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2022 Economic Development Report
This annual report provides a snapshot of the economic development activity in Blaine during the previous year.
To view the report online, visit BlaineMN.gov/2022EconDevRpt
Improve Your Home With Help from the City of Blaine
Tackle a Big Project with a Major Remodeling Grant
The Major Remodeling Grant can help you make big changes. Grants are issued as reimbursements of 5 to 15 percent of the project cost, up to $7,500. Applicants must have a signed grant agreement with the City prior to starting the project. Eligible homes are at least 30 years old, have a value under $400,000 and are owner occupied.
Eligible projects must include a major remodeling project, such as an addition, major kitchen remodel, finishing a basement, or adding a sun room and must have a total project cost of at least $35,000. To receive the maximum reimbursement, projects must also include exterior upgrades such as permanent landscaping, adding a covered front porch, or adding brick accents.
To learn more and apply visit BlaineMN.gov/HousingInformation
Contact Elizabeth Showalter with questions at 763-717-2751 or EShowalter@BlaineMN.gov
Make Your Home More Accessible with a Home Improvement Loan
The City of Blaine offers home improvement loan programs for Blaine households that include a disabled resident to improve accessibility of the home. Projects may include:
• Building a ramp
• Widening doorways to accommodate mobility devices
• Installing nonslip flooring
• Adding grab bars
• Other elements identified by a physician as needed to help you stay in the home Loans of up to $10,000 are available with no interest, and no payments until the property is sold. Contact the Center for Energy and the Environment at 612-335-5884 or visit MNCEE.org/Blaine
More Lending Options
Is it time for new windows? Want to lower your energy bills with attic insulation? Or could the kitchen use a refresh? Whatever upgrades you have in mind, the Center for Energy and Environment (CEE) and the City of Blaine are here to help. Blaine’s partnership with CEE means you can access financing options designed specifically for Blaine residents. When you take out a loan with CEE, you are getting:
• Low monthly payments
• Flexible terms
• Support from our team of loan officers CEE and the City of Blaine want to help make your home improvement dreams a reality. Check out what financing options are available to you at MNCEE.org/Blaine and view state-wide loans available to all Minnesotans at MNCEE.org/Loans You can reach out to CEE’s lending team with any questions at 612-335-5884
Lawn Sprinkling Restrictions
Year-Round, Odd-Even Sprinkling Days, No Sprinkling Between 10am and 6pm
Every year the City implements time and date restrictions for lawn sprinkling. In 2023 the following will be in place:
• Year-round, odd-even sprinkling. Residents with an even numbered address can water on even number days. Residents with an odd numbered address can water on odd number days.
• From May 15 until September 15, no sprinkling is allowed between 10AM and 6PM. This is the hottest part of the day and most water is lost to evaporation.
For more information, visit BlaineMN.gov/LawnSprinkling
Grilling Season Safety Tips
Thousands of Home Fires are Started by Grills
According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), on average, over 10,000 home fires are started by grills each year. July is the peak month for grill fires, but these incidents occur throughout the year.
To safely enjoy outdoor cooking, it is important to only use charcoal barbecue grills outdoors, position the grill well away from siding, deck railings, and out from under hanging trees, and keep children and pets at least three feet away from the grill area.
To reduce the risk for a fire, never leave your grill unattended. Always stay and look when you cook.
To prevent fires, keep grills clean. Remove grease or fat buildup from grills and in trays below the grill after use. Roughly one of every five grill fires occur due to improper cleaning.
For more information, call 763-786-4436 or visit SBMFire.org.
Summer Jobs in Blaine
Work for the City in Public Works or Park and Recreation
Blaine Public Works is looking for seasonal employees who can work 40 hours per week. Positions are available on the parks, streets, water, sewer/storm, and mechanic teams. Hours are 7AM to 3PM Monday through Friday. No weekends, nights, or holidays. The wages range from $14 to $17 per hour, depending on qualifications. Applicants must be at least 17 years old, have a valid driver’s license, and a good driving record.
Blaine Parks and Recreation is also seeking applicants for summer jobs. Jobs include youth sports coaches and park attendants at Lakeside Commons Park and Beach. Park attendants must be at least 18 years old. Youth coach positions are available for applicants 16 and older. The starting wage for both positions is $15 per hour.
Enjoy your summer working outside and keeping Blaine beautiful. Apply today at, BlaineMN.gov/Jobs
Peddlers and Solicitors
All Peddlers and Solicitors Must Wear City-issued Photo Identification
Throughout the year door-to-door peddling, soliciting, and canvassing raises questions from Blaine residents. While most of these activities are regulated by the City, they cannot be prohibited entirely. A canvasser, for example, may go door-to-door without a permit from the City. A canvasser may be a person asking for signatures on a petition, requesting support for a political candidate or position, seeking donations for religious organizations, or fundraising for a school club.
All regulated peddlers and solicitors are required to obtain and wear a City-issued photo identification license that is visible while going door-to-door.
For your safety, Blaine residents should:
• Not let peddlers, solicitors, or canvassers into your home, even if they have a permit.
• Direct complaints about business practices to the Better Business Bureau at 651-699-1111
Check contractor references at DLI.MN.gov
• File any insurance claims at MN.gov/Commerce
• Report suspicious persons or activities to the police department at 763-487-1212 or by dialing 911
Please join in helping make Blaine neighborhoods safer by promptly reporting unlicensed solicitors. For more information, visit BlaineMN.gov/CityClerk
May is Wetlands Month
The Blaine Wetland Sanctuary gives residents and visitors an opportunity to learn up close how one type of wetland changes through the seasons. It provides wildlife habitat, aesthetics, and educational and recreational opportunities. Wetlands can also function as important sponges in flood prevention and as filters for runoff pollution. Because they are so important, Minnesota has a law requiring permits to alter them.
The challenge is that there are many types of wetlands and can be hard to identify. Like people, they come in all shapes and sizes. They often do not have cattails. In fact, areas that may be saturated or have standing water for just 14 consecutive days and are indeed a wetland.
Every time someone mows, landscapes, or dumps into a wetland area, there is an impact: maybe the wetland cannot hold as much floodwater or stormwater runoff because the soil has been compacted.
The most common wetland impact? Piles of grass clippings or leaves. While this keeps clippings and leaves out of the street runoff (a great thing), it also can compact soil, fill in wetlands, and keep plants from growing. This can mean more flooding and water pollution.
Instead of having a potential wetland violation, leave your grass clippings and leaf cuttings on the lawn so they can decompose and feed the grass roots, an easy way to fertilize.
If you have a soggy or grassy low area on your property, it may well be wetland. Unsure? Call the Coon Creek Watershed District at 763-755-0975 or the Rice Creek Watershed District at 763-398-3070 Prefer online? Visit CoonCreekWD.org/WetlandGuidance for further guidance. Educate yourself so you don’t violate the law. Check out the trails at the Blaine Wetland Sanctuary at BlaineMN.gov/WetlandSanctuary