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Planning and Development

Planning and Development guides Coquitlam’s growth, working with the public and other stakeholders to ensure development reflects the community’s priorities and meets legislative and safety requirements

Building Permits


Key responsibilities include: h Providing plan and inspection review services to encourage compliance with codes, bylaws and standards h Shaping the City’s policies and procedures related to buildings and building environment to encourage compliance with codes, bylaws and standards

Business Services

Key responsibilities include: h Coordinating departmental strategic planning and business improvements to streamline and improve the efficiency of application processes h Acting as a liaison between all departments to support service enhancements

Community Planning

Key responsibilities include: h Developing plans (such as the Official Community Plan) and strategies for shaping growth to meet land use, transportation, environmental, social, cultural, infrastructure, business, neighbourhood and other needs h Conducting public consultation, stakeholder engagement and research to support planning functions

Development Services

Key responsibilities include: h Processing development applications in compliance with City plans and bylaws to encourage high-quality urban design, promote housing affordability and ensure new development contributes to Coquitlam’s high quality of life h Guiding and providing advice on development matters to the City and Council from a policy perspective h Managing servicing and infrastructure upgrades associated with new development

For details on the strategic priorities for Planning and Development, please see the Business Plan section starting on p 18

Key Performance Measures

1 The Ipsos Citizen Satisfaction Survey was not conducted in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2 The majority of ICI construction is related to alterations (tenant improvements) and additions (additional floor area) to existing buildings. While the additional gross floor area (GFA) added was relatively low, the majority of the value of construction was represented by tenant improvement projects with no additional GFA.

3The Ipsos Citizen Satisfaction Survey was not conducted in 2022 due to the civic election.

Planning and Development

by Function

2023 City of Coquitlam Budget

2023 City of Coquitlam Budget

Coquitlam RCMP works in partnership with the City to make Coquitlam a healthy, vibrant and safe community for residents, businesses and visitors The detachment provides policing and community-related safety related services to Coquitlam along with Port Coquitlam, Anmore, Belcarra and the Kwikwetlem First Nations (kʷikʷəƛəm) The sharing of costs and services allows for effective, efficient and affordable policing services The Coquitlam RCMP team is made up of police officers, civilian staff and volunteers

As highlighted in the 2023 – 2027 Coquitlam RCMP Strategic Plan, the detachment focuses on four long-term strategic outcomes are to:

1 Partner with the community

2 Promote public safety

3 Target criminal activity

4 Support our people

Key responsibilities include: h Reactive and response-oriented policing, including responses to calls for service by the General Duty and Major Crimes sections h Strategic and proactive policing, through teams such as the Traffic Unit, Uniformed Crime Reduction Unit, the Community Response Team and Youth Section, and in partnership with stakeholders in local government and community organizations h Regional and integrated policing, involving coordination with other law-enforcement agencies to more effectively address borderless public safety issues (such as organized crime and gang violence) and to access specialized services (such as police service dogs and forensic-identification services)

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