4 minute read

Westside Library Expands Beyond Books

The Cedar Rapids Public Library connects people to information, experiences, and services that enhance their quality of life. This helps community members learn, enjoy, and thrive here. Among the most important library resources is the Library’s physical locations.

For the past ten years, the Ladd Library has served the west side of Cedar Rapids — and beyond. It has welcomed thousands of people to programs, connected many thousands more to services and educational resources, and circulated more than 2.3 million books.

In 2020, the Cedar Rapids Public Library Foundation received a large estate gift that started the planning process for a new, permanent Westside Library. In 2022, the Library Foundation secured 27 acres at the corner of Wiley Boulevard SW and 20th Avenue SW. This location is a walkable distance from the current Ladd Library, preserving easy access for patrons living in the surrounding area. The new location will support the Library Board of Trustees’ ongoing commitment to equity, access, and walkability in the region.

The new library will be built alongside a new city park, creating a unique opportunity for collaboration and community engagement. The Westside Library will be designed to take advantage of the new park, including clear views of green spaces, easy access to courtyards, and connections to the citywide trail network.

The new library will also have more books for children and adults, more meeting rooms for celebrations and programs, small study rooms for private use, and a much-needed new teen area. It will incorporate spaces designed intentionally for engagement and early literacy — as well as teen programming and computer use.

The library will also be home to the Opportunity Center, which provides pathways to employment and personal success. The new building will offer a safe and welcoming environment for people to access job searches, résumé help, and service navigation.

The new Westside Library is more than a library. It is a community hub, and with the inclusion of a new city park, a destination for people from across the region.

A Park in a Library and a Library in a Park

Analysis of parks across Cedar Rapids identified some neighborhoods in southwest Cedar Rapids that had limited access to green spaces and places to exercise and play. The area near the new Westside Library Park location was among those. The Library Park project ties into the needs identified in the Westdale Area Action Plan and Community Gardens in Parks plan, providing needed park amenities in areas with limited opportunities.

The Westside Library Park project created an exciting opportunity for the Parks and Recreation Department to partner with the Cedar Rapids Library, co-creating a space for gathering, learning, playing, and growing.

The Westside Library Park will complement the library and promote learning, exploration, and discovery. It will provide inclusive and accessible opportunities for all ages and abilities and include an inclusive playground. The park will support culturally relevant and responsive programming along with community gardens.

Public input on the project was significant and encompassed people who live near the site and throughout the city. Last fall, the City gathered feedback in various ways to ensure equitable input, including at public events, neighborhood association meetings, open houses, and an online survey. A multiuse sports court, pavilions, and water play were some of the priorities. People wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to extend the library outdoors with flexible spaces that focus on nature, cozy reading areas within gardens, and an educational discovery garden.

“We appreciate the Library Foundation for their vision to include a park in their planning for the library branch,” said Hashim Taylor, Cedar Rapids Parks and Recreation Director. “Through this project, we can remedy inequities in park access and provide new and exciting park and recreation programs for the community.”

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