IT Governance Business Case
Microsoft is ending support for Windows 10 in 2025, unless additional support is procured. 68% of the City's hardware is compliant with the requirements for an upgrade to Windows 11, however, 32% of the city's current hardware is not compliant with the requirements needed for upgrading to Windows 11, necessitating the need for upgrading the city's computers.
The IT Governance Steering Committee approved the PC replacement project funds in FY24, for phase 1 of the 3-year replacement plan.
Current Business Problem
The business problem was defined in the FY24 Business Case, Upgrading
PC Hardware in Preparation for Windows 11 Deployment
. Funding was approved and provided for the first year of the project, however, continued funding as noted in the initial business case is required for continuation of the project.
TS only requested partial funding due to lack of human resources available to complete the project within a one-year timeframe. However, with a new tool requested this year, we anticipate the ability to double our productivity and complete the PC replacement project, if funding is approved.
Current Pain Points
• Windows 10 will not have performance or security values required by the City moving forward due to Microsoft sunsetting support on the operating system.
• 40% of PC hardware is not capable of running Windows 11.
Future State Benefits
Refreshed hardware will allow the City to run Windows 11, providing the below benefits:
• Maintaining strong cyber security posture from most current and secure, and supported operating system
• Enterprise computing hardware will maintain industry compliance
• Easier and more efficient computer repairs and replacements
• Opportunity to take advantage of cutting-edge feature released for Microsoft Windows 11
• Receiving automated security updates for Microsoft Windows 11 without utilizing TS staff resources
• Windows 11 integrates more efficiently with Microsoft 365, Teams, and Edge browser
Desired Business Value
City of Durham's Strategic Plan Goal:
Innovative & High Performing Organization
TS Objective 3: Maintain and modernize all the City's assets to align to the evolving and emerging technologies in the marketplace for business units
Analysis and Recommended Solution
Hardware Upgrade Project Updates
• Last fiscal year there was $125,636.00 in carry-over funding, and $69,993.00 in reallocated CIP funding resulting in a year 1 need of $52,936.00 totaling $248,565.00.
• Since the Windows 11 compliant PC replacement project began, 297 computers have been replaced/deployed with an expected total of 437 computers to be replaced/deployed at the end of the fiscal year 24. At that time 1199 computers will be operating Windows 11, including computers that were compliant with hardware requirements. The City of Durham has 2798 Windows machines across the enterprise.
• The estimated funding for replacing the remaining 767 computers was $497,130.00 plus an additional $20,000.00 accounting for price changes on the state contract, totaling a need of $517,130.00 for the remainder of the project. The state contract remains the most competitive pricing on the market for the needed PCs.
Comparative Imaging Times
• This time is representative of the time it takes to image a computer and have it ready for use by a City of Durham employee. It does not represent the holistic process of ordering, unboxing, inventorying, and deploying the device to the end-user, nor the back-end process of disposing of the replaced asset
• The process of deploying the remaining expected computers without the use of SmartDeploy comes at a high opportunity cost, whereas with Smart Deploy, not only is the process streamlined and made more efficient, but it also allows for human capital to be reallocated to other important tasks
Comparative Deployment Times
Without SmartDeploy
With SmartDeploy
Estimated Project Completion Timelines
• If the PC Replacement Project is not completed by the October 2025 deadline, there will be additional costs to the City of Durham to secure the noncompliant devices via Extended Security Updates (ESU). The pricing structure for these ESUs will not be released until just before the EOL date. Being able to leverage SmartDeploy and receiving 100% of the remaining needed funding for FY25 will ensure that all non-compliant devices are replaced prior to the EOL date for Windows 10
Recommended Solution:
Provide the remaining needed funding for the Windows 11 compliant PC Replacement Project
Approve the remaining funding needed for the Windows 11 compliant hardware replacement project
• Current / active warranty on computers and hardware
• Maintain and improve cybersecurity
• Automated Windows 11 upgrades and updated features
• More efficient repairs, replacement, & troubleshooting
• Extremely good price point on hardware
• **All noncompliant computers replaced by EOL**
• Some disruption to work-unit for replacement
Security Review
The recommended solution meets the cyber security standards for the City of Durham.
Architecture Review
The recommended solution meets the architectural standards for the City of Durham.
Recommended Solution - Project Financial Estimate With SmartDeploy
* The total project funding requested is for year 2 of the project
Recommended Solution - Project Financial Estimate Without Smart Deploy
Risk Identification
Mitigation Risk (Costs)
• N/A
Contingency Risk (Costs)
• N/A
Our ask
We are asking the IT Governance Steering Committee to approve the remaining needed funding to complete the Windows 11 compliant PC hardware replacement project.