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Bond Project Expenditures

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The following table shows all bond project related expenditures. Bond Project Expenditures

Project Total Project Budget Bond Project Budget FY19 Total Project Expenses FY20 Bond Fund Expenses FY20 Other Fund Expenses FY20 Total Project Expenses Total Project Expenses to Date

Park Renovation Projects Tugman Park $1,000,000 $750,000 $269,543 $232,020 $19,206 $251,226 $520,769 Berkeley Park $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $50,653 $54,638 $16,796 $71,434 $122,087 Trails and Habitat Projects Amazon Park $1,535,000 $750,000 $72,393 $300,284 $127,528 $427,812 $500,205 Running Trail renovation Delta Ponds Loop $1,350,000 $480,000 $117,407 $175,767 $79,582 $255,349 $372,756 Trail completion Ridgeline Habitat $150,000 $150,000 $4,079 $16,775 $ $16,775 $20,854 restoration Amazon Creek $2,850,000 $400,000 $9,111 $ $36,978 $36,978 $46,089 Habitat restoration Safety/Lighting Improvements West Bank $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $30,700 $83,843 $ $83,843 $114,543 Path lighting Alton Baker Park $750,000 $750,000 $ $29,056 $13,195 $42,251 $42,251 (Pre’s Trail) Lighting School District Partnerships Churchill/YSP $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $ $19,037 $825 $19,862 $19,862 Community Center Planning Repairing and Improving Infrastructure Restroom $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $ $2,968 $ $2,968 $2,968 Improvements Community Centers, Pools & Fields Echo Hollow Pool $12,248,667 $7,963,667 $499,805 $3,763,423 $52,195 $3,815,618 $4,315,423 renovation Campbell $5,700,000 $3,850,000 $562,770 $2,084,245 $67,387 $2,151,632 $2,714,402 Community Center renovation Sheldon Pool $10,145,000 $7,445,000 $42,330 $179,345 $8,337 $187,682 $230,012 renovation Sports Complex $4,000,000 $775,000 $ $19,579 $1,448 $21,027 $21,027 Phase 1 New Park Development Striker Field $3,500,000 $267,000 $87,227 $740 $108,904 $109,644 $196,871 Riverfront Park $14,000,000 $500,000 $1,848,855 $ $3,966,213 $3,966,213 $5,815,068 Bond Issuance Costs

$933,500 $933,500 $255,779 $51,360 $ $51,360 $307,139

Total Spending $3,850,651 $7,013,079 $4,498,593 $11,511,672 $15,362,323

Eugene Parks and Recreation LEVY REPORT

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