Canberra CityNews November 18-24

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CityNews  November 18-24

CityNews  November 18-24

CityNews  November 18-24

CityNews  November 18-24


Whooping cough: It’s back WHOOPING cough is on the rise in the ACT, says acting chief health officer Dr Andrew Pengilley – and while Canberrans have high vaccination rates, there’s more we can do to help prevent the spread of the disease. Whooping cough is highly infectious, and can be fatal. Several Australian babies have died from the disease in recent years. “An increase in the number of pertussis (whooping cough) notifications has been observed in the ACT since the beginning of October, with 115 cases notified in October, compared with 41 notifications in September,” Dr Pengilley told “CityNews”, adding that 70 cases had already been received this month by November 11. This is in line with a national rise in whooping cough. For example, NSW reported a 44 per cent increase in notifications in September compared to August, and a similar increase from September to October. Dr Pengiley says that the Health Protection Service closely monitors cases of whooping cough, and that measures are being taken to help raise awareness including a letter being sent to school principals “alerting them to the increase and requesting they provide information to their school communities”. GPs have also been alerted. Canberrans are among the best when it comes to being vaccinated against infectious disease. “As at June 2010, the ACT recorded the highest vaccination coverage nationally for pertussis in the 12 to under 15 month age group, and the 24 to under 27 month age groups,” Dr Pengilley says,

INDEX November 18-24, 2010

Since 1993: Volume 16, Number 46

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FRONT COVER: Jenny Tiffin at Thoroughbred Park. Story Page 28. Photo by Silas

Dr Andrew Pengilley... “The disease is highly infectious.”

“with 95 per cent and 97 per cent in these age groups fully vaccinated for their age. “The 60 to under 63 month age group recorded the second-highest vaccination coverage when compared to other States, with 91 per cent vaccinated.” He says that there’s several things we can do to help reduce the spread of whooping cough. • “Anyone diagnosed with pertussis should be excluded from work, school and social activities until they have received five days of an appropriate antibiotic,” says Dr Pengilley. • “Immunisation remains the best way to prevent pertussis infection. The National Immunisation Program includes pertussis vaccination at two, four and six months of age, with boosters given at 3.5 to four years of age, and in Year Nine at high school. • “Parents and grandparents of children aged less than 12 months should be encouraged to access free pertussis vaccines as a part of the ACT Targeted Adult Pertussis Program. The program has been extended until December 31.” Vaccines are available via GPs and, for new mums, in hospital maternity units.

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Phone 6262 9100 Fax 6262 9111 GPO Box 2448, Canberra City 2601 General manager: Greg Jones 0419 418196, Senior advertising executives: Melissa Delfino, 0415 137660 Ernie Nichols, 0421 077999 Advertising sales executives: Sebastien Kriegel, 0438 198701 Mara Stroppa, 0431 245130 Lyn Cram, 0458 028990 Advertising sales co-ordinator: Rebecca Darman, Sydney advertising sales: Ad Sales Connect, 02 9420 1777

What is pertussis? WHOOPING cough, or pertussis, is a respiratory illness caused by infection with the Bordetella Pertussis bacterium. “It is characterised by a persistent cough which develops one to two weeks after infection,” says Dr Pengilley. “Whooping cough gets its name from a ‘whoop’ noise produced by some people, particularly young children, when they breathe in after a fit of coughing. “The disease is highly infectious during the first few weeks after a person becomes infected. The cough can persist for up to three months.” While pertussis isn’t a very predictable disease in terms of incidence trends – notification numbers can be affected by an increase in testing due to heightened awareness of the illness – increases in rates have been observed every three to four years. “In the ACT, notifications are consistent with this pattern, with peaks observed in 2000, 2003, 2005-6 and 2009. It is possible that the current increase in cases is a continuation of the 2009 peak.” • “Where possible, a person with pertussis should avoid contact with babies or women in the last stage of pregnancy until they have received five days of an appropriate antibiotic, or three weeks have passed since the onset of their cough,” Dr Pengilley says. “Whooping cough can be particularly dangerous in young babies, who are most vulnerable until they are vaccinated at six months of age.”

Time to go home on time HALF of all Australians are suffering from time pressure, with overwork preventing them from keeping healthy and spending time with family, according to new research. The Australia Institute research was conducted for this year’s national Go Home On Time Day, which will be held on November 24. Go Home On Time Day is an initiative of The Australia Institute to raise awareness of the extent of overwork in Australia and the important workplace, health and social consequences it has. Anyone can get a personalised “leave pass” from the www.gohomeontimeday. website, or register their intention to participate on the GHOTD Facebook page. “Time poverty”, or not having enough time to do all the things you want or need to do, is affecting our health and our relationships. “A decade on from John Howard declaring work/life balance as the barbecue-stopper, it’s still stopping barbecues,” said the institute’s executive director Dr Richard Denniss. “But we don’t hear our leaders talking about it much anymore. Overwork comes at a cost to other, more important aspects of our lives, such as our families and our health. Go Home On Time Day is an opportunity to spend time on the other priorities in our lives.”

Editor: Ian Meikle, Political reporter: Eleri Harris, 0414 618493 Lifestyle editor: Megan Haggan, 6262 9100 Arts editor: Helen Musa, 0400 043764 Design and photography: Silas Brown, 0412 718086 Graphic designer: Louise Brooks, 6262 9100 Accounts manager: Bethany Freeman-Chandler Distribution and circulation: Richard Watson, 6262 9100

Responsibility for election comment is taken by Ian Meikle, of Suite 1, Level 1, 143 London Circuit, Canberra.

CityNews  November 18-24


Christopher pedals By Kathryn Vukovljak

WITH hundreds of mountain-biking enthusiasts at the ready, a new sponsor and a more determined than ever 12-year-old boy at the helm, this year’s Pedal 4 Pierce bike ride in Stromlo Forest Park will be a “really major event”, says young Christopher Jeffreys. “We’ve already got 250 riders signed up, compared to 70 last year,” he says shyly. “I feel proud and excited to race again.” The Pedal 4 Pierce event will be held at Stromlo Forest Park on Sunday, November 21 from 10am-2pm. Christopher’s charity ride at 10.15am is known as “Pierce’s Track”, and is a fun, easy ride for anyone – just 4km and takes about 15 minutes, says Christopher, who’s keen to point out that it’s not a race, just a ride to enjoy while raising money at the same time. There will also be a raffle, home-baked morning tea, sausage sizzle and Dutch pancakes (which pleases Christopher and his brother Ashley, 10, no end). Christopher organised the first charity bike ride in December last year because he wanted to “help people who research things”. His parents Nigel and Rebecca were floored when their son raised the question at dinner in 2009. “He was only 10 at the time, but we all had a chat and worked out the who, what and how,” says Nigel. It was decided that Christopher would ride his bike to raise funds to help find a cure for congenital muscular dystrophy, inspired by five-year-old Pierce Burns, a friend of the fam-

CityNews  November 18-24

ily who suffers from the illness. The event last year raised $10,300. Christopher says he’s excited that this year they have their first big sponsor, Rocky Trail Entertainment, which specialises in bike events. Pedal 4 Pierce will be held on the last day of the three-day Grand Prix Mountain Bike Festival, which attracts more than 300 mountain-bike enthusiasts from NSW and the Canberra region. “Last year was so much fun, and we had riders aged three up to 70 join in, but it can be hard to raise money so it’s great to have our sponsor this year,” says Christopher. Funds raised by Pedal 4 Pierce support the ACT Muscular Dystrophy Association, and research programs at the Institute of Neuroscience and Muscle Research at The Children’s Hospital, Westmead. “Pierce will start the race with the airhorn and I’ll lead the way,” Christopher says. “He was a bit scared of the airhorn last year though, so we’ll see what happens this time.” Interested in signing up? Email pedal4pierce@, call Nigel on 0418 440481 or visit

for Pierce

briefly Frocktober a big hit FROCKTOBER Canberra raised $41,542 for the Ovarian Cancer Foundation. “I’d never dreamed that we would be so successful,” said Amy Moon, organising committe chairwoman. “The results have exceeded our highest expectations.”

Bowling for research “Bowl for Blue” is a fundraising event at Queanbeyan RSL Memorial Bowling Club, Yass Road, noon-5 pm, November 20, in aid of the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia. Tickets from

Christmas songs

Christopher Jeffreys… “Last year was so much fun… but it can be hard to raise money.” Photo by Silas

Chief Minister Jon Stanhope has launched “The Songs of Christmas”, which was recorded by local musicians to help raise funds and awareness for Diabetes ACT. The album is available from Supabarn supermarkets, Sanity stores and local pharmacies.

CityNews  November 18-24


Time to clean up, Jon BY making it illegal for political parties to With Labor compromised by its clubs’ donations, accept donations from tobacco, gambling it’s time the Chief Minister stood up and showed and alcohol, a government under the hammer has finally admitted what should have some leadership on political donations, says been obvious. MICHAEL MOORE These are just part of a wide range of measures to clean up politics in NSW. out against the Wilkie/Gillard move to The most obvious benefit is reducing control poker machines, it is only just the influence of the “sin” industries on over a year ago the Chief Minister and government decision making. However, Labor leader was as keen as mustard for the ramifications go much further by emthe Labor Party to divest itself of its close barrassing the ACT Government and by relationship with the Labor Clubs so that highlighting the insidious nature of large it could distance itself from this conflict donations on the political process. of interest. The move was botched and In the ACT, the Labor Government has the dependency on gambling and alcohol long been dependent on gambling, alcohol remains. and (to a much lesser extent) tobacco for In the widest ranging restructure of funding the lion’s share of its election election funding in Australia, the NSW campaigns. Parliament has unanimously agreed It has always been inappropriate, but to restrictions on the amount of money there has never been an elected Labor spent by any party across the State elecMember of the Legislative Assembly who tion as well as the amount of money that has been honest enough to stand up and can be spent in any individual electorate. admit it. Additional restrictions include expendiOnce pre-selected, there was no choice ture by third parties seeking to influence about distancing themselves from the Chief Minister Jon Stanhope… keen as elections. money as generic party advertisements, mustard last year. By these reforms the NSW Parliament secretarial support and election materials were all centrally funded. However, tina Keneally in shepherding this funding has finally acknowledged the inapproprithere was always the appropriate op- reform through the NSW Parliament is ate influence that large donations have portunity to stand aside from voting on that such donations do influence, they on the political process. And it is not just any matters that generated a conflict of do have an insidious effect and, as such, the sin industries. The mining industry interest for the elected MLAs. Not one tainted funds are entirely inappropriate to demonstrated its influence just before the provide support for political parties. last Federal election and the same is true has done so! The Chief Minister, Jon Stanhope, must for developers, banks and foreign invesThe dependency of Labor comes from its close relationship with the Labor now provide leadership to bring the ACT tors. It is an admission that should rapidly Clubs that make their profits from poker into line with the NSW legislation. It is be taken up with similar electoral reform machines and selling alcohol and tobacco. true that this will have the greatest impact being adopted in every jurisdiction where Since self-government there have been on Labor because of the level of funds that enough members genuinely believe in a multiple millions of dollars injected into it receives from the Labor Clubs. How- fair and equitable democracy. Labor election campaigns. The same ever, the Liberal Party certainly receives Michael Moore is a former member of money has been responsible for funding significant donations from tobacco and both Federal and Territory election cam- alcohol companies as well as donations the ACT Legislative Assembly and an indegenerated by gambling. pendent minister for health in the Carnell paigns. As I pointed out when Stanhope spoke government. The admission by NSW Premier Kris-

The Afghanistan issue

Parliament is out of touch THE recent debate on Afghanistan showed just how out of touch our Parliament is from the people of Canberra. In the entire debate only two speakers opposed the war – a Liberal, Dr Mal Washer, and the Green, Adam Bandt. Yet the polls consistently show that a strong majority of Canberrans want us out of there. This raises some interesting issues. For example, I would bet pounds to peanuts that our Labor Senator Kate Lundy and our two Labor members in the House of Reps really agree with the majority of their constituents. But because of the strict rules of the Labor caucus, they are prevented from speaking out. Consequently traditional Labor voters lose trust and respect for them and feel alienated from their party. So they switch their allegiance to the Greens. If this goes on long enough – and over a few similar issues – Labor’s future starts to look pretty dim. The major parties said the main reason for our being there was to support our US ally in time of war. It was never a terribly persuasive argument but as the war has become increasingly unpopular, the alliance itself is suffering.   CityNews  November 18-24

they will chose moderation and natural justice, because that’s what humanity does. Robert Macklin However, during the debate I published my latest book, “SAS Sniper”, the life story Perhaps this might not be such a bad of Rob Maylor our top marksman in the thing. Americans are a fiercely divided na- regiment whose deeds in Afghanistan tion – as their mid-term elections showed are the climax of the story. And while I – and the resulting catalepsy in governoppose the war I strongly support our ment – and the loss of entrepreneurial servicemen who are fighting it. vigour – means that America’s future also Clearly, I’m not alone. The book became starts to look pretty dim. an instant bestseller in Australia and it’s Australia, too, is showing signs of been sold to publishers in the UK and the polarisation and the Afghan war is both US. a symptom and a cause. Through an odd Rob and his mates did (and are doing) coincidence, I find myself with a foot in a fantastic job on the front lines. They are both camps. Like most of my fellow Cantaking out the bad guys and they have berrans I think no good purpose can be suffered some heart-breaking casualties. served by keeping our soldiers in harm’s More will follow and it would be terrible way for the next two years, and perhaps to think that they have died for nought. longer. President Karzai is a crook; Al But do we solve that dilemma by staying Qaeda is no longer resident in the country till Afghanistan is a working democracy but happily ensconced in Pakistan. like ours? Alas, that’s just not going to In the end, the Afghans themselves happen in the lifetime of anyone reading must choose between the Taliban and a these words. more moderate way of life. They must So, what to do? I wish I had some clever also choose between corruption and answers. fair play in government. And whatever happens in the next few years, in the end

the gadfly

CityNews  November 18-24


Nurses who go willingly to war By Megan Haggan IN 2003, as the Australian Army Nursing Corps were celebrating their 100th birthday, Lieut-Col. Judith Spence first had the idea of collecting the stories of Australian Army Nurses over the years. Seven years on, “Willingly into the Fray: One Hundred Years of Australian Army Nursing” has just been released, and Judith, who was deployed to Rwanda in 1994, says the book makes it evident how much army nursing has changed. “Some of the early nurses, before Federation, had to pay their own way to the Boer War, intent on ‘helping their fellows’,” she tells “CityNews”. “How we work has changed. It’s now not only across wars, but peacekeeping; when Australia responds to any sort of humanitarian or disaster relief activity.” One of the biggest changes is just that: Army nurses now provide nursing to locals, not just allied soldiers. Judith spent six months in Rwanda, after Australia responded to a UN call to send a hospital into the country following the genocide there. “We arrived in August ‘94, and set up our facility in an existing hospital in Kigali.” There had been significant fighting in the area, and the hospital had been damaged. “So we worked quite hard to clean it. “Our role was to look after the UN

Lieut-Col. Judith Spence in Rwanda in the mid-’90s. soldiers deployed to Rwanda, but fortunately there wasn’t a lot of illness and injury with them, so we ended up doing quite a bit of work with the local people. “The health system was quite debilitated and we saw people with gunshot wounds and other severe injuries they’d had for some time. Land mines were a problem, so there were a lot of traumatic amputations and grenades were a problem, with little kids picking them up, thinking they were toys.” The book begins with stories from

the Boer War and goes through the two World Wars, the Korean War, Malayan Emergency, Vietnam War and into the modern day. “It’s quite different to a lot of other history books because there’s a real sense of what was happening – it’s not about how many went or how many died, but about what it felt like to go to these places,” Judith says. “Some stories are quite powerful, and you can tell the people involved are unhappy, but there’s also joy and humour in there. “It’s very reflective in terms of the

kind of work nurses do across such a broad range of action.” The book was edited by Jerrabomberra-based Catherine McCullough, who drew upon her own military background – she served in the Australian Regular Army for 20 years in a variety of capacities, from teaching Mandarin Chinese to a role as the senior editor of the Army’s doctrine publishing cell – when collecting the stories. She said that as well as trying to ensure all the earlier campaigns received enough coverage, she wanted to cover “later campaigns and current nurses, because I think they’re quite under-reported in some ways”. “I think the perception is still of white veils and scarlet capes, but these days they wear camos and look like the average soldier,” she says. For her, one of the most compelling stories was that of Nell Espie, who served in three wars. “Nell was a bit frail, so we talked for an hour a day for three days: basically we did a war each day! She was a very young nurse when she went to Korea in the early ‘50s, then a middleto-senior nurse when she went to the Malayan emergency in the late ‘60s, and a matron in Vietnam. It was amazing to hear about the changing role of the nurse over that time.” “Willingly into the Fray” is available from bookstores or from

briefly Toys for kids

THE 30th annual motorcycle toy run will be held on December 11 starting with coffee and breakfast at Old Parliament House from 8.30am. Riders form up and depart at 10am. The procession travels along Adelaide Avenue via Woden, finishing in Garema Place where representatives of local charities will accept the rider donations of toys, cash and non-perishable Christmas fare.

Woolies to the rescue

THE Woolworths Fresh Food Rescue Program has awarded OzHarvest Canberra a grant of $60,000, which will be put towards petrol vouchers, enabling OzHarvest to rescue surplus fresh food from all Woolworths stores in the ACT. OzHarvest manager, Dave Burnet says: “Running costs are our main expense and fuel is a huge component of this. Now, we’ll be able to use the savings to reach even more people in need in our community.”

Grant for food

COMMUNITIES@Work has been awarded a $10,000 grant as part of the Commonwealth Bank’s annual Community Grants program. The grant will be used to fund food delivery to school nutritional programs, youth centres and other agencies that care for children and young people. This will involve the delivery of fresh, donated food to children and young people’s breakfast and meal programs in Canberra.

CityNews  November 18-24  11


Youth voice certain

By Eleri Harris

WHILE Planning Minister Andrew Barr charges on ahead with capital youth consultation, the appointment of nine new members to the ACT’s Youth Advisory Council provides a fresh take on a more traditional avenue for asking the kids what they think.

On a quiet afternoon at the Australian Catholic University’s campus in Watson, 23 year-old youth worker, ANU graduate and newly anointed member of the ACT Youth Advisory Council Ruth Simpson cracks jokes about being a kid in Canberra, grins and says the Territory needs two things by 2030 – better public transport and something/anything for teenagers to do. “We need to address typical young Canberrans saying there’s nothing to do in Canberra,” Simpson says. “Canberra’s a beautiful city and we’re a very planned city, we’ve planned for our art projects and we’ve built great parks, but when you’ve hit 10 and you don’t want to go down to the park and play on a swing anymore and movies are getting expensive, what are you going to do?” she says. “Not everyone skateboards. “I think the Portrait Gallery is the closest thing we have to something that will cater for young people especially. Questacon’s too expensive, the National Gallery’s not hip enough and, when you’re 15, going to the gallery just screams school excursion.”

12  CityNews  November 18-24

New Youth Advisory Council member Ruth Simpson... the Territory needs better public transport and something/anything for teenagers to do, she says. Photo by Silas The new recruits for the 15-member council range in age from 12-24, including one indigenous, five “culturally/linguistically diverse” and one with a disability. They are charged with advising the Minister for Youth and Children, Joy Burch, along with pretty much everyone in the Territory, on the needs and wants of youth as well as raising awareness of youth issues. Amongst their highly qualified ranks, Simpson considers herself lucky to be chosen, although as a youth worker in her early 20s she “ticks a lot of boxes”. Simpson was born and raised in Canberra and spends her days assisting young people who

of the future

are homeless or at risk of homelessness in finding accommodation and navigating the often complex structures of Centrelink and other welfare networks. She sees the role as an opportunity to work with Government to get better outcomes for the city’s most marginalised. “From the Youth Advisory Council, I can help steer things for young people,” Simpson says. “It’s my segue for 2030, what I want to see in Canberra. “I wanted to join the youth advisory council as the middle-man for the disengaged, the homeless, young people of Canberra to get them to tell about what they thought, to get them to come along to forums and speak out. “Particularly as the Minister for Young People is also the Minister for Housing, it gives her the opportunity to hear from frontline workers, what are the problems, what is working and the feedback that way, so I guess I see myself as a sort of media channel. Because young people don’t often get a chance to waltz into the Minister’s office and say ‘Wassup? Let’s chat’.”


Calender winners

“A FOGGY morning by the lake” by Melissa Prague, of Gordon, is one of the five photos by Canberrans among the 12 winners of ActewAGL’s “Postcards from Your Town” photography competition. Winners were selected from 630 entries and received $500 and a place in ActewAGL’s 2011 calendar. The calendar will be distributed free to schools, community groups and businesses throughout the capital region and will be available from ActewAGL stores.

Students help school

Event management students of the Australian International Hotel School will host a fundraising event in support of the Sala Bai Hotel School in Siem Reap, Cambodia on Wednesday, December 1, at the Hotel Kurrajong, Barton. The Cambodian school teaches hospitality skills to poor and underprivileged students. Tickets are $95 and bookings, before November 24, to Sarah Walker at sarah.walker@aihs. or on 6234 4427.

CityNews  November 18-24  13

opinion The Monaghan controversy

How quickly things go pear-shaped A COUPLE of years ago, I spoke to the Raiders’ players as part of an awareness program about the dangers of alcohol and the impact one wrong decision could have on their lives. In the lead up to last season I was asked again to speak to some of the younger players. I told them that all it takes is one off-field incident to undo the many good things they do in the community, such as going to schools and helping kids to read. Things can quickly go pearshaped. This year the players were given a stark warning about the dangers of social media such as Twitter, mobile phones and Facebook. Many emerging from the room at the Raiders’ Club in Gungahlin were surprised at just how quickly things could get out of control with a combination of alcohol and social media. I am explaining this to point out that clubs are constantly making players aware of their responsibilities and because they have a high profile within the community, their lives can become even more exposed through the new forms of media. I have received e-mails in the past week from people who blame the media for the demise of Joel Monaghan. Monaghan deserves credit for fronting the media and ringing sponsors to apologise for his actions and accepting responsibility. He paid a high price; in the eyes of some, it was too high given nobody was injured or hurt and Monaghan was genuinely contrite. I have always found Joel to be a decent man


14  CityNews  November 18-24


Tim Gavel with a wicked sense of humour. He is always up for a laugh and a prank, but this time he crossed the line. He did plenty for charity including fundraisers for the Malkara Special School. But all of this was overshadowed in a moment of madness. I believe the issue gained momentum when the NRL warned the Raiders that they would be closely monitoring what action the club took against Monaghan. Make no mistake, there was external pressure on the Raiders’ board to take a strong stance from the NRL and sponsors. I have also been asked why the media takes such a hard line. I suspect it’s because there is more media competition than ever before; mainstream media is now competing with the new forms of social media, which has very few guidelines such as libel and editorial discretion. I am not defending Monaghan, but pointing out the reasons why off-field incidents are dealt with in a different way by the media than they were 20 years ago. Monaghan has learnt the hard way that an indiscretion that takes place in private can quickly become public with enormous ramifications. My hope is that he has an opportunity to restore his reputation because everybody deserves a second chance.

Cancer and mobiles

Happy memories

THE increasing prevalence of cancers in the brain, many near the ear, is sounding a loud warning as to the future which may lie in our hands in the guise of mobile phones. I suspect few people would be aware that the first sentinel report on the dangers of asbestos was published in 1916 during World War I. It took seventy-plus years for action to be taken to ban the product. To date, deafness seems to be the only response by governments to a possible epidemic of head cancers. Increased in-depth research must start now and, in the interim, stronger warnings placed in the media and on the products themselves. Colliss Parrett, Barton

YOUR article on the Starlight Drive-In sure brought back memories. Living in Narrabundah at the time, it was quite a long drive for our two daughters all excited about their first visit to the drive-in to see “Jesus Christ Superstar”. With both girls snuggled up with pillows and blankets in the back seat, my husband assumed they were asleep when we stopped at the ticket booth. “Two adults, please,” he said. Low and behold, up pop two heads from the back chorusing: “Are we there yet?” “You’d better make that two adults and two children,” said my husband. We never took them to the drive-in again! Joyce Williams, Lyneham

open garden

When too many roses are not enough! WORDS: Kathryn Vukovljak PHOTOS: Silas Brown BOB Templeton says his motto is “too many roses are never enough!”, and this is evident in his Bungendore garden, which features an abundance of stunning roses of all varieties and colours, as well as an eclectic mix of natives, perennials and annuals, set among gravel paths that wind around the lovely 2000sqm block. “We used to have a lawn, but I hated mowing it, and I resented all the water it needed and all the weeds that came up when we did water it, so we pulled it all up and replaced it with free-flowing garden beds lined with rocks,” says Bob. Bob and his wife Glynn’s garden will open on the weekend of November 27-28 as part of the Open Garden Scheme to promote the knowledge and enjoyment of gardening. Bob says that he grows 300 roses of all varieties. “We transported 28 of the roses from the far-north coast when we moved here,” he says. “We also have 42 David Austin roses as well as three Alistair Clarke roses that we grew here.” Glynn says she loves picking the roses, but her favourite spot is the veggie patch, which includes tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries and asparagus, and the orchard, featuring Pink Lady, Golden Delicious, Fuji and Granny Smith apples, as well as two mystery apples propagated from ailing 170-year-old trees from the first set-

tlement at Braidwood. There’s also a Beurre Bosc and a WIlliams pear, European plums, peach trees, Japanese plums and three new quince trees. “I love making jams, and do it all year round,” she says. “It’s also wonderful not having to buy any fruit or vegetables.” There is colour everywhere in the garden, including the front area, which is a bright flower garden, including irises, pansies, dahlias, poppies and snap dragons – “having everything green is boring!” Bob laughs. He says he loves the quiet areas where he can just admire his handiwork.

“Gardening has been a steep learning curve for me, mainly because of the extremely sandy soil here and also the fact that the block is so exposed that we get high winds from all directions,” he says. “When we moved in, 12 years ago, we planted as many trees as we could to give us protection from the elements,” he says. “Now we can’t even tell if it’s windy until we step outside!” 2 Ashby Drive, Bungendore, will be open on Saturday, November 27 and Sunday, November 28 from 10am-4pm. Adults $6, children under 18 are free. Funds raised will go to the Open Garden Scheme and Rotary. Also opening on the same weekend is the garden at 23 McCusker Drive, Bungendore. More information in next week’s “CityNews” and www.

Bob and Glynn Templeton… “I love making jams, and do it all year round,” says Glynn. “It’s also wonderful not having to buy any fruit or vegetables.”

CityNews  November 18-24  15

all about yarralumla

advertising feature

The inner-south village with a vibe YARRALUMLA is one of Canberra’s oldest suburbs: Green, leafy and established, it has a welcoming, village-like vibe that makes shopping a pleasure. First settled by Europeans in 1828, Yarralumla was named for the Ngunnawal people’s name for the area, and in 1928 it was gazetted as a suburb, then known as “Westridge”. Today, Yarralumla is one of Canberra’s most desirable suburbs: It’s centrally located close to the city and parliamentary triangle, and nestled close to the lake, it’s a picturesque part of town. It wasn’t always a well-to-do area. In 1913, the Yarralumla Brickworks were set up to produce building materials for Australia’s new capital, and the surrounding area was dubbed “Westridge” by Walter Burley Griffin. The brickworks were actually linked by railway to Old Parliament House and Kingston. In 1922, men working on Canberra’s sewer works were housed in a tent camp set up on the eastern side of Stirling Ridge. Shortly afterwards, timber cottages were erected for workers constructing Parliament House, and other camps were set up to house workers on other projects around the capital. These camps were collectively known as “Westlake”. Westridge was renamed Yarralumla in the ‘50s, and after the lake was filled in 1963, the suburb was expanded to include Westlake, making it one of Canberra’s larger suburban areas.

16  CityNews  November 18-24

Summer under the plane trees BEESS and Co, at the Yarralumla shops, is all about fresh food, says owner Andrea und Chrostin – and it’s just been named one of Australia’s top breakfast spots by “Gourmet Traveller”, which loved its caramelised pear, toasted brioche and mascarpone. “Our food is very fresh and seasonal, from sandwiches to proper sit-down meals,” says Andrea. “We also have a lot of people coming around for business lunches and functions, especially around Christmas time. “We have quite a large outside area, under big London plane trees, and everyone loves to sit outside in summer. “We make all our own cakes on the premises, and the menu changes seasonally.” The cakes are a big drawcard: Andrea says the cafe is happy to give away a lot of its recipes, but the way to create its sour cherry, rum, chocolate and pecan decadent dessert is to remain a secret. “We also have a separate breakfast and lunch menu, plus specials; we also pride ourselves on having very good coffee as well as a lot of glutenfree cakes.” Beess and Co also offer take-home meals and home-made jams. More information on 6285 0116.

all about yarralumla

advertising feature

The blooming post office!

Shopping and service with a smile

NEXT door to the supermarket is Yarralumla Post Office and Flowers, also owned by Yvonne, and which she says is increasingly popular with locals because of its range and friendly service. “We’ve now joined the Petals network, which means we can deliver flowers worldwide,” she says. “We still offer post office services, as well as gifts, books, photocopying and faxing. “We just felt that a florist was missing from Yarralumla, as we like to look at the shopping centre as a whole. I think it’s important to keep people local, and that if someone goes to their shopping centre they should be able to get everything they need in one place.” The florist makes up arrangements daily, and also does bouquets and boxes for special occasions. More information on 6282 3556.

YVONNE Dourdoulakis has run the local IGA for six years, and says she’s very much at home in Yarralumla. She says that the supermarket stocks organic meat, a wide selection of gourmet cheeses, a host of fresh fruit and vegetables and a large selection of liquor which features local, Australian and imported beers, wines and spirits. Local wines are a particular focus.

Old is new again THOR’S Hammer, at the Yarralumla Brickworks, uses recycled timber from demolitions around the country “Bridges, factories, houses, wharves... we bring the timber from these demolitions to Canberra and de-nail and metal detect them, to make sure there’s no metal lingering in the wood,” says owner Thor Diesendorf.

“We also cater for people with special dietary needs,” she says. “We have quite a large selection of gluten-free, wheat-free and other products which make it easier for people to shop. “We pride ourselves on our great customer service, friendly staff and our experience. If there’s a product that a person can’t find, we’ll do our best to find it for them, once we’ve got the empty packet we can look it or its distributors up for them. “It’s part of the service we offer as a local supermarket.” The deli caters for functions and parties, with Yvonne offering meat, cheese and salad platters to order. More information on 6282 4122.

“We have a sawmill, and saw and dress the wood to make things like flooring and decking, as well as custom-made furniture, mostly front doors, tables and kitchen benches as well as shelving. Thor says that the finished timber is “quite beautiful”, and that many customers enjoy the sense of history involved. “We record where we got the timber

from, and can let people know that it came from a church in St Albans, for example, or the Electrolux factory, or the CSR sugar wharf at Pyrmont. You get a piece of history.” Thor adds that recycled timber is a good use of resources and environmentally-friendly - another drawcard for many customers. More information at au or call 6282 9900.

WINNER OF THE “DELI OF THE YEAR” AWARD NSW/ACT 2008 Gourmet delicatessen includes - fresh dips, salads & bbq chickens, top quality meat, chicken & sh

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21-23 Bentham St, YARRALUMLA ACT 2600 P: 02 6282 4122 | F: 02 6282 4801 CityNews  November 18-24  17

all about yarralumla

Ducks have Christmas covered SITTING Ducks Catering gives Canberrans the chance to have Christmas covered: Individuals can order items such as glazed hams and turkey breast rolls, while companies and other organisations can have their Christmas functions fully catered. “My wife Kay and I took over the business in 2009,” says co-owner Herman Postuma, “and we believe we’ve built up an enviable reputation in highquality catering for private as well as corporate events. “It’s all about the quality of

18  CityNews  November 18-24

the food and the service. We also have a very user-friendly website where anyone can look at our extensive menus. “It’s about having a worryfree experience, whether at Christmas or any other time of year.” Menus are heavily based around fresh, seasonal produce, and Herman says that the style is modern Australian: contemporary, innovative in taste, style and presentation. Menus can be developed for More information at www. different events, no matter how or call 6282 simple or extravagant. 1631.

advertising feature Brasserie with a taste of art PROMOTING local and Australian artists is a real passion for Brent and Elaine Richter, who have run the Yarralumla Gallery and Oaks Brasserie, at Weston Park Road, Yarralumla, for 13 years. The gallery features pieces in a variety of media, from pottery to glass, jewellery to textiles, and has a major exhibition each month: At the moment, the work of local artist Suzanne Lawrence, a painter who works in acrylics, has just gone on show. Suzanne’s work will be exhibited until December 11. “We’ve also got Merri Hamilton and Greg Sugden, who are well-known Braidwood artists; a lot of glassware from Gordon Glass Studios, on Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula; Mollie Bosworth from up near Cairns and Lilach Mileikowksi, from Melbourne.” The gallery’s not just about art, though: It runs functions, from weddings to christenings to corporate Christmas parties, and is open to the public for coffee, cake and more. More information at 6260 5253.

Local artist Suzanne Lawrence’s work which is currently on display.

Meat treats side by side “WE offer fresh halal meats, aged beef, Christmas turkeys... we have a real focus on quality meat,” says Ugur Kocak, from Yarralumla Meats, and also Halal Turkish Pide. “We also do a lot of smallgoods: from salami to smoked beef. “At Halal Turkish Pide, we’ve got the best kebabs in town! They’re all made with fresh meat from the butchers’ next door, and home-made breads and pides made on the premises. Baklava

and sweets are home-made, too. “We also offer a Christmas banquet and specials.” Ugur urged Canberrans who are considering using the Pide House for functions and catering, or Yarralumla Meats for their Christmas meat needs, to act quickly and order to avoid disappointment. More information on 6281 3969 (Yarralumla Meats) or 6281 1991 (Turkish Halal Pide House).

Buongiorno, Yarralumla YARRALUMLA Primary School is a tranquil, welcoming place for children to learn, says teacher Trish Foster. “It’s one of the oldest parts of Canberra, with a lovely view of Black Mountain Tower and the lake; it’s between beautiful, massive oak trees and the grounds are just beautiful,” she says. “We have a kitchen garden with chickens and a worm farm, and snow peas. Each year is allocated a garden lot to weed and look after, and the food goes to the canteen, where a lot of fresh foods are made: Tomatoes, lettuces, peas. “We’ve recently had a new

library built through the Building the Education Revolution program, and it’s fantastic, fully stocked with computers, a conference room and a lot more books, which have been donated to the school.” One of the school’s biggest distinctions, though, is that it’s bilingual. Students spend 50 per cent of their learning time fully immersed in an Italian language environment. “It’s not a LOTE [languages other than English] program, it’s speaking in Italian,” Trish says. “It’s total immersion, so that they’re learning through the lens of a different language.”

The school prides itself on being inclusive of children with all learning needs, Trish says, with gifted and talented students able to network to several programs for a variety of learning opportunities. More information on www. or call 6205 5766. CityNews  November 18-24  19


invite us at

At the annual luncheon for Children’s Medical Research Institute, Government House

Janie Rix, Jane Seaborn and Karen Byron

Saori Noi, Yukika Ito, Rieko Moimoto and Yuko Iizuka

Kate Mertz, Ros Koundouris and Vanessa Smair

20  CityNews  November 18-24

Carolyn Forster and Danielle Post

Judy Shalders, Maxine Barrie and Alison Gates

Helen Chamberlain, Margaret Cerabona and Kay Wild

Chiara and Nick Spencer with baby Asha Ferris

Anita Petersson, Edit Casaba, Anna Todosijeric and Anna Prosser

At Poland’s National Day celebrations, Yarralumla

Polish ambassador Andrzej Jaroszynski with MP Peter Slipper

Romy Maynes, Anna Koprowska and Kevin Maynes

Bernard and Maria Skarbek, George DebDworski, Margaret Reid and Brozek Stefan

Eta Rogoyska and Dr Michael Witter

Judy Loy and Sophie Loy-Wilson

Dorota Gozdecka, Mateusz Wolnicki, Sibel Muderisoglu and Pablo Jimenez

Anna Wielopolska, Malgosia Juszczyk and Rui Quartin Santos

CityNews  November 18-24  21


invite us at

At ‘A Zoo Affair’ networking night, Kingston

Elissa Singer, Tom Forrest, Stephanie Wilson, Ashley Reeve and Elley Goldspring

Tabitha Fairleigh and Sarah Corcoran

Tiffany Hart, Matthias Dippl and Nicole Frawley

Nickolas Tiew, Wendy Johnson and Nina Le

Kate Robbins and Clinton Hutchinson

Jamie Wilson, Kristen Zotti and Pawl Cubbin

Tom Lowe, Teeghan Worland, Remy Chancerel and Tash Lyons

At St Vincent de Paul charity ball, Rydges Lakeside

David Talbot, Kate Burnham, Ivana Lemezina and Ante Vatavuk

Emma Wirth with Luke, Katy and Skye Harris

Steph Hawkins and Mike Frame

22  CityNews  November 18-24

Geraldine McNulty, Angela O'Rourke and Nuala Grundy

Greg Stewart, Hannah Studdert, Tim Grogan, Liz Flora and Anna Fiveash

Victoria Muscat and Maria Selleck

Kelly and Tami O'Hara, Susan Brown and Elle O'Connell

CityNews  November 18-24  23


invite us at

At ACT Excellence in Property Awards, The Lobby

Senator Kate Lundy, Robert Smyth and Cathy Sirel

Marcia Bowden and Heather Kent

Mo Bros Andrew McColl, Simon Briggs and Peter Barclay

At Association of Independent School gala night

Greg, Teija and Shane Zwajgenberg, Josie Mitchell, Satu Voutilainen and Liz Hutton

Mario Marangoni and Judy Brown

Chris Peters, Diane Joseph, Anne Ellis and Allan White

At Myer Canbera City relaunch, Canberra Centre

Callum Hann, Anna Sardana, Sheena Wu and MasterChef Australia 2010 Adam Liaw

24  CityNews  November 18-24

Alani Fowler, Vicki Skopal and Hannah Terrett

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Patron Nancye has Free Rain riding high By arts editor Helen Musa

WITH a new home in the old Cook Primary School shared with Phoenix Theatre and Supa Productions, it’s no wonder that the founder and director of Free Rain Theatre, Anne Somes, is riding high. Somes has scored a theatrical triumph in getting star veteran of musicals, Nancye Hayes on board as artistic patron (Senator Gary Humphries is the long time non-artistic patron). Somes says that, as a teenager, she was a fan of Hayes’ “sheer magic” and so Free Rain is honoured to have such a “legend of the Australian stage” to help raise its profile. Of late, Hayes has also been very active in schemes to stage new Australian musicals.

In addition, having a permanent home in Cook has allowed Somes to take on “wonderful new personnel” as her artistic associates – performer Andrea Close and director Cate Clelland. And there’s more: Somes has developed The Free Rain Actors Studio to train performers for stage and screen auditions (at a cost), hold masterclasses, offer scholarships for young directors and present special shows coming out under the banner “Put Colour in Your Life”. These actors’ studio productions, which include “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” (written by Jordan Best and her father, the celebrated film composer Peter Best), “The Removalists”, directed by Jordan Best and “Grease”, directed by Fiona Aitkin. The idea is to give opportunities for an up-and-coming generation of actors who can’t currently get leading roles with the major presenters. For instance, “Grease” will be only to audition from people between ages 14 and 21

and “The Removalists”, 21 to 35. As for the 2011 mainstage season, it will take advantage of various locations such as The Q, the Canberra Theatre’s Courtyard Studio and Tuggeranong Arts Centre with an ambitious program of musicals such as “Oklahoma”, “Sweet Charity”, “Beauty and the Beast”, directed by Barbara Denham and straight plays “Auntie Mame” and a new work dramaturged by Somes, “The Dark Side of Midnight written by former Canberra director Tessa Bremner. And it’s her comment on that play that sums up Somes’ irrepressible vision of a new era for free Rain Theatre – “fascinating”. On November 29, there will be a free forum at 7pm with Canberra directors, musical directors and choreographers at Cook Community Hub for anyone wanting to be in musicals next year. For all details of the 2011 season and actors studio programs and go to

Nancye Hayes... Free Rain Theatre’s artistic patron.

Photo by Jeff Busby

E.L.K’s winning stencil of Saul Williams based on an image by “CityNews” photographer Silas Brown.

Stencil wins prize CANBERRA artist, E.L.K has won the $2000 2010 Australian Stencil Art Prize for his stencil artwork titled “Saul Williams”, a photorealist stencil of American poet, writer, actor and musician Saul Williams that impressed judges with its technical brilliance. E.L.K’s winning artwork was based on an image by “CityNews” photographer Silas Brown. It will be exhibited alongside 19 other finalists at Oh Really Gallery in Newtown, Sydney, until November 21.

In 2008, E.L.K won Most Popular Piece at the Melbourne Stencil Festival Poster Competition. He was a finalist in the inaugural Australian Stencil Art Prize in 2009. His work has hung alongside the Parisian “Godfather” of stencil art Blek Le Rat in Los Angeles. He has also exhibited in Iran, Germany, Britain and Australia and run youth workshops in Belconnen Arts Centre and at the National Portrait Gallery. –Helen Musa CityNews  November 18-24  25


Canberra’s month to celebrate all things African AFRICANS are saying “karibu!” (welcome) to all Canberrans during the 2010 Celebrate Africa Month. It’s a montage of African crafts, photographs and books. Books are at the Civic Library and the rest at the Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre, 180 London Circuit, Civic, where Kabu Okai-Davies’ “The Long Road to Africa – An Autobiography in Verse” will be launched on November 21 from 3pm to 6pm. The finale will be the Africa forum in the same venue on November 26, 5.30pm-10pm. THE Street Theatre is treading on ambiguous territory with Elizabeth Avery Scott’s play “Lies, Love and Hitler” playing until November 27. The play revolves

arts in the city Helen Musa

around the “slightly mad” academic Dr Paul Langley who keeps having visions of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bookings to 6247 1223. TWO of the three plays Tempo Theatre is staging as “Tempo’s Tiny Tales” at Belconnen Theatre until November 27 at Belconnen Theatre have been written by locals Matt Ashton and Bruce Vincent. Tickets $15 at the door. Times at “DIGITAL Jam” is an underground

project coinciding with the National Gallery of Australia’s “Space Invaders” exhibition. It features projections by London video director and illustrator Danny Sangra and dance music by DJs such as Melbourne sound artist Buttress O’Kneel. It’s at the northern end of the NGA carpark, 8pm November 20. STRATHNAIRN Arts Association’s members’ show is called “Wool Shed” and, running Friday to Sunday, 10am to 4.30pm until December 19. The rural theme highlights the uniquely bucolic character of Strathnairn Homestead in Stockdill Drive, Holt. AT 3pm on November 21 in Wesley Music Centre, Art Song Canberra is

presenting songs by Russian, German, Austrian, Italian, English and Australian composers. Tickets at the door. THE 2011 Japanese Film Festival is at the National Film and Sound Archive’s Arc cinema until November 21 with thrillers, anime, documentaries and comedy Bookings to 6248 2000. TRY to catch Belconnen Artists Network’s quirky exhibition “Belconnen Ways” at the Church Gallery, Gold Creek and also the Tin Shed Art Group’s edgy exhibition of monoprints, abstracts, scraps of hessian, oils, acrylics and “Clearing Showers” by Joan the surreal at the Watson Art Centre in Aspinall Street. Both run until November Costanzo at the Tin Shed Art Group’s exhibition. 21.

Thriller with a ripple of laughs “Machete” (MA) ROBERT Rodriguez has made some top-class bad movies, vigorous, morally dubious, imaginative, unabashed in violence, giving unrestrained views of the geographical and cultural underbelly where Mexico and the US collide. Former Mexican policeman Machete (Danny Trejo, by no means a beautiful leading man, but ideal for the role) confronts racist US Senator McLaughlin (Robert de Niro), Texan drug distributor Booth (Jeff Fahey) and Torrez, the Mexican drug lord who controls them both (Steven Segal) in a two-pronged crusade. Machete wants revenge for the murder three years earlier of his family by Torrez’s goons and an end to the murderous vigilante activities of psychopath Jackson (Don Johnson). On the side of the angels are Luz (Michelle Rodriguez), legally in the US and secret leader of a network helping illegals, and US Customs and Immigration agent Sartana (Jessica Alba). Cheech Marin plays Machete’s priest brother with a nice line in practical religion. Lindsay Lohan has a zero costume budget as Fahey’s indulged daughter. Liberally splashed with blood and flying body parts, enhanced by vigorous action sequences, stunts and destruction, with a message underlying its treatment of both sides of illegal immigration, implausible yet entertaining, occasionally relieved by sardonic humour, “Machete” is escapism several steps above the films of Sam Peckinpah. At Dendy


“The American” (MA)

Dougal Macdonald

NOT just a vanity for star and co-producer George Clooney, this thoughtful drama subjugates its thriller potential to explorIN 1993, in “Cible Emouvante”, a French ing the ethos and workplace dangers of romantic comedy thriller, Jean Roquefort the assassin’s calling. In a creative environment characterplayed Victor, tall, slim, lugubrious, third generation in the Meynard family’s ised by Dutch director Anton Corbijn’s bespoke assassination service. In Jonathan sympathetic use of Italian mountain Lynn’s remake (not shot-for-shot) combinlocations and a restrained musical score ing English and French creative styles, tall, gently invoked only at high dramatic moments, Rowan Joffe’s adaptation of slim, lugubrious Bill Nighy plays Victor. Martin Booth’s novel unrolls at a gentle Victor accepts a contract to delete Rose (Emily Blunt) who has sold a forged walking pace. Rembrandt self portrait to magnate art Fleeing a contract in Sweden, John’s lover Ferguson (Rupert Everett). The hit handler Pavel (Johan Leysen) sends him goes wrong. Ferguson sends his household to an isolated Italian town to await his next assignment. There, friendship with a goons to terminate Victor and Emily and recover the money. That goes wrong. Tony, priest (Paolo Bonnicelli) provides a forum a youth caught in the crossfire, gets taken for discussion of matters of the mind and on as Victor’s apprentice. Ferguson hires spirit. Beautiful sex-worker Clara (Violante another lower-priced assassin. Placido) brings a new emotional element “Wild Target” delivers pace, good into his life. A colleague Mathilde (Thekla tensions and a steady ripple of laughter. As Reuten) brings the orders for the ne xt always, Nighy, a delightfully idiosyncratic job. In a sub-plot, Swedish hunters are character actor, is great. Blunt contributes coming bent on revenge. a face that cameras fall in love with, legs The five main characters drive a film that go on for ever, and superb skills in that moderately well gets inside John’s the micro-details of film acting. As Tony, head and asks uncomfortable questions Rupert Grint conveys potential for a future about his profession. As expectations without Harry Potter. Eileen Atkins is build for a denouement of a kind fitting this kind of story, the tensions become deliciously acidulous as Victor’s mother. Among such goodies, it is possible to almost too much to bear. Clooney and forgive the film’s occasional continuity Corbijn deliver the message in a welllapses and structural flaws. Regard them as crafted package. An assassin has no tests of your observation skills. friends. At all cinemas At Dendy and Greater Union

“Wild Target “ (M)

Ambitious tilt at bawdy show UTILISING a large cast, bright sets and costumes and well-staged production numbers, Phoenix Players and director Kelda McManus have mounted an ambitious production of this bawdy musical which takes place in a brothel in Texas run by the world’s nicest madam, Miss Mona (Megan Baran). Highlight is the Aggie dance at the end of act one, where the men, as lusty footballers, have some boot-stomping fun in one of several energetic dance routines choreographed by Nikole Sklavos. The “whores” also worked well as an ensemble, particularly during “Hard Candy Christmas”, with Jacinta Le a standout as the new Chicken Ranch recruit, Angel. As Miss Mona, Megan Baran looked lovely and sang with an attractive Texas twang, but 26  CityNews  November 18-24


“The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” Phoenix Players, The Q, Queanbeyan, until November 27. Reviewed by Bill Stephens Jon Garland, as the hot-tempered and coarse Sheriff Ed Earl Dodd, provided the emotional fireworks. However, on opening night the second act lacked the energy of the first; the sound and lighting cues were erratic and the abrupt ending appeared to leave the cast stranded and the audience non-plussed, and maybe wondering why the spectacle of football jocks cavorting in a brothel seems rather less palatable now than it might have back in 1978.


A cosy place for good Thymes ONCE in a while, you stumble across a café that makes you feel like you’re at home. Thymes thirtythree in Bungendore is a cosy little place – with a warm, friendly vibe and great home-cooked meals, complete with fresh ingredients from Karen Broadhurst’s garden. Karen and her partner, Alison Cryer, opened the café around 10 months ago, designing the interior themselves and creating a menu that is too terribly yummy. Eggs come from a nearby farm, the produce is carefully sourced from reputable suppliers (local where possible) and Karen is known to nip home to pick “bits and pieces” from her backyard. Mostly everything is made on site – with Karen and Alison in the kitchen – including a healthy range of gluten-free products. Thymes thirtythree is tucked behind the Bendigo Bank on Ellendon Street, not too far from the main drag of this small,


Wendy Johnson traditional country town. We started with a super coffee, proof that the “gals” have years of barrista skills under their belts. Breakfast is available all day. The eggs Thymes thirtythree... a warm, friendly vibe Florentine dish ($12) was perfect – the and great home-cooked meals. hollandaise sauce creamy, the wilted baby Photo by Silas spinach adding a nice touch and the farmfresh eggs poached perfectly. The egg and bacon roll ($7.50) was another winner with selection of pizzas and larger mains. Or you some of the most delicious bacon I’ve ever can peek at the specials’ board. had. It was crispy and there was plenty Karen and Alison do sweets well, of it. Indeed, Thymes thirtythree is very including the popular caramelised banana generous with portions on all counts. French toast made with loads of butter and The lunch menu features a large number loads of cream. The gluten-free brownies of gourmet rolls and wraps (only $8), all sell like crazy. with their own personalities. The risotto The décor at Thymes thirtythree is ($16) is created with prawns rolled in sweet. The colour scheme is a snow white Thymes thirtythree’s own special Dukkah and light apple green. Local art is displayed and tumbled over the pasta and served and the owners have had fun playing with with wilted baby spinach (gluten free). My an eclectic mix of transfers, including one bet is it would go down very, very well as of Audrey Hepburn. The fireplace keeps would the gluten-free hamburgers. customers warm during winter and the Gourmet pies all come with salad. Main- bar area at the front overlooks a courtyard size salads include a Thai beef, chicken with with comfy wicker furniture. baby beetroot, fetta and lemon dressing Thymes thirtythree. 3/33 Ellendon Street, and a Caesar. Also for lunch is a small Bungendore. Open 8am to 4pm, seven

Latino fireworks By Helen Musa WITH this being the bicentennial year of independence in Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Venezuela, Wollongong’s 55-strong WIN Symphony Orchestra and their Colombian-born conductor, Carlos Alvarado (pictured) will play their part in festivities in Llewellyn Hall on November 20. The orchestra will perform “Classical Latino”, a display of musical fireworks including compositions by Ginastera, Piazzolla, Gutierrez, Romero, Moncayo, Marquez, Soro, Bermudez, Barros and Zumaque, The performance is the result of an unusual collaboration between the embassies of the five countries, the Australian and ACT Governments, the WIN Symphony Orchestra, sponsor WIN TV and Canberra businesses. “What better way to express the joy, freedom, energy, ingenuity and creativity that have flourished since independence than by celebrating the music of the people?” the organisers are asking. Bookings to www.ticketeck.

‘CityNews’ WINNERS... THE winners of an autographed copy of Griff Rhys Jones’ DVD “Rivers” were Belinda Izzard, of Macgregor; Fiona Rayns, Yarralumla; and Lisa Donkin, Jerrabomberra. THE winners of the double passes to see David Helfgott, at the Canberra Theatre, were Sonia Gherdevich, of Wanniassa, and Penelope Cole, of Franklin. CityNews  November 18-24  27

canberra cup

‘Mad’ fashions for a day at the Cup CANBERRANS are backing the retro, glamorous look epitomised by the cult TV series “Mad Men”, says Jenny Tiffen.

cover story By Megan Haggan

the milliner, and she custommade the hat for me. “I think vintage is very much She was the winner of Fashions in fashion at the moment,” says on the Field at Thoroughbred Jenny. “It’s a ‘50s look, but with Park on Melbourne Cup Day – and an edge – it has a modern twist.” the upcoming Canberra Cup is the Briony Young, from Thoroughperfect place to show it off. bred Park, says she loves the The $200,000 Canberra Cup is “Mad Men” look, and encourages one of Canberra’s three feature Canberran women to go retro for race days, and will be held on a touch of polish at the Canberra Sunday, November 28. A highlight Cup. will be the Myer Fashions on the “Fascinators are taking a bit Field, which will see Canberra’s of a back seat right now, and big fashionistas compete for prizes hats are back – it’s a very ‘60s including a trip for two to Hong look. The ‘Mad Men’ look has Kong. spread over the fashion world, Jenny says she usually finds was big on Melbourne Cup Day her hat first and then chooses an and on Oaks Day in Melbourne, outfit to complement it, but that and I think will be there for the this time her winning combination Canberra Cup as well. began with the dress. “Back then, women exuded “I found my dress at the Fash sophistication and elegance in ‘n’ Treasure racewear special the way they dressed. It wasn’t market day, which I really hope overtly sexy, but feminine.” they do again, as it was a great Briony predicts that floral event. It’s from The Darling patterns and polka-dots will be Sisters, as are the gloves and bag: big for Canberra Cup’s Fashion on it’s a real ‘Mad Men’ look, which the Field. works very well for the races. She adds that the judges won’t “Then I went to Cynthia Bryson, be adding up the amount spent

28  CityNews  November 18-24

on an outfit, but instead judging it on its elegance, style and originality. There are several criteria for Fashions on the Field entrants – for example, a hat or a fascinator is a must for ladies – which include style and originality; no predominance of exposed skin; a roughly knee-length skirt and no denim. Attention to detail when it comes to accessories is a must, advises Briony: Whether it’s gloves, jewellery, or weather-appropriate additions like a parasol or brolly. Great racewear is unique and lets us stand out from the crowd, Jenny says, adding that if we can wear it to a nightclub, a dress probably isn’t appropriate racewear. “Sometimes, more is more!” she laughs. Jenny says that a day at the races is a great way to spend time as a family – or get away from the kids! “It’s like a little holiday,” she told “CityNews.” The Canberra Cup, Thoroughbred Park, Sunday, November 28. More information at www. or call 6204 0000.

Fashions on the Field, Melbourne Cup Day, winner Jenny Tiffin... “I think vintage is very much in fashion at the moment. It’s a ‘50s look, but with an edge – it has a modern twist.” Photo by Silas

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The ‘beautiful’ hat is back The trend in headwear is away from fascinators, and towards hats, says Trish McIntyre, creator of Hats by Trish: “It’s a look that’s really feminine and pretty – a beautiful hat finishes an outfit.” Trish says that previous generations understood that a hat was necessary everyday wear to pull an outfit together; today, we’re starting to come back around to the idea that hats give cohesion to outfits worn for special occasions such as race days. “It’s especially the case if you look for something that suits your face shape and your colouring as well as your outfit. If you can do these three things, you’ll really pull your outfit together.” She says that a round face

looks good in small brims, worn straight or forward on a sassy slant; women with long faces suit medium-to-wide brims worn straight. “Avoid tall, narrow shapes,” she suggests. Women with oval faces look great in hats worn forward,

with square or round crowns. “Angle is also important. The tradition used to be that hats were worn to the right, but that’s since changed: if you have a parting, it’s important today to always put the hat over the parting. Wear the hat forward rather than backward on the head, as well.” Trish says that while we can wear the same dress or suit to a variety of different functions or events, changing the hat and bag can make a big difference. “Gloves are also coming back. If there’s anything on the hat that I can pick up, for example tiny flowers, beads or diamantes, these can be hand-stitched on to gloves to really complete an outfit.” More information at www. or 6230 2310

Wide choice in racewear THERE’S a wide range of choice in appropriate racewear right now, says Irene Pavlovic, from Ellory Lane in the Canberra Centre. “A lot is in at the moment, from prints to plain dresses – I don’t feel as though many will be able to get it wrong! “All I can say is that if you choose to wear a print, go subtle on accessories. If you choose plain, bling it up. “Remember, the day holds an element of class, so dress chic and sophisticated, even if you’re not!”

Irene says that while headwear is important, a fascinator or hat needs to complement the outfit, not detract from it or draw all the attention. Foundation garments can also be useful: “Correct underwear could make or break an outfit!” she says. “As for shoes, whether it’s heels or flats, either is fine as long as your outfit is hot.” Shop DF14, Canberra Centre, Civic

By Megan Haggan

DESPITE our reputation for playing it safe when it comes to fashion, Canberrans are actually avid market shoppers, say local market fashionistas Rebekah Griffiths and Jane Grant. “Cities such as Sydney and Melbourne have always been seen as the ‘fashion capitals’, and this is reinforced by the variety and availability of fashion outlets, and the willingness of locals to embrace new trends,” says Jane, the creator of Fash ‘n’ Treasure, a fashion market which includes personal and professional retailers – everything from local designers to vintage and pre-loved clothes – which is held regularly at Kingston’s Old Bus Depot. One of the stallholders is Material Pleasures, which brings an estimated 1500 items of clothing every week to the Gorman House Markets in Braddon (on Saturdays) and the Old Bus Depot Markets (on Sundays) as well as operating a retail store in Fyshwick. “People love to come to markets for clothing because it satisfies the thrill of the hunt and bargain-hunting urge at once,” says Rebekah Griffiths, owner of Material Pleasures. “The other most common reason for customers to choose markets as part of their fashion shopping experience is that you can really find something unique and different. “Market shopping generally offers you one-ofa-kind pieces. You won’t find racks of ‘same same’. Whether your style be retro, designer, vintage or a blend of all mixed with new clothes, you can really begin to build your own personal style instead of ‘following fashion’.” Jane agrees. “There’s an element of luck to market shopping. Designers rarely mass-produce their products, so many styles come in limited quantities. “Aside from the fact that you’re unlikely to see your recent market purchase walking through Civic on a Friday afternoon, the ‘handmade’ factor gives designers the ability to add their own quirky touches to each piece. “Market shopping also gives you the opportunity to talk to the designer or curator. Unlike some sales assistants, the seller has an in-depth understanding of the composition and design of each piece, and genuinely has an interest in ensuring the perfect fit for the customer.” Canberrans are embracing the concept of the fashion market. For example, the recent Way We Wear Vintage Fair was originally intended when devised in 2008 to be

Being in the market for a bargain an annual event. But according to owner Fiona Baverstock: “It was so successful we had to fit in another one before the end of the year, and have two last year.” This year there were three. “It is definitely becoming more commonplace and acceptable for a broader spectrum of the community to shop at markets for clothing,” says Rebecca. “The stigma attached to recycled clothes is well and truly waning, and as stalls become more upmarket in their presentation, it makes for a relaxed shopping/browsing experience. “Celebrities wearing vintage, either couture or streetwear, from bygone eras has also helped to broaden the appeal and acceptability.” Jane says that one reason Canberrans love markets is their desire for variety, particularly in vintage and designer fashion. “Markets, particularly Fash ‘n’ Treasure, introduce diversity to the Canberra fashion scene.” Fash ‘n’ Treasure will next be held on Saturday, November 27. More information at www.

CityNews  November 18-24  29

Elite Physique’s fifth birthday

Gym with the ‘best of “I’D been training with weights since I was about 13, so I had a very clear idea of what I liked and didn’t like about gyms,” says Billy Giampaolo, co-owner of Elite Physique in Phillip.

Billy Giampaolo… “I knew that if I built a gym that had the best of everything, it wouldn’t fail.”

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“I knew that if I built a gym that had the best of everything, it wouldn’t fail.” Elite Physique is celebrating its fifth birthday this month, and Billy says that seeing the concept – which he developed with his sister-in-law and co-owner Lela Giampaolo – become such a great success has been a dream come true. “I absolutely love what I do, and I’m excited for the next five years,” he says. “I’m more passionate about the business than I’ve ever been. It’s an exciting time.” Billy says that Elite Physique started off slowly, as businesses do. “For a while there was a definite feeling of, ‘what have we done?’” he says. “I wish now that I’d had more confidence in myself, because it turned out that we had created exactly what people wanted, but at the beginning, having made a such a huge financial outlay, it was a tough time. “I was working 100-hour weeks for the first 18 months. But I stood by what I thought – if you build the best, people will come. And they did.” The gym has the latest and best cardio and strength training equipment, says Billy, as well as group classes including Zumba, yoga, box fit, group cycling, mixed martial arts, muscle endurance training and Pilates. But Billy says that it’s the people that make the gym what it is. “We felt very strongly that our trainers had to be the absolute best,” he says. “It’s like going to see a doctor – would you choose someone who has just qualified, or would you rather go to someone with years of experience? It’s the same thing – it’s your health.

advertising feature

everything’ celebrates five years “Our massage therapist has worked with Formula One, and our trainers are elite athletes, world-record holders and Commonwealth Games champions. These people have been the best in their field nationally and internationally, they’ve got the experience, and they’ve been there.” Creating an inviting environment that appeals to everyone is something Billy particularly prides himself on. “The quality of our trainers and equipment attracts elite athletes to the gym, but the atmosphere is so friendly and non-threatening that we also have ladies of 60 years old training next to them,” Billy says. “There are always up to five or six trainers walking around the gym, making sure people are okay, that everyone is using

the machines correctly, or to offer assistance if anyone’s looking unsure. “It’s like having a personal trainer without having to pay for one. People always tell us that they’ve never had service like this in any gym they’ve used before. “With some gyms, they herd people in like sheep and then there’s no follow-up, no support once they’ve got your money. People tell me they end up getting disillusioned with the fitness industry, or they hurt themselves, or they find the atmosphere intimidating. We’re dedicated to helping our members reach their goals, to motivating them. “Our motto is ‘step up’ and be the best you can be. We’ll help our members every step

of the way, whether it’s someone who’s never exercised a day in their lives, or an athlete training for a competition.” The gym also has an in-house health and supplement store, which Billy says stocks protein supplements, health alternatives, vitamins, body enhancement supplements and fitness accessories, and can offer advice on nutritional strategies and supplementation. Billy says he’s there at the gym, seven days a week and, as such, has got to know all the members. “It’s been an amazing five years – I think I’ve

probably only missed about a week in that time,” he says. “I’m more excited than ever about where we’re going. “The plan is to grow over the next few years, but not too much. “We’ll eventually cap the membership, because we’re determined to maintain the exceptional level of customer service we have at the moment.” Elite Physique, corner of Townshend and Botany Streets, Phillip. Call 6281 6999, email, or visit www.

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Cabaret cushions (filled) in black, gold, ruby and silver, by Davinci for Private Collection, $49.95 each.

Narrow resin shelves, from $69.95, at Howards Storage World.

Living with the changes THE living room constantly changes to reflect new tastes, perspectives, moods and lifestyles, says Corine Rozen from Natuzzi – because our homes are reflections of ourselves.

Releve sofa, from $5740 (fabric) or $7880 (leather) from Natuzzi

“Your living room should be a place where you can relax and unwind from daily stresses,” she says. “It should be a place of respite, where you can be yourself to rest or play. “Today, more than ever, the home – and especially the living room – is where you go to retreat and recover your true spirit. So the sofas, armchairs, furnishings and accessories that surround you are part of what creates that much-needed harmony.” To make our living rooms truly welcoming, we should be true to our own style and surround ourselves with objects we’re happy to return to each day, she says. Comfort’s just as important as style, she adds, so when buying sofas and chairs, we should test them out properly before buying. “The seat depth and lumbar support are a very personal choice, so you should sit on a sofa or armchair for at least 15 minutes before you make your decision,” Corine says. “Often it takes that long to get a feeling for what design is most comfortable for you.”

Raffles cushion (filled) in Leaf by Logan & Mason Ultima, $59.95.

CityNews  November 18-24  33

34  CityNews  November 18-24

Braidwood Quilt Event

advertising feature

Annual airing of the quilts ON the fourth weekend of November each year, the historic town of Braidwood, NSW, becomes an open-air gallery and a mecca for quilters and tourists with its Quilt Event. This year, the 16th annual Quilt Event, which features the “Airing of the Quilts”, will be held on Saturday, November 27 from 9am-5pm, with the major indoor exhibition in the historic tin-shed National Theatre in Wallace Street, the main street of Braidwood, on Saturday 9am-5pm and Sunday 9am4pm. The cost is $5. During the Quilt Event weekend, Braidwood’s main street glows with colour as quilts are strung up on first-floor verandahs against a backdrop of ornate ironwork and wood. The first Quilt Event was held in 1995 when Australia experienced its first public outdoor Airing of the Quilts. Over the years, the event has grown from the original 25 outdoor quilts and one indoor venue to more than 500 quilts and 15 venues.

Fringe benefits THE Fringe Festival offers an opportunity for not-for­-profit organisations to raise funds, and visual artists to gain attention from the crowds that visit Braidwood over Quilt Event weekend. Some Fringe Festival events include: • FyreGallery, 84 Wallace Street, presents the work of Susan Dorothea White, an Australian printmaker and artist whose career spans 50 years. FyreGallery is the sponsor of the Annual Quilt Event $1000 Acquisitive Art Award. The award is for an art quilt inspired by the work of Susan Dorothea White entitled “Magic Pudding”. • Miriam Miller, a rug-maker who holds workshops at her Narrawilly Farm Studio in Milton, will exhibit rug designs and examples of the techniques of rug making. • St Andrews, Braidwood’s historic Anglican Church in Elrington Street, offers a display of quilts and craft items. • The old Westpac building at 138 Wallace Street will house work for sale exhibited by a group of creative artists

from Braidwood, Canberra and Lake Bathurst. • The cottage garden at 6 Malone Street will be open between 10am and 4pm. Light refreshments will be available and a gold coin donation will support the local hospital. • Australia’s Open Garden Scheme will open two historic gardens over Quilt Event weekend. Mona and St Omer will open both days between 10am and 4.30pm. More info at • Braidwood Fire Station in Park Lane will display quilts and provide Home Fire Safety Information on Saturday from 9.30am to 3.30pm. • The Masonic Lodge, Elrington Street, will open from 10am to 4pm on Saturday. The Masons will display a collection of quilts together with their collection of Lodge regalia. • The Vintage Sports Car Club of Australia will display 50 vintage cars in Duncan Street between 9am and 2.30pm on Saturday.

CityNews  November 18-24  35

Christmas gift ideas

advertising feature

Bliss in an Aladdin’s cave BLISS Garden and Giftware is an “Aladdin’s cave” of unusual and hard-to-find gifts that sees many customers stocking up with presents for themselves as well as loved ones, says Ian Eaton. Ian, who owns the Pialligo business with wife Kylie, says Bliss is ideal for those looking for unusual Christmas decorations, including baubles – “the kind of decorations you won’t find in every shopping centre.” “It’s like a treasure box,” he says. “We have brands like b.Sirius bags, Anna Chandler crockery, Oobi childrenswear and the Tiger Tribe range of kids’ stuff.” He’s particularly excited about Tiger Tribe’s

36  CityNews  November 18-24

new Makedo, an environmentally-friendly gift which helps kids make a cubby house, for example, out of recycled materials. “This sort of thing is great during holidays, because it gives kids something to do, rather than sticking them in front of the television.” Bliss imports a range of unusual pots, including ceramic water bowls which let Canberrans create a water feature without having to dig a pond (or indeed, own a backyard) and wroughtiron furniture. More information at or call 6257 8358.

your week in the stars

With Joanne Madeline Moore November 22-28

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

Don’t rush Rams! Hasty words and actions could land you in a heap of trouble on this crazy Full Moon week. Think things through before you act – especially when you go shopping. Don’t be seduced by buy now, pay later offers. Be realistic about your financial situation, otherwise there’ll be serious consequences in the months ahead.

TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20)

This week’s Full Moon is in your sign, so you’ve got energy to burn. If you are stubborn and dig your heels in with loved ones you’ll get nowhere fast – being a flexible Bull will get you a lot further. Don’t limit your peer group to the same old safe crowd. New friends and creative acquaintances are waiting to add interest and excitement to your life.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)

Talkative Twins are real chatterboxes but (over the next seven days) watch what you say, how you say it, and who you say it to – especially at work. Inspiration is high on Saturday as you connect with the creative muse within. Your quote for the week is from birthday great Bruce Lee: “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself.”

CANCER (June 22 – July 22)

Capricious Crabs - are you ready for your monthly dose of Full Moon madness? If you pace yourself (and avoid touchy subjects and vexing people) then you’ll get through the week OK, without major tantrums and tears. Friday is your best day as flowing Sun, Jupiter and Uranus aspects boost your confidence and stimulate your adventure gene.

general knowledge crossword No. 288 Across 4 Name the reptile having a body enclosed in a shell. 7 To remove someone from a high position is to do what? 8 Which type of cloud yields rain or snow? 9 What describes one's occupation, profession, or trade? 11 What is another term for a hawker? 13 A number is also called a what? 15 Name the newspaper, about half the ordinary page size. 17 What is an immature form of frog? 20 Which term describes a reckless proceeding? 23 To be getting older is to be what? 24 In the US, what do they call a locomotive driver? 25 What is another word for a cure-all?


1 A woman's escort is also called a what? 1



Solution next week





LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)

Work will be volatile as the Full Moon stirs up petty jealousies and insecurities in you – and your workmates. You’ll need to think (carefully) before you speak, and don’t add fuel to the fire by making thoughtless remarks that antagonise others. Utilise your leadership skills in practical and productive ways. Creativity is high on Friday.

2 What is a more readily known reliquary? 3 Name another term for a pigmented naevus. 4 To be stretched tight, is to be what? 5 What is something that cures a disease? 6 Colloquially, what do we call a despicable person? 9 What is a widespread and destructive plant disease? 10 What are icons that move around a screen in computer graphics? 12 Name an alternative term for a puzzling question. 14 Which huge stone figure has the head of a human and the body of a lion? 16 To resemble a wolf is to be what? 18 What do we call an attendant of God? 19 Name an earlier racecourse enclosure. 21 Which structure houses birds? 22 What is an affair of honour?

8 9

10 11



VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22)

Calling all Virgo fuss-pots! You have such high standards and can be very critical of yourself (and others). Try not to be too hard on loved ones this week. With the Full Moon in fellow earth sign Taurus, you’re keen to spend time in nature and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Let non-essentials go and focus on what’s really important to you.

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23)

This week’s Full Moon stimulates your sex/money zone, so expect dramatic developments to do with lust or loot. You prefer order and harmony in your daily routine but things won’t run according to your perfect plans this week. Don’t fight it – go with the flow. If you’re told something in confidence, keep mum and don’t pass it on.

SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21)

A flexible and fun approach is the secret to a successful week. A stubborn attitude will only lead to a fraction too much friction. If you are patient and understanding then your personal relationships will gradually improve. Don’t be a selfish Scorpio – compromise is the key. Money matters are on your mind but don’t make any rash or risky moves.

14 17




19 20



23 24 25

Sudoku medium No.45

Solution next week

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

The full moonbeams light up your wellbeing zone so it’s time to shine the spotlight on your health and fitness, and make sure you’re up-to-date with your medical checks. And don’t make mountains out of molehills, especially at work. If you can maintain a sense of perspective (and humor) then you’ll get through this feisty Full Moon week just fine.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Focus your full attention on nurturing and enjoying relationships. Attached or single, with the Full Moon activating your romance zone, it’s time to flirt up a storm and have some fabulous fun! And, the more you nurture professional partnerships, the more support (and feedback) you’ll receive. Don’t be a lone wolf – this week, it takes two to tango!

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Have you been so busy solving the world’s problems that you’ve neglected home and hearth? The Full Moon activates your domestic zone, so it’s time to lavish your Aquarian abode (and your loved ones) with plenty of TLC. Your words could be misinterpreted though, so it would be wise to embellish them with some tactful sugar-coating.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Don’t procrastinate Pisces! With gung-ho Mars in speedy Sagittarius in your career zone, it’s time to be positively proactive at work. Your quote for the week is from action-man Bruce Lee (born on November 27, 1940): “If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.” Don’t confuse fact with fantasy, especially on Sunday.

Copyright Joanne Madeline Moore 2010.


Crossword No.287 C HOR E S U E T EM I GR E P A P C Y C L E S U O B N C H AR I S A A OC C I D E K S F ME D I A T R N S


Sudoku hard No.44 G O S P H E E R S G Y R ON O ME

CityNews  November 18-24  37


Gavel champ loves thrill of the auction

By Megan Haggan CALLING an auction is a rush like no other, says the ACT’s top auctioneer Jason Roses who, at 21, has just been named Senior Auctioneer of the Year. “I don’t look at an auction as standing up there and simply calling bids,” he says. “For me, it’s about providing an exceptional performance, with high energy, enthusiasm and professionalism, and being able to demonstrate to those in the crowd that this is something you don’t have to do, but something you love to do.” Jason, who works for L.J. Hooker in Tuggeranong, is the youngest person to have won the Real Estate Institute of the ACT award. He’ll head to the Gold Coast in March to compete in the Australasian titles. Auctioneering is an art, says Jason – important in getting the best-possible price on the day. “I think many sellers underestimate the true power that an auctioneer can play on auction day, when it comes to the selling of their home,” he told “CityNews”. “To be a great auctioneer it all really does come from inside and from the passion that you have. Sometimes people are a bit shocked by the amount of energy and enthusiasm I give every time, but it’s what I love doing!”

Auctioneer Jason Roses… “Sometimes people are a bit shocked by the amount of energy and enthusiasm I give every time, but it’s what I love doing!” Photo by Silas

Make the most of growth WHAT is it that makes a city liveable? Specifically, what gets it on the world’s most liveable city lists? According to a recent speech to the Property Council by former NSW Premier Nick Greiner, our well being is a function of prosperity, security, amenity and sustainability. Greiner was looking at Sydney as a global city in his presentation, but the principles he espoused hold for Australia’s other cities, including Canberra. “Whether our cities wither or bloom in this century will depend on the positive marriage of continuing growth and sustainability,” he said. That marriage might as well be annulled if our first action is to close and bar our doors. Environmentally sustainable activities, such as providing public transport, investing in greener building technologies, dedicating and preserving green spaces, even providing recycling facilities, all cost money. And while such money will be amply repaid by increasing the community’s wealth and offering more intangible benefits, it must first be obtained for the initial investment. Finally, to be sustainable, a community must

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Catherine Carter also be economically viable, with a healthy private sector to provide the jobs, facilities, goods and services and, both directly and indirectly, tax revenue. And the private sector needs to see opportunity in order to invest. Growth provides that opportunity and, according to the research, our population is growing and will continue to grow, despite attempts to stop it via harsher immigration restrictions. “We must acknowledge that Australia’s cities are growing regardless of who controls the immigration numbers,” said Greiner, and he’s right. Will discouraging migrants stop our population from growing? The evidence is that it won’t. So why not take Greiner’s advice. Stop castigating our politicians for not being able to stop the tide coming in, and start intelligent plans to provide for our future community by creating homes, infrastructure and workplaces. Catherine Carter is ACT executive director of the Property Council of Australia

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Canberra Region Property Summary A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

Price codes are a guide only



Call Agent

29 Burgoyne St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0411 367 700 3BR F

Call Agent

24/38 Ebenezer St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0411 049 242 3BR I

Call Agent

25/1 Beissel St

Independent Belconnen

0419 000 079 2BR I

Call Agent

20 Helpmann St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0425 366 663 4BR I

Call Agent

57/1 Beissel St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0416 014 431 2BR I

Call Agent

20 Helpmann St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0425 366 663 4BR H

Call Agent

39/20 Beissel St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 3BR H

Call Agent

32 Hurtle Av

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR G

Call Agent

46/20 Beissel St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 3BR H

Call Agent

8 Hussey Cove

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR H

Call Agent

6C/21 Beissel St

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0414 734 185 1BR J

Call Agent

14 Mary Lee St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0416 162 745 4BR G

Call Agent

129/57 Benjamin Wy

Richard Luton Properties

0431 602 251 2BR I

Call Agent

56 Tenison Woods Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0423 900 640 3BR A

Call Agent

11/2 Buik Pl

Taylors Real Estate

0409 625 194 2BR J

Call Agent

6 Wuronga Hill

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR H

Call Agent

307/80 Chandler St

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 1BR J

Call Agent

9 Wuronga Hill

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0423 900 640 4BR H

Sat 9:30-10:00

13 Lalor St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0403 808 780 3BR A

Call Agent

83/64 College St

Independent Tuggeranong

0407 231 788 1BR J

Sat 9:30-10:00

60 Sherbrooke St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0414 623 876 3BR A

Call Agent

146/64 College St

Go Gecko Woden

0401 218 325 1BR J

Sat 10:00-10:45

1 Dibbs St

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 3BR G

Call Agent

153/64 College St

Independent Woden

0407 245 177 1BR J

Sat 11:30-12:15

41 Batman St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 622 420 4BR A

Sat 10:00-10:45

28 Officer Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 3BR G

Call Agent

68 College St

Independent Civic

0408 868 511 2BR I

Sat 12:00-12:30

2/18 Dooring St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 1BR J

Sat 10:30-11:15

3 Duffy St

Elders Belconnen

0407 808 717 2BR G

Call Agent

3/68 College St

Independent Woden

0407 245 177 1BR J

Call Agent

315/17 Dooring St

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0400 819 650 1BR J

Sat 12:00-12:30

119 Hannan Cr

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418 623 352 3BR G

Call Agent

8/68 College St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0400 022 281 2BR B

Call Agent

406/17 Dooring St

Independent Civic

0407 121 412 2BR I

Mon 12:15-12:45 28 Officer Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 3BR G

Call Agent

13/68 College St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 1BR I U

Call Agent

711/17 Dooring St

Independent Tuggeranong

0407 231 788 1BR J

Mon 1:00-1:30

1 Dibbs St

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 3BR G

Call Agent

29/68 College St

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 1BR I

Call Agent

22/17 Helemon St

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 1BR J U

Call Agent

17 Canning St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 4BR B

Call Agent

39/68 College St

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 1BR I

Call Agent

24/30 Ijong St

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0416 087 834 2BR I U

Call Agent

170 Duffy St


0419 212 044 3BR D

Call Agent

42/68 College St

Ray White Gungahlin

0418 479 963 2BR I

Call Agent

26/43 Ijong St

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 1BR J

Call Agent

15 Hargraves Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 2BR G

Call Agent

128/68 College St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 1BR J

Call Agent

20/56 Ijong St

Sadil Quinlan

0414 631 607 3BR G

Call Agent

5 Lang St

Richard Luton Properties

0434 973 987 4BR A

Call Agent

140/68 College St

Independent Gungahlin

0416 135 270 1BR J

Call Agent

23/37 Ipima St

Independent Civic

0412 136 603 3BR G

Call Agent

62 Sherbrooke St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR G

Call Agent

88/72 College St

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 2BR I

Call Agent

18 Lowanna St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0416 014 431 3BR G

Call Agent

7 Winnecke St

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0402 625 254 4BR A

Call Agent

10 Disney Ct

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0422 927 671 2BR I

Call Agent

7/84 Northbourne Av

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 1BR N

Call Agent

18 Winnecke St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 997 894 4BR A

Call Agent

Hennessy St

Elders Belconnen

0411 096 269 1BR M

Call Agent

94/84 Northbourne Av

Independent Belconnen

Call Agent

93 Hennessy St

Independent Woden

0412 256 461 1BR M

Call Agent

305-306/84 Northbourne Av Independent Civic

0427 961 568 2BR L

Call Agent

23/93 Hennessy St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0401 097 568

Call Agent

314/86-88 Northbourne Av

Bright Partners Manuka

0419 394 555 1BR I




0418 480 099 1BR M U

Thu 5:30-6:15

41 Diamond St

Richard Luton Properties

0410 542 667 4BR A

Call Agent

27/93 Hennessy St

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0414 730 849 3BR I

Call Agent

18/28-32 Torrens St

Independent Tuggeranong

0414 387 690 2BR I

Sat 11:00-12:00

98 Katherine Av

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

0407 025 177 4BR A

Call Agent

32/2 Ranken Pl

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0408 515 545 2BR J

Call Agent

5/67 Torrens St

Century 21

0422 940 948 2BR H

Sat 11:50-12:30

10 Corringle Cl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0418 215 878 3BR I

Call Agent

48 Renny Pl

Mewton Mayberry Real Estate 0410 601 312 2BR J

Call Agent

5/1 Wise St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 3BR G

Sat 12:00-12:30

18 Saxby Cl

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

02 6262 2777 3BR I

Call Agent

20/13 Thurlow Pl

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0402 842 291 2BR K

Sat 2:15-3:00

25a Bywaters St

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 3BR I

Call Agent

9/72 Totterdell St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0412 060 792 3BR I

Sat 2:30-3:15

11 Conjola Cl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0421 593 602 4BR A

Call Agent

89 Totterdell St

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0412 381 102 3BR I U

Sat 4:00-4:45

22 Buckingham St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0431 116 399 4BR H

Sun 12:30-1:15

41 Diamond St

Richard Luton Properties

0410 542 667 4BR A

Sun 2:15-3:00

25a Bywaters St

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 3BR I

Sat 12:00-12:40

1 Maza Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

Sun 2:45-3:30

22 Buckingham St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0431 116 399 4BR H

Sat 12:30-1:30

23 Mollie Dyer St

First National Gungahlin

Call Agent

42 Bizant St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 4BR F

Sat 12:30-1:30

96 Rob Riley Cct

Call Agent

53 Bizant St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0438 706 776 4BR H

Sat 12:30-1:30

24 Syddall St

Call Agent

15 Buckingham St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0417 483 627 4BR H U

Sat 1:00-1:45

Call Agent

Dulverton St


0418 574 140 4BR H

Call Agent

45 Proserpine Cct

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

Call Agent

19 Roderick St

Call Agent


8 and 9 Hassall Cct

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

63 Araluen Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

63 Araluen Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532 3BR J

0408 219 148 4BR G

Call Agent

157 Araluen Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046

0433 557 337 5BR H

Call Agent

5911 Araluen Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532 3BR M

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Call Agent

7234 Araluen Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046 2BR J

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Call Agent

1 Araluen St

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517 3BR J

48 Louisa Briggs Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 4BR H

Call Agent

1 Araluen St

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR I

Sat 1:30-2:15

9 Mabo Bvd

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

0407 025 177 4BR H

Call Agent

86 Back Creek Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR I

0417 483 627 4BR H

Sat 3:00-4:00

15 Eugene Vincent St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Call Agent

19 Black Sallee La

Horizon Real Estate

0407 890 527 2BR J

Independent Belconnen

0434 647 792 3BR H

Sun 12:30-1:30

23 Mollie Dyer St

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 5BR H

Call Agent

19 Black Sallee La

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 2BR J

10 Saxby Cl

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 3BR I

Sun 12:30-1:30

96 Rob Riley Cct

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Call Agent

850 Bombay Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

3/4 Sophia St

Ray White Belconnen

0432 028 645 3BR I

Sun 12:30-1:30

24 Syddall St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Call Agent

979 Bombay Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

5 Star Cl

Independent Belconnen

0402 534 157 4BR H

Wed 12:30-1:00

48 Louisa Briggs Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 4BR H

Call Agent

1 Brightside Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

48 Wanderer


0418 574 140 3BR B

Call Agent

23 Anna Morgan Cct

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 4BR H

Call Agent

Callans La

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

Ben Blekeney St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0406 305 430 4BR H

Call Agent

917 Charleys Forest Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 4BR J




Call Agent

79 Bill Ferguson Cct

Premier Capital Properties

0422 266 555 4BR H

Call Agent

12 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR G

Sat 9:30-10:30

32 Bindaga Pl

Elders Belconnen

0428 486 692 5BR A

Call Agent

85 Bill Ferguson Cct

Premier Capital Properties

0422 266 555 4BR G

Call Agent

12 Cooma Rd

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0488 250 076 4BR G

Sat 10:45-11:45

1 Mirning Cr

Elders Belconnen

0428 486 692 4BR A

Call Agent

88 Bill Ferguson Cct

Gold Creek Quality Property

02 6242 9777 4BR I U

Call Agent

46 Cooma Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Sat 12:00-12:45

48 Arabana St

Elders Belconnen

0428 486 692 4BR G

Call Agent

46 Bill Ferguson St

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288 4BR H

Call Agent

232 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

44 Arabana St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0418 628 043 3BR A

Call Agent

Block 10 Section 96 Bonner Innovative Building Projects

0431 118 196 3BR I

Call Agent

247 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

1/103 Bandjalong Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0413 832 535 3BR A

Call Agent

Burnum Burnum Cl

Independent Gungahlin

0405 660 842 3BR I

Call Agent

1761 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR I

Call Agent

26 Darambal St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 3BR G U

Call Agent

10 Burnum Burnum Cl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 4BR H

Call Agent

1761 Cooma Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517 3BR I

Call Agent

4 Gidabal St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 997 894 4BR A

Call Agent

7 Calyurte St

Blue Property Marketing

0413 737 777 4BR H

Call Agent

5/12 Coronation Av

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532 2BR M

Call Agent

18 Jagara St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0414 910 798 4BR E U

Call Agent

58 Charles Perkins Cct

Blue Property Marketing

0413 737 777 4BR H

Call Agent

51 Cowper

Elders Kingston

0404 821 153 5BR E

Call Agent

72 Charles Perkins Cct

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 3BR I

Call Agent

51 Cowper St

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127



Call Agent

6 Clay St

Edge Real Estate

0419 888 026 4BR F

Call Agent

54 Cowper St

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532 3BR K

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 5BR I

Call Agent

7 Clay St

Innovative Building Projects

0431 118 196 4BR E

Call Agent

63 Duncan St

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 4BR H

Sun 10:15-10:45 79 Pockett Av

Richard Luton Properties

0410 542 667 4BR H

Call Agent

11 Clay St

Apex Real Estate

0425 133 902 4BR F

Call Agent

63 Elrington St

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR H

Call Agent

13 Abercrombie Cct

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 3BR I

Call Agent

4 Elia Ware Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0414 405 675 4BR H

Call Agent

108,113-14 Euradux Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

13 Booderee Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0438 627 772 4BR B

Call Agent

16 Elia Ware Cr

Innovative Building Projects

0431 118 196 4BR H

Call Agent

109 & 112 Euradux Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

25 Galbraith Cl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312

Call Agent

Eugene Vincent St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0406 305 430 3BR I

Call Agent

3 Glenmore Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

4 Mathews Pl

Dwyer Dunn

0419 002 780 4BR I

Call Agent

28-38 Eugene Vincent St

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 4BR I

Call Agent

57 Glenmore Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 4BR I

Call Agent

31 Mcluckie Cr

Independent Tuggeranong

0407 231 788 3BR J U

Call Agent

68-82 Eugene Vincent St

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

0407 025 177 4BR I

Call Agent

Griffins Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 2BR J

Call Agent

20 Paperbark St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0431 419 847 4BR G

Call Agent

10 Eumurrah St

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288 4BR H

Call Agent

13 Hassall Cct

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

13/27 Paperbark St

Independent Woden

0407 245 177 4BR H

Call Agent

1 Fernando St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0417 219 592 3BR I

Call Agent

Hawthorne La

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

39 Paperbark St

Richard Luton Properties

0410 564 284 6BR B

Call Agent

11 Henry Williams St


0418 975 125 3BR B

Call Agent

2 Hawthorn La

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517 4BR I

Call Agent

110 Pockett Av

Richard Luton Properties

0409 015 400 3BR J U

Call Agent

Mabo Bvd

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0406 305 430 4BR I

Call Agent

14 Hawthorn La

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 4BR E

Call Agent

19 Thomas Hart St

Richard Luton Properties

0409 015 400 3BR J

Call Agent

24 Mabo Bvd

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 4BR H

Call Agent

132 Hawthorn La

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127

Call Agent

4 White Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR I

Call Agent

187 Mabo Bvd

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0406 305 430 4BR H

Call Agent

5 Hereford Hall Rd

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0488 250 076 1BR L

Call Agent

46 Wiburd St

Independent Woden

0413 909 158 3BR J U

Call Agent

20 Muriel Stewart Cct

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 3BR I

Call Agent

523 Hereford Hall Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

17 Wilhelmi Cr

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 3BR I

Call Agent

22 Muriel Stewart Cct

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 3BR I

Call Agent

165 Jinglemoney Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

25 Wittunga Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0438 627 772 4BR B

Call Agent

32 Muriel Stuart

Edge Real Estate

0457 086 563 4BR F

Call Agent

147 Kain Cross Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

4 Neidjie Cl

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288 5BR H

Call Agent

1/217 Kain Cross Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

Roy Marika St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0417 219 592 3BR I

Call Agent

Kain Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

13 Roy Marika St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR I

Call Agent

Kain Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046 2BR I

Call Agent

24 Roy Marika St

Innovative Building Projects

0431 118 196 3BR H

Call Agent

728 Kain Rd

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0488 250 076


Call Agent

15 Syddall St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 3BR I

Call Agent

20 Kings Hwy

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

17 Syddall St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 3BR I

Call Agent

4161 Kings Hwy

Horizon Real Estate

0407 890 527 2BR H

Call Agent

Sat 11:15-12:00

5 Adcock Pl




Sat 2:45-3:30

34/7 Sydney Av

Richard Luton Properties

0418 697 844 2BR G

Sat 3:45-4:15

37/26 Macquarie St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 697 844 2BR I

Sat 4:25-5:00

42/41 Blackall St

Ray White Canberra

0422 454 383 1BR I

Call Agent

14/41 Blackall St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0439 780 301 2BR B

Call Agent

44/41 Blackall St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR D

Call Agent

10/43 Blackall St

Premier Capital Properties

0409 920 000 1BR I

11+12/4608 Kings Hwy


0418 514 399

Call Agent

39/45 Blackall St

Independent Woden

0418 632 711 3BR E

Call Agent

8816 Kings Hwy

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046 5BR C

Thu 4:00-6:00

10 Helpmann St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 3BR I

Call Agent

9 Bowen Dr

Independent Dickson

0417 710 772 2BR G U

Call Agent

8816 Kings Hwy, Manar Via Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Sat 10:00-2:00

10 Helpmann St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 3BR I

Call Agent

44 New South Wales Cr

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 3BR B

Call Agent

Krawarree Rd

Colin McIntyre Property

0458 726 579


Sat 11:00-11:30

20 Helpmann St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0425 366 663 3BR I

Call Agent

4/11 Sydney Av

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0408 662 119 3BR D

Call Agent

Lot B Clyde Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0400 781 848


Sat 11:30-12:00

20 Helpmann St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0425 366 663 3BR I

Call Agent

26/11 Sydney Av

Berkely Residential

0402 595 016 4BR C

Call Agent

Lot B Grants Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0400 781 848


Sat 1:30-2:00

14/48 Kingscote Cr

ParkTrent Properties Group

02 6247 2155 3BR I

Call Agent

lot B Kings Hwy

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Sun 10:00-2:00

10 Helpmann St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 3BR I

Call Agent

Lot 1 Bombay Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532



Looking for a home this weekend? Order your inspections efficiently.

Trip Plan.


Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

CityNews  November 18-24  43

For photos, full descriptions and latest open times visit A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

Call Agent Call Agent

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

Lot 75 Bombay Rd Lot 1 Brightside Rd

Braidwood First National Braidwood First National


Call Agent

412 Mt Fairy Rd

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877 4BR C

Call Agent

34 Osborne St

Sutton Real Estate

6238 0999


Sat 10:30-11:00

109/1 Braybrooke St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 1BR K

Call Agent

4 Reardon Pl

Sutton Real Estate

6238 0999


Sat 11:15-11:45

155 Lampard Cct

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 4BR A

Call Agent

14 Roseberry St

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877


Sat 2:30-3:15

19/3 Tauss Pl

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 3BR A

Call Agent

25 Roseberry St

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877


Call Agent

54/21 Battye St

Morrissey Property

0433 622 600 1BR J

Call Agent

49 Roseberry St

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877 4BR J

Call Agent

100/21 Battye St


0400 509 262 2BR J

Call Agent

19 Rutledge St

Sutton Real Estate

6238 0999


Call Agent

122/21 Battye St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 2BR I

Call Agent

9 Scott St

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400



Call Agent

52/8 Baudinette Cct

Independent Belconnen

0424 165 567 1BR J

Call Agent

7 Shanahan St

Sutton Real Estate

6238 0999


0409 461 127 3BR F

Call Agent

60/8 Baudinette Cct

Independent Civic

0421 647 750 1BR J

Call Agent

18 Sorrell Pl

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240 3BR H

72/8 Baudinette Cct

Independent Gungahlin

0418 632 217 1BR J

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

0409 461 127

Call Agent

Lot 3 Byrnes Rd - Araluen

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

Call Agent

88 Tarago Rd

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587


Call Agent

Lot 28 Captains Flat Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

87/8 Baudinette Cct

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 1BR I

Call Agent

241 Taylors Creek Rd

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877


71/8 Baudinette St

Independent Civic

0408 868 511 1BR I

Call Agent

643 Taylors Creek Rd

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240 3BR H

Call Agent

Lot 1 6694 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

Call Agent

Lot 1 Cooma Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532


Call Agent

Braybrooke St.

Kashan Property Group

02 6156 2982 2BR J

Call Agent

240 The Forest Rd

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877 4BR C

Call Agent

Lot 19 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR H

Call Agent

81/1 Braybrooke St

Ray White Belconnen

0413 334 447 1BR K

Call Agent

The Glen Rd

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240 4BR H

Call Agent

Lot 2 6694 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

75 Crisp Cct

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0414 910 798 5BR C

Call Agent

176 & 178 Willandra La

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877 2BR E

Call Agent

Lot 2 Cooma Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

1/1 Eardley St

Morrissey Property

0433 622 600 3BR I

Call Agent

Lot 4 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

3/1 Eardley St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0438 706 776 3BR I

Call Agent

Lot 5 Cooma Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532


Call Agent

15/1 Eardley St

Independent Civic

02 6209 1700 3BR I

Thu 5:15-6:00

42 Zox Cct

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0406 866 007 4BR A

Call Agent

lot 4 Cooma Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

2/2 Eardley St

Independent Belconnen

0411 507 679 2BR I

Sat 9:30-10:00

42 Zox Cct

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0406 866 007 4BR A

Call Agent

lot 5 6694 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

10/2 Eardley St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0447 283 052 3BR I

Sat 12:00-12:45

9/7 Purnell Pl

Ray White Canberra

Call Agent

Lot 3 Cooma Rd, Gundillion Braidwood First National Via

0409 461 127


Call Agent

13/2 Eardley St

Independent Belconnen

0411 507 679 1BR K

Sat 12:45-1:30

2/6 Webber Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 830 598 3BR I

Call Agent

25/2 Eardley St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0438 706 776 3BR I

Sat 1:00-1:45

19 Denovan Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

Call Agent

Lot 1 Farringdon Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

26/2 Eardley St

Independent Civic

0407 121 412 3BR I

Sun 11:45-12:30 2/6 Webber Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 830 598 3BR I

Call Agent

lot 2 Farringdon Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

13 Jaeger Cct

Elders Belconnen

0411 096 269 3BR F

Sun 12:15-1:00

39 O'Connor Cct

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 4BR G

Call Agent

Lot 1 Griffins Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

10/5 Lampard Cct

Independent Belconnen

0424 165 567 3BR H

Wed 5:00-5:30

19 Denovan Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 624 412 5BR A

Call Agent

Lot 3 Halls La

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

17/14 Lampard Cct

Elders Belconnen

0409 560 539 3BR I

Call Agent

30 Carpenter Cl

Go Gecko Woden

02 6290 1211 3BR I

Call Agent

Lot 4 Halls La

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

9/115 Lampard Cct

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 2BR I

Call Agent

51 Casey Cr

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0413 453 489 4BR B

Call Agent

Lot 32 Hawthorn La

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

15 Linke Cr

Capital First National

0418 832 091 4BR C

Call Agent

2 Creswick Pl

Independent Woden

0413 909 158 4BR I

Call Agent

Lot 3 Killarney Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR L

Call Agent

4 Lycos St


0415 045 648 4BR B

Call Agent

38/12 Duggan St

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0413 453 489 3BR J

Call Agent

Lot 1 Kings Hwy

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

36 Norman Fisher Cct

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0411 367 700 4BR G

Call Agent

65 Fidge St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0423 900 640 4BR H

Call Agent

Lot 1 Kings Hwy

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

89 Norman Fisher Cct

Premier Capital Properties

0409 920 000 4BR F

Call Agent

48 Fink Cr

Ray White Tuggeranong

0414 622 926 3BR I U

Call Agent

Lot 3 Kings Hwy

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

Thynne St

L.J. Hooker

0408 488 148


Call Agent

18 Girdlestone Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0419 208 244 4BR G

Call Agent

Lot 1 Lascelles St

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

Thynne St

The Village Building Co.

0448 891 000 2BR J

Call Agent

26 Mountain Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969

Call Agent

Lot 1 Nerriga Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

102/31 Thynne St

Independent Dickson

0435 046 964 2BR I

Call Agent

124 O'Connor Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0408 879 936 4BR E

Call Agent

Lot 3 Nerriga Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

54 Thynne St

Rumbles Real Estate

0414 681 688 3BR G

Call Agent

31 Tatchell St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 773 938 4BR A

Call Agent

Lot 7 Off Neringla Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

81 Thynne St

Independent Belconnen

0424 165 567 3BR G

Call Agent

5/6 Webber Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 830 598 3BR I U

Call Agent

Lot 31 Off Welcome Reef Dam Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

91 Thynne St

Independent Gungahlin

0404 895 162 3BR H

Call Agent

10/6 Webber Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 830 598 3BR B

Call Agent

Lots 1 and 2 Larbert Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

25/120 Thynne St

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0414 730 849 1BR K U

Call Agent

13-54 Were St

Colin McIntyre Property

0438 924 400 3BR J

9/121 Thynne St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 3BR B

Call Agent

49 Zox Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969 4BR H

Call Agent

Lots 67 & 77 Captains Flat Rd

Call Agent

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

402/9 Watkin St

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 1BR J

Call Agent

lots 8,9,10 Cooma Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

Lot 2 Stewarts Crossing Rd Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

Lot 3 Stewarts Crossing Rd Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

Lot 4 Stewarts Crossing Rd Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

Lot 5 Stewarts Crossing Rd Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

Lot 1 Tomboye Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

Lot 101 Wallace St

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

Lot 118 Wallace St

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

5929 Main Rd Araluen

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517 3BR H

Call Agent

Malone Cl

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532


Call Agent

24 Malone Pl

Horizon Real Estate

0404 870 026


Call Agent

15 Malone St

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517 3BR J

Call Agent

Mayfield Rd & Stewarts Rd L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0488 250 076

Call Agent

14 Mckellar St

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532 3BR J

Call Agent

Mcrae's Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532 2BR L

Call Agent

6 Mongarlowe Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517

Call Agent

4205 Mongarlowe Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517 17BRE

Call Agent

3 Monkitttee St

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

154 Nerriga Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

4613 Nerriga Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

8330 Nerriga Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532


Call Agent

10014 Nerriga Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532


Call Agent

11206 Nerriga Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517 3BR I

Call Agent

1764 Oallen Ford Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127

Call Agent

900 Oallen Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046 3BR K

Call Agent

12 Park La

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127

Call Agent

Reidsdale Rd

Horizon Real Estate

0407 890 527 4BR C

Call Agent

Retreat At Charley'S Forest Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046

Call Agent

75 Riverside Dr

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 2BR I

Call Agent

70 Ryrie St

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR I

Call Agent

1 Sandholes Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

646 Stewarts Crossing Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

646 Stewarts Crossing Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

646 Stewarts Crossing Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

244 Tomboye Rd

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR H

Call Agent

65 Torpy's La

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127 3BR F

Call Agent

2 Victory St

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

14 Victory St

Ray White Braidwood

0427 610 532


Call Agent

Wallaby Hill Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046


Call Agent

85 Wallace St

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517


Call Agent

85 Wallace St

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

130 Wallace St

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517 3BR H

Call Agent

137 Wallace St

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127

Call Agent

"Warrigal" Charleys Forest Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046 3BR I

Call Agent

37 Wilson St

Ray White Braidwood

0408 762 517 2BR K

Call Agent

Wyanbene Rd

Ray White Braidwood

0427 422 046







0417 292 733 4BR H 0412 624 412 5BR A


CAMPBELL 18 Waller Cr

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0412 060 792 4BR E

Sat 11:30-12:00

7 Rutledge St

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240 6BR B

Sat 12:45-1:30

32 Holmes Cr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0414 623 876 3BR C

Sat 12:15-12:45

36 Malbon St

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240 5BR F

Sat 1:15-2:00

8 Jackson St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 4BR A

Sat 1:00-1:30

27 Malbon St

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240


Call Agent

23/114 Blamey Cr


0419 212 044 1BR K

Sat 2:00-2:45

78 Malbon St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0415 735 777 3BR J

Call Agent

28 Chowne St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0401 005 282 3BR G

Sun 3:00-3:45

4 Shanahan St

Richard Luton Properties

0410 542 667 4BR G

Call Agent

41 Chowne St


0419 212 044 3BR E

Call Agent

626 Boro Rd

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987 3BR I

Call Agent

22 Creswell St

Ray White Canberra

0439 609 736 4BR B

Call Agent

221 Braidwood Rd

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240 4BR B

Call Agent

49 Elliott St


0419 212 044 4BR E

Call Agent

221 Braidwood Rd

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240


Call Agent

29 Ferdinand St

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0409 574 178 4BR A

Call Agent

944 Braidwood Rd

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877 4BR E

Call Agent

31 Gellibrand St

Richard Luton Properties

0427 214 337 4BR B

Call Agent

462 Bungendore Rd

Horizon Real Estate

0407 890 527 2BR I

Call Agent

20 Getting Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0427 214 337 4BR C

Call Agent

146 Burrows La

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987


Call Agent

49 Jacka Cr

Karen Rush Real Estate

0418 285 737 3BR C

Call Agent

297 Butmaroo Rd

Colin McIntyre Property

0458 726 579 4BR C

Call Agent

9 Rosenthal St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0400 667 915 4BR C

Call Agent

Butmaroo Station

Meares & Associates Pty Ltd

0410 683 891 5BR B

Call Agent

43 Rosenthal St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0414 819 377 4BR E

Call Agent

18 Day Cct

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877 4BR H U

Call Agent

7 Truscott St

Richard Luton Properties

0427 214 337 4BR C

Call Agent

999 Duckfield Rd

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987

Call Agent

116 Vasey Cr

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 4BR C

Call Agent

62 Duralla St

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240 3BR J U

Call Agent

49 White Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0414 819 377 3BR G

Call Agent

50 Ellendon St

Sutton Real Estate

6238 0999

Call Agent

113 Ellendon St

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240

Call Agent

8 Essendon Rd

Oz Property Services

0403 339 086 4BR F

Thu 3:30-5:30

14 Breen St

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 3BR I

Call Agent

27 Eyre St

Sutton Real Estate

6238 0999

Thu 3:30-5:30

6 Pender St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 5BR H

Call Agent

29 Gibraltar St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0403 139 701 2BR B

Sat 11:00-4:00

14 Breen St

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 3BR I

Call Agent

36a Gibraltar St

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877

Sat 11:00-4:00

6 Pender St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 5BR H

Call Agent

23 Greenhill La

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877 2BR D

Sat 1:15-4:15

3-13 Forace St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0400 022 281 4BR H

Call Agent

507 Harolds Cross Rd

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0403 139 701 3BR B

Sun 11:00-4:00

14 Breen St

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 3BR I

Call Agent

7 Hyland Dr

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877 4BR H

Sun 11:00-4:00

6 Pender St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 5BR H

Call Agent

41 Hyland Dr

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 4BR G

Sun 1:15-4:15

3-13 Forace St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0400 022 281 4BR H

Call Agent

12 Ireland Pl

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877


Call Agent

9 Alice Clarke St

Premier Capital Properties

0422 266 555 4BR H

Call Agent

1-22 Kings Hwy

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

46 Ashton Calvert St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 4BR H

Call Agent

3815 Kings Hwy

Richard Luton Properties

0411 781 863 5BR B

Call Agent

Block 3 Section 44

PBS Homes

02 6101 9800 3BR I

Call Agent

8056 Kings Hwy

Horizon Real Estate

0407 890 527 3BR G

Call Agent

6 Borthwick Av

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0408 627 337 4BR H

Call Agent

35 King St Industrial

Oz Property Services

0403 339 086


Call Agent

24 Borthwick Av

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 4BR G

Call Agent

19 Larmer St

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Call Agent

11 Borthwick Ave

Premier Capital Properties

0422 266 555 4BR H

Call Agent

Lot 8 Kings Hwy

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 630 002


Call Agent

12 Breen St

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 3BR I

Call Agent

Lots 1-31 Kings Hwy

Braidwood First National

0409 461 127


Call Agent

David Miller Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0405 135 009 2BR K

Call Agent

Lots 2, 3 & 4 King St

Brady's Countrywide

0422 132 240


Call Agent

57 David Miller Cr

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 4BR H

Call Agent

Majara St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379


Call Agent

59 David Miller Cr

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 4BR H

Call Agent

94 Malbon St

Horizon Real Estate

0407 890 527 3BR I

Call Agent

41 David Miller Cres

Independent Gungahlin

0416 135 270 4BR G

Call Agent

29 Matthews La

Sutton Real Estate

0408 623 465

Call Agent

81 David Miller St

Independent Tuggeranong

0414 387 690 4BR H

Call Agent

3 Mccusker Dr

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Call Agent

4 Enfield St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0419 296 458 4BR H


Call Agent

5 Enfield St

Independent Gungahlin

0404 895 162 4BR H

1 Gouci St

Morrissey Property

0433 622 600 4BR H U

Call Agent

11 Mccusker Dr

Ray White Bungendore



0438 633 378

Sat 12:00-12:30


Call Agent

8 Mcfadzen Pl

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987


Call Agent

Call Agent

Mecca La

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877


Call Agent

3 Gouci St

Morrissey Property

0433 622 600 4BR H

Call Agent

35 Modbury St

Sutton Real Estate

6238 0999


Call Agent

14 John Crawford Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0400 022 281 4BR H U

Call Agent

66 Modbury St -

Sutton Real Estate

6238 0999


Call Agent

11 Macandie St

Independent Gungahlin

0405 660 842 3BR I

Call Agent

4 Moses St

Sutton Real Estate

6238 0999


Call Agent

19 Macandie St

Independent Gungahlin

0405 660 842 3BR I

Call Agent

201 Mount Fairy Rd

Ray White Bungendore

0402 117 877

We'll notify you when your dream home becomes available. 44  CityNews  November 18-24




Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

Canberra Region Property Summary A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

Call Agent Call Agent Call Agent Call Agent

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

17 Maris King St 70 Overall Av 88 Overall Av 101 Overall Av

Asset Real Estate Independent Gungahlin Peter Blackshaw Woden Asset Real Estate

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

Call Agent

28 Mofflin St

Maria Selleck Properties

0416 071 735 3BR I

Call Agent

34 Daglish St

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 3BR G

Call Agent

21 Swanton St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR I

Call Agent

20 Gillies St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 3BR G

Call Agent

8 Sweet Pl

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0422 201 027 4BR G

Call Agent

31 Jennings St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 4BR A

Call Agent

14 Truganini Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0409 582 010 3BR I U

Call Agent

25 Macalister Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 3BR H

Call Agent

6 Martin St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 5BR A


Call Agent

8 Mcculloch St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 4BR F

Sat 1:45-2:15

1202/2 Marcus Clarke St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0414 623 876 2BR G

Call Agent

27 Morehead St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 4BR A

Sun 1:30-2:30

609/19 Marcus Clarke St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0411 466 077 3BR C

Call Agent

25 Parker St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 5BR F

0408 622 288 4BR H

Call Agent

2 Akuna St

Waldorf Canberra

6229 1234


Call Agent

20 Reynolds St

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 4BR F

0418 632 217 4BR H

Call Agent

31/15 Coranderrk St

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 1BR I

Call Agent

2/20 Service St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 3BR B

0412 697 155 4BR B

Call Agent

45/15 Coranderrk St

Independent Woden

0413 909 158 2BR G

Call Agent

62 Throssell St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 4BR F

0408 622 288 4BR H

Call Agent

46/15 Coranderrk St

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 2BR G

Call Agent

8/3 Waddell Pl

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 2BR K

53/15 Coranderrk St

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 3BR F

Call Agent

3 Willcock Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 4BR A

Price codes are a guide only

Call Agent

61 Overall Ave

Independent Gungahlin

0416 135 270 4BR F

Call Agent

Call Agent

3 Pender St

Independent Gungahlin

0405 660 842 4BR H U

Call Agent

65/15 Coranderrk St

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0409 574 178 1BR I

Call Agent

6 Renfree St

Independent Tuggeranong

0414 387 690 4BR H

Call Agent

118/15 Coranderrk St

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 2BR G

Call Agent

8 Renfree St

Independent Tuggeranong

0414 387 690 4BR H

Call Agent

170/15 Coranderrk St

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 2BR G

Thu 5:15-6:00

27 Lawley St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0400 667 915 3BR A

Call Agent

10 Renfree St

Independent Tuggeranong

0414 387 690 4BR H U

Call Agent

182/15 Coranderrk St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 3BR C

Sat 10:00-10:30

25 Norman St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0417 646 417 4BR A

Call Agent

15 Renfree St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 4BR G

Call Agent

2 Edinburgh St

Independent Belconnen

0418 480 099 1BR I

Sat 12:00-12:45

27 Lawley St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0400 667 915 3BR A

Call Agent

23 Robert Walker St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 4BR H

Call Agent

39/2 Edinburgh St

Independent Woden

0413 909 158 1BR I U

Sat 4:15-4:45

1/27 State Cir

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 3BR D

Call Agent

15 Salisbury St

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR H U

Call Agent

41/2 Edinburgh St

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 1BR I

Tue 12:00-12:30 27 Lawley St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0400 667 915 3BR A

Call Agent

19 Salisbury St

Independent Gungahlin

0429 125 492 4BR H

Call Agent

19/3 Gordon St

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0409 574 178 1BR I

Call Agent

79a Dominion Cct

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0402 943 191 4BR B

Call Agent

8 Selleck St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 5BR H

Call Agent

84/3 London Cct

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0414 623 876 2BR G

Call Agent

11 Fuller St

Ray White Canberra

0438 547 240 4BR A

Call Agent

12 Shedden St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR H

Call Agent

711 19 Marcus Clarke

PRDnationwide Canberra

0418 429 470 3BR C

Call Agent

8 Gawler Cr

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 4BR B

Call Agent

14 Shedden St

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR H

Call Agent

205/2 Marcus Clarke St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0414 623 876 2BR H

Call Agent

14 Gormanston Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0419 208 244 4BR A

Call Agent

24 Shedden St

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 3BR I

Call Agent

1203/2 Marcus Clarke St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0401 005 282 2BR B

Call Agent

416/2 Grose St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0402 943 191 3BR C

Call Agent

7 Ted Richards St

Independent Gungahlin

0404 895 162 5BR H

Call Agent

19 Marcus Clarke St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0402 344 338 1BR H

Call Agent

6 Grose St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 628 641 4BR D

Call Agent

11 Ted Richards St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 5BR H

Call Agent

313/19 Marcus Clarke St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0400 667 915 3BR C

Call Agent

1 Hopetoun Cct

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 4BR B

Call Agent

13 Ted Richards St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 5BR H

Call Agent

507/19 Marcus Clarke St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0431 116 399 2BR F

Call Agent

7/63 Newdegate St

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0409 574 178 3BR A

Call Agent

9 Walter Crocker Cr

Patrician Homes

0410 617 377 4BR G

Call Agent

801/19 Marcus Clarke St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0431 116 399 2BR F

Call Agent

State Cir

The Village Building Co.

0404 891 155 2BR H

Call Agent

14 Walter Crocker Cr

Independent Dickson

0418 693 635 4BR H U

Call Agent

1006/19 Marcus Clarke St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0411 466 077 2BR E

Call Agent

State Cir

The Village Building Co.

0404 891 155 2BR G

Call Agent

29 Walter Crocker Cres

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 3BR I

Call Agent

1308/19 Marcus Clarke St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0402 388 781 3BR C

Call Agent

24 Walter Crocker St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR H

Call Agent

508/21 Marcus Clarke St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0411 049 242 3BR E

Call Agent

5 Wighton Tce

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0408 627 337 4BR H

Call Agent

314/19 Marcus Clark St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0402 344 338 2BR F

Sat 10:30-11:00

19 Wilshire St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418 623 352 3BR A

Call Agent

8 Wighton Tce

Independent Gungahlin

0418 632 217 4BR H

Call Agent

603/19 Marcus Clark St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0402 344 338 1BR G

Sat 1:00-2:00

24 Bates St

Independent Dickson

0417 710 772 4BR A

Call Agent

13 Wilenski St

Independent Gungahlin

0429 125 492 3BR B

Call Agent

1009/19 Marcus Clark St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0411 466 077 3BR C

Sun 2:00-3:00

24 Bates St

Independent Dickson

0417 710 772 4BR A

Call Agent

1 Winchester St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR H

Call Agent

21-23 Marcus Clark St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 3BR C

Call Agent

52 Davenport St

Independent Dickson

0417 710 772 3BR G

Call Agent

5 Winchester St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 3BR I

Call Agent

701/21 Marcus Clark St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0418 429 470 2BR F

Call Agent

2/108 Davenport St

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0409 574 178 2BR K

Call Agent

9 Winchester St

Real Estate Australia

6287 4577

Call Agent

2 Mews West Gordon St

Century 21

0422 940 948 1BR I

Call Agent

24 Dutton St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR H

Call Agent

9 Winchester St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0400 022 281 4BR G

Call Agent

31 Hope St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 2BR G

Call Agent

20 Winchester St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR H

Call Agent

11-13 Majura Av

Independent Civic

02 6209 1700 1BR J

Call Agent

20 Winchester St

Independent Gungahlin

0418 632 217 4BR H

Call Agent

34 Winchester St

Morrissey Property

0433 622 600 4BR H

Call Agent

36 Winchester St

Morrissey Property

0433 622 600 4BR H

Call Agent

38 Winchester St

Morrissey Property

0433 622 600 4BR H

Call Agent

40 Winchester St

Morrissey Property

0433 622 600 4BR H






Sat 10:45-11:15

5/55 James Smith Cct

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0437 357 855 3BR I

Call Agent

19-23 Majura Av

Independent Civic

02 6209 1700 1BR J

Sat 11:15-11:45

11/55 James Smith Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0412 635 019 3BR I

Call Agent

33 Majura Av

Rumbles Real Estate

02 6122 6300 4BR F

Sun 1:15-1:45

14 James Smith Cct

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 4BR G

Call Agent

85 Majura Av

Richard Luton Properties

0418 961 556 4BR H

Call Agent

14 Altson Cct

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 4BR I

Call Agent

8 & 9 Mcgowan Pl

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0416 162 745 3BR B

Call Agent

61 Altson Cct

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR H

Call Agent

11/14 Randell St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0431 116 399 1BR I

Call Agent

9 Beaumaris St

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 4BR I

Call Agent

12/14 Randell St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0431 116 399 1BR I

Call Agent

25 Beaumaris St

Richard Luton Properties

0409 015 400 4BR I 02 6231 3100 3BR I


Call Agent

35 Beaumont Cl

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0411 244 874 5BR C

Call Agent

3 Daly Pl

The Real Estate Shop

Call Agent

10 Boucicault Pl

Bertram Ellis Chapman

0412 622 006 5BR E

Call Agent

17 Darebin Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR H

Sat 11:30-12:15

5 Bull St

Ray White Canberra

0422 454 383 3BR H

Call Agent

53 Doyle Tce

Edge Real Estate

0419 888 026 3BR D U

Call Agent

2 Falls Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 3BR A

Sun 1:00-1:45

16 Atherton St

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 2BR H

Call Agent

21 Lincoln Cl

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 7BR C

Call Agent

0412 697 155 0BR B

Tue 12:30-1:00

16 Atherton St

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 2BR H

Call Agent

44 Monkman St

Ray White Canberra

0420 635 415 5BR B

Call Agent

67 James Smith Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 3BR I

Call Agent

26A Bonython St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0413 621 131 3BR B

Call Agent

31 Percy Cr

Bertram Ellis Chapman

0417 295 755 6BR B

Call Agent

15 Jane Price Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0409 582 010 4BR H

Call Agent

31 Bonython St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 4BR G

Call Agent

7 Rene St

Bertram Ellis Chapman

0412 622 006 3BR B

Call Agent

10 Jane Sutherland St

Richard Luton Properties

0409 015 400 4BR H U

Call Agent

1/23 Bradfield St

Denise Flint Real Estate

0418 630 130 1BR L

Call Agent

19 John Russell Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR I

Call Agent

57 Cadell St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 4BR G

Call Agent

31 Loureiro St

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 4BR H

Call Agent

31 Gardiner St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0414 819 377 3BR H


41 Florence Fuller Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

Sun 10:45-11:30 2 Garrad Ct

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0424 319 276 3BR I

Call Agent

5 Muskett Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0409 015 400 6BR B

Call Agent

42 Gardiner St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0416 014 431 4BR G

Call Agent

2 Beadle Pl

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0417 646 417 4BR I

Call Agent

4/1 Templestowe Av

Richard Luton Properties

0409 015 400 4BR H

Call Agent

12 Melba St

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 4BR G U

Call Agent

9 Birnie Pl

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0410 632 527 4BR I U

Call Agent

66 Tom Roberts Av

Independent Tuggeranong

0407 231 788 4BR H

Call Agent

23 Padbury Pl

Rumbles Real Estate

0406 937 139 3BR B

Call Agent

6 Cooney Ct

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 3BR I

Call Agent

4 Veal Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 4BR H

Call Agent

23 Swinden St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 4BR G U

Call Agent

5 Imlay Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 3BR J U

Call Agent

41 Swinden St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0414 819 377 3BR A

Call Agent

9 Jauncey Ct

Elders Belconnen

0413 473 342 3BR J

Call Agent

2 Landale Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0416 017 072 3BR J

Sat 11:00-11:45

Call Agent

56/42 Lhotsky St

Go Gecko Woden

0408 415 054 2BR K

59 Somerset St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 152 607 4BR A

Call Agent

9 Napthali Cl

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0410 632 527 3BR J U


Sat 12:30-1:15 Call Agent

8 Blowering St


0419 212 044 4BR H

Call Agent

3 Schaffer Pl

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0410 632 527 4BR I

Call Agent

1 Sly Pl

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0422 792 247 3BR A

Call Agent

1 Warland Pl

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0410 632 527 3BR B

Call Agent

7 Weaver Pl

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0401 097 568 3BR K

Call Agent

4 Winder Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 6BR H

CONDER RIDGE 2 Kallista Pl

Ray White Canberra

0417 292 733 4BR A

Call Agent

1/70 Bourne St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 2BR J

Call Agent

91 Dixon Dr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0404 066 119 4BR H

Call Agent

1/50 Dexter St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0411 793 937 3BR H U

Call Agent

1 Eppalock St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0414 910 798 4BR E U

Call Agent

21 Dwyer St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 4BR G

Call Agent

22 Eucumbene Dr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0408 848 622 4BR F

Call Agent

52 Dwyer St

Independent Belconnen

0402 838 949 4BR B

Call Agent

80 Eucumbene Dr

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 4BR A

Call Agent

33 Wybalena Gr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 3BR B

Call Agent

33 Jemalong St

Bertram Ellis Chapman

0412 622 006 3BR A

Call Agent

25 Mirrool St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0408 662 119 3BR A


CHIFLEY Call Agent

31-35 Eggleston Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025

Call Agent

2/107 Eggleston Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0404 066 119 3BR G


Call Agent

1-5/131-133 Eggleston Cr

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0430 311 628 3BR H

Call Agent

31-35 Eggleston St

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574

Call Agent

6 Mcdonald St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0404 066 119 4BR G

Call Agent

12/7 Medley St

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 2BR B

Call Agent

43/17 Medley St

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 2BR K

Call Agent

59/17 Medley St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0402 943 191 2BR K


CHISHOLM Sat 3:15-4:00

87 Heagney Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 4BR H

Call Agent

7 Berrell St

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 4BR H

Call Agent

1 Creal Pl

Colin McIntyre Property

0432 714 230 6BR G

Call Agent

63 Enid Lorimer Cct

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR A

Call Agent

14 Glencross St

Colin McIntyre Property

0438 924 400 4BR I

Call Agent

77 Goldstein Cr

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 4BR B

Call Agent

5 Mofflin St

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 3BR I

Approximately 2 million page views per day.


Call Agent

1 Nyah Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR H U

Call Agent

Block 10, Section 36

Crace Realty

0402 326 405 3BR H

Call Agent

46 Serpentine St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 208 244 2BR I

Call Agent

Block 17, Section 37

Crace Realty

0402 326 405 4BR G

Call Agent

6 Tullaroop St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 3BR A



Sat 10:00-10:45

2 /19 Theodore St

Richard Luton Properties

0412 635 019 3BR F

Thu 5:00-5:45

73 Branson St

Independent Gungahlin

0404 895 162 4BR H

Sat 10:00-10:45

67 Throssell St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 3BR A

Sat 12:00-12:45

19 Thornhill Cr

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

0434 985 345 2BR J

Sat 11:00-11:30

7 Gregson Pl

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0411 244 874 4BR A

Sat 12:15-1:15

31 Buckmaster Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0417 975 375 4BR G

Sat 11:00-11:45

30 Holman St

Richard Luton Properties

0402 316 228 4BR A

Sat 1:00-1:45

29 Jonsson Ct

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 4BR H

Sat 1:00-1:45

24 Munro Pl

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0400 545 343 4BR A

Sat 1:45-2:30

14 Fitton Cl

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0411 092 990 4BR B

Sat 1:45-2:30

116 Dunstan St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 3BR A

Sat 3:30-4:15

3 Edgley Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 4BR H

Sat 2:45-3:30

26 Gillies St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 4BR A

Call Agent

2 Buncle Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0417 975 375 4BR H

Sun 10:00-10:45 17 Macalister Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 3BR A

Call Agent

8 Chater Pl

Ray White Canberra

0438 547 240 4BR H U

Sun 11:00-11:45 82 Morgan Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 5BR E

Call Agent

18 Clendinnen St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0422 927 671 5BR G

Sun 1:00-1:45

30 Holman St

Richard Luton Properties

0402 316 228 4BR A

Call Agent

4 Fleay Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 3BR J

Wed 5:00-5:30

24 Munro Pl

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0400 545 343 4BR A

Call Agent

7 Gouldsmith St

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 4BR H

Wed 7:00-7:45

30 Holman St

Richard Luton Properties

0402 316 228 4BR A

Call Agent

70 Hanrahan Cr

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 212 332 3BR I

Call Agent

55 Allan St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0409 446 289 4BR A

Call Agent

52 Jeff Snell Cres

Premier Capital Properties

0422 266 555 2BR J

Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

CityNews  November 18-24  45

For photos, full descriptions and latest open times visit A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

Call Agent Call Agent Call Agent Call Agent

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

72 Lance Hill Av

Independent Dickson

3 Lapsley St

Independent Belconnen

11 Leggo Pl

Ray White Belconnen

30 Marchant Cct

L.J. Hooker Kippax

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

Call Agent

59 Kalgoorlie Cr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0429 077 080 3BR I

Call Agent

37 National Cct

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 4BR C

Call Agent

8 Maranboy St

Karen Rush Real Estate

0418 288 650 3BR H

Call Agent

10/38 National Cct

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR A U

Call Agent

27 Maranboy St

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 3BR H

Call Agent

42 National Cct

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 5BR B

Call Agent

14 Pilbara Pl

Bertram Ellis Chapman

0412 622 006 3BR H U

Call Agent

63 National Cct

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 5BR B

Call Agent

14 New South Wales Cr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 628 641 1BR I


Call Agent

5 Ord St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 4BR C U

Sat 11:30-12:15

14 Edman Cl

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0401 097 568 4BR G

Call Agent

110/19 State Cir

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 622 420 1BR H

Sat 2:00-2:45

7 Hayden Cl

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 4BR G

Call Agent

1 Talbot St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 697 844 4BR C

0418 101 213 4BR H

Sun 12:00-12:45 7 Hayden Cl

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 4BR G

Call Agent

17 Tasmania Cir

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 5BR B

0419 000 079 4BR I

Wed 5:30-6:00

14 Edman Cl

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0401 097 568 4BR G

Call Agent

25a Tasmania Cir

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR B

0413 334 447 4BR I

Call Agent

105/15 John Cleland Cr

Taylors Real Estate

0409 625 194 3BR I

Call Agent

35 Tasmania Cir

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 5BR C

0414 281 078 4BR H

Call Agent

10 Mcaulay Pl

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0402 842 291 3BR A

39 Mellor Cct

Barton Property Young

0408 308 088 3BR A

Price codes are a guide only


Call Agent

63 Marchant Cct

Mewton Mayberry Real Estate 0410 601 312 4BR J

Call Agent

Call Agent

9 Mary Hall

Kashan Property Group

02 6156 2982 4BR G

Call Agent

139 Ratcliffe Cr


0400 509 262 3BR B U

Sat 12:30-1:30

2 Hewett Cr

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Call Agent

2 Matzek Pl

First National Gungahlin

0422 774 441 4BR I

Call Agent

3 Roughley Pl

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0418 628 034 2BR B

Sat 3:15-4:00

4 Dorothy Green Cr

PRDnationwide Canberra

0418 429 470 4BR H

Call Agent

19 Mcdonnell Cl

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 3BR I

Call Agent

4 Skertchly Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 3BR I

Call Agent

12 Alec Hope Cr

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288 5BR F

Call Agent

73 Shoobridge Cct

Blue Property Marketing

0412 023 497 3BR I

Call Agent

80 Summerville Cr

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

Call Agent

14 Alice Crist St

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288

Call Agent

4 Shrivell Cct

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 5BR G U

Call Agent

14 Alice Crist St

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288 5BR E

Call Agent

65 Shrivell Cct

Independent Tuggeranong

0408 225 968 4BR A

Call Agent

2 Tarrant Cr

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 4BR I

Call Agent

Toft St

The Village Building Co.

0448 891 146 2BR J


0414 910 798 4BR H



Call Agent

3 Ellinor Walker St

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0416 087 834 4BR G

Sat 12:00-12:45

12A Seddon Pl

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR I

Call Agent

Flemington Rd

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 1BR K

Sat 1:30-2:30

52 Barber Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0438 258 379 4BR A

Call Agent

329 Flemington Rd

L.J. Hooker

0402 914 037 1BR K

Sun 12:00-12:45 12A Seddon Pl

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR I

Call Agent

329 Flemington Rd

L.J. Hooker

0402 914 037 1BR K U

Sun 12:15-1:00

9 Ramage Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0415 104 200 4BR G

Call Agent

2 Gwen Harwood La

Independent Dickson

0406 226 428


Thu 5:30-6:00

32 Callaghan St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0418 628 043 5BR A

Tue 5:00-6:00

52 Barber Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0438 258 379 4BR A

Call Agent

96 Gwen Meredith Loop

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 5BR E

Sat 10:30-11:15

3/2 Mcclure St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0401 097 568 3BR I

Call Agent

3 Barber Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0400 022 281 3BR I

Call Agent

Henry Kendall St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0406 305 430 4BR G

Tue 5:30-6:00

3/2 Mcclure St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0401 097 568 3BR I

Call Agent

7 Clarnette Pl

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0425 348 940 4BR A

Call Agent

47 Henry Kendall St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR G

Call Agent

68 Ashkanasy Cr

Elders Belconnen

0413 655 555 3BR I

Call Agent

29 Companion Cr

Sadil Quinlan

0413 836 698 3BR B

Call Agent

69 Henry Kendall St

Apex Real Estate

0425 133 902 4BR H

0419 624 766 4BR H

Call Agent

32 Crawford Cr

Gold Creek Quality Property

02 6242 9777 4BR H

Call Agent

9 Henry Kendal St

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288 4BR H

0409 920 000 4BR B

Call Agent

5 Dolling Cr

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0405 415 645 5BR A

Call Agent

Unit 412 Henry Kendell

L.J. Hooker

0400 819 650 1BR K U

0417 483 627 4BR H U

Call Agent

19 Hedland Cct

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0419 296 458 4BR A

Call Agent

23 Kylie Tennant St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 4BR B

Call Agent

5 Seddon Pl

Independent Dickson

0407 466 199 3BR I U

Call Agent

Manning Clark Cr

L.J. Hooker

0408 488 148

Call Agent

35 Nancy Cato St

P & P Real Estate

0402 227 675 4BR G

Call Agent

12 Nina Murdoch

Premier Capital Properties

0422 266 555 4BR G

Call Agent

14 Nina Murdoch Cr

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793

Call Agent

97 Oodgeroo

Dwyer Dunn

0419 002 780 4BR B

Call Agent

49 Oodgeroo Av

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 6BR E

Call Agent

138 Oodgeroo Av

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 5BR F U

Call Agent

8 Patchett St

Premier Capital Properties

0409 920 000 6BR B

Call Agent

23 Petherick St

Apex Real Estate

0425 133 902 4BR G

Call Agent

6 Roxburgh St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 5BR F U

Call Agent

18 Stonehouse St

The Village Building Co.

0404 891 148 3BR I

Call Agent

9 Tomasetti Cr

Canreps Private Sales

6288 4444

Call Agent

7 Whitington St

Gold Creek Quality Property

02 6242 9777 4BR G

Call Agent

30 Whitington St

Premier Capital Properties

0412 944 355 7BR E

Call Agent Call Agent Call Agent

76 Badenoch Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

47 Cutlack St

Premier Capital Properties

13 Hayball Pl

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

Call Agent

2 Jenks Pl

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0401 097 568 6BR F U

Call Agent

17 Kissane Cr


0415 045 648 3BR I

Call Agent

3 Lavan Pl

The Home Loan Centre

0409 225 853 4BR H U

Call Agent

4 Massey St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0401 097 568 3BR I U

Call Agent

27 Mcclure St

Independent Belconnen

0411 507 679 3BR I

Call Agent

19-21 Norton St

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 1BR J

Call Agent

28 Pitcairn St

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0421 032 120 3BR A

Call Agent

18 Sharwood Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 4BR B


FORDE Sat 12:30-1:15

10 Beveridge Cr

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

0407 025 177 4BR G

Sat 1:00-1:40

13 Amy Ackman St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 4BR G

Sat 1:00-2:00

10 Buscombe St

Ray White Gungahlin

0418 479 963 4BR B

Sat 1:00-1:30

24 Helen Leonard Cr

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 4BR F

Sat 1:20-2:00

15 Beveridge Cr

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 5BR D

Sat 2:10-2:50

32 Helen Leonard Cr

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR F

Sat 2:30-3:30

25 Leslie Dwyer St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H



Sat 3:00-3:45

31 Bramston St

The Home Loan Centre

0438 211 731 4BR H

Sat 2:30-3:30

2/2 Max Purnell St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR G

Call Agent

48 Appel Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0409 446 289 4BR A

Sat 2:30-3:30

1/1 Ridding St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR G

Call Agent

4 Courtice Cl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR A

Sat 3:30-4:15

2 Jessie St

Richard Luton Properties

0412 635 019 4BR F

Call Agent

31 Courtice Cl

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 4BR A

Sun 12:00-12:45 10 Beveridge Cr

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

0407 025 177 4BR G

Call Agent

11 Coyne St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 3BR I

Sun 12:30-1:00

24 Helen Leonard Cr

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 4BR F

Call Agent

7/5 Foxton Cr

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 4BR G

Sun 2:30-3:30

25 Leslie Dwyer St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Call Agent

14 Maughan Cr

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 4BR G U

Sun 2:30-3:30

2/2 Max Purnell St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR G

Sat 12:45-1:30

9 Nott St

Richard Luton Properties

0402 316 228 4BR H

Call Agent

13 Meston Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0408 879 936 4BR B

Sun 2:30-3:30

1/1 Ridding St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR G

Sat 3:45-4:30

16 Rogers St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 5BR A

Call Agent

22 Partridge St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0429 077 080 4BR G

Call Agent

12 Ada Baker St


0400 509 262 3BR H U

Sun 3:00-4:00

1-3/25 Nott St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 3BR I

Call Agent

4 Riordan St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 4BR G

Call Agent

33 Ada Baker St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0417 483 627 4BR F

Call Agent

1/10 Champion Pl

Lita McKell Realty

0419 695 261 4BR I

0411 878 587 5BR A

Call Agent

25 Aida Ball Cct

Premier Capital Properties

0422 266 555 5BR G

Call Agent

6 Filshie Cl


0415 045 648 3BR J

Call Agent

27 Aida Ball Cct

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443


Call Agent

4/25 Lind Cl

Kool Real Estate

0408 805 408 1BR K

Call Agent

6 Arndt St

PBS Homes

02 6101 9800 4BR H

Call Agent

2 Waterman Pl

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 4BR A

Block 8 Section 48

Premier Capital Properties

0409 920 000

Call Agent

43 Riordan St

Richard Luton Properties



Thu 5:30-6:00

22 Stopford Cr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0402 943 191 5BR A

Call Agent

Sat 2:30-3:00

6 Stopford Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 4BR E

Call Agent

4 Buscombe St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 5BR B

Call Agent

52 Nicklin Cr

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0401 005 282 6BR A

Call Agent

8 Chiesa St

Bertram Ellis Chapman

0417 295 755 4BR G

Sat 12:30-1:15

6 Mccrae St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 631 763 3BR A

Call Agent

8 Stopford Cr

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 5BR B

Call Agent

15 Cleggett

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0400 819 650 4BR E

Wed 12:30-1:15

6 Mccrae St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 631 763 3BR A

Call Agent

Dickins St

Independent Gungahlin

0404 895 162 3BR I

Call Agent

2/43 Fitchett St

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 3BR H

Call Agent

3 Eric Wright St

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987 2BR I

Call Agent

34 Gilmore Cr

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 4BR F U

Call Agent

1 Mccrae St

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 4BR A




Sat 11:30-12:15

32 Hawkesbury Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 4BR A

Call Agent

25 Eric Wright St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0417 483 627 4BR E

Sat 1:45-2:30

17 Wagga St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 830 598 4BR E

Call Agent

19 Francis Forde Bvd

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0413 621 131 4BR B

Sat 3:00-3:45

3 Werribee Cr

Ray White Canberra

0417 292 733 3BR G

Call Agent

8 Helen Leonard Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 4BR F

Wed 5:15-6:00

32 Hawkesbury Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 4BR A

Call Agent

22 Helen Leonard Cr

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0417 483 627 4BR H U

Call Agent

244 Beasley St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0417 285 528 4BR A

Call Agent

30 Helen Leonard Cr

Call Agent

256 Beasley St

Karen Rush Real Estate

0413 486 386 3BR G

Call Agent

Call Agent

4 Betche Pl

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 4BR F

Call Agent

1 Cameron St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

Call Agent

17 Cameron St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

Call Agent


GILMORE Call Agent

19 Aronson Cr

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 4BR H

Mewton Mayberry Real Estate 0401 488 561 4BR F

Call Agent

21 Aronson Cr

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 4BR H U

49 Helen Leonard Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 2BR I

Call Agent

10 Brickhill Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 3BR I

Call Agent

13 Horneville


0418 574 140 4BR F

Call Agent

4 Gellatly Pl

Colin McIntyre Property

0438 924 400 3BR A

0412 281 735 3BR G U

Call Agent

13 Ivy Kent St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Call Agent

1a & 1b/ 25 Hambridge

Kashan Property Group

02 6156 2982 3BR B

0418 623 352 4BR B

Call Agent

14 Ivy Kent St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Call Agent

91 Rischbieth Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0417 681 981 4BR H

3/9 Farrer Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 1BR M

Call Agent

16 Ivy Kent St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Call Agent

17 Rosman Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0431 602 251 3BR I

Call Agent

17 Gatton St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0424 288 717 4BR G

Call Agent

4 Les Edwards St

Independent Gungahlin

0404 895 162


Call Agent

30 Gluyas St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0417 285 528 3BR I

Call Agent

4 Mantle St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736


Call Agent

104 Hawkesbury Cr

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 4BR D

Call Agent

34 & 40 Max Purnell St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 4BR G

Call Agent

49C Lambrigg St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 2BR J

Call Agent

36 & 38 Max Purnell St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 4BR H

Call Agent

52 Longerenong St

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 4BR A

Call Agent

13 Octoman St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 4BR B

Call Agent

1/32 Marshall St

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0407 393 240 2BR J

Call Agent

12 Phyllis Frost St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR G

Call Agent

1 Molineaux Pl

Bright Partners Manuka

0419 394 555 4BR E

Call Agent

10 Ridding St

Forde Realty Pty Ltd

18 0083 3223 2BR J

Call Agent

3/44 Spafford Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 2BR J

Call Agent

Tom Nicholas Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0400 022 281 3BR I

Call Agent

18 Steinwedel St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 997 894 3BR F

Call Agent

Zakharov Av

Independent Belconnen

0419 000 079 3BR I

Call Agent

15 Wagga St

Karen Rush Real Estate

0418 288 650 4BR B

Call Agent

80 Zakharov Av

Independent Gungahlin

0416 135 270 4BR G



Sat 11:00-11:45

137 Kambalda Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0408 848 622 3BR I

Sat 11:15-12:00

17 Ducane St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0400 545 343 3BR A

Call Agent

37 Andamooka St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 3BR A

Wed 4:00-4:30

17 Ducane St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0400 545 343 3BR A

Call Agent

67/177 Badimara St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0418 285 797 2BR K

Call Agent

52 Bougainville St

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR C

Call Agent

77/177 Badimara St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 628 606 2BR K

Call Agent

5/8 Dominion Cct

Independent Dickson

0417 710 772 2BR H U

Call Agent

6 Ballarat St

Sadil Quinlan

0413 836 698 3BR H

Call Agent

39 Empire Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0431 419 847 5BR C

Call Agent

4 Bingara Pl

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 628 606 4BR H

Call Agent

18/9 Fitzroy St

Independent Dickson

0417 710 772 3BR G U

Call Agent

14 Eleanora St

Raine & Horne

0433 612 772 3BR B

Call Agent

61 Franklin St

Berkely Residential

0402 595 016 3BR C

Call Agent

3 Kalgoorlie Cr

Karen Rush Real Estate

0418 288 650 3BR H U

Call Agent

23 Furneaux St

Berkely Residential

0402 595 016 3BR B

will find you the best buyer and trust your agent to maximise the price. 46  CityNews  November 18-24

GIRALANG Sat 9:30-10:00

7 Lenehan St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 624 412 3BR A

Sat 12:00-12:30

179 Chuculba Cr

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 4BR G

Sat 3:00-3:45

11 Phoenix Pl

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 6BR A

Sat 3:20-4:00

8 Malindi Pl

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 3BR I

Call Agent

6 Musca Pl

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0418 242 743 4BR H

Call Agent

5 Spica St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0411 092 990 3BR I

GLENEAGLES Sat 10:30-11:10

13 James Scott Cl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR F

Sat 11:00-11:45

24/10 Ashby Cct

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 3BR A

Sat 12:00-2:00

19 Lempriere Cr

Independent Belconnen

0434 647 792 4BR F

Sun 12:00-2:00

19 Lempriere Cr

Independent Belconnen

0434 647 792 4BR F

Tue 5:30-6:00

24/10 Ashby Cct

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 3BR A

Call Agent

1 Clark Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 4BR A

Call Agent

5 Cremin Cl

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 628 641 4BR F

Call Agent

99 Ivo Whitton Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0423 900 640 5BR A

Call Agent

1 Lempriere Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 4BR C

Call Agent

63 Mount Vernon Dr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 4BR F U

Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

Canberra Region Property Summary A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

Price codes are a guide only


Call Agent

44 Dame Zara St

Premier Capital Properties

0409 920 000 6BR B

Call Agent

7/38 Gozzard St

Gold Creek Quality Property

02 6242 9777 2BR J

Call Agent

209/38 Gozzard St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 1BR K

Sat 10:30-11:30

1 Giltinan Pl

PRDnationwide Canberra

0411 466 077 2BR K

Call Agent

14/80 Gozzard St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 2BR J

Sat 11:00-11:45

45/158 Starke St

Richard Luton Properties

0417 975 375 3BR J

12 Bushby Pl

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0411 092 990 3BR I

56 Lindrum Cr

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0412 060 792 4BR I


Call Agent

22/80 Gozzard St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 488 893 2BR J U

Sat 12:00-12:45

Call Agent

350 Gundaroo Dr

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 1BR K

Sat 1:15-2:00

Call Agent

21/6 Gungahlin Pl

Independent Belconnen

0402 838 949 1BR K

Sun 10:30-11:30 1 Giltinan Pl

PRDnationwide Canberra

0411 466 077 2BR K

Call Agent

B306/100 Gungahlin Pl

Go Gecko Woden

0401 218 325 1BR K

Call Agent

30 Blackham St

Richard Luton Properties

0415 104 200 2BR B U

Call Agent

8 Hollingsworth St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0412 985 204 4BR H

Call Agent

12 Bonner Cl

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0417 436 802 3BR I

Call Agent

50 Hollingsworth St

Ray White Gungahlin

0418 479 963 4BR F

Call Agent

29 Cavill Cl

Liddiard R/E Services

0408 625 885 4BR I U 0412 898 690 3BR I

Sat 10:00-10:45

40 Charlton Cr

Ray White Tuggeranong

0412 851 139 3BR J

Call Agent

55 Ian Potter Cr

Mewton Mayberry Real Estate 0401 488 561 4BR H

Call Agent

19 Coverdale St

Badenoch Real Estate

Sat 2:00-2:45

9 Staunton Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 4BR A

Call Agent

90 Phyllis Ashton Cct

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

0407 025 177 4BR B

Call Agent

27 Coverdale St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 3BR I

Call Agent

4 Armbruster St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 4BR A

Call Agent

73 Sarre St

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0414 734 185 4BR G

Call Agent

4 Eaves St

Ray White Belconnen

0422 442 413 4BR I U

Call Agent

5 Batt Pl

Ray White Tuggeranong

0408 166 833 4BR H U

Call Agent

66 Swain St

Independent Gungahlin

0404 895 162 4BR H

Call Agent

14 Goddard Cr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0413 621 131 2BR B U

Call Agent

4 Beaufort Rtt

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 4BR G U

Call Agent

62 The Valley Av

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR G U

Call Agent

39/68 Hardwick Cr

Ray White Gungahlin

0403 246 800 2BR K

Call Agent

12 Braddon Pl

Ray White Tuggeranong

0408 166 833 6BR G

Call Agent

12 Mcilwraith Cl

The Home Loan Centre

0418 962 092 3BR I

Call Agent

19 Cerutty Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0409 015 400 0BR G

Call Agent

3 Messenger St

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 3BR B U

Call Agent

49 Chevalley Loop

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969 5BR H

Call Agent

320 Antill St

Richard Luton Properties

0405 135 009 4BR A

Call Agent

41 Mockridge Cr

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0402 842 291 4BR I

Call Agent

18 Chipperfield Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR A

Call Agent

11 Caldwell St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 208 244 3BR A

Call Agent

16/31 Moyes Cr

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 2BR J

Call Agent

32 Fingleton Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 3BR A

Call Agent

25 Harris St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR G

Call Agent

10/2 Postle Cct

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0407 393 240 2BR K

Call Agent

8 Hindle Pl

Independent Woden

0418 632 711 3BR J

Call Agent

51 Mackenzie St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 4BR E

Call Agent

151 Starke St

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0417 436 802 4BR I

Call Agent

50 Kirkwood Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR A

Call Agent

77 Mackenzie St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 5BR A

Call Agent

22, 24 & 26 Trumper St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418 623 352 3BR B

Call Agent

9/167 Knoke Av

Go Gecko Woden

0401 218 325 3BR J

Call Agent

9/48 Madigan St

Richard Luton Properties

0409 042 396 2BR J

Call Agent

2 Watchorn Cl

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0407 393 240 3BR I U

Call Agent

4 Mckivat Cl

Ray White Belconnen

0411 037 137 3BR I U

Call Agent

111 Madigan St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0416 014 431 3BR G

Call Agent

56 Michael Holt Cr

Ray White Tuggeranong

0408 166 833 4BR G

Call Agent

119 Madigan St

Capital First National

0408 408 603 4BR G

Call Agent

9 Moon Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 994 321 3BR I

Call Agent

227 Phillip Av

Metropolis Real Estate

02 6247 2244 3BR B

Call Agent

10/15 Moon Pl

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 3BR J U

Call Agent

65 Myles Connell Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969 4BR H



Call Agent

4/6 Popplewell Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR J

Call Agent

Call Agent

21/29 Popplewell Pl

Colin McIntyre Property

0458 726 579 3BR J U

Call Agent

Call Agent

3/36 Sid Barnes Cr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0429 077 080 3BR J

Call Agent

28 Woodfull Loop

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 994 321 4BR H


HUGHES Thu 12:00-1:00

9 Bisdee St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 3BR I

Sat 11:45-12:30

48 Jensen St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 697 844 4BR A

Sat 12:30-1:15

11 Jensen St

Richard Luton Properties

0412 635 019 3BR A

24 Birril Cl

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 6BR C

Sat 2:00-2:45

75 Birdwood St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0418 285 797 4BR B

24 Palmer St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 3BR C U

Tue 1:30-2:00

48 Jensen St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 697 844 4BR A

Call Agent

31 Groom St

Ray White Kingston

0418 266 698 2BR A

Call Agent

6 Tudor Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 152 607 4BR A

Call Agent

27 Webster St

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0412 381 102 4BR D

HARCOURT HILL Sat 12:15-1:00

182 Temperley St


0400 509 262 4BR B

Sat 12:30-1:30

72 Krantzcke Cct

First National Gungahlin

0408 413 405 4BR B


Sat 9:30-10:00

62 Wheatley St

Independent Tuggeranong

0413 506 316 3BR A

Sat 1:00-1:30

3 Rowley Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 4BR E

Sat 10:00-10:45

25 Dalziel St

Ray White Tuggeranong

0414 622 926 3BR I

Sat 2:15-3:00

131 Temperley St

Elders Belconnen

0428 486 692 5BR A

Sat 10:45-11:30

10 Leeper Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 3BR A

Sat 11:15-12:00

29 Kingsbury St

Richard Luton Properties

0416 017 072 4BR A

Sat 4:00-4:40

10 Mckinnon St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 5BR G

Call Agent

16 Alexander Mackie Cct

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 4BR B

Call Agent

15/171 Bugden Av

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 997 894 3BR G

Sun 12:15-1:00

182 Temperley St


0400 509 262 4BR B

Call Agent

21 Alexander Mackie Cct

Go Gecko Woden

0437 309 680 4BR F

Call Agent

8 Cheeseman Pl

Independent Dickson

0435 046 964 4BR I

Sun 12:30-1:30

72 Krantzcke Cct

First National Gungahlin

0408 413 405 4BR B

Call Agent

10 Broinowski Pl

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 5BR E

Call Agent

9 Easterbrook Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0424 288 717 4BR I

Call Agent

10 Ayres-fowler St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 4BR E

Call Agent

16 Corrigan Pl

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0400 545 343 4BR F U

Call Agent

6 Keysor Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969 3BR I

Call Agent

9 Eve Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 4BR B U

Call Agent

1 Edney Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969 4BR B

Call Agent

39 Middleton Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0408 879 936 4BR G

Call Agent

14 Fleetwood-smith St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0403 808 780 4BR E

Call Agent

45 Julia Flynn Av

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 6BR B

Call Agent

7 Minchin Pl

Go Gecko Woden

0401 218 325 3BR I

Call Agent

23 Hendry Cl

Simplicity Real Estate

0402 326 405 4BR C

Call Agent

144 Julia Flynn Av

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR F

Call Agent

11 Minchin Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR H

Call Agent

38 Mcclelland Av

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 5BR F U

Call Agent

64 Ngunawal Dr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 198 891 5BR B

Call Agent

2 Rickard Pl

Richard Luton Properties

Call Agent

5 Oldershaw Ct

Richard Luton Properties

0418 625 162 4BR G

Call Agent

1 Rooney Pl

Bright Partners Manuka

0419 394 555 4BR B

Call Agent

8 Seaborn Pl

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0413 621 131 4BR H

Call Agent

6 Rowntree Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 4BR A

Call Agent

136 Temperley St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 5BR C

Call Agent

37 Rowntree Cr

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0422 201 027 4BR E

Call Agent

18 Wendy Ey Pl

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0422 927 671 4BR G

Call Agent

9 Shepherdson Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0424 597 724 3BR A

Call Agent

9 Story Pl

Ray White Canberra

0422 454 383 4BR B

Call Agent

10 William Wilkins Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 773 938 3BR A

Call Agent

65 William Wilkins Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 5BR B U

0413 832 535 3BR I

GREENWAY Sat 9:30-10:00

17/6 Florence Taylor St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 3BR A

Sat 12:30-1:00

3 Blackett Cr

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0437 357 855 3BR I

Call Agent

9/120 Althllon Dr

Independent Civic

0421 647 750 2BR I

Call Agent

128-142 Anketell St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0447 283 052


HARRISON Sat 12:15-12:55

14 Pildappa St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR H

31 Jenolan St

Independent Woden

0418 622 010 4BR F 0417 687 379 4BR H

Call Agent

8-114 Athllon Dr

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 2BR B

Sat 12:45-1:45

Call Agent

9 Blackett Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0402 225 405 3BR A

Sun 1:00-1:45

18 Careel St

First National Gungahlin

Call Agent

38/2 Eileen Good St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0408 022 602 3BR A

Sun 1:00-1:40

56 Moonlight Av

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR I

Thu 6:00-6:30

29/36 Cromwell Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0417 285 528 3BR J

Call Agent

41/2 Eileen Good St

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 3BR D U

Sun 1:30-2:15

1 Hazelgrove St

Richard Luton Properties

0410 542 667 4BR H

Call Agent

4 Abercorn Cr

Independent Civic

0407 121 412 5BR A

Call Agent

24/58 Eileen Good St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 2BR I

Sun 1:50-2:30

14 Pildappa St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR H

Call Agent

52 Abercorn Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR I U

Call Agent

34/58 Eileen Good St

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 3BR I

Call Agent

107 Cultivation St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 4BR F

Call Agent

2/12 Bandulla St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR J

Call Agent

64 Eileen Good St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR B

Call Agent

17 Howmans St

Gold Creek Quality Property

02 6242 9777 3BR G

Call Agent

54 Collyburl Cr

Independent Tuggeranong

0414 985 800 4BR H

Call Agent

61 Kalianna St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 4BR F

Call Agent

68 Hadleigh Cct

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 4BR I

Call Agent

2 Karamu St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 5BR F

Call Agent

21/12 Jondol Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR J



Sat 11:00-11:45

1/9 Dawes St

Elders Kingston

0425 309 087 2BR I

Call Agent

1 Keppel St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0414 819 377 4BR G

Call Agent

35 Keverstone Cct

Ray White Canberra

0417 292 733 3BR I U

Sat 12:00-12:45

69 Captain Cook Cr

PRDnationwide Canberra

0418 429 470 4BR C

Call Agent

Mapleton Av

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 4BR H

Call Agent

4/91 Keverstone Cct

Independent Tuggeranong

0419 224 256 3BR K U

Sat 2:00-2:30

66 Jansz Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 5BR C

Call Agent

1/26 Mapleton Av,


0415 045 648 4BR H

Call Agent

5 Yabtree Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0402 017 912 4BR A

Sun 10:00-10:45 59 Flinders Wy

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 3BR A

Call Agent

47 Mapleton Av

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0412 985 204 4BR H

Call Agent

46 Barrallier St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 4BR A

Call Agent

41 Moonlight Av


0418 975 125 4BR H

Call Agent

57/18 Captain Cook Cr

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 1BR I

Call Agent

15 Oberon Cl

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H U

Sat 12:00-12:30

57 Brudenell Dr

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Call Agent

4-8 Cunningham St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 628 641 2BR H

Call Agent

31 Pildappa St

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 4BR G

Call Agent

17 Alder Cl

Lily Rimanic Real Estate

0418 263 040 3BR H

196 Bicentennial Dr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 4BR G


Call Agent

2/9 Favenc Cir

Independent Tuggeranong

0413 506 316 3BR C

Call Agent

15 Windjana St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 4BR D

Call Agent

Call Agent

77 Flinders Wy

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 4BR B

Call Agent

23 Windjana St


0400 509 262 4BR F

Call Agent

217 Bicentennial Dr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 4BR D

Call Agent

7 Hann St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 4BR C

Call Agent

4 Breen Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 4BR H U

Call Agent

10 Hovell St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 5BR C

Call Agent

9/17 Brudenell Dr

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 2BR J

Call Agent

50 Jansz Cr

Edge Real Estate

0419 888 026 4BR C

Call Agent

10/3 Bonrook St

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0412 381 102 2BR L

Call Agent

31 Carolyn Jackson Dr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 4BR A

Call Agent

99 Jansz Cr

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 4BR A

Call Agent

13 Kurundi Pl

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0412 060 792 4BR C

Call Agent

54 Carolyn Jackson Dr

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Call Agent

21/22 Leichhardt St


0419 212 044 2BR J U

Call Agent

22 Marrakai St

Ray White Belconnen

0411 037 137 5BR A

Call Agent

8 Coora Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR G

Call Agent

12/3 Ovens St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 4BR A

Call Agent

26 Murranji St

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0408 203 533 5BR A

Call Agent

16 Dennis Pl

Independent Woden

0411 560 549 5BR D

Call Agent

30 Stuart St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 3BR C

Call Agent

2 Dixon Pl

Ray White Canberra

0414 629 996 3BR B U

Call Agent

13 Walker Cr

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 3BR A

Call Agent

1/4 Ella Cl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025



HIGGINS Sat 11:45-12:30



17 Davidson St

Ray White Belconnen

0409 136 867 4BR B

Call Agent

13 Elm Wy

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 4BR G 0413 909 158 2BR J U

Sun 11:45-12:30 17 Davidson St

Ray White Belconnen

0409 136 867 4BR B

Call Agent

7/23 Elm Wy

Independent Woden

Sat 1:15-2:00

60 Hollingsworth St

Ray White Gungahlin

0403 246 800 4BR F

Call Agent

20 Kinsella St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 3BR I

Call Agent

12 English Gr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR G

Mon 5:30-6:00

60 Hollingsworth St

Ray White Gungahlin

0403 246 800 4BR F

Call Agent

4 Lutwyche St

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 4BR H

Call Agent

5 Eucalypt Rise

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 4BR D

Call Agent

208 Anthony Rolfe Av

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0423 967 766 3BR I

Call Agent

6 Nicholls Pl

Ray White Belconnen

0422 442 413 4BR H U

Call Agent

20 Firethorn Pl

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701 4BR G

Call Agent

268 Anthony Rolfe Av

Mewton Mayberry Real Estate 0410 601 312 4BR H

Call Agent

34 O'Sullivan St

Richard Luton Properties

0402 316 228 4BR I

Call Agent

29 Firethorn Pl

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 4BR A

Call Agent

274 Anthony Rolfe Av

Edge Real Estate

0418 412 030 3BR I

Call Agent

2 Glenora Ct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 4BR G

Call Agent

311 Anthony Rolfe Av

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0417 483 627 3BR B

Call Agent

26 Halloran Dr

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 4BR F

Call Agent

23 Braggett St

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

0407 025 177 4BR F

Call Agent

152 Halloran Dr

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 4BR G

Call Agent

52 Bruning St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 5BR G

Call Agent

23 Ironbark Cct

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 4BR G

Call Agent

15 Cantamessa Av

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0400 545 343 4BR H

Call Agent

26 Ironbark Cct

Ray White Canberra

0414 629 996 4BR G

Call Agent

32 Dame Zara St

Gold Creek Quality Property

02 6242 9777 5BR H

HOLDER Call Agent

37 Embley St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 3BR I

Call Agent

27 Govett Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR H

Call Agent

8 Maclachlan St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 3BR B

Call Agent

8 Spowers Cct

Ray White Canberra

0414 629 996 4BR A

Call Agent

23 Spowers Cct

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0410 121 601 3BR A

Looking for a home this weekend? Order your inspections efficiently.

Trip Plan.

Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

CityNews  November 18-24  47

For photos, full descriptions and latest open times visit A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

Call Agent

23 Mcleod Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR I

Call Agent

16 Meredith Cct

Colin McIntyre Property

0410 481 260 4BR A

Call Agent

23 Morant Cct

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 3BR I U

Thu 5:45-6:30

15 Glenorchy St

Ray White Tuggeranong

0419 289 574 3BR G

Call Agent

60 Summerland Cct

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0408 203 533 4BR A

Sat 12:00-12:45

36 Burnie St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0408 848 622 4BR A

24 Lutana St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 5BR E


Call Agent

25 Symers St

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 3BR H

Sat 3:45-4:30

Call Agent

1/15 Wyselaskie Cct

Karen Rush Real Estate

0418 285 737 3BR H

Sun 11:00-11:45 7 Brid Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 4BR A

Wed 12:30-1:00

36 Burnie St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0408 848 622 4BR A

Call Agent

1B Chappell St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0417 646 417 3BR B


Call Agent

28 Jacaranda Dr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 4BR G U

Sat 10:15-11:00

35/35 Wentworth Av

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 1BR J

Call Agent

8C/52 Deloraine St

Richard Luton Properties

0412 334 725 1BR L

Call Agent

7 Kennedy Av

Independent Woden

0402 337 287 4BR F

Sat 10:30-11:00

26 Howitt St

Richard Luton Properties

0410 542 667 3BR A

Call Agent

34 Launceston St


0415 045 648 4BR B

Call Agent

49 Kinlyside Av

Independent Tuggeranong

0413 506 316 4BR H U

Sat 12:00-1:00

16/4-6 Jardine St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0408 487 209 2BR H

Call Agent

50/179 Melrose Dr

Ray White Canberra

0438 547 240 2BR K

Call Agent

Lomandra Pl

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Sat 1:00-1:45

10/14 Currie Cr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 198 891 3BR A

Call Agent

56/179 Melrose Dr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 152 607 2BR L

Call Agent

30 Maple Cr

PRDnationwide Canberra

0411 466 077 4BR F

Sat 1:00-1:45

79/55 Dawes St

Blandfordia Real Estate

0413 999 646 3BR A

Call Agent

4 St Clair Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 4BR A

Call Agent

9 Morella Av

Dwyer Dunn

0418 623 324 4BR D

Sat 1:00-4:00

8/57 Eyre St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 628 641 3BR C

Call Agent

1/140 Theodore St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 4BR E

Call Agent

4/7 Murruba Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0417 681 981 3BR H U

Sat 1:00-1:45

25/9 Howitt St

Independent Woden

0407 245 177 2BR I

Call Agent

12 Myrtle Cl

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 4BR D

Sun 1:00-4:00

8/57 Eyre St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 628 641 3BR C

Call Agent

14 Myrtle Cl

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 5BR D

Sun 1:30-2:15

14 Waygoose St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 3BR C

Call Agent

10 Ebsworth Cl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0423 900 640 4BR A

Call Agent

15 Nicholii Loop

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Call Agent

42/30 Cunningham St

Ray White Canberra

0420 635 415 1BR J

Call Agent

33 Jackie Howe Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0402 017 912 5BR A

Call Agent

2 Nyora Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 4BR G U

Call Agent

18/33 Dawes St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 2BR B

Call Agent

3/10 Starritt Pl

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 3BR I U

Call Agent

4 O'Sullivan Rd

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701 3BR H

Call Agent

39/51 Dawes St

Sadil Quinlan

0414 631 607 2BR H

Call Agent

4 Pannamena Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0419 492 079 4BR G

Call Agent

86 Dawes St

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 4BR B

Call Agent

14 Snow Gum Pl

Ray White Canberra

0414 629 996 3BR A

Call Agent

27/9 Eastlake Pde

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 2BR D

Call Agent

Tooroonga Cr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 3BR I

Call Agent

32/9 Eastlake Pde

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 2BR E

Call Agent

7 Turner Pl

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 3BR G

Call Agent

68/11 Eastlake Pde

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 3BR C

Call Agent

29 Walker Cr

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 3BR I U

Call Agent

75/11 Eastlake Pde

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 2BR D

Call Agent

32 Walker Cr

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0428 426 911 4BR H

Call Agent

17 Eastlake Pde

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0408 118 519


Call Agent

2 Wark Pl

Raine & Horne

0412 627 953 3BR A

Call Agent

19 Eastlake Pde

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0408 118 519


Call Agent

79 Waterfall Dr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 4BR E

Call Agent

159/53 Eyre St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 2BR H

Call Agent

130 Waterfall Dr

Independent Woden

0418 632 711 4BR E

Call Agent

9/57 Eyre St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 628 641 3BR C

Call Agent

171 Waterfall Dr

Richard Luton Properties

0411 781 863 4BR B U

Call Agent

52/61 Giles St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0400 667 915 1BR J U

Call Agent

2/18 Winter Pl

Elders Queanbeyan

6297 3333

Call Agent

6/71 Giles St

Independent Tuggeranong

0413 506 316 3BR F

Call Agent

18 Woodhill Link

Richard Luton Properties

0417 681 981 4BR G

Call Agent

48/71 Giles St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 1BR I

Call Agent

57 Woodhill Link

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Call Agent

62/71 Giles St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 3BR E

Call Agent

64/71 Giles St

Independent Tuggeranong

0413 506 316 3BR C

Call Agent

20/15 Howitt St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0400 667 915 2BR I





2 Lawrence Cl

Ray White Canberra

0422 454 383 3BR I

Sat 10:30-11:30

7 Garis Pl

Elders Belconnen

0408 237 493 4BR A

Sat 12:30-1:30

53 Macfarlane Burnet

Independent Dickson

0407 466 199 4BR H

Sat 12:50-1:50

9 Marcus Faunce St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0402 230 057 4BR B

Sat 1:00-1:30

11 Berne Cr

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0412 060 792 3BR I

Sat 4:00-5:00

53 Macfarlane Burnet

Independent Dickson

0407 466 199 4BR H

Sun 1:00-2:45

24 Greenman St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Sun 1:30-2:15

316 Southern Cross Dr

Richard Luton Properties

Sun 2:00-3:00

20 Heighway St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Call Agent

Cilento St

Sadil Quinlan

0414 631 607 3BR I

Call Agent

14 Clement Pl

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0402 842 291 3BR A

Call Agent

12/3 Constance Stone St

Independent Civic

0412 815 463 3BR J U

Call Agent

23 Constance Stone St

Ray White Belconnen

0413 334 447 3BR I

Call Agent

33 Constance Stone St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 994 321 3BR I

Call Agent

8 Dagmar Berne St

Independent Tuggeranong

0418 633 208 4BR H

Call Agent

15 Eric De Salis St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 3BR I

Call Agent

17 Eric De Salis St


0400 509 262 3BR J

Call Agent

2 Gibson St

Independent Dickson

0417 710 772 4BR H U

Call Agent

1 Greenman St

Morrissey Property

0433 622 600 4BR H

Call Agent

16 Heighway St

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 3BR I

Call Agent

2 Herring Pl

Independent Gungahlin

0416 135 270 3BR I

Call Agent

32 John James Loop

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 4BR H

Call Agent

1 Luther Pl

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 4BR H

Call Agent

32 Macfarlane Burnet

Dwyer Dunn

0419 002 780 4BR H

Call Agent

Macfarlane Burnet Ave

The Village Building Co.

0404 891 145 3BR K

Call Agent

Marcus Faunce St

Morrissey Property

0433 622 600 4BR H

Call Agent

17 Marcus Faunce St

Independent Gungahlin

0418 632 217 4BR H

Call Agent

5 Pulleine Cr

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0417 436 802 3BR I

Call Agent

17 Road Pl

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 3BR I

Call Agent

Road 17 - Section Ee

Kashan Property Group

02 6156 2982 3BR I

49 Wunderly Cct

Independent Gungahlin

0418 632 217 3BR I

0415 104 200 4BR B

Sat 10:00-10:30

57 Florentine Cct

Ray White Belconnen

0409 136 867 4BR A

Call Agent

25/15 Howitt St

Purnell Citywide

0418 628 199 2BR I

Sat 2:15-3:00

24 Bingham Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 5BR A

Call Agent

16/31 Howitt St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0417 285 528 2BR A

Sat 4:00-4:45

13 Florentine Cct

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0411 092 990 3BR A

Call Agent

25/9 Jardine St

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 2BR C

Mon 5:15-6:00

24 Bingham Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 5BR A

Call Agent

126/15 Jardine St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 997 894 2BR I

Call Agent

23/112 Baldwin Dr

Independent Dickson

0435 046 964 3BR I

Call Agent

325-15 Jardine St

Colin McIntyre Property

0410 481 260 3BR G

Call Agent

17 Balonne St

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 3BR I U

Call Agent

133/81 Kennedy St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0400 667 915 2BR I U

Call Agent

5 Brunswick Cct

Sadil Quinlan

0413 836 698 4BR H

Call Agent

14/19 Leichhardt St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0401 005 282 1BR I

Call Agent

12 Campaspe Cct

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0416 087 834 3BR I

Call Agent

1/43 Printers Wy

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR E

Call Agent

20 Delegate

Independent Belconnen

0439 556 617 5BR G

Call Agent

6/49 Printers Wy

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 628 641 3BR C

Call Agent

96 Diamantina Cr

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0430 311 628 4BR G

Call Agent

135/54 Printers Wy

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 3BR E

Call Agent

55 Gairdner Cct

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0411 092 990 4BR H

Call Agent

91/56 Printers Wy

PRDnationwide Canberra

0431 116 399 3BR F

Call Agent

67 Maribyrnong Av

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0422 927 671


Call Agent

91/27 Wentworth Av

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 2BR I

Call Agent

307 Maribyrnong Av

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0416 087 834 4BR A

Call Agent

134/33 Wentworth Av

Ray White Kingston

0418 266 698 1BR J

Call Agent

10 Oakover Cct

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0416 087 834 3BR H

Call Agent

131/35 Wentworth Av

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0403 139 701 1BR J

Call Agent

38 Pokana Cct

Ray White Canberra

0439 609 736 4BR G

Call Agent

3/47 Wentworth Av

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0431 419 847 1BR B

Call Agent

44 Pokana Cct

Independent Civic

0407 121 412 3BR H U

Call Agent

14/56-58 Wentworth Av

Sadil Quinlan

0414 631 607 3BR G

Call Agent

38 Tambo St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR I

Call Agent

11/58 Wentworth Av

Elders Kingston

0425 309 087 2BR G

Call Agent

Call Agent

8 Tweed Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 4BR G

Call Agent

40 Yarra St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR I

Sat 12:30-4:00

117 Redfern St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 1BR J

Sun 12:30-4:00

117 Redfern St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 1BR J

Call Agent

2 Bowman St

L.J. Hooker

0402 914 037

Call Agent

117 Redfern St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 2BR I

Call Agent

28/21 Wiseman St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 1BR J U



LATHAM Thu 5:30-6:15

100 Macrossan Cr

Elders Belconnen

0407 808 717 4BR I

Sat 10:45-11:30

100 Macrossan Cr

Elders Belconnen

0407 808 717 4BR I

Thu 5:30-6:00

10 Stieglitz Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0417 285 528 5BR A

Sat 1:30-2:30

91 O'Loghlen St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0411 793 937 3BR H

Thu 6:00-6:30

97 Allchin Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0423 900 640 4BR H

Sat 4:30-5:15

90 Macrossan Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0402 316 228 4BR H

Sat 10:00-10:45

49 Bosworth Cct

Dwyer Dunn

0418 623 324 3BR A

Sun 1:30-2:30

91 O'Loghlen St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0411 793 937 3BR H

Sat 11:00-12:00

9 Crouch Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 701 073 3BR I

Call Agent

1/22 Denny St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 2BR J

Sat 11:00-11:45

10 Horton Cl

Colin McIntyre Property

0432 714 230 3BR I

Call Agent

2/22 Denny St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 3BR I

Sat 12:30-1:15

6 Beilby Pl

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0417 459 427 3BR A

Call Agent

40 Hensman St

Independent Civic

0407 121 412 4BR I

Sat 2:00-2:45

10 Morant Cct

Independent Woden

0413 909 158 4BR H

Call Agent

16 Kinchela Cr

Elders Belconnen

0409 560 539 3BR I U

Sat 3:15-4:00

3 Karney St

Ray White Tuggeranong

0421 961 810 7BR B

Call Agent

55 Macrossan Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 5BR A

Call Agent

10/35 Ashby Cct

Raine & Horne Woden

0414 444 673 3BR J

Call Agent

6 Moorehead Pl

Ray White Gungahlin

0418 479 963 3BR J

Call Agent

8/47 Ashby Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 3BR I U

Call Agent

1 Wanliss St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313

Call Agent

92 Bacchus Cct

Colin McIntyre Property

0432 714 230 4BR I

Call Agent

2/15 Wanliss St

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 3BR J

Call Agent

1/1 Bateman St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 2BR J U

Call Agent

8 Bateman St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 4BR B

Call Agent

5 Conolly Pl

Karen Rush Real Estate

0418 288 650 3BR H

Sat 11:00-11:30

15 Archibald St

Blandfordia Real Estate

0413 999 646 3BR A

Call Agent

5 Dinnison Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0418 669 655 4BR H

Sat 12:45-1:15

20 De Burgh St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418 623 352 4BR A

Call Agent

3 Everard Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 4BR A

Sun 2:45-3:00

32/2 Archibald St

Richard Luton Properties

0415 104 200 2BR I

Call Agent

4-6 Everard Pl

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 1BR J U

Tue 12:00-12:30 20 De Burgh St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418 623 352 4BR A

Call Agent

8 Fitzalan St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 669 655 4BR G

Call Agent

24/22 Archibald St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0401 605 919 2BR J

Call Agent

17 Fitzalan St

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969 4BR E

Call Agent

53/22 Archibald St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 2BR J

Call Agent

6 Gallagher St

Independent Tuggeranong

0418 633 208 4BR H

Call Agent

74/22 Archibald St


0400 509 262 2BR J

Call Agent

5 Gall Pl

Edge Real Estate

0419 888 026 3BR I

Call Agent

4/22 De Burgh St

L.J. Hooker

0402 914 037 1BR J

Call Agent

86 Harrington Cct

Canreps Private Sales

6288 4444

Call Agent

10/6 Goodchild St

Independent Belconnen

0418 463 872 2BR I

Call Agent

67 Karney Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0438 627 772 3BR B

Call Agent

1/6 Hall St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0411 367 700 3BR A

Call Agent

5 Knight Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0418 669 655 4BR H

Call Agent

116 Lewin St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0439 780 301 4BR G

Call Agent

11 Lawrence Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 830 598 4BR H U

Call Agent

28 Mackennal St

Sadil Quinlan

0413 745 994 3BR A

Call Agent

59 Livingston Av

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

Call Agent

1 Mouat St

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213

Call Agent

38 Mackay Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 3BR I U

Call Agent

49/193 Mouat St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0410 121 601 1BR I

Call Agent

5 Magarey Pl

Independent Tuggeranong

0413 506 316 5BR H

Call Agent

59/12 Oliver St

Dwyer Dunn

0418 623 324

Call Agent

128 Marconi Crs

Independent Belconnen

0402 838 949 4BR I

Call Agent

8 Owen Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 3BR F

0409 015 400 5BR B

Call Agent

25 Owen St

Independent Belconnen

0411 507 679 2BR H

0412 994 321 3BR A

Call Agent

B21/60 Wattle St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 2BR K

Call Agent

11B/62 Wattle St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 1BR L

Call Agent Call Agent

47 Maxworthy St 29 Mcconnel Cr

Richard Luton Properties L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong


0413 453 489 5BR H

Call Agent

32 Mcgivern Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735


Call Agent

36 Mckillop Cct

Rumbles Real Estate

0406 937 139 4BR I


We'll notify you when your dream home becomes available. 48  CityNews  November 18-24





MAWSON Thu 6:00-6:45

9 Hoseason St

Richard Luton Properties

0416 017 072 3BR A

Sat 9:30-10:00

9 Hoseason St

Richard Luton Properties

0416 017 072 3BR A

Sat 12:00-12:45

14 Hoadley St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 198 891 4BR A

Call Agent

27 Ainsworth St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0409 582 010 4BR G

Call Agent

22 Aurora Cl

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0418 285 797 3BR H

Call Agent

34 Aurora Cl

Raine & Horne Woden

0414 444 673 5BR F

Call Agent

1-8/22-24 Du Faur Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0412 635 019 3BR G

Call Agent

10 Hannam Pl

Karen Rush Real Estate

0413 486 386 3BR I

Call Agent

16/6 Heard St

Raine & Horne Woden

0414 444 673 2BR K

Call Agent

98 Mawson Dr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0410 121 601 3BR A

Call Agent

2/110 Mawson Dr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0429 077 080 3BR B

Call Agent

18 Power St

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 4BR H

Call Agent

18/1 Wilkins St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0400 545 343 3BR I

Call Agent

44/4 Wilkins St

Purnell Citywide

0418 628 199 1BR L


26 Grover Cr

Independent Gungahlin

0408 626 096 5BR F

Call Agent

31 Hetherington Cct

Ray White Belconnen

0413 334 447 4BR H

Call Agent

36 Hetherington Cct

Ray White Belconnen

0411 037 137 4BR H

Call Agent

1 William Webb Dr

Asset Real Estate

0408 622 288 4BR F

Call Agent

99 William Webb Dr

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 3BR I

MELBA Sat 11:00-12:00

50 Boult Pl

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 2BR J

Sun 11:00-12:00 50 Boult Pl

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 2BR J

Call Agent

59 Alfred Hill Dr

Ray White Belconnen

0432 028 645 3BR A

Call Agent

99 Alfred Hill Dr

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 4BR I

Call Agent

20 Carandini St

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0405 415 645 4BR I

Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

Canberra Region Property Summary A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

Call Agent

28/51 Leahy Cl

Richard Luton Properties

0411 781 863 2BR I U

Call Agent

24/50 Lumeah St

Blue Property Marketing

0412 023 497 2BR H U

Call Agent

Call Agent

43 Matina St

Bright Partners Manuka

0419 394 555 4BR G

Call Agent

15 Mcintyre St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0416 014 431 3BR G U

Sat 10:00-10:45

Call Agent

61 Mcintyre St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 997 894 3BR D

Call Agent

Call Agent

8/46 Mcmillan Cr

Independent Woden

0407 245 177 1BR M

Call Agent

1 Tungun St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

Call Agent

23 Vaughan Gdns

L.J. Hooker Manuka

91 Wattle St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 5BR E

13/10 Taronga Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 4BR D

3 Akame Cct

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 5BR B

Call Agent

44 Akame Cct

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 6BR A

0412 997 894 3BR A

Call Agent

46 Akame St


0415 045 648 5BR C

0408 662 119 3BR F

Call Agent

4 Berbet St

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 6BR B

Call Agent

11 Cobbadah St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0407 715 244 6BR B

Call Agent

3 Coreen Pl

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 6BR C


Call Agent

5 Ennis Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0404 066 119 4BR A

Call Agent

12 Flower Pl

PRDnationwide Canberra

0418 429 470

Call Agent

7 Horsley Cr

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0418 242 743 3BR I

Sat 10:30-11:00

9/3 Bural Ct

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 3BR I

Call Agent

3 Coreen Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0412 334 725 4BR C

Call Agent

55 Mceachern Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 4BR H

Sat 11:00-11:30

9/66 Paul Coe Cr

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0418 215 878 3BR I

Call Agent

21 Culgoa Cct

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 8BR B

Call Agent

26 Sampson Cl

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 5BR H

Sat 11:00-12:00

140 Paul Coe Cr

Grapevine Property

0418 519 031 5BR B

Call Agent

31 Culgoa Cct

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 622 420 5BR B

Sat 11:00-11:45

52 Yumba Av

Ray White Gungahlin

0418 479 963 3BR I

Call Agent

15 Dalman Cr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0418 628 641 4BR C

Sat 11:10-11:50

10 Buru Cl

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR H

Call Agent

5/44 Dalman Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 152 607 4BR C

Sat 12:00-12:45

29 Paul Coe Cr

Ray White Gungahlin

0418 479 963 4BR H

Call Agent

29 Dalman St

Denise Flint Real Estate

0418 630 130


MONASH 0433 622 600 3BR J



Sat 11:00-12:00

3/26 William Hudson Cr

Morrissey Property

Sat 4:00-4:45

54 Harricks Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 701 073 3BR I

Sat 12:50-1:30

45 Ferguson Cct

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0418 215 878 4BR H

Call Agent

11 Mialli Pl

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 6BR C

Call Agent

21 Alabaster St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 3BR I U

Sat 1:50-2:30

4 Karrugang Cct

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 3BR J

Call Agent

10/10 Taronga Pl

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 631 763 4BR A

Call Agent

24 Axon St

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 3BR I

Sun 11:00-11:30 9/66 Paul Coe Cr

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0418 215 878 3BR I

Call Agent

9 Terrigal Cres

Premier Capital Properties

0409 920 000 8BR B

Call Agent

4 Balsillie Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0415 104 200 3BR B U

Sun 11:00-11:30 7/2 Warrunbul Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0412 635 019 3BR B

Call Agent

43/67 Barraclough Cr

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 3BR I

Sun 2:10-3:00

23 Aroona Ct

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 5BR G

Call Agent

9/27 Blakey Cl

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 3BR I

Call Agent

14 Berra Cl

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0403 808 780 3BR J

Thu 5:30-6:00

37 Cuthbertson Cr

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0408 848 622 4BR A

Call Agent

28 Charleston St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0402 225 405 4BR G

Call Agent

21 Birrigai Sq

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0412 060 792 3BR J

Call Agent

18 Cuthbertson Cr

Go Gecko Woden

0401 218 325 4BR F

Call Agent

98 Clive Steele Av

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR I

Call Agent

43 Carina St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0419 296 458 3BR K

Call Agent

175 Newman-morris Cct

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 830 598 4BR G U

Call Agent

31/174 Clive Steele Av

Richard Luton Properties

0408 879 936 3BR I

Call Agent

11 Deumonga Ct

Go Gecko Woden

0401 218 325 3BR J

Call Agent

29 Cowdery Pl

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 4BR H

Call Agent

9 Galmarra St

Independent Dickson

0418 693 635 4BR E

Call Agent

8 Mault Pl

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 4BR A

Call Agent

8 Gurrang Av

Ray White Gungahlin

0418 479 963 2BR K U

Sat 10:30-11:30

3 Dallachy Pl

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0411 793 937 2BR A

Call Agent

13 Priddle St

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 3BR I

Call Agent

94 Gurrang Av

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0417 459 427 4BR F

Call Agent

8 Belconnen Wy


0400 509 262 3BR I

Call Agent

3 Sambell Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 4BR G

Call Agent

3 Gurrit Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0431 602 251 4BR H

Call Agent

55 Burkitt St

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

0412 908 248 2BR K

Call Agent

26 Seaver St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 4BR G

Call Agent

131 Jabanugga Av

Independent Dickson

0406 226 428 3BR I

Call Agent

22 Dallachy Pl

Ray White Belconnen

0411 037 137 2BR J

Call Agent

12 Wheadon St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 3BR I U

Call Agent

88 Jabanungga Av

Independent Belconnen

0439 556 617 3BR J U

Call Agent

14 Frost Pl


0400 509 262 3BR I

Call Agent

133 Jabanungga Av

Independent Belconnen

0419 000 079 3BR I

Call Agent

13 Luehmann St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0418 624 913 3BR A

Call Agent

43 Jandamarra St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR I U

Call Agent

33 Newbery Cr

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 4BR H

MURRUMBATEMAN Sat 11:30-12:30

273 Casuarina La

Richard Luton Properties

0411 781 863 5BR C

Call Agent

1 Jaru Pl

Independent Gungahlin

0416 135 270 4BR H

Sat 1:00-2:00

570 Greenwood Rd

Elders Yass

0419 282 329 4BR E

Call Agent

11 Kudyera Pl

Gold Creek Quality Property

02 6242 9777 3BR I U

Sat 1:00-2:00

7 Patemans La

Richard Luton Properties

0411 781 863 5BR B

Call Agent

32 Leita Ct

Sadil Quinlan

0413 745 994 4BR H

Sat 2:30-3:00

4 Crisps La

Richard Luton Properties

0411 781 863


Call Agent

6 Lingiari Ct

Independent Dickson

0418 693 635 3BR J

Sun 1:30-2:00

9 Ryslipp Dr

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 4BR C

Call Agent

13 Margany Cl

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0419 296 458 4BR H U

Sun 2:15-2:45

3001 Barton Hwy

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 5BR C

Call Agent

7/23-27 Margany Cl

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0419 296 458 4BR I

Sun 2:30-3:30

2 Ambleside Av

Elders Belconnen

0409 221 407 4BR G

Call Agent

8 Mawalan St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 3BR I

Sun 3:00-3:30

7 Vine Cl

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 4BR E

Call Agent

42 Maynard St

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0419 296 458 3BR I

Sun 3:40-4:10

16 Barley Pl

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 4BR F

Call Agent

20 Milari St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0400 281 395 4BR H

Call Agent

3 Ambleside Av

Ray White Yass

0438 633 378 5BR E

Call Agent

2 Naden Pl

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 3BR I U

Call Agent

Barton Hwy

Allan Golding Pty Ltd

0418 722 500


Call Agent

7 Nangi Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 4BR H

Call Agent

Barton Hwy

Yass Real Estate

0409 311 127


Call Agent

8/40 Newlop St

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 2BR J U

Call Agent

3071 Barton Hwy

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 3BR B

Call Agent

1 Noongale Ct

Sadil Quinlan

0414 631 607 3BR J

Call Agent

888 Birradilli La

Horizon Real Estate

0404 870 026


Call Agent

23 Paul Coe Cr

PRDnationwide Canberra

0411 466 077 3BR J

Call Agent

555 Boutchers Dr

Murrumbateman Properties

0418 207 291


Call Agent

95/36 Paul Coe Cr


0400 509 262 3BR J U

Call Agent

3 Bradley Cl

Yass Real Estate

0409 311 127


Call Agent

49 Paul Coe Cr


0400 509 262 3BR I

Call Agent

264 Casuarina La

First National Yass

0427 394 482


Call Agent

123 Paul Coe Cr

Grapevine Property

0418 519 031 5BR C

Call Agent

8 Clover Cl

Buckley & Holland

6297 9191


Call Agent

41 Tanderra Cr

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0417 483 627 4BR B

Call Agent

8 East St

Murrumbateman Properties

0418 207 291 3BR I

Call Agent

27 Warabin Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR B

Call Agent

3 Franklin Pl

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 3BR G

Call Agent

17 Warrumbul St


0418 574 140 4BR G

Call Agent

1 Glengyle Rd

Yass Valley Property

0429 669 635 6BR E

Call Agent

25 Wellington St

Independent Dickson

0418 693 635 3BR I

Call Agent

171 Gounyan Rd

First National Yass

0427 394 482


Call Agent

19 Yuranigh Ct


0419 212 044 2BR J

Call Agent

200 Gounyan Road, Off Barton Hwy

Murrumbateman Properties

0418 207 291


Call Agent

6 Hercules St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 3BR I

Sat 2:00-2:45

80 Lexcen Av

Richard Luton Properties

0402 316 228 4BR F

Call Agent

302 Keirs Rd

Horizon Real Estate

0407 890 527 5BR C

Call Agent

2 Angles Ct

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 628 606 5BR B

Call Agent

75 Kia-ora La

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 3BR C

Call Agent

4/8 Biddell Pl

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0417 483 627 3BR I U

Call Agent

3 Lakeview Dr

Elders Belconnen

0409 221 407 5BR E U

Call Agent

6 Cottam Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0418 625 162 4BR H

Call Agent

3 Linden Cl

Ray White Belconnen

0419 442 417 6BR B

Call Agent

7 Decima Cct

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 4BR B

Call Agent

Lot 51 Jiparu Dr

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213


Call Agent

2/17 Freda Bennett Cct

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 3BR I

Call Agent

Lot 311 Red Gum Drive, Yass Valley Wy

Murrumbateman Properties

0418 207 291


Call Agent

43 Freda Bennett Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0431 602 251 4BR H U

Call Agent

Lot 32 Suffolk Av

Elders Belconnen

0409 221 407


Call Agent

17 Hattersley Ct

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 4BR F

Call Agent

3 Lupin Pl

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0412 381 102 4BR G U

Call Agent

33 Kangaroo Cl

Independent Dickson

0418 693 635 3BR I

Call Agent

15 Middle St

Elders Belconnen

0409 221 407 3BR I U

Call Agent

7/133 Kelleway Av

Morrissey Property

0433 622 600 3BR I U

Call Agent

18 Middle St

Elders Dickson

0401 903 450 3BR H

Call Agent

76 Krantzcke Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 4BR G

Call Agent

4 Palomino Pl

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 4BR F

Call Agent

28 May Mills Cl

Raine & Horne Gung/Belc

02 6262 2777 4BR G

Call Agent

32 South St

Elders Dickson

0407 417 783 4BR F

Call Agent

3 Paisley St

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0416 087 834 4BR A

Call Agent

107 South St

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793

Call Agent

13 Pellew St

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 5BR B

Call Agent

8 Vallance Dr

Independent Tuggeranong

0413 506 316 3BR A

Call Agent

44 Rosella St

L.J. Hooker Kippax

0414 281 078 4BR H

Call Agent

18 Vallencia Dr

Richard Luton Properties

0429 487 939 5BR C

Call Agent

16/23 Temperley St

Richard Luton Properties

0428 139 969 3BR I

Call Agent

Yass River Rd

Landmark Copeland Medway

0428 261 777

Call Agent

3/10 Weetman Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 446 793 4BR H

Call Agent

2359 Yass River Rd

Yass Valley Property

0409 314 412 4BR C

Call Agent

65 Westbury Cct

Independent Belconnen

0411 507 679 4BR B



NARRABUNDAH Sat 2:00-2:45

76 Sprent St

Dwyer Dunn

0418 623 324 3BR F

Call Agent

7 Anembo St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 208 244 2BR I

Call Agent

21 Brockman St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 5BR A

Call Agent

23 Dalrymple St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0414 819 377 3BR A

Call Agent

9 Euroka St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 2BR I

Call Agent

38 Green St

Dwyer Dunn

0418 623 324 3BR D

Call Agent

28/44 Jerrabomberra Av

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 2BR I

Call Agent

35/44 Jerrabomberra Av

Badenoch Real Estate

0412 898 690 2BR I

Call Agent

Jerrabomberra Ave 'Crestwood Estate'

PRDnationwide Canberra

0431 116 399

Call Agent

4/40 Leahy Cl

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 997 894 2BR I

Call Agent

26/41 Leahy Cl

Berkely Residential

0402 595 016 3BR H


Approximately 2 million page views per day.


O'CONNOR Sat 11:00-11:45

12 Karri St

Capital First National

0408 408 603 3BR G

Call Agent

8 Bagot St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0411 367 700 5BR B

Call Agent

16 Bluebell St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 2BR B U

Call Agent

14 Boobialla St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 4BR A

Call Agent

63 Boronia Dr

Sadil Quinlan

0414 631 607 3BR B

Call Agent

38/39 Brigalow St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 1BR L

Call Agent

53 Cockle St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 3BR E

Call Agent

96 Dryandra St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 4BR A

Call Agent

10/10 Macpherson St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 830 598 2BR I

Call Agent

133A Miller St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 4BR F

Call Agent

4/19 Moorhouse St

Independent Dickson

0417 710 772 1BR K U

Call Agent

9 Ross St

Capital First National

0408 408 603 3BR E


PALMERSTON Sat 11:00-12:00

93 Namadgi Cct

First National Gungahlin

0408 413 405 3BR I

Sat 1:00-2:00

26 Macedon Cr

Rumbles Real Estate

0414 681 688 4BR F

Sat 2:00-2:40

13 Zamia Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0408 219 148 3BR A

Sun 11:00-12:00 93 Namadgi Cct

First National Gungahlin

0408 413 405 3BR I

Call Agent

7 Alma Cl

Independent Dickson

0418 693 635 4BR G

Call Agent

8 Bendora Cr

Ray White Gungahlin

0432 028 645 4BR H U

Call Agent

4/15 Conner Cl

Independent Civic

0407 121 412 3BR I

Call Agent

4 Coree Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 4BR G

Call Agent

23 Dandenong Ct

L.J. Hooker Kaleen

0416 087 834 4BR A

Call Agent

9 Flora Pl

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 3BR I

Call Agent

7 Haystack Cr

Go Gecko Woden

0401 218 325 3BR I

Call Agent

94 Mainwaring Rich

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 3BR J U

Call Agent

9/21 Namadgi Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0404 011 163 3BR I

Call Agent

8 Pryton Cl

Canreps Private Sales

6288 4444

Call Agent

7/71 Tinderry Cct

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0423 967 766 3BR I

Call Agent

91 Weddin Cct

Ray White Gungahlin

0418 479 963 5BR B


PEARCE Sat 11:15-12:00

23/26 Marr St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 3BR H

Sat 12:30-1:00

7 Collings St

Richard Luton Properties

0410 542 667 4BR A

Sat 1:00-1:45

1 Blackburn St

Ray White Canberra

0417 292 733 3BR F

Sat 2:00-2:45

3 Leighton St

Ray White Canberra

0417 292 733 5BR F

Sat 3:15-4:00

25 Shepherd St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 622 420 3BR A

Sun 12:00-12:45 1 Blackburn St

Ray White Canberra

0417 292 733 3BR F

Sun 1:00-1:45

3 Leighton St

Ray White Canberra

0417 292 733 5BR F

Call Agent

3 Anstey St

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR B U

Call Agent

39 Collings St

Edge Real Estate

0419 888 026 3BR G

Call Agent

5/59 Hodgson Cr

Independent Civic

02 6209 1700 3BR A

Call Agent

97 Hodgson Cr

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 628 606 3BR H

Call Agent

22/26 Marr St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 697 155 3BR H

Call Agent

2/1 Mcgee Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 2BR J

Call Agent

1/9-11 Mcnamara St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0418 429 470 2BR I

Call Agent

2/9-11 Mcnamara St

PRDnationwide Canberra

0418 429 470 2BR I

Sat 12:30-1:15

87/98 Corinna St

Richard Luton Properties

0416 017 072 3BR H

Call Agent

10/6 Antis St

Richard Luton Properties

0416 017 072 2BR J U

Call Agent

52/98 Corinna St

Ray White Canberra

0417 486 574 1BR I U

Call Agent

144/98 Corinna St

Independent Woden

0412 596 324 3BR H

Call Agent

162/98 Corinna St

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0412 381 102 3BR B U

Call Agent

20/1 Port Jackson Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 773 938 2BR I


QUEANBEYAN Thu 1:00-1:45

35 Alanbar St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 3BR K

Sat 10:00-10:30

2 Brook St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379

Sat 10:00-10:40

29 Morton St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0415 735 777 3BR H

Sat 10:30-11:00

1 Mcewan Av

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 3BR A

Sat 11:15-11:45

50 Cooma St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 3BR J

Sat 12:00-12:45

8/13-17 Carinya St

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987 3BR L

Sat 12:00-12:40

22 Cassinia St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 4BR H

Sat 12:00-12:30

24 Isabella St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 3BR A

Sat 12:15-12:45

23/56 Henderson Rd

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0415 735 777 1BR N

Sat 12:30-1:15

20 Downey St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 3BR J


Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

CityNews  November 18-24  49

For photos, full descriptions and latest open times visit A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

Call Agent

9 Irene Av

Raine & Horne

0425 544 664 3BR I U

Call Agent

11/38 Isabella St

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701 2BR M U

Call Agent

22 Karri Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0439 413 321 3BR K

Sat 11:30-12:15

12 Allambee St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0414 623 876 4BR A

Call Agent

13 Kenny Pl

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0432 391 755 3BR B

Sat 12:30-1:15

63 Euree St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 3BR A

11 Elimatta St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 697 844 3BR A


Call Agent

17 Kenny Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0439 413 321 3BR I

Sat 2:45-3:30

Call Agent

11 Killard St

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0414 685 011 3BR I U

Tue 12:30-1:00

11 Elimatta St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 697 844 3BR A

Call Agent

12/14 King St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 2BR L

Call Agent

44 Amaroo St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0411 367 700 3BR A

Call Agent

46 Kinkora Pl

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 3BR I

Call Agent

68/35 Currong St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0408 487 209 3BR H U


Sat 12:30-1:30

7 Swan Pl

Oz Property Services

0403 339 086 3BR I

Call Agent

3/12 Lazarus Cr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 2BR J U

Sat 1:00-2:00

8 Grevillea Pl

Oz Property Services

0403 339 086 3BR J

Call Agent

5 Ling Pl

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 3BR I U

Sat 1:00-1:45

7 Michael Pde

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987 4BR I

Call Agent

31 Lonergan Dr

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0429 122 700 5BR E

Sat 1:00-1:30

25/46 Trinculo Pl

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0415 735 777 1BR M

Call Agent

9/25 Macquoid St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 611 044 2BR M

Sat 1:45-2:15

6/91 Donald Rd

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0415 735 777 2BR K

Call Agent

14/67 Macquoid St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 611 044 2BR M

Sat 2:30-3:00

2 Atholbar Wy

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0415 735 777 4BR H

Call Agent

2/16 Mcinnes Pl

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Sat 3:00-3:30

8 Binaburra Pl

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 5BR G

Call Agent

13 Mcintyre Cr

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0429 122 700 3BR G

Sat 3:15-3:45

3 Federal Av

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0415 735 777 2BR I

Call Agent

5 Mckeahnie St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 3BR I

Sat 3:45-4:15

26 Robertson St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 4BR H

Call Agent

2/8 Mckeahnie St

Raine & Horne

0408 607 403 3BR J

Sun 1:15-2:00

42 Isabella St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 4BR A

Call Agent

7/9 Mcquoid St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 611 044 1BR N

Sun 2:15-3:00

2/59 River Dr

Richard Luton Properties

0402 316 228 3BR I

Call Agent

28 Meredith St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0438 627 772 6BR B

Wed 1:00-1:45

7/39-43 Crawford St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410 774 821 2BR J

Call Agent

3-9 Moore St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 611 044 3BR J

Call Agent

5/7 Allumba St

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701 2BR K

Call Agent

16/12 Morisset St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 2BR M U

Call Agent

3 Amaroo Pl

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 3BR I

Call Agent

20/12 Morisset St

Spackman Real Estate

0427 202 987 2BR M

Call Agent

14/10 Arthur St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 1BR N

Call Agent

21/12 Morisset St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 2BR M

Call Agent

4 Baden Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0431 419 847 5BR A

Call Agent

13-15 Morisset St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0415 735 777 2BR J

Call Agent

32 Banksia Cr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 3BR B

Call Agent

13-15 Morisset St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0415 735 777 2BR I

Call Agent

12 Beston Pl

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 4BR E

Call Agent

2/85 Morton St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 1BR M U

Call Agent

11 Bilkurra St

Raine & Horne

0425 544 664 4BR I

Call Agent

136 Morton St

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841

Call Agent

18 Binaburra Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 5BR H

Call Agent

3/3 Mowatt St

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Call Agent

5/7-9 Blackall Av

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 3BR I

Call Agent

3/20 Mowatt St

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Call Agent

2/4 Booth St

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Call Agent

1/26 Mowatt St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 2BR J

Call Agent

13/10-12 Booth St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 2BR K

Call Agent

19 Muir Pl

Raine & Horne

0412 627 953 3BR I

Call Agent

8 Boronia Cr

Ray White Canberra

0419 715 736 4BR J

Call Agent

4 Mulloon St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 3BR I

Call Agent

8/22 Bungendore Rd

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 2BR B

Call Agent

6/10-14 Mulloon St

Raine & Horne

0412 627 953 3BR H

Call Agent

Call Agent

4/11-15 Buttle St

Raine & Horne

0412 627 953 1BR N

Call Agent

7/10-14 Mulloon St

Raine & Horne

0412 627 953 3BR H

Call Agent

Call Agent

34/11-15 Buttle St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408


Call Agent

20 Mulloon St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 3BR I

Call Agent

129 Cameron Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 3BR K

Call Agent

87 Munro Rd

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

Call Agent

51 Campbell St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 3BR I

Call Agent

35 Nimbus Pl

Call Agent

53-57 Canberra Ave & 3 Broughton Pl

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701

Call Agent

Call Agent

32 Candlebark Rd

Richard Luton Properties

0416 017 072 5BR G

Call Agent

151 Candlebark Rd

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 4BR H

Call Agent

9/17 Carinya St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 3BR L

Call Agent

5/24 Carrington St

Raine & Horne

0408 607 403 2BR K U

Call Agent

6 Cassinia St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 3BR I

Call Agent

7/19 Charles St

Ian McNamee & Partners

Call Agent

94 Collett St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

Call Agent

66 Cooma St

Call Agent



Thu 5:00-5:30

8 Fullerton Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0417 285 528 3BR A

Sat 11:30-12:00

2 Cardell Pl

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0437 357 855 3BR I

Sat 3:15-4:00

72 Twamley Cr

Dwyer Dunn

0418 623 324 3BR I

Call Agent

70 Beattie Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 3BR I

Call Agent

15 Clift Cr

Colin McIntyre Property

0458 726 579 4BR I

Call Agent

24 Fullerton Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 4BR I

Call Agent

5 Zadow Pl

The Real Estate Shop

02 6231 3100 3BR J

Sat 1:45-2:15

6 Cordia Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0412 635 019 3BR I

Call Agent

31 Angophora St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0424 597 724 5BR A

Call Agent

3 Blancoa Pl

Bertram Ellis Chapman

0417 295 755 3BR I


1548 Old Cooma Rd

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0429 122 700

Call Agent

395 Royalla Dr

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0488 250 076 4BR D


Call Agent

5 Trail Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0402 024 447 10BRB


5 Fox Rd

Richard Luton Properties

0404 895 729 5BR D

Call Agent

42 Mcdonald Rd

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0411 049 242 3BR A

2/19 Barlow St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 625 162 3BR I

10/31 Barlow St

Independent Gungahlin

0404 895 162 4BR J

Call Agent

8 Follett St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 5BR H

0413 503 312 3BR I

Call Agent

36 Hinkler St

Elders Belconnen

0411 096 269 3BR I U

Raine & Horne

0412 627 953 4BR A

Call Agent

6 Jindivik Pl

Ray White Belconnen

0432 028 645 4BR A

2/6 Nimmitabel

Ray White Canberra

0439 609 736 3BR J

Call Agent

13 Jindivik Pl

Elders Belconnen

0408 237 493 2BR A

Call Agent

23 Northciffe Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 4BR H U

Call Agent

16 Kauper St

Independent Belconnen

0419 000 079 4BR I U

Call Agent

33 Old Sydney Rd

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 4BR A

Call Agent

11/4 Keith St

Independent Belconnen

0419 000 079 2BR L U

Call Agent

1 Patanga Gdns

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 4BR I

Call Agent

4/7 Keith St

Elders Belconnen

0407 808 717 2BR L

Call Agent

3/7-9 Patanga Gdns

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 2BR J

Call Agent

22 Levien St

Ray White Belconnen

0411 037 137 4BR A

Call Agent

6 Patrick Brick Cct

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 4BR H

Call Agent

11 Patrick Brick Cct

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0415 735 777 4BR H

0419 683 599 2BR M

Call Agent

33 Patrick Brick Ct


0418 975 125 4BR I

0438 174 400 2BR K

Sat 4:15-5:00

5 Leavold Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0410 542 667 3BR I

Call Agent

2/2 River Dr

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 3BR J U

Call Agent

25 Baddeley Cr

L.J. Hooker Gungahlin

0438 706 776 3BR I

Call Agent

11 Rolfe Pl

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 4BR H

6 Corin Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 4BR A

Call Agent

73 Baddeley Cr

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR I

Call Agent

34 Ross Rd

Oz Property Services

0403 339 086 2BR K

Call Agent

Crawford St

Independent Civic

02 6209 1700


Call Agent

14 Bowling Pl


0419 212 044 3BR I

Call Agent

10/3a Stornaway Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 1BR K

Call Agent

10 Crest Park Pde

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0419 492 079 4BR A

Call Agent

157 Copland Dr

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 3BR I

Call Agent

31/3a Stornaway Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 2BR J

Call Agent

24 Crest Park Pde

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 4BR I

Call Agent

4 Crofts Cr

Go Gecko Woden

0409 006 365 4BR G U

Call Agent

40/3a Stornaway Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410 774 821 1BR K

Call Agent

16 Dane St

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 5BR H

Call Agent

40 Crofts Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0418 625 162 3BR A

Call Agent

11/8-10 Stornaway Rd

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 2BR M U

Call Agent

24/3-5 Davison St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 2BR L

Call Agent

49 Healy St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 4BR H

Call Agent

40 Surveyor St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 5BR G

Call Agent

4/9 Davison St

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 2BR J

Call Agent

35 Magrath Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0418 625 162 5BR H

Call Agent

75 Swan Dr

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0429 122 700 4BR D

Call Agent

17/85 Derrima Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 2BR L

Call Agent

3 Moroney St

Richard Luton Properties

0402 024 447 3BR H

Call Agent

6 Temora Pl

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 4BR H

Call Agent

27/85 Derrima Rd

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 2BR M

Call Agent

12 Wallis Pl

Ray White Canberra

0438 547 240 4BR H

Call Agent

10 Temora Pl

Buckley & Holland

6297 9191

Call Agent

21/86 Derrima Rd

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0439 780 301 2BR B

Call Agent

11 Tennyson Dr

Ian McNamee & Partners

0418 633 806 4BR H

Call Agent

48/86 Derrima Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 2BR L

Call Agent

53 Thomas Royal Gdns

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 4BR I

Thu 3:30-5:30

19 Bott Cr

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 3BR I

Call Agent

88 Derrima Rd

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 1BR L

Call Agent

6/17 Thurralilly St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0417 299 826 2BR K

Thu 3:30-5:30

2 Kevin Curtis Cr

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR H

Call Agent

88 Derrima Rd

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 2BR L

Call Agent

34 Thurralilly St

Buckley & Holland

6297 9191


Thu 3:30-5:30

27 Liz O'Neill St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Call Agent

3 Dixie Pl

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Call Agent

2/53 Thurralilly St

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701 2BR L

Thu 3:30-5:30

23 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Call Agent

35 Dodsworth Av

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0439 413 321 3BR I

Call Agent

3/18 Trinculo Pl

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410 774 821 2BR M

Thu 3:30-5:30

25 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Call Agent

6/6 Doeberl Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 3BR I

Call Agent

24 Ullamulla Cr

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Thu 3:30-5:30

26 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Call Agent

8/11 Doeberl Pl

Raine & Horne

0412 627 953 3BR I

Call Agent

7a/17 Uriarra Rd

Raine & Horne

0425 544 661 2BR K

Thu 3:30-5:30

73 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Call Agent

2/20 Donald Rd

Raine & Horne

0412 627 953 3BR A

Call Agent

9/70 Uriarra Rd

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 1BR N U

Thu 3:30-5:30

87b Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 2BR J

Call Agent

56 Donald Rd

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 3BR J

Call Agent

3/111 Uriarra Rd

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701 2BR K

Thu 3:30-5:30

91 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 6BR E

Call Agent

57 Donald Rd

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 2BR J

Call Agent

166 Uriarra Rd

Elders Kingston

0404 821 153 3BR G

Thu 3:30-5:30

97 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 3BR I

Call Agent

1/61 Donald Rd

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 2BR L

Call Agent

10/1 Velacia Pl

Raine & Horne

0408 607 403 2BR M

Thu 3:30-5:30

99 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Call Agent

10 Doyle Pl

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 3BR I

Call Agent

3/4 Velacia Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 2BR L U

Thu 3:30-5:30

103 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Call Agent

11 Doyle Pl

Buckley & Holland

6297 9191


Call Agent

4 Webber Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0413 503 312 3BR I

Call Agent

5/47 Erin St

Richard Luton Properties

0416 017 072 2BR J

Call Agent

161 Wickerslack La

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 4BR F

Thu 3:30-5:30

Ronald Walker Blk 1 Section 44 - Unit 2

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 3BR I

Call Agent

53 Erin St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0410 774 821 3BR I

Call Agent

3/11 Yass Rd

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 3BR I

Thu 3:30-5:30

Ronald Walker St

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR I

Call Agent

15/12 Federal Av

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 2BR M

Call Agent

3 Young St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 2BR J

Call Agent

49 Fergus Rd

Buckley & Holland

6297 9191


Thu 3:30-5:30

0433 557 337 3BR I

Call Agent

3 Young St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 3BR J

Ronald Walker Unit 3 - Blk2 First National Gungahlin Section 44

Call Agent

118 Fergus Rd

Raine & Horne

0408 607 403 3BR J

Call Agent

3 Young St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 1BR K

Thu 3:30-5:30

15 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 5BR H

Call Agent

4/7 Ford St

Sadil Quinlan

0414 631 607 2BR I U

Call Agent

14/5 Young St

Ian McNamee & Partners

0419 683 599 2BR L

Thu 3:30-5:30

33 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR I

Call Agent

8/14 Ford St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 4BR I

Thu 3:30-5:30

35 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR I

Call Agent

16/14 Ford St

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0438 174 400 2BR I

Sat 11:00-4:00

19 Bott Cr

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 3BR I

Call Agent

6 Furlong Rd

PRDnationwide Canberra

0431 116 399 4BR I

Sat 12:30-1:15

30 Dalrymple St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0417 646 417 6BR A

Sat 11:00-4:00

2 Kevin Curtis Cr

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR H

Call Agent

33 Furlong Rd

Raine & Horne

0412 000 841 3BR H U

Sat 12:45-1:30

27 Hicks St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0411 244 874 4BR A

Sat 11:00-4:00

27 Liz O'Neill St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Call Agent

4 Hayley Cr

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 4BR H

Sat 1:00-1:45

6 Endeavour St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0417 646 417 3BR A

Sat 11:00-4:00

23 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Call Agent

62 Hellmund St

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400

Sat 2:00-2:40

4/22 Discovery St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0408 848 622 2BR J

Sat 11:00-4:00

25 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Call Agent

19-21 Henderson Rd

Elders Queanbeyan

0418 162 701 2BR J

Wed 3:30-4:00

27 Hicks St

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0411 244 874 4BR A

Sat 11:00-4:00

26 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Call Agent

1/56 Henderson Rd

Buckley & Holland

6297 9191


Call Agent

3 Arnhem Pl

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 3BR D

Sat 11:00-4:00

73 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Call Agent

3/108 Henderson Rd

Go Gecko Queanbeyan

6299 4400


Call Agent

8/22-28 Discovery St

Richard Luton Properties

0405 600 558 2BR J

Sat 11:00-4:00

87b Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 2BR J

Call Agent

13/116 Henderson Rd

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR J

Call Agent

2 Francis St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0402 943 191 5BR B

Sat 11:00-4:00

91 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 6BR E

Call Agent

16/124 Henderson Rd

Maxwell & Co Real Estate

0416 182 379 1BR B

Call Agent

40 Investigator St

Laurrie Scheele

0407 958 881 3BR A

Sat 11:00-4:00

97 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 3BR I

Call Agent

4/27 Henderson St

Buckley & Holland

6297 9191


Call Agent

6 Scarborough St

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR B

Call Agent

3 Hybon Av

L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan

0413 884 408 3BR I

Call Agent

17 Torres St

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 5BR A





will find you the best buyer and trust your agent to maximise the price. 50  CityNews  November 18-24





Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

Canberra Region Property Summary A. B. C. D. E. F.

Auction By Negotiation Above $1 Million $900,000 to $1 Million $800,000 to $900,000 $700,000 to $800,000

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICES G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. L. $250,000 to $300,000

$200,000 to $250,000 $150,000 to $200,000 Under $150,000 Accepting Offers Under Offer New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

Call Agent

43 Callister Cr

Ray White Tuggeranong

0408 166 833 5BR H

Sat 9:00-9:30

23 Alawa St

Richard Luton Properties

0427 214 337 4BR B

Call Agent

13 Chippindall Cct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 3BR I

Sat 2:30-3:15

5 Gabi Pl

Richard Luton Properties

0412 635 019 4BR H

Call Agent

35 Chippindall Cct

L.J. Hooker Belconnen

0414 734 185 3BR I

Call Agent

7 & 9 Damala St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0423 900 640

Call Agent

36 Goldfinch Cct

Go Gecko Woden

0437 309 680 4BR H

Call Agent

2/16 Damala St

Canreps Private Sales

6288 4444

Call Agent

11 Hartung Cr

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0413 453 489 3BR I

Call Agent

5 Jay Pl

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0409 582 010 3BR I U

Call Agent

28 Mehaffey Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0429 123 423 6BR A

Sat 11:30-12:15

130/395 Antill St

Independent Woden

0407 245 177 3BR I

Call Agent

20 Vonwiller Cr

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0419 492 079 3BR I

Call Agent

3 A'Beckett St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0422 792 247 3BR H

Call Agent

35a & 35b Andrews St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 6BR D

Call Agent

Antill St

The Village Building Co.

0448 891 146 3BR I


Sat 11:00-4:00

99 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Sat 11:00-4:00

103 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Sat 11:00-4:00

Ronald Walker Blk 1 Section 44 - Unit 2

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 3BR I

Sat 11:00-4:00

Ronald Walker St

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR I

Sat 11:00-4:00

Ronald Walker Unit 3 - Blk2 First National Gungahlin Section 44

0433 557 337 3BR I

Sat 11:00-4:00

15 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 5BR H

Sat 11:00-4:00

33 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR I

Sat 11:00-4:00

35 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR I

Sat 1:15-2:00

35 Liz O'Neil

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR H

Sat 1:15-2:00

37 Liz O'Neil

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR H

Sun 11:00-4:00

19 Bott Cr

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 3BR I

Sun 11:00-4:00

2 Kevin Curtis Cr

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR H

Sun 11:00-4:00

27 Liz O'Neill St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Sun 11:00-4:00

23 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Sat 11:00-12:00

29 Nicholson Cr

Independent Woden

0418 622 010 3BR C

Sun 11:00-4:00

25 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Call Agent

27/19 Condamine St

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 1BR J

Sat 12:00-1:00

Sun 11:00-4:00

26 Macandie St

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Call Agent

1 Forbes St

Capital First National

0408 408 603 3BR C

Sat 1:00-1:45

Sun 11:00-4:00

73 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Call Agent

9/29 Forbes St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 2BR H

Sun 11:00-4:00

87b Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 2BR J

Call Agent

13/33 Forbes St

Ray White Kingston

0418 266 698 2BR I

Sun 11:00-4:00

91 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 6BR E

Call Agent

40A/52 Forbes St


Sun 11:00-4:00

97 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 3BR I

Call Agent

28/5 Gould St

Sun 11:00-4:00

99 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR I

Call Agent

Sun 11:00-4:00

103 Plimsoll Dr

First National Gungahlin

0414 249 449 4BR H

Sun 11:00-4:00

Ronald Walker Blk 1 Section 44 - Unit 2

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 3BR I

Sun 11:00-4:00

Ronald Walker St

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR I

Sun 11:00-4:00

Ronald Walker Unit 3 - Blk2 First National Gungahlin Section 44

0433 557 337 3BR I

Sun 11:00-4:00

15 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 5BR H

Sun 11:00-4:00

33 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR I

Sun 11:00-4:00

35 Victoria Owen Cct

First National Gungahlin

0433 557 337 4BR I

Sun 1:15-2:00

35 Liz O'Neil

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR H

Sun 1:15-2:00

37 Liz O'Neil

First National Gungahlin

0417 687 379 4BR H

Call Agent

C/CE Springbank Rise Land

Lend Lease Realty

02 6276 0639

Call Agent

15 Liz O'Neill St

McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 3BR I

Call Agent

43 Liz O'Neill St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0417 219 592 4BR H

Call Agent

14 Pender St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0406 305 430 3BR I

Call Agent

20 Renouf St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0417 219 592 4BR H

Call Agent

28 Renouf St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0417 219 592 4BR H

Call Agent

25 Ronald Walker St

Maloney's The Estate Agent

0417 219 592 4BR I

Call Agent

Springbank Rise

Lend Lease Realty

02 6276 0639 2BR K


STIRLING Thu 1:00-1:30

37/121 Streeton Dr

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0408 662 119 3BR I

Call Agent

7 Bickley Cl

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0414 819 377 3BR A

SWINGER HILL Thu 5:30-6:00

18 Hallen Cl

Mewton Mayberry Real Estate 0401 488 561 2BR I

Call Agent

22 Byron Ct

Cameron Real Estate

0418 620 686 2BR I U

Call Agent

38 English Ct

Canreps Private Sales

6288 4444

Call Agent

49 Hallen Cl

Karen Rush Real Estate

0413 486 386 3BR I

Call Agent

12/143 Port Jackson Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0405 135 009 2BR J

Call Agent

27 Sulman Pl

Karen Rush Real Estate

0413 486 386 2BR I U



60/189 Narrabundah La

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0437 357 855 2BR O U

Call Agent

97/189 Narrabundah La

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0437 357 855 2BR O

THEODORE Sun 11:00-11:45 7 Conlon Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0410 542 667 5BR A

Call Agent

2 Angwin Pl

Independent Tuggeranong

0407 231 788 4BR H

Call Agent

3/19 Brigden Cr

Independent Dickson

0418 101 213 1BR I

Call Agent

18 Callister Cr

Hodgkinson Tuggeranong

0429 122 700 4BR G



Sun 12:15-1:00

14 Stevenson St

Richard Luton Properties

0412 635 019 5BR B

Call Agent

Antill St

The Village Building Co.

0448 891 146 1BR L

Call Agent

21 Beasley St

Karen Rush Real Estate

0413 486 386 4BR F

Call Agent

Antill St

The Village Building Co.

0448 891 146 2BR I

Call Agent

119 Gouger St

Ray White Canberra

0417 292 733


Call Agent

116/395 Antill St

Richard Luton Properties

0434 973 987 3BR H

Call Agent

20 Horrocks St

Canreps Private Sales

6288 4444


Call Agent

2/25 Aspinall St


0400 509 262 3BR I

Call Agent

6 Howchin Pl

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 4BR A

Call Agent

10/25 Aspinall St


0400 509 262 3BR I

Call Agent

10 Howchin Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0410 121 601 3BR A

Call Agent

23 Blair St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 4BR G

Call Agent

33 Jefferis St

Go Gecko Woden

0401 218 325 3BR G

Call Agent

10 Higinbotham St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 5BR G

Call Agent

7 Kavel St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR A

Call Agent

124 Irvine St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0414 332 778 3BR I

Call Agent

42 Kavel St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR A

Call Agent

125 Knox St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 3BR H

Call Agent

9 Mc Cann St

Dalton & Peace

0403 953 056 4BR H

Call Agent

34 Mary Kitson St

Richard Luton Properties

0419 688 034 4BR G

Call Agent

2/8 Wyatt Pl

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR B

Call Agent

19 Phillip Av

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0408 515 545 3BR H

Call Agent

101 Phillip Av

ParkTrent Properties Group

02 6247 2155 4BR G

10 Mathieson Cr

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0411 793 937 6BR A

40 Gillespie St

Elders Belconnen

0428 486 692 3BR I

Sat 2:00-2:45

7 Davis St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0418 628 043 3BR A

Sun 12:00-1:00

10 Mathieson Cr

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0411 793 937 6BR A

0400 509 262 3BR I

Mon 5:30-6:00

7 Davis St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0418 628 043 3BR A

L.J. Hooker Canberra City

0400 819 650 2BR H

Call Agent

5 Morton St

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 4BR A

18/16 Gould St

Brogan Prestige Properties

0418 631 760 1BR I U

Call Agent

24 Southwell St

Richard Luton Properties

0404 011 163 4BR A

Call Agent

33 Hackett Gdns

Richard Luton Properties

0418 620 735 5BR C

Call Agent

40 Southwell St

Peter Blackshaw Belconnen

0412 060 792 4BR G

Call Agent

12 Hale Cr

Dwyer Dunn

0418 623 324 2BR F

Call Agent

2/13 Macleay St

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0411 367 700 3BR A

Call Agent

52 Macleay St

Wright Dunn Real Estate

0418 623 352 3BR A

Sat 10:00-10:45

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0401 628 760 3BR H

Call Agent

34/20 Moore St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 281 735 1BR A

Sun 12:00-12:45 92 Mcinnes St

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0411 414 624 3BR A

Call Agent

5/54 Moore St

Brogan Prestige Properties

0418 631 760 1BR I U

Call Agent

6 Lycett St

Richard Luton Properties

0412 334 725 3BR A

Call Agent

21/77 Northbourne Av

Go Gecko Woden

0408 415 054 3BR G

Call Agent

27/22 Namatjira Dr

Maria Selleck Properties

0417 258 803 3BR B

Call Agent

54/77 Northbourne Av


0418 975 125 1BR J

Call Agent

12 Rowell Pl

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 4BR G

Call Agent

140/77 Northbourne Av

Colin McIntyre Property

0410 481 260 2BR H

Call Agent

36 Rubbo Cr

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 5BR A

Call Agent

106/155 Northbourne Av

Independent Civic

0407 121 412 2BR G

Call Agent

208/165 Northbourne Av

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0419 624 766 2BR G

Call Agent

62/219A Northbourne Av

Independent Dickson

0418 625 437 2BR H

Call Agent

709/165 Space 2 Northbourne Av

L.J. Hooker Dickson

0416 014 431 2BR E

Call Agent

3/6 Towns Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

Call Agent

24-28 Watson St

Independent Civic


28 Jim Bradley Cr

Elders Belconnen

YARRALUMLA 49 Hampton Cct

Berkely Residential

0402 595 016


49 Hampton Cct

Berkely Residential

0402 595 016


Sat 11:30-12:00

31 Hutchins St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 411 422 3BR A

0419 624 766 3BR G

Sat 11:30-12:15

2/5 Kintore Cr

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313 3BR D

02 6209 1700

Sat 12:30-1:30

102 Schlich St

Dwyer Dunn

0418 623 324 4BR A

Sat 1:45-2:30

21 Bailey Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 152 607 4BR C

Sun 12:00-12:45 21 Bailey Pl

Peter Blackshaw Woden

0412 152 607 4BR C

Call Agent

3 Bidwill Cl

Go Gecko Woden

0437 309 680 4BR C

Call Agent

Cnr Bentham & Hutchins St Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR C

Call Agent

2/9 Ewart St

Canreps Private Sales

6288 4444

Call Agent

Hampton Cct

Kashan Property Group

02 6156 2982 2BR H

Call Agent

43 Hampton Cct

Peter Blackshaw Inner North

0409 007 313

Call Agent

14/47 Hampton Cct

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 1BR K

Call Agent

15/47 Hampton Cct

L.J. Hooker Manuka

0418 626 254 1BR L

Call Agent

59 Hopetoun Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0404 011 163 4BR C

Call Agent

65 Hopetoun Cct


0415 045 648 5BR B

Call Agent

29 Hutchins St


0415 045 648 3BR C

Call Agent

2/37 Hutchins St

Canreps Private Sales

6288 4444

Call Agent

11 Irwin St

Richard Luton Properties

0405 135 009 4BR E

Call Agent

13 Irwin St

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 3BR F

Call Agent

49 Mueller St

Philip Kouvelis Real Estate

0412 622 420 3BR B

Call Agent

11 Newman St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0402 943 191 3BR C

Call Agent

20b Novar St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0412 997 894 3BR E

Call Agent

24 Novar St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0402 943 191 5BR B

Call Agent

62 Schlich St

Berkely Residential

0418 626 593 3BR E

Call Agent

2 Schomburgk St

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR B

Call Agent

4 Woolls St

Peter Blackshaw Manuka

0407 099 175 3BR A

Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin

0407 703 443 4BR F


0409 221 407


Sat 11:30-12:00

7 Gair Pl

Independent Tuggeranong

0413 506 316 3BR A

Sat 11:30-12:15

23 Jenner Ct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 624 412 4BR A

Tue 5:00-5:30

23 Jenner Ct

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0412 624 412 4BR A

Call Agent

12 Adamson Cr

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 4BR H

Call Agent

6 Bindon Pl

Lita McKell Realty

02 6286 8900 4BR H

Call Agent

29 Degraves Cr

Ray White Tuggeranong

0412 851 139 4BR H U

Call Agent

26 Embling St

Ray White Tuggeranong

0414 665 626 4BR I

Call Agent

39 Gaunson Cr

Richard Luton Properties

0411 878 587 5BR F

Call Agent

38 Greeves St

L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong

0402 225 405 3BR A

Call Agent

6 Halfrey Cct

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 4BR A

Call Agent

12 Halfrey Cct

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 5BR B

Call Agent

9 Humffray & 22 Morrissey St

Ray White Kingston

Call Agent

23 Lansell Cct

Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 3BR I

Call Agent

104 Maltby Cct

Richard Luton Properties

0418 669 655 4BR A

Call Agent

23 Mcwhae Cct

Colin McIntyre Property

0417 263 678 3BR A

Call Agent

8 Morey Pl

Ray White Tuggeranong

0414 665 626 3BR I

Call Agent

30 Sainsbury St

Richard Luton Properties

0418 669 655 3BR B

0418 266 698 3BR A



YERRABI Call Agent

12 Elm Gr


Before you list, insist on Looking for a home this weekend? Order your inspections efficiently.

10/22 Namatjira Dr

Fri 12:30-1:30




Thu 12:30-1:30

URIARRA Call Agent


Trip Plan.

Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

CityNews  November 18-24  51

52  CityNews  November 18-24

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