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Corporate Services

Corporate Services supports the effective delivery of City services and programs This includes coordinating the organization’s annual and long-term planning, managing the City’s internal and external communications and civic engagement, providing information and communications technology, equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives, and overseeing the programs that impact the City’s human resources

Communications and Civic Engagement


Key responsibilities include: h Supporting effective internal and external communications, including advertising, marketing, media relations, community engagement and consultation, and strategic multi-media advice h Managing the City website and social media channels and other digital communications tools, including content development and design h Leading civic engagement opportunities and strategies across the organization

Corporate Planning

Key responsibilities include: h Working with Council, staff and the public to establish the vision, mission and values for the community and City h Developing the Strategic Plan, which guides all other longrange planning for the City h Coordinating the business planning process, which sets out the organization’s goals, objectives and priorities h Civic Facility Space Planning

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Key responsibilities include: h Advancing a culture of safety and belonging h Collaborating across the organization to support the identification and implementation of equity, diversity and inclusion work across all City departments

Human Resources

Key responsibilities include: h Employee recruitment, selection and evaluation h Labour relations and collective bargaining h Staff training and development h Occupational health, safety and wellness

Information and Communications Technology

Key responsibilities include: h Managing and supporting the City’s information and communication technology h Planning for hardware and software needs h Supporting QNet, the City’s fibre optics network

For details on the strategic priorities for Corporate Services, please see the Business Plan section starting on p 18

Key Performance Measures:

2023 City of Coquitlam Budget

Corporate Services

2023 City of Coquitlam Budget

Engineering and Public Works plans, designs, constructs, operates and maintains the City’s infrastructure and provides core City services such as transportation, water distribution, flood control, waste collection, storm water management and sewage collection

Design and Construction

Key responsibilities include: h Coordinating and implementing the City’s road and utility capital projects h Inspection services of City engineering infrastructure for City and land development projects h Survey services including legal and topographic surveys, and construction layout for City capital projects


Key responsibilities include: h Policy and planning for construction and replacement of water, sewer and drainage infrastructure h Asset management, monitoring and analytics for Engineering and Public Works h Overseeing QtheMap, cadastral mapping and GIS tool of all assets for the City


Key responsibilities include: h Providing environmental policies and objectives to conserve energy and water, reduce waste, protect the environment, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions h Providing education and enforcement for environmental programs, including solid waste

Public Works

Key responsibilities include: h Operating and maintaining the City’s roads, water, sewer and drainage systems h Maintaining the corporate fleet of vehicles and equipment h Managing solid waste services h Emergency engineering services for water, sewer, drainage and roads (24/7)


Key responsibilities include: h Policy and planning for the City’s transportation needs to accommodate new growth and infrastructure replacement h Managing the City’s traffic signal network and CCTV intersection cameras h Traffic operations, including streetlights, pavement markings, signage and road safety h Managing street use, electric vehicle charging stations, onstreet parking and City-owned parking lots

For details on the strategic priorities for Engineering and Public Works, please see the Business Plan section starting on p 18

Key Performance Measures:

1 The Ipsos Citizen Satisfaction Survey was not conducted in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2The Ipsos Citizen Satisfaction Survey was not conducted in 2022 due to the civic election.

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