Saturday, October 2 | 9 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Blackberry Farm | (408) 777-3540 21979 San Fernando Avenue, Cupertino Event Rules: All dogs must show proof of vaccinations. Two dogs allowed per handler.
Three, 45-minute swim blocks 9:00 a.m. #15267 10:00 a.m. #15270 11:00 a.m. #15271
Dogs must remain on leash when not in the water.
Register at
Lifeguards on duty, dogs swim at owner’s risk.
Aggressive dogs will be asked to leave and will not be refunded. Owners may not physically force their dogs into the water. Humans are not allowed in the water.
The City will be following State, County, and City guidelines regarding COVID-19 protocols.
Online Registration •