2016 Employee Emergency Guide

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2016 employee emergency guide Dear Fellow Lakeland Electric Employees:

General Manager


You play an important role in the community. You are there for our customers during their times of need and during their normal, everyday life. As we prepare for storm season this year, please remember the importance of being safe for yourself as well as for our customers. To help you with this, we have updated our employee emergency guide for 2016 to keep you aware of the dangers of storms and other weather events. Please keep the guide close and help lead by example as we journey through storm season together!

Joel Ivy General Manager Lakeland Electric

table of contents 4 Employee Responsibility | Emergency Phases | Restoration Priority 5 Identifying Downed Power Lines 6 Helpful Resources 7 Restoration Support 8 Lakeland Electric Emergency Operations Plan • Table of Organization 10 Portable Generator Safety 11 3-Day Emergency Kit 12 Polk County Emergency Management Evacuation Policy | Shelter for Special Needs | Public Shelter Policies 13 Polk County Primary Shelters 14 Emergency & Special Conditions Policies & Procedures 15 Personal Emergency Information | Personal 3-Day Emergency Kit 2



(863) 8346540

Lakeland Electric’s Employee Hotline is for your use during an emergency such as a hurricane or any other major crisis. The Hotline serves as a vital link to communicate critical information to you, our employee, about what is happening within our utility. During an emergency event, some employees report to a different supervisor. Please follow your designated chain of command during these events. If you are unsure of what to do or whom to report to, ask NOW! In order to reach the hotline divisional menu, first listen to the main Hotline greeting, then follow the instructions. If you are unable to get through to the Hotline, report to your assigned emergency role/location or normal work station as soon as it is safe to travel.

Emergency Broadcasting Stations: WONN — 1230 AM | WPCV — 97.5 FM POWERED FOR LIFE


employee responsibility · All employees are assigned an emergency role and are considered Mission Critical. Know your emergency role. · All employees, unless unable, are expected to report to work. · All employees should call the Emergency Hotline for specific instructions for their division/emergency role. If the Hotline is unavailable, report to your assigned emergency or regular work location. · If you are unable to report to work first try calling your supervisor. If not available, call the Electric Emergency Operations Center at (863) 834-8380. Mission Critical Employees - Those classes of employees whose normal duties are not considered to be of an emergency nature, but who are expected to perform such duties in preparation for, or as the result of, emergency or special conditions expected to impact the City.

emergency phases Emergency preparedness and response is divided into six phases. The General Manager will put into operation each Phase as dictated by the emergency event. PHASE I Storm/Emergency Readiness: Be prepared all year at home and work PHASE II Storm/Emergency Watch: any situation that possesses a threat, the General Manager may activate emergency operations PHASE III Storm/Emergency Warning: City Manager may close non-emergency work sites. Employees must be released by their Supervisor before leaving PHASE IV Storm/Emergency: Emergency is affecting the area, all work will cease PHASE V Restoration: Employees, unless unable, are to report to work. Call the Emergency Hotline for instruction PHASE VI Reporting: Financial and emergency related activities are recorded

restoration priority Restoration depends greatly on the weather, available crews, material and extent of damage to our service territory.

Specifically, Lakeland Electric restores power by: · Initial clearing of main transmission lines that carry bulk electrical from various generating sources. These facilities must be energized first or there would be no way to get power from the generation units to the end-users. · Repair of main distribution lines (called feeders) to service essential customers. · Restoration of selected distribution lines where it is possible to energize large groups of customers by making minor repairs. · Block by block restoration of remaining power lines.



IDENTIFYING DOWNED POWER LINES During major storms and hurricanes, Lakeland Electric may have more downed power line locations than crews can immediately get to and repair. For these locations, special warning tapes and signs will be used. These signs and tapes will alert First Responders and the general public that there is a potential hazard and to stay away. As these locations are identified, and crews become available, they will perform whatever work is needed to make the location safe.



helpful resources Emergency: 911 Emergency Broadcasting Stations: WONN-AM 1230 WPCV-FM 97.5

Travelers Information: 1610 AM

Electric Employee Hotline: 834-6540 EOC: 834-8380 Logistics: 834-2710 Outage Reporting: 834-4248 Non-Emergency Customer Service: 834-9535 www.lakelandelectric.com

Lakeland Fire Department Non-Emergency: 834-8200 Lakeland Police Department Non-Emergency: 834-6900 www.lakelandgov.net

Referral Services American Red Cross: 294-5941 www.redcross.org United Way Referral: 648-1515 or 1-800-881-8929 FEMA: 1-800-621-3362 Childcare-Parks & Recreation: 834-3284

Weather National Weather Service: 813-645-2323 www.weather.gov

Polk County Polk County Citizen Information Line: 401-2234 or 1-866-661-0228

Polk County Emergency Management: 519-7350

Registration for Special Needs Shelter: 298-7027 Animal Services: 577-1762 www.polk-county.net If you would like additional information on your emergency role, please call 834-6321.



restoration support Each division has specific roles to ensure a safe and effective restoration. Most employees’ duties will remain the same during an emergency. Others will perform functions unrelated to their normal job but assist in restoration efforts through: COMMAND CENTER: Will be the working location for the General/Deputy General Manager and Assistant/ Associate General Managers for a centralized location for internal and external communications. Information and updates from the Emergency Operations Center, Logistics and System Control will be provided to the Command Center throughout an emergency situation. DAMAGE ASSESSMENT TEAMS: Managed by Supervisor of Maintenance & Service Engineering. Made up of Engineering, Field Services, Substation and Relay Technicians, and others who go out immediately following an emergency and conduct surveys of the damage so restoration plans can be developed. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC): Managed by Manager of Energy & Business Services. The EOC will act as the central contact point for internal and external entities trying to gather or provide information to Lakeland Electric operations during extraordinary events affecting the local area. The EOC will coordinate with the City’s EOC and provide assistance to System Control. LOGISTICS: Managed by Manager of Field Services. Logistics will be responsible for Transportation, Lodging and Rations for all Electric employees including mutual aid and contract employees brought in to assist during restoration. LODGING: Managed by Training Specialist and Document Control Supervisor. Provide lodging for critical City, mutual aid and contract employees. Facilitate the registration and tracking of all personnel. Coordinate with Logistics Team for related services including food, transportation, and laundry. RATIONS: Managed by Pricing and Rates and Finance. Coordinate the purchase, storage and dissemination of rations. Feed and hydrate City support members, mutual aid and contract employees that are expressly involved in the utility’s restoration efforts. TRANSPORTATION: Managed by Field Services Supervisor and Coordinator. Receive and dispatch all requests for transportation and procure additional vehicles as needed. Provide delivery and or pick up of materials, equipment, and personnel. RESTORATION TEAM: Managed by AGM of Delivery. Ensure all Departments effectively communicate on key functions such as damage assessments, crew coordination, logistics, policies, etc. Restoration plans will be developed from these meetings based on damage assessments, available crews, materials, weather conditions, etc.. WIRE DOWN GUARDS: Managed by Senior Lineman Trainer, Lineman Trainer and the Metershop Technicians. They will be dispatched out of the EOC. Wire Down Guards will go out immediately following an emergency event to identify and mark downed wires. COMMUNICATIONS TEAM: Managed by Utility Marketing Manager. Develop a consistent, timely message for internal and external customers based on the emergency situation using multiple communication vehicles, including the Lakeland Electric website and social media, as well as coordinating messages with our internal partners.




Deputy General Manager

Director of Training & Workforce Development

Director of Electric System Compliance and Security

Electric EOC (Energy & Business Services Manager/ IT Manager)

(Field Service Manager)

Transportation (Field Services Coordinator

Lodging (Employee Training Programs)

Electric System Compliance & Security

General Manager’s Office

Meter Shop

Employee Program Specialist

Contracts/ Admin Services

System Compliance

Alternate Energy Coordinator



Rations (Pricing & Reporting)

Groups who report to a different supervisor or support other groups during the activation of the EOP are indicated by the color of the box representing their normal chain of command.

City Manager General Manager Utility Marketing Manager

Assistant General Manager Customer Service

Customer Service

T&D Operations

IT Support



System Planning

SMART Grid Wire Down Guards





portable generator safety


Run a generator in an open, well-ventilated area Use electrical cords in good condition, rated for the current required by your connected devices Keep children away from a generator Use an isolation device between your generator and Lakeland Electric’s service conductor. A “double throw switch” or transfer switch meets this requirement Read and follow the generator owner’s manual Have a qualified, licensed electrician make any electrical wiring modifications Call your local electrician if you have any questions

NEVER: • •

• • • • •

Operate a generator indoors or within an enclosed space. Generator engines emit deadly carbon monoxide fumes that are odorless and can kill. Feed power from a generator directly into your electrical system or any wall outlet. This type of connection can cause a dangerous electrical back feed into our power distribution system that can cause serious injury or death to our repair personnel Operate a generator near combustible materials or expose it to water or rain Leave excessive lengths of cord coiled while carrying current. This can cause a fire Refuel a generator while it is running; allow it to cool before refueling Store fuel indoors Leave a running generator unattended

Failing to properly and safely connect your generator delays electric service restoration to you and your neighbors.



3-day emergency kit Plan to be self sufficient for at least three days during and after a disaster. Anticipate not having access to water or electrical power. To ensure the comfort of your family, we suggest you assemble and have readily available the items below.

Checklist: Battery-operated items (NOAA radio, radio, flashlight, extra batteries, etc.) Drinking water in non-breakable containers (one gallon per person, per day) Canned and non-perishable food (manual can opener) Special dietary food if needed Fully charged cell phone & car charger and or back up battery charger First Aid kit & prescription medicine Personal aids such as eyeglasses, hearing aids, etc. Credit Cards, Cash Extra car keys Special items for infant, elderly, disabled, etc. One sleeping bag, pillow & folding chair per person One change of clothing and pair of shoes per person Identification, valuable papers, policies in a water proof container



polk county emergency management evacuation policy Polk County recommends that you stay in your home (in-place shelter) as the primary option during a disaster. For those unable to do so, especially in mobile homes, the remaining choices should be considered in order of preference. • Evacuate to relative’s or friend’s residence • Evacuate the area at least 2 - 3 days before the storm is expected to strike • Evacuate to a hotel/motel and make arrangements early as rooms go quickly • Evacuate to a Public Shelter

Polk County Citizen Information Line: 401-2234 or 1-866-661-0228 Registration for Special Needs Shelter: 298-7027 Animal Services: 577-1762 www.polk-county.net

shelter for special needs The Polk County Special Needs Program is designed to provide sheltering for residents with medical or physical conditions and/or dependent on medical electrical equipment who require assistance during an emergency. The program also provides transportation to public shelters and pet-friendly shelters for those unable to evacuate on their own. Pre-registration in the program is preferred. Register today by calling 298-7027.

public shelter policies • All shelters are not automatically activated for each possible emergency. • Shelters are opened as they are needed. • Shelters are not pre-assigned by geographic area. • For shelter information, monitor local radio and television stations. • Have a 3-day emergency kit ready to take with you. • NO PETS except at designated pet-friendly sites. • NO WEAPONS and NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES are allowed in public shelters. • Prior to going to any shelter, call to ensure it is open and operational. CITIZEN INFORMATION LINE:

401-2234 or 1-866-661-0228


polk county primary shelters LAKELAND

Combee Elementary.......................................................................................................................................................2805 Morgan Combee Rd., Lakeland, FL 33801 Dr. N.E. Roberts Elementary...............................................................................................................................................................6600 Green Rd., Lakeland, FL 33810 George Jenkins High School..........................................................................................................................6000 Lakeland Highlands Rd., Lakeland, FL 33813 Highlands Grove Elementary...........................................................................................................................4510 Lakeland Highlands Rd., Lakeland, FL 33813 Kathleen Elementary................................................................................................................................................................................3515 Sheretz Rd., Lakeland, FL 33810 Kathleen Senior High.................................................................................................................................................................2600 Crutchfield Rd., Lakeland, FL 33805 Lake Gibson Senior High.............................................................................................................................................7007 N. Socrum Loop Rd., Lakeland, FL 33809 Lakeland Highlands Middle.........................................................................................................................................................740 Lake Miriam Dr., Lakeland, FL 33813 Lincoln Avenue Academy............................................................................................................................................................1330 N. Lincoln Ave., Lakeland, FL 33805 McKeel Academy (Special Needs)..................................................................................................................................................1810 West Parker St., Lakeland, FL 33815 Philip O’Brien Elementary (Pet Friendly)...........................................................................................................................................1225 E. Lime St., Lakeland, FL 33801 R. Bruce Wagner Elementary..................................................................................................................................................................5500 Yates Rd., Lakeland, FL 33811 Rochelle School of the Arts...........................................................................................................................................1501 Martin L King Jr. Ave., Lakland, FL 33805 Scott Lake Elementary..........................................................................................................................................................1140 E. County Rd. 540A, Lakeland, FL 33813 Sleepy Hill Elementary...................................................................................................................................................................2285 Sleepy Hill Rd., Lakeland, FL 33810 Southwest Elementary...............................................................................................................................................................2650 Southwest Ave., Lakeland, FL 33803 Tenoroc Senior High................................................................................................................................................................4905 Saddle Creek Rd., Lakeland, FL 33801


Auburndale Senior High.........................................................................................................................................................1 Bloodhound Trail, Auburndale, FL 33823 Caldwell Elementary.....................................................................................................................................................................................141 Dairy Rd., Auburndale, FL 33823 Stambaugh Middle School.............................................................................................................................................................226 N. Main St., Auburndale, FL 33823


Mulberry Middle..................................................................................................................................................................................................500 MLK Ave., Mulberry, FL 33860 Purcell Elementary....................................................................................................................................................................................305 First Ave. NE, Mulberry, FL 33860


Bartow Senior High..........................................................................................................................................................................1270 S Broadway Ave., Bartow, FL 33830 Polk County Health Dept Specialty Care Unit (Special Needs)..........................................................................................1255 Brice Blvd., Bartow, FL 33830 Spessard Holland Elementary.....................................................................................................................................................2342 E.F. Griffin Rd., Bartow, FL 33830 Stephens Elementary.............................................................................................................................................................................1350 N. Maple Ave., Bartow, FL 33830


Alta Vista Elementary (Pet Friendly).............................................................................................................................................801 Scenic Hwy., Haines City, FL 33844 Boone Middle..............................................................................................................................................................................................225 S. 22nd St., Haines City, FL 33844 Haines City Senior High.........................................................................................................................................................................2800 Hornet Dr., Haines City 33844 Sandhill Elementary..................................................................................................................................................................................1801 Tyner Rd., Haines City, FL 33844


Chain of Lakes Elementary.........................................................................................................................................7001 County Rd. 653, Winter Haven, FL 33884 Jewett School of the Arts.............................................................................................................................................................2250 8th St. NE, Winter Haven, FL 33881 Winter Haven High School..................................................................................................................................................... 600 Sixth St. SE, Winter Haven, FL 33880


Karen M. Siegel Academy..............................................................................................................................................935 North Buena Vista, Lake Alfred, FL 33850


Spook Hill Elementary...................................................................................................................................................321 Dr J A Wiltshire Ave. E, Lake Wales, FL 33853


Horizons Elementary...................................................................................................................................................................1700 Forest Lake Dr., Davenport, FL 33837 Loughman Oaks Elementary.........................................................................................................................................4600 US Hwy. 17 92 N, Davenport, FL 33837 Ridge Community Senior High School (Special Needs)................................................................................................. 500 Orchid Dr., Davenport, FL 33837 Ridgeview Global Studies Academy.................................................................................................................................1000 Dunson Rd., Davenport, FL 33896


Lake Region Senior High (Pet Friendly)...............................................................................................................................1995 Thunder Rd., Eagle Lake, FL 33839 Pinewood Elementary............................................................................................................................................................................1400 Gilbert St., Eagle Lake, FL 33839


Lake Marion Creek School.................................................................................................................................3055 Lake Marion Creek Rd., Poinciana, FL 34759 Laurel Elementary......................................................................................................................................................................................1851 Laurel Ave., Poinciana, FL 34759 Palmetto Elementary.............................................................................................................................................................................315 Palmetto St., Poinciana, FL 34759

Prior to going to any shelter, call the Citizens Information Line to confirm it’s open and operating. They will also have pet-friendly and special needs shelter information. • CITIZENS INFORMATION LINE: 1-866-661-0228


City of Lakeland Emergency and Special Conditions Policies and Procedures Purpose: To establish personnel policies and procedures related to emergency or special conditions impacting, or expected to impact, City operations. For a complete listing visit Insite > Employee Information > City Policy Manual. I. INDEX: A. Service Classifications B. Reporting and Notification Requirements C. Compensation D. Personal Preparation E. Working Hours F. Meal Provision or Expenses G. Child Care H. Claims Reporting II. POLICIES: A. Service Classifications 1. Mission Critical Employees - Those classes of employees whose normal duties are not considered to be of an emergency nature, but who are expected to perform such duties in preparation for, or as the result of, emergency or special conditions expected to impact the City. Failure of an employee designated as Mission Critical or Emergency and Essential to report to work as instructed may be considered an act of insubordination, and the employee may be disciplined according to City policy. Every effort will be made to provide those employees with extensive personal property damage or other significant personal issues sufficient time to take corrective action; however, once an employee’s emergency/special work status is activated, compliance with that request is expected. C. Compensation The City Manager or his/her designated representative may order the close of City Hall and non-emergency City work sites due to emergency or special conditions expected to impact the City. During this time, Non-Mission Critical and certain Mission Critical Employees may be released from work and may be granted paid administrative leave for those hours of

their regular workday that they are excused from work because of the closing of City Hall and non-emergency City work sites. Such paid administrative leave shall not be considered as actual work time for the purpose of computing overtime eligibility. Mission Critical employees who are required to work will be compensated on an hour-for-hour basis for recompense as either paid compensation or compensatory time usage as determined by City management, in addition to their regular compensation rate. E. Working Hours The maximum amount of hours any one nonshift work employee is authorized to work after the first 72 hours in response to emergency or special conditions shall be no more than 16 hours in any given day. Further, no employee shall be required to work more than 15 consecutive days without a mandatory one-day (24-hour) rest period, otherwise known as “down time.” F. Meal Provision or Expenses The City may arrange for the provision of meals prepared at a City-operated or contracted facility/ restaurant for Mission-Critical and Emergency and Essential Employees directly involved in the recovery efforts.

city childcare Located at the Kelly Recreation Complex, 404 Imperial Blvd., Parks and Recreation will make every attempt to set up a temporary childcare facility for school aged children grades 1-5. Children will participate in active and passive games, highly structured activities and arts & crafts when available. This service will only be provided when there are weather-related school/daycare closings during storm restoration when no other childcare is available to you. Hours of operation will be announced. You are responsible to provide snacks and lunch for your children and bring City identification when dropping them off. There is no charge for this service. 834-3284.

personal emergency information phone & account numbers UTILITY COMPANY: INSURANCE COMPANY: SHELTER LOCATIONS: EVACUATION ROUTES:

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” B E N J A M I N


Outage Notifications Stay Connected.

Sign up now for power outage notifications sent to your phone.

With our new phone alerts, we put the latest power outage information in the palm of your hand. GO TO LAKELANDELECTRIC.COM AND SIGN IN TO ENROLL. YOU WILL RECEIVE: • Alerts for you area by text or voicemail • Restoration times and status • Notification when power is restored


POWERED FOR LIFE 501 East Lemon Street Lakeland, Florida 33801-5079 (863) 834-9535 Fax (863) 834-8450


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