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Absentee Voting
at Mary Ann Young Center - 9150 Central Avenue NE
Absentee voting for the August primary began on June 26 at the Mary Ann Young Center, 9150 Central Avenue NE. This is a change from past elections where absentee voting was held at Blaine City Hall. The Mary Ann Young Center (MAYC) opened in February but had to close due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This facility will work very well to provide additional space for absentee voting and yet accommodate any phased reopening plans for MAYC. Voters can take advantage of voting by mail to help reduce spread of disease. Voting from home is easy and available to any Minnesota voter through the absentee balloting system.
For more information on absentee voting or other voting-related questions contact Blaine Elections Office at Elections@BlaineMN.gov or 763-717-2737.
To request a ballot by mail to vote from home go to MNVotes.org.