Anne Dixon has been a dedicated volunteer at Centacare for many years, playing an invaluable role in their Christmas volunteer team. December and January are particularly busy months for her, as she engages in various activities such as sorting Christmas donations, wrapping hampers and gifts, volunteering at the Christmas Day Community lunch, and assisting with Centacare’s Back to School Project. In addition to her work with Centacare, Anne also dedicates time to visiting lonely individuals in the community.
Anne runs the “Switched on Seniors” program with Roger Cefai at the QEII Centre, where she teaches seniors how to use their mobile devices and stay connected and up to date with technology. Congratulations Anne!
Congrats Roger
One of our valued volunteers Roger Cefai, from the Switchedon Seniors group was nominated for the City of Greater Geraldton 2025 Australia Day award for his dedication to helping seniors develop their technological skills. He may not have won the top prize but he’s a winner in our books!
Over 50’s Geraldton
Life Facebook
Thank you to our 1875 followers for supporting Over 50’s Geraldton Life Facebook page. Do you have an upcoming event, interesting senior story etc we’d love to connect and advertise it
The QEII Seniors & Community Centre is provided by the City of Greater Geraldton and funded by the State Government through the Department of Communities
Dementia Australia will be returning to Geraldton on the 4th and 5th March 2025 to continue consultations to develop community informed and led Dementia -Friendly initiatives in the Midwest region.
We invite people living with dementia, their care -partners, families, friends and interested members of the community to come and chat with Dementia Australia about your ideas and concerns to identify locally based and community led plans and solutions.
How can you get involved?
An informal and open Community Forum will be held on Tuesday 4th March from 4pm to 5.30 pm in the Lower Hall, QEII Seniors & Community Centre. Light refreshments will be provided.
Individual consultations will also be available with Community Development staff between 9am and 12.30 on Tuesday 4th March at the QEII Centre and 9am and 10.30 on Wednesday 5th March at Dome, Geraldton
Please call or email Jane Wells, Community Development Officer, Dementia Australia on 08 6116 8638 or for further information or to book a time.
This project is supported by The City of Greater Geraldton QEII Seniors & Community Centre and funded by the Lockwood Foundation, to support the development of Dementia-Friendly Community initiatives in the Midwest.
by Jean Steer
Pumpkin, pineapple and prune cake
½ cup plain flour
½ cup self raising flour
¾ cup caster sugar
½ tspn bicarbonate of soda
½ cup vegetable oil
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 ½ cups icing sugar
15g soft butter
1 cup coarsely grated butternut pumpkin
½ cup coarsely chopped pitted dates
½ cup canned crushed pineapple, well drained
2 tbs lemon juice
1 tbs water
1. Preheat oven to 190 degrees Celsius. Grease a 20cm round cake pan, line with baking paper.
2. Cake - Sift the flours and add sugar and bicarb of soda into a bowl. Add oil, eggs, pumpkin, prunes and pineapple. Stir until combined. Spread into prepared pan, bake approx. 45 minutes. Stand in pan for 5 minutes when taken out of the oven.
3. Lemon glace icing – Sift icing sugar into heatproof bowl, stir in butter, lemon juice and enough water to make a firm paste. Stir over a small saucepan of simmering water unto spreadable.
Come along and dip into a range of writing and art techniques with creative writing specialist, Lorraine Chapman. Taste intuitive, memoir and fiction writing. Take a bite of drawing, painting and collage using some surprising everyday materials. Discover the benefits of journalling, have fun and see what decides to turn up on your page.
Tuesday afternoons 1:30 to 3:30pm at the QEII Seniors & Community Centre
March 4, 11, 18, 25 and April 1 & 8
Cost is $5
Suitable for experienced artists and writers and complete beginners.
All art materials, visual art diary and afternoon tea supplied.
To register – contact the QEII office on 9956 6636
Snippets of My Life
With Irene Shepherd
The QEII Knitters & Crochet Group began17 years ago when Irene Shepherd donated a crocheted blanket to a group as a raffle prize. A few people asked her if she would share her skills and teach them. And so, the group began with Irene as the group coordinator/ centre volunteer. The group has donated thousands of knitted items/ recycled toys to communities locally, statewide and even internationally. For a few years, every Friday morning Irene had a small stall set up in the centre foyer and people donated bric a brac, plants etc with proceeds going to the Royal Flying Doctor. We wish Irene the best and thank her for the dedication and hard work in making a difference in our communities. Note: Jean Jones and Jean Steer (picture with me below) are also two of the original members that still attend.
By the way – a video reel of the group on Over 50’s Geraldton Life Facebook page on the 23 January 2025 has currently 53.6k views. Check it out
Holland Street – 1 rug, 1 raffle rug, 1 bag wool scraps.
Switched On Seniors
Facebook: Geraldton Switched on Seniors Telephone 0474 639 961
Hands Up all those who made New Year’s resolutions! Great, how are you going with those? Some good, some not so good, do I hear you say?
Now hands up all those who said,
“This is the year I’m going to learn how to use this phone/ tablet properly. I’ve had enough of not knowing how to do this and how to do that and asking other people to do it for me. It’s driving me crazy! I don’t understand what I’m doing.”
Then this is for YOU
Come and meet our volunteers for Personal help for BEGINNERS to learn how to Use your phone, tablet or iPad.
WHERE? QEII Seniors & Community Centre, 88, Durlacher Street Geraldton.
WHEN? Thursday mornings from 20th March from 9.00 am to 10.00 am (except school holidays) Numbers are limited so please BOOK by calling 0474 639 961
Our continuous class commenced classes the 6 February, some interesting topics were presented, avoiding common scams, Saving money on your mobile data, how to air drop and quick share on iPhone and android devices. I do encourage students to complete the activities and gain a certificate of the topic being presented each Thursday. More interesting topics will be presented in the month of March.
To All Readers: If you happen to see a topic in the Newsletter that you would like to learn or know more about, please feel free to join the class for that topic. You are most welcome. Please contact us on 0474 639 961 for further information
Our appointment system for Tuesdays is well attended. For One-On-One appointments contact the Office on 9956 6636. A time will be allocated to you, to see the next available Volunteer.
Beginner’s classes commence Thursday the 20 March, 9.00am to 10.00am (except for School Holidays) The continuous class is on a Thursday, also beginning at 09:00 until 10:00am (except for school holidays) We have places available in both classes.
YOU KNOW? Here’s how to put a ‘contact information’ message on the front of your phone in case of loss
Android Phone: go to
Tap Settings
Tap Lock Screen
Tap Contact information: type your message here
Example: If found please contact (your email address) or (a different phone number)
Go back to the front screen and make sure it is locked. You will see your message displayed on the screen without unlocking your phone.
Please like us and follow our
Your phone, your style…..
10am Sunday 9 March 2025 starting at Bob Davies Park
(opposite Geraldton’s iconic lighthouse)
Join us for a leisurely 8km ride to Glendinning Park, finishing up at the Geraldton Surf Life Saving Club. Afterwards enjoy a complimentary coffee and the opportunity to purchase a delicious, healthy lunch. All types of wheels are welcome, but don’t forget your helmet!
Participants must register via QR code or by visiting
Seniors Action Group
Happy Autumn to all our members family and friends.
The March flower is the Daffodil and birthstone is Aquamarine.
The AGM meeting was held 11th February at 10.30am and opened by President Trevor Hansen and 36 members attended.
Have a go day was not successful.
We had 12 new members in the last month, a big welcome to you all.
Five committee members are retiring this year: Pauline Fowler, Dexter Fowler, Janet Roden, Jan Wennekes and Judy Kendrick-Currell. Thank you for your hard work and commitment,
Appreciation Certificates were awarded to 22 members. Congratulations!
Meritorious Awards were awarded to 6 members
Congratulations on this welldeserved award.
In February one Get well Card and two Sympathy Cards were sent.
Monthly lunch was delicious. The menu was Crumbed Chicken, Macaroni and Salad followed by lamington cheesecake & vanilla ice cream.
Lucky Card winners were Lynne Blackmore and Faye Wright.
A few words from Jan Wennekes
In 2011, at 68 I retired from an Aged Care role on a Friday and joined Seniors Action Group the following Monday. At first, I played bowls and helped at monthly lunches.
12 years ago, I joined the committee and been publicity & communications officer ever since providing monthly articles and photos for the QE2 Magazine, Midwest Times, and Birdwood Bugle. I was assistant Secretary in the last couple of years and assistant to Bowls Co-ordinator when organising competitions. Over several years I sent get well, sympathy
etc cards to members and Val Brown has now taken over the role. I’ve enjoyed working with many Presidents and committee members over the years but now I’ve decided to retire, and others were willing to take over which is fantastic.
Dates for your Diary:
10 March at 10:30amCommittee Meeting
11 March at 10am - Morning Tea followed by Annual General Meeting and Lunch.
March 20 at 1pm QEII Seniors & Community Centre
Table of six $5 per head (includes afternoon tea)
Pay at the door or see Mike at Carpet Bowls on a Monday Contact Trevor on 0498 999 406
Pensioners Social Club
Our first general meeting for 2025 was held on the 6 February. We were welcomed by President Val Brown, listened to the minutes from last month’s meeting read by Pat Parker and found out from Lyn Walsh what the Club’s current financial situation is. To spend some money, we have to use it for our own benefits and so we talked about some possible outings for the coming year.
Kalbarri and Carnamah were mentioned as two places of interest to visit but we also need to have up to 40 people to make it viable to hire a bus. The proposal was we would take the bus to Mingenew, have morning tea
there and go to the Museum. Morning Tea can be bought or brought and then we will travel on to see the big tractor which is a much talked about item at the moment.
We discussed inviting various guest speakers to attend our monthly meetings and Val is looking into this. Anyone with good ideas is welcome to talk to Val.
We sang a happy Birthday to Beth Headley and wished Judy and Rod Stewart a happy anniversary.
Lunch was bring and share and brought in by all of us and there was plenty of delicious tasty food to enjoy
1-minute sit-to-stand test in people with heart conditions
This research study is looking to test the usefulness and safety of conducting the 1-minute sit-to-stand test in people with heart conditions using video calling
This could help to assess fitness in people with heart conditions who may not be able to get to a hospital or health clinic.
If you’ve had any of the following: heart attack stent, bypass or valve surgery heart failure or cardiomyopathy pacemaker or implanted defibrillator
And NOT been admitted to hospital for any of the above in the last 30 days or have an ejection fraction less than 35% without a pacemaker or defibrillator
Want to know more or register your interest? Contact Dr Nikky Gordon Call 9956 0228 Email
This project has UWA Human Research Ethics approval (2024/ET000800).
Join us for a social Pole walking morning on Saturday 29 March
Meet near the Jaffle Shack, Forrest Street to commence at 8:30am.
Spare poles are available for anyone wanting to have a go. Everyone welcome to come, stay for a coffee after if you wish.
Sponsored by the Seniors Recreation Council of WA Inc Greater Geraldton Branch
Gardening Tales
with Rosetta
Back by popular demand –my monthly gardening article. I seemed to have lost the plot lately, yes literally – the allocated plot of space in my back yard has gone rogue.
Easterly winds and 49 degrees took its toll, but I am pleased to announce my two-metre mango tree is still standing. This is the third mango tree I have attempted to nurture and so far, so good. Mind you I’m very optimistic – anything that grows in my garden is a win.
With renewed vision after returning from my recent Bali holiday and experiencing tropical lushness I thought I really need to sort out my backyard – dig and prepare the soil, continue the watering regime, repot plants.
Speaking of Bali – when we arrived the Airbnb provided some welcome fruit - rambutan, pineapple, bananas, apples and oranges placed strategically on the kitchen bench. One day after attempting to kill myself going down giant water slides at Water Bom Park we returned to see a half-eaten banana and pieces scattered all over the bench. My son foolishly asks, “Mum did you eat that
banana and leave a mess?” Yes, I can confirm my son is still alive.
So, who was the culprit? After much discussion we deducted it must have been a squirrel or a monkey So that’s a bonus isn’t it. We don’t have squirrels and monkeys to contend with eating mangos and bananas off our plants. Only monkeys visiting my garden are my two delightful grandsons aged 4 and 5 who love helping in the garden, raking leaves watering plants, Mmmm let’s see how that long that lasts. On a side note, would anyone be interested in a plant swap day at the Centre? Happy gardening and keep watering