25 minute read
NEW Super Kickers Soccer
Other Sports
BLASTBALL (3-4 yrs. with Adult) Must be age 3 by 9/15 and not turn age 5 by 10/20.
Learn baseball basics in this game for beginners. Parents partner with their child to practice skills and play the game. No gloves needed. A foam bat and ball will be used. Register by 9/6. #211309-01 Th 9/15-10/20 5:30-6:15pm $45 (R $38) includes shirt NW Rec
FALL LEAGUE (4-6 yrs.) Must be age 4 by start date.
Here’s one last chance to play T-ball before winter! Learn baseball basics and teamwork; make friends, and have fun! Enjoy a mix of one-hour games and practices. Baseball gloves are required. Helmets are highly recommended. Volunteer coaches are needed! Register by 8/23. #211103-01 Su 8/28-10/2* 2-4pm $36 (R $32) Noelridge *No program 9/4
Lacrosse is a fast-growing sport across the Midwest. Learn the basics in this soft-stick, introductory program. We’ll provide sticks and balls. NO contact is allowed in this fun program. Register by 9/7.
5-6 years
#211407-01 Su 9/11-10/9 3-4pm $15 Noelridge* *Horseshoe Pits off Golf Street
7-10 years
#211407-02 Su 9/11-10/9 3-4pm $15 Noelridge* *Horseshoe Pits off Golf Street
ACTIVE CHOICE Choose A High Activity Program
*NEW* SUPER KICKERS (3 yrs. with Adult) Must be age 3 by start date.
Dribble, pass, shoot! Introduce your child to the sport of soccer in this entry level program with fun drills and mini-games! Program information will be sent prior to the start date. Register by 8/23. #211511-01 Tu 8/30-9/20 5:30-6pm #211511-02 Tu 8/30-9/20 6-6:30pm $36 (R $32) Noelridge
(4-5 yrs.) Must be age 4 by start date.
Practice the first two weeks, then play games for the last four. Practices and games are 45 minutes in length. Shinguards are required. Cleats are recommended. A schedule will be sent before the league begins. Volunteer coaches needed. Register by 9/6. #211501-01 Th 9/15-10/13 5:30-6:15pm $50 (R $43) includes shirt Noelridge* *Horseshoe Pits off Golf Street #211501-02 Sa 9/17-10/15 9-10:45am $50 (R $43) includes shirt Cherry Hill
All skill levels are welcome in this fun program held at both Cherry Hill and Noelridge Parks. (Indicate your preferred location when registering. There may be a few Saturdays of cross-play when teams from one park play the other.) The first two Saturdays will be practices. The next five will be games. Practices/games are one hour and will start at 9:00 or 10:00 a.m. You will receive a schedule prior to the program’s start. Register by 8/29.
6-7 years
#211704-01 Sa 9/10-10/22 9-11am $58 (R $50) includes shirt Cherry Hill/Noelridge
8-10 years
#211704-02 Sa 9/10-10/22 9-11am $58 (R $50) includes shirt Cherry Hill/Noelridge

LEAGUE (18+ yrs.)
Are you looking to socialize, have fun, and play some volleyball? Sign up for our Adult Co-ed Volleyball Rec League! Register as a team, or sign up as an individual and be placed on a team. Register by 10/10. Contact Grant Weber for more information: g.weber@cedar-rapids.org. #202301-01 Team $170 #202301-02 Open Player $35 Tu 10/18-12/13 7-10pm NW Rec
Let’s play some volleyball! Open to all skill levels, this rec league will have a mix of practices and games. All games will be played at the NW Rec Center. Game schedules will be sent before the first practice. Register by 8/26. Volunteer coaches are needed! If you’re interested in volunteering, volunteer coach training will be on Wednesday,
September 1 from 6-7pm at the NW
Rec Center.
8-10 years
#211901-01 W/Sa 9/7-10/12 W: 5:30-6:30pm, Sa: 9-10am $71 (R $63) includes shirt NW Rec
11-12 years
#211901-02 W/Sa 9/7-10/12 W: 6:40-7:40pm, Sa: 10:15-11:15am $71 (R $63) includes shirt NW Rec
Please check your email prior to the start of youth sports programs for additional information.

Bender Pool is equipped with a hydraulic chair and sloping steps in addition to traditional pool ladders.
The pool has locker rooms equipped with showers, hair dryers, electrical outlets, and baby changing tables. Bring your own padlock or rent one from the pool. (You will be required to leave your I.D. at the desk when you rent a lock. It will be returned when you return the lock.) Personal locks must be removed daily. Cedar Rapids Parks & Recreation is not responsible for locks or for lost or stolen items.
• Children ages 5 and under must be supervised by an adult within arm’s length. • Youth ages 6-10 must be supervised by an adult or responsible person at least age 14. • Children’s swimsuits with permanent built-in floats are permitted but not recommended.
Lifejackets, noodles, and suits with removable floats are not permitted. • Actual swim attire is required.
Fibers from street clothing damage the pool filter. (Sorry, no basketball shorts.) • Swim diapers are required for children who are not toilet trained.
They are available from the pool cashier for $1.
Public Swims
The public swim schedule below is in effect 9/6 through 11/27. It is subject to change and may vary around the holidays, during school inservice days, for special activities, maintenance needs, and other events. Outdoor swimming is available
through Labor Day.
Bender Pool will be closed for Labor Day, September 5 Veterans Day, November 11 Thanksgiving Day, November 24 Thanksgiving Break, November 25
OPEN SWIM (All Ages)
Large inflatables will be in the pool on WIBIT Days: September 9 & 23, October 7, and November 4. The deep end is open the remaining Fridays of each month. Food is not allowed. Flotation devices, tubes, noodles, etc. are allowed crowd permitting. F 3:30-7:30pm $5.75 or pass (Begins 9/9 - No swim 10/28, 11/11, 11/25) Su 1-4pm (Begins 9/11) $5.75 or pass
LAP SWIM (15+ yrs.)
Take time for yourself and feel better after some laps. This is a good time for water walking. The baby pool will be closed. M/W/F 11am-12:45pm $5.50 or pass (Begins 9/7 -No swim 11/11, 11/25) M/W 6:30-7:25pm $5.50 or pass (Begins 9/7 - No swim 11/11, 11/23) Sa 7:30-8:45am $5.50 or pass (Begins 9/10) Su 11:15am-12:45pm $5.50 or pass (Begins 9/11)
940 14TH AVENUE SE 319-286-5790
Open swim for anyone age 18 or over. Tu/Th 9-9:55am $5.25 or pass (Begins 9/6- No swim 11/24) M/W/F 10-10:55am $5.25 or pass M/W/F 1-3pm $5.25 or pass (Begins 9/6- No swim 11/11, 11/23, 11/25)
Celebrate Halloween at Bender Pool. You’ll receive a bag of treats as you leave. No preregistration required. F 10/28 6-8:30pm FREE
School’s Out! Enjoy an open swim at Bender Pool.
W 11/23 1-4pm FREE
Practice skills (strokes and rolls) in the controlled environment of Bender Pool in the drop-in program co-sponsored by Linn County Conservation. Experienced paddlers will be on hand to offer tips and suggestions. Bring your own equipment. No registration required. Su 11/13 4:30-6:30pm $10 Su 11/27 4:30-6:30pm $10 Su 12/11 4:30-6:30pm $10 Su 1/8 4:30-6:30pm $10 Su 1/22 4:30-6:30pm $10 Su 2/5 4:30-6:30pm $10 Su 2/19 4:30-6:30pm $10 Su 3/5 4:30-6:30pm $10
Valid Sept. 6, 2022 - May 20, 2023 • You must bring your card with you to enter the facility. • Plastic photo I.D. cards are reusable from one season to the next. Don’t throw them out, just renew them. • Purchase passes through the Parks & Recreation Department at the NW
Recreation Center, 1340 11th Street
NW, or City Services Center, 500 15th
Avenue SW.
• Pass holders present cards for entry verification and then keep cards themselves while at the pool. The pool is not responsible for lost or stolen season passes. • Pass may be revoked for pool rule infractions.
• Passes are non-refundable and nontransferable.
• Not all programs may be available even though the pass is valid.
This pass may be used by an individual, transferred to another person, or used by a family or group. No photo required. Pass expires on the 20th punch. Purchase passes at NW Recreation Center or City Services Center (CSC). $78 Non-refundable
May be used for water exercise, lap swims, open swims, and adult swims. Individual: $181 (R $171) Senior 60+: $150 (R $141) Non-refundable, non-transferable
When a class reaches the maximum of 30 people, participants who arrive after that may be asked to attend at another time.

Concentrate on stretching, flexibility, strengthening, and range of motion exercises during an aerobic workout. This is a drop-in program; advance registration is not required. M/W/F 9/7-11/23* 9-9:55am M/W 9/7-11/21* 5:30-6:25pm $6.25 or pass *No class 11/11, 11/25 - No evening class 11/23

Rental Times:
Friday from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. Saturday from 1:00 - 8:00 p.m. Sunday from 4:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Reserve the pool now for your party from September 9 - November 20. Large inflatables are also available for $75 per 2 hour block.
Call 319-286-5566. Payment is
required at the time when the rental reservation is made.
Reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance of the date requested. Fees are non-refundable.
Rental Fees:
Up to 60 people $175/2 hour block 61+ people $215/2 hour block
Swim away the afternoon, one last time! Take one last gasp of summer before school begins at this special swim at Noelridge Aquatic Center.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 19 Lap Swim: 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
(Lap Swim Fee: $5.00 or pass)
Open Swim: 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
(Admission: $1.00 or pass)
Noelridge Aquatic Center

Advanced registration is required. Choose the session, then pick the level and time of the desired class. Register using the corresponding number.
Withdrawals and transfers will be honored if they are made by 5:00 p.m. the Wednesday before the first day of class. In all cases a $4 non-refundable handling fee will be deducted from the refund. Once the Thursday
before the first day of class arrives, refunds are not issued unless the program is cancelled by Parks & Recreation.
See page 47 for registration information. On Friday before the session begins, limited registration may be available.
Children are supervised by staff during the scheduled class time only. Please make arrangements for your child before and after class.
While every effort will be made, there are no guarantees that classes cancelled by Parks & Recreation will be made up. Make up times/days are subject to pool schedule.
Classes not making the minimum enrollment may be cancelled. Maximums are not guaranteed.
If your child turns the minimum age required within 30 days of the start of the program, they may be registered for that program unless an exception is noted otherwise.
If your child is sick, he/she may not enter the water for two weeks after the last episode of diarrhea.
Financial Assistance Program - A discount is available for those who qualify on recreational programs and swim punch passes. Please call 319-286-5566 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for more information on guidelines and the qualification process.
Class begins at NW Rec. Successful completion results in certification as a lifeguard. Prerequisite skills test must be passed prior to the first day of class. Skills assessed will be 300 yd. continuous swim, timed 10 lb. brick retrieval, and 2 minutes treading water (no arms). Must be age 15 by the last day of class.
November Class (Register by 11/15)
#204209-01 F-Su 11/18-11/20 $160 (R $150) NW Rec/Bender
Pre-Test (Attend only one):
Su 11/13 7-8pm Tu 11/15 7:30-8:30pm
F 11/18 5-10pm
Sa Su 11/19 8am-9pm 11/20 8am-9pm
Has it been two years since you last took a lifeguarding class? This class is for participants to demonstrate their knowledge and skill competency with little or no review. (Current lifeguard certifications are required.) Successful completion of this class renews your lifeguard, first aid, CPR-P, and AED. Bring pocket mask, book, suit, and towel.
November Class (Register by 11/16)
#204221-01 Sa 11/19 8am-8pm $110 (R $100) NW Rec/Bender

Private (1 instructor/1 student) and semi-private (1 instructor/2 students of the same skill level) 30-minute lessons are available for kids or adults. Email pools@cedar-rapids.org for day/time. Private Lessons $45 (R $38)/lesson Semi-Private Lessons $49 (R $42)/lesson
PUDDLEJUMPERS (Parent & Child 6 mos.-3 yrs.)
The purpose of this class is to expose the child to water adjustment skills. Front kicking, underwater exploration, and entering and exiting the water will be covered. One parent must be in the water per child.
Group Lessons
Read each level carefully and compare the skills listed to those your child is currently able to perform. If you are
certain that your child can complete the “TO PASS” skills, then register them for the next higher level if he/ she is the appropriate age.
Note: In most cases, it will take a child more than one session of lessons to pass the level.
TO WATER SKILLS (3-6 yrs.)
Must be age 3 by the first day of class. Four year-olds who have passed a Level 1 class may go to Level 2. Level 1 skills may be done with assistance.
• Enter water independently • Putting face/head under water • Floating • Blowing bubbles • Gliding on front/back
Four year-olds may participate if they have passed Level 1. Level 2-6 skills must be done independently.
• Enter water independently • Front/back float • Tread water • Bobbing • Floating unsupported • Front/back glides • Combined stroke unsupported
(5-10 yrs.) Must pass Level 2
• Jump into deep water from side • Front crawl stroke • Rotary breathing • Elementary backstroke • Breast stroke/dolphin/scissors kicks • Treading • Sitting/kneeling dives
(6-11 yrs.) Must pass Level 3
• Breast stroke • Side stroke • Back crawl • Butterfly • Dives from side • Open Turns • Submerge and swim under water • Feet first entry into deep water
(7-11 yrs.) Must pass Level 4
• Side stroke • Shallow dives • Flip turns • Survival float • Stroke refinement
It’s never too late to learn to swim! This class is for beginner level teens to learn basic swimming skills with others their own age. #204213-01 Sa 10/1-11/5 12:20-1pm $48 (R $41) Bender
If your child does not meet the age requirement, the computer will reject your registration and your child will not be enrolled. If your child turns the minimum age required within 30 days of the start of the program, he/she may register for that program. In this instance, you cannot register online. Call Cedar Rapids Parks & Recreation, 319-286-5566.
Wish you could swim better? This is the perfect opportunity for you to learn. Classes are for beginner level swimmers or those with minimal formal instruction.
#204215-01 M/W 9/12-10/5 7:30-8:10pm #204215-02 M/W 10/17-11/9 7:30-8:10pm $52 (R $45) Bender

SESSION DATES: “A” 9/13-10/6 “SAT” 10/1-11/5 “B” 10/18-11/10 “BB” 11/29-12/15 4 WEEKS 6 WEEKS 4 WEEKS 3 WEEKS
A B SAT/BB Level Days Times A/B Fee A/B Res Fee SAT/BB Fee SAT/BB Res. Fee
204208-02 204208-08 204208-14 Puddlejumpers Tu/Th 5:35-6:05pm $42 $35 $38 $31 204208-03 204208-09 204208-15 Puddlejumpers Tu/Th 6:55-7:25pm $42 $35 $38 $31
X X 204208-04 Puddlejumpers Sa 9:40-10:10am X X 204208-05 Puddlejumpers Sa 11-11:30am X X
X $38 $31
$38 $31
X X 204208-06 Puddlejumpers Sa 11:40am-12:10pm X X $38 $31
204201-03 204201-16 204201-27 Level 1 Tu/Th 4:15-4:45pm $42 $35 $38 $31 204201-04 204201-17 204201-28 Level 1 Tu/Th 4:55-5:25pm $42 $35 $38 $31 204201-05 204201-18 204201-29 Level 1 Tu/Th 5:35-6:05pm $42 $35 $38 $31 204201-06 204201-19 204201-30 Level 1 Tu/Th 6:15-6:45pm $42 $35 $38 $31 204201-07 204201-20 204201-31 Level 1 Tu/Th 6:55-7:25pm $42 $35 $38 $31
X X 204201-08 Level 1 Sa 9-9:30am X X $38 $31
X X 204201-09 Level 1 Sa 9:40-10:10am X X $38 $31
X X 204201-10 Level 1 Sa 10:20-10:50am X
X 204201-11 Level 1 Sa 11-11:30am X
X 204201-12 Level 1 Sa 11:40am-12:10pm X X
X $38 $31
$38 $31
$38 $31
204202-02 204202-09 204202-15 Level 2 Tu/Th 4:30-5:10pm $54 $47 $48 $41 204202-03 204202-10 204202-16 Level 2 Tu/Th 5:20-6pm $54 $47 $48 $41 204202-04 204202-11 204202-17 Level 2 Tu/Th 6:10-6:50pm $54 $47 $48 $41 204202-05 204202-13 204202-18 Level 2 Tu/Th 7-7:40pm $54 $47 $48 $41 X X 204202-06 Level 2 Sa 9-9:40am X X $48 $41
X X 204202-07 Level 2 Sa 9:50-10:30am X X $48 $41
X X 204202-08 Level 2 Sa 10:40-11:20am X
X 204202-19 Level 2 Sa 11:30am-12:10pm X X
X $48 $41
$48 $41
204203-02 204203-08 204203-13 Level 3 Tu/Th 4:30-5:10pm $54 $47 $48 $41 204203-03 204203-09 204203-14 Level 3 Tu/Th 5:20-6pm $54 $47 $48 $41 204203-04 204203-10 204203-15 Level 3 Tu/Th 6:10-6:50pm $54 $47 $48 $41 204203-16 204203-17 204203-18 Level 3 Tu/Th 7-7:40pm $54 $47 $48 $41 X X 204203-05 Level 3 Sa 9-9:40am X X $48 $41
X X 204203-06 Level 3 Sa 9:50-10:30am X X $48 $41
X X 204203-11 Level 3 Sa 10:40-11:20am X X $48 $41
X X 204203-12 Level 3 Sa 11:30am-12:10pm X X $48 $41
204204-01 204204-06 204204-11 Level 4 Tu/Th 4:30-5:10pm $54 $47 $48 $41 204204-02 204204-07 204204-12 Level 4 Tu/Th 5:20-6pm $54 $47 $48 $41 204204-03 204204-08 204204-13 Level 4 Tu/Th 6:10-6:50pm $54 $47 $48 $41 204204-04 204204-14 204204-15 Level 4 Tu/Th 7-7:40pm $54 $47 $48 $41 X X 204204-05 Level 4 Sa 9-9:40am X X $48 $41
X X 204204-09 Level 4 Sa 9:50-10:30am X X $48 $41
X X 204204-16 Level 4 Sa 10:40-11:20am X X $48 $41

ReLeaf Cedar Rapids is a comprehensive planning effort led by the City of Cedar Rapids in partnership with Trees Forever. The goal is to replant the urban tree canopy in Cedar Rapids lost to the August 2020 Derecho.

The baldcypress (Taxodium distichum), such as these growing in Noelridge Park, has vibrant fall color. Fun fact: baldcypress is a deciduous conifer, meaning that it loses its needles in the fall and regrows them in the spring.
Derecho Anniversary
Share your favorite survivor!
August 10, 2022, marks the second anniversary of the derecho that destroyed so many of our community’s trees. But many beautiful old trees somehow made it through that storm. Share a photo on social media of a favorite mature tree that survived the storm and use the hashtag #ReLeafCR.
Master Tree List
You may have heard this already, but we are going to say it again: we have to break the maple habit! While maples are many people’s favorite trees, and with all due respect to our Canadian neighbors to the north, Cedar Rapids has too many maples. By relying too much on too few tree species, communities put themselves at risk unnecessarily. Need ideas for different tree species to plant? Visit the City’s ReLeaf website and type “Master Tree List” in the search bar. There you will find more than 50 species of shade trees that you can plant, half of which have beautiful fall color similar to what many enjoy about maple trees.
Tree Care
The trees that the City is planting along our streets will be watered regularly, but you can help, too! If you have a newly planted street tree in your home’s right-of-way, we thank you if you decide to help us keep it watered. Trees need an inch of rain, or 5-15 gallons of water, weekly for the first two years after planting.
Trees prefer to drink from mugs, not dainty tea cups. It’s better to give a tree one big drink once a week -- or twice a week during hot weather—rather than watering it daily.
A ring of wood mulch 2-4 inches deep helps retain moisture in the soil around the tree’s roots. A ring of mulch also prevents lawn mower damage to the tree trunk and discourages weed growth.
As you water your trees, check that mulch is not up against the trunk of the tree. Wet mulch can rot the trunk, leading to disease and death.

Cedar Rapids Parks & Recreation manages close to 100 parks and trails on over 4000 acres of land. In addition to urban parks of all sizes, there are many acres reserved for park expansion and flood control. Use our online Parks Finder to locate a park and view its amenities at http://bit.ly/crparks.

Noelridge Greenhouse
The Friends of Noelridge offer regular FREE guided tours of the greenhouse, landscaped beds, and butterfly tent for groups of five or more. Tours for specific age groups, adults or children, will generally last one hour. To register for a tour, email l.farmer@cedar-rapids.org. Please include number attending, general age, and preferred date. For special requests, call 319-286-5762.
Volunteer opportunities are available at the greenhouse. Call Diane Stevens at 319-845-2050.
Splash Pads
Splash pads are ready to keep kids cool through September 5, 2022. They are located at Cedar Valley, Cleveland, Daniels, Greene Square, Hayes, Hidder, Jacolyn, Noelridge, Redmond, Time Check and Twin Pines Parks.

Off-Leash Dog Parks
The City of Cedar Rapids has two off-leash parks. Cheyenne Off-Leash Dog Park is located on Cedar Bend Lane SW, off Old River Road and K9 Acres is located north of Gardner Golf Course at 5200 Golf Course Road, Marion. Permits are required to use these parks. Purchase them online at crrec.org, by phone (319-286-5566) or in person at:
Parks & Recreation Dept. City Services Center (CSC) 500 15th Avenue SW Weekdays, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. - or -
Northwest Recreation Center 1340 11th Street NW Weekdays, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Your dog’s rabies tag number is required when purchasing a permit. See k9cola.org for details.
Daily Passes (for those who want to try the park or are in the area for a short time) may be purchased. Buy them online at crrec.org.

Cedar Rapids Parks & Recreation maintains a variety of hard surface and crushed limestone recreational trails. If you make a complete tour of all the park trails, you will travel over 24 miles.
u Visit LinnCountyTrails.org for maps.
Trout Release
Iowa Department of Natural Resources will release trout into the lake at Prairie Park Fishery at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, November 18. A valid fishing license and trout stamp are required.

Park Pavilion Rental
Rent one of 26 pavilions in the City parks up to one year in advance of the intended use date. The last date for pavilion rental in the fall is September 25, 2022. Sizes range from 7-40 tables. Rates vary based on size and location. Pavilions are rented for a single time period of 10:00 a.m. through 8:00 p.m. Call 319-286-5566, Monday through Friday, between 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. for more information.
u See pavilions and their features at:
Facility Rentals
Reserve the pool now for your party from September 9 - November 20. Large inflatables are also available for $75 per 2 hour block. See page 40 for details.
The Ushers Ferry Lodge as well as the gazebo, houses, and grounds at the village are available for rental. u For more information, call
319-286-5699 or go to UFHV.com.
• Ellis Shakespeare Garden • Noelridge Flower Gardens • Ushers Ferry Historic Village • Ushers Ferry Lodge
u For rental information, call
319-286-5699 or go to UFHV.com.
NW Recreation Center Room Rental Times and Fees
(Includes setup and clean up time) WEEKDAYS Full Half Equipment Fees
Gym $60/hr $40/hr Community Room $30/hr, $75/3 hr $25/hr, $60/3 hr $15 for projector/screen Activity Room $25/hr, $55/3 hr
WEEKENDS Full Half Equipment Fees
Gym $75/hr $55/hr Community Room $35/hr, $85/3 hr $30/hr, $65/3 hr $15 for projector/screen Activity Room $25/hr, $55/3 hr
Reservations are taken year-round in person at the Northwest Recreation Center. A $100 deposit is required to rent the community room and gym. The deposit will be returned after the room is inspected at the end of the event. Private after hour rentals are available for family gatherings, corporate parties, or other groups wishing to entertain at the Northwest Recreation Center. To talk about your event needs, contact the center at 319-286-5731 during normal business hours.
Course Title Ages
Course Description
Number Non-resident Course Fee
Want to upgrade your NERF gun, but don’t know where to start? Try your hand in our NERF-oriented maker space! You’ll get advice, basic tools, and a chronograph/range to test your new NERF modifications! When you register, you will receive an email with a list of websites to purchase the mods and parts for your specific NERF blaster. # Sa 11/19 1-4pm $25 (R $21) Ushers Ferry
Date(s) Course Meets Month/Day Time Course Meets
Resident Course Fee Day(s) Course Meets Course Location
Abbreviations: M=Monday Tu=Tuesday W=Wednesday Th=Thursday F=Friday Sa=Saturday Su=Sunday R = Resident Fee (zip code with the first three numbers 524 required for this discount.)
Administrative Office....... 319-286-5566 Weekdays: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Aquatics Office ................. 319-286-5741 Weekdays: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Bender Pool ...................... 319-286-5790 During programmed hours City Services Center ......... 319-286-5566 Weekdays: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Golf Office (CSC) ............... 319-286-5588 Weekdays: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. NW Recreation Center..... 319-286-5731 Weekdays: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Pavilion Rental.................. 319-286-5566 Weekdays: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Ushers Ferry ..................... 319-286-5763 During programmed hours
DISCOUNTS Financial Assistance Program -
A discount is available for those who qualify on recreational programs and swim passes. Please call 319-286-5566 between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for more information on guidelines and the qualification process.
Resident -
Those who reside in a zip code with 524 as the first three numbers receive a discount for programs and swim passes.
Youth Sizes: YXS = 2-4 YS = 6-8 YM = 10-12 YL = 14-16 Adult Sizes: S, M, L
• Payment must be received to register for a program. • The Department reserves the right to cancel or consolidate classes based on registration. A full refund is issued for all cancelled classes. Minimum and maximum class sizes are utilized. • Waiting lists are established when classes are full. Additional classes may be offered if the minimum enrollment is reached and facility space is available. • Fees will not be prorated. • Registration is required prior to the start of class, unless noted. • A youth waiver is required for every participant under age 17. • A $4 non-refundable handling charge will be deducted from the refund of each class when an enrollee withdraws prior to the first day of class. Once the first day of class arrives, refunds are not issued unless the class or program is cancelled by Parks & Recreation. Swimming exception: See page 41. • If your child turns the minimum age required within 30 days of the start of the program, they may register for that program unless noted otherwise. • Web registration is available up to the day prior to the start of the class or session or the registration deadline date.
I want to register; now what do I do?
GO ONLINE - Our improved process is convenient and easy!
Log on to CRREC.org. Click on the Online Registration link. Log on and follow the directions provided. The first time you use the system your user name is your household I.D. number and your password is the primary adult’s last name (up to twelve characters, not case sensitive). Online registration is processed 24 hours a day with credit card payment up to the day prior to the start of the class or session or the registration deadline date.
CALL US Weekdays from 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Call 319-286-5566. Your registration will be processed by a customer service representative while you wait. Credit card payment only.
Stop by one of our two locations below. Cash, check, Cedar Rapids Parks & Recreation gift certificates, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa accepted.
Fill out the form (available online at CRREC.org) and mail it to us with your check or money order:
Cedar Rapids Parks & Recreation Northwest Recreation Center City Services Center (CSC)
1340 11th Street NW [or] 500 15th Avenue SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52405 Cedar Rapids, IA 52404