City of Craft Spring 2012 Look Book

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Wi l l yBr own Oper at i onS ockMonkey-J ef f r eyCane L L +P-L l i am & Pi perBoot h Mar i naWi l s on L uvel yS t i t ches-Yas mi naMal e Gol denMoonT r eas ur es-Az z ur r a& S oni kaWoodf i ne

S PRI NG 2012

VENDORS AnnaJ aneMcI nt yr e' sS t uf f bookhou char l ot t e& s t ewar t Doubl enaut F al conwr i ght F i doodl e F i el dgui ded Gi r l CanCr eat e Have& Hol dDes i gn J ackDyl an Ki dI car us Knot t edNes t Kr ys t al S peck l emonade l i nesby:davi s Nat hal i eRoz e& Co. Needl eBook NouveauRi cheVi nt age Ol dWes t on PaperPus her Paper s nakeJ ewel l er y Rar eS peci mens RaymondBi es i ngerI l l us t r at i on r cboi s j ol i S potOnDes i gns S weet i ePi ePr es s t hear t hur t hewor kr oom Wool f eI s l andWool wor ks WORNF as hi onJ our nal

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 ANNAJ ANEMCI NT YRE T el l usaboutyour s el f

Iam amul t i di s ci pl i nar yvi s ual ar t i s t . Mymaki ngi nvol vesdr awi ng, s cul pt ur e,l ot sofr epur pos i ng,gl i t t er andmi cr oact i vi s ms .Iador er es cui ng t oys !

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l you havef ors al e? Oddsands ods .Ever yt hi ngf r om t oysI ' vemade,t opr i nt s , t ot hi ngsI ' vecol l ect ed.

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

Mmmm war merweat herandpeopl el ooki ng ex t r aopt i mi s t i candex ci t edaboutt hi ngs .

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Il ovewoodendol l maki ng,am i nt r i guedt ot r yf el t i ng ani mal sandIam l ear ni ngt okni t .

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

T her ear et oomanyt hi ngs !Af ew year sagoIboughtan ant i quephonogr aphhor nandananci entgor geous met al cons t r uct i ont r uckt hathasawi ndupdi ggerf r om PucesL i br esi nMont r eal .Mydadboughtmeanol d T i bet anbel l f r om aL ondon,Engl ands t r eetmar ketand mymum boughtmel as tyearanamaz i ngwi ndupf ar m t r act orf r om t heear l y1900' s .Mybr ot hergotmes ome ver yol dbeaut i f ul f unnywoodendol l s haped wi nes t opper s .Mymum' sf r i endgavemeagor geousand anci entwheez yconcer t i naaccor di on.I ' ver es cued oodl esoft oysf r om S al vat i onAr my' st oo!Pf f fIcoul dgo f or ever . . . . www. annaj mci nt yr e. com


T el l usaboutyour s el f

bookhoui saf ami l yr unbus i nes st hat bel i evesi ns l ow des i gnandeach pi ecewemakei smadeoneata t i me,byhand.weus emat er i al st hat ar eor gani corecof r i endl yand f eat ur esours cr eenpr i nt eddr awi ngs .

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

Iwi l l havebagsandt eat owel sandIwi l l al s ohavean as s or t mentoff abr i cr emnant sands econds .

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

f orme-j us tbei ngout s i dewi t houtaheavycoatand boot s ,If eel t hats pr i ngmakesever yt hi ngs eem t o comeal i ve.

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Idoal otofs ewi ng,butIr eal l yenj oydoi ngembr oi der y. Il i ket hati t ’ spor t abl e.

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

avi nt ageof f i ces peci al t yf l atf i l ecabi netIf oundonmy s t r eet ,i nper f ectcondi t i on.I thous esmymet al t ypeand ourpr i nt i ngpr es sr es t sont op. www. bookhou. com


T el l usaboutyour s el f

Wear edes i gner sl i vi ngandwor ki ng i nT or ont o.We' r epr obabl ybes t knownf orours i l ks cr eenedpos t er s .

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

We' l l haves i l ks cr eenedgi gpos t er sandar t pr i nt sf ors al e aswel l ast s hi r t s .

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

t hewar m weat her ,bei ngabl et or i demymot or cycl e agai n

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ? pos t er s !

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

vi nt ages t ool s ,box es ,benchest abl esf r om amet al wor ki ngwar ehous ef or$40 www. doubl enaut . com

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 F AL CONWRI GHT T el l usaboutyour s el f

F al conwr i ghti sal i neofs cr een pr i nt edl eat hergoodshandmadei n T or ont obyS andi F al conerand Dani el l eWr i ght .Webot hl ovet he s mel l ofl eat her ,anddonott hi nk hi ghl yofr ai s i ns .

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

Wewi l l haveavar i et yofcol our f ul cl ut ches ,wal l et pouches ,car dhol der s ,andchangepur s es !

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

How al i t t l es uns hi neands omef r es hgr eener ycanr es t or e amuchdepl eat edr es er veofopt i mi s m.S pr i ngj us tmakes youf eel good.

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

Dani el l ei sanamaz i ngt hr i f t er / auct i onhunt er ,whi l eIon t heot herhandl ackt hepat i encer equi r edt of i ndt he hi ddengems .F unf act :ourcol l abor at i ons t ar t edwhen Dani el l ef oundabagofl eat hers cr apsataCobour g t hr i f ts t or e.Rummagei si nourr oot s . www. f al conwr i ght . com


T el l usaboutyour s el f

F i el dgui dedi sGeof fandAnabel a. Wel i vei nt heDuf f er i nGr ovear eaof T or ont owi t hourt wocat s ,andl i ket o s pendourt i mer i di ngourbi kes , dr i nki ngcof f ee,andt aki ngpi ct ur es .

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

We' l l haveourus ual as s or t mentofpr i nt sandcanvas t ot esaswel l asournew col l ect i onofs i l ks car ves .

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng? Cher r ybl os s omsandl i ghtj acket s .

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Wej us tf oundaDI Yf ormaki nghangi ngpl anthol der sout ofr opeandar epr et t yex ci t edt ot r yi tout .

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

Oh,t her ear es omany!ButGeof foncef ounda Pol ar oi d360camer aatanant i quesmar ketf or$10and i t ' soneofourf avour i t ecamer asi nourcol l ect i on. www. f i el dgui ded. com

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 F I DOODL E T el l usaboutyour s el f

F i doodl ei smyongoi ngpr oj ectf or t hepr oduct i onofar t f ul obj ect s i ns pi r edbys t or yt el l i ng,andcr eat i ve pl ay.Bui l tf r om nat ur al mat er i al s , car dboar d,andpaper ,manyoft he pi ecesar ei nt endedt oi ns t i gat e s omeki ndofi nt er act i vepl ayf ul nes s .

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

I ’ l l havemapl ewoodenbl ocks ,dol l s ,andDI Yet c.f ors al e, aswel l asf l i pbooks‘ ons al e’wi t hot herpas tpr oj ect pi eces .

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

T hes unl i ghtandl ongs hadowsofear l yeveni ng. Not hi ngl i kewat chi ngmyki ds ’f as ci nat i onwi t hmaki ng t hei rs hadowsdof unnyt hi ngswi t ht hewar ms unonour backs .

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Pr i nt i ngonwood,butr i ghtnow I ’ m al s opr i nt i ngonf abr i c andpaperagai nandI ’ ml ovi ngi t .

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

Har des tques t i onever !I nt het opmi ghtbemyant i que I t ’ ss omet hi ngt hatmyOmagavemeact ual l y.T hi sl i t t l e pl as t i cpengui n( al otl i kePi ngu)t hatwaddl esdownan i ncl i newheni t ’ spl acedatt het op.I tbel ongedt omy uncl ewhenhewasaboy. www. f i doodl e. com

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 GI RLCANCREAT E T el l usaboutyour s el f

Gi r l CanCr eat ei st hecr eat i ve umbr el l at hati wor kunder .As i de f r om mycr eat i vi t ycoachi ngand per f or mancewor k,i makear toutof ol dphot os ,l ongl os tl et t er s ,pai nt andpaper .

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

Iwi l l havecol l agesonwood,andonpaper .Iwi l l have l i mi t ededi t i onpr i nt s .Iwi l l havebut t onsandmagnet s cr eat edf r om t hepaper st hati don' tus ei nmycol l age. Iwi l l havevi nt agepaperpacks !Andi wi l l haveas mal l s el ect i onofwat er col ourpai nt i ngsf r om as er i est hati havebeenwor ki ngonf orqui t es omet i mecal l edPeopl e IS ee.

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Iam i ndeepl ovewi t hengl i s hpaperpi eci ng,andam wor ki ngonaqui l tf oraf r i end' sbaby.Ihopet hati nt he nex tf ew mont hst oi nt r oduces omemor et ex t i l esi nwi t h mycol l agewor k.

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

Asacol l ect orofpaper sandephemer a,i abs ol ut el ywas s ot i ckl edt of i ndagr eats cr apbookf r om 1892.Ormos t r ecent l yi f oundaboxofl et t er sandphot osf r om a womannamedOl i ve.Iwi l l beus i ngs omeofherpi eces i nanupcomi ngs ol os how att heJ amesNor t hAr t Col l ect i vei nHami l t on! www. gi r l cancr eat e. com

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 HAVE& HOL DDES I GN T el l usaboutyour s el f

S amant haDubeaucr eat edHave& Hol dDes i gnwi t hones i mpl ei dea:l i f e s houl dbecel ebr at ed. Have& Hol dDes i gns peci al i z esi n bes pokes t at i oner yandhandmade decor ,pr opsanddi s pl aypi ecest hat ar emeantt omakeever ys peci al eventj us tt hat – s peci al .T hegoal i st ocr eat ebeaut i f ul eventpi ecest hatnogues twi l l wantt ot hr ow out .One ofS amant ha' sgr eat es tt hr i l l sasades i gneri smi x i ng unex pect ed mat er i al sandt echni quesi nherwor k.

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

Al l ki ndsofgr eet i ngcar ds :pai nt ed,s t ampedand col l aged.T her ewi l l al s obephot oboot hpr opsf ors al e andpai nt ednat ur al canvasbanner s .

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

T hes mel l oft heear t handgr as sgr owi ngagai n.

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Iabs ol ut el yl ovehoppi ngonmys ewi ngmachi ne,f or what everr eas on.

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

Ihaveanol dcl ayhor s e" pi ggybank"t hatIf oundata f l eamar keti nOt t awa.I t ' shandpai nt edi nbeaut i f ul br i ghtcol our sandi t ' squi t et hedecorpi ecei nmys t udi o. www. haveandhol ddes i gn. com

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 KI DI CARUS T el l usaboutyour s el f

Mi ke:Ki dI car usi smadeupofBi anca andmys el f .Wedes i gnands cr een pr i ntal l ofourpr oductl i ne,mai nl y f ocus i ngonpapergoods .Weal s o havear et ai l s t or ei nKens i ngt on Mar ket .

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

Bi anca:As i def r om ourus ual Col l ect i onofGr eet i ng Car ds ,Wr appi ngPaper ,andL et t erWr i t i ngs et s ,wewi l l haveat onofS cr apPaperBundl es ,Ri bbonandT wi ne andr ubbers t ampsaswel l .

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

Bi anca:S eei ngt hef i r s tbudss pr outf r om t r eesand t hi nki ngaboutwhats eedst opl antf ort heupcomi ng gar deni ngs eas on. Mi ke:S pr i ngi sal i t t l es l owerar oundt hepr i nt s hop,s oIget t ot aket hos ei ncubat i ngi deasandt ur nt hem i nt opr i nt s .

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Bi anca:DI Ydecor at i onsf oraf r i endwhoi sget t i ng mar r i edl at ert hi syear . Mi ke:papercut out spr i nt edandcons t r uct edt ocr eat e3 di mens i onal t hi ngs .

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

As t ovet opes pr es s opotf r om agar ages al eandt hi sbeat upwoodenbox .Weus ei tatcr af ts howsf ormer ch,f l i pi t over ,i tdoubl esasadi s pl ayt abl ewhi chweus ei nmany ofourpr oducts hot s . www. ki di car us . ca

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 KNOT T EDNES T T el l usaboutyour s el f

Knot t edNes ti sani ndependent bus i nes st hatt akesvi nt agef abr i cs andbr i ngst hem new l i f eas hous ewar esandacces s or i es . Ever yt hi ngi sl ovi ngl ydes i gnedand handmadei nmyeas tends t udi o.

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

I ' l l haveavar i et yofi t emsr angi ngf r om napki nsand wal l et s ,t okni t t i ngneedl er ol l sandembr oi der ypi eces . Asf orr ummage,youcanex pects omef abr i cpacks , not i ons ,andbut t ons .

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

I twoul dhavet obes eei ngwhi chpl ant ss pr outupi nmy gar denandget t i ngt heveget abl es eedss t ar t ed.

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Myf avour i t epl acet obei ss i t t i ngatmys ewi ngmachi ne, butIdi dr ecent l ydos omenat ur al dyei ngandcan' twai t t odomor e!

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

Ioncef oundabeaut i f ul deepbl ueunder wood t ypewr i t eront hes i deoft her oadwhi chi snow oneof myf avour i t et hi ngsi nourl i vi ngr oom. www. knot t ednes t . et s y. com


T el l usaboutyour s el f

Mynamei sKr ys t al S peck& Imake handmadepor cel ai npot t er y.

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

I ' l l bes el l i ngmyl i neofcol our f ul ,pat t er nedpot t er y.Mugs , bowl s ,vas es ,younamei t !Andal s omynewes ti t em: handf or medpor cel ai ns poonswi t hr ecl ai medl eat her handl es .

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

T hatper f ects pr i ngs mel l !Youknow,t hewetgr as s& ear t h one?

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Ot hert hant hecl aycr af t ,i t ' sal wayst ex t i l est hatgetme.

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

Mybes tf i ndt hi syearwasagor geousar mygr eenwool peacoatf r om t he60s .I t ' ss os t ur dy& wel l s ewn.T hey don' tmaket hem l i ket heyus edt o! www. kr ys t al s peck. com

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 L EMONADE T el l usaboutyour s el f

Igues sIwoul dcl as s i f ymys el fasa f r eel anceI l l us t r at i ons t udentt hes e days .Iam t he2012des i gnerf orCi t y ofCr af t( wi nt eredi t i on)andImake l i mi t ededi t i ongoodsundert he moni kerL emonade.

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

Handdr awncar ds ,pr i nt s ,Deadwei ghtxL emonade pos t car ds ,bas ebal l car dpacks ,t ot ebags ,af ew oneof aki ndneckl aces ,andz i nes .

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng? Bas ebal l s eas ons t ar t supagai n!

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

It endt oonl ybedr awi ngt hes edays ,butI ' dl i ket ot r ymy handatr ughooki ng.

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ? Ioncef oundanAPC dr es sf or$7.

www. i t was l emonade. bl ogs pot . com www. cai t l ynmur phy. ca

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 L I NESBY:DAVI S T el l usaboutyour s el f

Mynamei sDavi sKhounnor aj and Iam amakerofbags ,acces s or i es andhomei t ems .I ' vebeenmaki ng t hi ngst hatIl ovef orawhi l eandIl ove ex per i ment i ngwi t hdi f f er entt ex t i l es ands i l ks cr eeni ngmyowni mages .I am cur r ent l ywor ki ngwi t hl eat her andwaxcanvasandpl ayi ngwi t hs i mpl es hapesand col our s .

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

Iwi l l havet s hi r t sf orki dsandadul t s ,homei t ems ,wax canvas+l eat herpouchesandbags .

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

Myf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ngar ebi ker i desands unny weat her .

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Myf avour i t ecr af ti squi l t i ng.Il ovegeomet r i cs hapes andl i neswhi l eI ' m qui l t i ng.T hebes tpar ti scut t i ngout di f f er ents hapesandf abr i cswhi l eas s embl i ngi t .Iwoul d l ovet ot akeaqui l t i ngr et r eatouti nt hewoodsneart he l akeones ummer !

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

Mybes tvi nt agef i ndwoul dhavet obeas etofmoder n pl as t i cchai r st hats omeonewast hr owi ngout . www. bydavi s . bl ogs pot . com

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 NAT HAL I EROZ E& CO. T el l usaboutyour s el f

WHO:Nat hal i eRoz eF i s cher I ' m anecoacces s or i esdes i gner , t ex t i l ehoar der ,t hr i f t / vi nt agehound &s t yl ewr i t er .Ir unmyowni ndi e des i gnerbout i que& DI Ys t udi o ( Nat hal i eRoz e& Co. )aswel l as or gani z i ngt heUber S WAP& Cr af t er noont eaevent si nL es l i evi l l e.Il ovecr eat i ve r ecycl i ng.

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

I ' l l bebr i ngi ngami xofupcycl ed& handpr i nt eds car ves , bi bs ,s mal l acces s or i es ,vi nt agewear abl es ,f abr i c& a f ew cool s ur pr i s est oCi t yofCr af t ' s1s tS pr i ngedi t i on.

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

I ' veal wayshadacr us honS pr i ng-i t ' ss uchaper f ect vi s ual met aphorf orki cks t ar t i ngt henew,r ebi r t h,f r es h s t ar t s& al l t hi ngsl ovel y:gar deni ng,pi cni cs ,gar ages al es & bi ker i des .

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

T her e' sneverj us tone.Ri ghtnow,i t ' sat os supbet ween s i l ks cr eeni ngands ewi ngwi t hvi nt agel i nens( onmy1969 S i nger' F as hi onMat e' ) .T ypi cal s pl i t br ai nGemi ni ans wer , Is uppos e.

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

Abeaut i f ul 1920sf l apperdr es si ns i l kchi f f onwi t hi nt r i cat e handbeadi ng& f oot l ongs at i nf r i nge( s coopedi nan out doormar ketnearNi ce,F r ancef orabout$25& aki s sabi tf r omage,butt r ue) . www. t wi t t er . com/ NRandCo

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 NEEDL EBOOK T el l usaboutyour s el f

Needl ebookwar esar eal l handmadeus i ngr es cuedmat er i al s t oaddanupcycl edchar m.My f avour i t evi nt agef i ndsar ej ar sofol d but t onsandpi ecesofbar kcl ot h, f eeds ackandl acef abr i candIus e t hes ef i ndst ocr eat ei t ems t hathaveauni quevi nt agel ook.

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

Att heCi t yofCr af tS pr i ngs how Iwi l l haveaf r es hbat ch ofneedl ebooksf ors al eal ongwi t hhands ewnwr i s t l et s , pouches ,andpi ncus hi ons .Iwi l l al s ohaveas mal l s el ect i onofwool pompom bi r dsper f ectf orpr et t ys pr i ng decor .F orr ummage,Ihaveacol l ect i onofs ewi ng s uppl i esi nvi nt agemas onj ar s .

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

S pr i ngi smyf avour i t et i meofyear ,wi t ht i nys pr i ngf l ower s , bl os s omi ngt r eesandf r es hbr eez yweat her .I tal s o happenst obemybi r t hday! www. needl ebook. ca

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 NOUVEAURI CHEVI NT AGE T el l usaboutyour s el f

I ’ m avi nt ages el l erandcol l ect or ,an ar t i s tandar teducat or .Ihol dvi nt age popups hopsi nchangi ngl ocat i ons . Iam cur r ent l ydoi ngas er i escal l ed “Ni ghtOwl ”t hathappensatt he Henhous ebarever yf ew mont hs .

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

Ius ual l ys el l vi nt agecl ot hi ngbutf orCi t yofCr af tI ’ m br i ngi ngmycol l ect i onofvi nt agef abr i cs ,not i ons ,s ewi ng andkni t t i ngpat t er ns ,andcr af tbooks .Iwi l l al s obr i ngwi t h mes ever al ant i queandvi nt aget i ns ,box esandj ar st hat canbeus edf oror gani z i ngyourcr af ts uppl i es .

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng? F or s yt hi a!Bi ker i des !

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Handkni t t i ngki l l smet hemos t .Ihavear eal l yhar dt i me l eavi ngbehi ndhandkni t swhenI ’ m buyi ngvi nt age.If eel l i keI ’ m adopt i ngt hem andof t ent hi nkoft het i t l eoft hat Mi keKel l eypi ece( madeofhandkni tt oys )cal l ed“Mor e L oveHour sT hanCanEverbeRepai d” .

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

Mycur r entf avour i t evi nt agei t em i sapai rofcher r yr ed 1940’ sheel st hataf r i endandf el l ow col l ect orj us tgave me.Ihavebeenadmi r i ngt hes es hoess i nceherandI meti nHal i f axt enyear sago.T heyar et hes hoest hat s t ar t edi tal l -t heyt ur nedmyi nt er es ti nvi nt agei nt omor e s er i ouscol l ect i ng www. s hopnouveaur i che. t umbl r . com

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 OL DWES T ON T el l usaboutyour s el f

I ns pi r edbyt hes i mpl e,s t r ange,and beaut i f ul f or msf oundi nnat ur e,Ol d Wes t onbr i ngst hef or es ti nt ot he ci t y-t r ans f or mi ngt empor al t r eas ur es i nt oper manentor nament sf oran ur banl ands cape.Al l Ol dWes t on j ewel l er y,acces s or i es ,ands t at i oner y ar edes i gned,pr oduced,andpackagedbyKal pnaPat el i nherwes t ends t udi o.

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

S hopper scanex pectt of i nds i l verandbr onz e i nt er pr et at i onsofacor ns ,t wi gs ,gol dt eet h,t i nybi r ds ,and i ndus t r i al s cr ews ,aswel l asl oadsofbeads ,booksand magaz i nes .

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

Mycur r entf avour i t ecr af ti sembr oi der y-anaf t er noon i nt hepar kwi t hahoop,needl e,andt hr eadi st he per f ectS pr i ngact i vi t y. www. ghos t f acekni t t ah. bl ogs pot . ca

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 PAPERPUS HER T el l usaboutyour s el f

PaperPus heri sJ pKi ng' s pr i nt / publ i s hi ngmoni ker .Wor ki ng wi t hawi der angeofaut hor s& ar t i s t s , ut i l i z i ngs al vagedpapers t ocks ,and r i s ogr aphpr i nt i ng,PaperPus her ' s s mal l bat chpr i ntobj ect s , publ i cat i ons ,ands oci al act i vi t i es s eekt oengageanaudi encei nanappr eci at i onf or paper ,pr i nti nf or mat i on,andbeaut i f ul pr oduct s .

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

Al l mannerofpr i nt edephemer a!Pos t er s ,pos t car ds , not ebooks ,gr eet i ngscar dsandevenal i t t l el i t er at ur e.

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng? T heci t yt ur nsgr eenagai n!

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Al waysandf or everpaper bas edcol l age.

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

Mywi f e!Wef oundoneanot herataf ai ri nMont r eal . www. paper pus her . ca

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 PAPERS NAKE T el l usaboutyour s el f

Overt heyear sIhavewor kedi na var i et yoft echni ques .I nt hepas tI us edpr i mar i l ys t er l i ngs i l verand pl as t i ct oyst omakemyj ewel l er y.A f ew year sagoIhi tt her oadt ot ake as t abatt hegl or i oust r avel i nghobo l i f e.Whi l eIwaswi t houtmys t udi oI devel opedanew s t yl e,hands ewi ngr ecycl edl eat her ar oundgems t ones .S i nces et t l i ngbackdowni nT or ont o t hi ss pr i ngIhavef ocus edonmer gi ngmyt wodi f f er ent s t yl es ,pr of es s i onal gol ds mi t hmeet si ns pi r edgyps y!

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

Mycr eat i onsf eat ur i ngs t er l i ngs i l ver ,r ecycl edl eat her , magi cal gems t onesandl ove!Ohandl et ' snotf or gett he S PORKS !

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

T hef actt hati st het i meofyearwhent hedaysar et he l onges t !

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Ri ghtnow I ' mr eal l yenj oyi ngpl ayi ngwi t hol ds poonst o makemyowns por ks !

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

T heawes omebl ackf l atboxt hathasdi vi der sf oral l my cr ys t al st ohangouti nbef or eImakej ewel l er ywi t ht hem. www. paper s nake. ca

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 RARES PECI MENS T el l usaboutyour s el f

r ar es peci mensi sas mal l l abourof l over uni nhami l t on,ont ar i o.I ' m f as ci nat edbyr ocks& mi ner al s ,and t hememor i esofmybr ot her samaz i ng chi l dhoodr ockcol l ect i on.Ihand chi s el andhammerr ocksand mi ner al st omakes t udear r i ng,hand pi cki ngeachpai rt of i ndamat ch.

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

avar i et yofs t udear r i ngsi nmanydi f f er entmi ner al s : pyr i t e,gal ena,quar t z ,her ki merdi amondsandmor e.i fI cangetmyactt oget heri nt i me,maybes omeneckl aces t oo.

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

t aki ngmys upers l obber ybas s ethoundoutf ort heki ndof wal kss hedes er ves ,gar denenvy,andmondayaf t er noon pat i obeerdr i nki ng.

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

t obehones t ,I ’ m notacr af t yper s on.I ’ mt ooi mpat i ent . I ’ m agetyourhandsdi r t y,hammers omer ocks ,and br eaks omeot hert hi ngsacci dent al l yi nt hepr oces ski nd ofgi r l .r ar es peci menswasahappyacci dent .

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ? whoa,al mos ti mpos s i bl et ochoos e. www. et s y. com/ s hop/ r ar es peci men

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 RAYMONDBI ES I NGER T el l usaboutyour s el f

I ' m ani l l us t r at orands omet i mes mus i cmakerbas edi nMont r eal vi a Edmont on.Mywor khasappear edi n al l ki ndsofmagaz i nesand news paper s ,l i ket heNew Yor ker , Dwel l ,l eMonde,et c.

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

I fever yt hi ngwor ksoutr i ght ,I ' l l haveanew s er i esof s i l ks cr eenedpr i nt savai l abl et hats how T or ont o,Mont r eal , Ot t awaandQuebecati naut i s t i cdet ai l .T hey' r e24" s quar e,t wocol our s ,andi tt ookupmos tofmyMar ch dr awi ngabout50s peci f i cbui l di ngsandl andmar ksf or eachi nt hes er i es .Anabs ol ut et i mes uck.

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng? Notmuch,hones t l y.Il i kef al l t hebes t .

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ? Bl ackmodel l i ngcl ay.

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

T wogui t ar s .T hey' vebeenmydai l ydr i ver sf oral mos ta decadenow. www. f i f t een. ca


T el l usaboutyour s el f

r cbboi s j ol i i sas mal l des i gns t udi ot hat f ocus esondomes t i cobj ect s .Bas ed i nT or ont o,wet aker ef er encef r om t heever ydayandar ei ns pi r edby ear l yhands onmas spr oduct i on

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

We’ l l havel ot soff unct i onal cer ami cs ,wi t hmanynew i t emsi ncl udi nganew yel l ow war es er i es .T hi si st hef i r s t s how t oi ncl udeal i neofnew t ex t i l ewor kWe’ r eex ci t i ng t obr anchi nt oot herar easofdomes t i cgoods .

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

S pr i ngmeansever yt hi ngi sgr owi ngagai n,t hought hat meanst hes t udi oget snegl ect edaswes etupt he gar den.

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Cer ami cswi l l al waysbeourf avour i t et hi ng,f r om ear l y J apanes ewar est omoder nDani s hgoods ,t her ei s al wayss omet hi ngt ol ove.

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

Wel ovecol l ect i ngol dgl as sbot t l es ,t hebes tf i ndwasan or i gi nal Char l esWi l s onS odaBot t l e,mader i ghther ei n T or ont o. www. r cboi s j ol i . com

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 S POTONDES I GNS T el l usaboutyour s el f

Iam agl as sbl owerwhol i vesi n Phi l adel phi aPAwi t hmyamaz i ng pup,Mi s sEl l a.WhenI ' m notpl ayi ng f et chwi t hher ,It eachgl as s maki ng atavar i et yofpl aces ,andwor ki nmy s t udi o.Iam per s onal l yam obs es s ed wi t ht hepat t er nmaki ngpr oces s knownasMi l l i f i or i ,ormur r i ne,whi chi st hebas i sofal l my wor k.

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

L ot sofj ewel r yatdi f f er entpr i cepoi nt s ,aswel l asl ot sof col or f ul hous ewar esl i kecupsands mal l vas eswhi chwi l l havemyor i gi nal mur r i ne

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

T hes mel l .T hemomentyouwal kout s i de,andt akea deepbr eat h,andt hes mel l ofs pr i ngl et ' syouknow t hat wi nt erwon' tbebackf orawhi l e.

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Wel l ,Il ovewhatIdon' tgett odomys el f .Il ovewood wor kandf ur ni t ur edes i gn.ButIam al waysl ooki ngf ormy nex tf avor i t ecer ami ccupaswel l .

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

Ok,I ' m notgr eatatf i ndi ngvi nt aget hi ngs ,butmybes t dudef r i endhasat al entf ori t .Hef oundmybeaut i f ul ear l ys i x t i ess t yl ecouchf or$150. 00.Il ovei t .Maybehei s mybes tvi nt agef i nd. . . . www. penel oper akov. com

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 S WEET I EPI EPRES S T el l usaboutyour s el f

I ’ m BeckyJ ohns ont hes weet i e pi epr es si sas mal l onewoman oper at i onr unoutofacoz ypar kdal e apar t ment .Is peci al i z ei ss mal l r un pi nbackbut t onsandbut t ons et sas ascr ochetandot herephemer a.

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

pi nbackbut t ons ,ar t i s tbut t ons et s( l i ket heonebys andi f al coner-pi ct ur ed) ,myawar dsf ornot hi ngandl ot sof s uppl i esandr ummage.Ihaveabunchofi t ems col l ect edovermyyear soft our i ngnor t hamer i cadoi ng cr af tf ai r s ,s oi fyouar el ooki ngf oravi nt ages ui t cas e, Ij us tmaybeyourgal .

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng? pl ant sandcont ai nergar deni ng!

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

cr ochet . . . al wayscr ochet . . . wi t hengl i s hpaperpi eci ng aver ycl os es econd.

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

Iwoul dhavet os ayvi nt agef abr i cs ,onceIf ounda handkni tnor wegi anmi t t ensf r om at hr i f ts hopi nnor t h car ol i na.i t hi nkt heywer e$4buti tcoul dhaveeven been$2! www. s weet i epi epr es s . com

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 T HEART HUR T el l usaboutyour s el f

Ihaveanendl es sl oveoft r eas ur e hunt i ng/ ant i qui ng/ pi cki ng.I ’ l l put anyhunt ert os hamewi t ht hehour sI cans pendi ns ear choft hr i f t y goodi es .Ihaveas hopatCol l ege andEucl i df ul l ofmyf i nds .

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

I ’ l l bebr i ngi ngat onneofl i t t l es pr i ngy,f unpi ecest oadd t oyourhomedes i gn.

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

T hel i ght !T hes mi l es !T heener gy!T heMAGNOL I AT REES ! ! !

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Mycr af t i ngt i mei ss pentmaki ngpuppet s ,s paces hi ps& ai r pl anesoutofr andom i t emsf oundathomewi t hmy2 ki ds .Ai r pl anesar emys peci al t y.

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

AGeor geMul haus erPl ycr af tchai ratagar ages al e f or$20.Mi ni dr eam comet r ue. www. t hear t hur . co/

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 T HEWORKROOM T el l usaboutyour s el f

t hewor kr oom of f er ss ewi ng,qui l t i ng andcr af t i ngcl as s esi nourl i ght f i l l ed s t udi oi nPar kdal e,T or ont o.t he wor kr oom al s ocar r i esacur at ed col l ect i onofpr i nt edcot t onf abr i cs f r om J apan,L ondonandt heUni t ed S t at esaswel l asal l t hebes ts ewi ng not i ons ,booksandpat t er ns .

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

Wewi l l bedebut i ngas s or t edf abr i cs cr apbundl est hat havebeenas s embl edbycol our .T heyar ef abr i c r emnant sgoi ngbackt owhent hewor kr oom f i r s topened overf ouryear sago.T hes ebundl esar ef i l l edwi t hmany s peci al f abr i cst hatwehavever yf ondmemor i esof .We wi l l al s ohavevi nt agebut t onpacks ,col our edbaker ' s t wi ne,l as ercutcr os ss t i t chpendant s ,andnovel t y embr oi der ys ci s s or s .

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

Myf avour i t epar tofs pr i ngi sget t i ngi ns pi r edt os ew s ummercl ot hesast het r eesandf l ower ss t ar tt obl oom. T her e' ss omet hi ngaboutal l t hepr et t yf l ower st hatmakes mewantt os ew cut edr es s es ,t ankt opsandt uni cs .

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Ihaves er i ousaddi ct i ont oqui l t i ngandpat chwor k. I ' m nots ur eex act l yhow manyqui l t sIhaveont hego r i ghtnow ( maybe10+?) ,butIcan' ts t opmaki ngt hem. www. t hewor kr oom. ca

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 WOL F EI S L ANDWOOL WORKS T el l usaboutyour s el f

Wol f eI s l andWool wor ksi sa onewomanyar nempi r e,s t r ai ghtout oft hehead,hear tandhandsof Kr i s t ynWoodf i ne.Kr i s t yns our ces et hi cal l yf ar medandmi l l edwool , t hendyesands pi nsi tbyhandf r om herhomes t udi oonbeaut i f ul Wol f eI s l and.

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

Iwi l l beof f er i nghands punyar n,dr ops pi ndl eki t sand f i br e.Ont her ummageend,Ihavedoneabi tofs t udi o des t as hi ng,andwi l l haveyar n,vi nt agef abr i c,but t ons andot heroddsandends .

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

Def i ni t el yt her et ur nofgr eenandal l t hebeaut i f ul bl os s omi ngs pr i ngt r eesandf l ower s .

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

S pi nni ngi swhatIdot os el l ,butkni t t i ngi swhatbr ought met her et obegi nwi t h,ands o,i t ' ss t i l l myf avour i t e. Igotont oar eal hatr ol l t hi spas twi nt er .S pr i ngmi ght br i ngs omel acys car ves .

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

Har des tques t i onever !I nt het op mi ghtbemyant i que woodens t andi ngs kei nwi nderboughtf ormeatauct i on byadeari s l andl i vi ngf r i endt woyear sago. www. wol f ei s l andwool wor ks . com

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 WORNF AS HI ONJ OURNAL T el l usaboutyour s el f

WORNF as hi onJ our nal i sapr i nt publ i cat i ont hatcomesoutt wi cea year( oncei nhotweat her ,oncei n col d)bas edi nT or ont o,Canada. WORNdi s cus s est hecul t ur es , s ubcul t ur es ,hi s t or i es ,andper s onal s t or i esoff as hi on.

Whatki ndofpr oduct swi l l youhavef ors al e?

Cur r entandpas ti s s uesofWORN,pi ns ,andgi f tpacks , ohmy!

What ’ syourf avour i t epar tabouts pr i ng?

T hecl ot hes-s ki r t sands andal ses peci al l y.Il oves pr i ng weat herwhenyoucans t i l l wearacar di gan,butl eave yourl egsbar e.

Whati scur r ent l yyourf avour i t ecr af t ?

Doesnai l ar tcountasacr af t ?Becaus enai l ar ti smy hones tans wer .I ' m cur r ent l yex per i ment i ngwi t hdi f f er ent ki ndsofs pr i ngdes i gns-I ' vemas t er edr os es ,andI ' m movi ngont opal mt r eesands uns et s .

Whati syourbes tvi nt age/ r ummagef i ndever ?

Anavybl az ert hatwasoncepar tofaboys ' pr i vat e s chool uni f or m.T hes l eevesf i tmys hor tar msper f ect l y, andi thast hebes tgol dbut t ons .If oundi tataVal ue Vi l l agewhenIwasei ght eenyear sol dandi t ' ss t i l l t he mos tus ef ul i t em ofcl ot hi ngi nmywar dr obe. www. wor nj our nal . com


f abr i ccoas t er st ut or i al PROJ ECTANDPHOT OSBYNEEDL EBOOK

S ewi ngyourowncoas t er si saf unwayt ous es mal l s cr apsofvi nt agef abr i c. S UPPL I ES

-s mal l s cr apsofcot t onf abr i ci navar i et yofpr i nt s -cot t onf abr i cf orbacki ng,4"x4"f oreachcoas t er -qui l tbat t i ngf ort hei nt er i oroft hecoas t er s ,4"x4"f oreachcoas t er -mat chi ngt hr ead T OOL S

s ci s s or s ,s ewi ngmachi ne,opt i onal :qui l tr ul er HOW T O

1. Cuts t r i psoff abr i ct hatar eal l 4"l ong.Eachs t r i pcanbevar yi ngwi dt hsf r om 1"t o2"andt heydon' tneedt obeper f ect l ys t r ai ght . 2.Ar r anget hef abr i cpi ecesasyoul i keands ew t hem t oget herus i nga1/ 4" s eam al l owance.Pr es st hes eamsf l atandt r i mt hes quar et o4" . 3.Pl acet hequi l t edpi ecer i ghts i dest oget herwi t ht hebacki ngf abr i c.Pl ace t hequi l tbat t i ngont heout s i deandpi nt hel ayer st oget her .S ew t oget her ar oundt heout s i deus i nga1/ 4"s eam al l owance.L eavea2"gapopen.T r i m of ft hecor ner s . 4.T ur nt hecoas t err i ghts i deoutandpr es sf l at .Hands ew t hegapcl os ed,and t ops t i t chi fyouwi s h.Done!



Wr appi ngPaperoranyDecor at i vepaper .Weus edourKi dI car us Her r i ngboneWr appi ngPaper . Cr af tkni f eors ci s s or s Penci l Rul er Pus hpi ns T ape Onecupofl ukewar m wat er Bamboos kewer cut t i ngmatoras t ackofnews paper HOW T O

1.Cutt hes har ppoi ntof ft hes kewer sands oakoneendoft hes kewer s i nl ukewar m wat er .T hi swi l l makei teas i ert opus ht hepi nt hr ough. 2.Dr aw a6"s quar eonyourpaperofchoi ce.Cutasmanys quar esout t hatyoumayneed. 3.Dr aw al i nef r om eachoft hef ourcor nert owar dst hecent r et hati s4"l ong 4.Att he1/ 4i nchpoi ntf r om eachcor ner ,cuta1/ 8i nchnot chont he r i ghts i deoft hepr evi ousl i ne. 5.F ol deachcor nerpoi nti nt ot hecent r e,hooki ngt henot chi nt ot he cent er . 6.T apet hebackedgesdown. 7.Us i ngyoucut t i ngmators t ackofnews paper sonyourt abl e,pus ha pus hpi nt hr ought hecent eri nf r ontofpi nwheel ,i ns er tt hr ought he bamboos keweratt heback.

CI T YOFCRAF TS PRI NG 2012 www. ci t yof cr af t . com ar t wor k-f r ontcover( Cai t l ynMur phy)-vendor spage( J ackDyl an) ot herar t wor kbyBeckyJ ohns on al l phot ogr aphspr ovi dedbyvendor s l ayoutanddes i gnbybookhou

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