City of Coquitlam British Columbia
Strategic Plan
City of Coquitlam Mayor and Council
Back row: Councillor Craig Hodge, Councillor Terry O’Neill, Councillor Brent Asmundson, Councillor Linda Reimer. Front row: Councillor Neal Nicholson, Councillor Selina Robinson, Mayor Richard Stewart, Councillor Mae Reid, Councillor Lou Sekora.
Comprised of the Mayor and 8 Councillors, Coquitlam City Council is responsible for local government leadership and decision making in the City of Coquitlam. They are elected for a three-year term.
City Council is ultimately responsible for establishing the policies of the City of Coquitlam, for carrying out those policies and for the general and overall administration of civic business.
Mayor and Council serve on many committees, boards and advisory groups. They provide strategic input and direction on City initiatives, set budget priorities and advise on regional issues.
Message from Mayor Richard Stewart 1 “We will move forward over the next three years with the resolve and focus to build on our past accomplishments, and with a strong vision for a vibrant, responsible, sustainable tomorrow.” On behalf of City Council, I am pleased to introduce the City of Coquitlam’s Strategic Plan 2012-2015. This Strategic Plan is a living roadmap showing where Coquitlam is headed in the future and how we are going to get there. This roadmap is both flexible and responsive, because the next three years will require creativity and teamwork to make strategic decisions in a swiftly changing context. Coquitlam is a city in demand, a city with a new reputation for vibrancy. Today, we’re seeing tremendous investment in our community – both large public infrastructure investments and private sector development – and managing that prosperity is vitally important. City Council and staff, working with our residents, will continue to shape the long-term vision for Coquitlam. We want to celebrate neighbourhoods that are safe, healthy, affordable, welcoming, and inclusive. We want neighbourhoods that support public transit, and we need public transit that supports neighbourhoods. And we want a community that has the appropri ate public amenities for the families, young people and seniors that live here.
It is the goal of this strategic plan to balance the needs and priorities of the community with available resources. The Strategic Plan 2012-2015 forms the foundation for all other long-range planning for the City, including the City-wide Official Community Plan, the Five-Year Financial Plan and the annual Business Plan. We will move forward over the next three years with the resolve and focus to build on our past accomplishments, and with a strong vision for a vibrant, responsible, sustainable tomorrow. I invite all residents and businesses to give us input and ideas that reflect your own vision for the exciting future of this wonderful city we call “home”.
Richard Stewart Mayor
The next three years will be both exciting and challenging from many perspectives – fiscal responsibility, sustainability, good governance, excellence in city services for citizens and our business community, environmental protection, and advancing the interests of our residents within a growing region.
City of Coquitlam 2012-2015 Strategic Plan
Metro Vancouver Regional Map
Executive Summary Coquitlam is home to over 128,000 people and is fast becoming a vibrant, regional urban centre. We are committed to carefully managing the City’s future while continuing to deliver the highest level of service to the community through leadership, sustainability and innovation. We are positioned to experience significant growth over the next 30 years, with the population expected to reach over 220,000 by 2041. This growth will create an expanding customer base for businesses and access to a reliable, well-educated workforce. Together, these advantages and assets are attracting new residents and businesses to Coquitlam. Coquitlam’s City Council is dedicated to the vision of building a vibrant, urban city which values its diversity and distinctive neighbourhoods. With
unprecedented opportunities on the horizon, the City of Coquitlam is committed to carefully managing its future while continuing to deliver the highest level of service to the community. The intent of this strategic plan is to outline the City’s planning goals at a high level, in a single document, and then communicate in a concise, coherent and simple way: what needs to be done, who is going to do it and what the results will be. This document is a foundation for all the other plans, studies, strategies, and policy decisions that will be commenced, continued or completed in the next 3 to 5 years. At the end of this planning cycle, the City will be able to review and evaluate how well we performed in meeting our goals and providing the highest quality of life possible to Coquitlam’s citizens.
City of Coquitlam 2012-2015 Strategic Plan
• Mission Vi In 2006, the City undertook a comprehensive strategic goals which will provide guiding
• sion Values process to develop a vision, mission and five direction for the next 15 years, up to 2021. Mission
Organizational Values
To sustain Coquitlam’s high quality of life for current and future generations, we serve the public interest through leadership, innovation and a focus on community priorities and strengths.
Organizational values form the foundation for the City’s decision-making framework and relationships with its stakeholders – employees, citizens and customers. The City of Coquitlam strives to be an organization recognized for its excellence in City governance and employee, citizen and customer relations by living its values.
Vision Coquitlam in 2021 will be a community of neighbourhoods within a vibrant, urban city where people choose to live, learn, work and play.
hh Treat people fairly hh Build organizational and community capacity hh Inform, involve and inspire hh Innovate to sustain community quality of life
City of Coquitlam 2012-2015 Strategic Plan
Strategic Priorities 6
Service Priorities
Civic Facilities
Recreational and Cultural Opportunities
Land Planning and Housing
Environment, Energy Management and Solid Waste Reduction
As a rapidly growing City, efficient and effective transportation systems, including public transit (rapid transit), streets, bicycle routes and pedestrian facilities, parking and travel demand management measures continues to be a top priority for the City. The Strategic Transportation Plan, endorsed by Council in early 2012, provides a framework for developing Coquitlam’s transportation system over the next 20 years.
Ensuring that the community is serviced with the right level and right type of public facilities and amenities is another key priority. As the Parks, Recreation and Culture Services department develop their long-range plans, analyzing the current inventory of community facilities and amenities and identifying future needs is a key priority.
The growing and changing population continues to create new demands for our recreation and cultural services. The Parks, Recreation and Culture Services department will continue the development of its strategic plans based on a model that incorporates community needs, analysis of current services provided both by the City and available through community organizations, and long-term options to fill the gaps.
As one of the fastest growing cities in British Columbia, managing growth in a sustainable way continues to be a priority. As part of our commitment to Metro Vancouver’s Regional Growth Strategy, Council is working towards building a city with an appropriate mix of housing that will support a population of 224,000 by 2041.
The City has pledged to reduce corporate greenhouse gases by 30% by 2015. Coquitlam has also joined 61 other BC municipalities in signing the Climate Action Charter which commits the City to achieve carbon neutral operations by 2021. We are well under way with the implementation of our Corporate Energy Management Plans and Community Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy.
Governance Priorities
Service Delivery Models
Financial Sustainability
Community Engagement & Participation
Coquitlam’s continuous growth challenges the City’s ability to meet the increasing demands on its services, while maintaining reasonable taxation levels. Employing best practices and shared services, finding operating efficiencies within the organization, developing new partnerships for the provision of services, facilitating and encouraging other organizations in the delivery of programs, and finding creative and innovative solutions to stakeholder demands are all ways the City seeks to improve services to the community.
The City recognizes that there are limited tax dollars and the challenge facing our organization is to balance labour and other operational costs with public expectation of receiving the same or enhanced service levels. We must manage the community’s expectations while absorbing costs for environmental and social issues that have historically been dealt with by other levels of government.
The City’s primary responsibility is to manage its service priorities in a way that meets community expectations. Ensuring that the community is aware of, consulted, and engaged on important decisions that effect the long-term development of their City is a key priority for Council and staff. We will continue to try and effectively dialogue with all our residents to ensure we are meeting their expectations.
City of Coquitlam 2012-2015 Strategic Plan
Integrated How Does Coquitlam Plan? Input Into Our Plans Stakeholder Cons at i
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S t ra t e g i c P r i o r i t i e
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Planning Framework 9
Integrated Planning Framework
hh financial planning.
The Business Plan takes the high level strategic goals and develops annual working priorities. The priorities and associated work items are established annually by Council. Reports brought to Council three times per year inform Council of the progress in implementing the established Business Plan items.
Establishes Vision, Mission, Values and Goals for the City of Coquitlam
Provides the Five-Year Finanical Plan including budget for revenues, expenditures and capital projects
City of Coquitlam 2012-2015 Strategic Plan
Identifies high level activities for the organization that align with Strategic Goals and minimize Enterprise Risk. Develops Annual A, B, C Business Plan Priorities.
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These three processes together create a set of “integrated� plans that support the overall vision and mission of the City and align activities and resources to achieve the strategic goals and annual business plan priorities set by Council.
The Annual Report reviews the previous year results and evaluates whether the City successfully accomplished the goals and strategic direction set out in the Integrated Planning Framework.
Strate gic ncial Plan a n Fi
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Finally, the Financial Plan provides the financial strategy to support the Strategic Plan and Business Plan goals. Updated annually, it is a five-year plan that includes both operating and capital components.
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The Strategic Plan is the highest level statement of the City’s aspirations for the future. It is developed with a 3-year lifespan and is updated in the year following a municipal election. It outlines the vision, mission, values and broad strategic goals for the City. Progress of the plan is monitored through an annual review of key performance measures.
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Coquitlam sets priorities for the future through an Integrated Planning Framework. It has three elements that help the City set budgets, investments, tax levels and service priorities over the years. It is comprised of three separate but complementary planning processes:
Strategic Goals, Dir
ection, and Results The Strategic Plan builds on the vision developed in 2006 and continues to focus on the five strategic goals identified as part of that vision: hh Strengthen neighbourhoods hh Expand local jobs, local prosperity hh Increase active participation and creativity
Each goal has a Strategic Outcome that communicates the intended long-term community benefits from achieving the goal. The goals are supported by Strategic Directions that identify the major approaches that the City will employ for achieving the goal and also specific results (policies, programs, services or infrastructure) which will flow from these directions. To assist in the future evaluation of how well we accomplish goals, this strategic plan includes a number of key performance indicators and a set of longrange targets.
hh Enhance sustainability of City services and infrastructure; and hh Achieve excellence in governance
City of Coquitlam 2012-2015 Strategic Plan
Strategic Goal: 12
Strengthen Neighbourhoods Strategic Outcome A community comprised of clean, safe, green and inclusive neighbourhoods that are connected to a convenient and affordable transportation network and vibrant commercial centres where residents can pursue education, recreation, sport and cultural interests that enhance their social well-being and strengthen their connection to each other and the community. Neighbourhoods that celebrate their uniqueness, history, heritage and character. Strategic Directions
Long-Term Actions
hh Develop complete, well connected neighbourhoods.
hh Encourage a suitable mix of housing in our neighbourhoods.
hh Enhance travel within and between neighbourhoods by building high quality transportation facilities and improving the quality of streets as a place for people.
hh Support the continued operations and refinement of the fire/safety, crime prevention and emergency response preparedness programs.
hh Create a balanced system of facilities, parks and amenities to enhance connectivity and belonging within neighbourhoods.
hh Protect and enhance the unique history, heritage and character of our neighbourhoods. hh Facilitate cultural and recreational experiences that foster interaction, connection, and a sense of belonging to neighbourhoods and communities. hh Collaborate with other organizations that support the physical and emotional health of our residents and enhance the overall social-wellbeing of the community.
hh New and updated area or neighbourhood plans based on a more efficient, timely process that delivers focused, effective policy level plans. hh New multi-modal transportation infrastructure connecting and within urban centres and school areas. hh Development of the rapid transit line and station areas. hh Major street network improvements and ongoing pavement rehabilitation. hh Transit accessibility improvements and wayfinding plan. Develop parks, recreation and culture infrastructure in step with community growth and redevelopment. hh Acquisition of parkland as identified in the City’s neighbourhood and capital plans.
hh Development of open gathering spaces, and community places that support both informal and programmed experiences. hh An updated strategy promoting housing affordability. hh Development policies and incentives that result in growing Coquitlam’s housing stock and range of housing choices. hh Work with the Province to protect and preserve the Riverview lands. hh New cultural and recreational programs that promote community interaction and bring residents together at the neighbourhood level. hh Explore opportunities to partner with the school district, health authority and community based groups that provide services which improve the social wellness of the community.
City of Coquitlam 2012-2015 Strategic Plan
Strategic Goal: 14 Strategic Directions
hh Focus on neighbourhood commercial development and revitalization. hh Foster local employment opportunities by working with other agencies and groups in promoting a business-friendly climate. hh Support the retention, expansion and attraction of business to strengthen Coquitlam’s economic base.
hh Support a vital economy by moving people and goods efficiently and capitalize on major transportation infrastructure. hh Facilitate vibrancy in sport, culture and recreation to enhance economic growth through partnerships, events, festivals, and business development. hh Through a collaborative and holistic approach with citizens and businesses, create an inspiring public realm through public art, and natural and designed spaces, that enhance quality of life and encourages private sector investment. hh Create trade and investment opportunities by building our international relationships and promoting our cultural diversity. hh Leverage community assets to drive investment and job creation.
Expand Local Jobs, Local Prosperity Strategic Outcome 15
A prosperous, diverse and vibrant local economy. Long-Term Actions
hh Rapid transit oriented development that includes commercial space and creates new employment opportunities around rapid transit stations. hh Policies and incentives that encourage commercial development, revitalization and optimize use of industrial/ commercial land.
hh Senior government support and investment in regional/provincial transportation infrastructure. hh Facilitated by the development of parks and facilities, build capacity for sport tournaments, community events and festivals. hh Pursue event/sport tourism opportunities.
hh New community partnerships that promote and enhance Coquitlam’s businesses and support events.
hh Effective use of landscaping and public art that enhances streets and City places, including the rapid transit skytrain line.
hh Updated economic and tourism materials that reflect Coquitlam’s advantages for businesses, filming and events.
hh Support for international education programs in Coquitlam.
hh A renewed economic development strategy and successful business retention and expansion program. hh
hh A plan to enhance and leverage our international relationships. hh Expansion of QNet infrastructure. hh Work with the Province to improve the economic viability of the Riverview lands.
City of Coquitlam 2012-2015 Strategic Plan
Strategic Goal: 16
Increase Active Participation and Creativity Strategic Outcome A healthy community that includes the physical, spiritual and social wellness of our residents and community. Strategic Directions
Long-Term Actions
hh Create a balanced offering of programs and services accessible to all ages, abilities, genders, interests, income levels and cultures.
hh New programs and amenities to address changing demographics including expanding the reach of older adult programs and services and updating the youth engagement strategy.
hh Encourage all citizens to be active through a wide-range of recreational activities in our facilities, parks and trails. hh Enhance creativity and cultural experiences through programs, performances, multi-cultural events and festivals. hh Develop a sustainable system of parks and open space that contribute to the ecological, social and economic well-being of our community. hh Support a learning community where residents have access to life-long learning through formal and informal opportunities. hh Develop transportation infrastructure and services to support a healthy environment.
hh Support for other organizations that provide learning and cultural opportunities, community festivals and cultural events.
hh Increase in the variety of no/ low cost opportunities.
hh Outreach initiatives (education and promotion) that increase the use of sustainable modes of transportation.
hh Partnerships with other agencies to provide enhanced programs and services.
hh Rapid transit station areas that are linked with recreation and civic facilities.
hh Updated long-term plans for the provision of parks, recreation and culture amenities, programs and services.
hh Implementation of interconnected trails, City-wide greenways, sidewalks and bicycle routes.
hh Active participation in drop-in programs.
hh Continue implementation of the school walkability program.
hh Outdoor recreation/adventure opportunities hh Work with community partners to increase awareness and participation in arts and culture experiences and opportunities. hh Celebrate and create community legacies from 125th birthday commemoration.
City of Coquitlam 2012-2015 Strategic Plan
Strategic Goal: Enhance Sustainability Strategic Outcome
Greater capacity and better capability to deliver high quality services that are built on social, environmental and economically sustainable service models. Strategic Directions
hh Explore service improvements through new opportunities for partnership with community organizations. hh Set high standards and demonstrate responsible public stewardship through social, environmental and economic sustainability practices. hh Create an energy efficient community through conservation of environmental assets, resources and energy by increasing community and organizational awareness and stewardship.
Long-Term Actions
hh Minimize the impact of City processes and infrastructure on the environment by reducing the City’s air emissions, material consumption, energy and water usage. hh Manage the City’s transportation system efficiently as the community evolves and prioritize walking, cycling, transit, and other sustainable modes of transportation. hh Ensure sustainable, equitable and effective funding strategies to enable the City to provide high quality services and an appropriate level of infrastructure. hh Support the continued viability and sustainability of community organizations in their implementation of services, events and programs to the community.
hh New partnerships with other organizations to develop and provide community programs and services based on shared values and understanding. hh Review of various operating and service delivery models to assess their effectiveness and efficiency. hh Strategic use of technology to enhance customer service and advancement of on-line services. hh Policies and practice that retain and preserve the City’s parks and green spaces. hh An updated long-term plan for cemetery services. hh Where feasible, implementation of district energy in new and existing neighbourhood centres. hh New initiatives for community recycling and diversion of organic waste.
hh Demonstrated leadership by promotion of sustainable commuting policies for City employees. hh Improved City facility recycling programs. hh Policies to encourage higher performance buildings, passive design and renewable energy. hh Enhanced transit options that integrate with the new rapid transit line. hh Managed parking that promotes sustainable forms of transportation while supporting the economic vitality of the City. hh Explore alternate funding models for facilities, amenities, programs and services. hh Review current community grant program.
of City Services and Infrastructure 19
City of Coquitlam 2012-2015 Strategic Plan
Strategic Goal: 20
Strategic Outcome A strong governance model that is based on the principles of openness, fairness, and accountability and that ensures informed decision making throughout the organization and draws on the energies of citizen participation.
Achieve Excellence in City Governance Strategic Directions
hh Maintain prudent financial management policies regarding land management, asset replacement and long-range planning and budgeting so that taxpayers’ remain confident that tax dollars are being spent wisely. hh Develop strategic partnerships and positive working relationships with the businesses, community groups and many government organizations who work with, for and in Coquitlam.
Long-Term Actions
hh Support, encourage and empower employees by living the City’s values, recognizing success and fostering a positive team environment.
hh A long-term plan for public facilities and amenities that balances community needs, funding availability and operating efficiencies.
hh Consideration of the City’s cultural diversity when developing new programs, communication materials and staff programs.
hh Encourage citizen and neighbourhood engagement so that residents contribute to the affairs of the whole community.
hh Informed and prioritized facility maintenance, repair and renewal and an infrastructure sustainability plan.
hh A focussed organization that results in the most effective use of staff time and resources, accomplishment of key projects in a timely and cost effective manner and improved communication and collaboration with City Council and throughout the organization.
hh Improve customer service and enhance efficiency and effectiveness through innovation, high customer service standards, and a commitment to continuous improvement. hh Foster awareness of diverse cultural groups and encourage increased understanding of different cultures to further enrich the community. hh Demonstrate achievement of plans through accomplishments and measured performance with a focus on results.
hh Continue to build collaborative partnerships with neighbouring communities, senior levels of government and TransLink. hh Employee training that supports the implementation of strategic directions. hh Enhanced volunteer programs that engage and retain volunteers. hh New public engagement opportunities and initiatives that increase public participation.
hh Enhanced corporate performance reporting that reflect strategic plan achievement and the City’s commitment to corporate social responsibility.
hh Continued work by the Staff Committee on Business Improvements and Outdated Rules
City of Coquitlam 2012-2015 Strategic Plan
Key Performance Indicators 22
Strategic Goal
Strategic Outcome
Key Performance Indicators
1. Strengthen Neighbourhoods
2. Expand local jobs, local prosperity
A community comprised of clean, safe, green and inclusive neighbourhoods that are connected to a convenient and affordable transportation network and vibrant commercial centres where residents can pursue education, recreation, sport and cultural interests that enhance their social well-being and strengthen their connection to each other and the community. Neighbourhoods that celebrate their uniqueness, history, heritage and character.
A prosperous, diverse and vibrant local economy.
hh Citizen perception of quality of life and improvement
hh Construction values and housing starts
hh Crime rate, property crimes, calls for service (Police)
hh Business incorporations and business licences
hh Injury/fatal collisions
hh Filming permits and revenues
hh Fire calls for service and fire incident responses
hh Festivals and events
hh Housing inventory and mix
hh QNet fibre utilization
hh Rental inventory and vacancy rates
hh Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce membership
hh Neighbourhood Associations and Membership
hh Industrial and commercial floor space
3. Increase Active Participation and Creativity
4. Enhance Sustainability of City Services and Infrastructure
5. Achieve Excellence in City Governance
A healthy community that includes the physical, spiritual and social wellness of our residents and community.
Greater capacity and better capability to deliver high quality services that are built on social, environmental and economically sustainable service models.
A strong governance model that is based on the principles of openness, fairness, and accountability and that ensures informed decision making throughout the organization and draws on the energies of citizen participation.
hh Residents participation in physical activity
hh Taxpayer confidence
hh Stakeholder satisfaction with services
hh Participation in recreation programs
hh Municipal taxes per capita
hh Admissions to key recreation facilities
hh Garbage volumes and diversion rates
hh Stakeholder satisfaction with customer service
hh City park land
hh Corporate and community GHG reduction
hh Citizen satisfaction with recreational/ culture programs
hh Annual water consumption
hh Evergreen Cultural Centre patrons
hh Community grants
hh Libra ry visitors
hh Reclaimed animals from Animal Shelter
hh Place des Arts music and dance registrations
hh Infrastructure sustainability
hh Number of volunteers and volunteer retention hh Employee turnover and vacancy rates hh Public participation and civic engagement hh Number of business improvements and outdated rules initiatives
hh Enrolment in City learning programs
City of Coquitlam 2012-2015 Strategic Plan
Strategic Measures of Success 24
Strengthen Neighbourhoods 1. Consistently achieve a 95% very good/ good quality of life rating from our citizens; and
Expand Local Jobs, Local Prosperity
Increase Active Participation and Creativity
5. Citizens will remain physically active (30 minutes at least 4 times per week); and
2. Citizens continue to feel that their quality of life is improving. 4.
Maintain the ratio of the City’s commercial/industrial to residential tax base (defined as the assessed property values for property tax purposes); and Increase the percentage of residents working or going to school in Coquitlam.
6. By 2021, all citizens will be attending, participating, or using our community’s park, recreation, or culture amenities.
Enhance Sustainability of Achieve Excellence in City Services & Infrastructure City Governance 7. Achieve a transportation mode share of 75% automobile and 25% other modes by 2021.
10. Consistently achieve 95% satisfaction with city services rating from our citizens; and
8. Reduce community greenhouse gas emissions per capita 30% below 2007 levels by 2021; and
11. Consistently achieve an 80% rating of citizens feeling that they receive good value for their tax dollars.
9. Work towards Metro Vancouver’s target of solid waste diversion of 80% by 2021.
City of Coquitlam 2012-2015 Strategic Plan
City of Coquitlam
3000 Guildford Way, Coquitlam, BC, V3B 7N2