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2023 Road Construction Projects

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Multiple Projects Scheduled in Blaine

For the 2023 construction season, the City has three new street reconstruction projects and one street reconstruction project that is a carryover from 2022. Construction on each of the projects is planned to start in late April or May and be completed by late October. There will be projects this year in the northwest, southwest, and southeast sections of the City.

Over the last five years the City has reconstructed nearly 40 miles of City roadways. This year another five miles of streets will be reconstructed at a cost of approximately $11.5 million. In general, the streets being reconstructed in Blaine are at least 25 years old with many over 30 years old. All roadways in the City are inspected on an ongoing basis to determine the condition of the existing pavement. The City builds out a five year plan for street projects to help residents know about potential upcoming projects in their neighborhood. To learn about future projects you can contact the Engineering Department at 763-785-6172

Learn more about the 2023 projects at BlaineMN.gov/Projects

Sign up to receive project updates during construction season at BlaineMN.gov/ConstructionUpdate

Department Spotlight

Say Hello to the Blaine PD Traffic Unit

While safety is important year-round, the City uses June to highlight efforts to prevent injury and death through National Safety Month. Traffic injuries continue to be one of the leading causes of death globally. The NHTSA reports that there are on average 99 fatalities and 7,507 people injured every day from car accidents in the United States.

Keeping Blaine roads safe is a main priority of the Blaine Police Department’s Traffic Unit, which consists of three full-time officers, one of which is focused on DWI enforcement, and a dedicated sergeant. These officers concentrate on traffic safety using enhanced enforcement, education, and partnerships with other City departments such as Engineering and the state’s Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) initiative. Complaints come to the Traffic Unit through dispatch or directly from residents through the city website. Officers gather information before addressing the issue, which could involve surveys, extra enforcement, or engineering changes such as light cycles and updating signs.

Enhanced enforcement is highlighted during Blaine Traffic Safety Week, which is coordinated by the Traffic Unit every June (June 5 -9 this year). Blaine officers and other local law enforcement agencies funded by TZD will have daily focus topics such as speeding, seat belts, drunk driving, distracted driving, pedestrian safety, and commercial vehicle inspection.

This year, the Traffic Unit is partnering with Blaine High School to assist with its driver’s education program. New drivers will hear directly from officers about the reality behind traffic safety.

Minnesota fatalities in 2021 were the highest since 2007; 488 individuals lost their lives. Speeding was the cause of 171 deaths, followed by unbuckled motorists (110), drunk driving (74), and distracted driving (27).

Everyone can practice safe driving. Do what you can to reduce your risk - focus on driving, be aware of others on the road, and follow traffic rules.

Blaine currently has two positions available for appointment for 3-year terms on the SBM Fire Board. Board members must either reside or work full time in the community in which they represent. They cannot be elected officials or full time employees of the City they represent. The SBM Fire Board meets in a scheduled format six times a year; four evening meetings once a quarter, one annual meeting, and one budget meeting.

More information and the application are available online at BlaineMN.gov/ BoardsandCommissions

The deadline to apply is May 15, 2023.

Hydrant Flushing

Scheduled for

May 15 - 26, 7:30am-3pm

The Public Works department will be performing annual fire hydrant flushing May 15-19 and May 22-26. This process removes any sediment that may have settled in water mains over the course of the year, as well as presenting an opportunity to ensure hydrants are in proper working order. Crews will be working citywide from 7:30AM until 3PM to flush all hydrants within those days.

Hydrant flushing will create periods of low water pressure, with the disturbance in the water main potentially causing dark water. Although safe for human consumption, the discolored water may stain clothes. Residents are asked to refrain from washing clothes between the hours of 7:30AM to 4:30PM or until hydrants in the area have been flushed. Please check for water discoloration before washing. If you experience discolored water, run cold water for 10 minutes to help clear the lines.

For more information, visit BlaineMN.gov/HydrantFlushing

Celebrate Small Businesses

Small businesses are the lifeblood of our community. Over half of the businesses in Anoka County have fewer than five employees. In Blaine our small business community deserves to be celebrated for the vibrancy they bring to the City. The first week of May is National Small Business Week but in Blaine we want to celebrate small businesses all month long. Follow along on the BlaineBizMN social media accounts as we put a focus on small businesses this month. You can participate by visiting your favorite Blaine small business and sharing about it with your friends and family.

2022 Drinking Water Report

By law, all community water systems are required to distribute their drinking water report to customers before July 1 of each year. This annual report, known as the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), includes results of water monitoring conducted on the City’s drinking water from the previous year, in this case 2022. A paper copy of this report is available upon request.

To view the report online, visit BlaineMN.gov/DrinkingWater

For more information, contact the Public Works Department at 763-785-6165 or visit BlaineMN.gov/PublicWorks

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