Varna City Info Guide Summer 2022

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Passionfruit Raspberry


Strawberry Acai Starbucks Refresha® drink

Salted Caramel Cream Cold Brew

WHERE TO FIND US? Starbucks ® Roman Tower, 13 Voden St., Varna Starbucks ® Delta Planet, 185 Slivnitsa Blvd., Varna




OVERVIEW популация 475 074 Площ 3,819 кв. Км Главен град-Варна (морска столица)

Population 475 074 Area 3,819 sq. km Main city-Varna (sea capital)



People, Towns And Culture

Хора, градове и култура

is located in the northeastern part of Bulgaria and reaches to the Black Sea. The region includes 12 municipalities.

The settlement agglomeration formed by Varna, Beloslav, Devnya and Provadia has concentrated over 75 percent of the residents in the region. The process of urbanization has been very active especially in the last 30 years and the urban-rural ratio is 82:18. The ethnic composition is as follows: 371 048 Bulgarians, 30 469 Turks, 13 432 Roma and 5 638 of other ethnic groups. Varna (population 334 870) is an ancient town of centuries-old traditions. Today it is a large industrial, transport and academic center, as well as an international sea tourism hot spot. The towns surrounding VarnaBeloslav, Devnya and Provadia have obtained in the last 50 years a typical industrial urban scenery and atmosphere, whereas Dolni Chiflik and Vulchi Dol are specialized in agriculture.

се намира в североизточната част на България и достига до Черно море. Районът включва 12 общини.

В градовете Варна, Белослав, Девня и Провадия, е съсредоточено над 75% от населението на региона. Процесът на урбанизация е много активен, особено през последните 30 години, а съотношението между градовете и селските райони е 82:18. Етническият състав е както следва: 371 048 българи, 30 469 турци, 13 432 роми и 5 638 други етнически групи. Варна (334 870 души) е древен град с вековни традиции. Днес тя е голям индустриален, транспортен, академичен център. Варна е средище на международния морски туризъм. Градовете около Варна - Белослав, Девня и Провадия са индустриални. Долни Чифлик и Вълчи Дол са специализирани в селското стопанство.

Symbols of Varna The Assumption of the Mother of God Cathedral

Situated on St. Cyril and St. Methodius Square in Varna, The Cathedral of Holy Assumption is one of the main symbols of the city. It is named after the Russian Empress Maria Alexanrovna, benefactor of Bulgaria and aunt of the Prince. It is famous by its rich frescoes, the stained glasses and the roof construction enriched with a shade of gold and silver which symbolize the city. Address: 1, “Cyril and Methodius” Square

The Church of Saint Nicholas The temple was built as a result of donation in 1866 and it is honored by Varna sailors whose patron is namely St. Nicholas with the Bulgarian name St. Nicola. In front of the church there is a monument Paraskeva Nicolau – the Russian citizen and benefactor, native of Varna city. Address: 35 “Knyaz Boris I” Blvd.

The church “St. Athanasius” was built in 1838 and it is situated near the Roman Baths in Varna. A peculiarity of the temple is that there are no domes but despite that fact it has exceptional good acoustics. Address: 19, “ Graf Ignatiev” Str. “St. Athanasius” church



The Sea Garden is Varna’s largest, oldest and best known park, also said to be the largest landscaped park in the Balkans. It is located along the city’s coast, next to the center and it is important attraction and a national monument of landscape architecture. There you can visit the Natural Science Museum, the Naval Museum, the Copernicus Astronomy Complex planetarium, the Zoo and the Terrarium. Here one can find the only Dolphinarium and Aquarium in the country.

Seaside Park - this is the biggest park in Varna, situated by the beach. Its construction was commenced in 1878. Within the park area one can find the Seaside Baths, the Naval Museum, the Natural Science Museum, the Aquarium (with a unique exhibition of water organisms – mainly Black Sea, freshwater and tropical fish species), the Astronomical Observatory and the Planetarium which organizes observation sessions for its visitors, the Dolphinarium with an amusing show where the main stars are the most intelligent water creatures on Earth-the dolphins, etc.

LED lights, 52 water pumps and a modern computer system. This incredible show, created by more than 2, 000 color combinations, spectacular water jets and alltime music hits, became a favorite attraction for all the people in Varna, both residents and tourists. There are special weather vanes and instruments which monitor the environment conditions, in order to regulate water flow and ensure the security of citizens and visitors of the city. During the day, the fountain still works, but without lights so the view is definitely more impressive during the night when the lights are turned on. Monument of The Polish King Ladislas Varnenchik

Further from the center, a granite monument commemorates the Battle of Varna, which took place in 1444. Here 30,000 Crusaders were waiting to sail to Constantinople when they were attacked by 120,000 Turks. The Polish King Ladislas was killed in a bold attempt to capture the Ottoman Sultan Murad. After his heroic death the nickname Varnenchik was attached to his given name. The subsequent retreat foreshadowed Christendom’s general retreat before the advancing Ottomans.

The singing fountain on Independence


The Sea Garden The singing fountain on Independence square in Varna is the tallest fountain in Bulgaria with its impressive water jet of 41m height and beautiful combination of lighting and sounds. The water landmark includes 400

The 2nd century thermae (warm baths) are the main part of the remains of the largest Roman public building in Bulgaria. During this century a large part of this historical site has been revealed by the archaeologists. Thus a very thorough and exact description of this important landmark has been achieved, though some parts of the building remain hidden under the streets nearby. Coming across an extensive ancient building amidst the streets and houses of a modern city is not unusual in Bulgaria, but it is always a delight.

OVERVIEW Symbols of Varna The Festival and Congress Center

The Festival and Congress Center - Varna is created in 1986 and situated in the heart of Varna, at the entrance of the Sea Garden. Тhе center is the place for the most prestigious events in the field of art, culture and industry which among artistic festivals is home to numerous congresses, conferences with international participation, scientific meetings and seminars. The Festival and Congress Center - Varna became the founder of the International Film Festival “Love is Folly” - the only international award film festival organized on the territory of the country. Some of the main events are: the Festival of the Bulgarian Film – “The Golden Rose”, the Festival of the European film co-productions, the International Music Festival Varna Summer, the Theatre Festival of Varna, the International Ballet Festival and others. Address: 2, “Slivnica” Blvd., Phone:+359 52 685 214 The Palace of Culture and Sports

plays for children, humorous shows for adults and educational plays for students. Open: 10:00-17:00 Address: 4, “Dragoman” Str. Phone: +359 52 607 844 THE ART GALLERY VARNA

The Art Gallery has been founded in 1944 and it is situated in the heart of the city with 10 halls with an area of 1,300 square m. The Gallery is housed in a unique Gothic-style building that in the past was a secondary school for boys. The gallery organizes permanent and visiting exhibitions of various Bulgarian and foreign artist. Open: Tue-Sat: 10:00-17:00, Closed: Mon Address: 1, “Lyuben Karavelov” Str. Entry: 2 BGN, Photography is allowed.

The Palace of Culture and Sports is complex with 6 training and competition halls, recreation center, two gyms, press conference center, and modern shopping and business center. This is the place for numerous international and local sports events. The palace it’s just 1 km away from the Varna center and the resorts as well. The hall is convenient for performing training exercises and competitions in: basketball, volleyball, handball, boxing, judo, karate, gymnastic and table tennis. Address: 115, „Kniaz Boris I” Blvd., Phone:+359 52 647 781

Varna Open-Air Theatre

State Puppet Theatre The Puppet Theatre is placed in a building in the heart of the city center since 1985. The puppet theatre was founded by Georgi Saravanov – famous puppeteer, stage designer and director. He established a group of beginning actors, part of which have graduated from a musical school. The theatre offers performances for audience on different age – classical and contemporary

Varna Open Air Theatre Varna is located in the central part of the Sea Garden. In the summer it hosts many national and international events, such as Opera in the Summer Theatre, Varna Summer Festival and various music concerts. It is the venue of the Varna International Ballet Competition since its inception in 1964. Address: Sea Garden Varna Phone: +359 52 647 781












MUSEUMS & имя & адрес

Aladja Monastery

The monastery is situated 18 km northeast from Varna phone: 052 355 460

Аладжа монастырь

Монастырь находится в 18 километрах к северо-востоку от Варны тел.: 052 355 460

Archaeological Museum 41, Maria Luiza Blvd. phone: 052 681 030

Археологический музей

рабочее время Summer 9.00 - 22.00 (every day) Winter 9.00 - 16.00 (Closed: Sunday and Monday)

Summer:10.00-17.00, Closed: Monday Winter:10.00 - 17.00 Closed: Sunday, Monday

Бул. Мария Луиза 41 тел.: 052 681 030

Ethnographical Museum 22, Panagyurishte Str. phone: 052 630 588

Open: 10.00 - 17.00 Closed: Monday

Этнографический музей Ул. Панагюрище 22 тел.: 052 630 588

The Museum Of Varna 3, Osmi Noemvri Str. phone: 052 632 677

Open: 10.00 - 17.00 Closed: Monday

Музей Варны

ул. Восьмого ноября 3 тел.: 052 632 677

Museum of Medicine 7, Paraskeva Nikolau Str. Phone: 052 639 729

Weekdays 10.00 - 16.00

Музей Истории Медицины Ул. Параскева Николау 7 тел.: 052 639 729

Renaissance Museum 21, L. Zemenhof Str. phone: 052 658 891

Музей Возрождения Ул. Л. Зeменхоф 21 тел.: 052 658 891

Summer: 10.00 - 17.00 Closed: Sunday



MUSEUMS & имя & адрес

Natural Science Museum Sea Garden phone: 052 618 011, 610 243

Природоведческий музей

рабочее время 10.00 - 17.00 Closed: Summer - Monday Winter - Saturday and Sunday

Приморский парк тел.: 052 618 011, 610 243

Aquarium Varna

Sea Garden phone: 052 632 066

Аквариум Варна

Winter: 09.00 - 17.00 Closed: Monday Summer: 09.00 - 20.00 (every day)

Приморский парк тел.: 052 632 066

The Roman Baths San Stefano Str. phone: 052 600 059

Римские бани ул. Сан Стефано тел.: 052 600 059

Open: May - October 10.00 - 17.00 closed: Monday November - April 10.00 - 17.00, Closed: Monday and Sunday

Naval museum

2, Primorski Blvd. phone: 052 73 15 23

Военно-морской музей

бул. „Приморски” 2 тел.: 052 73 15 23 www.museummaritime-bg. com

Open: 10.00 - 18.00 Closed: Monday and Tuesday

Open: 10:00 - 22:00 every day Varna, 2 Andrey Saharov Str. GRAND MALL VARNA, Level 1 Phone: 0886 001 070

Historical Center “Ongal” BALGAREVO, Kavarna, 18, “22nd” Str. For reservation: +359 888 91 41 16

Open: 11:00 - 18:00 h. every day















DALLAS Residence hotel 33, Sveti Nikola Phone: +359 52 300 039

Golden Tulip Varna 3A, Hristo Botev Blvd., 9000 Varna, Bulgaria Phone: + 359 52 683 000

Business Hotel Aqua 12 A, Devnya Str. Phone: +35952639090

PANORAMA HOTEL Varna City, 31 Primorski Blvd Phone: +35952687300, +359887662137 Fax: +35952626034 E-mail:

Hotel & Casino “CHERNO MORE” 33, Slivnitsa Blvd. Phone: +359 52 61 22 35-38

CAPITOL HOTEL 40, Petko Karavelov Str., Phone: +359 52 688 000 Fax: +359 52 688 008 room service

airconditioned rooms







Hotel Boutique HORIZONT Sea Garden Phone: +359 882 002 006; +359 52 300 258

Orbita Hotel 25, “Tsar Osvoboditel” Blvd., Varna Center Phone: +052 612 350

st. st. constantine and helena

SPA Hotel Romance Splendid Phone: +359 52 385 400

Estreya Palace and Estreya Residence Hotels Phone: +359 52 361135 +359 52 368691


Lighthouse Golf and Spa Resort Balchik 9600, road E87 (5 km after Balchik) Reservations: +359 52 401 400,;

TOPOLA SKIES Phone Reservations+359 887 619 254 Phone Reception+359 (0)52 90 40 10 E-mail:

business facilities

swimming pool















Dolce Amaro SEAPORT Open: 11:00 - 24:00 Dolce Amaro SEAPORT restaurant impresses its visitors with modern interior and exterior, professional service from smiling staff and incredibly delicious dishes from all over the world! Winter Garden, Summer Terrace, Selected Wine List, Suitable for Business Meetings, for Birthdays and for Groups. Payment methods: cash, VISA, VISA Electron, V Pay, MasterCard, Maestro, Borica and Revolut It has: Wi-Fi, Summer garden, Winter garden

staria chinar 154, Macedonia Str. Reservation: +359 878 514 683 Welcome to one of Varna’s favourite places ‘Staria Chinar’.

Port Varna; 5 Slivnitsa Str. +359 89 585 3333 Open: 7:30 -2:00 A new space in Varna! Love needs a stage, and also sunrises, sunsets, music, meetings, dinners and so many stars. And all this in one… THEBRICK !

Beautifully snugg under the old tree and only 5 minutes away from the city centre, this is a typical authentic Bulgarian restaurant, warmly awaiting you with incredibly delicious homemade meals, BBQcooked on charcoal and delicious treats prepared in the oven. The wine selection is amazing, there is plenty to choose from. In addition to all that the staff always makes sure that you will recive exelent care.

Take advantage of booking in advance on telephone.

NORD RESTAURANT First Alley, Sea Garden +359 88 202 4822 Open 10:00-23:30 Many guests come here to try tasty fish, calamari and soup. Wine is delicious, try it. This restaurant provides meals at attractive prices.

staria chinar 11, Preslav Str. Reservation: +359 876 520 500 Sea Casino Varna - The Pearl of Varna The entrance to Varna Sea Garden Reservations: +359 896 01 22 22 Open:8: 30-0:00 Juicy barbecue specialties, a sea view and the calm atmosphere of the emblematic Sea Casino in Varna... it can’t be better than that!

Situated in a house in the old part of the city. The atmosphere is extremely welcoming and ‘transports’ you to the last century. This is the place where you will find delicious meals and tasty treats, acompanied by hospitality which is what Staria Chinar is famous for and associated with. Another delightful and aromatic addition - Serbian grill prepared by Master Chief Slavisha.

Take advantage of booking in advance on telephone.


Starbucks staria chinar Port Varna Come and try the taste of summer with restaurant “Staria Chinar” – Port Varna. We welcome you with delicious traditional food and other recipes from the Black Sea region, served with professionalism and pleasant mood. With us you can feel the famous Bulgarian hospitality and try the best pleasures, offered by our sea. Memorable tastes, professional chefs and refreshing sea breeze are just a sample of all that we can serve and propose.

Take advantage of booking in advance on telephone.

185, “Slivnitsa” Blvd., Delta Planet Mall 13, “Voden” Str., Center, Varna Open: 08:00 - 21:30 Starbucks® is the favorite spot between your workplace and home, suitable for meeting friends and family or for doing business. In Starbucks®, you can take a freshly prepared aromatic coffee 100% Arabicа or tea in a cozy atmosphere with nice music and internet access. We also offer unique whole bean coffees that you can prepare at home, as well as original cups and tumblers, some of which are collectable. The lovers of healthy lifestyle will enjoy delicious snacks, sandwiches, smoothies, and more.

BM Restaurants – a taste of love, a taste of the sea! OLEA Restaurant +359 886 647 400, “Akchelar” st. №22 CITY Restaurant +359 888 677 833, Festival and Congress Centre THE GARDEN Restaurant +359 52 300 481, Saltanat №43 – near the Dolphinarium THE BAY Restaurant +359 887 787 977, “Primorski” Blvd – next to “Primorski“ swimming pool THE CROWN Restaurant +359 579 768 47, Balchik, Cultural Centre “The Palace”

28, Preslav Str., Varna +359 52 610 676 Fb @JasminCoffeeRoastery Freshly roasted Specialty Coffee from Brazil, Kenya, Rwanda, Columbia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Ethiopia





CITY INFO GUIDES +359 888 788 111; +359 888 311 884 .com


BG IN BRIEF WELCOME TO BULGARIA Welcome to one of the oldest European states with 6000-years old gold treasures, a center of ancient civilizations, a country that hosts the sanctuary of the mystical singer Orpheus and gave to the Slavonic people the Cyrillic alphabet. Bulgaria is the only one country in Europe that hasn’t changed its name since it was first established. The Bulgarian army has never lost a single flag in battle. The flag of Bulgaria is a tricolor consisting of three equal-sized horizontal bands of (from top to the bottom) white, green and red. It was first adopted after Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878), where Bulgaria regained independence. The current flag was re-established with the 1991 Constitution of Bulgaria.

Coat of arms of Bulgaria

Religion: Orthodox Average summer temperatures: 26° to 30°C Average winter temperatures: -5° to 5°C Time zone: GMT +2 Country dialing code: 00 359 Internet country code: .bg Capital: Sofia Currency: Bulgarian Lev (BGN)

HISTORY The Bulgarian state was founded circa 681 as a union of the new-settled Proto-Bulgarians, of seven Slavonic tribes who have already settled this territory and with the inclusion of some smaller ethnical groups (Thracians and others). The state was ruled by its founder Khan Asparuh, the leader of the proto-Bulgarians and the first Bulgarian capital was Pliska. The Thracians were a tribal society who inhabited a vast area in Central and Southeastern Europe. They were well-known in the Ancient world for making filigree gold and silver jewelry. The great Homer described in his masterpiece Iliad a Thracian king, having “the biggest and the most handsome horses I have ever seen, /whiter than snow and swifter than the winds/and a chariot finely wrought with silver and gold.”

Important & significant events 681 – The Bulgarian state acquired political recognition from the Byzantine Empire.

Details Armiger - Republic of Bulgaria Adopted - 1997 Crest - Crown of theSecond Bulgarian Empire Escutcheon - Gules, a lion rampant crowned Supporters - Two lions rampant crowned Compartment - Two crossed oak branches with fruits Motto - Съединението прави силата “Saedinenieto pravi silata” “Unity makes strength”

FACTS & FIGURES Population: Area: Language:

7 364 570 110 993 sq. km Bulgarian

718 – The Bulgarian Khan Tervel has stopped the Arabic invasion to European continent. 855 – The Cyrillic alphabet by the brothers Cyril and Methodius. It corresponded perfectly to the phonetic riches and needs of the SlavonicBulgarian language. As of today more than 250 million people in Europe and Asia use the Cyrillic alphabet for their national languages. 864 – During his rule Knyaz Boris I converted the state to Orthodox Christianity. 893-927 – During the Golden Age of Tzar Simeon The Greatest the First Bulgarian State stretched gradually from Transylvania in the north, to the Aegean Sea in the south, from the Black Sea in the east and to the Adriatic Sea in the west. At this time Bulgaria gradually reached its cultural and territorial apogee, when it developed into the cultural and literary center of Slavic Europe, as well as becoming one of the largest states in Europe. 1018 – The Bulgarian army fell to Byzantines and after that the Bulgaria State had been conquered by the Emperor Vassileios II.

BG IN BRIEF Накратко за България

Добре дошли в България, една от найстарите държави в Европа със златно съкровище на 6000 години, център на древни цивилизации – страната, в която се намират светилището на мистичния певец Орфей и дала на славяните кирилицата. България е единствената трана в Европа, която не е сменила името си, откакто е създадена. Българската армия никога не е загубила флагът си в битка. Знамето на България е трикольор, състоящ се от три равни хоризонтални ленти от (от горе на долу) бяло, зелено и червено. За първи път е приет след Руско-Турската Освободителна война (1877-1878 г.), с която България възвръща независимостта си. Настоящето знаме бе възстановено с Конституцията на България от 1991 г.


Българската държава е основана около 681 като съюз между новозаселилте се прабългари, както и седем славянски племена, които вече са населявали тези територии и с включването на няколко по-малки етнически групи (траки и други). Начело на държавата е бил основателят й Хан Аспарух, водачът на прабългарите, а първата българска столица е Плиска. Траките са били племенен строй, който е обитавал долините на Централна и Югоизточна Европа. Те са били известни в древните времена като майстори на златни и сребърни бижута. Великият Омир описва в шедьовъра си „Илиада“ тракийският цар, който притежава „най-големите и най-красите коне, които някога съм виждал,/ по-бели от сняг и побързи от вятъра/ и колесница, изработена от фино сребро и злато.“

Важни и значими събития

681 – Българската държава получава политическо признание от Византия

718 – Българският Хан Тервел спира Арабското нашествие на европейския континент 855 – Братята Кирил и Методи създават българската азбука (кирилицата). Тя кореспондира перфектно с фонетичните нужди на славяно-българския език. Днес над 250 милиона души по света в Европа и Азия използват кирилицата, за да пишат на своите национални езици.


Население: 7 364570 Площ: 110 993 кв. м. Официален език: български Официална религия: Православно християнство Средна температура през лятото: 26-30°C Средна температура през зимата:5-5°C Времева зона: +2 часа Телефонен код: 00 359 Интернет домейн: bg Столица: София Валута: Български лев

864 – По време на управлението си княз Борис I приема православното християнство като официална религия. 893-927 – По време на Златния век на Цар Симеон Велики Първата Българска държава се е разпростирала до Трансилвания на север, до Бяло море на юг, до Черно море на изток и до Адриатическо море на запад. По това време България достига своя културен и териториален апогей, същевременно се превръща в културен и литературен център на Славянска Европа, както и става една от най-мащабните държави в Европа. 1018 – Българската армия пада от Византия



BG IN BRIEF 1185 – The Second Bulgarian State was established at Veliko Tarnovo, reinstated the borders of the First Bulgarian Kingdom and a second Golden Age began during which Bulgaria expanded its borders to the shores of Black, Aegean and Adriatic seas.

when Bulgaria peacefully ousted the Communist Party leader Todor Zhivkov. 1989 – The establishment of a multi-party system and the begging of the Bulgaria’s democratization.

1396-1878 – The country was under the rule of 12.07.1991 – The new Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria was adopted and it prothe Ottoman Empire. claimed the country as a parliamentary republic. 1878 – Liberation from the rule of the Ottoman Empire. Establishment of the Third Bulgarian 29.03.2004 – Bulgaria joined NATO. State. 01.01.2007 – The country became a member of 1878-1879 – As the result of the Treaty of Berlin, the European Union. the Bulgarian State was divided in two territories. Borders through the centuries An autonomous Principality of Bulgaria was creBulgaria has expanded twice its borders to the ated, between the Danube and the Stara Planina range, with its seat at the old Bulgarian capital of shores of Black, Aegean and Adriatic seas. Veliko Tarnovo, and including Sofia. An autono- Bulgarian Empire is a term used to describe two mous Ottoman province under the name of periods in the medieval history of Bulgaria, during Eastern Rumelia was created south of the Stara which it acted as a key regional power in Europe Planina range, whereas Macedonia was returned in particular, often rivaling Byzantium. Here is the picture of Bulgarian borders in our days. under the sovereignty of the Sultan. 06.09.1885 – The establishment of the Unification of Bulgaria. On that date Eastern Rumelia rejects the rule of Sultan and announced that joined the Principality of Bulgaria. Two days later, the Prince Alexander Battenberg First signed a manifesto to approve the accession of the field and taken to be titled as a future prince of Northern and Southern Bulgaria. 1944 – The After Communist Party, led by Georgi Dimitrov, took the power as a result of almost bloodless coup d’état and proclaimed Bulgaria for a “People’s Republic” in 1946 after a controversial referendum. 10.11.1989 – The Communist regime ended

National Holidays 1 January – New Year’s Day 3 March – National Holiday /The liberation of the Bulgarian land from the Ottoman Empire is celebrated on this day/ 1 May – Labour and International Worker’s Solidarity Day 6 May – St. George’s Day (Gergyovden) and the Bulgarian Army’s Day 24 May – Bulgarian Education, Culture and Cyrillic Alphabet Day 6 September – Unification Day 22 September – Independence Day 1 November – Day of the Bulgarian Enlighteners (Holiday for all educational institutions) 24 December - Christmas Eve 25, 26 December – Christmas Days

BG IN BRIEF и в резултат България пада под властта 12.07.1991 – Новата Конституция на на Византската империя и управлението на Република България е приета и България е император Василий II. провъзгласена за парламентарна република. 1185 – Втората Българска държава е основана Във Велико Търново, като възвръща границите на Първото Българско Царство, а през втория Златен век България стига до бреговете на Черно, Бяло и Адриатическо море. 1396-1878 – България е под османска власт 1878 – Освобождение от османска власт. Създаване на Третата Българска Държава. 1878-1879 – Като резултат от Договора в Берлин, българската държава е разделена на две части. Създадено е автономно княжество на България, между Дунав и Стара планина със седалище в старата българска столица Велико Търново, включително и София. Автономна османска провинция под името Източна Румелия е създадена на юг от Стара Планина, докато Македония е върната под суверенитета на султана. 06.09.1885 – Обявяване на съединението на България. На тази дата Източна Румелия отхвърля управлението на султана и обявява, че се присъединява към Княжество България. Два дни по-късно княз Александър I Батенберг подписва манифест, с който одобрява присъединяването на териториите и се обявява за княз на Северна и Южна България. 1944 – След като комунистическата партия, водена от Георги Димитров, взима властта в резултат на почти безкръвен преврат и България е провъзгласена за “Народна република” през 1946 г. след спорен референдум. 10.11.1989 – Комунистическият режим приключва, когато България мирно отстранявава лидера на комунистическата партия – Тодор Живков. 1989 - Създаване на многопартийната система и начало на процеса по демократизаци на страната.

29.03.2004 – България се присъедини към НАТО. 01.01.2007 – Държавата стана член наЕвропейския съюз.

Граници през вековете

България е разширявала два пъти границите си до бреговете на Черно, Бяло и Адриатическо море. “Българската Империя” е термин, използван за да опише тези два периода от средновековната история на България. В тези периоди държавата е имала ролята на ключова за региона. На тази снимка са показани границите на съвременна България.

Национални празници

1 януари – Нова Година 3 март – Национален празник / Освождението на българските земи от Османската империя. 1 май – Ден на труда 6 май – Гергьовден и Ден на Българската армия 24 май – Ден на българската писменост и култура 6 септември – Ден на Съединението 22 септември – Ден на Независимостта 1 ноември - Ден на българските будители (празник за всички образователни институции) 24 декември – Бъдни вечер 25, 26 декември – Коледа 1 Ноември - Ден на Будителите 24 Декември - Рождество Христово 25, 26 Декември - Рождество Христово



BG IN BRIEF Alphabet Аа Бб Вв Гг Дд Ее Жж Зз Ии Йй Кк Лл Мм Нн Оо

Пп Рр Сс Тт Уу Фф Хх Цц Чч Шш Щщ Ъъ Ьь Юю Яя

a (as in cat) b (as in bus) v (as in very) g (as in good) d (as in dog) e (as in egg) zh (like’s‘ in leisure) z

(as in zoo)


(as in instant)


(as in young)


(as in kick)


(as in love)

m (as in marry) n

(as in no)


(as in hot)


(as in pot)


(as in red)


(as in sit)


(as in tree)


(as in yule)


(as in foot)


(like ’ch‘ in Bach)

ts (as in puts) ch (as in check) sh (as in shut) sht (like ’shed‘ in pushed) a

(like ’u‘ in but)

(consonant soften ing sign) yu (like you) ya (as in yank)

Months January januari February fevruari

April april



May may




June yuni

September septemvri


oktomvri October November noemvri December dekemvri

Week Days Monday ponedelnik Tuesday vtornik

Wednesday sryada Thursday chetvartak



Saturday sabota Sunday


Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

edno dve tri chetiri pet shest sedem osem devet deset edinadeset

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 31 42

dvanadeset trinadeset chetirinadeset petnadeset shestnadeset sedemnadeset osemnadeset devetnadeset dvadeset trideset i edno chetirideset i dve

53 64 75 86 97 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000

petdeset i tri shestdeset i chetiri sedemdeset i pet osemdeset i shest devetdeset i sedem sto hilyada deset hilyadi sto hilyadi edin milion


SPOKEN Pozdravi

ENGLISH Greetings

Добро утро Добър ден Добър вечер Здравейте Как сте? Добре Аз съм добре Благодаря Извинявайте Как се казвате? Къде се намира...?

[Do’bro ‘utro] [‘Dobar ‘den] [‘Dobar ‘vecher] [Zdra’veite] [‘Kak ste?] [Do’bre] [‘Az sam do’bre] [Blagoda’rya] [Izvi’nyavaite] [‘Kak se ‘kazvate?] [Ka’de se na’mira]

Good morning Good day Good evening Hallo How are you? Good I’m all right Thank you Excuse me What’s your name? Where is ...?



... улица/булевард ... площад/паметник ... пощата/летището ... ресторант ... пазара/аптеката ... хотел ... гарата/автогарата магазин спирка първата/втората пресечка ... наляво ... надясно ... направо

[‘ulitsa/bule’vard ...] [plosh’tad/’pametnik] [‘poshtata/le’tishteto] [resto’rant ...] [pa’zara/ap’tekata] [ho’tel ...] [‘garata/’avto’garata] [maga’zin] [‘spirka] [‘parvata/’vtorata pre’sechka] [na’lyavo] [na’dyasno] [na’pravo]



Колко струва това? Къде мога да купя?... дрехи обувки храна цигари подаръци евтино скъпо

[‘Kolko ‘struva to’va?] [Ka’de ‘moga da ‘kupya?] [‘drehi] [o’buvki] [hra’na] [tsi’gari] [po’daratsi] [‘evtino] [‘skapo]

Храна и напитки

Hrana i napitki

Имате ли меню на английски? предястия основни ястия десерт вегетариански пиле риба свинско телешко картофи ориз kафе чай горещо бира бяло вино червено вино вода Сметката, ако обичате.

[‘Imate li me’nyu na ang’liiski?] [pre’dyastiya] [os’novni ‘yastiya] [de’sert] [vegeta’rianski] [‘pile] [‘riba] [‘svinsko] [‘teleshko] [kar’tofi] [o’riz] [ka’fe] [‘chai] [go’reshto] [‘bira] [‘byalo ‘vino] [cher’veno ‘vino] [vo’da] [‘Smetkata, a’ko o’bichate.]

Getting Around ...Street/Boulevard ... Square/Monument ... the post/the airport ... restaurant ... ... the market/pharmacy ... hotel ... ... the station/the bus station shop bus/tram stop the first/second intersection... ... on the left ... on the right ... straight ahead

Shopping How much does this cost? Where can I buy?... clothes shoes food cigarettes presents cheap expensive

Eating & Drinking Do you have a menu in English? starters main courses dessert vegetarian chicken fish pork veal / beef potatoes rice coffee tea hot (temp) bier white wine red wine water Can we have the bill, please?



Useful Numbers company name


additional information


24-hour flight information: 052 573 323 Ticket sale desk-Varna airport: 052 573 414

Festival&Congress Centre

2, Slivnitsa Blvd., phone: 052 21 331 fax: 052 608 446

Palace of Varna

115, Knyaz Boris I Blvd. phone: 052 612 343 Fax: 052 647 784


Varna Opera Theatre

1, Nezavisimost Blvd. phone: 052 665 012

Drama Theatre

1, Nezavisimost Sq. phone: 052 669 652


Stoyan Bachvarov

PORT Port of Varna

RAILWAY Central railway Station

1, Slaveykov Sq. phone: 052 692 232, Fax: 052 632 953

Slaveykov Sq. phone: 052 630 414, 630 444

Consulates in Varna Russian Consulate General 53 Makedonia str., Tel: +359 52 602 718; e-mail: Office hours: Mon, Wed and Fri: 08:30- 13:00 hrs. German and French Honorary Consulate Office 2, Floor 2, 54 Osmi primorski polk, Tel: +359 52 693 693; E-mail:; Italian Honorary Consulate 30 Topra Hisar str., Tel: +359 52 699 557; E-mail: Office hours: Mon- Fri: 09:00-12:00 & 15:00-18:00 Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Honorary Consulate Floor 7, 32 Tsar Simeon I № 32, Tel: +359 52 630 795 Е-mail:

Israeli Honorary Consulate 22 Yupiter str., Zvezditza, Mobile: +359 888 712 407, +359 878 694 803 E-mail:, Slovak Honorary Consulate 320 Vladislav Varnenchik blvd., Tel: +359 52 739 440 E-mail: Hungarian Honorary Consulate 48 Fr. J. Curie str., +359 888 595 370 E-mail: Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Spain 180 “Slivnitsa” Blvd. tel.: +359 52 916 228, + 359 52 731 465 E-mail: Honorary Consulate of Romania in Burgas Str. Serdika nr.2b, et.2, 8000 Burgas Phone: +359 56 800 995; Fax: +359 56 840 455 E-mail:




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