Status by Strategic Goal
Status by Business Priority
Safe and Complete Neighbourhoods
Burke Mountain Neighbourhood Village FLP ON TRACK
ASouthwest Housing Review PD MINOR DELAY
səmiqʷəʔelə Comprehensive Planning Process PD ON TRACK
> Staff are preparing a Burke Mountain Village parcelization and rezoning strategy in order to facilitate the phased disposition of village lands and initiate development of the North East Recreation Centre. Update to Council scheduled for T3, 2021.
> Update to Council on Phase 2 completed in T2, 2021 with bylaw adoption anticipated in T3, 2021. Revised corridor development strategy anticipated in T3, 2021.
> Staff have drafted a letter to BC Housing as per the direction from Council in T2, 2021, requesting a separate engagement process with Coquitlam to convey the City’s interests.
Four Corners Master Plan PRCF MAJOR DELAY > Update to Council delayed to T3, 2021.
Partington Creek Neighbourhood Plan Density Review
Housing Affordability Strategy Update
Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan Update
> Amendments to the Official Community Plan for specific City-owned land scheduled for the end of 2021.
> Draft Tenant Relocation Policy was presented to Council in T2, 2021 with final policy targeted for T3, 2021. Winter shelter options analysis was completed with external stakeholders, and background work on supportive housing has been advanced. Rental incentive policy analysis is underway.
DCM ON TRACK > Project is anticipated to be completed in T3, 2021.
BRCMP Mental Health Mobile Unit FLP ON HOLD
> Council will meet with provincial ministers at UBCM in T3, 2021. This initiative is currently not supported by the Fraser Health Authority.
Hazel/Coy Neighbourhood Plan PD ON TRACK > Update to Council scheduled for T3, 2021.
Regional Policing Initiatives
> Staff continue to monitor the Surrey Police Transition and its impact on Coquitlam RCMP. Update to Council anticipated in T3, 2021.
Metro Vancouver 2050 Regional Growth Strategy PD ON TRACK > Metro Vancouver delegation to Council scheduled for T3, 2021.
City Centre Area Plan Initiatives PD MINOR DELAY
Southwest Fire Protection Strategy
RCMP Safe Place Initiative
> Streetscape guidelines are anticipated in T3, 2021. First City Centre Master Development Plan (MDP) delegation received in T2, 2021, with further MDPs scheduled for T3, 2021.
> Data analysis and modelling is nearing completion, and an update to Council is planned for T3, 2021.
FLP ON HOLD > This project is currently on hold due to limited community support.
Heritage Management Strategy PD MINOR DELAY
> Final draft of the strategy expected in T3, 2021. This initiative, including complementary actions, will extend into 2022.
RCMP Strategic Plan Renewal FLP MAJOR DELAY > This initiative is on hold.
Upper Pipeline Road Corridor Planning Overview
> Update to Council scheduled for T1, 2022. This will include updates on the rezoning, parcelization and disposition of the lands.
> Additional research and analysis were completed in T3, 2021 on proposed Neighbourhood Pocket land use concepts and Corridor Development Strategy (CDS). Revised draft land use concepts and revised approach on the CDS are anticipated in T1, 2022.
> Public engagement by BC Housing and kʷikʷəƛəm First Nation is expected to be completed in T1, 2022, at which time the Comprehensive Planning Process will begin.
> Update to Council delayed to T1, 2022.
> Amendments to the Official Community Plan submitted for review in T3, 2021.
> Updated Tenant Relocation Policy was adopted by Council in T3, 2021. Temporary Use Permits for the Winter Shelter Program were approved, and the program is targeted to open in T1, 2022. Work has continued on the provincially required Housing Needs Assessment report and is targeted to be presented to Council in T1, 2022.
> Report and action items provided to Council T3, 2021.
> This initiative has been placed on hold indefinitely, as it is not supported by the Fraser Health Authority. Liaison work continues with partner organizations and other initiatives to address the impact of mental health calls for service are being initiated.
> Update to Council on the first two phases of community engagement was presented in T3, 2021. Work is underway on the draft plan, including policy creation. Draft plan targeted for T2, 2022.
> Council updated in T3, 2021. Further update to Council on the impacts of the Surrey Police Transition is expected in T2, 2022. RCMP Joint Policing Committee with Port Coquitlam is being initiated in 2022.
> Council provided formal comments on the draft of the Metro 2050 Plan for submission to Metro Vancouver. Work has been ongoing between the City of Coquitlam and Metro Vancouver staff to clarify and refine the proposed policy language in the draft Metro 2050. Metro Vancouver is targeting bringing forward the final plan to the Metro Board for acceptance in T2, 2022.
> Streetscape guidelines are in progress. Council will be updated as necessary, once the work is completed.
> Project is complete. Final update to Council scheduled for T1, 2022.
> This item is on hold and will not be pursued further.
> Work has continued on refining the draft Heritage Management Strategy, with an update to Council anticipated in T1, 2022.
> The proposed planning process will be presented to the Joint Policing Committee for approval in T1, 2022.
> Work is proceeding as outlined in the T1, 2021 report to Council, including the commencement of baseline technical work and stakeholder outreach.
> Work is proceeding as outlined in the T1, 2021 update to Council. The next update to Council is expected in T1, 2022.
Local Economy and Local Jobs
ARoadway and Streetscape Enhancement Program
EPW MINOR DELAY > Program scoping and development of funding options in progress. Initial introduction of the program to Council is planned for T3, 2021.
Fremont Connector
> Partners have agreed on a preferred alignment. Preliminary phase design details and cost update to Council anticipated in T3, 2021.
> Update to Council scheduled for T1, 2022.
BEconomic Development Strategy
DCM ON TRACK > Update to Council scheduled for T3, 2021.
Rail Crossing Grade Separation Projects
> Update to Council on the Lougheed Highway crossings and Westwood street crossings scheduled for T3, 2021.
> Preliminary design and project schedule have been approved by both Port Coquitlam and Coquitlam Councils. Detailed design and public consultation to begin in 2022 and are anticipated to continue into 2023.
Property Tax Initiatives FLP ON TRACK
> The tax pre-authorized payment plan was updated in 2021 for the 2022 tax year and approximately one-third of residents enrolled in the pre-authorized plan opted to change to the auto recalculate option, which began in T2, 2021. Over 95% of the total 2021 tax levies were collected on time.
> Update to Council provided in T3, 2021. Project anticipated to commence T1, 2022.
Cedar Drive Utility and Road Planning
EPW ON TRACK > Detailed design underway and the project is proceeding on track.
> Update to Council completed in T3, 2021. This initiative is on hold as the City is not supportive of these projects.
> Changes to the Sewer Parcel Tax will be pursued for the 2022 tax year; sewer charges will be added to the Utility Bill and removed from the Tax Notice.
CCannabis Regulatory Framework PD ON TRACK > Council to be updated in early T3, 2021.
Fortis BC Pipeline Impact Management
Trans Mountain Pipeline Impact Management
> Coquitlam is continuing with the BC Court of Appeal process. Paving of the north curb lane of Como Lake Avenue from Robinson Street to Mariner Way completed in T2, 2021.
> Project continues to be on track. The tender for sewer system upgrades is scheduled for T1, 2022.
> Council adopted bylaw amendments to regulate cannabis production, processing and retail stores in T3, 2022.
> Rights of way and road access agreements executed in T2, 2021. City has received contributions from Trans Mountain as per the agreements. Construction of this pipeline is underway.
> Negotiations for the removal of a section of the old Fortis pipeline on Como Lake Avenue is underway. Paving of the south curb lane of Como Lake Avenue is planned for T2, 2022.
> Construction of the Trans Mountain Pipeline will extend into T2, 2022.
Healthy Community and Active Citizens
Northeast Recreation Centre Planning
AMajor Recreation and Cultural Facilities Road Map
PRCF ON TRACK > Council updated in T2, 2021. Next scheduled update to Council in T3, 2021.
> Council updated in T3, 2021. The next scheduled update, including construction program, site fit and budget is anticipated in T1, 2022.
> Council updated in T2, 2021. Additional update scheduled for T3, 2021, with a final report anticipated in 2022.
Place Maillardville Construction PRCF ON TRACK > Completion scheduled for T3, 2022.
Sheffield Park
> Update delayed to T1, 2022 to include additional scope.
> Supply chain-related issues have resulted in an amended construction schedule. Completion remains scheduled for T3, 2022.
PRCF ON TRACK > Beginning of construction in T2, 2021. Project on track for completion in T2, 2022. > Project on track for completion in T2, 2022.
Spani Pool Renewal Planning PRCF ON TRACK
> Concept plan for pool renewal received by Council in T2, 2021. Grant application for $4.4M approved; next steps include final design and budget for Council approval.
BBuchanan Square Upgrades
Coquitlam Crunch
> Phase 1 deficiencies currently being addressed; shade structure on track for completion in T3, 2021.
> Lansdowne Parking lot scheduled for opening in T3, 2021. Minor delay of extension to accommodate technical studies and resident feedback. Update to Council scheduled for T3, 2021.
> Final design work is ongoing. Update to Council scheduled for T2, 2022.
Town Centre Park Improvements
Cottonwood Park PRCF MINOR DELAY
> Final lake loop design approved in T2, 2021. Construction of approved improvements to commence. Next update to Council, the forest walk design and approval, anticipated in T1, 2022.
> Construction completion delayed to T1, 2022.
CCAC Fitness Centre Expansion and Upgrade
Sports Field Strategy Update
> Construction underway and on track. Opening of sport court and park amenities expected in T3, 2021, with opening of sports field after turf establishment in T2, 2022.
> Council updated and Lansdowne Parking lot opened in T3, 2021. Next update to Council scheduled for T1, 2022.
> Construction is ongoing and on track. Expected completion in T3, 2021.
> The COVID-19 pandemic and associated operational challenges has resulted in delays. Next update to Council anticipated in T3, 2021.
> Procurement is complete on the urban and garden walks and construction will commence in T1, 2022.
> Weather-related delays have impacted the final hard surface work completion. Anticipated opening of sport court and park amenities in T1, 2022 with opening of sports field after turf establishment in T2, 2022.
> Construction completed in T3, 2021.
Blue Mountain Park
> Council updated in T2, 2021. Public engagement activities initiated.
> Update to Council anticipated for T1, 2022.
> Next update to Council, including engagement results and draft directions anticipate in T1, 2022.
Sustainable Services, Environment and Infrastructure
YMCA Facility
EPW ON TRACK > Project is under construction and on track.
> Supply chain-related issues have resulted in minor scheduling delays. However, it is anticipated that these delays will not negatively impact the overall schedule for completion.
Environmental Sustainability Plan
> Draft plan presented to Council in T2, 2021. Final draft targeted for community feedback in T3, 2021.
> Final draft anticipated for Council approval in T1, 2022.
AAustin Works Yard Renewal PRCF MINOR DELAY
BC Energy Step Code Initiatives
> Supply chain impacts due to COVID-19 pandemic and archeological assessment requirements have delayed the beginning of construction. Update to Council scheduled for T3, 2021.
> Council adopted the “Energy Step Code - Building Permit Application Requirements for New or Substantially Reconstructed Buildings” policy and anticipated future implementation dates in T3, 2021.
> Council updated in T3, 2021. Construction scheduled to begin in T1, 2022.
> Implementation of the policy began in T3, 2021. Single-family and housing choices projects are required to conform to Step 2 of the Energy Step Code (ESC) as of the beginning of T3, 2021. Beginning in T1, 2022, applications for larger projects will be required to conform to the Step 2 of the ESC.
Water Conservation Strategy EPW ON TRACK > Council updated in T2, 2021. Plan implementation underway.
> Plan implementation continues. Key activities include adopting 1 day per week lawn watering, beginning in T2, 2022 and completion of the City Facility Water audit.
Sydney Avenue Development Site (Burquitlam Lions)
> Council updated in T2, 2021. Rezoning applications for relevant properties have been submitted for review and are expected to be brought forward to Council in T3, 2021.
City Infrastructure Funding Strategy CM ON HOLD
Coquitlam Metro Vancouver Water Projects
Centennial Turf Field
Burke Mountain Joint School/Park Site Planning
> Council updated in T1, 2021. This item will not be pursued further unless partner priorities change.
> Metro Vancouver is proceeding with detailed design of the project, with construction planned to begin in 2022.
PRCF MINOR DELAY > Construction commenced in T2, 2021 and is on track for completion in T3, 2021.
> Development applications have been submitted and are under review. Update to Council anticipated for Council in T1, 2022.
> Council updated in T1, 2021. This item will not be pursued further unless partner priorities change.
> Metro Vancouver is planning to begin construction of the Robson to Guildford section in T3, 2022. Design is underway for the other sections of the project.
> Construction nearing completion but delayed due to weather for final hard surface construction. Completion is expected in T1, 2022.
PRCF ON TRACK > Project awaiting partner action.
> Project awaiting partner action.
Food Sector Liquid Waste Control Bylaw
Brunette Interchange
EPW ON TRACK > Council updated and associated bylaws enacted in T2, 2021.
> Implementation, including additional staff training, is underway.
EPW MAJOR DELAY > Project is awaiting further action from the provincial government.
> Project is awaiting further action from the provincial government.
Excellence in City Governance
ADiversity, Equity and Inclusion
CM ON TRACK > Council updated in T2, 2021. Further updates scheduled for T3, 2021.
> Council updated in T3, 2021. Work items will be brought forward, as appropriate, throughout 2022.
Development Application Process Review
DCC Bylaw Update
> UBCM Grant awarded for Development and Building Permit Application Portal in T2, 2021. Annual DAPR update planned for T3, 2021
> Annual DAPR update provided to Council in T3, 2021. Additional key deliverables in T3, 2021 included the launch of an automated referral process through AMANDA 7 and Council approval of Procedure Bylaw amendments to support modernization to Notice of Permit Process.
BBusiness Improvement Committee Work Plan
FLP ON TRACK > This project is currently underway. Update to Council anticipated T3, 2021.
> Update to Council and public consultation scheduled for T1, 2022.
Childcare Strategy
CS ON TRACK > Work plan approved by Council in T1, 2021. Items are proceeding as outlined in the work plan.
PD ON TRACK > Draft strategy presented to Council in T2, 2021. Final draft strategy scheduled for T3, 2021.
> Items are proceeding as outlined in the work plan. Annual update to Council scheduled for T1, 2022.
> Child Care Partnership Strategy was endorsed by Council in T3, 2021. The first phase of implementation work is underway, in particular the analysis of incentives for the development sector to create child care spaces.
Collective Bargaining CS ON TRACK > Update to Council scheduled for T2, 2021.
Development Application Financial Review
Corporate Communications Division Review
PD ON TRACK > Council updated in T2, 2021.
CS MINOR DELAY > Interim review completed in T1, 2021. Final review and recommendations expected in T2, 2021.
> Bargaining with CUPE completed in T3, 2021.
Mass Timber Construction PD ON TRACK
Community Engagement Strategy
> Development of a draft interim policy on Mass Timber Construction scheduled for T3, 2021.
> Work continues as outlined in the scope and process update to Council that was presented in T2, 2021. Next update to Council anticipated in T1, 2022.
> Council updated in T3, 2021.
CS MINOR DELAY > Council updated in T1, 2021.
Long-Term Tax Strategy FLP ON TRACK
> The first phase of the Long-Term Tax Strategy related to the stabilization of future tax increases has been completed. Staff are currently working on the review of the Tax Policy aspect of the Long-Term Tax Strategy and anticipate an update to Council in T3, 2021.
> Interim policy operationalized with one development application currently under review.
> Council update scheduled for T1, 2022.
> The Long-Term Tax Strategy, including a Tax Policy Review has been completed and initiated as part of the 2022 Financial Plan with the implementation of a Development Stabilization Reserve to mitigate the volatility in forecasted tax increases.
Safe and
What we hope to achieve How we plan to achieve it
Develop complete, well-connected neighbourhoods.
> Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with BC Housing to support the creation of more below-market rental housing in the community.
> In a unique partnership with Concert Properties and the YMCA, worked to develop a new master-planned community, Heart of Burquitlam.
> Conducted two phases of public engagement on the Hazel/Coy Neighbourhood Plan.
> Continued to manage the City’s land portfolio in a strategic manner, ensuring that this legacy remains intact for future residents.
> Continued to plan for the Burke Mountain Neighbourhood Village, the commercial centre of the City’s north east.
Support a multi-disciplinary approach to public safety.
> Continued to support the Fraser Health Authority and provincial government by providing education and enforcement of COVID-19 related health orders.
> Completed the Southwest Fire Protection Strategy and the Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan.
> Conducted 5,252 fire inspections and delivered public education initiatives to 913 residents.
> Responded to 23,659 RCMP calls for service and 6,859 Fire incidents.
> Maintained a high citizen satisfaction rate for the City’s protective services: 96% for Fire and 93% for Police, respectively.
Encourage a mix of housing in our neighbourhoods to improve housing affordability.
> Completed the vision and guiding principles for the City’s southwest corridors, supporting more affordable housing options in Southwest Coquitlam.
> Continued to be a municipal leader by implementing the Housing Affordability Strategy; over 12,000 rental units are currently in development or under construction in Coquitlam.
> Contributed $25,000 to SHARE Community Services Rent Bank.
> Completed Phase 1 of the Development Information Portal, allowing residents to get up-to-date information on the City’s development applications.
> Introduced regulatory improvements in four key areas to provide more clarity, consistency and flexibility in the development application process.
Enhance travel in and between neighbourhoods by building multi-modal transportation options and improving the quality of streets as a place for people.
> Developed 6 km of new multi-modal transportation infrastructure, increasing the total network to over 660 km.
> Launched the bike map module in the Coquitlam Connect app, integrating City and Metro Vancouver data to allow for real-time on-the-go bike map information.
What we hope to achieve How we plan to achieve it
Focus on neighbourhood commercial development and revitalization.
> Continued the Temporary Outdoor Business Space program, providing a simple expedited process for businesses to expand outdoors.
> Introduced three pop-up green street locations throughout the City, creating integrated social spaces for residents and business.
Support the retention, expansion and attraction of business to strengthen Coquitlam’s economic base.
> Launched the business E-Newsletter, delivering important City information and news of interest to local businesses in a user-friendly format.
> Issued over 7,000 total Business Licences (5,661 renewed and 1,372 new)
> Conducted 93 in-person Business LinQ inquiries, 347 email inquiries and 405 telephone inquiries.
> Implemented the “30 minutes on us” parking program in the City Centre area, allowing for an additional 30 minutes of free parking.
> Waived late fees on business licence payments to encourage renewals. Approximately 800 businesses took park in the program through 2021.
Facilitate vibrancy in sport, culture and recreation to enhance economic growth through partnerships, events, festivals, and business development.
Leverage community assets to drive investment and job creation.
> Completed 10 initiatives and campaigns through the Community Support and Recovery Plan, that helped local businesses manage the impacts of the pandemic. Examples include the Taste of the Tri-Cities, Capture Coquitlam, Shop Local and Small Business Week.
> Held 23 in-person and virtual events with joint participation of approximately 35,000 people.
Create trade and investment opportunities by building our international relationships and promoting our cultural diversity.
Advance the region’s transportation network by supporting local infrastructure projects that allow people and goods to move more efficiently.
> Connected ten new buildings to QNET and added 5,188 metres of fibre to the network.
> Provided 109 filming permits for a total value of approximately $92,000 and responded to 549 film-related inquiries.
> Completed the Cannabis Regulatory Framework, regulating the productions, processing and retail of cannabis.
> Held the four-part virtual summer concert series featuring artists that highlight Coquitlam’s cultural diversity which also offered partnerships with local restaurants.
> Completed preliminary design and project schedule for the Fremont Connector.
> Engaged with the Port of Metro Vancouver on the impacts of rail crossings on the City’s road network.
> Continued planning and work to update Cedar Drive and associated drainage and sanitary systems.
What we hope to achieve How we plan to achieve it
Create a balanced offering of programs and services accessible to all ages, abilities, genders, interests, income levels and cultures.
> Continued the temporary $2 drop-in fees until September to support community recovery.
> Facilitated 89 physically distanced block parties.
> Updated the Financial Assistance to Recreation Program, lowering barriers to the City’s programing. Since relaunching in September, the program has had over 1,700 participants.
> Delivered specialized programs, such as Youth Week and the Coquitlam Sports Fair, to encourage participation in the City’s recreation activities.
> Expanded the Fitness Centre at Coquitlam Center Aquatic Complex.
Encourage all citizens to be active through a wide-range of recreational activities in our facilities, parks and trails.
> Upgraded the courts at Hickey Park, including improved surfaces, lighting and nets at the City’s second-largest outdoor tennis facility.
> Introduced the temporary shelter in outdoor spaces program to allow for covered spaces in City parks to comply with pandemic-related restrictions. Approximately 7,000 visits and 500 bookings were made as part of the program.
Develop a system of parks, recreation and open space that contributes to the ecological, social and economic well-being of Coquitlam residents.
> Restored over 3,900 square metres of parkland and planted over 1,800 native plants and shrubs in City Parks.
> Began construction on Sheffield Park.
> Upgraded eight City parks.
> Completed infrastructure improvements to the Coquitlam Crunch, including paved pathways and gravel trails to the new paved parking lot.
Support community learning through partnerships that provide formal and informal opportunities for life-long learning.
> Continued the Seniors’ Meal Program, funded by the City with the help of volunteers, to assist this vulnerable population during the pandemic.
> Launched the Community Volunteer Support Hub to support non-profit organizations struggling due to the pandemic. These supports included reaching out to approximately 120 non-profit organizations in the community, providing a series of workshops and webinars, launching an online Community Volunteer Support Hub, and connecting volunteers to organizations.
Develop plans and capital assets to ensure the capacity of parks, recreation and culture services throughout the city, now and in the future.
> Made significant progress on the Major Recreation and Cultural Facilities Roadmap, outlining a forward-looking strategy for integrating completed facilities with future planning initiatives.
> Completed construction on the washroom Town Centre Park.
> Continued planning and construction for multiple capital assets including the Northeast Recreation Centre, Cottonwood and Blue Mountain Parks, and Place Maillardville.
What we hope to achieve How we plan to achieve it
Demonstrate responsible public stewardship through environmental sustainability practices.
> Reduced the city’s corporate greenhouse gas emissions by 22% compared to the base year (2007).
> Decreased total water consumption (litres per capita, per day) to 327, the lowest in five years.
> Completed a final draft of the Environmental Sustainability Plan, to be brought forward for approval early in 2022.
> Increased the amount of public electrical vehicle chargers to 25, leading to a 150% increase in charging minutes.
> Continued the conversion of street lights to LEDs, leading to an energy savings of over $400,000 per year.
> To encourage more energy-efficient buildings in the community, adopted a policy that will require most buildings to be Energy Step Code compliant.
Explore service improvements and partnerships with community organizations.
> Continued to facilitate the construction of the Burquitlam YMCA.
> Worked with Metro Vancouver to finalize the design and route for upgraded water main capacity through Coquitlam.
> Continued construction on Centennial Turf Field.
> In partnership with the Governments of Canada and British Columbia, began planning for the renewal of Spani Pool.
> Supported the Fraser Health Authority to deliver a mass vaccination clinic at the Poirier Forum.
Support the continued viability and sustainability of community organizations in their implementation of services, events, and programs to the community.
> Through the CSRP, developed a series of community grants for not-for-profit groups that address pandemic-related service delivery challenges and revenue loss. Approximately $237,000 was given to local groups in 2021.
> Contributed $25,000 to SHARE Community Services Food Bank.
> Provided grants of $414,000 to the City’s cultural partners to deliver services and programing during the pandemic, in addition to their standard budgets.
Manage the City’s assets and infrastructure in a manner that promotes financial and environmental sustainability.
> Continued to maintain the City’s linear assets by cleaning 140 kms of water mains, 58 kms of sanitary sewers and sweeping 8,870 lane kms of road.
> Maintained an average road condition index (good/very good) of 72%.
> Completed amendments to the Food Sector Liquid Waste Control Bylaws, allowing for increased oversight of the sewer system.
> Received recognition from the Canadian Network of Asset Managers Association for excellence in asset management.
What we hope to achieve How we plan to achieve it
Explore service improvements through investment in technology, people and process improvement.
> Launched the City’s Open Data Portal, allowing for streamlined access to the most requested data sets and drawings.
> Continued to increase the City’s online service offerings, including new payment methods and information-sharing protocols. These initiatives helped increase the amount of online transactions with the City to an all-time high of 82%.
> As part of the Business Improvement Committee, completed 76 work plan and stop-doing list items.
> Continued to improve the City’s technology infrastructure by upgrading internal support systems such as AMANDA and beginning upgrades to the telephone system, corporate intranet and capital budget system.
> Increased customer satisfaction with overall service to an eight-year high of 91%.
Support, encourage and empower employees by living the City’s organizational values, recognizing success and fostering a positive work environment.
> Received the BC Municipal Safety Association 2021 Organizational Safety Excellence Award.
> Received WorkSafe BC Certificate of Recognition Rebate for $258,721 and maintained an experience rating under industry standards, saving a further $536,000 in insurance costs.
> Delivered training on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion to city employees including Unconscious Bias, Understanding Diversity, One Story at a Time, and the Foundations of Diversity and Inclusion Certificate.
> Recognized as a 2021 BC Top Employer, the fourth year in a row.
Maintain prudent financial and human resource policies and practices with a focus on long-range planning budgeting.
> Completed the Long-Term Tax Strategy, including a Tax Policy Review as part of the 2022 Financial Plan with the implementation of a Development Stabilization Reserve to mitigate the volatility in forecasted tax increases.
> Received the President’s Award from the Union of BC Municipalities for the City’s COVID-19 response, the Community Support and Recovery Plan.
> Continued to provide good value taxes. 89% of residents say they receive good or very good value for their taxes.
> Launched Coquitlam OpenBook, a financial information visualization tool, to the public increasing transparency of the City’s spending.
Encourage citizen and neighbourhood engagement that allows all residents to contribute to the affairs of the community.
> Continued to refine and adapt the City’s public communication practices to respond to the unique communication needs of the COVID-19 pandemic.
> Advanced a renewed Community Engagement Framework to meet present and future needs for City engagement.