Wishing everyone a merry, merry Christmas with family & friends and we look forward to seeing you all in 2025, a little year older and wiser. And remember:
“Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and receipts for all major purchases.” Bridger Winegar
November was a huge month with over 1200 seniors participating in 26 Seniors Week events over 8 days. Thank you to the Geraldton Seniors Week Committee who spent months planning and then working endlessly over the week. What a team!
2024 Seniors Week raffle winners.
Margaret Henderson was our first prize winner of the flyover to the Pink lakes valued at $620 donated by Shine Aviation. Congratulations to everyone who won a prize and for supporting the week.
QEII Volunteers
From July to November, we had 157 new members join bringing our total to1605 centre users. Thank you to our wonderful centre volunteers who greet people, fill out attendance sheets and assist in making the centre the friendly and thriving place it is. We appreciate your hard work and dedication.
The QEII Seniors & Community Centre is provided by the City of Greater Geraldton and funded by the State Government through the Department of Communities
Committee members L-R: Douglas Bruce, Heather Allen, Pat Parker, Jean Jones, Lina Mittoni
Aged Care Information Sessions
The Aged Care Information session On Tuesday 12 November as part of 2024 Seniors Week was very successful and additionally service providers set up during the week in the centre foyer and Stirling Central providing seniors with a great opportunity to discuss their individual needs.
Thank you!
To all involved in this year’s Seniors Week.
Now we have some figures on attendance, I thought it to be a good time to share with you, but more importantly, to acknowledge and say thank you for the continuing effort you put in and your dedication to making Seniors Week such a great success.
• There were 26 events including new activities
• 1200 attendees and participants
The mayor, Councillors and the CEO all attended during
the week which displays great support and highlights the significance of Seniors Week.
Once again, it was great to witness it all coming together, the camaraderie, the support and friendship you show to each other is commendable.
Well done everyone. Could you please pass this on to all of the volunteers who also work tirelessly.
Kind regards,
Peter Treharne Manager Community & Cultural Development
WISHES 2024 Merry Christmas
from Peter and the QEII Team
Lemon Marshmallow Slice by Wendy Eastough
If you’re asked to bring something special for a bring & share Christmas party this slice will be a hit. Wendy has perfected it and its delicious
Grease & Line a 12inch X 10-inch Swiss roll tin
Step 1- Pastry Case
2 tbls butter
1 ½ cups self-raising flour
1 egg
2 tbls sugar
2 tbls milk
Melt butter and sugar, add milk and well beaten egg, mix well and add flour
Combine together and press into line tin. (I use plastic glove or gladwrap)
Cook 15mins in moderate oven or till golden brown- do not overcook
Step 2 - Lemon Filling
Put into saucepan 1 cup water, 1 cup sugar until dissolved and add juice of 2 lemons (large). Add 1 generous dsps of custard powder & 1 heaped dsps cornflour. Bring to boil and stir fast with wooden spoon until thick. I put together in the pot with water and stir until thickens. Allow to cool and pour on pastry case.
Step 3 – Marshmallow
Put into mixing bowl 1 cup sugar, ½ cup boiling water. Dissolve 1 tbls gelatine in ½ cup hot water, add flavouring. When cool beat until it thickens, pour on lemon mixture. If a little sticky dust with coconut. Put in fridge to set, cut into pieces.
Line dancing
In November the QEII Line Dancers performed at Geraldton Shore Care Community and to Nazareth Care to spread some joy and love entertaining the residents who had a wonderful time enjoying the music.
Switched On Seniors
Facebook: Geraldton Switched on Seniors
Telephone 0474 639 961
Hi to you all, can you believe that Christmas is just four weeks away. There’s a saying “time flies when your having fun”. Our dear colleague Anne underwent another medical procedure recently and is recovering well. Anne was so pleased to have received a get-well card from us all. In the month of November, the beginner’s class were presented with the topic “What is the Cloud”, students found this topic very interesting, and now have a good understanding of how the data on their devices is backed up, also in Anne’s absence the beginners class requested assistance with resolving their specific issues on their smart devices.
The topic “What is Smart Home Technology” was presented to my continuous class. Students were shown a video clip of the multitude of appliances that could be connected remotely via their Wi-Fi network. Students found this topic very informative, also in November students requested assistance in resolving their specific issues on their smart devices, Our last class for the year will be on Thursday the 12th of December, and will recommence in the New Year on Thursday the 06th of February 2025. Anne and I would like to sincerely thank all our volunteers for their time and effort in the past year and would also like to thank our admin staff for managing our One-on-One appointments.
Anne and I wish to take this opportunity in wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
To All Readers: If you happen to see a topic in the Newsletter that you would like to learn or know more about, please feel free to join the class for that topic. You are most welcome to. Please contact us on 0474 639 961 for further information.
DID YOU KNOW? Here’s how to put a ‘contact information’ message on the front of your phone in case of loss
Android Phone: go to
Tap Settings
Tap Lock Screen
Tap Contact information: type your message here
Example: If found please contact (your email address) or (a different phone number)
Go back to the front screen and make sure it is locked. You will see your message displayed on the screen without unlocking your phone.
Watch out for iPhone instructions next month!
For Tuesday One-On-One appointments Please contact the Office on 9956 6636 . An available time will be allocated to you, to see the next available Volunteer.
As from Thursday the 06th February 2025
Beginner’s classes are every Thursday 9.00am until 10.00am except for School Holidays and our Continuing classes are also on Thursday, also beginning at 09:00 until 10:00am. We have places available in both classes.
Please like us and follow our progress and updates.
Your phone, your style…..
Testimonial from a QEII centre user:
I attended an Energy Ahead Workshop when they came to the Centre in May and found it very helpful. They offered a home visit and I accepted. When they came to my house, they checked all my electrical appliances to see how much power I was using and I found out when I boil the kettle it cost me 20c and it was more economical when slow cooking food to use my slow cooker than my gas stove. They also made me aware that I wasn’t receiving the energy rebate, and advised how to go about getting it. They also replaced my globes with LED globes for free. After I received my next power bill they gave me a courtesy call to see how it was all going.
Highly recommended as I am making savings on my energy bill.
Pensioners Social Club
Many people arrived early at the 5 November meeting to see Lyn at the door and pay for our yearly Christmas Lunch. The price this year is $35
We made a cup of tea and chatted to friends until Val opened the meeting and welcomed us all. The door prize was handed out and happy birthday was sung to quite a few people celebrating November birthdays, including me, We discussed the coming Christmas meeting and were encouraged to bring a present to the cost of $10 to share.
We talked about taking a drive into the country by bus to see the big tractor early in the New Year that is in Carnamah. It’s the biggest tractor ever built, and many people are interested in seeing it. Only if the bus is filled, we will go as the trip otherwise becomes too expensive.
We then had our monthly raffles and strangely many of the prizes were won by the same two people. We wished them good luck. At 11am our guest speaker, a young police officer provided information on crime scene prevention, improving home
security, reporting what we see, Neighborhood watch, Safety in your home and Always having the phone by your bed side.
Make sure your vehicle is safe always and is locked. Reduce risk by closing the windows. Never leave your handbags or any money/jewelry on your seats or in places where it can be seen. If you see suspicious activity ring the police.
Join Neighborhood Watch to protect yourself and the people in your Street.
For Life threatening Emergencies call 000
You can also report anonymously to Crime stoppers on 1800 333 000 if you have any information about any crime or suspicious activity.
Stay safe over the Festive season.
Note: This scribe position is becoming vacant next year; If you are interested in writing the article for the committee see Val or Lyn. They will be grateful for your help.
Maria Flavel
Please note – No meeting in January
One persons junk is another person’s treasure and if your looking at getting rid of some treasures the Pensioners Social Club are always after donations for their trading table.
Snippets of my life
With Hazel Burton
Hazel was born in New South Wales and completed a hairdressing apprenticeship. She travelled overseas, working in Norway and England before returning to Australia where she met her future husband to be, Richard.
Richard came from Geraldton and was a top clay shooter and they met in NSW. Hazel moved to Geraldton in 1971 to join him and they got married and Geraldton has been her home ever since. Over the years they enjoyed travelling to many interesting places together.
About 24 years ago, Hazel learned about a gentle gym class at the centre, where she met Betty Bunn and Iris McKenzie, one of the original instructors.
Hazel has been attending ever since and has been involved as a volunteer for most of that time, leading the class.
“It is a very important part of my life, helps keep me healthy, I have met many great people and made many long-term friends. I’d recommend it to anyone to keep your body flexible and physically active,” Hazel says.
$70 Christmas ham donated by Woolworths Competition closes Thursday 19 December, must be a registered QEII Seniors & Community Centre member to enter. Email rosettaf@cgg.wa.gov.au or drop your entry into the QEII Seniors & Community Centre
QEII Knitters & Crochet Group
The QEII Knitters & Crochet Group are made up of approximately 30 members ranging from 70 to 90 years old and work hard all year to provide donations to those in need. They even deliver the items too. Amazing work everyone
2024 Beneficiaries
A total of 1390 knitted & crocheted items were made and donated by the QEII knitters & Crochet Group to the following organisations in 2024:
Cancer council, Geraldton
Geraldton Regional HospitalMaternity and Cardiology Department
Geraldton Police station
St John Ambulance, Geraldton
Local Charities – Ngala, Mission Australia, Variety Club, Geraldton Flexible Learning Centre, Centacare, Desert Blue Connect, Salvation Army Geraldton, Department of Communities, Vinnies, Crawford House (Perth)
Schools – 8 local schools
Additionally recycled items including art packages, books, toys and wool scraps were donated to schools in the region.
MONDAY TUESDAY 8.30 9.30 Pole Walking Free 9.00 10.30 10.00 11.30 Over 50’s Gentle Gym Free WEDNESDAY
11.30 12.30 Parkinson Support Group Free 12.30 4.00 Canasta Free 1.00 3.00 Table Tennis $5.00 *SAG 1.00 4.00 Scrabble Free
7.00 8.00 Walk Group Free Meet at Two Foreshore 9.00 4.00 11.00 6.00 Pickle Ball Pickle Ball $5.00 $5.00 9.00 1.00 Understanding your hand held device $5.00 Appt only. 9.30 11.30 Dementia Carers Support Group Free 1st Tuesday of the month
THURSDAY 9.00 Noon Knitters & Crochet Group $0.50 9.00 10.00 Over 50’s Gentle Gym Free 9.00 Noon Art Class $5.00 10.00 Noon Chess Free 10.15 11.15 Rehabilitation Gym Free Referral required 1.00 3.00 English as a Second Language Free 1.00 4.00 Euchre & Frustration $5.00 *SAG
9.00 10.15 10.00 11.15 Switched on Seniors / Beginners Class Continuation Class Free Free Bring own device 9.00 11.00 Mahjong Free 8.30 Noon Chat N Do Craft Group $2.00 Not on 1st Thurs of the Month 10.00 12.30 *PSC Meeting 1st Thurs Monthly