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New Year New You

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You & Me

You & Me

With Tracey Defferrard Fitness

2023: it may be well underway now, but this year really can be your year to transform.

You may have said this in past years, and felt the angst of regret when another year had come and gone, or you tried a new class or sport, but it didn’t really get the body you wanted, or make the changes that you thought you would because perhaps you found yourself lost in information overload and option paralysis.

The biggest thing to success in health and fitness goals is really wanting it. You need to step back and take a moment to think about WHY you want to make the change or achieve your goals, and how much you need it. Because the reality is, that anyone can actually get a better physique, a healthier body, and become more confident in their own skin.

It just takes work, often with the help of an experienced and qualified coach to help give you structure and small goals along the journey.

The saying, ‘to change, you need to change something’ is true. And can be as simple as waking up 10mins earlier.

If you’re up earlier, you can feel less rushed for the tasks and day ahead. Have an extra glass of water, and do some simple stretches to loosen the body.

It’s easier to change your mindset about something hard like doing a workout, when you’ve already done something in the past that was challenging. Remind yourself of that.

Believing that you can and will make a change towards the body or life you want must come from some self-belief, and that can be built over time. Daily affirmations or reminders are positive words that even the action of reading and saying can start to create a more positive mindset as you associate with positive or action terminology in your thoughts, and when done more often is a great way to change your mindset.

goal/result and onto making it a long-term goal.

Tracey Defferrard Fitness 12 Week Challenge includes the following and now taking on clients for the next challenge starting after Easter:

 this will help you unlock the key to lasting habit creation & goal setting

 Exercise plan & tuition

 Nutrition guide including education about Macros & Flexible Dieting (valued at $210!!) (E Book available at www.traceydefferrardfitness.com.au)

 Weekly feedback from your coach

Doing something like a fitness challenge is so popular because it provides a framework for busy adults, with a plan to follow and someone to be accountable to.

It takes away having to make decisions for those few tasks that challenge sets for the day.

It in effect simplifies something that you want to achieve but haven’t placed a high enough priority on. But now you can. When you choose to place a priority on your health and fitness, like for a defined term of say a 12 Week Challenge, you allow yourself to step up to the challenge, and make it part of who you are, even if only for that 12 weeks. But fortunately, that is enough time to make a habit change. In a way setting time frames, by goal setting, gives you goal posts, and then we simply reset the goal post again as we reach a short/medium term

 community Facebook group

 Supplement Guide & unique Discounts

Plus FREE E-BOOK (RRP $49.95!)

 Ideal for: gym workouts; challenge together with a buddy; working out solo; kickstarting 2023; getting your body back; booty building; strong core; workout when it suits you; fat loss; get the right curves with muscle tone; stronger all over; ensuring good foundations for lifting weights; easy to access on your phone; affordable trainer access.

@Traceyd_fitness m: 0424170277

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