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Fun, fashion and racing a winning trifecta for Cairns economy CAIRNS AMATEURS CARNIVAL

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The constellation of fun, fashion and racing placing Cairns Amateurs Carnival atop Far North Queensland’s social and sporting calendar for more than six decades is attested by the latest research from Australia’s leading business consultancy, IER..

Featuring an outstanding commendation of ‘high to very high’ from visitors for enhancing the city’s community pride and destinational appeal, IER’s 2022 research study found Cairns Amateurs Carnival generated $3.5 million for the local economy while attracting 6,441 carnival goers and securing 8,598 visitor nights. Notably, the far north’s pinnacle social and sporting event boosted the wider Queensland economy by $1.5 million.

Cairns Amateurs Carnival President David Goodman said he is thrilled with the results, extending sincere thanks and congratulations to the event’s hard-working and voluntary committee and event management team as well as the community of Cairns and the Far North for coming together and embracing the Amateurs spirit.

“This report not only endorses our efforts that underpin the event’s success, it also illustrates areas we can direct our focus in the future,” Mr Goodman said.

Mr Goodman believes it is the unique and special brand of Far North Queensland hospitality blending with a colourful history, stretching back to 1959, that maintains Cairns Amateurs’ high intergenerational appeal, relevance as a time-honoured event.

“This report is an invaluable resource for our committee, all of whom are volunteers. What these findings do is endorse how we are spending our time and directing our efforts in a way that is meaningful to visitors,” he said.


• 9,373 total attendances while 6,441 individuals attended or participated in one event during the three-day program

• $3,520,707 direct and incremental expenditure attributable to Cairns economy

• $1,578,609 direct and incremental expenditure attributable to Queensland’s economy

• 8,598 direct visitor nights generated, of which 4,172 were generated by intrastate visitors (or 4,230 were generated by interstate visitors)

• $2,249,756 was spent overnight by ‘out of town’ visitors, generating $1,133,845 by intrastate visitors

• Community pride rated high to very high; 99 per cent participants agreed ‘Cairns is a great location for Cairns Amateurs’ while 94 per cent supported ‘Cairns Amateurs adds to the appeal of Cairns’

• $1,754,858 total fashion and grooming spend

• Racegoers responsible for purchasing more than 14,997 fashion items to wear to Cairns Amateurs

In 2023 Cairns Amateurs Carnival will spark another significant milestone celebrating 65 years, its Blue Sapphire Jubilee, between 7 and 9 September.

Cairns Amateurs Carnival President, David Goodman said planning for the 2023 Carnival is well underway and promises many highlights destined to impress first time visitors and return guests.

While details of the Carnival’s 2023 anniversary program are yet to be announced, key events will include timehonoured favourites: Two days of racing and hotly contested Fashions on the Field at Cannon Park plus two glamorous marquee events on the Cairns Esplanade – themed under the stars, black tie ball and fashion high tea.

For more www.cairnsamateurs.org.au

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