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Consultation and Engagement

People from any background, gender, age, ability and culture are invited to be involved in a City of Launceston place based Learning Site. Building relationships with the community is the biggest and most important part of a Learning Site. The program offers a structure based on the Bank of I.D.E.A.S. eight touchstones and is flexible in how people choose to be involved.

Kings Meadows postcards were distributed to every household in the suburb, inviting people to be involved – TasTafe Community Services students dropped these postcards into businesses. We wanted to reach as many people as possible in the community to welcome them to be involved.

Big Ideas Campaign

Another type of engagement occurred at the YMCA in Kings Meadows. We asked locals to tell us their BIG IDEA to build a stronger community and how they can contribute to make it happen.

The competition ran for a month and two people were selected to receive gift vouchers for local businesses.

Ayla is in primary school and received a voucher for her BIG IDEA, she wrote:

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