Canberra CityNews October 28 - November 3

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CityNews  October 28-November 3

CityNews  October 28-November 3


Friends in need, friends indeed It’s not hardware or software that has generated the most techno fuss among local politicians, it’s having them on social media, says ELERI HARRIS ACT Labor’s Andrew Barr caused a public furor recently by using his Facebook account to state his opinions on innercity planning, not entirely crazy since he is the Minister for Planning. The ensuing controversy has generated an important question – where is the line between personal and public comment and should politicians limit their online expression? “The Assembly has come forward technologically in this term, influenced by younger members and Steve Doszpot, who has a background in IT,” Speaker of the ACT Legislative Assembly and Green Shane Rattenbury said. Only this term has video footage, live and recorded, of Assembly business been made available online. Rattenbury is the first speaker to allow members to bring their laptops on the floor of the chamber, though they are still not allowed to use Skype or iphones. But, like in many jurisdic-

tions, it is not hardware or software that has generated the most techno fuss in Canberra, it is social media. The youngest member of the Legislative Assembly, 26 yearold Liberal Alistair Coe, said Canberra’s politicians should only say online what they would be comfortable saying to traditional news media. “With regard to his [Barr’s] remarks, it seems some people treat social media like it’s a different ball game, all bets are off, but for traditional media there are rules,” Coe told “CityNews”. “I think Andrew is very well aware of that and he did that as a way of bypassing effective media channels. “They’re not necessarily the things you would hear him say in traditional media.” Barr disagreed, arguing he would be happy to make these comments elsewhere. “I think I’m reasonably wellknown for being feisty and to the point, I say these things in

the chamber,” Barr insisted. “I know everything you say on Facebook is on the public record, I’m letting people know where I stand on issues. I advocate for particular causes – I’m not an umpire. “I have found comments amusing that its inappropriate for a minister to be using Facebook. I imagine similar accusations were thrown around regarding politicians using television in the 1950s.” With a similarly sized online presence to Barr, Coe said he supported politicians using social media and that individualised messages may be “better received” that the same content

through traditional media. “I think the ACT being the way it is and being so small and everyone knowing everyone, it does mean people expect a higher level of personalisation of politics and higher level of personality. “Social media give an opportunity to display a little bit more of their [politicians’] character in a format where they have more control than in traditional media, earned or paid.” But the key appeal of social media to Territory politicians appears to be the increasing ease of personal communication with constituents, which is

where controversial opinions come into play. “My preference is to try and use it both ways,” Barr said. “I think it’s a really effective and practical way of engaging with my constituency. You know, Molongolo has one of the highest rates of Internet connection in the country? “I’m finding increasingly the case that Gen X and Y are getting more information from online than traditional news media. They don’t read papers and they don’t watch TV. “They want a more interactive discussion than the traditional media offers.” Rattenbury said it was important for government to keep up with citizens in communications. “We have to keep evolving to keep up with the community,” he said. “I think social media is really exciting, it provides us with new channels to talk and engage with the community. “Most people won’t sit down and write a detailed inquiry submission, but will comment on Facebook. “The challenge is with more and more channels for communication, there are still only 24 hours in a day.”

Trip to Taronga

Zoo time: win a family treat ELECTRICAL retailer Bing Lee is celebrating its sponsorship of the giraffes at Taronga Zoo – and one lucky Canberra family will be invited to attend an exclusive family day on November 7. Bing Lee has asked “CityNews” to help find a local family of up to two adult parents and up to five children that could really do with a break and benefit from a full day of family fun. We are asking “CityNews” readers if they know a family that has been stretching themselves lately and would benefit from an exclusive “money-can’t-buy” experience at Taronga Zoo? If so, we’d like to see them nominated for Bing Lee’s Exclusive Family Day at the zoo by logging on to au/win, and in 50 words or less, and tell us why you believe your nominated family deserves a special day at Taronga. The prize includes free entrance to the zoo, catered breakfast overlooking Sydney Harbour, exclusive opportunity to feed the giraffes with a professional family photograph, transport to and from Sydney and an overnight stay in Sydney. Enter and see full conditions by logging on to www.citynews.

Frocktober takes a big bow FROCKTOBER has been a hit in the ACT – and, according to Frocktober president Dr Lisa Mounsey, “the groups fundraising for Frocktober in Canberra are some of the most committed and hard working of our Frock Fringe Groups.” Aimed at raising funds for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation to seek an early detection test for the disease, Frocktober began in Geelong in 2007, and since then has expanded beyond the Victorian borders. “The ACT fundraisers are part of what’s called the ‘Frock Fringe’: Groups that raise money for Frocktober, which Frocktober Inc supports through our official operations,” Lisa explains. “Frocktober has really taken off in the ACT and all around Australia this year, and we’re really proud that the cause of Frocktober is reso-


October 28-November 3, 2010 Since 1993: Volume 16, Number 43

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FRONT COVER: ACT’s young businesswoman of the year, Carly-Jane Tozer. Story Page 7. Photo by Silas

nating with women and men across Australia. “Frocktober is all about increasing the public’s awareness of ovarian cancer, promoting women’s health and well being and celebrating the great diversity of shapes, sizes and colours women come in.” According to the OCRF, one woman dies every 10 hours from ovarian cancer in Australia, and for many, the disease is advanced when it’s diagnosed: hence the need for an early detection test. “CityNews” will auction the teal green dress donated by Enchante, in Civic, which was worn by Canberra celebrities to promote Frocktober earlier this month, to raise funds for Frocktober. To donate, visit au/city_news; to bid for the dress, visit http://bit. ly/cityfrock and for more information on Frocktober visit

contact us

Phone 6262 9100 Fax 6262 9111 GPO Box 2448, Canberra City 2601 General manager: Greg Jones 0419 418196, Senior advertising executives: Melissa Delfino, 0415 137660 Ernie Nichols, 0421 077999 Advertising sales executives: Sebastien Kriegel, 0438 198701 Mara Stroppa, 0431 245130 Lyn Cram, 0458 028990 Advertising sales co-ordinator: Rebecca Darman, Sydney advertising sales: Ad Sales Connect, 02 9420 1777

Editor: Ian Meikle, Political reporter: Eleri Harris, 0414 618493 Lifestyle editor: Megan Haggan, 6262 9100 Arts editor: Helen Musa, 0400 043764 Design and photography: Silas Brown, 0412 718086 Graphic designer: Louise Brooks, 6262 9100 Accounts manager: Bethany Freeman-Chandler Distribution and circulation: Richard Watson, 6262 9100

Responsibility for election comment is taken by Ian Meikle, of Suite 1, Level 1, 143 London Circuit, Canberra.

CityNews  October 28-November 3

starlight drive-in

ACT will protect sign OVER recent weeks “CityNews” has campaigned for the refurbishment of the old Starlight DriveIn sign that stands unloved and friendless on the Federal Highway at Watson. The Acting Minister for Heritage, Katy Gallagher, has told “CityNews” that the Government would be willing to work to protect the sign if moves were made to have it heritage listed, and the National Sound and Film Archives is prepared to manage its maintenance. “The ACT Heritage Council welcomes any submission that seeks to recognise and protect significant buildings or structures that play a part in Canberra’s heritage,” Gallagher said. “The Starlight Drive-In sign is a piece of nostalgia from a by-gone era in Canberra’s short but rich history. Should the owners of the sign prepare a submission for consideration by the Heritage Council the ACT Government would be happy to engage with the owners to ensure this part of Canberra’s history is remembered in an appropriate way.” The executive committee of the Starlight Apartments had not responded to “CityNews” at the time of publication. The National Film and Sound Archive’s head of films and artefacts Meg Labrum suggests that a collaborative effort of funding through the ACT Government with the assistance of the NFSA and Canberrans, something which has never been done before, could see the Starlight sign restored and maintained to a level enjoyed in its heyday. “It’s a nice idea to think of ways of collaboration so it’s maintained and used by the community,” Labrum said.

CityNews  October 28-November 3

The National Film and Sound Archives’ memorabilia from the Starlight Drive-In… “There’s no point in having things beautifully stashed away for no one to see,” says Meg Labrum. Photos by Silas

and the letters keep coming...

A fabulous time to grow up I WAS at the Starlight Drive-In the night it opened in 1957. I was just four years old. From then on mum and dad took my two sisters, my brother and me to the drive-in about twice a week for the duration of my childhood. I then started going there on dates as a teenager in the late ‘60s and early ’70s. We always had old cars without heaters so dad used to heat house bricks in the oven and wrap them in a blanket that he would place on the floor in the back of the car. The bricks kept us warm for hours. It wasn’t until many years later that heaters were available on the speaker stands. We used to go Wednesday nights for “Ranch Night” and Saturday nights for the new feature. Intermission would see hundreds of pyjama-clad children racing to the playground to get the best position on the hurdy gurdy. When the Starlight Drive-In was pulled down, my husband bought me several of the speakers. Some of them were the original 1957 oval ones. I have given all but two away as gifts to my friends. I kept the last two for our sons. What a fabulous time it was in which to grow up. The most “dreadful” thing to happen was the illegal cargo that some people had in their boots; usually a couple of mates who were too broke to pay to entrance fee. Everyone turned a blind eye, at times I think even the attendants pretended not to see. Judi Sindel, Kambah

Out in his pyjamas

Archives holds memorabillia TUCKED away in a storage unit in Mitchell, the National Film and Sound Archive has preserved a handful of wooden kiosk signs, grease-proof bags and glass advertising slides, donated during a change of ownership in 1987 when the Starlight Drive-In theatre was shutting down. NFSA head of films and artefacts Meg Labrum says the tissuewrapped treasures constitute an unusually large collection from an Australian drive-in theatre, but that they’ve never been offered a classic neon sign and billboard such

as Starlight’s, which sits neglected by a housing complex in Watson. “The archive is always on the hunt for things not only that are in good condition, but that we could use,” Labrum told “CityNews”. “Neon drive-in signs have never been on offer and originals are few and far between in Australia. A lot were pulled down completely with the theatres.” “But the Starlight sign was not on offer.” “It needs to be used and reused, there’s no point in having things beautifully stashed away for no one

to see.” Agreeing the sign could be repurposed as a community noticeboard at the entrance to the capital, Labrum was keen to talk about how film-makers have used historic items at NSFA and the ongoing value of items that can be reused. “It could be retained as functional,” she said. “We’re always interested in knowing more about this type of memorabilia that has lived through such an interesting phase in Australian cinema history.”

–Eleri Harris

I HAVE just read your article in relation to the Starlight Drive-In and it made me very nostalgic. Interestingly, it opened on the same day that I was born in January, 1957. I have such fond memories of The Starlight; every Saturday night as kids we would drive over from Yass and see a movie. I was only young and we would go in our pyjamas and then sleep in a made-up bed in the rear of the station wagon on the way home. It reminds me of a time now gone of innocence and simple pleasures, such as a choc-top from the canteen. I now live in Goulburn and I always have such fond memories when I see the Starlight sign as we drive past it on the way into Canberra. I loved the Starlight. Paul Comino, Goulburn

Ticket winner The winner of the double pass to the Dendy premium cinema for the best letter of memories of the Starlight Drive-In was Janet, of Weston Creek. We thank other readers for sharing their nostaligia.

CityNews  October 28-November 3



Leaping Dilli’s dancing on ice By Kathryn Vukovljak

LEAPING, twirling, spinning and doing the splits mid-air is all in a day’s training for cute nine-year-old Dilli Kenyon, the youngest in the Canberra team of 19 figure skaters from the ACT Ice Skating Association. “Skating is really fun, and it’s a challenge sometimes, which is nice, it’s good,” she says. Dilli recently won her place on the ACT representative team, alongside her sister Eiland, 12. The team’s next step is to compete at the Australian Figure Skating Championships (Nationals) in Melbourne from November 25 to December 2. “I’m so excited to be going to the Nationals, and being the youngest on the team

makes me feel kind of special,” Dilli says. Dilli will compete in the Primary Ladies category, and will perform a free skate with six jump elements and three spins, and a short program, which has three jumps and three spins. Dilli, who practices for 10 hours a week, started having lessons and learning the basics at age five, but says that skating’s in her genes. “My dad skated in ice hockey for Australia,” she says. “I’m looking forward to competing in November, but I always get a little bit nervous. “I just try to think about other things, and talk to my friends to take my mind off the competition. “It’s my dream to be professional one day – an Olympic champion!”

Woden celebrates The annual Woden Valley Festival will be held at Eddison Park on Saturday, November 6. Entertainment includes bands, dancers, performance groups and circus acts. Based around the theme of “Health, Sustainability and Lifestyle”, the festival’s villages will each host a selection of activities and displays. More information and a full timetable of events at

Afghanistan in focus

AFGHANISTAN and Australia’s involvement will be discussed at 5.30pm on Tuesday, November 9 at Manning Clark House, 11 Tasmania Circle, Forrest. Speakers are Prof Hugh White, Dr Garth Pratten and Prof Amin Saikal. Members $10, non-members $15, inclusive of wine and cheese.

Stalls galore!

Dilli Kenyon…“I’m so excited to be going to Nationals, and being the youngest on the team makes me feel kind of special.” Photo by Silas

Anniversary’s bright spot By arts editor Helen Musa

“The Journey” at ActewAGL House.

CityNews  October 28-November 3

Photo by Helen Musa

A SPECTACULAR new artwork has been chosen to mark the 10th anniversary of ActewAGL. The huge installation, “The Journey”, commissioned from Queanbeyan artist Robert Foster and Frost Design, occupies the ground floor of ActewAGL House at 40 Bunda Street, Civic. It consists of 37 bone-like shapes they call

Ossolites, filled with LED lights that oscillate with colour and movement. Foster, who is probably best known for his curved water jugs, has – as National Gallery director Ron Radford commented – bridged the gap between cutting-edge and popular art. Canberrans can enter the sculpture space by day and view it through the huge windows by night.

THE multicultural Telopea Park School fete will be held at the school grounds on New South Wales Crescent, Barton, from 2.30pm to 7pm on Saturday, November 6. The fete will include more than 40 food and entertainment stalls, exotic wines and beers; English and French books (new and old); vintage and pre-loved clothes, plants and herbs, face painting and tattoos, live music and entertainment, carnival rides; and appearances by Kenny Koala and Brumby Jack. Entry is free and for more information call 0431 944043.

City market launch

THE City Walk Expo, a weekly, market-type event in the City Walk strip, starts on November 6. From 9.30am-5pm every Saturday with more than 100 stalls selling a variety of locally made products and produce. The organiser is VI Ambition Support Incorporated, a Canberra-based, not-for-profit association committed to opening the doors of opportunity to those who, without support, may find it difficult to reach their goals. More information from 0402 524039 or

cover story

CJ’s gift of taking risks She’s 23, married, has a baby, a house, her own business and has just been named the ACT’s young businesswoman of the year. KATHRYN VUKOVLJAK talks to a remarkable young women unafraid to take risks. “I FELT like I’d won a Logie,” laughs Carly-Jane Tozer, of her win of the Young Business Women’s Award at the recent ACT businesswomen’s awards. “It was a dream come true.” Carly-Jane, 23, owner of hair and beauty salon CJ’s Style, will head to Melbourne in November to compete nationally in her category. “I’m quite nervous about that, actually,” she says. It’s hard to believe that anything could make the confident, determined Carly-Jane nervous. She says she knew when she was 12 that she’d be a hairdresser, and by 14, she wanted to open her own salon. She did so at 20, with the support of her parents and husband, after completing her apprenticeship. CJ’s Style, at Florey shops, now has nine full-time, casual and contract employees. “I felt the industry didn’t have the standard I could provide,” she says. “Managing a team has been a learning

curve, especially when my staff are older than me, but I try to lead by example. I’m out there scrubbing the floor as much as the other girls.” As the youngest award finalist in the country, something she’s quite rightly proud of, Carly-Jane admits she sometimes feels she’s missing out on being young. “I was never a teen without a care in the world, I was a teen with a plan,” she says. “Sometimes I want to live it up, drive off with my friends and just be 23! But it’s been worth all the hard work. “I have a beautiful home, my own salon, my husband and my wonderful little boy, Jackson, who’s 19 months. ”I think it’s all about just going with life, and letting good things happen to you,” she says. “I believe in taking risks – the best things in life happen when you take risks.” Carly-Jane proved her theory in April when she invited her

Carly-Jane Tozer with 19-month-old Jackson… “I believe in taking risks – the best things in life happen when you take risks.” Photo by Silas clients to “pay what you think it’s worth”. “We had a great response, and only three people paid less than the asking price,” she says. “Some paid more as they felt we gave better value for money than other salons. It was risky, and I love that.” The secret to her success? “Confidence in myself,” she says firmly. “That and staying focused, never giving up and not settling for second best.” Carly-Jane says she had a

hard time while growing up, suffering an eating disorder, lack of self-esteem, depression, sexual abuse and a suicide attempt. “I believe I was given a second chance at life, and this became my driving force,” she says. “I always think of tomorrow, I don’t look back. “It wasn’t until the award that I really stopped and reflected on what I’ve achieved, and thought, you know, I’ve done alright.”

CityNews  October 28-November 3


Petula’s concert was a shocker! WHAT a shocker the Petula Clark concert was at the Southern Cross Club (Saturday, October 23). The septuagenarian singer was already pushing nature to hold a note, but holding the audience proved a bigger hurdle. Not entirely her fault (she apologised at the interval and again at the finale for the disgraceful sound system). And it was truly dreadful. It’s a miracle the people in the dogleg at the rear of the souless auditorium didn’t rise up and demand a refund. Three polite souls did stand at the end to simulate a standing ovation, the rest of us, like Petula, were heading thankfully for the door.

a dose of dorin

Hazel Pawley, Yarralumla

Do something, people I AGREE with John Cleland (letters, CN October 14) that the State should be as small as possible, with the roles of upholding law and order, defence of the realm, and providing essential services. Sadly, John seems to think that taxes, speed limits and traffic lights would be managed better by the private-sector mongrels, even though these topics are clearly part of the law and order responsibilities of the State. I humbly suggest that the mongrels are quite numerous in all fields of human endeavour, and remind the good readers of “CityNews” – to borrow a phrase – that all it takes for evil to prevail is for enough good people to do nothing. One thing we can do is write to our Legislative Assembly members to voice our concerns. If enough good people do something, we can keep the mongrels in check and perhaps one day the ATO will be able to send out tax notices with the refund cheques attached, bridge builders will build a bridge that doesn’t fall down, and maybe (hoping beyond hope) even the ACT Legislative Assembly will come to re-

alise that visible police presence reduces misdemeanours better than any other option. Of course it’s always more fun to get published in “CityNews” than to get yet another form letter from Jon’s mob.

Alex Satrapa, Isabella Plains

‘Therapeutic’ alcohol? IN her article “Drugs happen, let’s work with it” (CN October 14), Amanda Bresnan MLA states: “In an ideal world all prisons would be drug-free environments”. In a less-than-ideal world, politicians would not allow drug paraphernalia which aids and abets, in a place of rehabilitation, the maintenance by prisoners of the very crime that sent them to jail in the first instance – illegal drug use.

Share bike paths Reader Ric Hingee, of Duffy, has sent us a photo showing a solution to the conflict between “Nazi cyclists” and “wandering walkers” on Canberra’s bike paths. He writes: “Having recently returned from the Bailiwick of Guernsey in the Channel Islands, perhaps the ACT Government should look at a solution that seems to work well over there (subdivision of the bike paths to segregate walkers and riders).”

CityNews  October 28-November 3

There will always be some contraband drugs and alcohol in prisons and some drunk-drivers on our roads. Would any government approve the distribution of “therapeutic” alcohol to alcoholic inmates? No? Then why give needles to drug-afflicted inmates, instead of rehabilitation to drug-free lives? Free needles have been used in the community for several decades. The result? Hep C sufferers have trebled to over 200,000! As mentioned previously in these columns, smoking was banned in aircraft mainly because inhalation of smoke by cabin stewards breached occupational health and safety (OHS) laws. Prison officers are today’s cabin stewards and if relevant OHS laws are to be ignored or scrapped for prison officers, then scrap them for all workers.

Colliss Parrett, Barton

Call for old girls FORMER students of Fort Street Girls High School who completed the Leaving Certificate in 1965 are asked to respond so that as many former students as possible can be added to a contact list for a 50-year reunion. For details and expressions of interest please contact Pat Waley (nee Reid) at

Jennifer Coulston, Chapman


briefly TV ad wins prize CANBERRA-based video production company Screencraft has won a silver dolphin at the inaugural Cannes Corporate Media and TV Awards 2010 for a television commercial produced for an Australian Federal Police campaign to help promote National Missing Persons Week in 2009. The competition fielded more than 350 entries from 27 countries competing for gold, silver and black dolphin trophies.

Mezzalira tops Gardens combining to raise funds... Left, 8 Torres Street, Red Hill, and 17 Stokes Street, Griffith.

Photos by Silas

Open gardens grow a little hope By Kathryn Vukovljak TWO neighbouring inner-south gardens will be opened to the public to raise money and awareness of a struggling isolated rural community in WA, says owner of one of the gardens, Jane Scroope. “The project, St Paul’s Community House of Welcome, is being led by a friend of ours, Sr Anna Warlow, a member of the Good Samaritan order of nuns,” says Jane. “She had been working to help the community in WA for a while when, at the age of 60, she decided to move there full-time so she could do more.” “A Weekend in the Gardens – Connecting Communities” will allow visitors to explore the gardens of 8 Torres Street, Red Hill, and 17 Stokes Street, Griffith, on the weekend of Saturday, November 6 and Sunday, November 7 from 10am-

4pm. There will be a plant stall of plants from both gardens, homemade morning and afternoon teas, a produce stall, authentic Vietnamese spring rolls and a lemonade stand, according to Jane, as well as music by a young jazz quintet and a solo violinist. The Torres Street garden is a large, 0.4 hectare block established in the late 1940s and designed for self-sufficiency with original orchard, huge veggie patch, mature trees and informal garden rooms. A smaller block from the late 1930s, 17 Stokes Street has been developed over the past 16 years and is also trying to achieve self-sufficiency. Thanks to the outreach project, the WA community in Three Springs, south-east of Geraldton, now has a community garden, a choir, a food

bank, schools, adult education, weekly gatherings, monthly and annual events, and links with WA social services, explains Jane. “The project is trying to help develop a sense of community amongst the rural, indigenous and mining families there, who have struggled with drought and poverty,” she says. “It’s amazing how little they have, and they’re incredulous that anyone cares about them. “We want to use our community to help enhance theirs.” The entrance fee is $10 for two gardens, with all monies collected going directly to The House of Welcome, Three Springs, WA.

Tale of two gardens, Page 35 Helene’s ‘healing’ garden, Page 44

Mezzalira Ristorante, in Civic has been named national Italian restaurant of the year at the 2010 National Savour Australia Restaurant & Catering Awards for Excellence in Sydney. Saffron, in Manuka, was named the specialty cuisine restaurant.

Preschool fete

THE French-Australian Preschool will be holding its annual fete from 10am to 2pm on Saturday, October 30 in the preschool grounds on Astrolabe Street, Red Hill. Preschool board president Andrew Farrell said everyone was invited to attend this year’s fancy-dress themed fete. The best-dressed family will win a prize. Entry is free and more information 6295 0621.

Whitlams for free

THE Whitlams will headline the free entertainment at this year’s New Year’s Eve celebrations in the city. Two prominent sites in the city will again play host to New Year’s Eve celebrations, with a family-friendly concert in Civic Square, a dance party in Garema Place and fireworks displays at 9pm and midnight. For further information visit or call 132281.

CityNews  October 28-November 3


Sex debate needs focus IT might be the oldest profession, but only in recent decades has prostitution been the subject of sensible government regulation. Public health has been the main driver for reform, especially with the global spread of the HIV/AIDS virus and other sexually-transmitted infections over the last few decades. The motion by Attorney General Simon Corbell to establish a review of the ACT Prostitution Act is timely. Since the legislation was passed in 1992 there have been changes in the sex industry and in the community that may point to weaknesses that need to be rectified. However, the review must heed the fundamental reasons why legislation was needed in the first place. A study published in the current edition of the “Australian New Zealand Journal of Public Health” compared the effectiveness of health promotion programs to reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections in regulated jurisdictions with those in jurisdictions where prostitution is illegal. The study concluded that lack of regulation “can result in the unlicensed sector being isolated from peer-education and support”. The study showed that in a licensed and regulated environment there was more than double the likelihood of sex workers having access to condoms than in a poorly regulated situation and more than seven times more likely than in an environment where sex work is illegal.

10  CityNews  October 28-November 3

By Michael Moore Liberal Vicki Dunne, as chair of the Assembly’s Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety, will have a significant challenge keeping the focus of the community and of the committee on the complexity of the regulatory environment. Her committee should examine ways to improve the legislation rather than being distracted by those who futilely attempt to prohibit prostitution through legislation using terms such as “government-sanctioned industry”.

The law has never been successful at prohibiting prostitution Nick Jensen, writing in “CityNews” on behalf of the ACT Branch of the Australian Christian Lobby, identified some of the problems from articles about the sex industry including “various reports about common usage of underage girls, suspicious fires, people holding sex slaves and, the most tragic of all, the death of a 17-year-old”. There are not many who believe this is an ideal industry or that any form of regulation will suddenly mean that it is without problems. However, the law has never been successful at prohibiting prostitution and,

where it has naively been attempted, it creates more problems than it solves from police corruption to disastrous health outcomes for sex workers, their clients and the broader community. Using the law to interfere with individual freedom by applying one set of moral codes on two or more consenting adults is the approach taken by theocracies rather than the role of democracies. In complex circumstances good decisions focus on the best-possible outcome. Like most political decisions, this invariably means attempting to find the “least worst” result. The Christian Lobby wistfully looks to Sweden for magical solutions, as they do with drug policy, arguing that all forms of purchasing sex is, by its nature, “violence against women”. In the ACT the defining element of the current legislation is the empowerment of people working in the sex industry. The committee should not be attempting to double up on the work of coroner Peter Dingwall in his inquiry into the death of a Queanbeyan teenager who died of a heroin overdose in a brothel in 2008. Rather, it needs to take the advice of the coroner and then build to improve on legislation that has largely proved effective in meeting its objectives in protecting community health by regulating a difficult industry. Michael Moore is a former member of the ACT Legislative Assembly and an independent minister for health in the Carnell government. He introduced the ACT Prostitution Act (1992).


Horse talk for dummies

Stephen readies for the big jump

A horse is a horse, of course, but here’s MARK PARTON’s guide to bluffing your way through Cup day.

By Megan Haggan

SHOW-JUMPING is a true team sport, says upand-coming competitor Stephen Dingwall: It’s all about partnership with the horse. “You can’t just show up with your tennis racket and put your all into it,” he explains. “It’s one of those sports where you’re only as good as what you’re sitting on. You could be the best rider in the world, but if your horse isn’t as good, then neither are you.” Murrumbateman-based Stephen, with seven-year-old Cavalier Bryn, is set to compete in the 2010 Australia Showjumping Championships, which will be held at Exhibition Park from Thursday, November 4 to Sunday, November 7. “We’ve had about three years to-

Show-jumper Stephen Dingwall and Cavalier Bryn... “you’re only as good as what you’re sitting on.” Photo by Silas gether; he’s a young horse, and showing a lot of potential,” says Stephen. Show-jumping horses are different to racehorses in that they realise their potential at a later age. “Top racehorses are two, three or four years old, whereas show-jumpers don’t come into their prime till the age of eight or so. “It’s because of the time it takes to train them. It can take anywhere from five to eight years to produce a top-end horse.” Stephen has been riding for about 11 years, and jumping for 10 – and he’s been doing it full-time for eight. “I did a little bit of every discipline when I started riding, and I found I got a bit of

a rush from jumping: It’s an adrenaline sport.” As for the Canberra championships, Stephen is looking forward to riding Cavalier Bryn in the futurity, the race for up-and-comers, and says the whole event is set to showcase the best of Australian show-jumping. “It’s an Australian championships, and it’s quite a big deal; easily the biggest show-jumping show in Australia, and a chance to see 600 horses over four days, with 300 riders, and they’re all Australia’s best.” Stephen has already represented Australia internationally, and he has strong ambitions: “I aim to be an Olympic rider one day.”

THE race that stops the nation is nearly here; the day that everyone pretends to have some idea about the “sport of kings”. In reality, most of us don’t have a clue, but for “one-day-a-year punters” I have prepared a guide to at least appearing to know what you’re talking about. Backing the winner is a beautiful thing, but if you can’t do that then convincing your friends and workmates that you know what you’re talking about is just as important. The newspaper scribes earn a full-time living assessing race form. Put a little faith in their ability to at least nominate the top six or seven chances in the big race. If you go to any sporting website or publication it will include a “market” for the Melbourne Cup. That market will list the favoured runners. Make sure you know how to pronounce them – if you can’t pronounce the name of the third favourite in the Cup, you’ve blown your cover! Work out which one of those favoured runners that you want to back and then find out why the experts give it so much chance, then when one of your non-punting friends asks what you fancy in the Cup, respond like an expert. “I like Harry’s Boy. What a run on Saturday! I think he’ll get the trip, and he’s well weighted in this.”

A non-punter will be in awe of your expert status. To increase your perceived knowledge, try referring to Dr Fremantle as ‘“the Freedman horse” and to Profound Beauty as “the Dermot Weld horse”. Refer to number 1 as “the topweight” and number 24 as “the bottomweight”. If you’re out at Thoroughbred Park on Cup day, you can appear to be even more in the know. When asked which horse you’re backing in the Cup, return fire with: “Not sure, it’s such an open race, but I’ve got some really good mail about the topweight in the next race here.” “I’ve got some really good mail” suggests that there are people who go to track work and barrier trials who regularly update you on the latest info. It marks you as a true expert. If you’re on track, never go anywhere without a racebook and jot things down in it from time to time. It doesn’t matter what you write down, it just looks as though you’re making expert notes. And if you genuinely can’t decide what to back in the Cup, just box nine runners in a quinella for half a unit. It’ll cost you $18 and it gives you the chance of scoring a $200+ dividend. Mark Parton is the breakfast announcer at 2CC.

CityNews  October 28-November 3  11

mum in the city



ur... yo

Canberra Citizen of the Year

The Canberra Citizen of the Year recognises those in the ACT who, through their personal efforts, have made a significant contribution to our community. Individuals and groups can be nominated in any field, including the arts, education, sports, community work or business. Nominations can be made at or by contacting Chief Minister’s Department on 6205 0192 or 6205 3031 or by email to Nominations close on 31 December 2010

12  CityNews  October 28-November 3

A death in the family and coping with kids WHEN the goldfish went belly-up in the tank, the guinea pig turned up its toes or one of the hermit crabs went cannibal and devoured its mates – did you squib it? Did you concoct some story about the newly deceased pet going on vacation or being recalled by the pet shop for an overhaul, only for a new and improved version to appear at a later date? As a topic of conversation, death isn’t easy to deal with, especially with children. Many of us just so don’t want to go there. I know I didn’t. But over the last few weeks I haven’t had much choice with the passing of my elderly father – aka Grandpa Wolf. Both our children, aged eight and four, were shocked and grief-stricken when we got the news that my dad had died. He had been in poor health for some time, in and out of hospital, but it still came as a terrible shock. There were tears, and lots of questions: Why did Grandpa die? What happens when you die? Where is Grandpa now? Will he come back? What happens when he’s buried? There were lots of explanations and careful discussions, and all things considered both of our children, even our four-year-old girl, thankfully demonstrated considerable understanding. Then two weeks later we got many of the same questions and concerns – except it was in regard to our much-loved cat. You can’t bury her in the ground – she won’t be able to breathe, my daughter warned. What

mum in the city Sonya Fladun

happens if we move from the house, she’ll be lonely! One thing was clear – children have few inhibitions about talking about death. Currently, some of my kids’ opening conversational gambits with visiting friends and indeed people in the street are “Grandpa Wolf died, did you know?’’ and “our cat died last week, she’s buried in the garden.” So all things considered I’ve concluded that one shouldn’t put death in the too-hard basket until it’s unavoidable. Even in our sanitised and perhaps overly protective society, we must deal with it, and so must our children. It’s a lot better to encourage the subject to be discussed freely. The alternative is to wait like me until the day when you really aren’t in the best frame of mind to give calm and thoughtful replies to children’s questions about what has happened to a loved family member. So the next time the cat brings in a dead mouse or the pet parrot drops off the perch, make the best of it. Sit down and have a talk with the kids about what has happened and what it means, because like most things in life a bit of preparatory work is always worthwhile, perhaps especially on some of those subjects most of us would really prefer to avoid.


Lizard on the rocks

SO, the snapper’s out at the 40th anniversary knees up at the National Botanical Garden, when, over the shoulder of one of his social photo subjects, he spots this gatecrashing lizard, cocking a snoot at authority and wanting to get a closer look at these invading creatures. There are photos of them on Page 15. Photo by Silas

Dream city needs vision ONE of Canberra’s great strengths is the way it was created: A dream city in a real sense, it was built according to a vision; a grand, overarching concept that reached into the future. Such cities are rare, and – except for national capitals such as Washington DC, Ottawa and Brasilia – haven’t been a feature of the world’s urban landscape since Alexander the Great. Building, developing and adapting our cities for change is simpler and more effective if the city is the result of a vision – and a master plan designed to turn that vision into reality. The ACT Government’s recent “Canberra City Area Action Plan 2010-2016” includes a laudable program of capital works upgrades and funds for design work for other major projects. But I do have one concern: It isn’t actually an action plan. An action plan has to be related to an overarching vision. Without the vision, any action plan is doomed to become, at best, a contingency plan.


Catherine Carter As action plans often do, this has already succumbed to the risk of being out of date before publication, referring, for example, to a sale of sites on London Circuit, which were passed in at auction months ago, and anticipating the upgrade of Constitution Avenue, though funding has been withdrawn by the Commonwealth. The private sector will use a master plan to guide investment decisions, choosing, if they share the vision, to invest in it. But the action plan relies heavily on private-sector investment. Without an overarching master plan to encourage it, this is a risky strategy. Catherine Carter is ACT executive director of the Property Council of Australia.

CityNews  October 28-November 3  13

14  CityNews  October 28-November 3

scene At Trafalgar Day Dinner, Southern Cross Club

invite us at

At the Royal Military College At the Australian National Botanical ‘Officers Mess Spring Ball’, Duntroon Gardens’ 40th Anniversary Gala Dinner

Brig. Will Taylor, David Brown and Rowland Manning-Smith

Pat and Natasha Sawry

Alexandra Stewart and Wes Bartlett

Graeme and Linda Beveridge with Janet and Andy Russell

Patricia Parker, Sharon Jones, Hugh Parker with Patricia and David Evans

Amanda Gillman, Cath Smith and Kate Watson

Sally Heron, Geoff White, Sue Davis and Margaret White

Sally McKenzie, Kristy Biggins and Mandy Crawford

Andrew Deakin, Ellie Tennant, Morgan Keleher and Hannah Pratt

Laura Smith, Pauline Michaux, Claire Harvey and Natasha Kaczerepa

Laura Schweickle, David Taylor and Amber Howe

Andrea Close, Sam Statham and Alan Reid

Bil Mason with Opposition Leader Zed Seselja and wife Ros

Richard and Angela Gilmore

Kaiya Browning and Cameron Singh

CityNews  October 28-November 3  15


More photos at

At Family Law Conference At ActewAGL’s office opening and dinner, National Museum 10th birthday celebration, Civic

At Australian Breast Cancer Day dinner, Southern Cross Club, Woden

Juliet Behrens, Shannon Bodeker and Di Simpson

CEO Michael Costello and Graham Humphries

Dorothy Service and Dominic Anlezark

Pauline and John Runko with Sally Saunders and Annette Ellis

Minal Vohra, Mark Forth and Amanda Wynne

Kimberley Cook, Jeoff Mepham, Mark Hebblewhite and Linda Marsh

16  CityNews  October 28-November 3

Ayesha Razzaq with Michael and Sandra Fraser

Chairman John Mackay and wife Collette with Paul Walshe

Emma Chan, Adam Vlahos and Marisa Gerussi

Virginia Hansen, Gail Potts, Marcy Weber and Janeen Williams

Mark Sullivan, Mal Ecob, Allan Hawke and Brian Acworth

Dana Warner and Brenda Watts

Kate and David Darcy with Senator Kate Lundy

Di Summerhayes, Corey Burrell and Pam Robertson

Sarah Holmes and MLA Jeremy Hanson

all about weddings

advertising feature

Easy ways to beat the Big Day stress Planning a wedding is a huge undertaking – it’s one of the most exciting times in our lives, but getting there can be one of the most stressful! “CityNews” talked to some of Canberra and surrounds’ top wedding industry members to get the word on making weddings simpler...

A centre of scenic charm KAMBERRA Wine Company provides a scenic winery setting with rural charm, and according to Constellation Hotels, which recently acquired the Kamberra Wine Company Function Wine Centre and Connoisseur Catering, it is the perfect venue for weddings, conferences, parties, wakes, trade displays and more. Located 10 minutes from the city, the venue offers a city escape, with three outdoor wedding ceremony venues: The Rose Gardens, the Reflection Pond and under the oak trees. Indoors, there are two wedding reception venues: The DeVine Room, suitable for wedding receptions of up to 200 guests, and the Meeting Place, which is suitable for weddings of up to 70 guests. Kamberra’s outside catering company

also has access to other venues around Canberra, including Cockington Green, and the National Zoo and Aquarium; couples can also host a reception in their own home using the caterer. Menus have been designed to be modern and diverse, with the new executive chef, Jordan Rosmulder, focusing on the best use of seasonal local produce. Kamberra also has two wine labels, Meeting Place and Kamberra Wines, to complement the menus. To celebrate Constellation Hotels’ new acquisition, the company is offering seven nights’ accommodation at the Australis Resort Surfers Paradise with every wedding reception booked between April and September 2011. More information from 6262 2333 or email

All smiles, no wrinkles! BEAUTY treatments before weddings are now both socially acceptable and affordable, says David Segal, from Laser Clinics Australia. “People like to spend a lot of money on the wedding dress and photography, and the appearance is the same: It’s become just part of what people do to look their best on their wedding day. You want to be able to have your best smile and no wrinkles.” David says the clinics – the ACT clinic is located in the Canberra Centre – offer “the highest quality service at the most competitive price point within the industry. “Our staff are very seasoned within the industry and very experienced, but we actually have a price promise which guarantees that we’ll beat anybody else.” Laser Clinics Australia offer not just laser hair removal and pigmentation removal, but also anti-ageing treatments including Botox. Botox has become extremely popular among not just brides, but also grooms, bridesmaids, mothers of the bride and more – and it has more than just the obvious anti-wrinkle application, David says. “For instance, we do a lot of underarm treatments which prevent sweat stains on a groom’s shirt – it’s particularly important coming into the summer season.” More information at or call 6111 2908.

CityNews  October 28-November 3  17

all about weddings Finding the fiddly bits

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18  CityNews  October 28-November 3

WEDDINGS involve lots of small, fiddly details: bomboniere, ring pillows, bubbles, guest books, car ribbons... and, according to Rebecca Anderson, owner of Saying I Do in Gold Creek, there wasn’t a one-stop-shop in Canberra until she opened her store two and a half years ago. “The unique thing about our store is that we retail or hire all the wedding accessories you need,” says Rebecca. Saying I Do stocks everything from centrepieces, vases, wishing wells, wishing trees, table runners, a large range of bomboniere, flowergirl dresses, pageboy suits and guest books to flowergirl baskets, petals, cake knives, cake bags, bubbles and more. There’s also a large hens’ night section. “The idea of the shop came about because a lot of people were going to Sydney, or doing the shopping for all these little things online,” Rebecca says. “I wanted to create a place where brides could just walk in, without having to make an appointment, and feel comfortable just having a look or getting ideas for all the bits and pieces they need.” More information at www. or call 6230 9810.

Spa away the stress MORE brides are turning towards the idea of an eco-friendly hens’ event or bridal shower, says Bianca Pritchard, from the Jindii Ecospa in Duffy. “It’s a really hot trend,” she says. “Our ‘green brides’ can do something to reduce their personal carbon footprint and at the same time be a bit creative about their celebration. For example, we had a group of 12 lovely ladies recently who had all given the bride a tree, and they’d had a tree-planting the day before they came to the spa.” Being pampered in the spa environment is also important for bridal couples who may be

feeling the stress of planning their big day, Bianca adds. “We can plan everything for the wedding in advance, so that brides are able to have their waxing, facials and other treatments well in advance to look their best; we also offer yoga and meditation, which we recommend for dealing with stress!” Jindii uses the Li’Tya range of eco-friendly treatments, as well as Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup. More information at or call 6257 8777.

Preserve the memories ONCE the big day’s over, it’s time to start thinking about what happens to the wedding dress, says Mark Ryan, from R&R Fabricare in Southlands Shopping Centre, Mawson. “You need to be able to preserve those memories – just like the photos or anything else to do with the wedding,” he says. “We offer the complete range of cleaning services: Dry cleaning, wet cleaning and boxing. “Also, some people don’t have a lot of space at home, and may prefer to hang the dress instead, and so we have environmentally friendly garment bags for them.” R&R also provides gift vouchers that can be given as wedding presents, to have the dress cleaned and preserved. More information at or call 6286 3695.

advertising feature Relax with a massage

ROMINA Lau Diaz, from Animor Massage, says she has a real passion for her customers’ wellbeing. Originally trained as a beauty therapist, she then obtained qualifications in massage and fitness, and is currently completing her studies with remedial massage course. “I love massage,” she says. “It’s important that I feel in touch with people’s bodies, so that I can work out problems and issues, identify physical weaknesses and not just that, I’m able to give them exercises to work on at home.” Romina operates Animor Massage from O’Connor, where she offers services such as relaxing massage, deep-tissue massage, aromatherapy, and hand and foot treatments including the luxurious parrafin wax treatment. She says that as weddings are often such a stressful and busy time in our lives, it’s important to take time out for ourselves. “Obviously everyone’s different and handle stress differently, but massage is a great way to de-stress for most people.” More information at or call 6230 5644.

Marry overlooking the water DESTINATION weddings are becoming increasingly popular, says Tess Clark, conference co-ordinator and sales and marketing co-ordinator at Coachhouse Marina Resort at Batemans Bay. “A destination wedding at somewhere like the Coachhouse Marina Resort is ideal for many couples, as they can have the ceremony here overlooking the water, the reception in our waterfront marquee or restaurant, and then guests can celebrate into the evening and walk home to their cabins,” Tess says. The resort offers 89 cabins to suit a range of budgets, as well as two main wedding reception areas: The waterfront marquee for larger weddings of up to 250 people, and the restaurant, which can seat up to 80 guests. More information at or call 1800 670 715.

The centre of attention WOMEN want to look and feel their best on their wedding day – inside and out, says Lina Prego, of Avida Wellness Clinic in Bailey’s Corner, Civic. “The bride is the centre of attention, and the number one objective of the cameras,” she says. “It’s fundamental that her face, body and skin are firm, luminous and looking their best. “It’s not just about getting hair and make-up done. It’s a whole body image, making non-invasive cosmetic

procedures very high in demand – and why not, when you can look your very best on your wedding day, and every other day, naturally without surgery or injectables?” The most popular treatments are non-surgical liposuction for the belly, bottom, arms and legs, she says; as well as cellulite removal, oxygen facials, skin lifting, permanent hair reduction, teeth whitening and body wraps. More information at www.avidaclinic. or call 6249 1848.

CityNews  October 28-November 3  19

The Property Council ACT /NDH Property Services 2010 Golf Classic

advertising feature

Golf classic delivers a swinging time THE infamous Property Council of Australia (ACT) NDH Property Services 2010 Golf Classic was back once again on October 21 with another successful day on the green. More 30 teams of four took on the Ambrose challenge, along with the usual golf-day shenanigans. The day saw some spectacular entertainment with the inclusion of home-made ice creams, some wickedly pleasing shots, golf-ball guessing games, a “Happy Gilmore” competition, and some amazing give-aways such as the hole-in-one prize, a new bike, on hole 16. Along with the abundance of extra-curricular activities, players enjoyed perfect weather, plenty of drinks and fantastic company. No one was short of laughter, particularly after a hilarious performance by comedian Vince Sorrenti.

Those with the biggest smiles were the team of Fyshwick Self Storage, who were the overall winners of the day, followed by the guys from Savills, who took second place. Third was Reed Group and an honorable mention to Cardno ITC for taking home the wooden spoon. The Property Council wishes to thank the event’s principal sponsor NDH Property Services for another fantastic golf day, and to our hole sponsors for providing such spectacular and memorable entertainment, which helped the day become a huge success. They are ActewAGL, Canberra Airport, Coffey, Fyshwick Self Storage, IA Group, InterfaceFlor, ISIS, Mallesons Stephen Jaques, Mocca Espresso, Northrop Engineers, Spotless, Stylecraft, The Mark Agency, The Reed Group, The Village Building Company, UCI Projects, Walker Corporation and Xact Projects.

Winners... Richard Hedley, Garry Lee, John Wells and Richard Redfern.

Ben Kruger and Sophie Pratt.

John Wakka, Nick Forostenko, Peter Sarris and Stefan Janic.

James Service, Gina Chan and comedian Vince Sorrenti.

Entertainment Partners

Second... Phil Harding, Kevin Nixon, Frank McGrath and Alex Swan.

Alex Feng, Richard Stevens, Sue Kang and Ken Mullins.

Vince Sorrenti proudly brought to you by

Tommy Sakunic, Tristan Maddigan and Nick Mihailakis.

Andreas Antoniades, Brett Smith and Anthony Ellis. Principal Sponsor

Classic Hole Sponsors Design Sponsor

Media Sponsor Trading Hours Monday to Friday 7:00am - 5:00pm

20  CityNews  October 28-November 3

women in business 2010

annual feature

Sisters are doing it for themselves Pages and pages of inspirational business profiles CityNews  October 28-November 3  21

Brave steps to dance business success RAQUEL Paez, of Salsabor dance studio in Civic, says that women who want to open their own business need passion for what they do: “If you know your work, and you believe in your work, then it can’t go wrong,” she says.

plays more of a creative, training and development role in the business. “We’re sisters and best friends, and that’s why we work so well together: we have the same vision for the business, and both know where we want to go with it. “To women considering going into business, I say go for it. If you don’t try, you’ll never find out how well it would have worked for you.” Zumba Latin Fitness, which Raquel says began Her passion for dance is long-standing. She around 10 years ago in the US, has already become has taught Salsa in London for the Latin Dance one of the most popular classes. Collective Team, one of Europe’s biggest salsa “It filtered through to Australia about mid-last promotion companies; and was chosen to perform year, and since then it hasn’t stopped, because it at the New York Salsa Congress last month. In really is something that everyone can do, from kids 2006, her performance gave the Salsabor Perform- to adults to senior citizens as well.” ance Team the opportunity to represent Australia It’s a cardio workout, but Raquel says that those at the Los Angeles West Coast Salsa Congress. She’s who want to tone up while they dance can use furthered her training in New York, South America, weights during their class. “There’s something for London and Europe; and for several years has been everyone.” offering Canberrans young and old the opportunity Zumba has its roots in Latin music, and is to enjoy participating in and learning Latin dance. designed to be easy to pick up “so that anyone The latest classes on offer at Salsabor are the can join a class at any time, and be able to enjoy popular Zumba style. themselves and get a workout at the same time.” “I love it – I really believe in it, have a real pasAs well as offering Zumba classes, Salsabor sion for it, and I think it’s an activity that people are offers Hip Hop, Reggaeton and Cabaret Broadway always going to want to do. People always want to classes, the latter taught by the company’s new get fit and try something new,” says Raquel. instructor, Charlotte Henry, who’s recently arrived Raquel says that Salsabor began as a homefrom Paris. The Reggaeton and Hip Hop classes are based business, but three years ago she “decided taught by internationally-trained Jason Tabiolo. to risk it all and do it full-time.” Now her sister Hip Hop classes are aimed at teens and adults, Andrea has also become involved. while the Zumba classes have also been specially Raquel says that as women in business together, tailored for little ones: classes are designed for four she and her sister complement each other’s to seven-year-olds, and for eight to 12-year-olds. strengths. “Andrea’s my rock. She does a lot of These classes fuse Zumba with the science behind the promotional and marketing work, and teaches children’s exercise classes, as well as healthy Zumba and Salsa, and helps me run Latin events lifestyle habits and leadership. which we put on during the year.” More information at or While she teaches as well, these days Raquel call 0404 181 862.

Sisters, business partners and best of friends, Andrea and Raquel Paez... “To women considering going into business, I say go for it. If you don’t try, you’ll never find out how well it would have worked for you,” says Raquel.

CityNews thanks its sponsors

22  CityNews  October 28-November 3

Forever Living Products 0417 129248

Maria Selleck Properties 30 Bougainville Street, Manuka 0417 258803

Dianne Nockels

Fiona Allardyce



THE desire for exibility and freedom after the birth of her rst child was one reason for Dianne’s career change. A passion for good-quality skincare and natural healthcare was another. “I immediately recognised the enormous potential on offer with Forever Living: an extensive range of Aloe Vera-based, natural products, with something for everyone; complete freedom to work my own hours around my child and my job; and, as I was living in London at that time, the ability to take my business all around the world, with this international company,” she said. “Forever Living was unheard of in Canberra when I arrived in 2008, but my customer base is expanding almost daily, mainly from word-of-mouth referrals. I am also helping others to build their own Forever Living businesses.” “Helping others is important to me – both through the products and the business development. I am looking forward to helping many more people in Canberra as word spreads.”

FIONA’S passion for creating hampers and giving gifts lead her to opening the doors of Hamper Art in October last year. Hamper Art is a local company that creates luxury gift hampers with a real local avour. Hamper Art specialise in working with businesses. “We pride ourselves as being personal, creative and exible. Not only that, but every hamper that leaves our store is like a piece of Art,” says Fiona. Strongly focused on Canberra’s local industry and using local produce. Fiona says: “Our local hampers are not only supporting local businesses, but are also showcasing the best our region has to offer.” Fiona was awarded the Chamber of Women in Business, award for Community Spirit in 2010. This award is for the business that cares for the community, enhancing the social, economic and commercial and environmental prosperity of their region.

Hamper Art Unit 2, 19-25 Kembla Street, Fyshwick 6162 2777

Maria Selleck

Claire Connelly



A FIRM believer in that old-fashioned service and courtesy, Maria represents a new breed of agency committed to delivering exceptional results for her clients. Since opening her agency last year, Maria has achieved a string of record prices across Canberra and has received multiple achievement awards, including the REIACT Small Agency of the Year 2009 Award, the CWB Best New Business 2010 Award, the 2010 Australasian RER Agent Award and nalist at the REIA National 2010 Awards for Small Agency of the Year. In her relatively short career as an agent and an even shorter one as a company director, Maria has earned a reputation as one of Canberra’s leading agents and businesswomen. Her dynamic style ensures top results with a minimum of fuss for her clients. “She is enthusiastic and passionate about real estate and that’s why she has a high level of repeat and referral business. This is a true testament to her success and the quality of her service and results,” says one satised customer.

CLAIRE Connelly is creative director of graphic design studio Papercut, a business that aims to be environmentally sustainable. She received the title of ACT Business Woman of the Year by the Chamber of Women in Business for demonstrating qualities such as leadership, tenacity and compassion and being a role model for fellow businesswomen. “I feel that to be a successful businesswoman you need to be adaptable, exible and a strong communicator. Three years ago I started Papercut to not only create a successful business but to make a broader contribution to the Canberra community, particularly in the employment, environmental and social arenas. I continue to emphasise environmental innovation as the cornerstone of my business and as a distinctive point of difference.” Ms Connelly is an ambassador for the 1 Million Women Campaign that aims to inspire Australian women to take practical action on climate change. She supports both the ACT Social Enterprise Hub and the St Vincent de Paul Society.

Papercut 18 Bent Street, Turner 6162 4045

Chamber of

Women in Business Women succeeding in business

CityNews  October 28-November 3  23

Jo Madsen

Wanda Wojciechowska



Achieve Corp Business Solutions Unit 1, 82 Wentworth Avenue, Kingston 1300 139217

ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry 12a Thesiger Court, Deakin 6283 5200

ACT Chamber of Commerce & Industry 12a Thesiger Court, Deakin 6283 5248 24  CityNews  October 28-November 3

I HAVE a passion for helping people, being able to make a difference. Growing up in Europe and then here in a multicultural environment has helped me to better understand and deal with people from all backgrounds. The most satisfying part of my work is being able to help people with their businesses, no matter how small or large, and help them with their accounting and taxation issues. I am positive, enthusiastic and take pride in my work, and believe everyone is important. There is nothing better than seeing our clients walk away with a relieved smile. Many would say it’s impossible to be so passionate about accountancy, but I am, and I believe in old-fashioned service through meeting clients face-to-face and maintaining that personal touch. My clients can pick up the phone at any time knowing that I am here to help. I can help free up more of their valuable time to focus on activities that add value to their business, such as keeping their customers happy.

ACT Chamber of Commerce & Industry 12a Thesiger Court, Deakin 6283 5232 or 0433 124312

JO is responsible for membership development within the ACT Chamber of Commerce and has 18 years’ experience in retail and management. She prides herself on her communication and people skills, which is evident in her work. Jo is focused on providing members with a key point of contact upon becoming a chamber member. She develops long-lasting relationships with businesses, which are crucial for a mutually benecial relationships. “It is extremely satisfying to walk into a business and let them know of the services we can provide.,” she says. “We are able to advise businesses on critical elements such as workplace relations, employment and education and the importance of networking and advertising. “Canberra is a fantastic community, and we offer our members the same sense of community. I am extremely proud to be working for the Chamber and I am rewarded daily knowing that we are making a difference by helping businesses to achieve their goals.”

Sam Andrewartha

Romina Lau Diaz



SAM is the executive ofcer of Young Business Network, Australian Industry & Defence Network (Canberra) Inc., and the Retail Traders Association ACT Region Inc. Sam is also the chamber’s Events and Communications Director. “I have been working with the ACT Chamber for almost three years now and I still thoroughly enjoy working for our not-for-prot organisation. I get a lot of satisfaction within my role and on some days it still makes me wonder how lucky I am to be getting paid for following my passion,” she says. Sam has successfully implemented a number of new events in 2010, one being the very successful “Women in Business luncheons”. “Our Women in Business luncheons focus on providing attendees with an insight into the success stories of some of our high-achieving women within the ACT. These stories are truly inspirational and provide guidance, support and condence to other women attending to achieve their dreams and goals both personally and professionally,” she says.

FROM a young age, massage was instilled in me from walking on my dad’s back after a hard day’s work to the many times my brother forced me to adjust my terrible posture! I found my passion when I began beauty therapy, thoroughly enjoying massage as I was really good at it! Since then, I have completed massage and tness courses and am in the process of completing a Diploma in Remedial Massage. I have been in the massage industry for 5 years, initially through mobile massage, and only recently, I now have a salon setting which is beautifully prepared for a complete relaxing ambiance where you can de-stress and feel like new after a pampering session! My focus is not only about a massage, but maintenance and care for your body since it is used on a daily basis! I see myself developing in the business industry and helping others achieve their physical and mental goals.

Animor Massage Services 7 MacPherson Street, O’Connor 6230 5644

Toni Friend

Brook Bowyer



BEING a part of the Canberra business community is very important to me and I love getting out and about town discussing issues and concerns with businesses in the region. Building on relationships and helping chamber members with everyday business issues is very rewarding in so many ways. I get to be an active partner in the success of their business which is great! I really enjoy a wide variety of people and gaining knowledge from the different and very interesting businesses I talk to. I am one of the chamber’s business development managers, who are responsible for membership development, responding to queries regarding new members, membership upgrades and membership renewals. I have experience across a range of industries which enables me to respond to the needs of a wide variety of chamber members.

I’VE been in the tness industry for ve years. I rst started at The Southern Cross Health Club in Phillip and developed a passion for the industry. I love meeting new people and helping people get started into a healthier lifestyle, it’s the most rewarding career and it’s fun. It’s helped me grow and I’ve learnt so much in the last ve years. I started opening Anytime Fitness clubs two years ago when the clubs rst came to Australia. Anytime Fitness clubs are great, as we’re open 24/7 we make it easy for people to make a healthier life a reality and with more than 1400 clubs worldwide in 10 countries and anywhere club access, exercising now couldn’t be more easier and convenient. Over the last two years, I’ve opened clubs in NSW and Victoria and was really excited to open my own club earlier this year in my hometown.

Anytime Fitness Irving Street, Phillip 6281 6258

Rebecca Clark

Tania Vidovic



REBECCA Clark is the youngest and newest recruit at ANZ Mobile Lending Belconnen & Gungahlin. She is the director of rst impressions, supporting the busy team of mobile lenders with administration and mortgage processing, and she ensures telephone enquiries, faxes and emails are promptly actioned. She has a genuine interest in real estate and nance and although she manages the ofce, Rebecca has recently completed the ANZ’s formal mobile lending training and is accredited as an ANZ mobile lender in her own right. She is driven, capable, efcient, and customer focused and ensures all clients of ANZ Mobile Lending Belconnen & Gungahlin have a smooth experience from initial enquiry through to settlement and beyond. Rebecca was born and raised in Canberra – she lived in Belconnen for her rst 20 ANZ Mobile Lending years and has recently moved to Gungahlin herself. Belconnen & Gungahlin She has volunteered with a number of Canberra’s charities 0420 975929 for several years including St Vincent de Paul. She enjoys rebecca.clark@anzmortgagesolutions. overseas travel, cooking and spending time with her family and friends. com

ANZ Mobile Lending 0400 131314

ANZ Mobile Lending Canberra Southside & Weston Creek 0488 008004 Donna.Remkes@

ANZ Mobile Lending Canberra Southside & Weston Creek 0437 131314 Tania.Vidovic@anzmortgagesolutions. com

CHANGING business to suit the lifestyles of many of our local residents – this is how Tania is making more convenient banking available to local residents with ANZ Mobile Lending. Can’t get to the bank? Her team will bring the bank to you anywhere, anytime. Born in Canberra and having worked in both the real estate and nance industries over the past 15 years, Tania is assisting many local residents realise their ultimate dream of home ownership. Whether you are a rst home owner or the astute investor, Tania will offer an exceptional service at a place convenient to you. Tania prides herself in her commitment to the industry and the convenient services offered available after hours and weekends. Tania is helping to create a banking solution to the needs of our local community.

Kylie Peden

Annie Brown



AS ANZ Mobile Lenders, servicing Belconnen & Gungahlin, Kylie’s team is committed to nding the best nance solution to suit YOU. Whether you are a rst-home buyer, upgrading, an investor, renancing, consolidating debts, renovating, needing money for a wedding or a holiday, or simply wanting to explore the possibility of accessing the equity in your home, call ANZ Mobile Lending and they’ll visit you anywhere, anytime, seven days a week. Kylie is the director of Jakroas Financial Services T/A ANZ Mobile Lending Belconnen & Gungahlin. Canberra born, she has worked for several major nancial institutions and mortgage brokers over the past 20 years, and has spent time fundraising for local charities such as The Spastic Centre. Kylie has a diploma in business management specialising in real estate and she is undertaking further studies to widen her skills. She is a mother of two young boys (and two puppies) and enjoys cheering on sons Jake and Rowan at their rugby matches, cooking and travel, and gardening in her spare time.

ANNIE started her business, Bel’s Aviary Vintage, after noticing a gap in the market for unique and fabulous vintage clothing and accessories in the Canberra area. “I wanted to show Canberrans a different way of dressing and recognise that there are more choices out there than boring, mass-produced brands,” she says. ANNIE has been fascinated by vintage clothing since a young age, saying the quality and uniqueness of pieces from another era is really refreshing, not to mention the feel-good factor of buying vintage for eco-conscious fashionistas. BEL’S Aviary Vintage is currently stocked in Ellory Lane in Civic as well as O’Nelly – The Little Boutique in Manuka. Annie is also busily developing the Bel’s Aviary Vintage website, allowing vintage lovers to order online. When Annie is not tending to her entrepreneurial duties, she works as a freelance stylist and visual merchandiser. It really is a fashionable life for this girl about town!

Bel’s Aviary Vintage 0404 861224 Ellory Lane, Canberra Centre O’Nelly- The Little Boutique, Manuka

Donna Remkes

Laurie McDonald



DONNA has recently joined the ANZ Mobile Lending team at Canberra Southside & Weston Creek. She has extensive experience having worked with ANZ for the past eight years, leaving her latest roles as branch manager in Canberra & Queanbeyan. Whether you’re buying your rst home, your next home or an investment property, Donna will come to you at a time and place convenient to you. Donna believes simple and convenient banking is better banking. Applying for a home loan is now easier and Donna can discuss all your needs to assist obtaining the best possible solutions for you. Donna is very excited about her new career in mobile lending.

ARMED only with a credit card and one investment property, entrepreneur Laurie McDonald started Canberra Furnished Accommodation while she was on maternity leave in 2003. Laurie provides fully furnished corporate and holiday accommodation for long or short stay in residential locations across Canberra. “Initially it was to meet a nancial need and to enable me to stay at home with Connor for longer,” she says, “but now that it’s evolved I’ve become passionate about business itself – I’m fascinated by how a good business keeps going and base my own philosophy on quality, excellence, passion and balance.” Balance is the key for Laurie, who is president of the ACT Chamber of Women in Business and last year won ACT Business Woman of the Year – being able to work around raising her two young sons is the most important thing in her life, and something she has extended into the workplace. Her success in balancing work and home life has led to public speaking engagements.

Canberra Furnished Accommodation Shop 1055, Kembla Street, Fyshwick 6295 0975

CityNews  October 28-November 3  25

CA Pty Ltd 10 National Circuit, Barton 2600 6253 6100

Capital Cosmetic & Laser Clinic Suite 5, John James Clinical Services Building 173 Strickland Crescent, Deakin 6232 4946

Clear Complexions Clinics 1/82 Thynne Street Bruce 6251 8889

26  CityNews  October 28-November 3

Tania Lee West

Rosana McLeod



TANIA is a senior account director for CA Pty Ltd, one of the world’s largest IT management software providers, delivering software and expertise that unies and simplies complex IT environments. Her career started in the legal sector before she moved into IT. She has a BA in communications and management. “IT is exciting. There are always new emerging technologies and frameworks that mean the industry is constantly on the move,” she says. Eight-time CA Club member – a prestigious worldwide award – and one of CA’s top performers over the last 10 years, Tania’s role is to manage and facilitate all engagement within client accounts. She is responsible for strategy and its execution, as well as being responsible for articulating the company’s business prole with senior Government clients. For the future, Tania says she would like to see a closer alignment between ICT providers and clients to drive key business outcomes and enable government to deliver a better service. “I’d also love to see more women in the industry in a similar role.”

JUGGLING a family with two children and the demands of a business means that Rosana McLeod has to live by the company's motto of “organise your life”! She has been with Creative by Design, a national wardrobe and home ofce design company, for 19 years, starting out as a wardrobe designer and says her business success is due to her commitment, belief in her product and love of managing her team of brilliant designers “Creative by Design was the original Creative Wardrobe Company and has been serving Canberra for more than 22 years,” she says. “Having the time to bring order to our busy lives is the issue and Creative by Design has time-saving storage solutions for every room of your home with specialised, custom-made; wardrobes, home ofces, doors and storage furniture.” Creative By Design Rosana, who has won the company’s sales manager of the 175 Gilmore Road, Queanbeyan 2620 year and franchise of the year awards, had to educate herself 6284 2759 in the technicalities of manufacturing and installation, getting involved in all aspects of the business, including the more male-dominated production process.

Jennifer Dunlop

Leane Belmonte



DR Jennifer Dunlop set up the rst female cosmetic physician practice in Canberra over a decade ago, and it is going from strength to strength. At the Capital Cosmetic & Laser Clinic we aim to provide a highly professional and individually personal approach to rejuvenation of your appearance. The medical and cosmetic procedures offered are not invasive and are designed for the busy working person to walk in, and walk out, with no down time. We want you to enjoy the procedure as well as the result, so everything is provided for your comfort and well-being. Whether you need laser, muscle relaxants, dermal llers, peels, microdermabrasion, skin lesions checked or leg veins treated, we aim to enhance your quality of life and help you enjoy the skin you’re in.

I HAVE always had a strong interest in fashion which led me to complete a degree in fashion design. By fate, while purchasing make-up from a Napoleon Perdis store I was offered a management position and successfully grew the Canberra business, making it the number 1 store in Australia. This turned into an opportunity to work in America launching Napoleon’s new concept stores. Working alongside Napoleon gave me the condence, experience and inspiration to have a business of my own. While in America, I found my passion and love for bling! Realising there was a gap in the Canberra market, I sourced suppliers and began market research giving me the foundation of my new business venture. DeVine Goddess offers customers unique, high-quality costume jewellery with a reasonable price tag. I think my success is due to being passionate and energised about what I sell. If you love what you do you never really work a day in your life!

DeVine Goddess Shop K10, Upper Level, Canberra Centre, Bunda Street, Civic 0420 501620

Suzie Hoitink

Emma Mountain



SUZIE Hoitink is a Registered Nurse who founded the Clear Complexions Clinics in 2005 in response to her own problematic skin. Since then, Clear Complexions has grown into one of Canberra’s most recognisable businesses and, while others applaud Suzie for the success of her businesses, it is her nursing profession that she is most proud of. “Nobody enters into nursing to begin their own business. They enter it because they have an innate desire to help others”, she says. Clear Complexions has always been about empowering people and restoring their condence. Professionally it has been a rewarding year for Suzie. Highlights have been speaking at the Commencement Ceremony at the University of Canberra and appearing on the ABC as a member of an expert panel on Acne Vulgaris; a health initiative of Rural Health Australia. To date the nurses at the clinics have treated more than 9000 Canberrans and, with a new clinic opening in October, the year ahead looks bright.

EMMA entered the tness industry with no idea where it would take her. Now she is co-owner of Edge Health Club in Weston Creek, which has undergone massive changes in the last couple of years. “Since taking over, we have been successful in changing not only the entire club physically, but have changed the demographic of members,” she says. “We now have a female majority, with mums, seniors and families making up most of our lovely members. The area now has a quality health club, which was a nalist in this year’s Fitness Australia – Fitness Business of the Year awards.” Emma is also the managing director of the soon-to-beopened and much-awaited Anytime Fitness Fyshwick. “I really enjoy the business aspect of the industry, and found the thrill of helping people is multiplied with quality staff. Opening another club is very exciting, and further opportunity to look after more people,” she says.

Edge Health Club Weston 45 Liardet Street, Weston 6287 3707

Ellory Lane Shop DF14, Canberra Centre, 128 Bunda street Civic 0416 725530

Elringtons Lawyers 17-21 University Avenue, Civic 6206 1300

Face2face Recruitment Suite 2, 16 Bentham Street, Yarralumla 6163 7500

Irene Pavlovic

Jane Grant



I OPENED my boutique Ellory Lane in the Canberra Centre last September. It carries women’s clothing and accessories. I do my best to cater for all ages and occasions from casual and business to cocktail and party dresses. My thoughts behind Ellory Lane were to keep it affordable and fun and, at the same time, offer customers something they wouldn’t see everywhere. I like to support local designers too and I also stock Bel’s Aviary Vintage for the vintage lovers out there. Owning my own business since the age of 21 and being so young getting into the swing of what it entailed was a huge challenge, but it’s something that has taught me a lot about myself and the life lessons are priceless. During these six years I’ve been lucky enough to meet so many great people from my customers to the designers, who have all played a part in what’s kept me loving what I do. The great ideas they’ve shared with me and the upcoming fun fashion that Australian designers have to offer is what’s kept my customers coming back. The satisfaction of someone loving the store and loving the stock I’ve chosen is a huge compliment.

HAVING worked for ve years in the male-dominated IT industry, Jane felt the need to branch out into the more creative eld of fashion and accessories design. After selling her products, along with mum Jill, at local markets for several years, Jane spotted a gap in the market scene. “Fash ‘n’ Treasure is a market just for fashion. We welcome designers, milliners, vintage sellers, retail stores and outlets to sell at our market, and we try to make it as easy as possible to do so.” The key to the success of the market is the fact that Jane, herself, is a stallholder and enthusiastic shopper. “I’m such a shopaholic! It’s terrible, but I like to think that gives me an understanding of what makes a successful shopping experience,” she says. Jane recently launched her own line of clothing and continues to sell at markets throughout Canberra, including Fash ‘n’ Treasure. She also continues to work as a qualied software developer.

Fash ‘n’ Treasure PO Box 3111, Weston Creek 0403 268819

Claire Grogan

Julie Ford



“FAMILY law is my passion. I know that I am helping people to get the best result in a highly stressful situation and, hopefully, making their life easier,” says Claire Grogan, a Family Law Accredited Specialist at Elringtons. Claire assists clients in the sensitive area of family law in ACT, NSW and Commonwealth jurisdictions. This includes dispute resolution, property applications, matters involving children, divorce, adoption and surrogacy. Claire’s experience includes acting for wives and husbands, parties to defacto relationships, including same-sex couples, and children as an independent children’s lawyer. Claire recognises that to be a success in this industry you have to have an extensive knowledge of the law, but also on a personal level she believes that her empathy and listening skills ensure that she gains a full understanding of her clients’ needs and desired outcomes. Claire’s qualications include Law and Commerce degrees, a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice and a Master of Laws.

“THIS is a family business that was established more then 40 years ago,” says a proud Julie. “As I grew up I was taught the value of money management and what you can achieve no matter the size of your base income. “The most satisfying aspect of this profession is helping people realise their life’s goals, while making the journey easy.” Julie is a born-and-bred local and she and her husband are the proud parents of two beautiful daughters. As a Certied Financial Planner, she says that her ability to understand people’s needs and then devise the right strategy to help them is her greatest asset. “Perhaps even more important than being able to devise a clever nancial strategy, is to be able to explain it to clients in an easy-to-understand way.” Financial Wisdom 54 Pridham Street, Farrer, ACT 2607 6286 2042

Authorised representative of Financial Wisdom ABN 70 006 646 108 AFSL No. 231138

Sarah Martin

Gail Freeman



WITH 26 years experience in recruitment covering HR and ICT contract and executive-level placements, Sarah has seen enormous growth in the contract industry in Canberra over the years in both contractor numbers and contract agencies. However, the core business of recruitment, whether it be contract or permanent placement, internally and externally hasn’t changed; nding the right person for the job is the greatest challenge and the top priority for any recruiter. Together with her experience in ICT contract recruitment, Sarah also has a breadth of experience working within ICT professional services consulting organisations, specialising in the areas of performance management, resource management and transition management, and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience across the generalist HR realm. With a strong work ethic and demonstrated business development and client relationship management capability, Sarah is able to build strong and sustainable working relationships with clients and candidates, ensuring client and candidate/employee expectations are met and handled to the best of her ability.

GAIL Freeman has been running Gail Freeman & Co Pty Ltd since 1987 and specialises in business advising, taxation and self-managed superannuation funds. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, a licensed LinkUp! consultant and a licensed Mindshop Facilitator. Gail is also an authorised representative of Lifespan Financial Planning Pty Ltd and has qualications in workplace training and various other business related elds. Gail has tailored her business so that her team will provide their clients with a “one-stop shop” for all their nancial needs. Gail embraces change and is always looking for ways to assist her clients improve both their businesses and their total nancial position. Gail is currently president of the Rotary Club of Canberra South Inc and in her spare time enjoys being with her family and friends and her dogs Bruno, Buddy and Sophie.

Gail Freeman & Co Pty Ltd 9/71 Leichhardt Street, Kingston 6295 2844

CityNews  October 28-November 3  27

Green Associates 3/10 Geils Court, Deakin 6282 5474

Trina Wood

Trish Cassidy



IT surprised no one when I started working in the nancial planning industry 11 years ago, as numbers and money have been my passion from a very young age. I’m able to use lateral thinking to take complex situations apart, work out what my clients’ nancial goals are and put together a strategy that will reach that goal. The nance industry is an exciting one which presents opportunities and challenges in an ever-changing environment, leaving no dull moments. Climate change is a signicant issue confronting us today, and we have put together Socially Responsible portfolios for our clients. These portfolios represent an excellent opportunity; both in great investment returns and meeting our clients’ desire to invest in companies that are taking the initiative and leadership in this important area. Finance is certainly not for everyone which is where I come in – I look after the things my clients don’t want to, leaving them to do the things they love.

TRISH is the most experienced female insolvency practitioner in the ACT. A married mum of two teenagers, she has accumulated 24 years’ experience working in the specialist insolvency eld of accounting. Trish is a member of the Insolvency Practitioners Association, and has recently become a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. “I nd it immensely rewarding to help people and businesses who are struggling nancially and can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel,” she says. “We are usually able to assist with ending the stress associated with nancial difculties through either formal or informal means.” Trish says the key to any solution is seeking advice early, so as to maximise the options. Growing up in West Wyalong, Trish came to Canberra in 1986 for university and stayed. The diversity and complexity of her clients’ matters, together with the great team environment of Kazar Slaven, is what keeps Trish passionate about insolvency.

Sian Lovekin

Kerri Dickman



I HAVE 10 years’ experience in the hospitality industry, starting in operational roles at the Shangri-la Hotel Sydney in the Banquets team. Moving back to Wagga Wagga in 2003, I was the assistant manager at Pavilion Boutique Hotel and Apartments. In 2006, I commenced at Hyatt Hotel Canberra as the weddings and special events executive. While in this role, I successfully organised more than 150 weddings and special events. In 2008, an opportunity became available to be a part of a team to open a 750-banquet and seat-1000 theatre-style event centre at the Canberra Southern Cross Club. This venue has been running successfully now for 18 months. At Hotel Realm I look forward to working with a strong team to take the next step for a successful future.

KERRI’S accounting rm specialises in working with small businesses, individuals and not-for-prots. “I like to build a relationship as a business partner, not an external advisor, with my clients so that accounting functions become integral to the success of the business or organisation and not a compliance burden,” she says With more than 20 years experience in public practice and 11 years in her own rm, Kerri is passionate about accounting. “I love the way tax is a dynamic industry which is constantly evolving,” she says “My rm specialises in working with small businesses, individuals and not-for-prots so their accounting function complies with this ever-changing legislation. “If you are a small business, community organisation, or not-for-prot, without an ‘in-house’ accountant, let KDC bring our years of experience and passion for governance and accounting to help you make sense of the numbers.”

Hotel Realm 18 National Circuit, Barton 6163 1800

Jindii EcoSpa 20 Jindabyne Street, Duffy 6257 8777

28  CityNews  October 28-November 3

Kazar Slaven Level 3 Engineering House, 11 National Circuit Barton 6285 1310

Kerri Dickman & Co Suite 3, 21 Jenke Circuit, Kambah 6296 3733

Bianca Prichard

Margeurite Stewart



A lifelong interest in health and wellbeing lead massage therapist Bianca Prichard to open her rst spa, Floressence Day Spa, six years ago. After enjoying much success with Floressence, including winning New Spa of the Year and Spa Manager of the Year in the 2008 Li’Tya “Spirit of Spa” Awards, Bianca is now the owner and director of Jindii EcoSpa. Jindii is a new-concept day spa that is setting a precedent for healthier, “greener” practices in the industry. Bianca’s sense of responsibility and respect when it comes to environmental issues has become central to the services at Jindii. “Green is a desirable shade to be wearing: Spa-goers can enjoy the spa experience while keeping to environmental principles. The two aren’t mutually exclusive,” she says “That’s the true spirit of spa: Not pampering, but selfawareness and self-nurture. It’s what we’re all about.” She hopes to set the example that you CAN make a difference if you simply choose to take action.

I ENJOY working in tax, and have been working in the industry for 25 years specialising in salary earners, personal and small business income tax returns. A lot of my clients have complex needs including managed investments and rental properties, or may be a few years behind and needing to catch up. Tax time can be overwhelming for a lot of people, the most important part of my job is taking the stress out of tax and giving clients professional friendly advice. It is also about teaching clients about tax in simple terms so that the stress it taken out of tax time in future years. I feel that mutual respect, exibility and integrity are the key elements that make clients return to me year after year. I enjoy the family friendly and positive environment at Kerri Dickman and Co and look forward to welcoming new clients well into the future.

Kerri Dickman & Co Suite 3, 21 Jenke Circuit, Kambah 6296 3733

Jennifer Dromgold

Adi Watters



PABLO Picasso once said: “Youth has no age” and Jennifer Dromgold, owner of the new Laser Clinics Australia Canberra agrees. Jennifer’s experience in providing clinical and laser treatments spans over 10 years and her lifelong dream of opening a clinic that provides high-end, medical-grade treatments at affordable prices has become a reality. Rejuvenation treatments for all skin types are on offer as well as hair removal for women and men, injectibles, skin needling for scaring and pigmentation. “I am so proud to have the opportunity to do something that I love and help people with these new, affordable treatments that don’t burn a hole in the pocket. It’s a personal challenge for me to make sure that the client achieves results,” she says. LaserClinics Australia: Canberra If you have been curious about alternative solutions to Shop CGO9, City Walk, Canberra Centre surgery to help you look and feel younger, Jennifer is com6111 2908 mitted to offering the newest and most effective treatment technologies to deliver the safest and fastest results.

Le Beaute’ Lounge Under the Proximity Apartments, 1 Braybrooke Street, Bruce 6162 1790

Lifeline Canberra 71 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra City 6247 0655

Lil' Blossom – Boutique Florist & Events Ground Floor, Cinema Centre Building, 29 Bunda Street, Civic 6162 1780

ADI loves creating displays and has always had a passion for owers and plants, as well as all aspects of design. “I am inspired by creating displays that have only a momentary beauty,” she says. Having completed her training under Edwina Wagland, founder of Prickles, Adi drew from that her own unique style. Now, with her own business, which she has realised her greatest achievement. “Putting your concept – essentially yourself – out there and watching the response is the most terrifying part of it,” she says. “Every time I hear someone compliment Lil’ Blossom, that’s growth, and that makes me smile – it’s lil' achievements every day.” Building a recognisable brand is currently a priority for Adi, but she does have future plans. “Eventually I’d love to incorporate event co-ordination or branch out into small-scale landscape design – they’re two little passions of mine. “I like to live by Confucius’ ideal that if you choose a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.”

Caddie Robinson

Danni Hewitt



CADDIE has been working in the beauty industry for the past eight years. “At 24, I designed and opened Le Beaute’ Lounge,” she says “The salon offers a range of professional spa and beauty treatments in a relaxed, modern, ‘lounge style’ environment. “I enjoy all aspects of my career, from facials, massage, tanning and nails to the marketing, product research, accountancy and staff management. “I am continually updating my training and skills to provide the latest innovations in treatments and products within the industry. Along with client satisfaction, she says her main priority is that her staff are happy and enjoy their work, as it reects in the ambiance of the salon. “Opening Le Beaute’ Lounge has been the highlight of my career and a dream come true!” she says.

LIKE a sparrow taking ight, Danni Hewitt’s label Little Sparrow is ying high in terms of chic and style. Danni originated from a background in dance where the graceful form of a dancer played an intricate role in her later design process. It was in London, where she moved to at 18, where she decided to pursue her fashion ambitions. In 2009, Danni completed her bachelor of fashion design and quickly directed her talents into designing and constructing six bridesmaid dresses and a lavish bridal gown for a friend’s summer wedding, as featured in February’s issue of “Woman’s Weekly”. Danni was a nalist in Debut at Fashion Exposed 2010 in Sydney, showing as Danielle Margaret with her Aphrodite collection, then went on to show at Rosemount Australian Fashion Week 2010 as Little Sparrow. She has just returned from Newcastle Fashion Week where she debuted her Autumn/Winter 2011 Collection – “Wicked Garden”. “I’m so excited for what the future holds,” she says. Little Sparrow will soon be stocking at Ellory Lane in the Canberra Centre.

Little Sparrow 86 Dexter Street Cook 0416 356640

Leah Busacker

Rebekah Griffiths



LEAH recently joined Lifeline Canberra, bringing with her an extensive knowledge of event management and successful fundraising. She is well known within the events community and recognised for creating several signature events for local charities including the memorable 000 to the Rescue Fashion show. “I believe every charity is a worthwhile charity, and organising successful fundraising events is very rewarding. I thoroughly enjoy being able to make a difference by raising awareness and much needed funds for the important services that our charities provide”, she says. Leah is passionate about Lifeline Canberra and the crucial role it plays in the community. “Suicide is a leading cause of death for women under the age of 34, so it’s really important that we become a conscious community when it comes to suicide prevention,” she says. Leah is now in the “director’s seat” to plan for Lifeline Canberra’s 40th birthday in 2011, which she promises will be a monumental celebration to mark such a special occasion.

REBEKAH Grifths, the driving force behind Material Pleasures, recycled designer clothing, started business at age 17 arriving in Canberra from the Adelaide Hills. Little did she know that her gap year preceding university would end up as the start of an ever-expanding, 24-year business. A love of recycled clothing, the thrill of a bargain, love of great fabrics and unusual design inform the decisions Rebekah makes every day when buying pieces to sell in the shop and at the markets. All garments are in mint condition. Rebekah invites you to come and see for yourself with the promise: “You’ll nd something different”. Material Pleasures is open: Fyshwick, 3 Barrier Street, Tue -Thur 10-4, Friday 10-3 Gorman House Markets, Ainslie Avenue, Braddon, Saturday 10-4 Old Bus Depot Markets, Wentworth Avenue, Kingston, Sunday 10-4

Material Pleasures 3 Barrier Street, Fyshwick 0412 182878

CityNews  October 28-November 3  29

MECU Limited Lower Level, CSIRO Discovery Centre, Black Mountain, Acton 2905 6120 5702

Nagee Prestige Accommodation and Property Management 5/16 Bougainville Street, Manuka 6162 0668

PCA People Level 3, Canberra House, 40 Marcus Clarke Street, Civic 6162 7308 30  CityNews  October 28-November 3

Jo O’Sullivan

Lorraine Humphreys



JO has more than 21 years experience in specialised areas of banking and nancial services and is community banking manager for one of Australia’s largest National Credit Unions, MECU Limited. “MECU is a leader in socially responsible banking practices and has been recognised nationally and internationally,” she says. “It shares much in common with the community sector, including a shared sense of values and purpose. That’s why we’re committed to meeting the banking needs of the community sector including schools and a host of non-government organisations, charities foundations and ‘affordable housing’ providers. “MECU aims to become the pre-eminent socially responsible banking brand in Australia.” Jo is a member of the ACT council of Save the Children Australia and a board member of Kippax Uniting Care. “I will take the time to learn about your organisation, can offer great rates and products to the community sector while offering services unmatched by our competitors,” she says.

CONSULTING with locally owned recruitment company PCA People is a great opportunity for Lorraine to do what she really enjoys, that is working with people. She says: “I spend a great part of my day talking with clients and interviewing candidates to achieve a suitable placement. So as a people-person this gives me a great sense of fullment and job satisfaction.” With a passion for human development and a strong background in management, learning and development and quality assurance, Lorraine understands the value of working in an area that you really enjoy. “As busy as some days are, we also manage to have fun and celebrate at PCA. Most days I go home feeling like I’ve worked hard, but still achieved. This feeling allows me to then focus my mind on other areas of my life so for me, this is great work-life balance!” “At PCA we offer a high level of client and candidate service and we aim to put the right people in the right job.”

PCA People Level 3, Canberra House, 40 Marcus Clarke Street, Civic 6162 7303

Beatrix Nagy

Sharon Dei Rocini



BEATRIX Nagy recently opened Nagee Prestige Accommodation and Property Management. Nagee Prestige Accommodation provides a world-class experience for guests staying in one of the Nagee Apartments. Beatrix has been working for leading hotels around the world and was disappointed to nd that many ve-star accommodation providers do not live up to the true ve-star expectation of a hotel. Beatrix carefully selects elegant, upmarket properties and works with property owners to ensure the apartments are well appointed and offer everything a guest would expect form a luxurious hotel and more. But most importantly; Nagee Prestige Accommodation guarantees meticulous cleanliness and trend-setting comfort as its mission is for a guest to feel relaxed and special, whether they are staying for one night or a year. Beatrix also manages unfurnished apartments through Nagee Prestige Property Management guaranteeing unprecedented, benchmark property management service to both owners and tenants.

SHARON Dei Rocini may be the business manager and a shareholder in the Peter Blackshaw Real Estate Inner North & Rural ofce based in Dickson, but she says she’s just a country girl at heart, from Bombala (which, she says, explains her love of customer service!). “I started working in property management doing the book-keeping and quickly realised I loved the challenge of it and loved assisting local and interstate residents nding a place to call home” says the married mother of four, who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the ofce (nance, administration and customer service programs) and directly oversees the property management department. “I love the challenge and the diversity of real estate, particularly property management and see the next year as a period of growth for our ofce and an increase in the sales and property management teams,” she says. “There is nothing better than knowing that our customers are satised with the help we have given them”.

Peter Blackshaw Real Estate Inner North & Rural 1-5 Woolley Street, Dickson 6262 5122 sdeirocini@peterblackshawdickson.

Jessica Jones

Tracey Mateer



PCA People welcomes Jessica Jones to our team of recruiters. She specialises in the private-sector professional and executive recruitment, bringing with her a wealth of experience in similar roles. Jessica moved from Sydney to Canberra in 2009. She has had a successful private-sector career in the nance, legal and IT industries, working with national and international companies. Throughout her career Jessica has developed a deep understanding of what is expected from high-level executives and their support personnel. “My clients are often time poor, so I aim to make their life easier by doing the groundwork for them and providing only the best candidates for interview,” she says. Jessica loves working with people. To her, there is no better feeling than matching the perfect candidate to a client. “PCA holds the same values as I do! We aim to understand the requirements of both the clients and candidates as we believe this is vital to achieving the ‘The Perfect Fit’.”

AFTER spending 20 years working in a range of marketing and PR roles, Tracey decided it was time to do something she was truly passionate about; so two years ago she embarked on a new career as a real estate agent with Peter Blackshaw Dickson. “For the rst time in my life I can put my hand on my heart and say I am truly fullled in my profession. I love the variety real estate provides,” she says. “Real estate isn’t just about bricks and mortar, it’s so much more! We deal with the biggest asset most people will own and every situation and property is unique. I love using my problem-solving and negotiating skills on a daily basis, but I also love knowing I have helped to make what can be a very stressful process easier. “I look forward to building my real estate business into the future and to working hard to create clients for life.”

Peter Blackshaw Inner North & Rural 1-5 Woolley Street, Dickson 0403 808780 tmateer@peterblackshawdickson.

Rachel Bird & Co 4th Floor AMP Building 1 Hobart Place, Civic 6248 6616

Rachel Bird & Co 4th Floor AMP Building 1 Hobart Place, Civic 6248 6616

Richard Luton Properties PO Box 1006, Dickson 0405 135 009

Rachel Bird

Tanya Olinder



RACHEL Bird opened her own rm more than ve years ago. Since then, her practise has expanded to 10 staff, comprising ve solicitors and ve support staff. Rachel and her team offer advice in all areas of law, except conveyancing. “We pride ourselves for being results driven and down-toearth. We are not afraid of going to court. We go to court to win, having our client’s best interest’s rst in our minds,” she says. Rachel was a nalist in the 2008 Telstra Business Woman’s Awards in the Business Owner category for the ACT. She is also a member of the ACT Woman’s Lawyers Association, NSW & ACT Law Societies, and has been a member of Law Society committees since 1998 in both jurisdictions. Rachel and her team practise in both the ACT & NSW. Rachel is a working mum with two children under the age of ve.

IN 1988 at the age of 16 Tanya earned a spot droving cattle in the Red Centre on Droving Australia, part of the Bicentennial celebrations. Soon after graduating from Dickson College she caught the eye of Michael Olinder, a work colleague of her brother, who she married in 1992. After completing a traineeship with the Australian Public Service, Tanya moved through various departments over the following 13 years, from ofce trainee, to the Australian Bureau of Statistics to the Department of Education, culminating in a managerial position at the Health Insurance Commission. In 2005, Tanya took up a position managing the cellar door and restaurant at her parents edgling vineyard in Murrumbateman, where today she is a director of the family company. Her natural drive and organised ways have contributed to the success of one of the premier vineyards in the region where she is responsible for nancial control and accounts, cellar door sales, purchasing, administration, export and marketing.

Shaw Vineyard Estate 34 Isabel Drive, Murrumbateman 6227 5827

Siran Nyabally

Tahnee McGrath



SIRAN commenced working with Rachel Bird & Co in December 2009 as an associate solicitor. Before that she worked at the ACT Magistrates Court and ACT Supreme Court over a number of years. Siran brings an extensive knowledge of the ACT court system and its procedure with her to private practice. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree, Bachelor of Laws Degree with Honours, and a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice from the ANU. Siran has undertaken the Australian Advocacy Course since entering private practice. She is a member of the Criminal Law Committee for the ACT Law Society. She practises in both ACT and NSW Courts as an advocate solicitor. Siran brings passion and personality to her practise of the law and in achieving the best possible results for her clients.

ORIGINALLY from the country town of Orange, beauty therapy was always something I knew I wanted to pursue. Completing my training in Orange and then moving to Canberra I have now been in the industry for over ve years. Beauty therapy is a career that I thoroughly enjoy and has given me opportunities to grow both professionally and personally. On a day-to-day basis I am lucky that I am able to build relationships with Sibu’s clients and constantly meet new people while performing a variety of different treatments. No day is ever the same! Managing Sibu Beauty inspires me to achieve all I can in the industry and as a person. I feel honoured to be a part of such a fabulous team and that I am able to pursue my passion every day. Sibu Beauty Unit 27, Nicholls shops Kelleway Avenue, Nicholls 6241 4115

Christine Shaw

Rosen Zakman



IN just two years of selling real estate, Christine is now one of the top 10 agents at Richard Luton Properties and has achieved other results not usual for a newcomer. She has won two x three-year tenders with Defence Housing Australia, and Housing ACT, and has successfully secured the listing of “Berwick”, 45 apartments selling off the plan in Casey. Her writing skills have developed the Green Policy for Richard Luton Properties, which won the 2009 REI ACT Innovation Award, and her human resource development knowledge helped write the winning 2009 REI ACT Training and Development Award. Christine believes relationship management is the key to developing her business, not just customer service. In November she will be a licensed agent in ACT and NSW. Other achievements over the last year included the RLP Director’s Award, RLP Best Business Growth Award and RLP Sales Achievement/ Newcomer Award. As Kevin Eady, Journalist with “Your Investment Property” magazine says: “She is probably one of the most knowledgeable real estate people I’ve spoken to.” Expect more from your agent.

ROSEN is the owner of Sibu Hair and says she is passionate about all aspects of hairdressing. “We create a luscious, relaxing salon environment for our clients to feel really pampered,” she says. “It’s a modern yet relaxed salon and we have many loyal customers who really appreciate the fun, friendly attitude of the staff. “We pride ourselves on constant training, our commitment to a high standard of service and a relaxing environment. I want to create an understanding and caring work environment for both clients and staff.” With 22 years in the industry, Rosen is proud that Sibu Hair won IHS Salon of the Year 2009 and 2010. “Winning again this year was one of my greatest achievements,” she says. “My aim for the future is that we keep pushing the business to the next level by staying on the cutting edge of hair trends.” The salon is open until 8.30pm Tuesday to Thursdays and until 5pm on Saturdays, these extended hours are to accommodate our ever growing business.

Sibu Hair Unit 26 Kelleway Ave, Nicholls 2913 6241 1511

CityNews  October 28-November 3  31

Snedden Hall & Gallop 43-49 Geils Court, Deakin 6285 8026

The G Gungahlin 46-50 Hibberson Street, Gungahlin 6242 2005

The Marketplace Gungahlin 30-33 Hibberson Street, Gungahlin 6123 4900

32  CityNews  October 28-November 3

Tanya Herbertson

Rebecca Ciavattone



TANYA was appointed a director of Snedden Hall & Gallop in July and is proud to be working with Canberra’s longest-established, independent law rm. “Working with Snedden Hall & Gallop allows me to provide a full range of legal services to the Canberra community and to participate in our community events throughout the year. It is nice to give back to the community that has supported us for the past 50 years,” she says. Tanya specialises in two areas of law – personal injury law (including motor accidents, work injuries and public liability claims) and wills and estate planning matters (including probate applications, enduring powers of attorney, etcetera). Her particular skills include attention to detail, efciency, strong negotiation skills and the ability to quickly establish a strong rapport with clients, and for these reasons her clients often refer their friends and family members. Outside of work, Tanya spends much of her time looking after her young family.

REBECCA thrives on the challenge of balancing the demands of a newly established business and being a wife and mother to two active young boys. “Seven days a week is a huge commitment and I don’t always get the balance right,” she says. “However, since I opened the business 12 months ago, the hard work has paid off. “Through listening to our customers’ needs, the store has now grown into Canberra’s biggest party shop and I employ four staff members. “We have the most gorgeous range of helium balloons, party decorations, DIY helium hire kits, baby shower and hens’ night decorations, Wilton cake decorating products, candles and cake-tin hire along with a new and expanding range of costumes, wigs and dress up accessories. “We are all especially looking forward to a fun and exciting festive season, with Halloween and Melbourne Cup just around the corner and Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations fast approaching.”

The Party Hive Outside “ The Marketplace” Cnr Gribble Street & Gungahlin Place, Gungahlin 6262 2655

Nicole Prior

Meg Cutler



AT 40 with three children and 22 years in the hospitality industry in Canberra, my rst job out of school was at The Hyatt Hotel Canberra for its opening in 1988. The job at The G Gungahlin came about by accident, but was exactly what I was looking for. I love being around people and using my creativity. The G denitely gives me those opportunities. The G has just recently celebrated it’s fth birthday with a family fun day. More than 12,000 people attended the day, which was amazing! I’m also proud that The G has formed a community partnership with Sids and Kids ACT in 2010 to assist them with fundraising and awareness in the area. With Gungahlin growing so quickly, the challenge will be to make sure The G continues to offer what the local community wants and needs; that’s my job really, keeping people happy!

I HAD always wanted to own a business and the opportunity arose to purchase The Teddy Bear Shop when the previous owner retired. The shop had been an institution in the ACT for more than 25 years and was about to close. But knowing how much pleasure it brought to many families, we couldn’t let that happen. The rst challenge we had to meet and overcome was the perception that the shop no longer existed. Since then, we have gone from strength to strength and increased our stock across all categories of bears and quality soft toys. Recently, we went overseas to expand our range of collectible bears. My next project is to begin running bear-making groups to enable bear lovers to increase their bear-making skills and the enjoyment they get out of creating their own works of art. The most enjoyable part of the job is watching people get so much enjoyment out of something to hug.

The Teddy Bear Shop Shop DF13, Level 1, Canberra Centre 6257 6966

Nicole Gibson

Tricia Moore



AS marketing manager of The Marketplace Gungahlin for the past four years, (and a resident of Gungahlin herself) Nicole’s passion for her role and the local community is obvious! “The Marketplace Gungahlin offers a sense of community spirit and encompasses everyday life. With the growth of Gungahlin comes opportunity. Our store owners are locals themselves. Together, we all share the same common goal of offering a unique shopping experience to the local residents and customers from all over Canberra,” she says. Nicole is particularly proud of The Marketplace’s strong support of the community: especially the centre’s annual School Rewards promotion. The Marketplace is also a strong supporter of the Gungahlin Jets Australian Football Club and Snowy Hydro Southcare. “My favourite thing about my role is the joy of seeing local businesses grow. The Marketplace Gungahlin is such a welcoming centre with regular local faces who are happy to go the extra mile to service your needs,” she says.

TRICIA opened Thumbelina four years ago with a vision to stock all things tiny,“where little is always loved”. Her business logo with Alice looking up at the Cheshire cat, is used to create a sense of curiosity. Tricia used to be a school teacher, and now runs her store from an heritage-listed school room. It remained vacant for 10 years, before she opened her business there. She says it’s wonderful to use such a special space. “It is a new chapter in the continuing story of this special place. You can literally step back in time.” she says. Thumbelina sources some exquisite Christmas decorations from around the globe. Every year, Tricia has organised a Santa’s Letterbox project. For a gold coin donation, children can write a letter to Santa, and will get their own hand-written reply posted back. All proceeds from the project will go to Open Family Australia, an organisation that provides support services to young people that are homeless or at risk in the community. Thumbelina is open Wednesday to Monday, 10am–5pm and on public holidays, 11am–4pm.

Thumbelina Miniatures & Gifts Ginninderra Village, Gold Creek, O’Hanlon Place, Nicholls 6230 9599

Timeless Beauty “The Marketplace”, 28/33 Hibberson Street, Gungahlin 6255 0444

Rachel Sedaitis

Sharelle Le Garde



I have been a beauty therapist and educator in the industry for more than 15 years and now own and run Timeless Beauty in partnership with Christa Wheat. We offer a range of beauty services and take pride in using only the best-quality skin care line in our salon. After only 17 months in business we are on the way to becoming Canberra’s rst Dermalogica Platinum salon. Our success is a result of our hard work, a highly qualied team and an honest and trusting partnership. Beauty therapy is a particularly rewarding career. It is also an industry that offers exibility to mothers; something that I appreciate, as I started the business when my son was only 20 months old. One of the most important things that I have learnt as a woman in business is to have condence in my own abilities. Anything is possible, and I would encourage other women to enter the industry and all women to pursue their goals.

ONE of Westpac’s most senior commercial bankers in Canberra, Sharelle is degree qualied in accounting and business. She manages a large and varied portfolio of customers within Westpac’s Canberra Commercial Bank, which provides nancial services to high-value business clients. For the last three years, she has been Westpac’s Senior Relationship Manager of the Year. A key to her role is to provide outstanding nancial solutions that add value to the businesses of clients. Her task is to identify and assess business opportunities and act as a co-ordinating point as they are assessed by Westpac. Sharelle is supported by a team of three, as well as by experts in such areas as nancial planning and equipment nance. She has been in the banking industry since 2000, in a variety of roles, both business and retail. Before entering banking, she worked in a variety of roles, including as a sales and training manager for an international cosmetics company and in various accounting positions.

Westpac Commercial Banking Level 11/15 London Circuit, Civic 6275 5309

Christa Wheat

Charmaigne du Plessis


Timeless Beauty “The Marketplace”, 28/33 Hibberson Street, Gungahlin 6255 0444

TransACT Pty Ltd Level 2, 470 Northbourne Avenue, Dickson 6229 8031

I have learned that you actually can live your dreams! I have always had an interest in the beauty industry, but didn’t actually pursue this career path until I was in my late twenties. Graduating as “Student of the Year”, I was interviewed for an article in “Beauty Therapist” magazine, in which I described how much I loved beauty therapy and described the type of salon I would like to one day own. Looking forward, it seemed so daunting; looking back, I can see all it took was to believe in myself. It was in the next year or so that I met my best friend and now-business partner Rachel Sedaitis. We had similar ideas and often dreamed of opening our own salon. Years later, here we are with our rst salon just 17 months old and growing! We started off with just us working as therapists, and now we have four wonderful team members.


Westpac Banking Corporation 6-8 Wollongong Street Fyshwick 6202 5600

CHARMAIGNE started her working career in South Africa where she was offered a partnership after ve years and stayed with the group for 23 years, as the company grew its revenues and diversied its product range. She became a “jack of all trades”, which also included driving the forklift! She migrated to NZ, where she managed the Thomas Cook travel and foreign exchange agency. When Travelex purchased TC , she moved in home nance at Kiwibank for two years. From there she joined BurgerKing , where she lifted business from $30,000 a week to $50,000 in a seven-month period. Based on this performance she was asked to move to Canberra and become the training manager and lifted Woden to number one nationally. Charmaigne recently accepted a role as a bank manager of Westpac Bank managing the Fyshwick branch, a role that has plenty of new challenges; however, with the assistance of Westpac’s training and support, Charmaigne is nding her feet and enjoying the experience.

Rozanne Frost

Rose Stellino



AFTER completing a degree, Roze gained a role in information technology at BHP in the late ‘70s where, over the next 20 years, an exciting number of career opportunities presented themselves giving Roze a good grounding in all aspects of IT. They included technical roles in application development, project management of large business systems, management of transitions of IT staff into larger IT groups and change management roles as IT needed to evolve to better support BHP’s expanding global business requirements. In this period Roze was fortunate to have three delightful children and successfully manage a family and career. Since leaving BHP in 2000, Roze has had senior roles in the Australian Public Service, a key role being chief information ofcer at CSIRO for ve years. Roze is now general manager IT at TransACT and is very much enjoying the Telecommunications industry and the opportunities ahead that the NBN brings to companies such as TransACT.

EVERY Australian aspires to succeed in his or her chosen eld. Some succeed and achieve their goals, some go far beyond that. When Rose was selected as a Westpac Social Sector Banker she was delighted. Rose has extensive business experience in banking and owning and operating four businesses of her own. This entrepreneurial spirit has led her to a close relationship with the community sector. As not-for-prot organisations are becoming increasingly business savvy, Rose has dedicated more than 20 years to the sector through involvement as chair, volunteer and mentor to many organisations. Westpac ethics, reputation and local relationship-style banking keenly support Roses’ role. As a learning organisation, Westpac encourages Rose to pursue her passion and take up further study that supports her third sector industry knowledge. This leads her determination to understand philanthropy, income-generating activities and cash-ow management. Through the Westpac Group’s vast resources, Rose delivers efciencies in operations that enable not-forprots to concentrate on their mission.

Westpac Social Sector Banking Level 11, 15 London Circuit 6275 5321

CityNews  October 28-November 3  33

34  CityNews  October 28-November 3

all about living

arts | cinema | dining | health&fitness | fashion   home | crossword | horoscope | sudoku

A tale of two gardens

STORY: Kathryn Vukovljak PHOTOS: Silas Brown A STEEP block dominated by massive rocks is a challenging spot to establish any sort of garden, but two green-fingered Fraser residents, whose neighbouring gardens will open to the public for the first time as part of the Australian Garden Scheme, have taken very different approaches to growing gorgeous gardens out of the difficult landscape. Original owners of 32 Foskett Street, Phil and Felicity Roberts have created a beautiful, eclectic space full of flowers and natives layered on several retaining walls, framing stunning views over Wallaroo. Marion Le, of number 34, has developed a magical garden with abundant art and sculptures tucked in among geraniums, pansies, foxgloves, poppies and magnolias. “We started out with nothing but three eucalypts in the back, which became our clothesline, and no driveway or excavation of any sort,” says Felicity. “As is typical of many Fraser blocks, there’s no soil to speak of but we’ve managed to do alright in our 35 years here!” Both gardens will open on the weekend of November 6-7, to promote the knowledge and pleasure of gardening. 32 Foskett Street… “We started out with nothing but three eucalypts in the back,” says owner Felicity Roberts (above). Felicity admits she’s a “binge gardener and it all happens in fits and starts” but says that she truly loves it – particularly the outlook from the bedroom through a pergola draped with white wisteria, banksia rose and clematis. “And from the kitchen I get the wonderful views, which always reminds me just how high up we are.” While there are shady spots ideal for azaleas, daphnes, hellebores and rhododendrons, Felicity says the gardens are especially stunning when the sun hits and all the flowers come out – as long as they escape the resident lizard who’s fond of deadheading the gazanias. “I feel that both gardens demonstrate how much can be achieved on the most inhospitable of blocks,” she says. The gardens at 32 and 34 Foskett Street, Fraser, will be open on Saturday, November 6 and Sunday, November 7 from 10am-4pm. Adults $6, children under 18 are free. Funds raised will go to the Open Garden Scheme, Movember, Grandparents and Kinship Carers Association ACT and Home in Queanbeyan. More information at Helene’s ‘healing’ garden opens, Page 44

34 Foskett Street… a magical garden with abundant art and sculptures tucked in among geraniums, pansies, foxgloves, poppies and magnolias.

CityNews  October 28-November 3  35


What’s behind the big arts exodus? “M16 HAS come a long way, and what a ride!” That’s what retiring director Joseph Falsone is telling everybody as he announces his departure, along with that of M16 exhibitions and marketing manager Janice Kuczkowski and “Canberra’s wizard of bookkeeping for the arts”, Peter Jordan. Ren Pryor takes over the double role of Falsone and Kuczkowski in a part-time position. What’s behind this exodus? PHOTOGRAPHER Juliette Parer is staging an exhibition in a new Jigsaw Housing home located in Franklin. Yes, she’s from the same family as the celebrated World War II photographer Damien and

Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela. There will be performances, live music, film, dance, dance lessons, circus-rovers, Helen Musa storytelling, Latin American games, pinãtas and food. Oscar-winning natural history film-maker AT last, Orion Sculpture Park is to be David. It’s open each Saturday until open on November 6 and 7 from 10am December 5 from 10am to 2pm at 20 to 4.30 pm. It’s the dream of artist and Whitington Street. former Canberra gallery-owner StephTUGGERANONG Arts Centre Moon anie Burns and her husband Stephen Festival will be held at the lake foreHooper. The park features 20 bronze shore on October 30 from 10am-7pm. sculptures of tulips, animals, still-lives Festival director Felipe Bernabo says the and figures all made by Burns. It’s at 17 children’s event will focus on the bicente- Archer Close, Yass. nary of the independence of Argentina, THE National Centre for Biography

arts in the city

is running a very Canberra-sounding conference called “The Seven Dwarfs and the Age of the Mandarins 1940s-1960s”, which is all about Australian government administration. It’s at Old Parliament House from November 4-5. You need to register quickly, phone 6125 4146. THE inspiring Griffyn Ensemble is performing music at the interface of American popular music and the avant garde at Belconnen Arts Centre, from 5pm-7pm on November 6. Among the question they explore is: “What drove Scott Joplin to insanity?” Bookings to 6173 3300 Tuesday-Saturday.

Stephanie Burns’ sculpture “Black Lola” for her Yass garden… open on November 6 and 7.

Serious side to Swinging ‘60s “Made in Dagenham” (M) IN 1968, 187 women employed to sew upholstery in Ford’s British factory were classified as unskilled. Their strike for a classification upgrade escalated, leading to passage in 1970 of national equal pay legislation. Nigel Cole’s film examines a serious moment from the Swinging Sixties – union officials manipulating workers’ claims to suit their own and the employer’s wishes, women confronting male domination of workplace and home, Ministers disinclined to rock the equal-pay boat, threats from Ford headquarters to put more than 50,000 men out of work by closing its British operation. Billy Ivory’s screenplay illuminates conflict and develops tensions while offering a nostalgic, sympathetic, humorous and perceptive look at workers and management. Leading a parade of satisfying performances, Sally Hawkins plays the leader of the dispute. Bob Hoskins is genially gruff and wise as the supportive foreman. As Employment Minister Barbara Castle, Miranda Richardson brings similar vigour to what she gave Elizabeth I in “Blackadder”. Rosamund Pike is gutsy and lovely as the wife of Ford’s HR manager (Rupert Graves). Geraldine James is the weatherbeaten wife of a still traumatised former RAF tail-gunner. The film includes a sly in-joke, travelling to the Trade Union Congress in a Bedford bus built by General Motors, then as now

companions. Holly lusts after Sam (Josh Lucas, resembling a young Paul Newman without the acting prowess or charisma). Dougal Macdonald Hang in there, Holly. Sam is a pediatrician whom Sophie will need. Ford’s main competitor. “Life As We Know It” provides a lesson in At Greater Union, Dendy and Hoyts the shortcomings of the creative process. The screenplay lacks subtlety, wit or ma“Life As We Know It”(M) ture comprehension of its plot, characters or purpose. I watched it together with YOU know that baby poo stinks before some intellectually and physically disabled you remove the diaper. Baby poo figures adults who, as is their right, laughed prominently in Greg Berlanti’s film. throughout. Nobody else did. After the parents of one-year-old Sophie Writers Ian Deitchman and Kristin Robindie in a road crash, a court grants joint son destroy Holly’s credibility and provide guardianship to their friends Messer (Josh an over-arching metaphor for a highly Duhamel), a console operator in a TV sports predictable film when a neighbour tells production suite, and boutique baker Holly Holly that she has baby poo on her cheek. (Katherine Heigl). Baby poo stinks, but Holly can’t smell it. Messer trawls supermarkets for bedroom At all cinemas


“Summer Coda” (M) IN writer/director Richard Gray’s debut film, Heidi (Rachael Taylor) hitchhiking from Nevada to her father’s funeral in Mildura accepts a lift from orange grower Michael (Alex Dimitriades). “Summer Coda” offers credible plot and characters. Its minor defects are forgivable. Heidi, uncertain how to deal with the residues of her parents’ separation, has not come to find an attachment and will leave without one. But the chemistry between her and Michael is strongly reactive. The story is bolstered by the quintet of pickers who come each year to harvest Michael’s crop. They have become his

friends and, in a gentle, affectionate way, his protectors. For Michael is also carrying an emotional burden for which he feels responsible. The acting is top class, right down to the minor characters. Dimitriades has not been better. Rachael Taylor is lovely, totally in command of a complex and physically-demanding character. The pickers, a great bunch, have the pleasant task of leavening the plot with affectionate humour. African-born, Queenslandeducated Pachero Mazembe is a real find. “Summer Coda” sent me away with a comforting glow, a palate-cleanser after “Life As We Know It”. What, I wonder, will Richard Gray give us next? At Greater Union and Hoyts

HUNGRY ADyourERcafeS. RErtise adve

advertise. * McNair Ingenuity Research 2006

36  CityNews  October 28-November 3

6262 9100


Classic Yass celebrates life in the valley By Helen Musa


A LIVELY group of individuals and organisations have got together to stage “Classic Yass,” a celebration of life in the Yass Valley Shire. Well-known local artist Kim Nelson is adamant that this is not just an arty festival (though the number of artists living in the areas is formidable), but one with wider appeal. And indeed the weekend of November 6-7 will also take in a celebration of “Heritage Motoring” in downtown Yass, the “Arts Trail” and the “Open Gardens” organised by both the Red Cross and the Australian Open Garden Scheme. Underpinning the celebrations is the “Wine Roses and All That Jazz” promotion, which takes in the region’s excellent wineries. The popular motoring event, now in its fifth year, is the brainchild of Yass Antique Motor Club. Centred at Banjo Paterson Park, the “Celebration of Heritage Motoring” showcases vehicles from the early 1900s through to the mid ‘70s with a fashion parade and music revisiting “heritage” songs from the ‘50s and ‘60s. The event will feature the Billy Cart Derby on November 6 with local celebrity drivers and more

“Celebration of Heritage Motoring”… Alanna Snape, of the Yass Antique Motor Club, and comedian Emo Parsonson. The Billy Cart Derby to be run on November 6 with local celebrity drivers and more than $1000 in prize money. Photo by Chris Nelson

“Nomis the Arts Trail Gnome”… cartoonist, animator and Yass Valley resident Simon Streatfield. Photo by Kim Nelson than $1000 in prize money. On the garden front, there are tours of historic Blackburn (bookings only) and other surrounding properties and the “Tin Men” sculpture exhibition by four regional artists in the grounds of equally historic Cooma Cottage, As for entertainment, highlights are Wee Jasper-born comedian Emo

Parsonson and friends performing their Melbourne Comedy Festival hit “Capital Punishment”, and harpist Alice Giles and Indian classical dancer Padma Menon in a performance of harp and dance at the Oddfellows’ Hall. Peter Crisp Galleries, at Bowning, is staging a retrospective of 83-year-old sculptor Rosemary Madigan’s works,

while Nelson himself has leased Oddfellows Hall to found the Kim Nelson Fine Art & Editions Studio. “The Paper Dolls”, seven women artists all living and working in the Yass Valley Shire, are exhibiting in seven media. Author and poet Lizz Murphy will hold a “PressPress” book launch at the Black Swan Restaurant, Binalong, with poetry readings and an open session with Murphy, Kathy Kituai and Chris Mansell. Full program and contact details at

Yass harpist Alice Giles. Photo by Nick Adams

Tango, spice, everything nice By arts editor Helen Musa THE organisation Canberra Youth Music is probably best known by its flagship wing, Canberra Youth Orchestra, and “CityNews” has been told it’s about to “spice things up.” It has been quite a while since we’ve heard from CYM, but as Nathan Ford, an Americanborn trombonist with a Masters from the UK, explains the society has experienced a few ups and downs, but now reinvigorated, is ready to fulfil its aim of providing performance opportunities for young musicians. Ford, who has been CEO since August 2008, praises the artistic direction of Dominic Harvey and Max McBride and the 13 conductors on their books. What’s more, with 11 ensembles, you could hardly find an organisation better suited to the task of enlivening our orchestral scene. Now, with funding from ActewAGL, they’re embarking on a daring weekend festival of orchestral tango music that aims to challenge traditional approaches to music education and to prove, in Ford’s words, that “there are a number of ways to skin a cat and to give young musicians a new way of thinking about the world.” The “new” medium is an old one, the tango, via Australian exponent and director of Tango Oz, Maggie Ferguson and two guest musicians from the Orquesta Escuela de Tango Emilio Balcarce in Buenos Aires. These visitors are the sizzling bandoneon player Santiago Polimeni and bass player-conductor Ignacio Varchausky, whose life project is to digitally preserve more than 100,000 tango recordings made between 1902 and 1995. And it seems that Argentine tango has itself triumphed over some ups and downs, with a culture war at home over the relative importance of sport and tango. Sounds familiar. The “Resonate” Tango Festival kicks off at

Maggie Ferguson, from Tango Oz, with her bandoneon. Photo by Helen Musa Llewellyn Hall on November 5 with a concert tracing the development of this musical form. Then in a packed Saturday, November 6, there will be a free “Fresh Music Market” day at Ainslie Arts Centre in Braddon, free “Drive by Tango” surprise performances where musicians arrive unannounced on the back of a tray top truck, and at night a mixed repertoire concert at Llewellyn Hall led by Canberra Youth Music’s Wind Symphony and the guest artists. Most exotic is the al fresco “Noche de Tango” on November 7 from 5pm to 9 pm in the Australian National Botanic Gardens. While the focus will be on popular orchestral tangos from the “Golden Age,” certainly there will be the more complex “Libertango” of Astor Piazzolla and homage to the serious Argentine composer Alberto Ginastera, but the greater emphasis will be on those more dramatic tangos that an older generation loved to dance to. The “Resonate” Tango Festival, November 5-7. Concert bookings to 132 849 or www. CityNews  October 28-November 3  37


Good morning, Vietnam By Helen Musa A CANBERRA writer on an unusual quest for the real Ho Chi Minh is heading for Hanoi with the help of a $10,000 Asialink grant. Shane Strange, a fiction writer and teacher of writing at the University of Canberra, left town on October 26 to immerse himself for two months in the Vietnamese environment (“garnering material for my fiction”), which he experienced momentarily 10 years ago. The remarkable part of the grant, which comes out of the Asialink Centre in Melbourne supported by the Malcolm Robertson Foundation and the Australia Council, is that there is

no onerous report to present at the end of his tour. Nor it is an outcome necessarily expected, though Strange hopes to write a work of fiction using Ho Chi Minh as the springboard for his imagination. “The idea of the grant is to get out there and engage with your host organisation to soak up the atmosphere,” he says. His host organisation will be English-language publisher Gioi and with its help he expects to put to rest some nagging questions about the reverence shown to “Uncle Ho”. “I’m a fiction writer – I hope it will result in a work of short fiction,” Strange told me. But Strange hopes his work

Shane Strange… in Hanoi. will also be about Hanoi, which he describes as “a crazy labyrinth”.

Kempson’s light touch AMONGST Canberra’s current plethora of fabulous art is this luminous showing from the Victorian-born, WA artist Jill Kempson. Kempson is much exhibited, commissioned and collected by major institutions in Perth and this year has exhibited at Rebecca Hossack Gallery in London. This is her first solo exhibition in Artist Jill Kepson’s “Whispering Reeds”. the eastern States.

38  CityNews  October 28-November 3


“All in Stillness, Stands: Jill Kempson” Chapman Gallery, Manuka, until November 3 Reviewed by Anni Doyle Wawrzynczak Kempson’s oeuvre is characterised by a masterful realisation of light and, in the best of these paintings, which stem from a journey in June 2008 to some extraordinary private gardens in Norfolk, this facility enlivens the expanses of water and dramatic skies. Nature at its most fecund dominates these Norfolk works; a palette of many greens delineates foreground reeds, leaves on massive trees cradling or overhanging water, and expanses of wild grasses. Other paintings explore the artist’s response to French photographer Eugene Atget’s sepia photographs of Parisian gardens from the early 20th century. “Parc de Sceaux 1925”, (oil on marine ply, 23cmx30cm, 2008) juxtaposes a detailed foreground representation of monumental statuary with a misty, impressionistic, autumnal landscape, rendered with gauzy brushstrokes, dominated by a pale yellowed sky. Light spills into the central garden, and as in the powerful “green” series from Norfolk, the combination of verisimilitude and expressionism renders the work compelling. There are a handful of small works in a greatly subdued palette that are less successful. In these, one notes the absence of that marvellous light that is this artist’s star performer and that transforms the best on show into works that are quite sublime.


Quick, delicious but too loud dining

Wendy Johnson IT’S quick and it’s delicious. That pretty well sums up lunch at Idelic in Kingston. I hadn’t been for a long time and was immediately struck with the changed colour scheme (now a lovely blend of creams, chocolates and a deep sangria) and how the two front windows open completely, letting fresh air flow through. At lunch you start at the large display unit loaded with yummy items made on-site daily, including 11 types of salads, sandwiches, wraps and rolls. Idelic also bakes its own tarts, quiches and cakes. Because it all looks gorgeous your next step, which is to select what you want, will be challenging (try not to drool, although this, too, will be challenging). Then you grab a number and a seat and, fairly quickly, lunch will be served. We selected options that came with a salad, with prices hovering around $13. My lasagne had huge chunks of chorizo stuffed inside and was big on flavour. I selected a lovely baby beetroot, orange and Spanish onion salad, which looked as fantastic as it tasted. The pistachio meatloaf featured a slice of hard-boiled egg in the centre and the mango/chilli relish was a nice touch. The prosciutto, orange and fennel salad was light and fresh. I’m not a super-big quiche fan these days having experienced “same, same” with the dish so many times, but Idelic’s version,

Idelic in Kingston… Because it all looks gorgeous, selecting what to have is challenging. Photo by Silas with smoked salmon, camembert and asparagus, was a winner. When my friend ordered the cold, roasted potato, bacon and rocket salad to accompany the quiche the super-efficient and friendly person who took her order said it was a good choice – which it was. I’ll be back to road-test more of the salads (small $7.70 and large $9.50). They are creative and a feast for the eyes. And on my next visit, I’ll be smart enough to leave room for a decadent dessert. Staff at Idelic fly during lunch, serving the constant stream of customers and

juggling all the takeaway coffee and food orders. So it wasn’t entirely surprising that they forgot my coffee. We were taken aback with the music and struggled to talk over the very loud, nightclub-type tunes. Not the relaxing atmosphere Idelic promises on its web site. I’ve never been a big fan of cutlery wrapped tightly in napkins and the chipped plate one of our dishes was served on has to go. Idelic, 62 Giles Street, Kingston, is open breakfast and lunch, Monday to Saturday, 7am to 3pm. Call 6239 4142.

No frills, but sure to please a fan SET in Venice and telling a cheerfully convoluted story of the complications caused by an old gondolier who abducts at birth a royal baby to be brought up with his own son, Gilbert and Sullivan’s “The Gondoliers” is packed with delightful melodies spread liberally among a large cast of principals and ensemble. For her second production of this comic opera for the Queanbeyan Players, director, Janetta McRae, has chosen a no-frills traditional staging, placing the emphasis firmly on the music, with a few obligatory local references peppering the dialogue. In this production the attractively costumed cast of relentlessly cheerful


“The Gondoliers” Queanbeyan Players, Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre until November 6. Reviewed by Bill Stephens Venetians accompany their singing with unison movements, devised by Mandy Yialeloglou, while arranged in rows across the stage against appropriate Venetian scenes projected on to the backcloth. Heading the cast as the gondoliers and their wives, Kenneth Goodge (Marco), Judith Colquhoun (Gianetta), Gerard Ninnes (Giuseppe) and Veronica Thwaites-Brown

(Tessa), are a sweet-voiced and engaging quartet, especially in the Act 11 quartet “In a Contemplative Fashion”. Peter Smith provides a deliciously oily Don Alhambra and Jessica Kinsella a feisty Casilda. Janene Broere revels in the fearsomeness of the Duchess of Plaza Toro, although a rather miscast Matthew Greenwood struggles to make much of the Duke. The large orchestra, conducted by Jennifer Groom, provides excellent accompaniment. A wise decision to provide discreet ambient amplification ensures excellent balance between singers and orchestra and enhances a production sure to please Gilbert and Sullivan devotees.

Creating excitement against the clock THESE are exciting times for dancers and choreographers, with ever-increasing opportunities to create. This performance sees the inauguration of Canberra’s Short+Sweet Dance, part of the nationwide Short+Sweet movement. Nine short pieces were performed by dancers ranging in age and experience from high school, to well-established, widely-travelled dance graduates, working in the industry. Most pieces were concept-driven, vehicles for the dancers to express themselves. Kiera Mason Hill and Holly Diggle drew an enthusiastic response from the audience with their contact improvisation piece “Moment(um)”. The physics and the chemistry between the girls was obvious and the piece full of fun and frivolity. “State of Kind”, beautifully choreographed and poignantly danced by Amanda Tutalo, was a relatively literal interpretation of Sia’s melancholic “Lullaby”. Tutalo shares with us her


“Short+Sweet Dance,” The Courtyard Studio.Season closed. Reviewed by Samara Purnell personal tragedy as she searches for ways to continue living and of eventually finding hope and joy again. Short+Sweet showcased the diversity in age and maturity of the dancers. “Right Sides Together” took a lighthearted look at creativity, in contrast to the strange “Soft Target”, which took too long to figure out. However, the execution of this piece required experience, conviction and a strong partnership, which dancers Amelia McQueen and Jade Dewi Tyas Tunggal demonstrated. Chloe Chignell’s choreography and dancing, along with dancers Lauren Stokoe and Drew Hedditch, showed great potential – talents to look out for.

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40  CityNews  October 28-November 3


Baby, the bakery and the need to know I HAVE recently moved to Canberra and unfortunately in our first week, my daughter had an allergic reaction to some food that she ate. She is only 15 months old, and none of the usual culprits of food allergens such as eggs, nuts or seafood have affected her in the slightest. What has affected her is her lunch off my plate, a vegetable pasty and a spinach and ricotta pastry, which were purchased from a bakery in north Canberra. Within half an hour she presented with ring-like welts on her arms and legs, the size of tennis balls. I now need to visit the bakery for a complete list of ingredients for these two products. This lists needs to include not only the

Food allergens – where are they? I don’t know, do you, asks food scientist AMANDA DOS SANTOS? staple ingredients such as flour, oil, water, but also every other additive, preservative, emulsifier, colouring agent and any other hidden treat which is commonly used in processed foods today. I am not sure how easily this neighbourhood bakery will be able to produce this information, not to mention the language barrier which may prevail. This leads me to ask the question, should all food outlets, regardless of their size, be responsible for producing point-of-sale allergen and ingredient information? The big fast-food outlets such as McDonalds,

KFC and Pizza Hut do have this at point of sale, but they have teams of nutritionists and food scientists to prepare this information. How would mum and pop shops provide the same concise and accurate information? Or does it just come back to the responsibility of consumers to ask? The statistics now show that in Australia, admissions for anaphylaxis due to food allergies in children aged 0 to 4 years have increased fivefold in the last decade. Anaphylaxis is most commonly presented with severe allergies to peanuts, tree nuts and shellfish. Although anaphylactic allergies

have skyrocketed, less deadly allergies have also increased. Five per cent of Australian children under the age of five will present with a food allergy by school age. With the most vulnerable demographic of our society at the highest risk to developing an allergy and presenting with allergic symptoms such as hives, vomiting, stomach pains, diarrhoea, swelling of the tongue, wheezing or dizziness, it is a lot to ask that the consumer be the sole party responsible for obtaining ingredient and allergen information of non-packaged foods for sale. For further information regarding allergens or allergies, contact The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy on (02) 9907 9773.

Safe tan? There’s no such thing... A tan is not a sign of good health, says DAVID WILD, of the Cancer Council ACT AS we head into another summer, Cancer Council ACT once again urges all Canberrans to protect themselves from the damaging effects associated with too much UV exposure. Young Canberrans in particular are reminded that there is no such thing as a safe tan – tanning is actually a sign that your skin has received too much exposure to dangerous UV radiation, and is trying to protect itself from further damage. A tan is not a sign of good health – it’s a sign that your skin has been damaged and your risk of developing skin cancer has increased. And if you think solariums are a safer way of tanning, you Tanning is a sign that skin has received too much exposure to could not be more wrong. In 2009, the International Agency of dangerous UV radiation. Research on Cancer moved ultra-violet-emitting tanning beds to its highest cancer risk category, and labelled them as “carcinogenic to humans” after ruling they were more dangerous than previously suggested. With a significant decrease in the reported numbers of solarium operators in major cities where tougher legislation has already been introduced, Canberra will hopefully follow suit with legislation being introduced this November. The Cancer Council says Canberra was the only major city in Australia to report an actual increase in the number of solarium operators from 2006 to 2009. The new regulation will include banning people under 18 years old, and people with fair skin from using solariums, and will require all operators to receive training in accordance with the new regulation. Warning signs must also be displayed, and operators cannot claim health benefits associated with solarium use. Cancer Council ACT welcomes the new regulation, and strongly urges people of all ages to simply avoid UV-emitting tanning beds. Cancer Council stresses that sunscreen is only one part of effective sun protection behaviour, and that it should always be used as the “final line of defence” against harmful UV radiation, never as your only method of sun protection. More information at or on 131120.

CityNews  October 28-November 3  41


In praise of the right LBD By Megan Haggan

“Princess Diana wowed the world with a post-divorce outing in a devastating LBD. “Ever since, through fabric, hemline, shoulder shape, strap and waistline variations, the LBD has remained the wardrobe essential. Every woman, whatever shape or size, aspires to own the perfect Little It was Coco Chanel who, in the Black Dress. 1920s, made the LBD the epitome of “Wear it unadorned. Wear it with feminine chic, says the Fair’s Fiona pearls. Team it with a jaunty cocktail Baverstock: “Queen Victoria had hat – or a tiara!” given black a bad name with her A selection of LBDs from years obsessive mourning, and World War gone by will be on display at the I hadn’t helped, either. Those brash Fair – “from late Victorian through young things in the ‘20s had swept fabulously romantic Edwardian, away black and reinstated colour World War I era, to-die-for beaded – until Coco. flapper dress, 1930s vamp right “In the 1930s, Wallis Simpson – she through to 1980s cocktail wear. of the acerbic quip and devastating “There will also be around 30 dealstyle, the woman who lost a King his ers, both local and interstate, selling crown – said: ‘When the little black two centuries’ of fabulous vintage dress is right, there is nothing else to fashion, jewellery and accessories. wear in its place.’ “The LBD is relevant to every “Even as she scandalised an woman – wherever she lives. empire with her divorces and affair “We all need that essential LBD with His Royal Highness, women to dress up or dress down, and clamoured for her chic. If the LBD Canberrans probably have more was good enough for her, it was opportunities than most to step out good enough for everyone.” in style!” Fiona says Dior’s 1947 New Look would have been lost without the The Way We Wear Vintage Fair LBD, and Audrey Hepburn wore it will be back in Canberra on Friday, “to devastating effect – ‘Breakfast at November 5 to Sunday, November 7 Tiffany’s’ ensured every woman had at the Albert Hall. More information to have one. at

THE Way we Wear Vintage Fair is back – and this time the focus is on the classic Little Black Dress!

CityNews  October 28-November 3  43


Victoria Park garden… open from 10am-4pm on Sunday, November 7.

Helene’s ‘healing’ garden opens By Kathryn Vukovljak THE “meandering landscape” garden of a country estate in Murrumbateman will open to the public for the first time as the inaugural fundraiser for the Melanoma Patients Australia (MPA) support group in the ACT, says Clare O’Brien, from the MPA.

“The aim of this group, which was founded in November 2009, is to connect with patients and their families and to assist them in their very difficult journey,” she says. Victoria Park garden will be open on Sunday, November 7, with plant stalls, information stands, picnic baskets and

refreshments available all day. The garden belongs to MPA members Helene and Rod Baker. Claire says that one of the motivating factors behind the development of the garden was Helene’s need for distraction following her melanoma diagnosis in 1997 and to “stay sane” while recovering from surgery or waiting for test results. “It’s a healing place in many ways,” she says. Once a “block of rocks”, the 0.8-hectare garden now delights and surprises at each turn, she says, with natural elements of rock and wood beautifully integrated into attractive, low-maintenance gardens, interconnected with gravel paths and shaded by large old gums. “It’s a great family day out and we’re hoping to attract as many people as possible to this wonderful open garden event,” says Clare.

Victoria Park, Vallencia Country Estate, Vallencia Drive, Murrumbateman will be open on Sunday, November 7, from 10am to 4pm. Admission $5 or $10 for a family, with all proceeds to Melanoma Patients Australia. Vallencia Drive is off the Barton Highway, 4km on the Canberra side of Murrumbateman. 44  CityNews  October 28-November 3

your week in the stars

With Joanne Madeline Moore November 01-07

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

Expect an intense week when passions will be running high and patience running low. The New Moon brings hidden parts of your life to the surface (and secrets out into the open). The heavens also signal a turnaround to do with money matters or an intimate relationship. It’s the perfect time to transform your sex life in innovative new ways.

TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20)

You’re in the mood to revisit an old romance, or reboot an established one. But, with Venus retro until November 19, it will take time to get love back on track again. Single Bulls – you’re in the mood for some fabulous flirting, and may fall for someone who’s as sensual and hedonistic as you (look out for a luxury-loving Libra or a sexy Scorpio).

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)

Are you spending too much time talking and not enough time moving? Saturday’s New Moon activates your health zone so it’s the best time of the year to get fit and fabulous. Exercise will clear your head and good food will lift your energy levels. The power of positive thinking is on your side, as you view old problems from a fresh new angle.

CANCER (June 22 – July 22)

Your romance and creativity zone is stimulated by the sultry New Moon in Scorpio. You’ll feel like declaring your undying love for someone special, or beginning a project you’re passionate about. Don’t rush – take your time and enjoy the journey. You’re more assertive than usual, so loved ones will have to get used to you calling the shots.

LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)

Lions - are you optimistic about love one moment, and completely confused the next? Or are you stuck in the middle of a domestic drama? You’ll go through many changes of heart this week as the New Moon stirs up your fiery emotions. If you keep the lines of communication open, then you’ll attract positive new people into your world.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22)

You’re at your versatile Virgo best as you analyse a problem, solve a mystery or uncover a secret. Communication is bound to get complicated but don’t take what others say too literally – read between the lines. Contributing your talents to your local community turns into a win for you, as you make wonderful new connections in your neighbourhood.

general knowledge crossword No. 285 Across

1 Which type of stand holds a camera? 8 What was the surname of Judas, the betrayer of Jesus? 9 Name the large bottle of wine, etc. 10 What do we call a racehorse? 11 Name an alternative term for an over-shoe. 12 The long-haired oxen of Tibet are called what? 13 Of which nationality was Sir Harry Secombe? 16 Name the pole erected by American Indians. 19 What is another word for water? 21 Which is the round-ball game? 22 What are obsessions, usually expressed in ritualistic behaviour? 23 Name the glassy substance applied to the surface of metal, pottery, etc. 24 When one holds another in esteem or honour, one does what? 25 What does it mean, to be calm, quiet, or composed? 1



SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21)

2 To free from confinement, or the like, is to what? 3 Doves are from the family of which birds? 4 What is a small rowing boat called? 5 Name the heavy metal carried by a ship for ensuring proper stability. 6 What is a place where aeroplanes can land and take off? 7 Which part of the human frame is more readily known as the breastbone? 13 Name the loudspeakers designed for the reproduction of low frequency audio sounds. 14 What do we call a member of a socialist or radical party? 15 Name a short-tailed rodent, popular as a pet. 17 Which piece of enclosed ground is devoted to the cultivation of fruit trees? 18 What is the heating wire of a kettle or such? 20 To measure or evaluate, is to what? Solution next week





8 9 10 11 12 13


15 19




20 21


LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23)

Librans aspire to a luxurious lifestyle, but do you have the cold hard cash to finance your super-sized dreams? If you don’t, then you’d better start saving, get a second (or higherpaying) job or find a cheaper dream. Don’t be gullible and let a friend lead you up the primrose path to trouble. Keep a sensible head on those lovely Libran shoulders!


23 24 25

Sudoku hard No.43

Solution next week

The New Moon (plus Mercury and Venus) are in your sign, so your Scorpio magnetism is hard to hide, and you’re at your subtle and seductive best. Make sure you use your persuasive powers wisely! Your quote for the week is from birthday great Albert Camus: “Charm is the way of getting the answer yes, without having asked any clear question.”

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

On Friday you’re in the mood for adventure and lively conversation, as Mercury and Jupiter activate your travel gene and gift of the gab. Saturday’s New Moon stimulates your spiritual side, so it’s time to tune into your intuition (which is trying to steer you in the right direction). Slow down Sagittarius, as you listen to the quiet voice within.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You may feel pessimistic (or isolated from loved ones) on Thursday. It’s just a passing phase, so put your head down and get on with the job. The mood lightens on Saturday when the New Moon highlights your hopes and dreams for the future. Keep what’s working in your life and discard what isn’t – the trick is knowing which is which!

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Are you under the illusion that your bank balance is more buoyant than it actually is? Make sure your plans are financially realistic and sustainable. The New Moon signals a fresh approach to study or work. Perhaps you should move to a different school, change your job – or even your vocation. Think outside the square and cast your net wide.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Quit procrastinating Pisces – it’s time to broaden your horizons, both physically and mentally. The New Moon highlights your overseas contacts/higher learning zone, so you’re keen to travel, study, and soak up new experiences. Expect a busy week as you meet up with fabulous friends and adventurous acquaintances, in person and online.

Copyright Joanne Madeline Moore 2010.


Crossword No.284 C T A M A P H O C R U B A I C R A L I





Sudoku medium No.43 G S E I C U E R E R S A I N X I E R R

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Canberra Region Property Summary A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

Price codes are a guide only


Call Agent

11/47 Blackall St

Bertram Ellis Chapman

0412 622 006 1BR I U

Call Agent

13 Neidjie Cl

First National Gungahlin

0422 774 441 4BR I U

Call Agent

3/41 Blackall St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0431 116 399 1BR I

Call Agent

4 Neidjie Cl

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288 5BR H

Call Agent

39/41 Blackall St

Independent Tuggeranong

0419 224 256 1BR I

Call Agent

10 Roy Marika St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I U

Call Agent

39/45 Blackall St

Independent Woden

0418 632 711 3BR E

Call Agent

24 Roy Marika St

Innovative Building Projects

0431 118 196 3BR H

Call Agent

44/41 Blackall St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR D

Call Agent

Roy Marika St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0417 219 592 3BR I

Call Agent

47/41 Blackall St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0408 848 622 1BR I

Call Agent

22 Syddall St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I U

Call Agent

39 Darling St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0418 429 470 2BR G

Call Agent

13 William Cooper Av

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 4BR H U

Call Agent

37/26 Macquarie St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 697 844 2BR I

Call Agent

45/26 Macquarie St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0408 848 622 2BR B

Call Agent

26/11 Sydney Av

Berkely Residential

0402 595 016 4BR B

Sat 11:00-11:45

32 Hurtle Av

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0405 600 558 4BR G

Call Agent

4/11 Sydney Av

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0408 662 119 3BR D

Sat 12:00-12:45

8 Hussey Cove

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0405 600 558 4BR H

Call Agent

4/45 Barr Smith Av

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0430 311 628 3BR I

Call Agent

9/53 Derrington Cr

Ray White Canberra

0418 294 192 4BR I


Thu 5:15-6:00

15 Baker Gdns

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 5BR A

Sat 10:30-11:00

93 Sherbrooke St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 3BR A

Sat 11:45-12:30

7 Raymond St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 4BR A

Call Agent

17 Canning St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 4BR B

Sat 10:15-11:00

40/2 Ranken Pl

Elders Belconnen

0411 096 269 2BR J

Call Agent

24/38 Ebenezer St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0411 049 242 3BR I

Call Agent

1 Dibbs St

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 3BR A

Call Agent

25/1 Beissel St

Independent Belconnen

0419 000 079 2BR I

Call Agent

12/20 Helpmann St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0425 366 663 3BR I

Call Agent

170 Duffy St


0419 212 044 3BR D

Call Agent

39/20 Beissel St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 3BR H

Call Agent

20 Helpmann St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0425 366 663 4BR H

Call Agent

3 Duffy St

Elders Belconnen

0407 808 717 2BR A

Call Agent

46/20 Beissel St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 3BR H

Call Agent

20 Helpmann St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0425 366 663 4BR H

Call Agent

43 Ebden St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 4BR B

Call Agent

307/80 Chandler St

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 1BR J

Call Agent

20 Helpmann St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0425 366 663 3BR I

Call Agent

119 Hannan Cr

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418 623 352 3BR B

Call Agent

5/13 Chandler St

Elders Belconnen

0409 560 539 3BR I U

Call Agent

14 Mary Lee St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0416 162 745 4BR G

Call Agent

13 Hargraves Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0405 135 009 4BR A

Call Agent

63/68 College St

Independent Belconnen

0402 838 949 2BR I

Call Agent

5/7 Tenison Woods Cct

Dwyer Dunn

0419 002 780 2BR J U

Call Agent

15 Hargreaves Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 2BR G

Call Agent

70/68 College St

Independent Belconnen

0402 838 949 1BR J

Call Agent

9 Wuronga Hill

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0423 900 640 4BR A

Call Agent

62 Sherbrooke St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR G

Call Agent

102/64 College St

Independent Gungahlin

0413 430 296 2BR I U

Call Agent

10 Shortland Cr

Sadil Quinlan

0413 745 994 3BR B

Call Agent

140/68 College St

Independent Gungahlin

0416 135 270 1BR J

Call Agent

146/64 College St

Go Gecko Woden

0401 218 325 1BR J

Sat 10:30-11:00

2/18 Dooring St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 1BR I

Call Agent

153/64 College St

Independent Woden

0407 245 177 1BR J

Call Agent

3 Chapman St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 697 844 5BR C




25a Bywaters St

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 3BR I

Call Agent

29/68 College St

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 1BR I

Call Agent

216/17 Dooring St

Go Gecko Woden

0414 212 332 1BR J

Sun 11:30-12:15 25a Bywaters St

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 3BR I

Call Agent

3/68 College St

Independent Woden

0407 245 177 1BR J

Call Agent

315/17 Dooring St

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0400 819 650 1BR J

0418 101 213 1BR I

Call Agent

406/17 Dooring St

Independent Civic

0407 121 412 2BR I

2/53 Elimatta St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 697 844 3BR G U

Sat 11:30-12:15 Call Agent

42 Bizant St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 4BR F

Call Agent

39/68 College St

Independent Dickson

Call Agent

53 Bizant St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0438 706 776 4BR H

Call Agent

68 College St

Independent Civic

0408 868 511 2BR I

Call Agent

Call Agent

15 Buckingham St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0417 483 627 4BR H

Call Agent

83/64 College St

Independent Tuggeranong

0407 231 788 1BR J

Call Agent

17/17 Helemon St

Independent Civic

0412 136 603 1BR J

Call Agent

57 Buckingham St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 4BR H U

Call Agent

88/72 College St

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 2BR I

Call Agent

20/56 Ijong St

Sadil Quinlan

0414 631 607 3BR G

Call Agent

1/29 Bywaters St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0406 305 430 3BR I U

Call Agent

128/68 College St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 1BR J

Call Agent

24/30 Ijong St

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0416 087 834 2BR I

Call Agent

1/11 Clara Cl

Independent Civic

0407 121 412 3BR J U

Call Agent

13/68 College St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 1BR I

Call Agent

26/43 Ijong St

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 1BR I

Call Agent

10 Corringle Cl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0418 215 878 3BR I

Call Agent

8/68 College St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0400 022 281 2BR B

Call Agent

37/19 Ijong St

Go Gecko Woden

0414 212 332 2BR I U

Call Agent

41 Diamond St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0418 215 878 4BR B

Call Agent

10 Disney Ct

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0422 927 671 2BR I U

Call Agent

7/21 Ijong St

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0400 819 650 2BR I U

Call Agent

32 Dulverton St


0418 574 140 4BR H

Call Agent

93 Hennessy St

Independent Woden

0412 256 461 1BR M

Call Agent

23/37 Ipima St

Independent Civic

0412 136 603 3BR G

Call Agent

28 Mission St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 5BR G U

Call Agent

Hennessy St

Elders Belconnen

0411 096 269 1BR M

Call Agent

305-306/84 Northbourne Av Independent Civic

0427 961 568 2BR L

Call Agent

18 Narran St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0417 483 627 4BR H U

Call Agent

23/93 Hennessy St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0401 097 568

Call Agent

314/86-88 Northbourne Av

Bright Partners Manuka

0419 394 555 1BR I

Call Agent

2/34 Proserpine Cct

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0417 483 627 3BR B U

Call Agent

17/16 Morell Cl

Independent Belconnen

0411 507 679 3BR H U

Call Agent

94/84 Northbourne Av

Independent Belconnen

0418 480 099 1BR M

Call Agent

45 Proserpine Cct

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0417 483 627 4BR H

Call Agent

19 Roderick St

Independent Belconnen

0434 647 792 3BR H

Call Agent

Unit 87 Oracle Apartments On College St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 1BR J

Call Agent

Door 201 /108 Northbourne Independent Belconnen Av

0418 463 872 1BR O

Call Agent

33 Rollston St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0403 808 780 4BR H

Call Agent

40/1 Playfair Pl

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0401 605 919 2BR K U

Call Agent

1/62 Torrens St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 1BR I

Call Agent

4/51 Sandover Cct

Independent Woden

0418 622 010 3BR I U

Call Agent

20/13 Thurlow Pl

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0402 842 291 2BR K

Call Agent

18/28-32 Torrens St

Independent Tuggeranong

0414 387 690 2BR I

Call Agent

10 Saxby Cl

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 3BR I

Call Agent

3/142 Totterdell St

Mewton Mayberry Real Estate 0401 488 561 2BR J

Call Agent

5/67 Torrens St

Century 21

0422 940 948 2BR H

Call Agent

5 Star Cl

Independent Belconnen

0402 534 157 4BR H

Call Agent

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 3BR I

Call Agent

5/1 Wise St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 3BR G

Call Agent

48 Wanderer


0418 574 140 3BR I

Call Agent

2 Wenlock St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR H U


69 Totterdell St



BONNER Sat 10:00-4:00

20 Muriel Stewart Cct

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 3BR I U

Call Agent

157 Araluen Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046

Sat 10:00-4:00

22 Muriel Stewart Cct

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 3BR I U

Call Agent

5911 Araluen Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532 3BR M


Sat 2:00-3:00

48 Arabana St

Elders Belconnen

0428 486 692 4BR A

Sat 11:30-1:30

28-38 Eugene Vincent St

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 4BR I

Call Agent

63 Araluen Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127

Call Agent

26 Darambal St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 3BR B

Sat 12:00-1:30

23 Mollie Dyer St

First National Gungahlin

0408 413 405 5BR H

Call Agent

63 Araluen Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532 3BR J

Call Agent

18 Jagara St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0414 910 798 4BR E

Sat 12:00-1:30

24 Syddall St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Call Agent

7234 Araluen Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046 2BR J

Sat 1:35-2:30

23 Anna Morgan Cct

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 4BR H

Call Agent

1 Araluen St

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR I

Sat 2:30-3:30

24 Mabo Bvd

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 4BR H

Call Agent

1 Araluen St

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517 3BR J



Sat 10:00-10:30

79 Pockett Av

Richard Luton Properties

0410 542 667 4BR H

Sun 10:00-4:00

20 Muriel Stewart Cct

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 3BR I U

Call Agent

86 Back Creek Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR I

Sat 12:15-1:15

4 Mathews Pl

Dwyer Dunn

0419 002 780 4BR B

Sun 10:00-4:00

22 Muriel Stewart Cct

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 3BR I U

Call Agent

19 Black Sallee La

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 2BR J

Call Agent

31 Abercrombie Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0439 413 321 3BR A

Sun 12:00-1:30

23 Mollie Dyer St

First National Gungahlin

0408 413 405 5BR H

Call Agent

19 Black Sallee La

Horizon Real Estate

0407 890 527 2BR J

Call Agent

35 Abercrombie Cct

Ray White Tuggeranong

0414 665 626 3BR I U

Sun 12:00-1:30

24 Syddall St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Call Agent

979 Bombay Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

5 Adcock Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 5BR I

Call Agent

105 Anna Morgan Cct

Independent Dickson

0418 625 437 4BR H

Call Agent

Lot 75 Bombay Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

16 Angell Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0424 288 717 4BR H

Call Agent

Ben Blekeney St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0406 305 430 4BR H

Call Agent

9-11 Bowler St

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR I

Call Agent

2/51 Bellchambers Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 1BR J U

Call Agent

79 Bill Ferguson

Premier Capital Properties

0422 266 555 4BR H

Call Agent

1 Brightside Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517

Call Agent

62B Bellchambers St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0423 900 640 3BR J

Call Agent

85 Bill Ferguson

Premier Capital Properties

0422 266 555 4BR G

Call Agent

Lot 1 Brightside Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR F

Call Agent

58 Betty Maloney

Independent Tuggeranong

0419 224 256 3BR I

Call Agent

79 Bill Ferguson Cct

Premier Capital Properties

0409 920 000 4BR H

Call Agent

Callans La

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

8/58-60 Betty Maloney Cr

Ray White Canberra

0418 294 192 3BR I

Call Agent

85 Bill Ferguson Cct

Premier Capital Properties

0409 920 000 4BR G

Call Agent

Lot 28 Captains Flat Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

13 Booderee Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0438 627 772 4BR B

Call Agent

88 Bill Ferguson Cct

Gold Creek Quality Property

02 6242 9777 4BR I

Call Agent

917 Charleys Forest Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 4BR J

Call Agent

1/21 Forsythe St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0402 017 912 3BR J U

Call Agent

46 Bill Ferguson St

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288 4BR H

Call Agent

Lot B Clyde Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0400 781 848

Call Agent

25 Galbraith Cl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

Call Agent

Burnum Burnum Cl

Independent Gungahlin

0405 660 842 3BR I

Call Agent

Cooma Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532 6BR E

12 Cooma Rd

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0488 250 076 4BR G

0413 503 312




Call Agent

21 Kettlewell Cr

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0425 366 663 5BR B U

Call Agent

10 Burnum Burnum Cl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 4BR H

Call Agent

Call Agent

12 Luckman Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0431 602 251 3BR J

Call Agent

68 Charles Perkins Cct

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR I U

Call Agent

12 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR G

Call Agent

4 Olive Pink Cr

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 4BR G

Call Agent

72 Charles Perkins Cct

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 3BR I

Call Agent

1/4/8/24 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127

Call Agent

13/27 Paperbark St

Independent Woden

0407 245 177 4BR H

Call Agent

11 Clay St

Apex Real Estate

0425 133 902 4BR F

Call Agent

1585 Cooma Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532 1BR N

Call Agent

20 Paperbark St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0431 419 847 4BR G

Call Agent

20 Clay St

Innovative Building Projects

0431 118 196 4BR G

Call Agent

1761 Cooma Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517 3BR I

Call Agent

39 Paperbark St

Richard Luton Properties

0410 564 284 6BR B

Call Agent

7 Clay St

Innovative Building Projects

0431 118 196 4BR E

Call Agent

1761 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR I

Call Agent

71 Pockett Av

Richard Luton Properties

0418 669 655 3BR I

Call Agent

2 Dinah St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR H U

Call Agent

232 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

27 Reader Ct

Ray White Tuggeranong

0414 622 926 3BR J U

Call Agent

4 Elia Ware Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0414 405 675 4BR H

Call Agent

247 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

37 Smeaton Cct

Karen Rush Real Estate

0418 285 737 3BR J U

Call Agent

16 Elia Ware Cr

Innovative Building Projects

0431 118 196 4BR H

Call Agent

46 Cooma Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

19 Tregellas Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0410 564 284 3BR I U

Call Agent

47 Eugene Vincent St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0408 118 519 4BR I

Call Agent

Lot 1 Cooma Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532


Call Agent

4 White Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR I

Call Agent

Eugene Vincent St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0406 305 430 3BR I

Call Agent

Lot 1 6694 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

46 Wiburd St

Independent Woden

0413 909 158 3BR J U

Call Agent

10 Eumurrah St

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288 4BR H

Call Agent

Lot 19 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR H

Call Agent

8-39 Wiburd St

Colin McIntyre Property

0458 726 579 3BR J U

Call Agent

1 Fernando St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0417 219 592 3BR I

Call Agent

Lot 2 Cooma Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

17 Wilhelmi Cr

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 3BR I

Call Agent

11 Henry Williams St


0418 975 125 3BR I

Call Agent

Lot 2 6694 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

25 Wittunga Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0438 627 772 4BR B

Call Agent

48 Louisa Briggs Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 4BR G

Call Agent

lot 4 Cooma Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

16 Wittunga Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0402 017 912 4BR B

Call Agent

187 Mabo Bvd

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0406 305 430 4BR H

Call Agent

Lot 4 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

22 Mabo Bvd

Independent Dickson

0418 625 437 4BR G

Call Agent

Lot 5 Cooma Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532


Call Agent

Mabo Bvd

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0406 305 430 4BR I

Call Agent

lot 5 6694 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127




Sat 10:30-11:00

44 New South Wales Cr

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 3BR A

Call Agent

1 Maza Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 4BR G

Call Agent

lots 8,9,10 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127

Sat 10:45-11:30

9 Bowen Dr

Independent Dickson

0417 209 415 2BR G

Call Agent

34 Muriel Stewart

Edge Real Estate

0423 275 614 4BR H

Call Agent

1/12 Coronation Av

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532 2BR L U

Call Agent

Unit 21 1 Sydney Av

Colin McIntyre Property

0438 924 400 2BR B

Call Agent

16 Muriel Stewart Cct

Innovative Building Projects

0431 118 196 4BR H

Call Agent

5/12 Coronation Av

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532 2BR M

Call Agent

10/43 Blackall St

Premier Capital Properties

0409 920 000 1BR I

Call Agent

32 Muriel Stuart

Edge Real Estate

0457 086 563 4BR F

Looking for a home this weekend? Order your inspections efficiently.

Trip Plan.

Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

CityNews  October 28-November 3  51

For photos, full descriptions and latest open times visit A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

Call Agent Call Agent

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

51 Cowper 51 Cowper St

Elders Kingston Braidwood First National

Call Agent

85 Wallace St

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

4 Reardon Pl

Sutton Real Estate

6238 0999


Call Agent

Lot 101 Wallace St

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

12 Rutledge St

Sutton Real Estate

6238 0999


Call Agent

Lot 118 Wallace St

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

19 Rutledge St

Sutton Real Estate

6238 0999


Call Agent

Wyanbene Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

7 Rutledge St

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240 6BR B

Call Agent

9 Scott St

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Call Agent

7 Shanahan St

Sutton Real Estate

6238 0999


Sat 11:00-11:40

155 Lampard Cct

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 4BR G

Call Agent

8 Shanahan St

Ray White Bungendore

0438 633 378 4BR G

Sat 11:00-4:00

Thynne St

L.J. Hooker

0408 488 148


Call Agent

88 Tarago Rd

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587


0404 821 153 5BR E

Sat 11:15-12:15

13 Jaeger Cct

Elders Belconnen

0411 096 269 3BR A

Call Agent

Lot 2 Taylors Creek Rd

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877


0409 461 127


Sat 12:15-1:00

71/121 Thynne St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0417 459 427 4BR B

Call Agent

240 The Forest Rd

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877 4BR A

Thynne St

L.J. Hooker

0408 488 148


Call Agent

The Glen Rd

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240 4BR H

Call Agent

17 Turallo Tce

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877 4BR F

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

Price codes are a guide only


Call Agent

54 Cowper St

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532 3BR K

Sun 11:00-4:00

Call Agent

63 Duncan St

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 4BR H

Call Agent

100/21 Battye St


0400 509 262 2BR J

122/21 Battye St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 2BR I

Call Agent

Lot 156 Euradux Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

Call Agent

Lot 1 Farringdon Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

60/8 Baudinette Cct

Independent Civic

0421 647 750 1BR J

Call Agent

lot 2 Farringdon Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

87/8 Baudinette Cct

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 1BR I

Sat 11:00-11:45

38/12 Duggan St

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0413 453 489 3BR B

Call Agent

3 Glenmore Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

71/8 Baudinette St

Independent Civic

0408 868 511 1BR I

Sat 1:45-2:30

39 O'Connor Cct

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 4BR G

Call Agent

57 Glenmore Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 4BR I

Call Agent

Braybrooke St.

Kashan Property Group

02 6156 2982 2BR J

Call Agent

38 Beazley St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR I

Call Agent

Lot B Grants Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0400 781 848


Call Agent

5 / 9 Dines Pl

PRDnationwide Canberra

0411 466 077 3BR I

Call Agent

30 Carpenter Cl

Go Gecko Woden

02 6290 1211 3BR I

Call Agent

Lot 1 Griffins Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

6/4 Dines Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 3BR I

Call Agent

21 Carter Cr

Ray White Tuggeranong

0421 961 810 6BR G U

Call Agent

Griffins Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 2BR J

Call Agent

10/2 Eardley St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0447 283 052 3BR I

Call Agent

51 Casey Cr

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0413 453 489 4BR B

Call Agent

Lot 3 Halls La

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

11/2 Eardley St

Ray White Canberra

0438 547 240 2BR I U

Call Agent

2 Creswick Pl

Independent Woden

0413 909 158 4BR H

Call Agent

Lot 4 Halls La

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

13/2 Eardley St

Independent Belconnen

0411 507 679 1BR J

Call Agent

65 Fidge St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0423 900 640 4BR A

Call Agent

13 Hassall Cct

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

2/2 Eardley St

Independent Belconnen

0411 507 679 2BR I

Call Agent

18 Girdlestone Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0419 208 244 4BR G

Call Agent

8 and 9 Hassall Cct

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

25/2 Eardley St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0438 706 776 3BR I

Call Agent

51 Mckinley Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0417 681 981 4BR I

Call Agent

Hawthorne La

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

26/2 Eardley St

Independent Civic

0407 121 412 3BR I

Call Agent

26 Mountain Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969 4BR H

Call Agent

132 Hawthorn La

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

3/1 Eardley St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0438 706 776 3BR B

Call Agent

45 Mountain Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 5BR H U

Call Agent

14 Hawthorn La

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 4BR E

Call Agent

48/2 Eardley St

Independent Belconnen

0411 507 679 2BR I U

Call Agent

50 Must Cct

Colin McIntyre Property

0438 924 400 3BR I

Call Agent

2 Hawthorn La

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517 4BR I

Call Agent

4 Kinloch Cct

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0418 628 043 4BR A

Call Agent

124 O'Connor Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0408 879 936 4BR E

Call Agent

Lot 32 Hawthorn La

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

17/14 Lampard Cct

Elders Belconnen

0409 560 539 3BR I

Call Agent

8 Tuckett Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 4BR I

Call Agent

5 Hereford Hall Rd

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0488 250 076 1BR L

Call Agent

6/110 Lampard Cct

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0414 910 798 2BR I

Call Agent

11 Tuthill Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

Call Agent

523 Hereford Hall Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127

Call Agent

15 Linke Cr

Capital First National

0418 832 091 4BR C

Call Agent

12 Tuthill Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 5BR B

Call Agent

326 Jerrabatgulla Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR E U

Call Agent

4 Lycos St


0415 045 648 4BR D

Call Agent

3 Tyner St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

Call Agent

165 Jinglemoney Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

4/17 Mugglestone Pl

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0414 910 798 4BR C U

Call Agent

5/6 Webber Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 830 598 3BR H

Call Agent

1/217 Kain Cross Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

89 Norman Fisher Cct

Premier Capital Properties

0409 920 000 4BR F

Call Agent

6 Webber Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 830 598 3BR B

Call Agent

147 Kain Cross Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

36 Norman Fisher Cct

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0411 367 700 4BR G

Call Agent

43/54 Were St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR A


Call Agent

116/10 Thynne St

Independent Civic

0418 622 566 1BR K

Call Agent

6/31 Wettenhall Cct

Independent Tuggeranong

0401 540 056 3BR J U

102/31 Thynne St

Independent Dickson

0417 209 415 2BR I

Call Agent

49 Zox Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969 4BR H U

Call Agent

728 Kain Rd

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0488 250 076



0423 900 640 4BR A 0407 923 205 5BR G U

Call Agent

Kain Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046 2BR I

Call Agent

Call Agent

Kain Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

114/10 Thynne St

Independent Civic

02 6209 1700 1BR J U

Call Agent

Lot 3 Killarney Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR L

Call Agent

24/121 Thynne St

Sadil Quinlan

0414 631 607 3BR H U

Call Agent

20 Kings Hwy

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

43/31 Thynne St

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0410 414 872 2BR I

Thu 5:15-6:00

116 Vasey Cr

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 4BR A

Call Agent

4161 Kings Hwy

Horizon Real Estate

0407 890 527 2BR H

Call Agent

54 Thynne St

Rumbles Real Estate

0414 681 688 3BR G

Sat 9:30-10:00

33 Cobby St

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0409 574 178 5BR A

Call Agent

8816 Kings Hwy

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046 5BR C

Call Agent

9/121 Thynne St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 3BR B

Sat 1:30-2:00

28 Chowne St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0401 005 282 3BR B

Call Agent

Lot 1 Kings Hwy

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

508/9 Watkins St

Independent Civic

0421 647 750 1BR J

Sat 1:45-2:30

116 Vasey Cr

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 4BR A

Call Agent

Lot 1 Kings Hwy

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

20 Chowne St


0419 212 044 3BR E

Call Agent

Lot 3 Kings Hwy

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

41 Chowne St


0419 212 044 3BR E

Call Agent

Lot 7 Kings Hwy

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

lot B Kings Hwy

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

Krawarree Rd

Colin McIntyre Property

0458 726 579


Call Agent

Lot 1 Lascelles St

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

Lower Boro Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

19 Malone Cl

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532


Call Agent

Lot 10 Malone Cl

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532


Call Agent

24 Malone Pl

Horizon Real Estate

0404 870 026


Call Agent

15 Malone St

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517 3BR J

Call Agent

14 Mckellar St

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532 3BR J

Call Agent

Mcrae's Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532 2BR L

Call Agent

4205 Mongarlowe Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517 17BRE

Call Agent

6 Mongarlowe Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

3 Monkitttee St

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

"Glenburnie" Nerriga

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046 2BR F

Call Agent

11206 Nerriga Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517 3BR I

Call Agent

154 Nerriga Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

4613 Nerriga Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

Lot 1 Nerriga Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

Lot 3 Nerriga Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

1764 Oallen Ford Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

900 Oallen Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046 3BR K

Call Agent

Lot 7 Off Neringla Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

12 Park La

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

Reidsdale Rd

Horizon Real Estate

0407 890 527 4BR C

Call Agent

75 Riverside Dr

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 2BR I

Call Agent

70 Ryrie St

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR I

Call Agent

1 Sandholes Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

646 Stewarts Crossing Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

646 Stewarts Crossing Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

Lot 2 Stewarts Crossing Rd Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

Lot 3 Stewarts Crossing Rd Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

Lot 4 Stewarts Crossing Rd Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

Lot 5 Stewarts Crossing Rd Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

244 Tomboye Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR H

Call Agent

Lot 1 Tomboye Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517

Call Agent

65 Torpy's La

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR F

Call Agent

14 Victory St

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532


Call Agent

2 Victory St

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

169 Wallaby Hill Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR H

Call Agent

Wallaby Hill Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046

Call Agent

130 Wallace St

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517 3BR H

Call Agent

137 Wallace St

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

85 Wallace St

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517




BUNGENDORE Sat 10:00-11:00

8056 Kings Hwy

Horizon Real Estate

0407 890 527 3BR G

Call Agent

22 Creswell St

Ray White Canberra

0439 609 736 4BR B

Sat 11:30-12:00

36 Malbon St

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240 5BR F

Call Agent

29 Ferdinand St

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0409 574 178 4BR A

Sat 12:15-12:45

27 Malbon St

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240

Call Agent

23 Garsia St

Richard Luton Properties

0427 214 337 5BR A

Call Agent

626 Boro Rd

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987 3BR I

Call Agent

27 Garsia St


0419 212 044 4BR C U

Call Agent

944 Braidwood Rd

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877 4BR E

Call Agent

31 Gellibrand St

Richard Luton Properties

0427 214 337 4BR B

Call Agent

462 Bungendore Rd

Horizon Real Estate

0407 890 527 2BR I U

Call Agent

20 Getting Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0427 214 337 4BR C

Call Agent

134 Burrows La

Horizon Real Estate

0407 890 527 3BR F

Call Agent

32 Holmes Cr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0414 623 876 3BR C

Call Agent

146 Burrows La

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987


Call Agent

9 Rosenthal St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0400 667 915 4BR A

Call Agent

297 Butmaroo Rd

Colin McIntyre Property

0458 726 579 4BR C

Call Agent

38 Rosenthal St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0414 819 377 4BR A

Call Agent

357 Butmaroo Rd

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0411 244 874 4BR H

Call Agent

43 Rosenthal St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0414 819 377 4BR E

Call Agent

18 Day Cct

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877 4BR H

Call Agent

7 Truscott St

Richard Luton Properties

0427 214 337 4BR C

Call Agent

22 Day Cct

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877 4BR H U

Call Agent

47 Waller Cr


0419 212 044 4BR C U

Call Agent

Lot 1342 Deniston Cct

Elmslea Land Developments

0418 486 949


Call Agent

18 Waller Cr

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0412 060 792 4BR E

Call Agent

999 Duckfield Rd

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987


Call Agent

49 White Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0414 819 377 3BR G

Call Agent

62 Duralla St

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240 3BR J

Call Agent

113 Ellendon St

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240

Call Agent

124a Ellendon St

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877 3BR H U

Thu 3:30-5:30

14 Breen St

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 3BR I

Call Agent

50 Ellendon St

Sutton Real Estate

6238 0999

Thu 3:30-5:30

6 Pender St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 5BR H

Call Agent

8 Essendon Rd

Oz Property Services

0403 339 086 4BR F

Sat 11:00-4:00

14 Breen St

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 3BR I

Call Agent

4 Falconer Pl

Horizon Real Estate

0407 890 527 4BR H U

Sat 11:00-4:00

6 Pender St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 5BR H

Call Agent

36a Gibraltar St

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877


Sun 11:00-4:00

14 Breen St

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 3BR I

Call Agent

29 Gibraltar St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0403 139 701 2BR B

Sun 11:00-4:00

6 Pender St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 5BR H

Call Agent

23 Greenhill La

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877 2BR D

Call Agent

9 Alice Clarke St

Premier Capital Properties

0422 266 555 4BR H

Call Agent

507 Harolds Cross Rd

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0403 139 701 3BR B

Call Agent

46 Ashton Calvert St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 4BR H

Call Agent

41 Hyland Dr

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 4BR G

Call Agent

24 Borthwick Av

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 4BR G

Call Agent

7 Hyland Dr

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877 4BR H

Call Agent

12 Breen St

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 3BR I U

Call Agent

12 Ireland Pl

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877


Call Agent

3 David Miller Cr

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 3BR I

Call Agent

1-22 Kings Hwy

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

37 David Miller Cr

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 4BR G U

Call Agent

Lot 8 Kings Hwy

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 630 002


Call Agent

57 David Miller Cr

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 4BR H

Call Agent

Lots 1-31 Kings Hwy

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

59 David Miller Cr

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 4BR H

Call Agent

35 King St Industrial

Oz Property Services

0403 339 086


Call Agent

81 David Miller St

Independent Tuggeranong

0414 387 690 4BR H

Call Agent

19 Larmer St

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Call Agent

3-13 Forace St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0400 022 281 4BR H

Call Agent

9 Larmer St

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Call Agent

1 Gouci St

0423 699 664 4BR B

Call Agent

Majara St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379

Call Agent

3 Gouci St

0423 699 664 4BR B

Call Agent

92 Malbon St

Horizon Real Estate

0407 890 527 3BR I

Call Agent

11 John Crawford Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 4BR H

Call Agent

94 Malbon St

Horizon Real Estate

0407 890 527 3BR I

Call Agent

14 John Crawford Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0400 022 281 4BR H

Call Agent

29 Matthews La

Sutton Real Estate

0408 623 465

Call Agent

6 Loveday Cr

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0406 305 430 3BR J U


Call Agent

17 Maris King St

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288 4BR H

26 Maris King St

Independent Gungahlin

0429 125 492 4BR H U

Call Agent

3 Mccusker Dr

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400






Call Agent

8 Mcfadzen Pl

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987


Call Agent

Call Agent

Lot 820 Mcfadzen Pl

Elmslea Land Developments

0418 486 949


Call Agent

101 Overall Av

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288 4BR H

Call Agent

Mecca La

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877


Call Agent

51 Overall Av

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0423 967 766

Call Agent

35 Modbury St

Sutton Real Estate

6238 0999


Call Agent

70 Overall Av

Independent Gungahlin

0418 632 217 4BR H

Call Agent

4 Moses St

Sutton Real Estate

6238 0999


Call Agent

34 Osborne St

Sutton Real Estate

6238 0999


We'll notify you when your dream home becomes available. 52  CityNews  October 28-November 3




Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

Canberra Region Property Summary A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

Call Agent Call Agent Call Agent Call Agent

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

3 Pender St 15 Renfree St 23 Robert Walker St 19 Salisbury St

Independent Gungahlin Ray White Canberra Peter Blackshaw Woden Independent Gungahlin

Call Agent

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

47 Wolstenholme St

Independent Tuggeranong

0418 633 208 3BR J U


Call Agent

26b Ayers St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 3BR E U

Call Agent

23/145 Carruthers St

Independent Woden

0413 909 158 1BR L U

Call Agent

8 Cockburn St

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 4BR E U

Sat 10:00-11:00

701/21 Marcus Clark St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0418 429 470 2BR F

Call Agent

31 Collier St

Ray White Kingston

0418 266 698 3BR A

Sat 12:00-12:30

1203/2 Marcus Clarke St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0401 005 282 2BR A

Call Agent

34 Daglish St

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 3BR A

Sat 12:30-1:30

609/19 Marcus Clarke St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0411 466 077 3BR C

Call Agent

20 Gillies St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 3BR A

Sun 3:00-4:00

609/19 Marcus Clarke St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0411 466 077 3BR C

Call Agent

20 Haines St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 4BR E

Call Agent

711 19 Marcus Clarke

PRDnationwide Canberra

0418 429 470 3BR C

Call Agent

18 Holman St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0404 066 119 3BR A

0405 660 842 4BR H

Call Agent

2 Akuna St

Waldorf Canberra

6229 1234

Call Agent

64 Holman St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0424 597 724 3BR A

0419 715 736 4BR G

Call Agent

706/2 Akuna St

Sadil Quinlan

0414 631 607 1BR K U

Call Agent

19 Kidston Cr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0413 621 131 4BR B

0412 697 155 4BR H

Call Agent

21/66 Allara St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0408 118 519 1BR I U

Call Agent

25 Macalister Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 3BR H

0429 125 492 4BR H

Call Agent

118/15 Coranderrk St

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 2BR G

Call Agent

8 Mcculloch St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 4BR A

0408 446 793 5BR H

Call Agent

15/15 Coranderrk St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 1BR I

Call Agent

25 Parker St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0411 367 700 5BR F

Price codes are a guide only


Call Agent

8 Selleck St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

Call Agent

10 Shedden St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR I U

Call Agent

170/15 Coranderrk St

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 2BR G

Call Agent

2/20 Service St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 3BR B

Call Agent

12 Shedden St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR H

Call Agent

182/15 Coranderrk St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 3BR C

Call Agent

21 Storey St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 3BR A

Call Agent

14 Shedden St

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR H

Call Agent

31/15 Coranderrk St

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 1BR I

Call Agent

1 & 2/19 Theodore St

Richard Luton Properties

0412 635 019 3BR G

Call Agent

24 Shedden St

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 3BR I

Call Agent

45/15 Coranderrk St

Independent Woden

0413 909 158 2BR G

Call Agent

62 Throssell St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 4BR F

Call Agent

11 Ted Richards St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 5BR H

Call Agent

46/15 Coranderrk St

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 2BR A

Call Agent

8/3 Waddell Pl

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 2BR K

Call Agent

13 Ted Richards St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 5BR H

Call Agent

53/15 Coranderrk St

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 3BR F

Call Agent

22/1 Waddell Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 2BR B

Call Agent

7 Ted Richards St

Independent Gungahlin

0404 895 162 5BR H

Call Agent

61/15 Coranderrk St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 2BR G

Call Agent

14 Willcock Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0424 597 724 4BR A

Call Agent

29 Walter Crocker Cres

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 3BR I

Call Agent

2 Edinburgh St

Independent Belconnen

0418 480 099 1BR I

Call Agent

14 Walter Crocker Cr

Independent Dickson

0418 693 635 4BR H

Call Agent

39/2 Edinburgh St

Independent Woden

0413 909 158 1BR I

Call Agent

24 Walter Crocker St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR H

Call Agent

19/3 Gordon St

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0409 574 178 1BR I

Sat 10:00-10:40

1/27 State Cir

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 3BR C

Call Agent

Winchester St

Real Estate Australia


Call Agent

2 Mews West Gordon St

Century 21

0422 940 948 1BR I

Sat 12:00-12:45

17 Canterbury Cr

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 4BR A

Call Agent

1 Winchester St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR H

Call Agent

55/3 London Cct

Independent Civic

0408 868 511 2BR G U

Sat 12:30-1:15

41 Rawson St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 622 420 5BR A

Call Agent

20 Winchester St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR H

Call Agent

84/3 London Cct

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0414 623 876 2BR B

Call Agent

22 Brassey St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 4BR A

Call Agent

34 Winchester St

0423 699 664 4BR B

Call Agent

1006/19 Marcus Clarke St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0411 466 077 2BR E

Call Agent

79a Dominion Cct

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0402 943 191 4BR B

Call Agent

36 Winchester St

0423 699 664 4BR B

Call Agent

1308/19 Marcus Clarke St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0402 388 781 3BR C

Call Agent

8 Gawler Cr

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 4BR B

Call Agent

38 Winchester St

0423 699 664 4BR B

Call Agent

1403/19 Marcus Clarke St

Independent Civic

02 6209 1700 3BR C

Call Agent

6 Grose St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 628 641 4BR D

Call Agent

40 Winchester St

0423 699 664 4BR B

Call Agent

19 Marcus Clarke St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0402 344 338 1BR H

Call Agent

416/2 Grose St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0402 943 191 3BR C

Call Agent

5 Winchester St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 3BR I

Call Agent

19 Marcus Clarke St

Richard Luton Properties

0402 024 447 1BR H

Call Agent

1 Hopetoun Cct

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 4BR B

Call Agent

9 Winchester St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0400 022 281 4BR G

Call Agent

504/19 Marcus Clarke St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0402 388 781 2BR F

Call Agent

Hopetoun Cct

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0400 819 650 3BR C

Call Agent

507/19 Marcus Clarke St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0431 116 399 2BR F

Call Agent

7/63 Newdegate St

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0432 391 755 3BR A

Call Agent

508/21 Marcus Clarke St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0411 049 242 3BR E

Call Agent

4 Norman St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0413 218 957 4BR A

0408 848 622 5BR A

Call Agent

801/19 Marcus Clarke St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0431 116 399 2BR F

Call Agent

State Cir

The Village Building Co.

0448 891 019 2BR G

0411 244 874 5BR A

Call Agent

1202/2 Marcus Clarke St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0414 623 876 2BR G

Call Agent

State Cir

The Village Building Co.

0448 891 019 2BR H

205/2 Marcus Clarke St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0414 623 876 2BR H

Call Agent

43 Stonehaven Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 5BR B

Call Agent

116 Strickland Cr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 4BR A

6287 4577

CHAPMAN Thu 5:30-6:00 Sat 10:30-11:15

132 Darwinia Tce 35 Beaumont Cl

Peter Blackshaw Woden L.J. Hooker Manuka

Sat 10:30-11:00

132 Darwinia Tce

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0408 848 622 5BR A

Call Agent

Sat 2:00-2:45

4 Simmons Pl

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 622 420 6BR A

Call Agent

1009/19 Marcus Clark St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0411 466 077 3BR C

Sun 11:00-12:00 53 Doyle Tce

Edge Real Estate

0419 888 026 3BR D

Call Agent

21-23 Marcus Clark St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 3BR C

Call Agent

31 Bertel Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0408 848 622 4BR A

Call Agent

314/19 Marcus Clark St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0402 344 338 2BR F

Call Agent

10 Boucicault Pl

Bertram Ellis Chapman

0412 622 006 5BR B

Call Agent

603/19 Marcus Clark St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0402 344 338 1BR G

Call Agent

6 Howarth Pl

Edge Real Estate

0419 888 026 3BR B

Call Agent

21 Lincoln Cl

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 7BR C

Call Agent

21 Monkman St

Bertram Ellis Chapman

0412 622 006 4BR F U

Sat 2:15-3:00

31 Barringer St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

Call Agent

44 Monkman St

Ray White Canberra

0420 635 415 5BR B

Sat 2:45-3:15

14 James Smith Cct

Peter Blackshaw Woden

Call Agent

117 Perry Dr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 773 938 5BR A

Call Agent

14 Altson Cct

Call Agent



DICKSON Sat 1:30-2:30

52 Davenport St

Independent Dickson

0417 710 772 3BR A

Sun 3:00-4:00

52 Davenport St

Independent Dickson

0417 710 772 3BR A

Call Agent

41 Archer St

Richard Luton Properties

0409 042 396 3BR G U

0408 848 622 4BR G

Call Agent

24 Dutton St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR G

0411 414 624 4BR F

Call Agent

11-13 Majura Av

Independent Civic

02 6209 1700 1BR J

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 4BR I

Call Agent

19-23 Majura Av

Independent Civic

02 6209 1700 1BR J

61 Altson Cct

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR H

Call Agent

33 Majura Av

Rumbles Real Estate

0421 490 187 4BR F

Call Agent

25 Beaumaris St

Richard Luton Properties

0409 015 400 4BR I

Call Agent

85 Majura Av

Richard Luton Properties

0418 961 556 4BR A

02 6231 3100 4BR I

Call Agent

8 & 9 Mcgowan Pl

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0416 162 745 3BR B


Sat 12:00-12:30

5 Imlay Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 3BR J

Call Agent

9 Beaumaris St

The Real Estate Shop

Call Agent

6 Cooney Ct

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 3BR I

Call Agent

17 Darebin Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR H

Call Agent

9 Mcgowan Pl

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0416 162 745 3BR E U

Call Agent

20 Geeves Ct

Richard Luton Properties

0413 832 535 4BR I U

Call Agent

41 Florence Fuller Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 0BR A

Call Agent

11/14 Randell St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0431 116 399 1BR I

Call Agent

36 Jauncey Ct

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0410 632 527 3BR I

Call Agent

11/55 James Smith Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0412 635 019 3BR I

Call Agent

12/14 Randell St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0431 116 399 1BR I

Call Agent

2 Landale Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0416 017 072 3BR J

Call Agent

15 Jane Price Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0409 582 010 4BR A

Call Agent

1/42 Lhotsky St

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 2BR K U

Call Agent

36 Jane Price Cr

Colin McIntyre Property

0438 924 400 4BR A

Call Agent

56/42 Lhotsky St

Go Gecko Woden

0408 415 054 2BR K

Call Agent

10 Jane Sutherland St

Richard Luton Properties

0409 015 400 4BR H

Sat 10:00-10:30

26A Bonython St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0413 621 131 3BR B

Call Agent

9 Napthali Cl

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0410 632 527 3BR J

Call Agent

8 Jane Sutherland St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 4BR G

Sat 10:00-10:30

26A Bonython St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0413 621 131 3BR B

Call Agent

7 Weaver Pl

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0401 097 568 3BR K

Call Agent

14 John Russell Cct

Ray White Canberra

0418 294 192 3BR I

Sat 12:30-1:15

5 Bull St

Ray White Canberra

0422 454 383 3BR B

Call Agent

4 Winder Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 6BR H

Call Agent

19 John Russell Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR I

Call Agent

16 Atherton St

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 2BR H

Call Agent

3 Yuille Pl

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0401 097 568 3BR K U

Call Agent

5 Lethbridge St

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 3BR I

Call Agent

56 Atherton St

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 4BR A

Call Agent

9 Macgeorge Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 5BR G

Call Agent

19 Banfield St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0414 819 377 3BR H U

Call Agent

9 Montgomery Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 4BR B

Call Agent

11 Berry St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0414 819 377 4BR A



Call Agent

11/1 Chifley Pl

Taylors Real Estate

0409 625 194 2BR J U

Call Agent

5 Muskett Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0409 015 400 6BR B

Call Agent

31 Bonython St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 4BR G

Call Agent

1-5/131-133 Eggleston Cr

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0430 311 628 3BR H

Call Agent

15 Muskett Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 4BR B U

Call Agent

1/23 Bradfield St

Denise Flint Real Estate

0418 630 130 1BR L

Call Agent

31-35 Eggleston Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025


Call Agent

26 Richardson Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 4BR A

Call Agent

57 Cadell St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 4BR G

Call Agent

72 Eggleston Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 3BR A

Call Agent

66 Tom Roberts Av

Independent Tuggeranong

0407 231 788 4BR H

Call Agent

24 Cole St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0414 332 778 3BR A

Call Agent

31-35 Eggleston St

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574

Call Agent

32 Fenton St

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0409 574 178 3BR H U

Call Agent

9 Gledden St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 5BR A

Call Agent

12/38 Frencham St

Independent Tuggeranong

0413 506 316 1BR I

Call Agent

6 Mcdonald St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0404 066 119 4BR G

Call Agent

14 Aston Cr

Elders Belconnen

0407 808 717 3BR A

Call Agent

31 Gardiner St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0414 819 377 3BR H

Call Agent

19/7 Medley St

Premier Capital Properties

0409 920 000 2BR J

Call Agent

1/50 Dexter St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0411 793 937 3BR A

Call Agent

15 Giblin St

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 3BR A

Call Agent

43/17 Medley St

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 2BR K

Call Agent

52 Dwyer St

Independent Belconnen

0402 838 949 4BR G

Call Agent

12 Melba St

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 4BR A

Call Agent

59/17 Medley St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0402 943 191 2BR K

Call Agent

3/2 Sexton St

Elders Belconnen

0409 560 539 3BR I

Call Agent

77 Melba St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR G

Call Agent

23 Swinden St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 4BR G

Sat 10:45-11:30

6 Tullaroop St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 3BR A

Call Agent

8 Blowering St


0419 212 044 4BR H




CHISHOLM 0408 662 119 3BR A

Call Agent

17 Jim Bradley Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587



Sat 1:15-2:00

4 Flockton Pl

L.J. Hooker Manuka

Call Agent

12 Armfield Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 3BR H U

Call Agent

7 Berrell St

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 4BR H

Call Agent

15 Cathcart Cl

Karen Rush Real Estate

0418 285 737 3BR J U

Call Agent

Block 10, Section 36

Crace Realty

0402 326 405 3BR H

Call Agent

157 Burrinjuck Cr

Go Gecko Woden

0401 218 325 3BR I

Call Agent

1 Creal Pl

Colin McIntyre Property

0432 714 230 6BR G

Call Agent

Block 17, Section 37

Crace Realty

0402 326 405 4BR G

Call Agent

91 Dixon Dr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0404 066 119 4BR H

Call Agent

117 Deamer Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 3BR I U

Call Agent

21 Chance St

Crace Realty

18 0075 1878 3BR H U

Call Agent

1 Eppalock St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0414 910 798 4BR D

Call Agent

103 Heagney Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 5BR H U

Call Agent

23 Chance St

Crace Realty

18 0075 1878 4BR H U

Call Agent

22/18 Glenmaggie St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 2BR B U

Call Agent

125 Heagney Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0409 582 010 4BR A

Call Agent

7 Chance St

Crace Realty

18 0075 1878 3BR H U

Call Agent

46 Serpentine St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 208 244 2BR I

Call Agent

36 Kirkcaldie Cct

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 3BR I

Call Agent

97 Somerset St


0415 045 648 3BR H U

Call Agent

53 Lucy Gullett Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0424 288 717 4BR A

Call Agent

28 Mofflin St

Maria Selleck Properties

0416 071 735 3BR H

Call Agent

5 Mofflin St

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 3BR I

Call Agent

32 Nina Jones Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0431 602 251 4BR H

Call Agent

33 Swanton St

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 3BR I

Call Agent

21 Swanton St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR I

Call Agent

8 Sweet Pl

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0422 201 027 4BR A

Approximately 2 million page views per day.




Thu 12:30-1:00

20 Reynolds St

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 4BR A

Sat 9:45-10:15

42 Munro St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 3BR C

Sat 3:00-4:00

2 Matzek Pl

First National Gungahlin

0422 774 441 4BR I

Sat 10:30-11:15

82 Morgan Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 5BR A

Sun 3:00-4:00

2 Matzek Pl

First National Gungahlin

0422 774 441 4BR I

Sat 1:15-2:00

39 Bavin St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 3BR A

Call Agent

73 Branson St

Independent Gungahlin

0404 895 162 4BR H

Sat 1:15-2:00

5 Boucaut Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 4BR A

Call Agent

8 Chater Pl

Ray White Canberra

0438 547 240 4BR H

Sat 2:30-3:15

49 Jennings St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0417 459 427 4BR A

Call Agent

2 Coolgardie St

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0407 393 240 3BR I U

Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

CityNews  October 28-November 3  53

For photos, full descriptions and latest open times visit A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

Call Agent

10 De Mole St

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0432 391 755 4BR H

Call Agent

49 Evelyn Owen Cr

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 3BR J U

Call Agent

23 Excaliber St

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0405 415 645 1BR K U

Call Agent

4 Fleay Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 3BR J

Call Agent

29 Jonsson Ct

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 4BR H

Call Agent

72 Lance Hill Av

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 4BR H

Call Agent

11 Leggo Pl

Ray White Belconnen

0413 334 447 4BR H

Call Agent

30 Marchant Cct

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 4BR H U

Call Agent

63 Marchant Cct

Mewton Mayberry Real Estate 0410 601 312 4BR J

Call Agent

9 Mary Hall

Kashan Property Group

02 6156 2982 4BR G

Call Agent

19 Mcdonnell Cl

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 3BR B

Call Agent

3 Morrow St

Gold Creek Quality Property

02 6242 9777 5BR H U

Call Agent

41 Polwarth Cct

Independent Civic

0407 121 412 3BR I

Call Agent

5 Rossi Pl

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 3BR I U

Call Agent

7 Scurry St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0412 985 204 4BR H U

Call Agent

50 Shoobridge Cct

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 3BR I U

Call Agent

65 Shrivell Cct

Independent Tuggeranong

0408 225 968 4BR H

Call Agent

15 Swallow St


0400 509 262 3BR I U

Call Agent

2 Tarrant Cr

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 4BR I

Call Agent

19 Thornhill Cr

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

0434 985 345 2BR J U

Call Agent

Toft St

The Village Building Co.

0448 891 000 2BR J

EVATT Call Agent

68 Ashkanasy Cr

Elders Belconnen

0413 655 555 3BR I

Call Agent

5 Cahalan Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 3BR I U

Call Agent

19 Cawthorn Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR I U

Call Agent

100 Copland Dr

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0414 685 011 3BR I

Call Agent

47 Cutlack St

Premier Capital Properties

0409 920 000 4BR I

Call Agent

18 Freehill St

Ray White Belconnen

0411 037 137 3BR A

Call Agent

9 Hatfield St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 4BR A

Call Agent

13 Hayball Pl

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0417 483 627 4BR H

Call Agent

2 Jenks Pl

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0401 097 568 6BR F

Call Agent

17 Kissane Cr


0415 045 648 3BR I

Call Agent

3 Lavan Pl

The Home Loan Centre

0409 225 853 4BR H

Call Agent

4 Massey St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0401 097 568 3BR A

Call Agent

13/2 Mcclure St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0401 097 568 1BR J U

Call Agent

3/2 Mcclure St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0401 097 568 3BR I

Call Agent

4 Montagu Pl

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0421 032 120 2BR K

Call Agent

19-21 Norton St

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 1BR J

Call Agent

143 Owen Dixon Dr

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0418 242 743 3BR I

Call Agent

18 Sharwood Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 4BR A

Call Agent

46 Willis St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 3BR I


Call Agent

3 Kalgoorlie Cr

Karen Rush Real Estate

0418 288 650 3BR H

Call Agent

47 Henry Kendall St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR G

Call Agent

Kalgoorlie Cr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0402 304 781 3BR I

Call Agent

Henry Kendall St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0406 305 430 4BR G

Call Agent

9 Henry Kendal St

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288 4BR H 0400 819 650 1BR K


Call Agent

Unit 412 Henry Kendell

L.J. Hooker

Sat 11:30-12:30

5 Fawsitt Pl

Elders Belconnen

0409 560 539 3BR A

Call Agent

2 Hewett Cr

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Call Agent

37 Krefft St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0412 060 792 3BR A

Call Agent

159 Hoskins St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0414 332 778 4BR G U

Call Agent

4 Le Souef Cr

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 628 606 3BR I

Call Agent

18 Kylie Tenant St

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288 4BR H U

Call Agent

1/4 Stroud Pl

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0418 628 034 2BR A

Call Agent

56 Littlejohn La Stonebridge Independent Belconnen

0424 165 567 2BR I

Call Agent

Manning Clark Cr

L.J. Hooker

0408 488 148

Call Agent

13 Marie Pitt St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0414 910 798 5BR G U

Call Agent

21 Nancy Cato St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0416 162 745 5BR G

Call Agent

25 Nancy Cato St

Canreps Private Sales

6288 4444

Call Agent

Nancy Cato St

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 4BR B

Call Agent

12 Nina Murdoch

Premier Capital Properties

0422 266 555 4BR G

Call Agent

8 Nina Murdoch Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969 4BR G

Call Agent

144 Oodgeroo Ave

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 5BR F

Call Agent

28 Oodgeroo Av

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0423 967 766 4BR H

Call Agent

49 Oodgeroo Av

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 6BR E

Call Agent

73 Oodgeroo Av

Independent Gungahlin

0405 660 842 4BR G

Call Agent

138 Oodgeroo Av

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 5BR F

Call Agent

8 Patchett St

Premier Capital Properties

0409 920 000 6BR E

Call Agent

23 Petherick St

Apex Real Estate

0425 133 902 4BR G

Call Agent

6 Roxburgh St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 5BR F

Call Agent

30 Whitington St

Premier Capital Properties

0412 944 355 7BR E

Call Agent

7 Whitington St

Gold Creek Quality Property

02 6242 9777 4BR G

FLYNN Sat 11:30-12:15

12A Seddon Pl

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR H

Sat 12:30-1:30

4 Schwarz Pl

Elders Belconnen

0414 532 400 3BR A

Sat 2:00-2:45

9 Vogelsang Pl

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0418 628 043 4BR H

Sat 3:00-3:45

29 Wilkinson St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0418 628 043 3BR I

Call Agent

3 Barber Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0400 022 281 3BR I

Call Agent

32 Crawford Cr

Gold Creek Quality Property

02 6242 9777 4BR H

Call Agent

19 Hedland Cct

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0419 296 458 4BR A

Call Agent

12/7 Noble Pl

Elders Belconnen

0408 237 493 3BR I

FORDE Zakharov Av

Independent Belconnen

0419 000 079 3BR I

Sat 1:00-2:30

25 Leslie Dwyer St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Sat 1:00-2:30

1/1 Ridding St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR G

Sun 1:20-2:00

15 Beveridge Cr

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 5BR D

Sun 10:00-4:00

Zakharov Av

Independent Belconnen

0419 000 079 3BR I

Sun 1:00-2:30

25 Leslie Dwyer St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Sun 1:00-2:30

1/1 Ridding St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR G

Call Agent

12 Ada Baker St


0400 509 262 3BR H

Call Agent

33 Ada Baker St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0417 483 627 4BR F

Call Agent

25 Aida Ball Cct

Premier Capital Properties

0422 266 555 5BR G

Call Agent

27 Aida Ball Cct

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443

Call Agent

13 Amy Ackman St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 4BR G

Call Agent

6 Arndt St

PBS Homes

02 6101 9800 4BR H

Call Agent

Call Agent

10 Beveridge Cr

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

0407 025 177 4BR G

Call Agent

Call Agent

Block 8 Section 48

Premier Capital Properties

0409 920 000

Call Agent

Call Agent

8 Bromham St


0418 574 140 4BR F

Call Agent

41 David Walsh Av

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148

Call Agent

25 Eric Wright St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0417 483 627 4BR D

Call Agent

Call Agent

3 Eric Wright St

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987 2BR I

Call Agent

Call Agent

22 Helen Leonard Cr

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0417 483 627 4BR H

Call Agent

24 Helen Leonard Cr

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 4BR F

Call Agent

30 Helen Leonard Cr

Mewton Mayberry Real Estate 0401 488 561 4BR F

Call Agent

8 Helen Leonard Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 4BR F

Call Agent

13 Horneville


0418 574 140 4BR F

Call Agent

13 Ivy Kent St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Sun 2:30-3:15

8 Malindi Pl

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 3BR I

Call Agent

14 Ivy Kent St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Call Agent

5 Birubi Pl

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0418 242 743 3BR I U

Call Agent

16 Ivy Kent St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Call Agent

141 Chuculba Cr

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 4BR H

Call Agent

2 Jessie St

Richard Luton Properties

0412 635 019 4BR F

Call Agent

3/35 Kootingal St

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0418 242 743 2BR K

Call Agent

1 Leslie Dwyer


0418 574 140 3BR H

Call Agent

10 Lubuma Pl

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0416 014 431 3BR I U

Call Agent

4 Mantle St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736

Call Agent

6 Musca Pl

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0418 242 743 4BR H

Call Agent

1/2 Max Purnell St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR G U

Call Agent

34 Spica St

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 3BR I U

Call Agent

2/2 Max Purnell St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR G

Call Agent

5 Spica St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0411 092 990 3BR I

0418 620 735 5BR A




0418 626 254 4BR G

Call Agent

34 & 40 Max Purnell St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 4BR G

Sun 11:45-12:15 7/5 Foxton Cr

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 4BR G

Call Agent

36 & 38 Max Purnell St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 4BR H

Call Agent

31 Courtice Cl

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 4BR A

Call Agent

13 Octoman St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 4BR B

Call Agent

11 Coyne St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 3BR I

Call Agent

6 Oke St


0418 574 140

Call Agent

14 Maughan Cr

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 4BR G

Call Agent

12 Phyllis Frost St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR G

Call Agent

22 Partridge St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0402 304 781 4BR G

Call Agent

2/1 Ridding St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR G U

Call Agent

9 Payne Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0431 419 847 4BR G

Call Agent

Tom Nicholas Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0400 022 281 3BR I

Call Agent

43 Riordan St

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 5BR A

Call Agent

26 Zakharov


0418 574 140 3BR H

4 Riordan St



FADDEN HILLS Sat 1:00-1:30

6 Stopford Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 4BR E

Sat 1:00-1:30

5 Ord St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 4BR C

Call Agent

6 Luckins Pl

Independent Civic

0407 121 412 5BR E

Call Agent

5/8 Dominion Cct

Independent Dickson

0417 710 772 2BR H

Call Agent

8 Stopford Cr

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 5BR B

Call Agent

146/7 Empire Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0431 602 251 1BR I

Call Agent

39 Empire Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0431 419 847 5BR C


Call Agent

42/6 Empire Cct

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 2BR I U

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 5BR A

Call Agent

5/70 Franklin St

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR C

Sun 11:00-11:30 104 Hawkesbury Cr

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 4BR D

Call Agent

61 Franklin St

Berkely Residential

0402 595 016 3BR C

Call Agent

4 Betche Pl

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 4BR F

Call Agent

23 Furneaux St

Berkely Residential

0402 595 016 3BR B

Call Agent

17 Cameron St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418 623 352 4BR E

Call Agent

10/38 National Cct

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR A

Call Agent

3/9 Farrer Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 1BR L

Call Agent

42 National Cct

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 5BR A

Call Agent

17 Gatton St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0424 288 717 4BR A

Call Agent

110/19 State Cir

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 622 420 1BR H

Call Agent

30 Gluyas St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0417 285 528 3BR H

Call Agent

1 Talbot St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 697 844 4BR C

Call Agent

49C Lambrigg St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 2BR J

Call Agent

25a Tasmania Cir

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR B

Call Agent

1/32 Marshall St

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0407 393 240 2BR J

Call Agent

35 Tasmania Cir

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 5BR C

Call Agent

1 Molineaux Pl

Bright Partners Manuka

0419 394 555 4BR E

Call Agent

17 Tasmania Cir

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 5BR A

Call Agent

18 Steinwedel St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 997 894 3BR F

Call Agent

15 Wagga St

Karen Rush Real Estate

0418 288 650 4BR G

Call Agent

3 Werribee Cr

Ray White Canberra

0417 292 733 3BR A

Sat 2:00-2:45

73 Hawkesbury Cr



12 Alec Hope Cr

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288 5BR F

Call Agent

14 Alice Crist St

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288 5BR E U

Call Agent

14 Alice Crist St

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288

Sun 11:00-11:45 137 Kambalda Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0408 848 622 3BR I

Call Agent

8 Dorothy Green Cr

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

0407 025 177 4BR G U

Call Agent

26 Andamooka St

Bertram Ellis Chapman

0417 295 755 5BR F U

Call Agent

11 Ellinor Walker St


0400 509 262 4BR B

Call Agent

2/1 Avoca Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0402 230 057 3BR A

Call Agent

3 Ellinor Walker St

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0416 087 834 4BR H

Call Agent

67/177 Badimara St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0418 285 797 2BR K

Call Agent

Flemington Rd

L.J. Hooker

0402 914 037 1BR K

Call Agent

77/177 Badimara St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 628 606 2BR K

Call Agent

818 Flemington Rd

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0412 985 204 1BR K U

Call Agent

6 Ballarat St

Sadil Quinlan

0413 836 698 3BR B

Call Agent

2 Gwen Harwood La

Independent Dickson

0406 226 428

Call Agent

4 Bingara Pl

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 628 606 4BR H

Call Agent

96 Gwen Meredith Loop

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 5BR E

will find you the best buyer and trust your agent to maximise the price. 54  CityNews  October 28-November 3


Sat 10:00-4:00

L.J. Hooker Manuka

Sat 11:30-12:00




FRASER Call Agent

1/10 Champion Pl

Lita McKell Realty

0419 695 261 4BR I

Call Agent

23 Foskett St

Sadil Quinlan

0413 836 698 4BR B U

Call Agent

1-3/25 Nott St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 3BR I

69 Brereton St

Ray White Canberra

0420 635 415 4BR B

2/43 Fitchett St

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 3BR H

34 Gilmore Cr

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 4BR F

21 Aronson Cr

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 4BR H

9 Fenston Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR I U

Call Agent

4 Gellatly Pl

Colin McIntyre Property

0438 924 400 3BR I

Call Agent

1a & 1b/ 25 Hambridge

Kashan Property Group

02 6156 2982 3BR B

Call Agent

91 Rischbieth Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0417 681 981 4BR H



GLENEAGLES Sat 8:30-9:00

3 Macneil Pl

Richard Luton Properties

Sat 11:00-11:45

13 James Scott Cl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR E

Call Agent

4 Bolger Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 4BR D

Call Agent

5 Cremin Cl

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 628 641 4BR B

Call Agent

40 Ivo Whitton Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 4BR B

Call Agent

1 Lempriere Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 4BR C

Call Agent

19 Lempriere Cr

Independent Belconnen

0434 647 792 4BR A

GOOGONG Call Agent

13 Mcintyre Cr

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0429 122 700 3BR G

Call Agent

144 Wickerslack La

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 7BR E

GORDON Thu 5:30-6:00

9 Staunton Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 4BR A

Call Agent

4 Beaufort Rtt

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 4BR G

Call Agent

12 Braddon Pl

Ray White Tuggeranong

0408 166 833 6BR A

Call Agent

12 Cerutty Cr

Ray White Canberra

0420 635 415 3BR B U

Call Agent

19 Cerutty Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0409 015 400 0BR G

Call Agent

18 Chipperfield Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR I

Call Agent

26 Churchill Wy

Richard Luton Properties

0402 024 447 5BR F

Call Agent

9/20 Darcy Cl

Richard Luton Properties

0418 961 556 3BR J

Call Agent

32 Fingleton Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 3BR H

Call Agent

Gaylard Pl

PRDnationwide Canberra

0402 388 781 4BR H

Call Agent

4/11 Hansel Pl

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 3BR I U

Call Agent

130 Jim Pike Av

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 4BR I

Call Agent

83 Jim Pike Av

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0408 022 602 3BR J U

Call Agent

50 Kirkwood Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR H

Call Agent

9/167 Knoke Av

Go Gecko Woden

0401 218 325 3BR J

Call Agent

4 Mckivat Cl

Ray White Belconnen

0411 037 137 3BR I

Call Agent

18/71 Mina Wylie Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0409 015 400 3BR J U

Call Agent

11 Myles Connell Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0409 446 289 3BR I

Call Agent

65 Myles Connell Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969 4BR H

Call Agent

14 Noel Ryan Gdns

Ray White Tuggeranong

0434 844 981 4BR H

Call Agent

27 Oxenham Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR I

Call Agent

16 Popplewell Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 3BR J U

Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

Canberra Region Property Summary A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

Call Agent

15 Robert Lewis Ct

Independent Tuggeranong

0418 633 208 5BR B

Call Agent

13/13 Sherwood Cct

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 830 598 2BR K

Call Agent

21 Woodfull Loop

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR I U

GOWRIE Sat 11:00-11:45

28 Coningham St

Ray White Tuggeranong

0414 622 926 4BR A

Sat 12:00-12:45

1 Peeler Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 4BR H

Sat 12:15-1:00

25 Dalziel St

Ray White Tuggeranong

0414 622 926 3BR I

Call Agent

9 Easterbrook Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0424 288 717 4BR I

Call Agent

11 Mcclaughry

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 3BR I U

Call Agent

39 Middleton Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0408 879 936 4BR G

Call Agent

7 Minchin Pl

Go Gecko Woden

0401 218 325 3BR I

Call Agent

11 Minchin Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR B

Call Agent

284 Sternberg Cr

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 628 606 5BR H

Call Agent

6 Woods Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969 3BR A

Call Agent Call Agent Call Agent

12 Beston Pl 31 Lonergan Dr 64 Severne St 11 Woodman Pl

Maxwell & Co Real Estate Hodgkinson Tuggeranong Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

73 Sarre St

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0414 734 185 4BR G

Call Agent

16 Rice Pl

Independent Tuggeranong

0407 231 788 3BR J U

Call Agent

1/29 Tea Gdns

Ray White Belconnen

0432 028 645 3BR I U

Call Agent

151 Starke St

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0417 436 802 4BR B

Call Agent

29/158 Starke St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR J U

Call Agent

21 Trickett St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 3BR I

Call Agent

22, 24 & 26 Trumper St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418 623 352 3BR B

HACKETT Call Agent

77 Mackenzie St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 5BR A

Call Agent

111 Madigan St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0416 014 431 3BR G

Call Agent

9/48 Madigan St

Richard Luton Properties

0409 042 396 2BR I


HUGHES Thu 12:00-1:00

9 Bisdee St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 3BR I

Sat 11:30-12:15

6 Tudor Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 152 607 4BR A

Call Agent

24 Birril Cl

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 6BR C

Sat 2:45-3:30

2 Mcnicoll St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 4BR A

Call Agent

19 Gladstone St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 5BR B U

Wed 5:30-6:15

6 Tudor Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 152 607 4BR A

Call Agent

24 Palmer St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 3BR C

Call Agent

45 Birdwood St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 4BR A

Call Agent

57/27 Coxen St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 1BR L U

Call Agent

1 Goble St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 198 891 3BR F U

Call Agent

82 Groom St

Laurrie Scheele

0407 958 881 4BR F

Call Agent

19 Lynch St

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 4BR F U

HARCOURT HILL Sat 11:45-12:45

8 Seaborn Pl

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0413 621 131 4BR B

Sat 12:00-12:30

21 Mcauliffe Ct

Elders Belconnen

0428 486 692 4BR A

Sat 2:30-3:15

38 Mcclelland Av

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 5BR F

Sun 1:00-2:00

38 Mcclelland Av

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 5BR F

Call Agent

10 Ayres-fowler St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 4BR E

Sat 11:30-12:00

16 Corrigan Pl

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0400 545 343 4BR F

Call Agent

14 Fleetwood-smith St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0403 808 780 4BR E

Sat 12:30-1:15

64 Ngunawal Dr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 198 891 5BR A

Call Agent

Hendry Cl

Simplicity Real Estate

0402 326 405 4BR C

Sat 2:00-2:45

9 Story Pl

Ray White Canberra

0422 454 383 4BR B

Call Agent

20 Mcauliffe Ct

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 4BR F

Sat 3:45-4:30

65 William Wilkins Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 5BR B

Call Agent

5 Oldershaw Ct

Richard Luton Properties

0418 625 162 4BR G

Call Agent

16 Alexander Mackie Cct

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 4BR B

Call Agent

19 Oldershaw Ct

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0414 910 798 4BR F

Call Agent

1 Boehm Cl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0408 022 602 3BR A

Call Agent

70 Sue Geh Cct

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 4BR E

Call Agent

10 Broinowski Pl

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 5BR E

0416 182 379 4BR E

Call Agent

136 Temperley St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 5BR B

Call Agent

5 Dettmann Cl

Ray White Canberra

0417 292 733 3BR B U

0429 122 700 5BR E

Call Agent

Wendy Ey Pl

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0422 927 671 4BR G U

Call Agent

1 Edney Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969 4BR A

Call Agent

144 Julia Flynn Av

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR F

Call Agent

1 Rooney Pl

Bright Partners Manuka


Call Agent

0429 122 700 6BR B

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0429 122 700 4BR B U


HARRISON Sat 11:45-12:30

16 Moonlight Av

Richard Luton Properties

0411 781 863 4BR H


0419 394 555 4BR E


Sat 12:15-1:00

41 Moonlight Av


0418 975 125 4BR H

Call Agent

9/120 Althllon Dr

Independent Civic

0421 647 750 2BR I

Sat 1:30-2:15

18 Careel St

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR G

Call Agent

2/12 Bandulla St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR J

Call Agent

128-142 Anketell St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0447 283 052

Sat 3:30-4:00

1 Hazelgrove St

Richard Luton Properties

0410 542 667 4BR A

Call Agent

54 Collyburl Cr

Independent Tuggeranong

0414 985 800 4BR H U

Call Agent

13/108 Athllon Dr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 2BR I U

Call Agent

50 Anchorage St

Independent Gungahlin

0405 660 842 4BR H U

Call Agent

35/51 Cromwell Cct

Ray White Tuggeranong

0408 166 833 3BR J U

Call Agent

8-114 Athllon Dr

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 2BR B

Call Agent

1 Angora St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0412 985 204 4BR G

Call Agent

12 Hadleigh Cct

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 3BR I U

Call Agent

5 Dods Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0409 446 289 3BR I

Call Agent

7 Cosy Cr

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0419 296 458 4BR H U

Call Agent

65 Hadleigh Cct

Ray White Belconnen

0432 028 645 4BR A

Call Agent

24/58 Eileen Good St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 2BR I

Call Agent

24 Cudgewa La

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0414 332 778 3BR A

Call Agent

68 Hadleigh Cct

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 4BR I

Call Agent

27/2 Eileen Good St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 1BR K U

Call Agent

3 Cudgewa La

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0416 162 745 4BR I

Call Agent

35 Keverstone Cct

Ray White Canberra

0417 292 733 3BR I

Call Agent

34/58 Eileen Good St

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 3BR I

Call Agent

107 Cultivation St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 4BR F

Call Agent

7 Moonbi Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0409 582 010 3BR I U

Call Agent

41/2 Eileen Good St

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 3BR D

Call Agent

61 Kalianna St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 4BR F

Call Agent

72 Werriwa Cr

Ray White Tuggeranong

0408 166 833 4BR A

Call Agent

64 Eileen Good St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR A

Call Agent

2 Karamu St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 5BR F

Call Agent

47 Grounds Cr

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 3BR G

Call Agent

7 Keppel St

Gold Creek Quality Property

02 6242 9777 4BR H U

Call Agent

2/7 Grounds Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR H U

Call Agent

1 Keppel St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0414 819 377 4BR G

Sat 10:30-11:30

32 Walker Cr

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0428 426 911 4BR H

Call Agent

47 Mapleton Av

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0412 985 204 4BR H

Sat 11:00-12:00

16 Dennis Pl

Independent Woden

0411 560 549 5BR B

Call Agent

68 Mapleton Av

Ian McNamee & Partners

0402 304 781 4BR H

Sat 3:00-3:45

7 Turner Pl

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 3BR A




Sat 10:30-11:15

9 Grant Cr

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 4BR A

Call Agent

Mapleton Av

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 4BR H

Sat 3:00-3:45

171 Waterfall Dr

Richard Luton Properties

0411 781 863 4BR B

Sat 11:00-11:45

66 Jansz Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 5BR A

Call Agent

Mapleton Av

ParkTrent Properties Group

02 6247 2155 4BR H

Call Agent

196 Bicentennial Dr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 4BR G

Sat 12:00-1:00

69 Captain Cook Cr

PRDnationwide Canberra

0418 429 470 4BR C

Call Agent

1/26 Mapleton Av,


0415 045 648 4BR H

Call Agent

5/4 Brudenell Dr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 3BR I

Sat 12:00-12:45

10 Hovell St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 5BR C

Call Agent

15 Oberon Cl

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Call Agent

57 Brudenell Dr

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Sat 12:30-1:15

22 Carstensz St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 4BR A

Call Agent

31 Pildappa St

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 4BR G

Call Agent

84 Brudenell Dr

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 4BR H U

Sat 1:30-2:00

77 Flinders Wy

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 4BR A

Call Agent

Saltbush St

Real Estate Australia

0418 625 375 4BR H

Call Agent

9/17 Brudenell Dr

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 2BR J

Sat 3:45-4:30

19 Lefroy St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 3BR A

Call Agent

35 Tanami St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0419 296 458 4BR F

Call Agent

54 Carolyn Jackson Dr

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Sun 11:15-12:00 13 Bass Gdns

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 4BR A

Call Agent

23 Windjana St


0400 509 262 4BR B

Call Agent

7 Carolyn Jackson Dr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 5BR F

Sun 12:45-1:30

6 Throsby Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0416 017 072 3BR A

Call Agent

15 Windjana St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 4BR D

Call Agent

52 Carolyn Jackson Dr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 5BR B

Call Agent

46 Barrallier St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 4BR A

Call Agent

8 Coora Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR G

Call Agent

94 Canberra Av

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 3BR D

Call Agent

21 Coral Dr

Richard Luton Properties

Call Agent

57/18 Captain Cook Cr

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 1BR I

Call Agent

13 Kurundi Pl

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0412 060 792 4BR C

Call Agent

1/4 Ella Cl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025

Call Agent

112 Carnegie Cr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 3BR F

Call Agent

22 Marrakai St

Ray White Belconnen

0411 037 137 5BR A

Call Agent

7/23 Elm Wy

Independent Woden

0413 909 158 2BR J

Call Agent

1/9 Dawes St

Elders Kingston

0425 309 087 2BR I

Call Agent

19 Marrakai St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0412 060 792 4BR E U

Call Agent

13 Elm Wy

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 4BR A

Call Agent

2/9 Favenc Cir

Independent Tuggeranong

0413 506 316 3BR C

Call Agent

2 Mataranka St

Ray White Belconnen

0411 037 137 4BR F

Call Agent

12 English Gr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR G

Call Agent

7 Hann St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 4BR C

Call Agent

5 Eucalypt Rise

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 4BR D

Call Agent

50 Jansz Cr

Edge Real Estate

0419 888 026 4BR C

Call Agent

20 Firethorn Pl

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701 4BR A

Call Agent

104 Jansz Cr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 997 894 3BR A

Call Agent

47 Firethorn Pl

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 4BR E

Call Agent

13 Lefroy St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 697 844 3BR A

Call Agent

2 Glenora Ct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 4BR A

Call Agent

2/9-15 Oxley St

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 3BR H U

Call Agent

16 Goolara Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 5BR B

Call Agent

34/1 Oxley St

Purnell Citywide

0418 628 199 1BR J U

Call Agent

2 Grady Pl

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 3BR G U

Call Agent

30 Stuart St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 3BR C

Call Agent

Halloran Dr

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 4BR G

Call Agent

40/13-15 Sturt Av

Blandfordia Real Estate

0413 999 646 3BR H U

Call Agent

26 Halloran Dr

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 4BR E

Call Agent

200 Halloran Dr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 5BR E U

Call Agent

5/3 Homestead Gdns

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 3BR I U

Call Agent

26 Ironbark Cct

Ray White Canberra

0414 629 996 4BR A

Call Agent

28 Jacaranda Dr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 4BR G

Call Agent

49 Kinleyside Av

Independent Tuggeranong

0413 506 316 4BR A

Call Agent

10 Laurel Pl

Ian McNamee & Partners

0403 604 888 3BR G U

Call Agent

Lomandra Pl

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Call Agent

30 Maple Cr

PRDnationwide Canberra

0411 466 077 4BR F

Call Agent

Morella Av

Dwyer Dunn

0418 623 324 4BR B

Call Agent

11 Murruba Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR E U

Call Agent

12 Myrtle Cl

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 4BR D

Call Agent

14 Myrtle Cl

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 5BR C

Call Agent

4 Nyora Pl

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 4BR G U

Call Agent

29 Pannamena Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0419 492 079 4BR G

Call Agent

4 Pannamena Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0419 492 079 4BR G

Call Agent

7 Robinia Pl

Ian McNamee & Partners

0403 604 888 4BR G

Call Agent

4 Toolagal Pl

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 4BR G U

Call Agent

Tooroonga Cr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 3BR I

Call Agent

8/1 Torpy Pl

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Call Agent

3/9 Walker Cr

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 2BR J


240 Anthony Rolfe Av


0418 975 125 3BR I

Call Agent

268 Anthony Rolfe Av

Mewton Mayberry Real Estate 0410 601 312 4BR H

Call Agent

72 Ayrton St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 4BR H U

Call Agent

6 Birdseye La

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0412 985 204 4BR I U

Call Agent

23 Braggett St

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

0407 025 177 4BR F

Call Agent

52 Bruning St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 5BR G

Call Agent

Cantamessa Av

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0400 545 343 4BR H

Call Agent

44 Dame Zara St

Premier Capital Properties

0409 920 000 6BR B

Call Agent

32 Dame Zara St

Gold Creek Quality Property

02 6242 9777 5BR H

Call Agent

21 Dame Zara St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 4BR G

Call Agent

3 Elm Gr

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0423 967 766 3BR I U

Call Agent

15/90 Gozzard St

Independent Gungahlin

0404 895 162 1BR K

Call Agent

350 Gundaroo Dr

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 1BR K

Call Agent

21/6 Gungahlin Pl

Independent Belconnen

0402 838 949 1BR K

Call Agent

25 Gungahlin Pl

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0412 609 890 3BR I U

Call Agent

B306/100 Gungahlin Pl

Go Gecko Woden

0414 212 332 1BR K

Call Agent

Ian Potter Cr

Ray White Belconnen

0422 442 413 4BR H U

Call Agent

75 Mary Gillespie Ave

Independent Gungahlin

0416 135 270 3BR I

Call Agent

90 Phyllis Ashton Cct

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

0407 025 177 4BR B


HIGGINS Call Agent

3 Cussen St

Ray White Belconnen

0422 442 413 3BR I U

Call Agent

4 Lutwyche St

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 4BR H

HOLDER Call Agent

2/51 Blackwood Tce

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 3BR I U

Call Agent

5 Govett Pl

Independent Belconnen

0439 556 617 2BR I U

Call Agent

8 Maclachlan St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 3BR B

Call Agent

12/63 Pearson St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0406 866 007 2BR J U

Call Agent

15 Percival St

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 3BR A

HOLT Sat 10:30-11:30

1 Giltinan Pl

PRDnationwide Canberra

0411 466 077 2BR K

Sat 11:30-12:00

34/68 Hardwick Cr

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0401 208 572 2BR K

Sun 10:30-11:30 1 Giltinan Pl

PRDnationwide Canberra

0411 466 077 2BR K

Call Agent

43/23 Blackham St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0422 927 671 3BR J U

Call Agent

12 Bonner Cl

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0417 436 802 3BR I

Call Agent

7/131 Britten-jones Dr

Elders Belconnen

0413 473 342 3BR I U

Call Agent

19 Coverdale St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 3BR I

Call Agent

27 Coverdale St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 3BR I

Call Agent

156 Drake Brockman Dr

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0414 730 849 2BR K U

Call Agent

53/68 Hardwick Cr


0400 509 262 1BR L U

Call Agent

6/68 Hardwick Cr

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 1BR L U

Call Agent

84/68 Hardwick Cr

Independent Dickson

0407 466 199 3BR J U

Call Agent

90/68 Hardwick Cr

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0407 393 240 1BR L U

Call Agent

25 Pickworth St

Go Gecko Woden

0408 415 054 4BR I U

Call Agent

10/2 Postle Cct

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0407 393 240 2BR B

Call Agent

22 Postle Cct

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0417 436 802 3BR B

Call Agent

4/49 Postle Cct

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0422 201 027 2BR A

Looking for a home this weekend? Order your inspections efficiently.

Trip Plan.



0411 878 587 3BR H B



Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

CityNews  October 28-November 3  55

For photos, full descriptions and latest open times visit A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

Call Agent

159/53 Eyre St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 2BR H

Call Agent

Road 17 - Section Ee

Kashan Property Group

02 6156 2982 3BR I

Call Agent

20/47 Eyre St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 198 891 2BR I

Call Agent

17 Road Pl

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 3BR I

Call Agent

5/67 Eyre St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 628 641 3BR C

Call Agent

Victor Chang


0418 574 140 3BR I

Call Agent

9/57 Eyre St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 628 641 3BR C

Call Agent

9 Victor Chang St

Independent Gungahlin

0418 632 217 3BR I

Call Agent

29a/43-51 Giles St

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

0407 025 177 2BR I

Call Agent

48/71 Giles St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 1BR I

Call Agent

62/71 Giles St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 3BR E

Call Agent

32 Elizabeth St

Elders Belconnen

0407 808 717 4BR A

Call Agent

64/71 Giles St

Independent Tuggeranong

0413 506 316 3BR C

Call Agent

35 Richmond St

Elders Belconnen

0407 808 717 3BR A

Call Agent

28/21 Wiseman St


0415 045 648 1BR B

Call Agent

2 Wark Pl

Raine & Horne

0412 627 953 3BR A

Call Agent

Giles St

Independent Tuggeranong

0413 506 316 3BR F

Call Agent

79 Waterfall Dr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 4BR D

Call Agent

16/31 Howitt St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0417 285 528 2BR A

Call Agent

9 Weeroona Pl

Ian McNamee & Partners

0403 604 888 4BR G U

Call Agent

20/15 Howitt St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0400 667 915 2BR I

Call Agent

17 Winter Pl

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Call Agent

25/15 Howitt St

Purnell Citywide

0418 628 199 2BR I

Call Agent

18 Woodhill Link

Richard Luton Properties

0417 681 981 4BR G

Call Agent

25/9 Howitt St

Independent Woden

0407 245 177 2BR A

Call Agent

23/4-6 Jardine St

Manuka Prestige Property

6295 1100

Call Agent

25/9 Jardine St

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 2BR C




Call Agent

61 Alberga St

Go Gecko Woden

0414 212 332 5BR B

Call Agent

325-15 Jardine St

Colin McIntyre Property

0410 481 260 3BR G

Call Agent

23/112 Baldwin Dr

Independent Dickson

0417 209 415 3BR I

Call Agent

126/15 Jardine St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 997 894 2BR I

Call Agent

35/112 Baldwin Dr

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0414 734 185 3BR I

Call Agent

47/47 Kennedy St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 2BR I U

Call Agent

17 Balonne St

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 3BR H

Call Agent

135/54 Printers Wy

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 3BR E

Call Agent

5 Brunswick Cct

Sadil Quinlan

0413 836 698 4BR H

Call Agent

1/43 Printers Wy

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR E

Call Agent

38 Burnett St

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 4BR H

Call Agent

91/56 Printers Wy

PRDnationwide Canberra

0431 116 399 3BR F

Call Agent

12 Campaspe Cct

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0416 087 834 3BR I

Call Agent

6/49 Printers Wy

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 628 641 3BR C

Call Agent

96 Diamantina Cr

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0430 311 628 4BR G

Call Agent

14/56-58 Wentworth Av

Sadil Quinlan

0414 631 607 3BR G

Call Agent

55 Gairdner Cct

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0411 092 990 4BR H

Call Agent

3/47 Wentworth Av

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0431 419 847 1BR B

Call Agent

307 Maribyrnong Av

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0416 087 834 4BR A

Call Agent

35/35 Wentworth Av

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 1BR J

Call Agent

83 Maribyrnong Av

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0416 087 834 3BR I U

Call Agent

10 Oakover Cct

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0416 087 834 3BR A

Call Agent

38 Pokana Cct

Ray White Canberra

0439 609 736 4BR G

Call Agent

1/22 Denny St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 2BR J

Call Agent

38 Rubicon St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 622 420 3BR I

Call Agent

2/22 Denny St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 3BR I

Call Agent

38 Tambo St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR I

Call Agent

16 Kinchela Cr

Elders Belconnen

0409 560 539 3BR I

Call Agent

40 Yarra St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR H

Call Agent

100 Macrossan Cr

Elders Belconnen

0407 808 717 4BR H

Call Agent

6 Macrossan Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0400 022 281 3BR I

Call Agent

5 Moorehead Pl

Independent Gungahlin

0404 895 162 2BR J



Thu 5:15-5:45

59 Livingston Av

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0413 453 489 5BR H

Call Agent

2/15 Wanliss St

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 3BR J

Thu 5:30-6:00

97 Allchin Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0423 900 640 4BR A

Call Agent

1 Wanliss St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313

Sat 11:00-11:45

92 Bacchus Circtuit

Colin McIntyre Property

0432 714 230 4BR I

Sat 1:00-2:00

36 Mckillop Cct

Rumbles Real Estate

0449 127 695 4BR I

Sat 2:00-3:00

1/15 Wyselaskie Cct

Karen Rush Real Estate

0418 285 737 3BR I

Sat 10:45-11:30

15 Archibald St

Blandfordia Real Estate

0413 999 646 3BR A

Call Agent

7 Aitken Cct

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 3BR B

Sat 11:30-12:15

72/50 Ellenborough St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 622 420 3BR G

Call Agent

102 Allchin Cct

Independent Tuggeranong

0419 224 256 6BR E U

Call Agent

24/22 Archibald St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0401 605 919 2BR J

Call Agent

10/35 Ashby Cct

Raine & Horne Woden

0414 444 673 3BR J

Call Agent

74/22 Archibald St


0400 509 262 2BR I

Call Agent

1/1 Bateman St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 2BR J

Call Agent

83 Archibald St

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 3BR G U

Call Agent

33 Bateman St

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0413 453 489 4BR I U

Call Agent

53/22 Archibald St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 2BR J

Call Agent

8 Bateman St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 4BR B

Call Agent

37/21 Cossington Smith Cr Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR I U

Call Agent

84 Boddington Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 830 598 3BR I

Call Agent

4/22 De Burgh St

L.J. Hooker

0402 914 037 1BR J

Call Agent

10 Buckley Cct

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 3BR I

Call Agent

132/50 Ellenborough St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 3BR G

Call Agent

17 Castley Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0402 225 405 4BR A

Call Agent

36 Fernyhough Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 3BR B

Call Agent

4 Crichton Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR G

Call Agent

19/15 Fox Pl

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0416 014 431 3BR H U

Call Agent

10 Deeley Pl

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0408 487 209 4BR H U

Call Agent

46 Goodwin St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR G

Call Agent

6 Dempster Pl

0423 699 664 3BR I

Call Agent

116 Lewin St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0439 780 301 4BR G

Call Agent

5 Dinnison Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0418 669 655 4BR A

Call Agent

1 Mouat St

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213


Call Agent

4-6 Everard Pl

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 1BR J

Call Agent

59/12 Oliver St

Dwyer Dunn

0418 623 324


Call Agent

15 Fitzalan St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0423 900 640 6BR A

Call Agent

25 Owen St

Independent Belconnen

0411 507 679 2BR H

Call Agent

17 Fitzalan St

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969 4BR A

Call Agent

47C/58 Wattle St


0419 212 044 2BR K

Call Agent

8 Fitzalan St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 669 655 4BR A

Call Agent

6 Gallagher St

Independent Tuggeranong

0418 633 208 4BR H

Call Agent

10 Horton Pl

Colin McIntyre Property

0410 481 260 3BR B

Sun 10:00-10:45 24 Lutana St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 5BR A

Call Agent

7a & 7b Jens Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0417 285 528 6BR F

Call Agent

1B Chappell St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0417 646 417 3BR B

Call Agent

67 Karney Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0438 627 772 3BR B

Call Agent

8C/52 Deloraine St

Richard Luton Properties

0412 334 725 1BR L

0418 669 655 4BR A

Call Agent

34 Launceston St


0415 045 648 4BR F

0411 414 624 3BR H U

Call Agent

56/179 Melrose Dr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 152 607 2BR L

0411 878 587 3BR I

Call Agent

1/140 Theodore St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 4BR E

Call Agent

2/3-5 Ulverstone St

Richard Luton Properties

0412 635 019 3BR G U

Call Agent Call Agent

5 Knight Pl 129 Learmonth Dr

Richard Luton Properties Peter Blackshaw Woden

Call Agent

99 Livingston Av

Richard Luton Properties

Call Agent

38 Mackay Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 3BR B

Call Agent

5 Magarey Pl

Independent Tuggeranong

0413 506 316 5BR A

Call Agent

128 Marconi Crs

Independent Belconnen

0402 838 949 4BR I

Call Agent

54 Mckillop Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0411 049 242 3BR I

Call Agent

91 Mckillop Cct

Colin McIntyre Property

0432 714 230 4BR I

Call Agent

2 Oldfield Cct

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 3BR I U

Call Agent

8/49 Pinkerton Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR J U

Call Agent

1 Simson Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 773 938 3BR I

Call Agent

59 Springbett St

Independent Tuggeranong

0414 985 800 4BR I U

Call Agent

56 Summerland Cct

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 3BR B U

Call Agent

25 Symers St

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 3BR H

Call Agent

1 Trimmer Pl

Ray White Tuggeranong

0408 166 833 3BR I U

Call Agent

18 Weavell Pl

0423 699 664 3BR I U

KINGSTON Sat 12:00-12:45

79/55 Dawes St

Blandfordia Real Estate

0413 999 646 3BR D

Sat 12:30-1:15

11/58 Wentworth Av

Elders Kingston

0425 309 087 2BR G

Sat 2:15-3:00

27/9 Eastlake Pde

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 2BR D

Sun 11:00-11:45 14 Waygoose St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 3BR C

Sun 12:00-12:45 27/9 Eastlake Pde

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 2BR D

Call Agent

152/81 Kennedy St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0400 667 915 2BR I U

Call Agent

39/51 Dawes St

Sadil Quinlan

0414 631 607 2BR H

Call Agent

86 Dawes St

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 4BR B

Call Agent

17 Eastlake Pde

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0408 118 519

Call Agent

68/11 Eastlake Pde

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 3BR C

Call Agent

75/11 Eastlake Pde

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 2BR B

Call Agent

32/9 Eastlake Pde

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 2BR E





35 Falkiner Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0409 446 289 6BR A

Call Agent

15 Jackie Howe Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969 3BR H U

Call Agent

96 Jackie Howe Cr

Independent Tuggeranong

0418 633 208 4BR G


MAWSON Sat 2:00-2:45

22 Aurora Cl

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0418 285 797 3BR A

Sun 12:00-12:45 22 Aurora Cl

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0418 285 797 3BR A

Call Agent

34 Aurora Cl

Raine & Horne Woden

0414 444 673 5BR F

Call Agent

1-8/22-24 Du Faur Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0412 635 019 3BR G

Call Agent

16/6 Heard St

Raine & Horne Woden

0414 444 673 2BR K

Call Agent

18/6 Heard St

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0432 391 755 2BR K U

Call Agent

7 Hoseason St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0423 900 640 4BR A

Call Agent

2/110 Mawson Dr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0429 077 080 3BR B

Call Agent

18 Power St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 4BR H

Call Agent

18/1 Wilkins St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0400 545 343 3BR I

Call Agent

23/4 Wilkins St

Richard Luton Properties

0404 011 163 1BR L

Call Agent

44/4 Wilkins St

Purnell Citywide

0418 628 199 1BR L

MCKELLAR Sat 9:30-10:00

64 Dumas St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 4BR A

Call Agent

144 Dumas St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0411 466 077 4BR H U

Call Agent

121 Dumas St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 3BR B

Call Agent

31 Hetherington Cct

Ray White Belconnen

0413 334 447 4BR H

Call Agent

1 William Webb Dr

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288 4BR F

Sat 10:30-11:15

33 Alfred Hill Dr

Richard Luton Properties

0416 017 072 4BR H

Call Agent

44 Boult Pl

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0405 415 645 2BR J U

Call Agent

5 Buckman Pl


0400 509 262 3BR I U

Call Agent

20 Carandini St

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0405 415 645 4BR A

Call Agent

17 Goldner Cct


0400 509 262 3BR I U

Call Agent

30 Grainger Cct

Ray White Belconnen

0432 028 645 3BR I U

Call Agent

7 Horsley Cr

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0418 242 743 3BR A

Call Agent

5 Laver Pl

Ray White Belconnen

0432 028 645 4BR B U

Call Agent

55 Mceachern Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 4BR H

Call Agent

26 Sampson Cl

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 5BR G

02 6231 3100 3BR I


MONASH Call Agent

43/67 Barraclough Cr

The Real Estate Shop

Call Agent

6 Catani Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR A

Call Agent

28 Charleston St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0402 225 405 4BR G

Call Agent

31/174 Clive Steele Av

Richard Luton Properties

0408 879 936 3BR B

Call Agent

98 Clive Steele Av

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR H

Call Agent

29 Cowdery Pl

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 4BR H

Call Agent

23 Fisk St

Colin McIntyre Property

0458 726 579 4BR B U

Call Agent

17 Kneeshaw St

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 4BR G U

Call Agent

14 Pickering St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR A

Call Agent

3 Sambell Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 4BR A

Call Agent

26 Seaver St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 4BR G

Call Agent

78 Sturdee Cr

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

Call Agent

12 Wheadon St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 3BR B

0437 357 855 3BR I U

MURRUMBATEMAN Sun 11:30-12:30 3 Lakeview Dr

Elders Belconnen

0409 221 407 5BR E

Sun 12:30-1:15

1 Lakeview Dr

Ray White Canberra

0432 028 645 4BR F

Sun 1:00-2:00

2 Ambleside Av

Elders Belconnen

0409 221 407 4BR G

Sun 1:45-2:30

Linden Cl

Ray White Canberra

0419 442 417 6BR A

Sun 2:30-3:30

15 Middle St

Elders Belconnen

0409 221 407 3BR I

Call Agent

16 Barley Pl

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 4BR F

Call Agent

5 Barley Pl

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 4BR G U

Call Agent

3001 Barton Hwy

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 5BR C

Call Agent

3071 Barton Hwy

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 3BR B

Call Agent

888 Birradilli La

Horizon Real Estate

0404 870 026

Call Agent

23 Camp St

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 3BR I U


Call Agent

6 Bennie St

Capital First National

0418 832 091 3BR J

Call Agent

273 Casuarina La

Richard Luton Properties

0411 781 863 5BR C

Call Agent

7 Clement Pl

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0412 060 792 3BR I U

Call Agent

4 Crisps La

Richard Luton Properties

0411 781 863

Call Agent

12/3 Constance Stone St

Independent Civic

0412 815 463 3BR J

Call Agent

5 Dorset Dr

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 5BR G U

Call Agent

33 Constance Stone St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 994 321 3BR I

Call Agent

3 Franklin Pl

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 3BR G

Call Agent

8 Dagmar Berne St

Independent Tuggeranong

0418 633 208 4BR H

Call Agent

52 Hercules St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0408 515 545 4BR G

Call Agent

58 Eccles Cct

Go Gecko Woden

0414 212 332 3BR J U

Call Agent

6 Hercules St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 3BR I

Call Agent

15 Eric De Salis St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 3BR I

Call Agent

Lot 51 Jiparu Dr

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213

Call Agent

17 Eric De Salis St


0400 509 262 3BR J

Call Agent

Keirs Rd

Horizon Real Estate

0407 890 527 5BR C

Call Agent

2 Gibson St

Independent Dickson

0417 209 415 4BR H

Call Agent

75 Kia-ora La

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 3BR C

Call Agent

24 Greenman St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Call Agent

4 Linden Cl


0415 045 648

Call Agent

20 Heighway St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H U

Call Agent

3 Lupin Pl

Hodgkinson Belconnen

0412 381 102 4BR G

Call Agent

32 Macfarlane Burnet

Dwyer Dunn

0419 002 780 4BR H

Call Agent

18 Middle St

Elders Dickson

0401 903 450 3BR H

Call Agent

53 Macfarlane Burnet

Independent Dickson

0407 466 199 4BR H

Call Agent

4 Palomino Pl

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 4BR F

Call Agent

54 Macfarlane Burnet

Independent Dickson

0407 466 199 3BR I U

Call Agent

3 Ryslipp Dr

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 3BR G U

Call Agent

Macfarlane Burnet Ave

The Village Building Co.

0404 891 145 3BR K

Call Agent

32 South St

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 4BR F

Call Agent

9 Marcus Faunce St

Independent Gungahlin

0418 632 217 4BR H

Call Agent

Lot 32 Suffolk Av

Elders Belconnen

0409 221 407

Call Agent

9 Marcus Faunce St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0402 230 057 4BR B

Call Agent

18 Sylvia St

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 4BR H

Call Agent

3 Maund Pl

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0417 436 802 3BR B U

Call Agent

18 Vallencia Dr

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 5BR C

Call Agent

5 Pulleine Cr

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0417 436 802 3BR A

We'll notify you when your dream home becomes available. 56  CityNews  October 28-November 3








Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

Canberra Region Property Summary A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

Call Agent

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

7 Vine Cl

Elders Dickson

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

0407 417 783 4BR E

NARRABUNDAH Sat 1:30-2:15

Call Agent

14 Frew Cl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 5BR F

Thu 12:15-1:00

22/26 Marr St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 3BR H

Call Agent

33 Kangaroo Cl

Independent Dickson

0418 693 635 3BR I

Sat 11:00-11:45

97 Hodgson Cr

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 628 606 3BR H

Call Agent

Kangaroo Cl

PRDnationwide Canberra

0402 388 781 4BR H

Sat 12:45-1:15

23/26 Marr St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 3BR H

Call Agent

6/21 Krantzcke Cct

Blue Property Marketing

0412 023 497 4BR H

Sat 1:30-4:00

2/9-11 Mcnamara St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0418 429 470 2BR I

Call Agent

76 Krantzcke Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 4BR G

Sun 12:00-2:00

2/9-11 Mcnamara St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0418 429 470 2BR I

Call Agent

28 May Mills Cl

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

02 6262 2777 4BR G

Call Agent

3 Anstey St

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR A

Call Agent

3 Paisley St

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0416 087 834 4BR A

Call Agent

1 Blackburn St

Ray White Canberra

0417 292 733 3BR F

Call Agent

13 Pellew St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 5BR B

Call Agent

3 Coleman St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 5BR E

Call Agent

44 Rosella St

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 4BR B

Call Agent

61 Collings St

Edge Real Estate

0419 888 026 3BR B U

Call Agent

3/7 Seaborn Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0418 961 556 3BR I

Call Agent

3 Leighton St

Ray White Canberra

0417 292 733 5BR F

Call Agent

16/23 Temperley St

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969 3BR H

Call Agent

2/1 Mcgee Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 2BR J

Call Agent

65 Westbury Cct

Independent Belconnen

0411 507 679 4BR B

Call Agent

1/9-11 Mcnamara St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0418 429 470 2BR I

Call Agent

67 Mcnamara St

Ray White Canberra

0414 629 996 2BR B U

28/51 Leahy Cl

Richard Luton Properties

0411 781 863 2BR I

Sun 11:00-11:45 28/51 Leahy Cl

Richard Luton Properties

0411 781 863 2BR I

Call Agent

7 Anembo St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 208 244 2BR I

Call Agent

28 Brockman St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0417 646 417 4BR B

Sat 10:30-11:00

53 Cockle St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 3BR A

Call Agent

104 Caley Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 152 607 3BR G U

Sat 10:45-11:15

91 Wattle St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 5BR E

Call Agent

39/12 Albermarle Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 1BR K U

Call Agent

4 Deeban Pl

Sadil Quinlan

0413 745 994 3BR A

Call Agent

8 Bagot St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0411 367 700 5BR B

Call Agent

5/54 Chaseling St

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 2BR J

Call Agent

38 Green St

Dwyer Dunn

0418 623 324 3BR D

Call Agent

14 Boobialla St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 4BR A

Call Agent

12/54 Chaseling St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 198 891 1BR K

Call Agent

19/44 Jerrabomberra Av

Ray White Kingston

0418 266 698 2BR I U

Call Agent

38/39 Brigalow St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 1BR L

Call Agent

144/98 Corinna St

Independent Woden

0412 596 324 3BR H

Call Agent

31/44 Jerrabomberra Av

Independent Tuggeranong

0418 633 208 2BR I U

Call Agent

51 Cockle St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 3BR A

Call Agent

162/98 Corinna St

Hodgkinson Belconnen

0412 381 102 3BR B

Call Agent

24/50 Lumeah St

Blue Property Marketing

0412 023 497 2BR H

Call Agent

2/53 Coolibah Cr

Bertram Ellis Chapman

0412 622 006 3BR H U

Call Agent

52/98 Corinna St

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 1BR I

Call Agent

15 Mcintyre St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0416 014 431 3BR G

Call Agent

4/41 David St

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0410 632 527 2BR I

Call Agent

6/98 Corinna St

Richard Luton Properties

0416 017 072 1BR J U

Call Agent

22 Mcintyre St

Elders Belconnen

0407 808 717 2BR G

Call Agent

148 Dryandra St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 3BR A

Call Agent

87/98 Corinna St

Richard Luton Properties

0416 017 072 3BR A

Call Agent

61 Mcintyre St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 997 894 3BR A

Call Agent

4 Finn St

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0432 391 755 3BR A

Call Agent

10/15 Mansfield Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 2BR I

Call Agent

23 Vaughan Gdns

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0408 662 119 3BR F

Call Agent

12 Karri St

Capital First National

0408 408 603 3BR F

Call Agent

11/100 Port Jackson Cct

Ray White Canberra

0417 292 733 2BR J

Call Agent

44 Wambool St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 997 894 3BR H

Call Agent

6 Lobelia St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR G U

Call Agent

9/10 Tank St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 773 938 2BR I U

Call Agent

133A Miller St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 4BR F

Call Agent

4/19 Moorhouse St

Independent Dickson

0417 209 415 1BR K

Call Agent

18 Myall St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North





Sat 11:00-11:45

94 Gurrang Av

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0419 624 766 4BR C

Call Agent

11 Doyle Pl

Buckley & Holland

6297 9191

Sat 11:30-12:10

9/3 Bural Ct

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 3BR I

Call Agent

11 Robinson St

Capital First National

0408 408 603 3BR E U

Call Agent

22 Karri Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0439 413 321 3BR A

Sat 11:45-12:30

9/66 Paul Coe Cr

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0418 215 878 3BR I

Call Agent

6 Ross St

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0416 087 834 4BR A

Call Agent

17 Kenny Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0439 413 321 3BR B

Sat 1:30-2:15

45 Ferguson Cct

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0418 215 878 4BR B

Call Agent

128 Scrivener St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0411 367 700 3BR A

Call Agent

32 Woodger Pde

Richard Luton Properties

0405 135 009 4BR A

Sun 11:00-11:45 1/60 Paul Coe Cr

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 3BR J

Call Agent

10/4 Verdon St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 628 641 1BR J

Thu 5:30-6:15

2/20 Donald Rd

Raine & Horne

0412 627 953 3BR A

Call Agent

7 Akma Pl

Independent Civic

0407 121 412 3BR I

Call Agent

57 Wattle St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0422 927 671 4BR G U

Sat 11:00-11:40

5/31 Gilmore Pl

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0415 735 777 1BR A

Call Agent

22 Bamir Sq

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0414 685 011 2BR B U

Call Agent

1 Westgarth St

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0416 087 834 4BR A

Sat 11:15-11:45

17 The Cr

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 3BR A

Call Agent

28 Bamir Sq

Ray White Kingston

0418 266 698 2BR J U

Sat 12:00-12:40

3 Federal Av

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0415 735 777 2BR A

Call Agent

4 Beela Pl

Elders Belconnen

0413 473 342 3BR A

Sat 12:00-12:40

24 Isabella St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 3BR A

Call Agent

21 Birrigai Sq

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0412 060 792 3BR I

Sun 2:15-3:00

11 Cobbadah St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 6BR A

Sat 12:15-1:15

1 Mcewan Av

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 3BR A

Call Agent

11 Deumonga Ct

Go Gecko Woden

0414 212 332 3BR J

Call Agent

3 Akame Cct

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 5BR B

Sat 1:00-1:30

50 Cooma St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 3BR J

Call Agent

14 Deumonga Ct

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0401 097 568 3BR G U

Call Agent

44 Akame Cct

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 6BR A

Sat 2:00-2:45

99 Stornaway Rd

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 4BR A

Call Agent

9 Galmarra St

Independent Dickson

0418 693 635 4BR E

Call Agent

4 Berbet St

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 6BR B

Sat 3:00-3:30

15/12 Federal Av

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 2BR M

Call Agent

92 Gurrang Av

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0419 296 458 3BR B U

Call Agent

3 Coreen Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0412 334 725 4BR C

Call Agent

46 Agnes Av

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 4BR H

Call Agent

3 Gurrit Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0431 602 251 4BR H

Call Agent

3 Coreen Pl

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 6BR C

Call Agent

35 Alanbar St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 3BR K

Call Agent

131 Jabanugga Av

Independent Dickson

0406 226 428 3BR I

Call Agent

21 Culgoa Cct

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 8BR A

Call Agent

5/7 Allumba St

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701 2BR K

Call Agent

133 Jabanungga Av

Independent Belconnen

0419 000 079 3BR I

Call Agent

31 Culgoa Cct

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 622 420 5BR B

Call Agent

3 Amaroo Pl

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 3BR H

Call Agent

16/137 Jabanungga Av

Brady's Countrywide

0411 214 899 3BR K U

Call Agent

15 Dalman Cr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 628 641 4BR C

Call Agent

20 Arthur St

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701 3BR A

Call Agent

43 Jandamarra St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR I

Call Agent

5/44 Dalman Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 152 607 4BR C

Call Agent

54 Atkinson St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 2BR L U

Call Agent

1 Jaru Pl

Independent Gungahlin

0416 135 270 4BR H

Call Agent

29 Dalman St

Denise Flint Real Estate

0418 630 130


Call Agent

4 Baden Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0431 419 847 5BR A

Call Agent

3 Kaga Pl

Go Gecko Woden

0408 415 054 3BR J U

Call Agent

13/10 Taronga Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 4BR A

Call Agent

9 / 19 Barracks Flat Dr

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987 2BR J U

Call Agent

4 Karrugang Cct

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 3BR J

Call Agent

9 Terrigal Cres

Premier Capital Properties

0409 920 000 8BR B

Call Agent

12 Beston Pl

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 4BR E

Call Agent

11 Kudyera Pl

Gold Creek Quality Property

02 6242 9777 3BR I U

Call Agent

18 Binaburra Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 5BR H U

Call Agent

9 Lark Pl

Go Gecko Woden

0408 415 054 4BR I U

Call Agent

32 Leita Ct

Sadil Quinlan

0417 459 427 4BR A




Call Agent

1/7-9 Blackall Av

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 3BR I

0413 745 994 4BR H

Call Agent

18 Cuthbertson Cr

Go Gecko Woden

0401 218 325 4BR A

Call Agent

12/10-12 Booth St

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701 2BR K U

Call Agent

175 Newman-morris Cct

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 830 598 4BR A

Call Agent

1/4 Booth St

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Call Agent

22/14-22 Booth St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 611 044 2BR L U

Call Agent

2/4 Booth St

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Call Agent

8 Boronia Cr

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 4BR J

Call Agent

2 Brook St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379

Call Agent

7/16 Broughton Pl

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0414 685 011 2BR L U

Call Agent

3 Bruce St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 3BR B

Call Agent

32 Bungendore Rd

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 5BR I

Call Agent

129 Cameron Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 3BR B

Call Agent

151 Candlebark Rd

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 4BR H

Call Agent

32 Candlebark Rd

Richard Luton Properties

0416 017 072 5BR G

Call Agent

8/13-17 Carinya St

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987 3BR L

Call Agent

9/17 Carinya St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 3BR L

Call Agent

5/24 Carrington St

Raine & Horne

0408 607 403 2BR B

Call Agent

22 Cassinia St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 4BR H

Call Agent

6 Cassinia St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 3BR I

Call Agent

4 Chardonnay Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0419 492 079 3BR B

Call Agent

7/19 Charles St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 2BR M U

Call Agent

1 Christopher Cr

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701 4BR J

Call Agent

7/94 Collett St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410 774 821 2BR K U

Call Agent

94 Collett St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 2BR K

Call Agent

1/53 Cooma Rd

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Call Agent

40 Cooma St

Raine & Horne

0425 544 664 2BR J

Call Agent

6 Corin Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 4BR A

Call Agent

26/39-43 Crawford St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410 774 821 2BR J U

Call Agent

32/39-43 Crawford St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410 774 821 2BR K U

Call Agent

Crawford St

Independent Civic

02 6209 1700

Call Agent

24 Crest Park Pde

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Call Agent

3/78 Crest Park Pde

Independent Tuggeranong

0413 506 316 3BR I U

Call Agent

60/5 Crest Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 1BR M U

Call Agent

16 Dane St

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 5BR H U

Call Agent

8 Dane St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 3BR I U

Call Agent

8/3-5 Davison St

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701 2BR L U

Call Agent

24/3-5 Davison St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 2BR L

Call Agent

4/9 Davison St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 2BR J

Call Agent

14 Leita Ct

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 3BR I U

Call Agent

6 Lingiari Ct

Independent Dickson

0418 693 635 3BR J

Call Agent

13 Margany Cl

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0419 296 458 4BR H

Call Agent

7/23-27 Margany Cl

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0419 296 458 4BR I

Call Agent

9 Marungul Av

Ian McNamee & Partners

0402 304 781 2BR B U

Call Agent

8 Mawalan St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 3BR I

Call Agent

42 Maynard St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0419 296 458 3BR I

Call Agent

20 Milari St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 4BR H

Call Agent

2 Naden Pl

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 3BR I

Call Agent

7 Nangi Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 4BR H

Call Agent

8/40 Newlop St

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 2BR J

Call Agent

23 Paul Coe Cr

PRDnationwide Canberra

0411 466 077 3BR J

Call Agent

49 Paul Coe Cr


0400 509 262 3BR B

Call Agent

8 Tanderra Cr

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 7BR D U

Call Agent

1/23 Tipiloura St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0419 296 458 3BR J U

Call Agent

27 Warabin Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR B

Call Agent

17 Warrumbul St


0418 574 140 4BR G

Call Agent

7/2 Warrunbul Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0412 635 019 3BR B

Call Agent

25 Wellington St

Independent Dickson

0418 693 635 3BR I

Call Agent

35 Wellington St

Go Gecko Woden

0408 415 054 4BR H U

Call Agent

52 Windradyne St

Premier Capital Properties

0409 920 000 3BR I

Call Agent

4 Yagan Pl

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0400 667 915 3BR J

Call Agent

1 Yerrabi Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 2BR J U

Call Agent

17 Yerra Ct

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 3BR J

Call Agent

19 Yuranigh Ct


0419 212 044 2BR J

NICHOLLS Sat 1:00-1:40

2/17 Freda Bennett Cct

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 3BR I

Sat 2:00-2:40

45 Kangaroo Cl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 3BR I

Sat 2:30-3:00

3/10 Weetman Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 4BR H

Sat 2:45-3:15

17 Hattersley Ct

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 4BR F

Call Agent

2 Angles Ct

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 628 606 5BR B

Call Agent

4/8 Biddell Pl

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0417 483 627 3BR I

Call Agent

6 Cottam Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0418 625 162 4BR H

Call Agent

14/35 Edie Payne Cl

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 4BR G U

Call Agent

43 Freda Bennett Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0431 602 251 4BR H

Approximately 2 million page views per day.

PAGE Sat 1:00-2:00

70 Chewings St

Independent Dickson

0418 625 437 4BR I

Call Agent

8 Belconnen Wy


0400 509 262 3BR I

Call Agent

55 Burkitt St

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

0412 908 248 2BR K

Call Agent

22 Dallachy Pl

Ray White Belconnen

0411 037 137 2BR J

Call Agent

14 Frost Pl


0400 509 262 3BR I

Call Agent

13 Luehmann St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 3BR A

Call Agent

11 Macadam St

Elders Belconnen

0414 532 400 3BR I U

Call Agent

8 Macadam St

Go Gecko Woden

0408 415 054 3BR B

Call Agent

110 Petterd St

Richard Luton Properties

0413 832 535 3BR B U

Call Agent

1/10 Wall Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0402 225 405 3BR H


6 Abbott Cl

Gold Creek Quality Property

02 6242 9777 3BR I U

Call Agent

7 Abbott Cl

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0412 985 204 3BR I

Call Agent

1 Arid Pl

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 5BR B

Call Agent

16 Bendora Cr

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0412 985 204 3BR I

Call Agent

14/83 Bimberi Cr

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0417 483 627 2BR J

Call Agent

4/15 Conner Cl

Independent Civic

0407 121 412 3BR I

Call Agent

23 Dandenong Ct

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0416 087 834 4BR A

Call Agent

9 Flora Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 3BR I

Call Agent

15 Freeling Cr

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0412 985 204 4BR B U

Call Agent

7/211 Kosciuszko Av

Independent Civic

0407 121 412 2BR J

Call Agent

3 Lambell Cl

Independent Gungahlin

0418 632 217 4BR F

Call Agent

15/13 Lorne Pl

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0412 985 204 2BR J

Call Agent

22 Macedon Cr

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 4BR F

Call Agent

2/51 Mainwaring Rich Cct

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0408 515 545 2BR J U

Call Agent

8 Pryton Cl

Canreps Private Sales

6288 4444

Call Agent

6 Sentry Cr

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0412 985 204 4BR I U

Call Agent

7/71 Tinderry Cct

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0423 967 766 3BR J U

Call Agent

7 Yalga Cl

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0419 296 458 3BR I U

Call Agent

13 Zamia Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 3BR I






Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

CityNews  October 28-November 3  57

For photos, full descriptions and latest open times visit A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

Call Agent

4 Myola St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418 623 352 2BR B U

Call Agent

Lot 506 Lever Pl

Elmslea Land Developments

0418 486 949 4BR F

Call Agent

35 Nimbus Pl

Raine & Horne

0412 627 953 4BR A

Call Agent

Lot 536 Royalla Dr

Elmslea Land Developments

0418 486 949

Call Agent

2/6 Nimmitabel

Ray White Canberra

0439 609 736 3BR I

Call Agent

23 Northcliffe Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 4BR H

Call Agent

33 Old Sydney Rd

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 4BR H

Call Agent

5 Affleck Pl

Elders Belconnen

0413 655 555 3BR I U

Call Agent

1 Patanga Gdns

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 4BR I

Call Agent

2/19 Barlow St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 625 162 3BR B

Call Agent

3/7-9 Patanga Gdns

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 2BR J

Call Agent

2/33 Hargrave St

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0414 734 185 2BR J U

Call Agent

11 Patrick Brick Ct

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0415 735 777 4BR H

Call Agent

17 Harrison St

Independent Woden

0407 245 177 4BR I U

Call Agent

16 Kauper St

Independent Belconnen

0439 998 455 4BR I

Call Agent

17/85 Derrima Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 2BR L

Call Agent

6 Patrick Brick Ct

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 4BR H

Call Agent

21/86 Derrima Rd

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0439 780 301 2BR B

Call Agent

11 Rolfe Pl

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 4BR H

Call Agent

27/85 Derrima Rd

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 2BR M

Call Agent

3/3 Ross Rd

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR I

Call Agent

30/85 Derrima Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 611 044 2BR L

Call Agent

34 Ross Rd

Oz Property Services

0403 339 086 2BR K

Call Agent

48/86 Derrima Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 2BR L

Call Agent

44 Sassafras Cr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 4BR I U

Call Agent

76 Derrima Rd

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 3BR I

Call Agent

66 Stonehaven Cct

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 611 044 3BR H U

Call Agent

88 Derrima Rd

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 1BR L

Call Agent

10/3a Stornaway Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 1BR K

Call Agent

88 Derrima Rd

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 2BR L

Call Agent

11/8-10 Stornaway Rd

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 2BR M

Call Agent

3 Dixie Pl

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Call Agent

31/3a Stornaway Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 2BR J

Call Agent

35 Dodsworth St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0439 413 321 3BR B

Call Agent

40/3a Stornaway Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410 774 821 1BR K

Call Agent

6/6 Doeberl Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 3BR I

Call Agent

42/3a Stornaway Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410 774 821 1BR K

Call Agent

8/11 Doeberl Pl

Raine & Horne

0412 627 953 3BR I

Call Agent

40 Surveyor St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 5BR G

Call Agent

1/23 Donald Rd

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 3BR I U

Call Agent

7 Swan Pl

Oz Property Services

0403 339 086 3BR I

Call Agent

1/61 Donald Rd

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 2BR B

Call Agent

10 Temora Pl

Buckley & Holland

6297 9191


Call Agent

4/61 Donald Rd

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Call Agent

11 Tennyson Dr

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Call Agent

56 Donald Rd

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 3BR J

Call Agent

17 Thurralilly St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 2BR K U

Call Agent

57 Donald Rd

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 2BR J

Call Agent

2/53 Thurralilly St

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701 2BR L

Call Agent

9/63 Donald Rd

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987 2BR M

Call Agent

34 Thurralilly St

Buckley & Holland

6297 9191

Call Agent

10 Doyle Pl

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 3BR B U

Call Agent

6/17 Thurralilly St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 2BR K

Call Agent

53 Erin St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410 774 821 3BR I

Call Agent

18/52 Trinculo Pl

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 2BR M U

Call Agent

5/47 Erin St

Richard Luton Properties

0416 017 072 2BR J

Call Agent

24 Ullamulla Cr

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Call Agent

118 Fergus Rd

Raine & Horne

0408 607 403 3BR J

Call Agent

4/34 Uriarra Rd

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701 2BR M

Call Agent

16 Fergus Rd

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 3BR I U

Call Agent

166 Uriarra Rd

Elders Kingston

0404 821 153 3BR G

Call Agent

49 Fergus Rd

Buckley & Holland

6297 9191


Call Agent

7a/17 Uriarra Rd

Raine & Horne

0425 544 661 2BR K

Call Agent

16/14 Ford St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 2BR I

Call Agent

9/70 Uriarra Rd

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 1BR N

Call Agent

4/7 Ford St

Sadil Quinlan

0414 631 607 2BR I

Call Agent

A5/17 Uriarra Rd

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 1BR L

Call Agent

8/14 Ford St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 4BR B

Call Agent

10/1 Velacia Pl

Raine & Horne

0408 607 403 2BR M

Call Agent

33 Furlong Rd

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 3BR H

Call Agent

3/4 Velacia Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 2BR L

Call Agent

6 Furlong Rd

PRDnationwide Canberra

0431 116 399 4BR I

Call Agent

161 Wickerslack La

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 4BR F

Call Agent

4/4 Gerald St

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Call Agent

3/16 Yarrow St

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Call Agent

30 Glebe Av

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 3BR I

Call Agent

14/5 Young St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 2BR B

Call Agent

27 Graham Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 4BR H U

Call Agent

3 Young St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 1BR K

Call Agent

8 Grevillea Pl

Oz Property Services

0403 339 086 3BR J

Call Agent

4/11-15 Buttle St

Raine & Horne

0412 627 953 1BR N

Call Agent

3 Hayes St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 208 244 4BR G U

Call Agent

4 Hayley Cr

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 4BR H

Call Agent

58 Hellmund St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 3BR J U

Thu 5:00-5:30

10 Charlotte St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0400 545 343 4BR A

Call Agent

62 Hellmund St

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Sat 10:15-11:00

10 Charlotte St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0400 545 343 4BR A

Call Agent

19-21 Henderson Rd

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701 2BR J

Call Agent

3 Arnhem Pl

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 3BR D

Call Agent

Henderson Rd

Buckley & Holland

6297 9191


Call Agent

52 Endeavour St


0419 212 044 4BR C U

Call Agent

16/124 Henderson Rd

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 1BR A

Call Agent

6 Endeavour St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0417 646 417 3BR B

Call Agent

29 Henderson Rd

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 4BR J U

Call Agent

2 Francis St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0402 943 191 5BR A

Call Agent

3/108 Henderson Rd

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Call Agent

11 Golden Gr

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 5BR C U

Call Agent

4/27 Henderson Rd

Buckley & Holland

6297 9191


Call Agent

64 Hicks St

Independent Woden

0418 632 711 5BR A

Call Agent

13/116 Henderson Rd

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR J

Call Agent

40 Investigator St

Laurrie Scheele

0407 958 881 3BR A

Call Agent

3 Hybon Av

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 3BR I

Call Agent

15 Pelsart St

Dwyer Dunn

0418 623 324 5BR C

Call Agent

15 Irene Ave

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701 3BR A

Call Agent

14 Pera Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 830 598 3BR E

Call Agent

9 Irene Av

Raine & Horne

0425 544 664 3BR A

Call Agent

10 Roebuck St

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969 5BR A

Call Agent

4 Johnson Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0417 681 981 4BR F

Call Agent

6 Scarborough St

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR A

Call Agent

4/8 Kenny Pl

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 3BR I

Call Agent

11 Killard St

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0414 685 011 3BR I

Call Agent

21/12 King St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 2BR L

Call Agent

29/14 King St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 1BR N U

Call Agent

46 Kinkora Pl

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 3BR I

Call Agent

9 Kinkora Pl

Ray White Canberra

0414 629 996 3BR H U

Call Agent

6 Koorong Pl

Raine & Horne

0425 544 661 3BR I

Call Agent

5 Ling Pl

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 3BR I

Call Agent

11 Macquoid St

Ray White Bungendore

0438 633 378 2BR J U

Call Agent

14/10 Macquoid St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 1BR N

Call Agent

13 Mcintyre Cr

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0429 122 700 3BR G

Call Agent

14/67 Mcquoid St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 611 044 2BR M

Call Agent

9/25 Mcquoid St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 611 044 2BR M

Call Agent

28 Meredith St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0438 627 772 6BR B

Call Agent

7 Michael Pde

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987 4BR I

Call Agent

13-15 Morisset St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0415 735 777 2BR I

Call Agent

13-15 Morisset St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0415 735 777 2BR J

Call Agent

13-15 Morisset St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0415 735 777 2BR J

Call Agent

16/12 Morisset St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 2BR M

Call Agent

20 / 12 Morisset St

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987 2BR M

Call Agent

21/12 Morisset St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 2BR M

Call Agent

2/85 Morton St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 1BR M

Call Agent

11/5 Mowatt St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 1BR N U

Call Agent

3/20 Mowatt St

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Call Agent

3/3 Mowatt St

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Call Agent

7/3 Mowatt St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410 774 821 1BR N U

Call Agent

19 Muir Pl

Raine & Horne

0412 627 953 3BR I

Call Agent

20 Mulloon St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 3BR I

Call Agent

4 Mulloon St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 3BR I

Call Agent

87 Munro Rd

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 3BR I

Call Agent

9/7 Munro Rd

Raine & Horne

0412 627 953 2BR M

Call Agent

38 Murray St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 3BR I U







SPENCE Sat 2:30-3:00

5 Leavold Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0410 542 667 3BR A

Call Agent

25 Baddeley Cr

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0438 706 776 3BR I

Call Agent

73 Baddeley Cr

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR I

Call Agent

157 Copland Dr

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 3BR I

Call Agent

4 Don Pl

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0417 436 802 4BR A

Call Agent

35 Magrath Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0418 625 162 5BR H

Call Agent

161 Owen Dixon Dr


0400 509 262 4BR I

Call Agent

16 Scattergood Pl

Gold Creek Quality Property

02 6242 9777 4BR H U

Call Agent

12 Wallis Pl

Ray White Canberra

0438 547 240 4BR A


14 Bott Cr

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 3BR I

Thu 3:30-5:30

2 Kevin Curtis Cr

First National Gungahlin

0408 413 405 4BR H

Thu 3:30-5:30

27 Liz O'Neill St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Thu 3:30-5:30

23 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Thu 3:30-5:30

25 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Thu 3:30-5:30

26 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Thu 3:30-5:30

103 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Thu 3:30-5:30

73 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Thu 3:30-5:30

87b Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 2BR J

Thu 3:30-5:30

91 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 6BR E

Thu 3:30-5:30

97 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 3BR I

Thu 3:30-5:30

99 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Thu 3:30-5:30

Ronald Walker St

First National Gungahlin

0408 413 405 4BR I

Thu 3:30-5:30

15 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0408 413 405 5BR H

Thu 3:30-5:30

33 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR I

Thu 3:30-5:30

35 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR I

Sat 11:00-4:00

2 Kevin Curtis Cr

First National Gungahlin

0408 413 405 4BR H

Sat 11:00-4:00

27 Liz O'Neill St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Sat 11:00-4:00

23 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Sat 11:00-4:00

25 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Sat 11:00-4:00

26 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Sat 11:00-4:00

103 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Sat 11:00-4:00

73 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Sat 11:00-4:00

87b Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 2BR J

Sat 11:00-4:00

91 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 6BR E

Sat 11:00-4:00

97 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 3BR I

Sat 11:00-4:00

99 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Sat 11:00-4:00

Ronald Walker St

First National Gungahlin

0408 413 405 4BR I

Sat 11:00-4:00

15 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0408 413 405 5BR H

Sat 11:00-4:00

33 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR I

Sat 11:00-4:00

35 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR I

Sat 12:45-2:45

35 Liz O'Neil

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR H

Sat 12:45-2:45

37 Liz O'Neil

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR H

Sun 11:00-4:00

2 Kevin Curtis Cr

First National Gungahlin

0408 413 405 4BR H

Sun 11:00-4:00

27 Liz O'Neill St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Sun 11:00-4:00

23 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Call Agent

68/35 Currong St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0408 487 209 3BR H

Sun 11:00-4:00

25 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Call Agent

11 Elimatta St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 697 844 3BR C

Sun 11:00-4:00

26 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Sun 11:00-4:00

103 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Sun 11:00-4:00

73 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H


70 Beattie Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 3BR I

Sun 11:00-4:00

87b Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 2BR J

Call Agent

46 Casson St


0418 975 125 3BR J U

Sun 11:00-4:00

91 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 6BR E

Call Agent

24 Fullerton Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 4BR A

Sun 11:00-4:00

97 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 3BR I

Call Agent

5/32 Fullerton Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR J U

Sun 11:00-4:00

99 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Call Agent

32 Grimshaw St

Colin McIntyre Property

0438 924 400 5BR I U

Sun 11:00-4:00

Ronald Walker St

First National Gungahlin

0408 413 405 4BR I

Call Agent

10 Pogney Pl

0423 699 664 4BR I U

Sun 11:00-4:00

15 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0408 413 405 5BR H

Call Agent

72 Twamley Cr

Dwyer Dunn

0418 623 324 3BR I

Sun 11:00-4:00

33 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR I

Call Agent

5 Zadow Pl

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 3BR J

Sun 11:00-4:00

35 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR I

Sun 1:45-2:45

35 Liz O'Neil

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR H

Sun 1:45-2:45

37 Liz O'Neil

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR H

RIVETT Thu 5:15-6:00

42 Nelumbo St

Elders Kingston

0425 309 068 7BR A

Call Agent

11 Liz O'Neil

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR H U

Sat 2:00-2:45

42 Nelumbo St

Elders Kingston

0425 309 068 7BR A

Call Agent

25 Ronald Walker St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0417 219 592 4BR I

Call Agent

4 Carbeen St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 4BR H U

Call Agent

6 Cooba Pl

Independent Woden

0413 909 158 3BR A

Call Agent

Ronald Walker Unit 2 /3 Blk2 Section 44

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 3BR I U

Call Agent

6 Cordia Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0412 635 019 3BR I

Call Agent

Springbank Rise 174

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0417 219 592 4BR H U

Call Agent

237 Hindmarsh Dr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0424 597 724 4BR B

Call Agent

2 Tristania St

Laurrie Scheele

0407 958 881 5BR A

Call Agent

Springbank Rise 174 Parkfront

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0417 219 592 4BR H

Call Agent

Springbank Rise 180

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0417 219 592 4BR H

Call Agent

Springbank Rise 185

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0417 219 592 4BR H

ROYALLA Sat 12:00-1:00

395 Royalla Dr

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0488 250 076 4BR A

Call Agent

1548 Old Cooma Rd

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0429 122 700


Call Agent

15 Red Box Pl

Colin McIntyre Property

0458 726 579


Call Agent

Lot 517 Royalla Dr

AV Jennings

0429 309 299 4BR F


5 Fox Rd

Richard Luton Properties

0404 895 729 5BR D

Call Agent

Lot 506 Lever Pl

Elmslea Land Developments

0418 486 949

will find you the best buyer and trust your agent to maximise the price. 58  CityNews  October 28-November 3






4 Bickley Cl

Bertram Ellis Chapman

0412 622 006 3BR A

Call Agent

73 Crowder Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0412 334 725 4BR A

Call Agent

4 Haynes Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0417 285 528 3BR A

Call Agent

116 Namatjira Dr

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 7BR F

SWINGER HILL Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

Canberra Region Property Summary A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

Price codes are a guide only


Call Agent

66 Bambridge St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 4BR A

Call Agent

24 Davis St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0412 060 792 3BR A

Sat 12:30-1:15

30 Adamson Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 4BR G

Call Agent

3 Smith St

Elders Belconnen

0407 808 717 4BR E

Call Agent

12 Adamson Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 4BR H

Call Agent

40 Southwell St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0412 060 792 4BR B

Call Agent

11 Ashley Dr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 4BR A

Call Agent

6 Bindon Pl

Lita McKell Realty

02 6286 8900 4BR H

Call Agent

84 Degraves Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0410 542 667 3BR I U

Thu 5:15-6:00

10 Folingsby St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0401 628 760 4BR A

Call Agent

38 Degraves Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 3BR I U

Sat 10:30-11:15

10 Folingsby St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0401 628 760 4BR A

0414 665 626 4BR I

Sat 10:30-11:15

4 Shore Pl

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0401 005 282 4BR A


Call Agent

19 Hallen Cl

Dwyer Dunn

0419 002 780 3BR B

Call Agent

26 Embling St

Ray White Tuggeranong

Call Agent

13 Rowe Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0408 848 622 3BR B U

Call Agent

4A Garratt St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 830 598 3BR I U

Sat 11:00-11:30

11 Leist St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 4BR A

Call Agent

25 Sulman Pl

Karen Rush Real Estate

0413 486 386 2BR I

Call Agent

39 Gaunson Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 5BR E

Sat 12:15-1:00

10/22 Namatjira Dr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0401 628 760 3BR A

Call Agent

14 Sulman Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0408 848 622 3BR B U

Call Agent

33 Guthridge Cr

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 4BR I

Wed 5:30-6:00

4 Shore Pl

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0401 005 282 4BR A

Call Agent

12 Halfrey Cct

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 5BR B

Call Agent

25 Fowles St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 5BR A

Call Agent

9 Humffray St

Ray White Kingston

0418 266 698 3BR A

Call Agent

27 Mccubbin St

Richard Luton Properties

0412 334 725 4BR A

0412 334 725 3BR B

Call Agent

12 Rowell Pl

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 4BR G

Call Agent

36 Rubbo Cr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 5BR A


16 Bridgen Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 624 412 3BR A

Call Agent

13 Langdon Av

Richard Luton Properties

Call Agent

3/19 Brigden Cr

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 1BR I

Call Agent

23 Lansell Cct

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 3BR I

Call Agent

34 Builder Cr

Go Gecko Woden

0437 309 680 3BR J U

Call Agent

1 Lorimer Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 4BR A

Call Agent

18 Callister Cr

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0429 122 700 4BR G

Call Agent

6/181 Mcbryde Cr

Ray White Canberra

0438 547 240 2BR K

Call Agent

49 Callister Cr

Go Gecko Woden

0437 309 680 6BR G

Call Agent

8 Morey Pl

Ray White Tuggeranong

0414 665 626 3BR I

Thu 11:00-12:00 49 Hampton Cct

Berkely Residential

0402 595 016


Call Agent

36 Goldfinch Cct

Go Gecko Woden

0437 309 680 4BR H

Call Agent

7A Moule Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 3BR J U

Fri 11:00-12:00

49 Hampton Cct

Berkely Residential

0402 595 016


Call Agent

11 Hartung Cr

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0413 453 489 3BR I U

Call Agent

30 Sainsbury St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 669 655 3BR A

Sat 9:00-9:30

30 Gunn St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 3BR A

Call Agent

5 Jay Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0409 582 010 3BR I

Call Agent

22 Sullivan Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0404 895 729 3BR B U

Sat 12:45-1:30

49 Mueller St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 622 420 3BR B

Call Agent

30 Tregear Cl

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0413 621 131 3BR B U

Sat 4:00-4:30

14/47 Hampton Cct

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 1BR K

Call Agent

13 Weavers Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR B

Sat 4:00-4:30

15/47 Hampton Cct

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 1BR L

TORRENS Sat 11:00-12:00 Call Agent

21 Beasley St 9 Gouger St

Karen Rush Real Estate Ray White Canberra

0413 486 386 4BR F 0414 629 996 3BR I U



Call Agent

23 Alawa St

Richard Luton Properties

0427 214 337 4BR G

Call Agent

21 Bailey Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 152 607 4BR C

Call Agent

6 Badimara St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0424 597 724 3BR A

Call Agent

3 Bidwill Cl

Go Gecko Woden

0437 309 680 4BR C

Call Agent

Cnr Bentham & Hutchins St Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR C

Call Agent

31 Guilfoyle St

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR B


Call Agent

33 Jefferis St

Go Gecko Woden

0401 218 325 3BR G

Sat 11:00-11:45

Call Agent

9 Mc Cann St

Dalton & Peace

0403 953 056 4BR G

Wed 5:30-6:15

11/19 Aspinall St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0418 285 797 3BR A

Call Agent

26 Hampton Cct

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 628 641 4BR A

Call Agent

15 Parsons St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 4BR B

Call Agent

35a & 35b Andrews St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 6BR D

Call Agent

43 Hampton Cct

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313

Call Agent

18 Wyatt Pl

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 3BR G

Call Agent

Antill St

The Village Building Co.

0404 891 148 1BR L

Call Agent

59 Hopetoun Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0404 011 163 4BR C

Call Agent

2/8 Wyatt Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR B

Call Agent

130/395 Antill St

Independent Woden

0407 245 177 3BR I

Call Agent

65 Hopetoun Cct


0415 045 648 5BR B

Call Agent

Antill St

The Village Building Co.

0404 891 148 2BR J

Call Agent

78 Hopetoun Cct


0415 045 648 4BR B

Call Agent

Antill St

The Village Building Co.

0404 891 148 2BR I

Call Agent

2/37 Hutchins St

Canreps Private Sales

6288 4444


11/19 Aspinall St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0418 285 797 3BR A

Call Agent

Hampton Cct

Kashan Property Group

02 6156 2982 2BR H H


Call Agent

27/19 Condamine St

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 1BR J

Call Agent

Antill St

The Village Building Co.

0404 891 148 3BR I

Call Agent

29 Hutchins St


0415 045 648 3BR C

Call Agent

3/19 Condamine St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 2BR I

Call Agent

10/25 Aspinall St


0400 509 262 3BR H

Call Agent

11 Irwin St

Richard Luton Properties

0405 135 009 4BR A

Call Agent

82/12 David St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 3BR H

Call Agent

2/25 Aspinall St


0400 509 262 3BR H

Call Agent

13 Irwin St

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 3BR A

Call Agent

1 Forbes St

Capital First National

0408 408 603 3BR C

Call Agent

45/23 Aspinall St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 1BR K

Call Agent

2/5 Kintore Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 3BR D

Call Agent

40A Forbes St


0400 509 262 3BR B

Call Agent

81/215 Aspinall St

Independent Dickson

0407 466 199 3BR H U

Call Agent

31 Mueller St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 3BR A

Call Agent

9/29 Forbes St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 2BR H

Call Agent

22 Burnside St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR H

Call Agent

11 Newman St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0402 943 191 3BR B

Call Agent

14/29-33 Forbes St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 152 607 2BR H U

Call Agent

40/20 Federal Hwy

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0422 792 247 2BR J U

Call Agent

20b Novar St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 997 894 3BR A

Call Agent

18/16 Gould St

Brogan Prestige Properties

0418 631 760 1BR I

Call Agent

43/20 Federal Hwy

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 2BR J U

Call Agent

24 Novar St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0402 943 191 5BR B

Call Agent

33 Hackett Gdns

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 5BR C

Call Agent

55/20 Federal Hwy

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240 2BR J U

Call Agent

62 Schlich St

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR D

Call Agent

12 Hale Cr

Dwyer Dunn

0418 623 324 2BR A

Call Agent

10 Higinbotham St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 5BR G

Call Agent

11 Schomburgk St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0402 943 191 4BR C

Call Agent

44/22 Hartley St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 2BR I

Call Agent

108 Irvine St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0422 792 247 3BR A

Call Agent

2 Schomburgk St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR B

Call Agent

52 Macleay St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418 623 352 3BR A

Call Agent

9/8-10 Irvine St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 2BR L U

Call Agent

18 Weld St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 5BR B

Call Agent

5/54 Moore St

Brogan Prestige Properties

0418 631 760 1BR I

Call Agent

125 Knox St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR H

Call Agent

1 Weston St

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR C U

Call Agent

106/155 Northbourne Av

Independent Civic

0407 121 412 2BR G

Call Agent

Unit 4, 2A/111 Knox St

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 1BR L U

Call Agent

4 Woolls St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 3BR A

Call Agent

140/77 Northbourne Av

Colin McIntyre Property

0410 481 260 2BR H

Call Agent

101 Phillip Av

ParkTrent Properties Group

02 6247 2155 4BR G

19 Phillip Av

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0408 515 545 3BR H

13 Piddington St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR G

Call Agent

144/77 Northbourne Av

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 3BR G

Call Agent

Call Agent

21/77 Northbourne Av

Go Gecko Woden

0408 415 054 3BR G

Call Agent

Call Agent

28/219A Northbourne Av

Independent Gungahlin

0418 632 217 2BR H U

Call Agent

54/77 Northbourne Av


0418 975 125 1BR I

Call Agent

3 Towns Cr

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 1BR I U

Sat 10:00-11:00

40 Gillespie St

Elders Belconnen

0428 486 692 3BR A

Call Agent

3/6 Towns Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 3BR G

Sat 1:30-2:30

10 Mathieson Cr

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0411 793 937 6BR A

Call Agent

24-28 Watson St

Independent Civic

02 6209 1700

Sun 1:30-2:30

10 Mathieson Cr

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0411 793 937 6BR A



YERRABI Call Agent

12 Elm Gr

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 4BR F

Call Agent

10 Frances Burke St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 4BR G U

Call Agent

Hollingsworth St

Simplicity Real Estate

0402 326 405 4BR H

Call Agent

45 Hollingsworth St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0423 967 766 4BR G

Before you list, insist on + Looking for a home this weekend? Order your inspections efficiently.

Trip Plan.

Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

CityNews  October 28-November 3  59

60  CityNews  October 28-November 3

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