Addressing Storage Capacity Limitations for Digital Evidence Management Systems

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IT Governance Business Case

Durham Police Department

Addressing Storage Capacity Limitations for
Evidence Management Systems


The City of Durham Police Department utilizes various containers for digital evidence storage, including local storage via Nutanix on premise data center, and cloud storage via Foray Digital Evidence Management System and Axon This evidence comes from Axon capture devices such as in-car and body-work cameras, helmet camps, and phones. The Foray data is collected and uploaded by Forensics and Investigators working crime scenes, and local storage is mostly comprised of historical data and some active evidentiary data.

The various digital evidence storage locations have storage limits and are paid for a la carte, costing the City of Durham more based on the utilization per terabyte. Below are the storage solutions' limits and the utilized storage capacity:

Storage Solution Storage Capacity Storage Used Storage Remaining Growth/month Local Storage 18.11 TB 16.59 TB 1.52 TB .54 TB Foray DEMS 30 TB 27.53 TB 2.47 TB .48 TB Axon Evidence 162 TB 190.6 TB -28.6 TB 4 TB

Current Business Problem

The current digital evidence storage solutions are nearing capacity in terms of the available storage. Axon Solution has exceeded the available storage capacity and is increasing the balance owed by the City of Durham as the data storage continues to increase. The rate of growth for stored digital evidence data requires additional storage capacity to meet the needs of PD.

The current Axon Evidence contract has 32 months remaining.

Current Pain Points

•Local storage is near capacity and is expected to reach capacity by May 2024. The current growth rate for local storage is .54 TB per month.

•Foray DEMS storage is near capacity and is expected to reach capacity by August 2024. The current growth rate for Foray DEMS is .48 TB per month

•Axon Evidence storage has exceeded capacity by 28.6 TB, and the current growth rate is 1 TB per week.

•The Police Department doesn't have the available storage capacity to meet the growing needs of digital evidence storage retention.

Desired Business Value

City of Durham's Strategic Plan Goal:

Goal 2: Create a Safer Community Together

Goal 4: Innovative & High Performing Organization

TS Objective 1: Plan and allocate IT investments in accordance with the City's IT Governance model to ensure sustainable growth

Future State Benefits

• Adequate storage capacity for digital evidence management, meeting the digital evidence data growth needs

• Improved stewardship of data capacity of PD’s local storage, Foray DEMS, and Axon Evidence.

• Local storage growth will not be utilized and not need to be expanded

• Foray DEMS storage capacity will not need to be expanded

• Improved oversight and management of IT resources through increased level of partnership between TS and PD

Analysis and Recommended Solution


• Axon storage costs are $672 per TB/year


• Actual data growth expectancy. Below numbers are projections based on recent data growth

The below chart is based on 36 months costs, although the remainder of contract is 32 months Including another

Storage Solution TB Growth per month Expected Annual Growth Year 1 Cost Year 2 Cost Year 3 Cost Total 3 year cost Nutanix .54 TB 6.48 TB $4,354.56 $8,709.12 $13,063.68 $26,127.36 Foray DEMS .48 TB 5.76 TB $3,870.72 $7,741.44 $11,612.16 $23,224.32 Axon Evidence 4 TB 48 $32,256.00 $64,512.00 $96,768.00 $225,792.00 Total Growth Total Cost $275,143.68
Annualized growth a la carte storage cost projections (current subscription model)
2 years would bring total cost to $342,343.68 if payments were annualized based on storage increases

Capitalized a la carte storage cost projections


• Axon storage costs are $672 per TB/year

• Based on historical data growth, the amount of data growth expected over next 32 months is 160.64 TB


• Actual data growth expectancy. Below numbers are projections based on recent data growth

Storage Solution TB Growth per month Estimated 32 month growth Nutanix .54 TB 17.28 TB Foray DEMS .48 TB 15.36 TB Axon Evidence 4 TB 128 TB Total Estimated Growth 160.64 TB Total Capitalized Cost (161 TB) $290,572.80 Plus 49 TB Contingency $360,960.00

Capitalized unlimited storage costs

• Axon is providing an additional option to convert to unlimited storage for the remainder of the 32-month contract for $407,828.80

• The costs can be broken into 3 annualized payments or capitalized in one payment

• This option would ensure that regardless of data growth, storage would be available in an unlimited capacity

Additional Considerations

• Projected costs for annualized and capitalized a la carte options are based on recent historical growth data. This is not indicative of the actual evidence storage growth needs in the future

• There are unknown variables that could impact data growth from public safety events such as elections, riots, etc.

• Actual costs are not certain, and due to the nature of the data storage need it is important to ensure adequate storage capacity for digital evidence management

• Once the current Axon contract is expired, the contract renewal or new contract with newly selected vendor should account for unlimited storage

• Oversight of PD IT resources should be increasingly shared with Technology Solutions to ensure adequate future growth planning and forecasting to prevent emergency needs from arising in the future, such as this

Recommended Solution:

Purchase unlimited storage package with Axon for remainder of contract & ensure next storage contract has unlimited storage


Purchasing the unlimited storage package from Axon for the remainder of the contract will ensure PD has the needed digital evidence storage capacity for projected data growth, also considering unknown variables impacting data storage growth


• Adequate storage capacity for digital evidence management, meeting the digital evidence data growth needs

• Improved stewardship of data capacity of PD’s Nutanix, Foray DEMS, and Axon Evidence.

• N/A


Security Review

The recommended solution meets the cyber security standards for the City of Durham.

Architecture Review

The recommended solution meets the architectural standards for the City of Durham.

Recommended Solution - Project Financial Estimate

COST ESTIMATES FUNDING Description Implementation Costs (Hours) Post Implementation Run Costs (Hours)/ KTLO Departmental Funding Amount: $ 0.00 Labor $ (Hours) Internal TS Department: 35 hours Hours Funding Requested (Y/N): Y Business Analysis 10 Hours hours Internal Labor New FTE – Year 1 Costs $0.00 hours Project One Time Costs (External) $0.00 PMO Implementation 25 hours hours *Total Project Funding Requested for Year 1 $121,553.23 Recurring Costs: Durham Police Department 5 hours hours Year 2 $136,275.57 Year 3 $150,000.00 External Labor $: $0.00 Professional Services: $0.00 Non-Labor $ Annual unlimited Digital Evidence Storage add-on $121,553.23 Year 2: $136,275.57

Risk Identification

Description of Risk Risk Impact (High/Medium/Low) Mitigated (Y/N) Contingency(Y/N) Vendor performance Low N N Cyber Security Low N N Project Team Turnover Low N N Poor Execution Low N N

Mitigation Risk (Costs)

• N/A

Contingency Risk (Costs)

• N/A

Our ask

We are asking the IT Governance Steering Committee to approve the business case for the Police Department to purchase add-on unlimited storage package for digital evidence data storage for the remainder of the Axon Evidence contract

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