Edmond City Council 2024 Strategic Plan

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The 2024 City Council Strategic Plan identifies the initiatives for the council to move forward during the calendar year. The prioritization was voted on by all five council members and based upon numerous factors including need, budget, opportunity and timing. Prioritization scale is from highest ★★★★ to lowest ★

Strategic Initiative 1 QUALITY OF LIFE

Ensure the highest level of city services that are fiscally responsible, well-staffed and technologically advanced ★ ★ ★ ★ Provide walk-in face-to-face customer service at North Timbers for utility questions and payments ★ ★ ★ ★ Support the completion of the City Center Complex within budget ★ ★ Support development and implementation of the Smart Choice customer portal ★ ★ Support development of the revised Water Treatment Plant expansion plan

★ ★ Support the improvement and expansion of youth sports facilities to best meet the needs of the community ★ ★ Support the development of a new master plan for Mitch Park ★ ★ Support the funding and construction of a new, comprehensive Edmond Veterans Memorial Provide the highest level of public safety and emergency planning education to our residents ★ ★ ★ Support the construction and appropriate staffing of fire station #6 ★ ★ ★ Pursue acquisition of land for a future fire station #7 ★ ★ ★ Support the design and construction of the expansion of the police training facility ★ ★ Support the design and construction of a joint-use facility for police and lake staff at Arcadia Lake

Carefully and thoughtfully manage future capital project needs

Strategic Initiative 2

★ ★ ★ ★ Continue to support the construction of upgrades to AC Caplinger Ballfields at Hafer Park

Pursue appropriate transit and mobility solutions for residents of a modern, growing city

★ ★ ★ ★ Pursue appropriate repairs and/or replacement of facilities at Pelican Bay ★ ★ ★ ★ Support the construction of a second library and YMCA facility within budget ★ ★ Support the construction of the Route 66 trail connector ★ ★ Support the design and construction of the Creek Bend Trail ★ Identify funding for the implementation of initial phases of the Arcadia Lake Masterplan Encourage and support diverse cultural and historical activities for all residents in the community ★ ★ ★ ★ Support the continued development efforts at The Uncommon Ground Sculpture Park ★ ★ ★ Prioritize investment in maintenance of current park properties


★ ★ ★ ★ Complete widening of intersection at Danforth and Kelly ★ ★ ★ ★ Implement Phase IV of the Intelligent Traffic System, to include appropriate staffing ★ ★ ★ Continue to support communication between city, county, state and federal stakeholders for funding a multi-year transportation project plan ★ ★ ★ Continued planning with ODOT for revamping of I-35 corridor to include one-way access roads and turnarounds and future beautification ★ ★ ★ Increase funding to implement updated pavement management plan ★ ★ ★ Utilize recommendations from studies to enhance pedestrian safety and provide increased sidewalk linkage

★ ★ Support the construction of interim improvements to the Danforth and Sooner intersection ★ ★ Reconfigure Boulevard between 2nd and Main Street and support corresponding utility relocation and improvements ★ ★ Completion of Covell Parkway development ★ Support efforts of Regional Transit Authority’s commuter rail project ★ Determine and implement long-term funding solution for expanded Citylink bus routes Engage in aggressive economic development to create more local jobs and generate revenue to serve our residents ★ ★ Encourage development and growth in Downtown TIF District including creation of advisory board ★ Explore options for city-owned properties in Downtown after office consolidation ★ Pursue development of indoor sports complex at I-35 & Covell ★ Support growth and expansion of GuthrieEdmond Regional Airport Promote tourism and conference opportunities to enhance visitor experience and economic impact ★ ★ Expand tourism efforts by setting a date for a visitor tax increase election ★ Implement enhanced system for place marking and wayfinding

Strategic Initiative 3 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT

Promote a variety of affordable housing in Edmond, including more dense, multi-family options, to meet the needs of a diverse community and workforce ★ Consider recommendations from the housing assessment study

Encourage and support sustainability efforts that preserve and protect the environment for future generations ★ ★ ★ Implement flexibility into code to encourage stormwater management best practices ★ ★ ★ Support staff efforts to educate and enforce best practices for stormwater management to reduce flash flooding Ensure a healthy and diverse community by promoting neighborhoods, recreational resources, and community development policies and procedures ★ ★ ★ ★ Continue implementation of solutions to meet needs identified by community mental health needs assessment Support efforts to create and maintain an efficient development process that utilizes effective technology and tactics ★ ★ ★ Implement the Edmond Plan, 2018

Strategic Initiative 4 PEOPLE & PARTNERSHIPS

Strengthen relationships at all levels of government to ensure the highest level of service for residents ★ ★ ★ ★ Pursue additional state and federal funding for project needs ★ Create appropriate partnership(s) to pursue potential Performing Arts Center in Downtown Edmond Engage the local community using all available tools ★ ★ ★ Support staff efforts to expand community education initiatives on key topics Equip boards and commissions with residents that provide valuable input to positively impact the community and organization ★ ★ Appoint citizens committee to recommend appropriate projects and funding levels for a General Obligation bond election Strengthen partnerships with local educational institutions for growth and future infrastructure needs ★ ★ ★ Enhance relationships with education partners to mutually improve traffic planning and management near schools

Darrell A. Davis Mayor May 2025 darrell.davis@edmondok.gov


Tom Robins Council Member Ward 1 May 2027 tom.robins@edmondok.gov

Edmond strives to be a diverse and innovative hometown committed to excellence through leadership, balanced growth and cooperation. These high standards will only be accomplished in full partnership with the community.

OUR MISSION The Edmond City Council leads by setting policy for City direction, by balancing growth and by serving as stewards of assets for today’s, as well as tomorrow’s, community and citizens.

Barry Moore Council Member Ward 2 May 2027 barry.moore@edmondok.gov

O U R CO R E VA LU E S Truth | We seek the truth and allow for fair and thorough deliberation. Integrity | We operate on the foundation of trust by honoring honest and open discussion with each other and our citizens.

Christin Mugg Council Member Ward 3 May 2025 christin.mugg@edmondok.gov

Proactive | We believe in visionary leadership by creating opportunities for the citizens of Edmond to grow and define their community. Communication | We provide opportunities for diverse expression of thought and dialogue. Service | We believe in nurturing and advancing a united partnership between the Council, the City Staff and our Citizens.

Stacie A. Peterson Council Member Ward 4 May 2025 stacie.peterson@edmondok.gov

The 2024 Edmond City Council Strategic Plan was drafted by the sitting city council in November 2023. A mid-year review will take place by the sitting city council in June 2024.

Accountability | We have high standards with regard to our monetary responsibilities, actions and performance and we hold ourselves accountable to these high standards.

City of Edmond | P.O. Box 2 9 7 0 , Edmond, OK 73083 – 2970 (4 0 5 ) 3 5 9 – 4 5 0 4 | EdmondOK.gov © Copyright 20 2 4 City of Edmond. All Rights Reserved. Produced by the City of Edmond Marketing & Public Relations Department.

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