Our city is a thriving city we love to call home. With this growth comes the hard work and opportunity to protect what we love as we continue to grow. You play a part in building our future.
Boise is one of the fastest growing places in the country. By 2040, Boise’s population is projected to increase by more than a third.1
As the population grows, so does the pressure on our roads and services.
2010 Population: 237,000
2040 Projection:
As we continue to grow, a ‘business as usual’ approach to transportation is not sufficient to protect and preserve the quality of life that we all enjoy and our future depends on.
The benefits of roadway expansion— namely increased capacity and decreased congestion—are generally short lived. Increasing capacity increases demand.
The high cost of business as usual...
A mile of 6 lane urban interstate COSTS 100 TIMES MORE than a sidewalk of the same length.2
We need to offer real transportation choices that provide mobility solutions for all. Boiseans’ want this and our future depends on it.
Boise is recognized as one of the Top 10 Big Cities for Active Families.4
1/3 OF BOISEANS DO NOT DRIVE and many others would choose not to drive if other convenient and affordable options were available. BOISEAN’S WANT MORE CHOICES.5 TRIPS TO SCHOOL MAKE UP TO 25% OF MORNING TRAFFIC. Safer routes to school can offset morning traffic and KEEP OUR CHILDREN SAFE.6
60% OF BOISE SENIORS HAD POOR ACCESS TO TRANSIT and thus poor access to doctor’s appointments, errands and social outings.7
The City of Boise’s Transportation Action Plan (TAP) is a plan for a modern transportation system that puts people first.
We are committed to prioritizing projects that: OFFER REAL TRANSPORTATION CHOICES that do not sacrifice convenience or comfort. PROVIDE SAFER AND EASIER ROUTES for all ages to get around. OPTIMIZE OUR INFRASTRUCTURE to get more value from existing roads and new construction. BRING VALUE AND VIBRANCY TO OUR NEIGHBORHOODS. Walkable neighborhoods are associated with economic resilience.
A city with transportation options creates a city with less congestion and a higher quality of life.
REFERENCES/ 1. Compass, Communites In Motion 2040
3. City of Boise, Blueprint Boise, 2011
2. Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) – Generic Cost of Mile Models, 2014
4. Outside Magazine – 2014 5. State of Idaho D.M.V., 2016
6. Andersen, M. – No, Protected Bike Lanes Are Probably Not Too Expensive for Your City to Build, 2014
7. AARP. Waiting for a Ride. Transit Access and America’s Aging Population. Available at: http://www. transportation/waiting-for-a-ride-transit-access-andamericas-aging-population-aarp.pdf
Get involved and learn more about transportation projects in your neighborhood. Follow us: @City_of_Boise
Transportation is one of the City of Boise’s LIV initiatives. Explore more at: LIVBOISE.ORG