638 055 Summer working hours /May-October/: 9:30 – 12:30 and 13:00 – 18:00 Closed: Sunday Winter working hours /November-April/:

Trakart Center & Museum “Archeological” underpass Phone: +032/ 631303 Cell: +359 882 877080; +359 888 304851 Everyday: Open: 9.00 - 19.00

overview 15

ISSN 2367-4717 I FREE GUIDE IN ENGLISH + MAP I Jan - Feb 2017 I ISSUE 16

Your complimentary copy of the Plovdiv City Info Guide is available from hotel rooms, hotel receptions and other public areas at the following top-class Hotels:



êêêêê Hebros Grand Hotel Plovdiv

êêêê Allience Imperial Leipzig Landmark HolidayInn Maritsa Ramada Plovdiv Sankt Peterburg

Airport Plovdiv Car Hire Companies Tourist Information Center Plovdiv Galleries Top Restaurants and Bars Travel Agencies Mall Plovdiv Casinos






For Advertising, Bulk Orders and Subscriptions: 0896 717 227; 0896 717 225;

16 Accommodation Room Service TV in All Rooms Minibar in All Rooms Airconditioned Rooms Restaurant Bar Business Facilities Swimming Pool Fitness Facilities Casino Hotel Parking Credit Cards WiFi Handicape Room with good view


51, Konstantin Stoilov Str. (Old Town) Phone: 032/ 260 180 hotel-residence Beds - 21 Double - 5 Appartments - 3 Single - 1

2, Kapitan Raycho Str. Phone: 032/ 605 000; 032/ 605 009 Beds - 290, Double - 154, Appartments - 4

ALLIANCE 7, Vasil Aprilov Blvd. Phone: 032/ 646 333 Beds - 50, Rooms - 25

4003 Plovdiv, 109 Vasil Levski Str. Phone: 032 20 33 33, Fax: 032 20 33 34; Double Rooms - 67, Executive Rooms - 7

Accommodation 17 Room Service TV in All Rooms Minibar in All Rooms Airconditioned Rooms Restaurant Bar Business Facilities Swimming Pool Fitness Facilities Casino Hotel Parking Credit Cards WiFi Handicape Room with good view

At the Holiday Inn Plovdiv we have 67 comfortable non-smoking guest rooms that are distinguished by their contemporary style and fresh colors. Either on business or leisure, enjoy your stay and relax in our airconditioned rooms with excellent sound insulation. We know how important it is to feel energized and enthusiastic all day long. To make sure you sleep well at night at your disposal is our famous “Pillow Menu” – a choice of four different pillows with various levels of firmness.

LEIPZIG 70, Ruski Blvd. Phone: 032/ 654 000; 032/ 654 404 Beds - 96, Single - 19, Double - 31, Appart.- 10


1, St. Valentin Str. Regatta Venue Rooms: Double 52 We are pleased to present to you the newest fourstars boutique hotel in Plovdiv - Landmark Creek. It offers a wonderful combination of the tranquility of the nature and the dynamic of the urban environment. Landmark Creek Hotel is a prime first-class option for organizing various special events, seminars, conferences, workshops, team-building, combined with relaxation and spa treatment. There are 52 rooms with spectacular views, gardenrestaurant, lobby bar, spa and fitness center, swimming pool, conference rooms, panoramic bar. Our services include car rental, airport transfers, travel agency and airline tickets sales. We are expecting you!

42, Tsar Boris III Obedinitel Blvd. hotelmaritza/bg/welcome.htm Phone: 032/ 952 735 Beds - 146, Rooms - 111

SANKT PETERBURG 97, Bulgaria Blvd. Phone: 032/ 951 830 Single - 38, Double - 38, Studios - 100, Suites - 14

18 restaurants Please note: the price guide is an approximate dinner cost s - up to 25 lv per person; ss - up to 40 lv per person sss - over 40 lv per person


Parking - yes All credit cards accepted!

Pizzaria Verdi ”Petko Petkov”

26, Otets Paisiy Str. s (+35932) 623711 Open: 10.00 - 24.00h All credit cards accepted Seats: 200 Summer garden: 60 seats Parking Place: Yes Gusto serves original Italian pizza and pasta, as well as salads and appetizers from authentic Mediterranean cuisine by original recipes. The Chefs cook for you best beefsteaks and quality European desserts. Daily lunch menu.Outdoors seating.

For two decades the lovely small pizza place called Verdi turned into a fortress of the traditional Italian cuisine. In our Italian restaurants we use original products of excellent quality, which guarantees the unique taste of the dishes in all pizzerias “Verdi”. “Verdi” is the ideal place both for business meetings and family events, which will turn into an unforgettable experience.

Pizzaria Verdi “Radio&TV”

Pizzaria Verdi ”Trakia” Trakia 142 block Cell: 0882 660 156 Open: 11.30-23.00 every day Seats: 75; Garden 90

Pizzaria Verdi ”Mall Plovdiv”


88, Perushtitsa Str. fl.3 Cell: 0882 660 118 Open: 11.30-23.00 every day All credit cards accepted!



19, Nayden Gerov Str. Cell: 0882 660 220 Open: 11.30-23.00 every day Seats: 75; Garden 120 All credit cards accepted!

Torro GrandE s


41, Petko Petkov Str. Cell: 0882 660 242 Open: 11.30-23.00 every day Seats: 75; Garden 80 All credit cards accepted!


66, Capitan Raycho Str. Phone: +359 885 39 99 39;+359 32 39 99 39 Open: 07:00 - 02:00 Torro Grande is the place to “meat in style” in Plovdiv. Located in the heart of the city

restaurants 19 Torro Grande is a must landmark for all those who cherish classy comfort and excellent cuisine. The unique environment creates an attractive and engaging space that tickles the senses of all guests. The service of personal attitude and individual approach adds to the quality of the cooking and inspires one complete experience that is modern, delicious and fun. The menu offers a variety of unique dishes for every taste, from salads and homemade bread, to sushi, fish and meat.


Sombrero RESTAURANT s 5, Dunav Str. (Royal City Center ) Phone: +359 882 354 394; (32) 336179 65A, Svoboda Blvd. Phone: +35932 33 08 78 Open: 10:00 - 24:00 Everyday Sombrero is unique place in the variety of thematic restaurants in Plovdiv – the first Mexican restaurant in the city. You can taste fajitas, burritos, quesadilla, nachos and much more exotic meals from all over Mexico. You can taste some sort sangria, tequila or authentic cocktails. There are traditional Mexican food as well as typical Bulgarian cuisine in the lunch menu. Special menu for children.

20 Useful Numbers AIRPORT INFORMATION Phone: 032/ 60 11 27 information Plovdiv Airport is situated 12 kilometres southeast of Plovdiv (near the main road to Assenovgrad).


South Bus Station 47, Hristo Botev Blvd. Phone: 032/ 626 937 There are mainly buses to and from Sofia, Burgas, Varna, and destinations South of Plovdiv. Bus lines-Istanbul, Bursa and Europe. Rodopi Bus Station 1, Makedonia Blvd. Phone: 032/ 657 828. The bus station is right next to the central railway station. North Bus Station 2, Dimitar Stambolov Str. Phone: 032/ 953 705. There are buses to over 40 destinations North of Plovdiv. It is the only station relatively far from the centre.


INTERNATIONAL FAIR PLOVDIV 37, Tzar Boris III Obedinitel Blvd. Phone: 032/902 141, 032/902 432

RAILWAY Central Railway Station Plovdiv 46, Hristo Botev Blvd. Phone:032 622 729;032 632 720;


Anyone can do it! Every Saturday, at top places, in top cities: Free, organized running for everyone! The pleasure - to run for pleasure!

Plovdiv City ® Info Guide Sofia, 53, Nikola Vaptsarov Blvd. & 02 439 02 22/ 23 fax: 02 439 12 25 e-mail: Sofia Airport: & 029 459 217

INFO CENTERS Municipality of Plovdiv Tourist Information

1, Central Sq., tel./fax:+359 32 656 794, Phone: +359 32 620 229 1, Dr. St. Chomakov Str. (The Old Town), Phone: +359 32 620 453


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overview 1

City Info Guide

VARNA Your free copy 4



12 Accommodation


18 Restaurants

Advertising & Sales: Rumyana Georgieva Cover: St. St. Constantine & Helena, Aqua House Design: AMATI BULGARIA Ltd.

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Тhe Old Pliska is an unique cultural and historical entertainment complex, the only one in the world. It is the place where the Cyrillic alphabet returns. It is located in the city of Pliska - the capital of the First Bulgarian State in the period from 681 to 893, in just 10 minutes distance from Madara Rider and 5 mins away from the Old town and the Basilica. Комплекс Стара Плиска – единствен, уникален културно–исторически развлекателен комплекс в света, мястото, където кирилските букви се завръщат. Намира се в град Плиска, столица на Първата българска държава в периода от 681 до 893г. На 10 минути от Мадарския конник и 5 минути от стария град и Базиликата. ДВОР НА КИРИЛИЦАТА Тел.: +359 897 949 718 дворнакирилицата.bg Работно време: Пон – Вос : 09 — 18 часа Снимка – безплатно Екскурзовод – безплатно Вход — 4лв деца до 7 год. – безплатно

OLD PLISKA Phone: +359 897 949 718 Open: Mon - Sun: 09 – 18 Photo – FREE Tourist guide – FREE Enter - 4 BGN Children - For Free

4 overview

overview 5




6 overview



Комплексът е нов и предоставя на гостите всички удобства за приятна и спокойна почивка (дворът на кирилицата, странноприемницата, боилските бани ). Странноприемницата разполага с 23 двойни стаи с разтегателен фотьойл, 1 стая с три легла и 2 разтегателни фотьойла и 3 VIP стаи. Ресторантът разполага със 130 места, ВИП зала - 10 места, с отделен вход и санитарен възел. Лятна градина - 150 места, с водопади, плодови дръвчета и билки. Предлагаме подбрано меню от вкусна, здравословна храна от българска, арменска, руска и грузинска кухня. На разположение на гостите на комплекса са Боилските бани. Те предлагат финландска сауна, сауна с хималайски соли, римска парна баня, горещо джакузи, топъл басейн, масажна и релакс бар.

+359 897 097 267

overview 7

Тhe “Old Pliska” is an unique cultural and historical entertainment complex, the only one in the world. It is the place where the Cyrillic alphabet returns. It is located in the city of Pliska - the capital of the First Bulgarian State in the period from 681 to 893, in just 10 minutes distance from Madara Rider and 5 mins away from the Old town and the Basilica. The complex is new and offers all the comforts for a pleasant and relaxing holiday (the Cyrillic court, the inn, the boil baths). The inn has 23 double rooms with pull-out armchair, 1 triple room with 2 pull-out armchairs and 3 VIP rooms. The restaurant has 130 seats, a VIP hall - 10 seats with a separate entrance and a bathroom. Summer garden - 150 seats with waterfalls, fruit trees and herbs. We offer a selection of delicious healthy food from Bulgarian, Armenian, Russian and Georgian cuisine. All dishes are prepared with fresh homemade products purchased from local producers. The guests of the complex can enjoy the Boil Baths. There are Finnish sauna, Himalayan salts sauna, Roman steam room, hot Jacuzzi, hot pool, massage, relax bar and two spacious dressing rooms. For reservation:+359 897 097 267

8 overview Population 475 074 Area 3,819 sq. km Main city-Varna (sea capital)

популация 475 074 Площ 3,819 кв. Км Главен град-Варна (морска столица)





The landscape is dominated by hilly landforms. The climate is moderate continental, with Black Sea influence along the coastline. Inland rainfalls do not occur very often and summers usually see dry spells. The prevailing vegetation is deciduous. The area of Kamchia River mouth is a dense forest reserve with rare plant species being preserved.

В пейзажа се доминират хълмисти релефи. Климатът е умерено континентален, с влияние на Черно море по крайбрежието. Вътрешните валежи не се срещат много често и летата обикновено виждат сухи заклинания. Преобладаващата растителност е широколистна. Районът на устието на река Камчия е гъста горска резерват с запазени редки растителни видове.

People, Towns And Culture

Хора, градове и култура

is located in the northeastern part of Bulgaria and reaches to the Black Sea. The region includes 12 municipalities.

The geographic distribution of the population is strongly uneven. The settlement agglomeration formed by Varna, Beloslav, Devnya and Provadia has concentrated over 75 percent of the residents in the region. The process of urbanization has been very active especially in the last 30 years and the urban-rural ratio is 82:18. The ethnic composition is as follows: 371 048 Bulgarians, 30 469 Turks, 13 432 Roma and 5 638 of other ethnic groups. Varna (population 334 870) is an ancient town of centuries-old traditions. Today it is a large industrial, transport and academic center, as well as an international sea tourism hot spot. The towns surrounding VarnaBeloslav, Devnya and Provadia have obtained in the last 50 years a typical industrial urban scenery and atmosphere, whereas Dolni Chiflik and Vulchi Dol are specialized in agriculture.

NOW WE PRESENT CHATEAU DES BERGES Wine tourism in Bulgaria is gaining increasing interest both from tourists - Bulgarians or foreigners. In the last 20 years a wide variety of wine grape varieties is launched, which you can see while you cross the country. In each issue we will present you a wine cellar and the opportunities for tasting, accommodation and relaxation.In the attached map to the edition you can find other objects from the Wine Map of Bulgaria.

Представяме ви Шато Де Берже

Виненият туризъм в България набира все по-голям интерес както от туристи българи, така и от чужденци. През последните 20 години стартира богато разнообразие от винени сортове грозде, което можете да видите докато прекосявате страната. Във всеки брой ние ще ви представяме по една винарна и възможностите за дегустации, настаняване и релакс. В приложената карта към изданието можете да намерите и други обекти от Винената карта на България.

се намира в североизточната част на България и достига до Черно море. Районът включва 12 общини.

Географското разпределение на населението е силно неравномерно. Селищната агломерация, формирана от Варна, Белослав, Девня и Провадия, е съсредоточена над 75% от жителите на региона. Процесът на урбанизация е много активен, особено през последните 30 години, а съотношението между градовете и селските райони е 82:18. Етническият състав е както следва: 371 048 българи, 30 469 турци, 13 432 роми и 5 638 други етнически групи. Варна (334 870 души) е древен град с вековни традиции. Днес тя е голям индустриален, транспортен и академичен център, както и международен морски туризъм. Градовете около Варна - Белослав, Девня и Провадия са получили през последните 50 години типичен индустриален градски пейзаж и атмосфера, докато Долни Чифлик и Вълчи Дол са специализирани в селското стопанство.

overview 9

10 overview

Symbols of Varna

The Festival and Congress Center

The Festival and Congress Center - Varna is created in 1986 and situated in the heart of Varna, at the entrance of the Sea Garden. Тhе center is the place for the most prestigious events in the field of art, culture and industry which among artistic festivals is home to numerous congresses, conferences with international participation, scientific meetings and seminars. The Festival and Congress Center - Varna became the founder of the International Film Festival “Love is Folly” - the only international award film festival organized on the territory of the country. Some of the main events are: the Festival of the Bulgarian Film – “The Golden Rose”, the Festival of the European film co-productions, the International Music Festival Varna Summer, the Theatre Festival of Varna, the International Ballet Festival and others. Address: 2, “Slivnica” Blvd., Phone:+359 52 685 214 The Palace of Culture and Sports

plays for children, humorous shows for adults and educational plays for students. Open: 10:00-17:00 Address: 4, “Dragoman” Str. Phone: +359 52 607 844


The Art Gallery has been founded in 1944 and it is situated in the heart of the city with 10 halls with an area of 1,300 square m. The Gallery is housed in a unique Gothic-style building that in the past was a secondary school for boys. The gallery organizes permanent and visiting exhibitions of various Bulgarian and foreign artist. Open: Tue-Sat: 10:00-17:00, Closed: Mon Address: 1, “Lyuben Karavelov” Str. Entry: 2 BGN, Photography is allowed.

The Palace of Culture and Sports is complex with 6 training and competition halls, recreation center, two gyms, press conference center, and modern shopping and business center. This is the place for numerous international and local sports events. The palace it’s just 1 km away from the Varna center and the resorts as well. The hall is convenient for performing training exercises and competitions in: basketball, volleyball, handball, boxing, judo, karate, gymnastic and table tennis. Address: 115, „Kniaz Boris I” Blvd., Phone:+359 52 647 781

Varna Open-Air Theatre

State Puppet Theatre The Puppet Theatre is placed in a building in the heart of the city center since 1985. The puppet theatre was founded by Georgi Saravanov – famous puppeteer, stage designer and director. He established a group of beginning actors, part of which have graduated from a musical school. The theatre offers performances for audience on different age – classical and contemporary

Varna Open Air Theatre Varna is located in the central part of the Sea Garden. In the summer it hosts many national and international events, such as Opera in the Summer Theatre, Varna Summer Festival and various music concerts. It is the venue of the Varna International Ballet Competition since its inception in 1964. Address: Sea Garden Varna Phone: +359 52 647 781

overview 11

The Sea Garden is Varna’s largest, oldest and best known park, also said to be the largest landscaped park in the Balkans. It is located along the city’s coast, next to the center and it is important attraction and a national monument of landscape architecture. There you can visit the Natural Science Museum, the Naval Museum, the Copernicus Astronomy Complex planetarium, the Zoo and the Terrarium. Here one can find the only Dolphinarium and Aquarium in the country.

Seaside Park - this is the biggest park in Varna, situated by the beach. Its construction was commenced in 1878. Within the park area one can find the Seaside Baths, the Naval Museum, the Natural Science Museum, the Aquarium (with a unique exhibition of water organisms – mainly Black Sea, freshwater and tropical fish species), the Astronomical Observatory and the Planetarium which organizes observation sessions for its visitors, the Dolphinarium with an amusing show where the main stars are the most intelligent water creatures on Earth-the dolphins, etc.

LED lights, 52 water pumps and a modern computer system. This incredible show, created by more than 2, 000 color combinations, spectacular water jets and alltime music hits, became a favorite attraction for all the people in Varna, both residents and tourists. There are special weather vanes and instruments which monitor the environment conditions, in order to regulate water flow and ensure the security of citizens and visitors of the city. During the day, the fountain still works, but without lights so the view is definitely more impressive during the night when the lights are turned on.

Further from the center, a granite monument commemorates the Battle of Varna, which took place in 1444. Here 30,000 Crusaders were waiting to sail to Constantinople when they were attacked by 120,000 Turks. The Polish King Ladislas was killed in a bold attempt to capture the Ottoman Sultan Murad. After his heroic death the nickname Varnenchik was attached to his given name. The subsequent retreat foreshadowed Christendom’s general retreat before the advancing Ottomans.

The singing fountain on Independence


The Sea Garden The singing fountain on Independence square in Varna is the tallest fountain in Bulgaria with its impressive water jet of 41m height and beautiful combination of lighting and sounds. The water landmark includes 400

The 2nd century thermae (warm baths) are the main part of the remains of the largest Roman public building in Bulgaria. During this century a large part of this historical site has been revealed by the archaeologists. Thus a very thorough and exact description of this important landmark has been achieved, though some parts of the building remain hidden under the streets nearby. Coming across an extensive ancient building amidst the streets and houses of a modern city is not unusual in Bulgaria, but it is always a delight.

12 overview

overview 13

14 Accommodation room service


business facilities

room with good view

TV in all rooms


swimming pool

hotel parking

minibar in all rooms


fitness facilities

credit cards

airconditioned rooms





The hotel is one of the preferred places in Varna for organizing all kinds of corporate events such as: conferences, lectures, seminars, business meetings. With its six conference halls (14 to 130 seats), the hotel is the perfect place for all kind of events. What’s more in spite of its pronounced business style Hotel Aqua Varna is a great choice for an unforgettable summer holiday. Hotel Aqua Varna is located in the city center - between the central shopping area and the harbor. The railway station and numerous office buildings and banks are located nearby, making the hotel the preferred place for business trips and business trips. With its proximity to the southern beach, the central pedestrian area and many shopping venues, the hotel is the right choice for a great holiday in the city.

33, Sveti Nikola Phone: +359 52 300 039 Fax: +359 52 301 122 Suites: 16 DALLAS Residence hotel is a tranquil oasis, located within the urban area of Black Sea’s major Bulgarian city Varna, only 300 m. away from the shore. Set in a private estate, among stunning gardens, this boutique hotel turns personal service into philosophy and it makes every guest to feel like at home.

INTERHOTEL CHERNO MORE 12 A, Devnya Str. Phone: +35952639090 Fax: +35952631390 Double 70, Suites 8 Business Hotel Aqua Varna is a modern urban hotel with a unique AQUA vision.

33, Slivnitsa Blvd. Phone: +359 52 61 22 35 – 38; +359 52 61 22 40; +359 61 24 33 Renovated Delux Rooms: 70; Standrat Double Rooms:131 ; Apartment: 1

Accommodation 15 Located on the pedestrian promenade in the heart of the city Interhotel Cherno More /translated Black Sea/ has become a long time ago a historical landmark for all the visitors and the citizens of Varna. The Sea Garden entrance and the beach area are only a few meters away from the hotel. The hotel complex offers 38 fully renovated DELUX rooms and 112 standard double rooms with affordable accommodation - all of them comfortably furnished. Each hotel room has a balcony with wonderful panoramic views of the city and the Black Sea. Here the guests will find a Black Sea Casino, a panoramic restaurant Panorama on the top floor , panoramic cocktail bar, à la carte restaurant Largo, café bars, bowling, billiards, sports club and conference facilities with three modern air-conditioned conference halls suitable for all types of business or corporate events. A secured indoor parking is also available against additional payment.

Golden Tulip Varna 3A, Hristo Botev Blvd., 9000 Varna, Bulgaria Phone: + 359 52 683 000

Reverence Hotel Re

Hotel Boutique Splendid 30, Bratya Shkorpil Str. Phone: +359 52 68 14 14 Single 2, Double 15, Double(Twin) 3, Suites 4, Studios 4 The Boutique Splendid Hotel is a classic, elegant and stylish place, situated in 100-years old magnificent renovated building. It is located in the heart of Varna city and it’s close to the pedestrian shopping street, the Opera House and the Theatre of Varna. The Boutique Splendid hotel offers an excellent combination of comfort and retro luxury with its single, double, twin rooms, suits and studios. All of them are cozy, air-conditioned and with TV and minibar - suitable both for work and rest. During their stay, guests of the hotel may use the quality services such as: room service, restaurant, lobby bar and fitness. The guests of the hotel use the parking lot

58, Osmi Primorski Polk Blvd. Phone: +359 52 631 831/2 Fax: +359 52 460 570 Cell: +359 897 921 661 Double rooms: 15, Suites: 3, Junior suites: 3 Hotel Reverence is situated in the business center of Varna opposite the Varna Municipality. It’s next to the Festival and Congress Center, the Archeological museum and “The sea” Art Gallery. In 10 mins. walk the guests may reach the Palace of Culture and Sport, the Aquarium, the Historical Museum, the Enthnographic Museum, the Cathedral and other places of interest.

16 Accommodation room service


business facilities

room with good view

TV in all rooms


swimming pool

hotel parking

minibar in all rooms


fitness facilities

credit cards

airconditioned rooms




st. st. constantine and helena


SPA Hotel Romance Splendid

Byala Beach Resort

Phone: +359 52 385 400 Single 5, Double 47, Suites 4, VIP Studio 1 The four-star Romance Splendid & SPA Hotel is located in the Saints Constantine and Helena resort. It is situated within a national park and it is surrounded by clean air and mineral springs. The hotel is remarkable with its own unique style, its coziness and the professional attitude. The single and double rooms, apartments and VIPapartments are all air-conditioned, with minibars, TV and great views. Here the guests can enjoy various facilities such as: restaurant and winery, casino, hotel parking, fitness and SPA. The place offers the perfect conditions for business trips, vacations and recreation by the sea, meetings, conference events, and wedding receptions.

5, Primorska str., Byala town, Varna region Phone:+35951435006, +359893014450, Suites: 125 Byala Beach Resort is a 4-star hotel situated on the Black Sea Coast. We provide beautiful sea view, high quality service and unforgettable experience for our guests. Хотел Бяла Бийч Резорт е 4 звезди и е разположен на брега на морето. Предлагаме на нашите гости прекрасна морска панорама, висококачествено обслужване и незабравим престой.


Lighthouse Golf and Spa Resort Balchik 9600, road E87 (5 km after Balchik) Reservations: +359 52 401 400,;

The luxurious, five- star Lighthouse Golf & Spa Hotel is the newest addition to the resort and it is scenically pitched on a spectacular plateau on top of the white cliffs with breathtaking views over the glittering blue Black Sea. The hotel provides elegant and stylish accommodation, various sport and recreational facilities, pampering services and entertainment which contribute to your true 5-star vacation in Bulgaria.

Accommodation 17 Villas Dolce Vita

Villa “Industrial”: +359 899 945 787 Villa “Vintage”: +359 888 403 666

One day you will find a place far away from home, where you will feel so happy, that you won’t leave it – it’s called villas “Dolce Vita”! The two separated villas are surrounded by the green grass, the crystal water pool and the barbeque zone. Each villa has 3 conceptual bedrooms with double beds and spacious living room with dining area. The panoramic fireplace gives a complete look of the fabulous and secluded courtyard. We are sure, that you could feel the combination of rare harmony between the soft sun rays, the fresh sea air and the tranquility of home comfort. Hotel „Chateau des Berges“ Chateau des Bergers Hotel is located at the foot hill of Preslav Mountain where the calmness and tranquility provide the opportunity for complete relaxation in direct contact with nature. The classical architecture mixed with modern comfort of the Chateau offers to its guests a new and different experience combined with the flavor of high-class Bulgarian wine.

Ovcharovo, Targovishte County 6, Avram Topalov Str. Phone: +359 879 120 999

The hotel offers 3 spacious studios and 16 deluxe double rooms with great views, all equipped with a minibar, a cable TV, air-conditioning and internet connection. The staff of the SPA complex will take care of the complete relaxation of the customers. The main therapies include the wine products from the hotel wine. The restaurant offers fresh eco products from the area and an incredible view of the village of Ovcharovo and the vineyards. COMPLEX “OLD PLISKA”

Pliska Town For reservation: Phone: +359 897 097 267 Open: 9:00 - 19:00

The complex is new and offers all the comforts for a pleasant and relaxing holiday (the Cyrillic court, the inn, the boil baths). The inn has 23 double rooms with pull-out armchair, 1 triple room with 2 pull-out armchairs and 3 VIP rooms. The restaurant has 130 seats, a VIP hall - 10 seats, with a separate entrance and a bathroom. Summer garden - 150 seats with waterfalls, fruit trees and herbs. We offer a selection of delicious, healthy food from Bulgarian, Armenian, Russian and Georgian cuisine. All dishes are prepared with fresh homemade products purchased from local producers. The guests of the complex can enjoy the Boil Baths. There are Finnish sauna, Himalayan salts sauna, Roman steam room, hot Jacuzzi, hot pool, massage, relax bar and two spacious dressing rooms. Ethnographic complex “Krivini”

Reservations: +359 878 370 001 GPS; 42.956221, 27.684047

Ethnographic complex “Krivini” is a recreation of the typical trade street from the Bulgarian Renaissance period, perfectly fitting into the natural resources of the area. The main purpose of the complex is to present its visitors the traditional customs and crafts of the regional folklore during the Bulgarian Revival. Within the complex you have access to: A tavern; A cafe; An enoteca offering a wide variety of Bulgarian wine; A weaving workshop; A tower; Guest houses. LOCATION: It is located 10 km away from the main road Varna - Burgas near Stara Oryahovo or 45 km away from Varna and 60 km away from Sunny Beach. Етнографски комплекс Кривини е реплика на търговскозанаятчийска улица от възрожденския период, идеално вписваща се в естествените дадености на местността. Основната цел е да представи и запознае посетителите с традиционния бит и занаяти от регионалната фолклорна област по времето на българското възраждане. На територията на комплекса са разположени: механа; kафене; енотека, с български вина; тъкачница; кула; къщи за гости. ЛОКАЦИЯ: Намира се на 10 км от главен път Варна - Бургас при с.Старо Оряхово или на 45 км от Варна и 60 км от Слънчев бряг.

18 restaurants BULGARIAN

staria chinar 154, Macedonia Str. Reservation: +359 878 514 683 Welcome to one of Varna’s favourite places ‘Staria Chinar’. Beautifully snugg under the old tree and only 5 minutes away from the city centre, this is a typical authentic Bulgarian restaurant, warmly awaiting you with incredibly delicious homemade meals, BBQcooked on charcoal and delicious treats prepared in the oven. The wine selection is amazing, there is plenty to choose from. In addition to all that the staff always makes sure that you will recive exelent care.

staria chinar 11, Preslav Str. Reservation: +359 876 520 500 Situated in a house in the old part of the city. The atmosphere is extremely welcoming and ‘transports’ you to the last century. This is the place where you will find delicious meals and tasty treats, acompanied by hospitality which is what Staria Chinar is famous for and associated with. Another delightful and aromatic addition - Serbian grill prepared by Master Chief Slavisha.

Take advantage of booking in advance on telephone.

Take advantage of booking in advance on telephone.


Chateau des Bergers Wine Restaurant Ovcharovo, Targovishte County 6, Avram Topalov Str.

staria chinar

Phone: 0879 120 999

Port Varna

Come and try the taste of summer with restaurant “Staria Chinar” – Port Varna. We welcome you with delicious traditional food and other recipes from the Black Sea region, served with professionalism and pleasant mood. With us you can feel the famous Bulgarian hospitality and try the best pleasures, offered by our sea.

Memorable tastes, professional chefs and refreshing sea breeze are just a sample of all that we can serve and propose.

Take advantage of booking in advance on telephone.

Open: 9:00 – 23:00 The restaurant offers fresh meats and vegetables, combined with handmade bread and homemade wine. Chateau des Bergers guests can try cow, sheep and buffalo milk and cheese as well as cottage cheese from the local dairy. Apart from the good food the tourists can participate in the wine tasting and buy different types of wines offered by Chateau des Bergers Winery. The wine tasting is a short sommeliers course which is done by a specialist.

restaurants 19


D & G Computers Гоя дубльонки и кожа GOIA leather Shop Varna, 2, Musala Str. Tel: +359 52610770 Working Hours – 10:00 – 19:00 Добро пожаловать в магазин ГОЯ-оазис люкса и качество! Наши болгарские дубльонки и куртки удовлетворят самых капризных клиентов. Здесь можете купить по фабричньие ценьй шапки, тапки, перчатки, ремни. Кроме большая скидка, каждой клиент получает подарок! GOIA Shop is an oasis of luxury and high quality leather clothing. The Bulgarian leather coats, jackets and the unique goods can please even the most demanding customers. Here the clients can also buy hats, slippers, gloves and belts. Apart from the big discounts, each customer receives a compliment - a gift from the store! The shop accepts credit cards.

L’Erbolario ITALIAN NATURAL COSMETIC Varna, 5, Shipka Str. Phone: +359 884 601 630 Open: 10:00 – 19:00 L’Erbolario is the number one natural cosmetics in Italy. The brand offers its clients clean from harmful ingredients face, body and hair products. They are not tested on animals. The main goal of the brand is to provide safe and effective products created with respect for nature and to achieve the ideal balance between the modern cosmetology and the authentic herbal tradition. Бренд предлагает своим клиентам свободный от вредных ингредиентов продуктов для лица, тела и волос. Они не тестируются на животных. Основная задача бренда является обеспечение безопасных и эффективных продуктов, созданных с уважением к природе и достичь идеального баланса между самым современной косметологией и подлинной травяной традицией.

Specialized computer service Repair of computers, laptops and telephones 21, Doctor Jelyazkova Str. Phone: 052/303 999, 0885/303 999 D & G Computers is specialized in selling and support of computer and office equipment, assembling computers and building local networks. Professional counseling and service is part of our daily routine constantly. For 24 years D & G Computers has been providing to its customers with safe and sequire work on their computer networks and devices. We at D & G Computers work for the needs of each customer and we are with them until the problem is resolved. Our motto is “Quality higher than the price”.

“Bilki Bilki” Shop for healthy life 1, “Sheinovo” Str. Tel: 0887 863 837 Working hours: Mon – Fri: 10:00 – 19:00 Sat: 10:00 – 15:00, closed on Sunday “Bilki Bilki” is the perfect place for lovers of a healthy lifestyle. The store offers more than 300 herbs, herbal blends and herbal extracts, healing remedies, bio products and super foods. “Bilki Bilki” also has an alternative medicine cabinet specialized in diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases, inflammation and many others. „Билки Билки„ - Магазин за здравословен живот „Билки Билки“ е перфектното място за любителите на здравословния начин на живот. Магазинът предлага над 300 билки, билкови смеси и билкови екстракти, лечебни средства, биопродукти и суперхрани. „Билки Билки“ разполага и с кабинет за алтернативна медицина, специализиран в диагностика и лечение на вътрешни болести, възпаления и други.


31, Tsaribrod Str. Phone: +359 52 / 602 597 Phone: +359 52 / 602 598


Working time: 8:00-20:00

3, Nikola Simov Str. Phone: +359 52 / 503 420

ELITIS Mega Store is a trading chain with nearly 20 years of experience in thse wholesale and retail of perfumery, cosmetics, detergents and other products. The shops have a wide range of products for your beauty, health and cleaning products for your home. All commodoties are from established and famous world brands. Elitis offers more than 3000 fragrances, over 1000 shades of hair dyes and more than 300 products designed for hygiene and care for your baby at very affordable prices! At Elitis you can buy a wide range of over 2500 decorative cosmetics from the world famous L’Oreal, Maxfactor, Manhattan, Maybelline, Bourjois and etc.

Market Chataldja 49, Chataldja Str. Phone: +359 52 / 927 442 Phone: +359 88 / 9911718 59, Drin Str. Phone: +359 52 / 953 125 Phone: +359 52 / 953 125

More than 400 vacation homes at the Black Sea coast

Повече от 400 ваканционни жилища разполагаме на брега на Черно море

If you are considering booking a holiday cottage or apartment, in Bulgaria then NOVASOL has the right holiday rental for you. NOVASOL is one of the largest holiday rental providers and we have a great selection of properties in Bulgaria and throughout Europe. We have over 40 years’ experience with the holiday rental market, so you are in safe hands when booking with us. At our web page you can read some highlights from our destinations.

Ако планирате да резервирате ваканционна вила или апартамент в България тогава НОВАСОЛ може да ви предложи богат избор от ваканционни жилища. НОВАСОЛ е един от най-големите компании на ваканционни имоти и има голям избор на имоти в България и в цяла Европа. Ние имаме над 40 години опит в пазара на ваканционни имоти, така че сте в сигурни ръце за резервация при нас. На нашата уеб страница www.novasol. com можете да прочетете някои акценти от нашите дестинации.

Phone: +359 893 50 30 13

22 overview

overview 23




бул. Владислава Варненчика 112, офис 6 г. Варна, Болгария, 9000 +359 887 08 08 07 +359 52 69 54 54

Accounting services and consulting Varna, 32, Ovcho Pole Str., Office 2 Whats Viber App Phone: +359 885 334 994 Phone: +359 897 665 775 Legal protection; Registration administrative service for companies; Accounting services for companies at full subscription; Taxes protection; Customs representation; Intermediation for real estate’s deals; Insurance; Professional translation services into 30 languages. Юридическая защита, регистрация компаний; Полный абонемент бухгалтерского обслуживания, ежегодное закрытие счетов компаний; финансовые консультации; налоговая защита; таможенное представительство; Посреднической недвижимость; страховки; Профессиональные услуги перевода на 30 языков.

LUXIMMO — лучшая элитная недвижимость в Болгарии и за рубежом на продажу и в аренду. Бренд LUXIMMO является частью корпоративной группы, имеющuй ряд компаний, успешно работающих в сфере недвижимости и туризма — консалтинг и посредничество в сфере элитной недвижимости, инвестиций и бизнеса. LUXIMMO - one of the most luxurious properties to sale and rent in Bulgaria and abroad. Brand Luximmo is part of a corporation which has successfully developed property and touristy services - consulting, co-operation, business investment.



Kangen Water SUN HOUSE 21, Dragan Tsankov Str. Phone: +359 877 750 275 SUN HOUSE educational centre for children from 5 to 11 years old. Adventurous Summer Academy. Preparation for school. English and Russian language tuition. Sunny teachers and happy children. SUN HOUSE - развивающий центр для детей с 5 до 12 лет. Мир общения, знаний, приключений и спорта. Подготовка для школы. Летняя академия. Интенсивное изучение английского языка.


Order Triumf Taxi by phone: +359 52 644 444 +359 52 644 644 Triumf Taxi is the largest taxi company in Varna. Our 650 cars will take you to every point in Bulgaria comfortably, quickly, safely and at the best price. Triumf Taxi guarantees: - Correct drivers; - Low prices; - Clean and safe cars; - Service at European level.

79, Slivnitsa Blvd., “Raw Paradise” Restaurant For Sell: +359 897 889 406 Office: 5, Petar Beron Str. Kangen is an antioxidant, ionized, alkaline, restructured and micro-clustered water. Kangen water contains a number of antioxidants, which neutralize harmful free radicals. Kangen water is produced by the certified medical Japanese device that keeps all the valuable minerals needed for the body. The water is first filtered and removes chlorine, heavy metals and lead. Then the water is ionized, its molecular structure is changed and its pH is increased and the amount of antioxidants is higher as well. The water supports proper metabolism and triggers the self-healing. It is recommended when suffering from: lack of energy and being tired, headaches, joint and muscle pain, blood pressure problems, digestive problems, allergies, diabetes and various skin problems. Антиоксидантная, йонизированная, щелочная, переструктурированная и микрокластерная Детоксифицирует тело и замедляет процесс старения. Гидратирует тело шесть раз быстрее Нейтрализует кислотность в организме и регулирует кислотно - щелочный баланс в теле. Легче проходит через мембрану клетки. Улучшает общее состояние организма. Добро пожаловать к нам. Попробуйте вoду Канген и здравословную пищу на указанном адресе. Позвоните, забронируйте в удобное время и ознакомтесь детально со свойствами воды, пробуя нашу здравословную еду. Бул Сливница 79 в ресторане Сырой РайKangen Water

Bulgaria in Brief 1

2 Bulgaria in Brief WELCOME TO BULGARIA Welcome to one of the oldest European states with 6000-years old gold treasures, a center of ancient civilizations, a country that hosts the sanctuary of the mystical singer Orpheus and gave to the Slavonic people the Cyrillic alphabet. Bulgaria is the only one country in Europe that hasn’t changed its name since it was first established. The Bulgarian army has never lost a single flag in battle. The flag of Bulgaria is a tricolor consisting of three equal-sized horizontal bands of (from top to the bottom) white, green and red. It was first adopted after Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878), where Bulgaria regained independence. The current flag was re-established with the 1991 Constitution of Bulgaria.

Coat of arms of Bulgaria

Religion: Orthodox Average summer temperatures: 26° to 30°C Average winter temperatures: -5° to 5°C Time zone: GMT +2 Country dialing code: 00 359 Internet country code: .bg Capital: Sofia Currency: Bulgarian Lev (BGN)

HISTORY The Bulgarian state was founded circa 681 as a union of the new-settled Proto-Bulgarians, of seven Slavonic tribes who have already settled this territory and with the inclusion of some smaller ethnical groups (Thracians and others). The state was ruled by its founder Khan Asparuh, the leader of the proto-Bulgarians and the first Bulgarian capital was Pliska. The Thracians were a tribal society who inhabited a vast area in Central and Southeastern Europe. They were well-known in the Ancient world for making filigree gold and silver jewelry. The great Homer described in his masterpiece Iliad a Thracian king, having “the biggest and the most handsome horses I have ever seen, /whiter than snow and swifter than the winds/and a chariot finely wrought with silver and gold.”

Important & significant events 681 – The Bulgarian state acquired political recognition from the Byzantine Empire.

Details Armiger - Republic of Bulgaria Adopted - 1997 Crest - Crown of theSecond Bulgarian Empire Escutcheon - Gules, a lion rampant crowned Supporters - Two lions rampant crowned Compartment - Two crossed oak branches with fruits Motto - Съединението прави силата “Saedinenieto pravi silata” “Unity makes strength”

FACTS & FIGURES Population: Area: Language:

7 364 570 110 993 sq. km Bulgarian

718 – The Bulgarian Khan Tervel has stopped the Arabic invasion to European continent. 855 – The Cyrillic alphabet by the brothers Cyril and Methodius. It corresponded perfectly to the phonetic riches and needs of the SlavonicBulgarian language. As of today more than 250 million people in Europe and Asia use the Cyrillic alphabet for their national languages. 864 – During his rule Knyaz Boris I converted the state to Orthodox Christianity. 893-927 – During the Golden Age of Tzar Simeon The Greatest the First Bulgarian State stretched gradually from Transylvania in the north, to the Aegean Sea in the south, from the Black Sea in the east and to the Adriatic Sea in the west. At this time Bulgaria gradually reached its cultural and territorial apogee, when it developed into the cultural and literary center of Slavic Europe, as well as becoming one of the largest states in Europe. 1018 – The Bulgarian army fell to Byzantines and after that the Bulgaria State had been conquered by the Emperor Vassileios II.

Bulgaria in Brief 3 Накратко за България

Добре дошли в България, една от найстарите държави в Европа със златно съкровище на 6000 години, център на древни цивилизации – страната, в която се намират светилището на мистичния певец Орфей и дала на славяните кирилицата. България е единствената трана в Европа, която не е сменила името си, откакто е създадена. Българската армия никога не е загубила флагът си в битка. Знамето на България е трикольор, състоящ се от три равни хоризонтални ленти от (от горе на долу) бяло, зелено и червено. За първи път е приет след Руско-Турската Освободителна война (1877-1878 г.), с която България възвръща независимостта си. Настоящето знаме бе възстановено с Конституцията на България от 1991 г.


Българската държава е основана около 681 като съюз между новозаселилте се прабългари, както и седем славянски племена, които вече са населявали тези територии и с включването на няколко по-малки етнически групи (траки и други). Начело на държавата е бил основателят й Хан Аспарух, водачът на прабългарите, а първата българска столица е Плиска. Траките са били племенен строй, който е обитавал долините на Централна и Югоизточна Европа. Те са били известни в древните времена като майстори на златни и сребърни бижута. Великият Омир описва в шедьовъра си „Илиада“ тракийският цар, който притежава „най-големите и най-красите коне, които някога съм виждал,/ по-бели от сняг и побързи от вятъра/ и колесница, изработена от фино сребро и злато.“

Важни и значими събития

681 – Българската държава получава политическо признание от Византия

718 – Българският Хан Тервел спира Арабското нашествие на европейския континент 855 – Братята Кирил и Методи създават българската азбука (кирилицата). Тя кореспондира перфектно с фонетичните нужди на славяно-българския език. Днес над 250 милиона души по света в Европа и Азия използват кирилицата, за да пишат на своите национални езици.


Население: 7 364570 Площ: 110 993 кв. м. Официален език: български Официална религия: Православно християнство Средна температура през лятото: 26-30°C Средна температура през зимата:5-5°C Времева зона: +2 часа Телефонен код: 00 359 Интернет домейн: bg Столица: София Валута: Български лев

864 – По време на управлението си княз Борис I приема православното християнство като официална религия. 893-927 – По време на Златния век на Цар Симеон Велики Първата Българска държава се е разпростирала до Трансилвания на север, до Бяло море на юг, до Черно море на изток и до Адриатическо море на запад. По това време България достига своя културен и териториален апогей, същевременно се превръща в културен и литературен център на Славянска Европа, както и става една от най-мащабните държави в Европа. 1018 – Българската армия пада от Византия

4 Bulgaria in Brief 1185 – The Second Bulgarian State was established at Veliko Tarnovo, reinstated the borders of the First Bulgarian Kingdom and a second Golden Age began during which Bulgaria expanded its borders to the shores of Black, Aegean and Adriatic seas.

when Bulgaria peacefully ousted the Communist Party leader Todor Zhivkov. 1989 – The establishment of a multi-party system and the begging of the Bulgaria’s democratization.

1396-1878 – The country was under the rule of 12.07.1991 – The new Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria was adopted and it prothe Ottoman Empire. claimed the country as a parliamentary republic. 1878 – Liberation from the rule of the Ottoman Empire. Establishment of the Third Bulgarian 29.03.2004 – Bulgaria joined NATO. State. 01.01.2007 – The country became a member of 1878-1879 – As the result of the Treaty of Berlin, the European Union. the Bulgarian State was divided in two territories. Borders through the centuries An autonomous Principality of Bulgaria was creBulgaria has expanded twice its borders to the ated, between the Danube and the Stara Planina range, with its seat at the old Bulgarian capital of shores of Black, Aegean and Adriatic seas. Veliko Tarnovo, and including Sofia. An autono- Bulgarian Empire is a term used to describe two mous Ottoman province under the name of periods in the medieval history of Bulgaria, during Eastern Rumelia was created south of the Stara which it acted as a key regional power in Europe Planina range, whereas Macedonia was returned in particular, often rivaling Byzantium. Here is the picture of Bulgarian borders in our days. under the sovereignty of the Sultan. 06.09.1885 – The establishment of the Independence of Bulgaria. On that date Eastern Rumelia rejects the rule of Sultan and announced that joined the Principality of Bulgaria. Two days later, the Prince Alexander Battenberg First signed a manifesto to approve the accession of the field and taken to be titled as a future prince of Northern and Southern Bulgaria. 1944 – The After Communist Party, led by Georgi Dimitrov, took the power as a result of almost bloodless coup d’état and proclaimed Bulgaria for a “People’s Republic” in 1946 after a controversial referendum. 10.11.1989 – The Communist regime ended

National Holidays 1 January – New Year’s Day 3 March – National Holiday /The liberation of the Bulgarian land from the Ottoman Empire is celebrated on this day/ 1 May – Labour and International Worker’s Solidarity Day 6 May – St. George’s Day (Gergyovden) and the Bulgarian Army’s Day 24 May – Bulgarian Education, Culture and Cyrillic Alphabet Day 6 September – Unification Day 22 September – Independence Day 1 November – Day of the Bulgarian Enlighteners (Holiday for all educational institutions) 24 December - Christmas Eve 25, 26 December – Christmas Days

Bulgaria in Brief 5 и в резултат България пада под властта на 12.07.1991 – Новата Конституция на Византската империя и управлението на Република България е приета и България е император Василий II. провъзгласена за парламентарна република. 1185 – Втората Българска държава е основана Във Велико Търново, като възвръща границите на Първото Българско Царство, а през втория Златен век България стига до бреговете на Черно, Бяло и Адриатическо море. 1396-1878 – България е под османска власт 1878 – Освобождение от османска власт. Създаване на Третата Българска Държава. 1878-1879 – Като резултат от Договора в Берлин, българската държава е разделена на две части. Създадено е автономно княжество на България, между Дунав и Стара планина със седалище в старата българска столица Велико Търново, включително и София. Автономна османска провинция под името Източна Румелия е създадена на юг от Стара Планина, докато Македония е върната под суверенитета на султана. 06.09.1885 – Обявяване на съединението на България. На тази дата Източна Румелия отхвърля управлението на султана и обявява, че се присъединява към Княжество България. Два дни по-късно княз Александър I Батенберг подписва манифест, с който одобрява присъединяването на териториите и се обявява за княз на Северна и Южна България. 1944 – След като комунистическата партия, водена от Георги Димитров, взима властта в резултат на почти безкръвен преврат и България е провъзгласена за “Народна република” през 1946 г. след спорен референдум. 10.11.1989 – Комунистическият режим приключва, когато България мирно отстранявава лидера на комунистическата партия – Тодор Живков. 1989 - Създаване на многопартийната система и начало на процеса по демократизаци на страната.

29.03.2004 – България се присъедини към НАТО. 01.01.2007 – Държавата стана член наЕвропейския съюз.

Граници през вековете

България е разширявала два пъти границите си до бреговете на Черно, Бяло и Адриатическо море. “Българската Империя” е термин, използван за да опише тези два периода от средновековната история на България. В тези периоди държавата е имала ролята на ключова за региона. На тази снимка са показани границите на съвременна България.

Национални празници

1 януари – Нова Година 3 март – Национален празник / Освождението на българските земи от Османската империя. 1 май – Ден на труда 6 май – Гергьовден и Ден на Българската армия 24 май – Ден на българската писменост и култура 6 септември – Ден на Съединението 22 септември – Ден на Независимостта 1 ноември - Ден на българските будители (празник за всички образователни институции) 24 декември – Бъдни вечер 25, 26 декември – Коледа 1 Ноември - Ден на Будителите 24 Декември - Рождество Христово 25, 26 Декември - Рождество Христово

6 Bulgaria in Brief

Black Sea Coast Black Sea Coast

Ski Resorts

Bulgarian sea resorts offer excellent accommodation at five, four, three, and two-star hotels, both seasonal and working all year round. They also provide a rich variety of sports and fun activities. The following Bulgarian sea resorts were distinguished with the prestigious Blue Flag Award: Roussalka, Albena, Golden Sands, Riviera, Sunny Day, Elenite, Nessebar Beach, Sunny Beach, Pomorie Beach, Duni, and the International Youth Center in Primorsko. Various harbors and ports provide opportunities for yachting, surfing, water skiing, scuba diving, motor driving.

The winter season has a lot to offer to the tourists. The largest and most developed ski resorts in Bulgaria are Bansko, Borovets and Pamporovo. The facilities are being constantly renovated while the prices in Bulgaria remain considerably lower than in other competitive countries. The capacity of the winter resorts increases gradually. A total of 199 km of slopes are included in Bulgaria. The ski resorts in Bulgaria reach up to 2560 m. The mountain areas provide excellent conditions for different sports, e.g. ski mountaineering, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing etc. During the summer the mountains offer opportunities for rock climbing and caving in the 4300 caves (12 are supplied with electricity).

Eco Tourism

Adventure Tourism

In the recent years eco and rural tourism in Bulgaria successfully competes with similar activities in other European countries. The stay in a Bulgarian village provides a unique opportunity to submerge in a traditional environment and lifestyle, which spans over the ages. Just imagine magical views, charming villas, guest houses and family hotels, organic food, hospitable local people, over 600 mineral springs, the scent of the rose oil and you will gain only a glimpse of what awaits you in the Bulgarian country side.

Adventure tourism in Bulgaria is gaining strong momentum because all regions of the country are equally suitable for high adrenaline thrills. In the mountains you can enjoy visiting incredible caves in the rocks, climbing amazing peaks and flying in the skies with a paraglider. Some of our famous resorts like Bansko, Borovets and Pamporovo offer plenty of opportunities to practice winter extreme sports too.

Bulgaria in Brief 7 Ски курорти

Зимният сезон има много какво да предложи на туристите. Най-големите и развити ски курорти в България са Банско, Боровец и Пампорово. Съораженията е модернизират непрекъснато, докато цените в България остават сравнително ниски за разлика от други страни. Капацитетът на зимните курорти значително се е увеличил. Общата дължина на пистите в България е 199 км. Някой от курортите достигат височината от 2560 м. Планинските райони редлагат отлични възможности за различни спортове, като ски, сноуборд, биатлон и др. През лятото пък планините са перфектни за практикуване на скално катерене и пещернячество, тъй като в страната има 4300 пещери.

Черноморското крайбрежие

Българските морски курорти предлагат отлични условия за настаняване в пет, четири, три и двузвездни хотели, които работят, както по време на сезона, а част от тях и целогодишно. Те още разполагат с разнообразие от спортни и забавни атракциони. Следните български морски курорти са отличение с престижното отличие син флаг: Русалка, Албена, Златни пясъци, Ривиера, Слънчев ден, Елените, Несебър бийч, Слънчев бряг, Поморие бийч, Дюни и Международния младежки център Приморско. Много пристанища разполагат с възможност за сърфинф, водни ски, гмуркане, катаране на джет или плаване с яхта.


Еко Туризъм

В последните години еко и селските туризъм в България успешно се конкурира с подобни дейности в останалите европейски държави. Възможността да се потопите в традиция и бит, които са се съхранили с векове. Просто си представете магични гледки, чаровни селца, къщи за гости и семейни хотели, натурална храна, гостоприемни местни жители, над 600 минерални извора, миризмата на розово масло и ще усетите само частица от това, което ви очаква на село.

Приключенски туризъм

Приключенския туризъм в България печели все повече хора. В планините можете да посетите невероятни скални пещери, или да изкачвате величествени върхове. Летене с парапланери е все по предпочитано екстремно преживяване. Някои от най-известните курорти като Банско, Боровец и Пампорово предлагат много възможности за практикуването на зимни спортове. България е малко страна, но е благословена с величествена природа и предлага уникални възможности за много видове туризъм. Умереният климат прави България перфектна дестинация по време на четирите сезона. Девствената красота на природата, артефактите от древни култури са предпоставка да преживеете незабравими мигове.


SPA & WELLNESS Mineral waters and SPA resorts in BULGARIA

Bulgaria is one of the few countries in the world which can be pointed out because of its variety and richness of mineral waters. The Bulgarian territory boasts over 700 mineral water deposits. Therefore the country wins the fame of one of the first SPA destinations in Europe. All mineral waters are well-known for its healthy and treatment’s properties, the qualities of which are at first discovered by the Thracians. The Thracians have built their repositories for water treatment near the thermal springs. This led to the establishment of cities like Sofia, Hissarya, Sandanski,

Kyustendil and many others. Afterwards the Romans who conquered these lands built their Roman baths and they continued the tradition of using the waters for large SPA centers. There are more then 1 600 springs, situated mainly at the mountains foothills. Nowadays the closest settlements to the mineral water resources are rebuilt as modern SPA resorts that have a lot to offer and that attract many tourists because of the healing powers of the water. The average temperature of the springs in Bulgaria ranges from 37 to 50 ºC. Another advantage is also the low levels of mineralization of the waters, which, in addition to being suitable for the treatment and prophylaxis of a number of diseases, has many healthy properties as a drinking water. If you are looking for a place for your SPA and wellness vacation, read the following lines where we will introduce you to one of the most popular destinations.

Sandanski: Known as the sunniest town in Bulgaria, Sandanski is situated at the foothill of the southwestern part of the Pirin Mountains. The typical climate with Mediterranean influence combined with healing mineral springs is recommended for the prevention of diseases of the respiratory tract, the musculoskeletal system and the peripheral nervous system. There are over 80 springs in the area with a water temperature between 42 and 81 ºC.

Devin: Situated in the mystic Western Rhodopes, Devin is a wonderful balneo town. The clean mountain air and the delicious local cuisine are guarantee for a truly relaxing vacation. The resort is recommended for treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system.


Hissarya: Just another 40 km away from Plovdiv is located another modern SPA resort. In the past, Hissarya was a great Roman metropolis, famous for its 16 natural mineral springs. Ancient Roman ruins surround the city in nowadays and they still give it an unforgettable charm. The mineral waters can be used for drinking and water treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, renal and urological diseases, biliary diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system etc. Bankya: The tranquil town of Bankya boasts 40 mineral springs. As it is part of the Sofia region, this is a perfect opportunity to combine the visit to the capital with a time for relaxation and rehabilitation. Bankya is situated at the foothool of Lyulin Mountain, only 17 km away from Sofia. The mineral waters here are suitable for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Velingrad: With its 80 mineral springs and hundreds of options for accommodation Velingrad has won the tittle: “SPA capital on the Balkans�. This SPA destination is characteristic for its beneficial impact on the pulmonary and musculoskeletal system, which improves the condition of patients with neurological and gynecological problems and helps in the treatment of kidney, liver and gastrointestinal diseases. We do recommend you to combine your stay in the city with a visit to Kleptuza Park and its two lakes, a karst source and centuries-old pine forests.

Other destinations on the SPA and wellness map of Bulgaria are Stara Zagora, Haskovo, Kyustendil, Varshets, Kostenets, Narayanski Bani, Sapareva Banya etc. Wherever you prefer to stay, you will not regret it.


SPA & WELLNESS Минерални извори и СПА курорти България е една от малкото страни по света, които се отливачват с разнообразие и богатство на минерални води. С над 700 находища на минерална вода страната безспорно си печели славата на една от първите СПА дестинации в Европа. Всички те са добре известни със своите лечебни свойства, чиито качества първи са открити от траките. Траките построили своите бани за водолечение в близост до термалните води. Това довело до възникването на градове като София, Хисаря, Сандански, Кюстендил и др. След тях римляните, които завладели тези земи, построили своите римски терми и продължили традицията в изграждането на големи балнеоложки центрове. Днес най-близките селища до минералните води са преустроени в модерни спа курорти, които имат много какво да предложат и привличат много туристи заради лечебните сили на водата. В България има повече от 1600



извора, разположени предимно в подножието на планините. Средната температура на изворите в България варира от 37 до 50 ºC. Друго предимство е и ниското ниво на минерализация на водите, която освен че е подходяща за лечение и профилактика на редица заболявания, е полезна и за консумация. Ако търсите място за вашата спа и уелнес ваканция, прочетете следващите редове, в които ще ви представим някой от по-полулярните дестинации. Велинград: Със своите 80 минерални извора и стотици възможности за настаняване Велинград си е спечелила прозвището „спа столица на Балканите“. Тази балнео дестинация е профилирана за лечение на белодробни и ставни заболявания, на неврологични и гинекологични проблеми, помага за бъбречни, чернодробни и стомашночревни заболявания. Задължително Hills съчетайте престоя си в града с посещание на парк Клептуза и неговите две езера, карстов източник и вековни борови гори. Сандански: Известен като най-слънчевия град в България, Сандански е разполжен в подножието на югозападните части на Пирин планина. Типичният климат със средиземноморско влияние в комбинация с лековитите минерални извори се препоръчва за профилактика на заболявания на дихателните пътища, опорно-двигателната система и периферната нервна система. В района има над 80 извора с температура на водата от 42 до 81 ºC.


12 SPA & WELLNESS Девин: Разположен в мистистичните Западни Родопи, Девин е прекрасен балнео град. Чистият планински въздух и вкусната местна кухня обещават една наистина отпускаща ваканция. Курортът се препоръчва за лечение на заболявания на опорнодвигателния апарат и на нервната система.

за отдих и релакс. Банкя се намира в подножието на Люлин планина, на едва 17 км от София. Минералните води тук са подходящи за лечението на сърдечно-съдови заболявания. Велинград: С 80 минерални извора и стотици възможности за настаняване Велинград спечели титлата “СПА столица на Балканите”. Тази SPA дестинация е характерна за благоприятното въздействие върху белодробната и мускулноскелетната система, което подобрява състоянието на пациентите с неврологични и гинекологични проблеми и помага при лечението на бъбречни, чернодробни и гастроинтестинални заболявания. Препоръчваме Ви да комбинирате престоя си в града с посещение на парк Клептуза и неговите две езера, карстов източник и вековни борови гори.

Хисаря: Само на 40 км от Пловдив се крие друг съвременен спа курорт. В миналото Хисаря е бил голям римски метрополис, известен със своите 16 естествени минерални извора. Древните римски руини обграждат града и до днес му придават незабравим чар. Водите могат да се използват за пиене и водолечение на стомашно-чревни заболявания, бъбречно-урологични заболявания, жлъчно-каменни болести, заболявания на опорнодвигателния апарат и редица други Други дестинации от спа и уелнес предзнаначения. картата на България са Стара Банкя: Хасково, Кюстендил, Спокойният град Банкя разполага с Загора, Костенец, Наречески 40 минерални извора. Като част от Вършец, Софийския регион, това е перфектна бани, Сапарева баня. Където и да възможност да съчетаете предпочетете да отседнете, няма посещението на столицата с време да съжалявате.

Royal Spa Velingrad


Perperikon Author - Kiril Valkanov Travel blogger Perperikon is 272 km /approximately 3 hours drive /in the South-East of Sofia, 96 km away from Plovdiv, 367 km lm away from Varna and 257 km away from Burgas, but believe me, no matter where your starting point is, the drive is worth enough. The nature in the region is picturesque and the views that you are going to enjoy will be remembered for a long time. If you are travelling from Sofia or Plovdiv, on the highway you should take the exit and follow the road to Chirpan, Dimitrovgrad and Haskovo. If you are coming from the East, you should take the exit to Dimitrovgrad and Haskovo when on the highway you reach Stara Zagora, The best way to visit Perperikon though, is to organize a weekend staying in any of the hotels and guest houses situated on the shores of Kardzhali damn. This way you can get a relaxing weekend and combine visiting Pepreprikon and the other very beautiful Nature phenomenona the Stone Mushrooms and the Stone wedding.

2 leva for kids. But my suggestion is to book a guide. The price for the guide is 30 leva, but without one, your visit will be just a walk through the stones, and you will not get what is so special and impressive about Perperikon. In fact Perperikon is an archeological complex with sacred megalith Thracian city, ancient monuments and Medieval Fortress. The city was destroyed in 14th century by the Turks. History has never been something that I’ve been good at, but still I was so impressed from what I’ve seen there. The views from the top are breathtaking, but what is most impressive is that what was just a common forest hill a few decades ago is now a three-floor palace hewn into the rocks, a Thracian sanctuary and a huge ancient city. Mind-blowing is the fact, that all this started and was established 8000 years BC when even the metal was still not known and used by the mankind. A big church sized 100/12 meters was also hewn almost 3 meters into the rocks. One can also witness ancient streets with water system, the throne of the princess hewn into the rocks and the Temple of Dionysius where Alexander of Macedon was foretold that he will conquer the world and Octavian was told by a fortune teller that his son Augustus will found the great Roman Empire.

If you choose to stay in the Kardzhali region it will be very easy to reach Perperiokon. It is only 18 km away. You drive by the villages of Skalishte, Zhinzifovo and Chiflik and after you exit Murgovo you take left turn, There are signs everywhere, The guided tour through the ancient city of Perperikon takes so it is hard to go wrong. There is a big parking where you about two hours, but for sure these will be two hours well cam park and buy tickets. The price is 6 leva for adults and spent.


Перперикон се намира на 272 км. /приблизително 3 часа с кола/ югоизточно от София, на 96 км. от Пловдив, на 367 км. от Варна и на 257 км от Бургас. Повярвайте ми от където и да тръгнете, изминаването на тези километри ще си струва. Природата наоколо е прекрасна а гледките, които се отварят от хълма се запечатват за дълго време в съзнанието. Ако пътувате от София или Пловдив на автомагистала „Тракия“ трябва да хванете отбивката за Чирпан, Димитровград и Хасково. Ако пък идвате от морето трябва да слезете от магистралата на Стара Загора отново, в Посока Димитровград и Хасково.

впечатлен от това, което видях там. За красотата на гледките ще говорят снимките, но факта, че до преди няколко десетилетия това е било само един горист хълм, а в момента има разкрит вкопан в скалите триетажен дворец и тракийско светилище, а на върха е разкрит внушителен по размерите си древен град са поразяващи. Впечатляващо е, че началото на всичко това е поставено преди около 8000 години, когато дори металът още не е бил познат на човечеството…. Изумителни са „Големия храм“ с размери 100/12 м, който има вкопаване на ръка в скалата достигащо до 4м дълбочина, скалните стълби, както и системата за защита, която включва дори водохранилища, които могат да бъдат отпушени в случай на атака, така че изкачващите се врагове да бъдат отнесени надолу с водата.

Най-добрия вариант за посещение на Перперикон обаче е да го комбинирате с нощувка в някой от множеството хотели и къщи за гости разположени по бреговете на язовир Kърджали. Така можете да си организирате един разкошен уикенд, в който освен Перперикон да посетите Разглеждането на Перперикон ни отнема около 2 часа природните феномени Каменните гъби и Вкаменената с едно сериозно изкачване в началото. Тук можете да видите стаята и трона на принцесата, Олтара на сватба, които също се намират на около. Дионис, голямото водохранилище с размери 12/6/6 м Ако сте в района на Кърджали, няма как да се объркате. вкопано директно в скалата, гробница и множество Пътят е ясно обозначен и навсякъде има табели. гробове отновосъщо вкопани в скалите. Тук можете Перперикон се намира на 18 км. (около 20 минути с кола да видите улици, направени преди хиляди години, по от града). Минавате през Скалище, Жинзифово и Чифлик, дължината на които има отводнителни канали. Много а малко след село Мургово отбивате в ляво. Има голям любопитни са местата, където жрица предсказва на паркинг за автобуси и коли. Основният ми съвет - ако Александър Македонски, че ще превземе света, както решите да посещавате Перперикон – вземете си и на Октавиан, че сина му Август ще застане начело екскурзовод ! Входът е 6 лв. за възрастни и 2 лв. за на велика империя. Въобще – забележителност, която ученици. Доплаща се 30 лв за екскурзовод независимо трябва да се види и преживее. от числеността на групата, но ако искате да усетите и да разберете Перперикон, а не само да си направите двучасова разходка из скалите – екскурзоводът е задължителен. На нас ни се падна една мила девойка Дора, която беше компетентна и внимателна, плюс това се съобразяваше със шестте деца (от 4 до 12-годишни), които бяха с нас, за което уверявам ви, се искат здрави нерви понякога. Перперикон е археологически комплекс състоящ се от голямо мегалитно тракийско светилище, паметници от античността и средновековна крепост. По времето на траките, той е свещен скален град и крепост с царски дворец. Унищожен е през XIV век от османските турци. Историята никога не е била силната ми част, но мога да кажа, че бях изключително

16 OVERVIEW Area 7 748 sq. km Main city Burgas Burgas Region population: 415 817

Burgas REGION Burgas region occupies the farthest southeast part of the country. To the south it borders to the Republic of Turkey, with Malko Turnovo checkpoint being the direct link to Istanbul. To the east, the region reaches the Black Sea coast. The region includes 13 municipalities.

Burgas city and Land The landscape is varied and characterized by lowlands beach resortS with rolling hills and mountains. The climate is transitional continental with strong influence of the Black Sea along the coast. There are often droughts in summer. The mountains are forested mainly by deciduous trees, and some evergreen Mediterranean species could be found to the south. The territory of the region contains a number of natural phenomena and protected sites. The coastline is covered with spacious sand beaches.

People, Towns And Culture

The region is characterized by a considerably varied population structure and distribution, In general, migration from all municipalities is directed to the center of the region - Burgas (pop. 212 902), which is the reason for the town’s growth. Burgas is the country’s major seaport. The town is also a cultural center, with established academic institutions. The coastline is covered with a series of smaller towns of rich cultural and historic heritage, as well as health and seaside tourism centers (Pomorie, Nessebar, Sozopol, Primorsko and others).

The town of Burgas is situated on the Black sea coast, by the Burgas bay, on a flat plain, known as the Burgas plate. It lies at an average elevation of 17 m above the sea level. Salt lakes cover the areas south and north of town. They are a protected territory as part of the south-migrating birds’ route, also known as Via Pontica. The climate is moderately continental with a clearly expressed sea influence. Summer is usually pleasant and fresh due to the permanent breezes. During the summer air temperatures in the daytime average 26.4°C, and that of the seawater is 24.7°C. The number of sunny days in the summer varies between 24 and 27 per month, with an average of 10-11 hours of sunshine per day. Winter is mild, mostly without any snow. During the winter season the average air temperature is 4.6°C, and that of the water is 7.4°C. Due to the sea influence, autumns here are long and significantly warmer than in inland regions, while springs tend to be cold and arriving a month later.

OVERVIEW 17 Площ 7 748 кв. Км Бургас Област Бургас население: 415 817

РЕГИОН БУРГАС Регион Бургас заема най-отдалечената

академични институции . Крайбрежната ивица е покрита със серия от по-малки градове с богато културно и историческо наследство, както и здравни и морски туристически центрове (Поморие, Несебър, Созопол, Приморско и др.).

БУРГАС и морски курорти наоколо

югоизточна част на страната. На юг граничи с Република Турция, като контролнопропусквателен пункт Малко Търново е директна връзка с Истанбул. На изток регионът достига Град Бургас е разположен на брега на Черно море, до брега на Черно море. В района са включени до Бургаския залив, на равниннаместност, известна като “Бургаска плато”. Намира се на 13 общини. средна надморска височина 17 м над морското равнище. Солените езера покриват районите на юг и северно от града. Те са защитена територия Пейзажът е разнообразен. Климатът е преходно- като част от маршрута на птиците, пренасящ континентален със силно влияние на Черно море се на юг, известен също като Via Pontica. по крайбрежието. Има сухо лятото. Планините Климатът е умерено континентален, с ясно са залесени главно от широколистни дървета, изразено морско влияние. Лятото обикновено е а на юг може да се открият някои вечнозелени приятно и свежо, поради постоянния бриз. През средиземноморски видове. Територията на лятото температурите на въздуха през деня са района съдържа редица природни феномени средно 26,4 ° C, а температурата на морската и защитени територии. Бреговата ивица е вода е 24,7 ° C. Броят на слънчевите дни през лятото варира между 24 и 27 на месец, със покрита с просторни пясъчни плажове. средно 10-11 часа слънцегреене на ден. Зимата е мека, предимно без сняг. През зимния сезон средната температура на въздуха е 4.6 ° C, Районът се характеризира със значително а тази на водата е 7.4 ° C. Поради влиянието разнообразна структура и разпределение на на морето, есента тук е дълга и значително населението. По принцип миграцията от всички по-топла от тази във вътрешните региони, общини е насочена към центъра на региона - Бургас докато изворите обикновено са студени и (поп. 212 902), което е причина за ръста на града. пристигат месец по-късно.


Хора, градове и култура

Бургас е основното пристанище на страната. Градът е и културен център с утвърдени

18 Bulgaria in Brief


Акве калиде е древен град на територията на Бургас. По исторически данни изграждането на първата римска баня тук се е случило през I-II в. по времето на император Траян. През вековете минералните извори са посещавани от много велики владетели, сред които българския хан Тервел и султан Сюлейман I Великолепни. През последните няколко години при разкопки в района на Акве калиде, археолозите установиха наличието на интересни находки – крепостната стена и северния вход към древен град. Разкрита е и уникална за времето си отоплителна система със специални глинени тръби. Към днешна дата изцяло реставрирана е турската баня (хамам) от времето на Сюлейман Великолепни, която е облицована с мрамор и характерната за Ориента керамика. Днес тя представлява действаща музейна експозиция. И в момента продължават археологическите проучвания на мястото, като различни находки разкриват историята на минералните извори през вековете.

Bulgaria in Brief 19

AQUAE CALIDAE Aquae Calidae is an ancient city on the territory of Burgas. According to historical data, the first Roman Bath here was built during the rule of Emperor Trayan in 2nd century. The SPA baths were visited by many of the great rulers, among which the Bulgarian Khan Tervel and Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. The digs at Aquae Calidae in the last few years brought us interesting findings – the city wall and its north gate. A unique for its time heating system was also found with special clay pipes. As of today, the Turkish bath (hamam) dating back to Suleiman’s rule is entirely restored – faced with marble and ceramics, typical for the Orient. Nowadays it is an interesting museum. The archaeological excavations continue nowadays and different findings reveal the history of the Mineral spring through the centuries.

АКВЕ КАЛИДЕ Акве Калиде является древним городом на территории Бургаса. По историческим данным строительство первой римской бани здесь осуществлено во времена императора Траяна во II в. Эти минеральные бани посещались многими великими владетелями, среди которых болгарский хан Тервел и султан Сулейман I Великолепный. В последние несколько лет при раскопках в районе Акве Калиде археологи открыли интересные находки – крепостную стену и северный вход в древний город. Раскрыта и уникальная для своего времени система отопления с помощью специальных глиняных труб. К настоящему моменту реставрирована полностю турецкая баня (хамам) времени Сулеймана Великолепного – облицованная мрамором и характерной для Ориента керамикой. Сегодня там функционирует музейная экспозиция. И сейчас продолжают археологические раскопки, разные находки показывают историю минеральных источников на протяжении веков. Burgas, Vetren Disctr. & +359 56 825 772 GPS Coordinates: 42.60263062, 27.39435196

20 Bulgaria in Brief

Bulgaria in Brief 21

22 Accommodation room service


business facilities

room with good view

TV in all rooms


swimming pool

hotel parking

minibar in all rooms


fitness facilities

credit cards

airconditioned rooms





2, Al. Batenberg Str. phone: 056 812 345 Combines discreet luxury, high level of service, unique location, nature, sea, beach, SPA and wellness, treatment and prophylactics of various medical conditions, body revitalization, modern weight-loss facilities /Non-Invasive Body Liposuction/ and rejuvenation /Needle Free Mesotherapy/, using the healing effect of the Bulgarian healing clay and lye. Different in service and style, the “Grand” of Burgas provides a truly authentic and luxurious experience, transporting you in your dream-like home.

Burgas, Lazur, 129 Demotratsia Blvd. phone: +359 56 83 35 35 fax: +359 56 83 35 40 Modern city hotel with indoor SPA center with conference halls for business meetings and events. Spacious luxury restaurant for banquets, parties and weddings.

LUXOR 27, Bulair Str. phone: 056 847 670 fax: 056 847 671

nessebar 21, Alexandrovska Str. phone: +359 56 842 610 cell: +359 888 64 64 63 The 71 m high building of hotel “Bulgaria” is situated in the heart of Burgas. The hotel has 17 floors, each of them with a spectacular view to the Gulf of Burgas or the old town part of the city. The hotel is a popular place for different kind of receptions, company parties and business events.

VIGO 9, Ivan Vazov Str. phone/fax: +359 554 467 38 +359 554 432 82

Accommodation 23

24 USEFUL NUMBERS company name


additional information

AIRPORT INFORMATION Departures: 056 870 248 Arrivals: 056 870 272


Call Center: 02 40 20 400 Phone: 056 870 248

For sales and reservations:

Address: Slivnitsa Blvd. 24 3rd floor Varna/Bulgaria Phone: +90 850 333 0 849 e-mail:

BUS LINES Bus Station South

Garov Ploshtad Sq. Ticket Center Karat Phone: 056 845 722

cell: 0886 100 898

Bus Station West

2, Maritsa Str.

cell: 0885 754 038

Municipality Bus Station Nessebar

Information desk: 0554 22633 Ticket Center: 055 24268 Fax: 0554 22412

CAR RENTALS Sunny Beach, Royal Sun Apart Hotel cell: 0899 855 049; 0899 855 036 9.00 - 17.00 Bourgas Airport Phone: 056 870 371, 9.00-18.00

PORT Port of Burgas

Phone: 056 822 066, 056 822 222 Fax: 056 822 156

Port of Nessebar

8230 Nessebar, Mesembriya Str. phone: 0554 43474

RAILWAY Central Railway Station

Phone: 056 845 022

Hristo Botev Str. /Opera uderpass phone: +359 56 825 772 +359 56 841 542

INFO CENTER Tourist Information Center


& 112

Port of Burgas

Port of Burgas is one of the major Bulgarian ports. Port of Burgas has been officially opened for services on 18 May 1903. Port of Burgas has deep draught berths with direct access to open sea. The port is a vital link between western and eastern coast of the Black Sea. A Brand New Passenger Terminal has been constructed on the territory of 1500 sq. m. with capacity of 100 000 passengers per year.The first cruise vessel was “Celebrity Constellation�. In 2014 the visiting schedule will be closed in November.

Burgas 8000 1, Knyaz Batenberg Str. phone: (056) 822 222 fax:(056) 822 156

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