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Jewelry Sale Fundraiser a Success
Thanks to the donations of many people and the volunteers who spent time sorting, pricing, cleaning, organizing, setting up, working the event, and/or cleaning up from the event, the sale was again a huge success. Leader Geri Hieb and volunteers spent countless hours preparing for the sale. Thank you everyone, for your generous contributions of time, talent, and donations.
Jewelry Sale Volunteers: Geri Hieb, Caryl Davies, Deb Kutina, Linda Schomaker, Colleen Haas, Tami Wright, Sharon Saxon, Jeanette Sutch, Mary Jo Gurney, Gloria Schmidt, Jim Hieb, Kathy Saenger, Brenda Eisenbeisz, and Deb McPeck.
Jewelry Donors: Carol Wasik, Ginger Poganis, Patti Palmer, Jan Johnson, Rosemarie Anderkay, Pat Westberg, Mary Dabrowski, Brenda Eisenbeisz, Patty Sandin, Shirley Crane, Elrene Hamman, Ilice Kunde, Janet Polucha, Holly Dukowitz, Barb Kessler, Joann Yates, Irene Swanson, Dodie Rugland, Darcie Doke, Joyce Lloyd, Elaine Cook, Carol Young, Kathleen Schuster, Bonnie Lee-Graham, Susan, Radakovich, Nancy Mikelson, Shirley Mulder, Brenda Eisenbeisz, Laura Newton, Gloria Schmidt, Arlo Haagenstad, Kathy Beyer, Jane Stevens, Gloria Oberlander, Jan Horner, Gail Olson, Marge Boerner, Myrna Kostuch, Barb Kessler, Sudi Jannatpour, Abby Young, Mary Sholl, Judy Hunt, Judy Fruth, family of Jan Trustheim, Dolores Salchert, Jane Conley, Janice Davis, Delores Shellum, Cyndy Koepp-Larson, Leon Mager, Nancy Schaeppi, Sandy Wing, Shirley LeDuc, Nancy Wojciak, Laurie Pekarik, Kandy Anttila, Char Bergman, and Gloria Olander.
How to Write an Email
Wednesday, December 6, 10:30am-12pm, $5 suggested donation
You can hardly do anything anymore without an email address. But how do you get one? And once you have it, how do you use it? North Metro TV’s Eric Houston is here to help. In this class, he’ll introduce you to some popular email services and help you write your first emails. The class is designed for beginner internet users but is open to everyone. Advanced registration required.
To register, call 763-786-9375 or visit BlaineMN.gov/MAYCRegister