IT Governance Business Case
ExacqVision Surveillance
Appliance Refresh
Durham Police Department
The City of Durham uses ExacqVision for the fleet of fixed cameras around the city. The cameras are in areas like parking garages, buildings, throughout City Hall, and the police department. General Services manages the ExacqVision service and cameras for the enterprise, while Police manages their own cameras and associated appliances.
General Services ExacqVision appliances previously underwent a refresh; however, the Police headquarters appliances did not undergo the refresh. The Police headquarters appliances for ExacqVision are now in need of a refresh.
Current Business Problem
The current appliances for ExacqVision cameras need replacement. The hardware is hosting four virtual servers in the City's data center, two of which are end-of-life and two which are reaching end-of-life in 2025. The inability to upgrade the operating systems on the hardware leave the systems at a security risk. To upgrade the operating systems, the hardware must be replaced as well. Additionally, there are plans to improve security and safety by expanding cameras and sensors. The current infrastructure will not have the capacity to support the data input from the cameras and sensors, necessitating the need for an upgrade.
Current Pain Points
•The current hardware will not support upgrade to Windows 11.
•Two of the appliances, operating Ibuntu 18.04 are past their end-oflife date, creating a security risk. The remaining two appliances will be approaching their end-of-life in 2025.
•The cameras are in process of being replaced, and the current appliances, whether supported or not, will not have the capacity to support the data input from the new cameras and sensors.
Desired Business Value
City of Durham's Strategic Plan Goal:
Goal 2: Create a Safer Community Together
Goal 4: Innovative & High Performing Organization
Future State Benefits
• Supported appliance hardware and software
• Improved cyber security posture
• Infrastructure that can handle both current and future-state data input loads from cameras and sensors
• Improved security and safety posture from camera expansion enablement
Analysis and Recommended Solution
• ExacqVision ties the operating systems to the physical hardware, so in-place operating system upgrades are not possible. When the OS needs to be upgraded, so does the hardware
• The four servers currently running on the hardware are Windows 10 (2) and Ibuntu 18.04 (2)
• Ibuntu 18.04 end-of-life was May 31,2023
• Windows 10 end-of-life is October 2025
• There are currently four appliances deployed due to the amount of data input from the cameras and sensors. These appliances will be replaced with two improved appliances which can handle the current and future-state data input loads from cameras and sensors.
Recommended Solution: Refresh ExacqVision Server Appliances
Replace the ExacqVision server appliances with upgraded hardware and operating systems
• Supported hardware and software for ExacqVision cameras
• Improved cyber security posture
• Infrastructure capable of handling large sensor and camera data inputs
• Improved security and safety posture from camera expansion enablement
• N/A
Security Review
The recommended solution meets the cyber security standards for the City of Durham.
Architecture Review
The recommended solution meets the architectural standards for the City of Durham.
Recommended Solution - Project Financial Estimate
Risk Identification
Mitigation Risk (Costs)
• N/A
Contingency Risk (Costs)
• N/A
Our ask
We are asking the IT Governance Steering Committee to approve the business case for the Police Department to refresh their Exacq Vision appliances.