Cupertino Senior Center Activity Calendar
8:30-11:30 Ping Pong
9-11 Tennis 10-12 Cupertino TV Productions
1-4 Coloring and Crosswords
8:30-11:30 Ping Pong 9-11 Tennis 1-4 Coloring and Crosswords
9-11 Bocce Ball
12 September Birthday Bash
2 Extended Trips Presentation hosted by Collette
8-6:30 Trip: Railroad Square & Schulz Museum 9-12 Softball
10-11 Let’s Talk Technology 10-12 Needlecraft 10:30-12 Conversations
12-4 Open Card Playing and Bridge 1-4:30 Karaoke
9-12 Softball
10-11 Let’s Talk Technology 10-12 Needlecraft
10:30-12 Conversations
12-4 Open Card Playing and Bridge
1-4:30 Karaoke
9-11 Bocce Ball 10-11 Photo Offloading Workshop 25
9-11 Bocce Ball
10-11 Hoopla Workshop
11 Extended Trips
Registration hosted by Collette
1:30 Monthly MovieMinari (2020)
8:30-5:30 Trip: Treasures of Berkeley & Skates on the Bay 9-12 Softball 10-11 Let’s Talk Technology 10-12 Needlecraft 10:30-12 Conversations
12-4 Open Card Playing and Bridge 1-4:30 Karaoke 2 Senior Advisory Council Meeting
26 9-12 Softball 10-11 Let’s Talk Technology 10-12 Needlecraft 10:30-12 Conversations 12-4 Open Card Playing and Bridge 1-4:30 Karaoke
12-4 Mah Jongg 12:30-3:30 Bingo hosted by the Senior Advisory Council 1-4:30 Ping Pong 2:30-4:30 Tech Time
13 9-11 Tennis 12-4 Mah Jongg 12:30-3:30 Bingo hosted by the Senior Advisory Council 1-4:30 Ping Pong
20 9-11 Tennis 10-12 Senior Adult Legal Aid (SALA) 12-4 Mah Jongg
12:30-3:30 Bingo hosted by the Senior Advisory Council 1-4:30 Ping Pong 2:30-4:30 Tech Time
27 9-11 Tennis 12-4 Mah Jongg 12:30-3:30 Bingo hosted by the Senior Advisory Council 1-4:30 Ping Pong
Cupertino Senior Center Activity Calendar October
8-11 Pickleball 10-11 Volunteer Orientation
10-12 Golf
12-4 Rummikub
8:30-11:30 Ping Pong 9-11 Tennis 10-12 Cupertino TV Productions 1-4 Coloring and Crosswords
2:30-4:30 Ballroom Dance Social 8
8:30-11:30 Ping Pong 9-11 Tennis
1 Host/Hostess Meeting 1-4 Coloring and Crosswords
2 9-11 Bocce Ball
9-4:30 Trip: Venturing in Historic Morgan Hill Pumpkin Patch
1-4 Caregiver Network Counseling 2-4 Tech Troubleshooting
10 50+ Sandlots vs. Staff Softball Game 10-11 Let’s Talk Technology 10-12 Needlecraft 10:30-12 Conversations 12-4 Open Card Playing and Bridge 1-4:30 Karaoke
9-11 Tennis
12-4 Mah Jongg 12:30-3:30 Bingo hosted by the Senior Advisory Council
1-4:30 Ping Pong 2:30-4:30 Tech Time
8:30-11:30 Ping Pong 9-11 Tennis 10-12 Cupertino TV Productions 1-4 Coloring and Crosswords 1-2:30 Caregiver Support Group
9 9-11 Bocce Ball 12 Oktoberfest Birthday Bash
9-11 Bocce Ball
9:30-11:30 ChatGPT Workshop 1:30-2:45 CTVP Encore Event: “The Making of an Ikebana Master
9-12 Softball 10-11 Let’s Talk Technology 10-12 Needlecraft 10:30-12 Conversations 12-4 Open Card Playing and Bridge 1-4:30 Karaoke 11 9-11 Tennis 12-4 Mah Jongg 12:30-3:30 Bingo hosted by the Senior Advisory Council 1-4:30 Ping Pong
17 9-12 Softball 10-11 Let’s Talk Technology 10-12 Needlecraft 10:30-12 Conversations 12-4 Open Card Playing and Bridge 1-4:30 Karaoke
9-11 Tennis 10-12 Senior Adult Legal Aid (SALA) 12-4 Mah Jongg 12:30-3:30 Bingo hosted by the Senior Advisory Council 1-4:30 Ping Pong 2:30-4:30 Tech Time
9-11 Tennis 12-4 Mah Jongg
Bingo hosted by the Senior Advisory Council 1-4:30 Ping Pong