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Emerging leaders to be recognised at business luncheon
: (07) 4031 1838
: info@cairnschamber.com.au
Chief Executive Officer
Cairns Chamber of Commerce
The achievements of 16 of Far North Queensland’s high-potential emerging leaders will be recognised at the Cairns Chamber of Commerce March Business Luncheon, as they graduate from the 2022 Emerging Leaders Program.
The Cairns Chamber of Commerce Emerging Leaders Program is Far North Queensland’s premier leadership program for 35-year-olds and under. It is designed to develop globally relevant and locally connected leaders, in a manner that supports the future economic, political, social, cultural and environmental prosperity of Far North Queensland.

Over the past 12 months, the delegates have:
Participated in five and-a-half industry immersion days where they explored the industries that drive Cairns whilst working on their public speaking, networking and critical thinking skills; gained access to expert guest speakers who discussed the key opportunities and challenges facing our region; connected with an exclusive network of like-minded individuals who are committed to building their leadership capacity and making a difference in the Cairns and surrounding regions; and were paired with a business or industry leader to partake in a formalised mentoring program.
The key themes of the industry immersion days were: understanding our region, manufacturing, marine and defence, aviation and export, social issues and impacts, and tourism.
Alongside the industry specific content explored in the program, core themes that are relevant across all industry sectors and were incorporated into all industry immersion days were leadership, the role of government, innovation and entrepreneurship; and social enterprise.
Amelia Faulkner, Newscorp
Brody Oxenham, Manexo Media
Candy Phillips, FNQ Abilities
Chantelle Pedersen, Stardust Stuff
Christopher Pitcher, EDMS Australia
Emily Bremner, ANZ
Jack Finerty, Skill360
James Campos, White Whale Coffee Roasters
Jessica Hancock, Cairns Regional Council
Jessica Howe, Rock Ridge Farming
Matthew Ford, TAFE Queensland
Penny Seaniger, Cairns Convention Centre
Romano Kim, White Whale Coffee Roasters
Stacey Colls, Grant Thornton

Stephen Walker, Victor G Feros Town Planning Consultants
Tim Lowcock, Cairns Total Physio
The program would not have been possible without the Program Managers, Anna Alexander and Stephanie Coleman, who voluntarily gave up their time to organise, manage, coordinate and lead the program.
Expressions of interest for the 2023 Emerging Leaders Program closed on February 15 and the Cairns Chamber of Commerce looks forward to announcing the new delegates in the near future.