Your Lincoln - Winter 2014

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Lincoln Christmas Market pull-out > P11 P6 > Who’s who at the council P17 > £1.2m revamp for leisure centre

WINTER 2014 Tel: 01522 881188 City of Lincoln Council, City Hall, Beaumont Fee, Lincoln LN1 1DD

Contents 03

Small Business Saturday


Project updates


Cutting costs


Who’s who


Universal Credit


Loan sharks


Lincolnshire Sports Awards


Lincoln Christmas Market


Shaping growth


Leisure centre refurbishment


Communities at work


Bin collections


Boultham Park


What’s on

Nanchang Twinning Agreement

Advertise with Your Lincoln We are looking for new advertisers If your company would like to take out an advert in the next edition of the magazine, please email for rates. The magazine comes out three times a year and is delivered to 45,000 homes in the city council’s boundary so could be an excellent opportunity for your business.

Obtaining copies in alternative formats City of Lincoln Council is passionate about promoting equality and diversity. If you have difficulty in understanding anything in this document, please go to City Hall, Beaumont Fee, Lincoln or any other council office, where we can call in an interpreter for you through the Big Word Services. Czech

Rada města Lincoln intenzivně podporuje rovnost a diverzitu. Pokud něčemu v tomto dokumentu nerozumíte, dostavte se, prosím, do městského úřadu City Hall, Beaumont Fee, Lincoln nebo do jiné kanceláře tohoto úřadu, kde pro Vás prostřednictvím služeb společnosti Big Word můžeme zajistit tlumočníka.

Keep up to date with the latest


council news by following the official twitter account @lincolncouncil. The council also has a facebook page. Get the latest news, photos


and city facts straight to your timeline.



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Your Lincoln is delivered to every household in the city and, due to our postal system, to a small number of properties outside of the City of Lincoln Council boundary. We hope residents outside of the city enjoy the magazine, but if there is a problem, please call 01522 873384 and we’ll do our best to resolve it. All information is correct at the time of printing.

This publication can also be made available in large print, or electronically. Please call: 01522 873829.

Ruby Red Kids co-owner Lucie Poole arranges some of the garments in stock.

Use them or lose them! Small businesses are vital to our towns, cities and villages, and here in Lincoln we’re fortunate to have among the highest number of independent businesses in the East Midlands - and we want to keep it that way. Not only do they provide residents and visitors with essential goods and services, including fresh local produce and quirky gifts, they play an important role in local communities. City of Lincoln Council is working with Lincoln BIG to support Small Business Saturday, taking place on December 6. Led by the Federation of Small Businesses, the day recognises the importance of small businesses in the life of our city, and we’re encouraging people to make the most of them and show their support. Councillor Neil Murray, Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy and Economic Regeneration, said: “Small businesses play an important role in the local economy, providing a variety of high quality products and services, as well as expert knowledge and experience. “Many offer superb value for money and we’re working hard to support them. “I’d also encourage people to check out the central market and support our market traders.” Lincoln BIG Chief Executive Matt Corrigan added: “Lincoln is famed for its niche shopping and has one of the highest number of independent outlets in the East Midlands. “That factor alone should encourage people to take time to visit areas, including The Strait, Steep Hill, Bailgate, Corporation Street and Sincil Street, to discover our hidden treasures and shopkeepers keen

to offer great deals and excellent customer service.” The city council has a Small Business Support Team that handles enquiries and can help with: • Business start up • Funding • Operating a food business • Property searches •

Meeting and conference room hire

• Business rates advice •

Guidance on planning

• Licensing The team also manage two office workspaces at Greetwell Place and The Terrace. Operated on a not-for-profit basis, they provide affordable office space within easy reach of the city centre. Contact the Small Business Support Team on 01522 845976 or email at Find out more about Lincoln BIG at

Ruby Red Boutique - The Strait Lucie Poole and her mum Sue Powis injected an extra burst of colour and choice into Lincoln’s vibrant independent shopping scene when they opened the Ruby Red Boutique in 2007. Encouraged by the great response from customers to their shop in The Strait, in May 2013 they went one better and opened a sister shop, Ruby Red Kids. Today, they remain proud to fly the flag for the independent sector and urge more shoppers to check out Lincoln’s privatelyrun stores, where they can expect to find good deals and top customer service. Lucie said: “From the outset, our aim was to offer shoppers a choice of unique, non-High Street labels. We carry a limited range of each item, so that people feel they are getting some exclusivity.” Ruby Red Boutique and Ruby Red Kids are bright, breezy and inviting and Lucie and Sue are warm and welcoming, but Lucie said today’s small traders cannot leave anything to chance. “We realise that we cannot stand still and we are constantly looking for new ideas and communicating with customers, using platforms such as Facebook to remind our customers that we are here. “A lot of people say they love independent shops, but then tend to walk by and head into the High Street. On Small Business Saturday, we would urge them to discover that independents offer different and affordable goods. It really is a case of use us or lose us.”


Project updates At City of Lincoln Council we realise our residents are not always aware of all the great things we do. In the last edition of this magazine we showed you how your council tax was spent. Since then, we’ve been as busy as ever carrying out a variety of projects and activities to serve you. Here’s just some of what we’ve been up to:

Landlords benefit from new scheme We have launched a new scheme offering incentives to private landlords to let their properties to residents in housing need. The scheme supports good standards in private rented housing and more affordable housing for residents. Find out more at or email

Cemetery opening

Five new council homes have been completed in Stapleford Avenue

Municipal House Building Programme

Twinning with Nanchang

We’ve completed work on the five newest council homes at Stapleford Avenue, where the first tenants are now in place. Our Executive has approved the creation of 20 more council homes across five sites in Birchwood, and we are continuing to work toward our aim of providing 150 new council homes as we seek to increase the amount of affordable housing with a £15 million investment.

Empty homes We have recently sold at auction two privately-owned houses in Russell Street and Connaught Terrace that had been empty for a combined period of 30 years. The council was able to sell the homes due to the accumulation of unpaid council tax. Bringing these properties back into use will improve the appearance of the area and support the local community. People are encouraged to report empty properties to us by emailing

Lincoln is now officially twinned with Nanchang following a visit by the Mayor of the Chinese city. The agreement was signed in the Guildhall by the Mayor of Lincoln Brent Charlesworth and the Mayor of Nanchang, Guo An. The agreement will expand educational links and open up wider business opportunities between the two cities.

Fly tipping day of action The new 4,000 space cemetery in Long Leys Road is now open! The £1.2 million cemetery will meet the city’s burial needs for the next 30 to 50 years. The 19-acre site was formally opened by the Mayor of Lincoln, Cllr Brent Charlesworth.


Find out more at

More than 40 volunteers, including residents, councillors and officers joined forces to fight fly tipping at a community clean-up event in the Monks Road area. More than a tonne of dumped items were picked up, including mattresses, a printer and even a football table.

Cutting spend without cutting services Safeguarding in the spotlight

The city council is looking at key areas of our spending to try to reduce costs without reducing services to you. • During the last few months we have been trialling a change to the way we send our post. We have been sending our 2nd class post out twice weekly as this allows us to access large volume discounts from Royal Mail. We are also looking into external companies who could print and post our correspondence for us, to see if this could be even cheaper. • Cheque payments are costly – each cheque we receive costs us £2.28 to process, compared with less than 2p to process a direct debit payment, so we are working towards no longer accepting cheques. Many companies have taken this decision since the Cheque Guarantee Scheme ended in 2011, which means that cheques are no longer a reliable form of payment. As a first stage in this process we intend to stop accepting cheque payments for business rates from April 1 next year. All companies currently paying this way will be contacted with details of other payment methods. • We are working on making it possible to apply online for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support. Claims made electronically will reduce printing and postage costs as well as giving customers the opportunity to apply at a convenient time and place.

• We are streamlining some of our online reporting options so that incidents such as missed refuse collections, graffiti, dog fouling and littering are sent directly to our contractors for a faster resolution.

You can help us by: • Paying your council tax, rent or business rates by direct debit. This is the easiest, cheapest and most convenient payment method and we would prefer all payments to be made this way. Direct debit transactions cost us less than 2p each. Cheques are expensive to handle and, if direct debit is not an option, there are alternatives, which also save us money, for example: • Making a card payment through our website • Through the telephone payment line • By direct bank transfer • Receiving your council tax bill electronically – This will save postage and reduce paper waste. You can do this by going to and signing up to e-billing. Find out information and check out council services on our website, via Twitter or follow us on our Facebook pages: @lincolncouncil

Across the UK recently there have been a number of high profile cases relating to the abuse of children and adults at risk. Most recently this has included the child sexual exploitation scandal in Rotherham. In response to these events, the issue of safeguarding is becoming increasingly high profile at the city council. To demonstrate the council’s commitment to this important area of work, Councillor Rosanne Kirk has become the Elected Member Champion for Safeguarding and will be working to ensure all staff and members are aware of the importance of safeguarding in all our work. The council also chairs a county safeguarding group, where representatives of Lincolnshire’s seven district councils meet regularly to share good practice and ensure a consistent approach to safeguarding. We have put in place training for our staff, members, volunteers and contractors to make sure they are aware of the signs and implications of abuse and are confident in reporting them. Those officers who are more involved with the public are undertaking a more comprehensive training package. In addition, given the inappropriate behaviour by some taxi drivers associated with the Rotherham case, the council is also introducing a new code of conduct for taxi drivers in the city which sets out guidelines on the behaviour expected of them. Stakeholders, including taxi drivers and taxi firms, have been consulted on the new code and it is expected it will be introduced early in 2015.


Who’s who at the city council

Executive members

Have you ever wondered how decisions are made at City of Lincoln Council? The council has a structure in place to ensure decisions are made fairly and democratically. Our councillors are elected by you to act on your behalf, and it’s vital they can do that effectively.

Full council

Portfolio Holder for Corporate Management and Customer Services

Portfolio Holder for Recreational Services and Health

Currently held by the Leader of the council, Cllr Ric Metcalfe, he is responsible for the overall financial position of the council, improvements in the council’s culture, community strategy, emergency planning, asset management, customer services, housing benefits and revenues and equality and diversity.

Currently held by the Deputy Leader of the council, Cllr Donald Nannestad, he is responsible for parks and recreation, including playgrounds and pavilions, public open space, leisure and sport facilities, health and well-being and cultural activities.

Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy and Regeneration

Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services and Public Protection

Currently held by Cllr Neil Murray, he is responsible for regional and local planning policies, heritage, the city centre masterplan and city growth strategy, economic development, inward investment, business support, building control, transport and car parks and tourism.

Currently held by Cllr Fay Smith, she is responsible for refuse, cleaning and open space maintenance, recycling, climate change, cemeteries, public toilets, crime and disorder reduction, anti-social behaviour and noise nuisance, community safety including CCTV, licensing and food safety.

Key decisions, such as approving the budget, must be approved by the full council – all 33 members representing the 11 wards in Lincoln. The full council meets every six weeks in the Guildhall.

The Executive The Executive is made up of six councillors who each hold a special area of responsibility and meet every three weeks.

Committees In addition to the Executive there are various public committees carrying out a range of functions. Scrutiny committees hold to account the decisions and work relating to community leadership, housing, performance and policy, while the licensing and planning committees are essential to carry out the council’s statutory duties. There is also an audit committee and shared revenues and benefits joint committee. All councillors sit on at least one committee.


Portfolio Holder for Social Inclusion and Community Cohesion Currently held by Cllr Rosanne Kirk, she is responsible for neighbourhood management, adult learning, young people, older people, safeguarding children, promoting community cohesion, vulnerable adults and community centres.

The 808th Mayor of Lincoln Brent Charlesworth

Where does the Mayor fit in? The Right Worshipful Mayor of Lincoln is a ceremonial position traditionally held by the longest-serving councillor each year.

Portfolio Holder for Housing Currently held by Cllr Peter West, he is responsible for homelessness prevention, housing repairs, maintenance and investment, tenants, estate management and private sector housing enforcement.

Historically, the Mayor is regarded as the first citizen of Lincoln. So far there have been 808 mayors since the role began in 1206 – Lincoln has one of the longest histories of mayorships in the country. Every Mayor uses their year in office to raise money for chosen charities, to represent the city by marking important occasions, promoting Lincoln and encouraging pride, passion and community spirit. The historic ‘home’ of the Mayor is the Guildhall, where council meetings are still held.

The Guildhall has been used since 1520 and houses numerous pieces of impressive regalia, including Richard II’s sword. You can discover more hidden gems during free guided tours of the Guildhall on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 10.30am and 2pm. To find out more call the Civic Office on 01522 873303 or 873507.

Find out more at


Are you ready for Universal Credit? Universal Credit is fast approaching and residents in Lincoln can be part of a trial to help them get ahead of the game. Lots of organisations across the city have come together to help people get ready for the changes, which will affect the way benefits are paid.

What is Universal Credit? Universal Credit is a single benefit that will replace six existing benefits, including Jobseekers Allowance and Housing Benefit. It will be paid directly into the claimant’s bank account on a monthly basis. Although it is not yet known when the credit will be introduced in Lincoln, it is expected to be rolled out across the UK by the end of 2016.


Individual support will be available to help people get online and get the skills to make online claims, apply for jobs, find cheaper goods and services and see how the internet can help them in other ways. You can speak to someone face to face about how the changes in benefit payment might affect you, check you have the best bank account, work out how to make your money go further, or find out where the best place to go is if you need to borrow funds. There are lots of people out there who can talk to you and help you with anything that might be concerning you. Speak to someone at your local access centre, library, job centre or at City Hall and they can refer you to friendly advice at a location near you. Start a training course, open a bank account, find free computer access, volunteer to do something you enjoy and help others. Whatever you want help with, get in touch. Contact Alastair at, call 01526 404320, or ask the council.

Find out more at

Extra help for those who need it most People claiming housing benefit who are finding it difficult to pay their rent are reminded they can apply for additional support. The city council was given £194,000 this year under the Government’s Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) scheme. A DHP can be used to help top up housing benefit where it’s not covering the full rent, and people struggling to afford rent in advance for a new home can also apply for a share of the cash. Last year the council spent its full allowance of £199,741 and secured an additional £30,000 after a successful bid to the Department for Work and Pensions. Council leader Ric Metcalfe said: “One of our three main priorities is to protect the poorest people in our city. Shelter is a basic need and we would urge anyone worried about making their rent payments to apply for a DHP.” Help filling in the forms in available for anyone who needs it. For more information email, call the council on 01522 873355, pop into City Hall or go to

Christmas campaign says no to high cost borrowing A campaign has been launched to warn people of the dangers of high cost borrowing in the lead-up to Christmas. City of Lincoln Council’s Community Leadership Scrutiny Committee and its partners carried out a two-month review of high interest lending after it was identified as being a key issue for the city in the AntiPoverty Strategy. Figures have shown that between April 1, 2013 and February 11, 2014, Lincoln Citizens Advice Bureau was approached with 386 priority debts worth a total value of £459,535, and 1,421 non-priority debts, worth a total of £2,396,435. Priority debts include mortgage and rent arrears as well as other money owed which could result in a person losing their home. Non-priority debts cover such things as credit and store card debts as well as payday and doorstep lenders. A case study also showed one person who took out three high interest loans borrowed £2,000 but will have paid back £4,210. Following the review, the committee made

a recommendation for a campaign to warn people of the dangers of high cost lending. ‘Say no to high cost borrowing’ got under way in October and will run into the new year, featuring advice and information for people looking to borrow money. Councillor Karen Lee, chair of the Community Leadership Scrutiny Committee, said: “Christmas is a time when we know many families find it difficult financially and look to borrow money. “This campaign will highlight to people that there are affordable options if they are looking for a loan or help is out there if they need debt advice.” Councillor Rosanne Kirk, Portfolio Holder for Community Cohesion and Social Inclusion, added: “There are increased pressures today with the cost of living, many families are experiencing hardship, some families may find themselves in a situation where they borrow from high cost lenders, this will increase their debt. “The city of Lincoln campaign ‘Say No to High cost borrowing’ is part of our anti-poverty strategy to make people aware of the dangers of borrowing from high cost lenders, to help people avoid high levels of debt.”

Loan sharks don’t just bite at Christmas There is never a bad time to start planning and putting money aside for Christmas. As ever, the Illegal Money Lending Team urges you to never consider borrowing from a loan shark if you’re struggling this December. The Trading Standards project, working alongside Lincolnshire County Council, warns that loan sharks can be incredibly expensive (try 131,000 per cent APR) and a frightening experience. Loan sharks often seem friendly at first and will give an easy cash loan, often with no forms or paperwork. They might operate in your local neighbourhood, in a pub, gym or even in your workplace, making it easy for you to get the money – but then really easy for them to harass you. Loan sharks can resort to extreme methods to keep people paying – including threats, theft, forcing people into criminal activity and even assault.

If you know of a local loan shark please contact the team in confidence on 0300 555 2222. You can also email or follow the team on twitter @loansharknews. Please don’t use a loan shark this Christmas – you might still be paying them back next Christmas.


Sporting success for Lincoln at Lincolnshire Sports Awards Six Lincoln-based athletes and sport enthusiasts were recognised at the annual Lincolnshire Sports Awards on November 6, making 2014 one of the city’s most successful years for sporting achievements. Jade Etherington, Sportswoman of the Year winner

Sportspeople, volunteers, coaches and individuals came together to celebrate Lincolnshire’s sporting talent at the tenth annual Sports Awards. Sports broadcaster Ed Chamberlin presented the awards evening, which was sponsored by Lincolnshire Media and took place at Lincolnshire Showground. The event was organised by Lincolnshire Sport to recognise those involved in sport and physical activity from across the county. Chief Executive Janet Inman said: “This year, the Lincolnshire Sports Awards celebrated its tenth anniversary and not only did we celebrate the sporting achievements from the past 12 months, but from the last decade. We recognised some of our top sportsmen and women, as well as volunteers, coaches, clubs and individuals whose lives have been impacted by sport and physical activity.” Lincoln winners:

Sports Educator of the Year Winner Paul Brazinskas – Paul has been a PE teacher at Priory LSST since 1993 and is well liked by pupils, staff and parents. He is a motivational and enthusiastic teacher and very supportive with pupils of all abilities.

Contribution to Physical Activity Winner Brian Smith - Brian has been a volunteer walk leader for a number of years, leading the visually impaired walking group at Whisby Natural World Centre, which he set up in 2011. Brian is a key volunteer and true asset to the North Kesteven Social Strollers, Lincolnshire Health Walks and the Lincolnshire Blind Society.

Sports Volunteer of the Year Winner Alice Carter - Alice gives up her spare time every week, in addition to studying for a Masters degree and working part time, to volunteer in the Abbey ward. Alice is Volunteer Sports Development Officer and Coach at Abbey Lions Cubs FC where she voluntarily runs a community sports project for children. She has volunteered on numerous resident-led community projects that aim to address concerns local people have about their community.

Sportswoman of the Year Winner

Active 4 Health Award Winner Suzanne Pindred – Suzanne joined an Exercise Referral scheme three years ago with high blood pressure and diabetes. After losing weight and completing the programme, Suzanne was sadly diagnosed with breast cancer and was unable to take part in any physical activity. As soon as Suzanne recovered, she immediately re-joined the gym and her Exercise Referral scheme. To this day, Suzanne is a more confident and happy person and believes that exercise helped her in her recovery process.


Active Workplace of the Year Winner Ambitions Personnel - In the last 12 months, Ambitions has taken part in the Lincoln 10k, canoe and kayak taster sessions, the Lincoln Cycle Challenge, Race for Life, Lincoln Swimarathon and numerous Workplace Challenge events. Ambitions also host an annual 5-a-side football tournament for businesses.

Find out more at

Jade Etherington Skiing - Jade won silver in the women’s downhill skiing, combined and slalom, and bronze medals in the Super-G at the 2014 Winter Paralympic Games in Sochi along with her guide Caroline Powell. Their three silvers and a bronze at the Winter Paralympics made them the most successful female British Winter Paralympians of all time, and the first Britons to win four medals at one Paralympics. Because of her success, Jade was the British flag bearer at the 2014 Winter Paralympics closing ceremony. Find out the full list of winners: Website: Twitter: Facebook:


LINCOLN CHRISTMAS MARKET RETURNS TO THE CITY FOR THE 32ND TIME THIS YEAR – AND IT’S GOING TO BE MORE FESTIVE THAN EVER! More than 250,000 visitors are expected to savour the atmosphere, enjoy seasonal entertainment and browse more than 200 stalls nestled around the city’s magnificent cathedral and castle. Whether you want to enjoy delicious food from the local area and abroad, find that perfect present among the unique gifts and homemade crafts or just enjoy all the sights and smells of a traditional Christmas market – there’s something for everyone. Seen by many as one of the ‘founding’ Christmas markets in the country, this market truly marks the countdown to Christmas.

Thursday December 4: 12pm – 9.30pm Friday December 5 - Saturday December 6: 10am – 9.30pm Sunday December 7: 10am – 7pm

Twitter: @lincolnelf

WHAT’S NEW THIS YEAR? With an unrivalled setting in Lincoln’s cathedral quarter, our traditional Christmas market is always filled with fabulous food and drink, as well as entertainment for all the family. But we’re not happy standing still, and this year visitors will see 30 new seasonal chalets around the castle and cathedral areas, adding to the authentic feel of the market. And there’ll be more entertainment than before, with festive buskers spread around every area of the market. Claire Thompson, Principal Events and Culture Officer at City of Lincoln Council, said: “Lincoln’s Christmas market is wellknown for its festive feel, which attracts thousands of visitors from around the world, and this year is going to be even more festive than ever before. “Last year people told us they wanted more entertainment, so there will be buskers dotted around the whole market, as well as more performances from bands and theatre groups. “Following a successful trial last year, we’re going to have more seasonal chalets in the castle grounds, Castle Square and Minster Yard. “We can’t wait to welcome all our visitors and stallholders who can help us to make Christmas in Lincoln really magical.” Everyone is welcome to join us for the official launch of the market at 6.30pm with a traditional carol concert on the cathedral steps on the Thursday evening hosted by the Right Worshipful Mayor of Lincoln Brent Charlesworth.

AND THAT’S NOT ALL… Of course it’s not all about what’s new, visitors will also be able to enjoy all the things they already love about the Christmas market, such as a wide variety of food and drink (not forgetting the mulled wine and roasted chestnuts!), and fun for all the family at a fun fair and big wheel offering spectacular views of Lincoln.

Meeting point

Lincoln brought the first traditional German Christmas market to the UK as part of its friendship and twinning with the town of Neustadt in Germany, and the German link is still strong. Stallholders from Neustadt will bring traditional food, drink and crafts - a perfect gift if you want something a bit different. One thing is for sure, those on the hunt for beautiful, hand-crafted and unique Christmas presents will find a treasure trove of goodies from a spectacular selection.

The Market Makers introduced last year will be returning to help people find what they need and offer insights into the market’s history and hidden gems.

If you get separated from your group at the market there is a designated meeting point by the Christmas Tree outside the cathedral. Make sure all members of your party know where it is.




the first Lincoln Christmas Market

the number of stalls at the first market

the number of stalls at 225 2013’s market

the highest number of 350,000

visitors to the market so far - in 2011

the only year the 2010

market has had to be cancelled, due to heavy snowfall.

the market brings in 10,000,000

more than £10 million to the city’s economy each year


Our resident elf Jingle has been tasked with adding magic to the Christmas market since 2009, when his sleigh crash landed in the city.

At Lincoln Christmas Market we don’t like to leave anyone out, and there really is something for everyone. Santa and his sleigh will be flying in and waiting to hear what all the little ones want for Christmas – even those on the naughty list! Parents and guardians can collect free wristbands from the Visitor Information

Centre in Castle Hill, at the Park and Ride station or from stewards at the event, to make sure they can be contacted, should anyone get lost or separated.

Thursday December 4: 12pm – 9.30pm Friday December 5 - Saturday December 6: 10am – 9.30pm Sunday December 7: 10am – 7pm

This cheeky little chap can often be found on Twitter giving all the latest news and making sure everyone is having a good time. Follow him on Twitter @lincolnelf.

Twitter: @lincolnelf

SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY Lincoln is fortunate to be home to a huge number of independent shops and small businesses. Small Business Saturday – a UK-wide initiative – falls on December 6 this year, and we’re encouraging visitors to the Christmas market to take advantage of the fantastic retailers in Steep Hill, the Bailgate and beyond.

INFORMATION FOR RESIDENTS We appreciate your patience during the build up and staging of the market and hope that you will join us and enjoy the event. People living near the market area should have received a newsletter with more information on traffic and access arrangements. Full details of road closures and restrictions can be found on the residents page of our website – Access passes will be sent to every residential household in the area and passes for businesses are available on request.

Thursday December 4: 12pm – 9.30pm Friday December 5 - Saturday December 6: 10am – 9.30pm Sunday December 7: 10am – 7pm

THANK YOU! We are aware not everyone enjoys or gets a direct benefit from the Christmas market and we could not have this amazing event without the support of local people who can be inconvenienced by the event. We want to say thank you so much for complying with the various restrictions it is greatly appreciated. We hope you have a fabulous festive season, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Twitter: @lincolnelf

Public have their say on local growth A public consultation on the draft of a new Local Plan to guide the location and development of housing, jobs, shops and schools over the next 20 years has been carried out. As one of the earliest stages in setting out the vision for growth in Central Lincolnshire through to 2036, the initial consultation invited comments on the criteria that will guide the way planning applications are considered by the councils covering North Kesteven, West Lindsey and Lincoln. The Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee is developing the joint plan to co-ordinate where, when, how and to what extent growth takes place

across these three areas and how this will be supported by new and improved infrastructure. There will be two more formal consultations in 2015 and 2016. Councillor Ric Metcalfe, Leader of City of Lincoln Council, said: “Growth needs to happen to accommodate an increased need for homes as people live longer or are more likely to live alone or in smaller family units as well as moving around more and being attracted to the area for work, retirement, education and quality of life. “It is imperative that growth happens at the right pace, in the right place and at the right time so communities can continue to flourish and that needs for transport, goods and services are met.” To keep up to date follow: Twitter: @talkplanning

Inspire the next generation A festival to celebrate Lincolnshire’s engineering past, present and future will return to Lincoln next year. Set in the inspiring surroundings of Lincoln Cathedral – itself an incredible feat of medieval engineering – Spark Engineering Festival will engage, excite, stimulate and inform every visitor through displays, exhibits and hands-on activities for local schools. Engineering and manufacturing businesses will be exhibiting from April 17 – 19, 2015. To find out more email or call 01522 873830.

Here to help you City of Lincoln Council operates 20 pay and display car parks for the benefit of Lincoln residents. The money spent in our car parks, unlike private commercial car parks, goes towards the direct cost of running them and any extra goes towards maintaining other vital, frontline council services. Money spent here, stays here. We are continually seeking to provide a high level of service through our highly trained Civil Enforcement Officers and office staff. We are here to help and serve. We know that car park pricing is important and we have banded our car parks as shopper, commuter, visitor or weekend. Currently we offer weekend rates as low

as £2.50 all day, as well as low season ticket rates, which are flexible for part-time workers. There has been rapid growth in PayByPhone parking, which means you don’t need to carry coins. We recommend you register your cards in advance at, or there is an excellent app for smartphone users. Unlike other operators we do not apply a service charge. There is a small charge for text reminders and remote top-up, which allows you to extend your parking without returning to your vehicle. Our PayByPhone users like Mondays

– as our 25 per cent off every Monday tariff continues until March 2015. We also sell daily and evening books of scratch cards. For example, you can buy a book of evening scratch cards (usable in any of our car parks) at a cost of £12 for 15 sessions, working out at 80p per evening – less than half price. To find out more about our offers, pricing or season tickets call us on 01522 873497 or check out



EARLY bIRd OFFER ENds 31.12.14


GO FLAT OuT IN LINCOLN wITh OuR FAsT ANd FuN COuRsE NOw IN ITs 19Th YEAR! All profits from Run For All Ltd will go directly to the Jane Tomlinson Appeal.

Jane Tomlinson’s Run For All @runforall

£1.2 million makeover for Yarborough Leisure Centre Work has started on a £1.2million redevelopment at Yarborough Leisure Centre – it’s going to be great! The Active Nation venue, managed on behalf of City of Lincoln Council, is being transformed with a new double floor gym in the current space of the squash courts, a complete reception and foyer refurbishment, new dry changing rooms and improvements to the wet change area. The studio will be turned into a state-of-theart dedicated cycling studio, while the gym becomes a new large exercise class studio with more than double the current capacity. That’s not all - there will also be new sauna and steam cabins and a new swimming pool roof. The redevelopment has been made possible thanks to a massive investment by the city council. As part of the transformation the council has also extended its partnership with Active Nation, so the charity will continue to manage the leisure centre until 2025. Active Nation’s Contract Manager for Lincoln, Stuart Blackbourn, said: “These really are exciting times for Yarborough Leisure Centre. The investment by the city council is going to make a huge difference to almost every area of the venue.

“Over recent years the leisure centre has already seen a significant amount of investment, but this further stage will help to ensure that we can continue to provide excellent service and facilities for the local community as demand for using the venue continues to grow.” Work on the redevelopment kicked off on October 6 and is expected to be completed by January 2015. To cause as little disruption as possible the gym will remain open as normal during this time and other projects throughout the venue will be phased over the coming months. Councillor Donald Nannestad, Portfolio Holder for Recreational Services and Health at the council, said: “We know Yarborough Leisure Centre is visited by thousands of visitors each year and provides affordable access to leisure facilties for residents. By making this investment the council will be able to ensure the centre is fit for purpose for the next 10 years and beyond. “This worthwhile investment represents a real boost for leisure in Lincoln.”

Access to group exercise classes, swimming lessons, the Sports Hub, football pitches, rugby pitches, netball courts, tennis courts, athletics track, cycling track, pools, diving boards, basketball courts, badminton courts and all of the other brilliant facilities will continue as normal. For more information about the redevelopment call Active Nation on 01522 873600, or pop down to Riseholme Road and have a chat with the team. You can keep up to date with progress at Active Nation also manages Birchwood Leisure Centre, in Birchwood Avenue.


Could you help drive success for Lincoln Dial-a-Ride? Do you enjoy driving? Could you spare a morning or afternoon each month to help someone lead a more active life? Lincoln Dial-a-Ride is looking for people like you to volunteer to help them make a real difference to disabled and older people who might otherwise struggle to get out and about. Clients can use the charity to attend medical appointments, do their shopping, meet family, attend social events and much more. Lincoln Dial-a-Ride provides affordable and accessible transport for any occasion. Volunteers can give as much or as little time as they are able. Please call 01522 800100 or drop in to Lincoln Bus Station to find out how rewarding being a driver can be – or how the service could help you.

Partners join together to help local charity Several organisations joined together to help a local gardening charity set up its first office at the heart of the community it serves in the Abbey ward of Lincoln. Green Synergy runs hanging basket workshops and street gardening projects to help bring communities together, improve the physical appearance of local areas and improve facilities for people. City of Lincoln Council, Kier, Aaron Services and members of the local community helped to officially launch the new office in Tower Street. Mary Whiting, Green Synergy Chief Executive Officer, highlighted the benefits the offices will bring to the charity: “The launch of our first office has been a fantastic way to celebrate the first steps for Green Synergy. “Being situated alongside the communities we work with allows us to form better links and will provide us with more opportunities to work closely with local residents and partnerships. “We are very thankful to the city council, Kier and Aaron Services for all their support and involvement during this development.” The property, which is owned by the city council, was previously used as a takeaway


pizza shop but had been left empty for two years after problems with anti-social behaviour. The shop has been completely renovated with the help of Kier, who have fitted a new kitchen and toilet, replaced doors, windows and floors and re-wired and re-plastered the whole building. Scott Williamson, Assistant Site Manager from Kier, said: “It was a pleasure for us to be involved with the development of this property. The renovation will enable the charity to work more closely with the local community, and we have enjoyed being able to show our support for such a worthy cause.” Aaron Services also helped by donating and fitting a brand new boiler and central heating system. Aaron Services Contracts Manager, Colin Boyd, said: “This project was an excellent opportunity to support a local project that will benefit the community. “The development of the property has been made possible with the help of Vaillant Boilers, Stelrad Radiators, Danfoss Controls and Sentinel products.”

Find out more at

Drop-in centre offers support for MS sufferers The Lincolnshire Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Therapy Centre offers people with MS a place to meet, socialise and get treatment free of charge. Operating on a drop-in basis since 1997, the centre gives people who suffer from MS and their relatives, friends and carers the chance to gain a sense of control and better understanding of the condition. Maureen Patten, Centre Manager, said: “The Lincolnshire MS Therapy Centre is the only drop-in centre for people with MS in Lincoln. “It’s great for those who want to book a treatment or simply stop by for a chat and a cup of tea. We are always on hand to offer a listening ear or support whenever it is needed.” Treatments available from the MS Therapy Centre include oxygen, physiotherapy, aromatherapy, counselling and pilates – all of which are free, although donations are accepted. The Lincolnshire MS Therapy Centre is situated on 50 Outer Circle Drive, St Giles, Lincoln, LN2 4JH and is open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 3pm. For more information call 01522 543333, email or visit

Outside the Grandstand

Carholme city councillors

Bishop Grosseteste Students’ Union Samba Band

Lincoln Ukelele Band

Westfest brings community together More than 200 people turned out to enjoy music, sports and even medieval fighting at the fifth annual Carholme Community Gala – renamed Westfest – in October. Held in the Grandstand and on the West Common, the free family event featured pony rides, a variety of sports and music performed by schoolchildren and students. The gala was also a great success for charity. The 7th Lincoln Scout Group raised almost £600 selling food and running a tombola. Councillor Karen Lee, who sits on Carholme Community Forum, said: “The involvement and commitment by so many organisations ensured that it truly was a community event, put on by the different people who make up our local community for the benefit of all of our local community. “It brings everyone together and in difficult times financially for many local families it provides an inexpensive afternoon’s fun. Everyone can enjoy what the event has to offer without worrying about the cost. “We’d like to thank everyone who helped for making the day possible, including our fantastic local musicians Paul Gibbard and

Deejay Rick Bell. While the Gala takes a lot of hard work it is really worth it in terms of the enjoyment it gives local residents and the fact that a huge number of local people come and have a get together like this every year. “If anybody would like to do this in their area I am more than happy to offer guidance about where to start.” Organised and funded by the Carholme Community Forum (CCF)– with thanks to donations from the University of Lincoln and county councillor Rob Parker’s Big Society Fund - the planning for this year’s event was done by the three Carholme city councillors – Karen Lee, Neil Murray and Tony Speakman - on behalf of the CCF. They were supported on the day by lots of members of the local community including St Faiths Infants School and PTA, Park Riding School, Lincoln Family Circus, Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue, and the University of Lincoln Students’ Union, to name just a few.

Lincoln Saxon Vikings re-enactment group

Carholme’s Policing team


Finding new homes for unwanted furniture Do you have trouble getting rid of bulky items? City of Lincoln Council is hoping to help residents find new homes for their unwanted furniture through a trial partnership with local charities. Working with the British Heart Foundation, The Nomad Trust (Lincolnshire YMCA) and Acts Trust. We’re encouraging Lincoln people to think about giving furniture and other household items away as a charitable donation before they decide to dispose of it. That way the item is re-used, saving disposal costs, helping charities and benefitting others. For a trial period, our customer services advisors are encouraging householders to consider charities first, before using the council’s assisted bulky waste collection service (which is available to residents receiving certain benefits). To find out more call us on 01522 873423.

Please make sure your refuse and recycling is left out by 7am on your collection day.

Changes to waste collections We would like to remind residents to make sure they put their bin out by 7am on their collection day.

It has been necessary to change some waste collection times across the city. Some streets will have their waste collected earlier than before, while some won’t be collected until later. Community Services Manager Caroline Bird said: “Even if your collection day hasn’t changed please be aware the time of your collection may be different. “We always ask people to have their waste out by 7am to guarantee collection as changes can happen without warning, for example if a road is closed.” Some collection days have changed in order to allow for growth over the last few years. Residents affected by the changes to collection days should have received a letter.

Your councillors Abbey Ward

Castle Ward

Birchwood Ward

Hartsholme Ward

Kathleen Brothwell T: 530289

Donald Nannestad (Deputy Leader) T: 545831

Anthony Gray T: 880964

Ron Hills T: 878352

Rosanne Kirk T: 684990

Andrew Kerry T: 07879 474548

Eddie Strengiel T: 884688

Marika Riddick T: 07850 189856

Bracebridge Ward

Park Ward

Katie Vause T: 512739

Chris Burke T: 856296

Bill Bilton T: 873533

Brent Charlesworth T: 524126

Keith Weaver T: 871075

David Jackson T: 522335

Glebe Ward

MP for Lincoln

Jackie Kirk T: 07531 022876

Karl McCartney T: 01522 687261 / 0207 219 7221

Richard Metcalfe (Leader) T: 720960

Party Key:

Fay Smith T: 875817 Peter West T: 528010

Boultham Ward Gill Clayton-Hewson T: 803793 Gary Hewson T: 803793 Ralph Toofany T: 885802

Carholme Ward Tony Speakman T: 528222 Karen Lee T: 546065 Neil Murray T: 546065


Correct as of July 1 2014

Jim Hanrahan T: 881161 Loraine Woolley T: 543889

Minster Ward Liz Maxwell T: 07463 584823 David Gratrick T: 530163 Sue Burke T: 856296

Moorland Ward Bob Bushell T: 870625 Geoff Ellis T: 683620 Adrianna McNulty T: 07950 885430

Patrick Vaughan T: 534044

Labour Conservative

Volunteers work on the centenary garden. The project team meet new consultants LDA Design.

Designers appointed for exciting park project Design consultants who have worked on projects including London’s Olympic Park are to be lead designers on the multi-million pound restoration of Boultham Park. LDA Design will head up a team including architects Thomas Ford and Partners, civil engineers Stirling Maynard, and mechanical and electrical engineers, Bob Costello Associates. The redevelopment is an exciting partnership between learning disability charity Linkage and City of Lincoln Council, and will see the 50-acre park restored and rejuvenated. The project includes dredging the lake, restoring the fountain and bandstand alongside a new-build café, glasshouse and conversion of the existing stable block into an education centre. Andrew Cottage, project lead at LDA Design based in Peterborough, said: “We’ve worked on some 57 historic park projects, which are all very exciting and rewarding because of the benefits they bring to local communities. For Boultham Park, we need to make sure our designs are creative and innovative.” Angela Andrews, Director of Resources at the city council, said: “The successful delivery of this project, with our partner, is a priority for the council. This is a big project, and we are all impatient in waiting for the day of the grand opening,

but this announcement is yet another significant step towards that goal. The award of the contract for the design work to such an experienced company is really great news.” Ges Roulstone, Linkage Chief Executive, said: “This is a big step for the project with a goal of providing a major new facility for the charity and the community. I’m very pleased to be welcoming the LDA Design team to this exciting project.” LDA will now revise and refresh the project plans and drawings before a main contractor is recruited next year. The project is grant-aided by the Heritage Lottery Fund and Big Lottery Fund Parks for People initiative. Alongside the planned physical works at the park, plenty of volunteering and community activities have been taking place during the last few months. In the summer dozens of volunteers descended on the park to create a special garden to commemorate 100 years since the start of the First World War. Groups from the National Citizen Service, Lincolnshire Co-op, the city council, Girlguiding, McDonald’s, students from St Peter and St Paul Catholic Voluntary

Academy and Linkage all worked tirelessly to develop the open space opposite St Helen’s Church. It is a fitting location for a tribute to the soldiers of World War One since the Hall was used to care for convalescing servicemen returning from the Front between 1914 and 1918. Rachel Sampher, from Lincolnshire Co-op, said: “Each day we had between 30 and 40 people working here to create this special garden. The first two days were devoted to clearing the undergrowth and removing rubbish, which was hard work in the hot weather. We then created pathways, installed benches, and planted shrubs and grasses, plus poppies.” Working with artist Luci Gallucci, volunteers created 100 ceramic tiles, which were fixed to an existing wall by Boultham Park Advisory Group Chair John Pye. The garden was officially launched in early August after days of activity. The project, part of the Centenary Apprenticeship Programme, was also supported by the Brathay Trust, a national charity that encourages young people to work in their communities, which is backing the project with a £1,000 grant. November saw children from Sir Francis Hill School being the latest group to add colour to the garden with mass bulbplanting. More than 1,000 snowdrops, bluebells and other woodland bulbs have been planted among the shrubs to create a great display for regular and new visitors alike in early 2015. For more details about Boultham Park and how to get involved visit



Christmas at Doddington Hall Doddington Hall & Gardens November 22 – December 21 Enjoy open days, farmshop goodies, the Bauble Barn, home-grown Christmas trees and the India Jane Interiors store brimming with inspirational gift ideas and fabulous Christmas produce.

Lincolnshire Food and Gift Fair

Bird Watching for Beginners

Lincolnshire Showground November 29 – 30 10am to 4pm

Hartsholme Country Park December 7 10.30am to 12.30pm

A mix of delicious local produce, gift stalls and workshops make the Food and Gift Fair at the Lincolnshire Showground the best way to kick start your Christmas preparations.

Join local RSPB members for a guided walk of Hartsholme Park and Swanholme Lakes Local Nature Reserve. Come along to try to spot the many different species of birds that reside at the park throughout the year.

01522 524240

01522 812512 / £7

The Macmillan Tree of Lights St Marks Shopping Centre November 27 6.30pm to 8pm Join Macmillan and celebrate the lives of lost loved ones this Christmas at the Macmillan Tree of Lights. 07572 489953 /


Lincoln Christmas Market Cathedral Quarter December 4 – December 7 12pm to 9pm Lincoln’s Cathedral Quarter will be taken over by stalls, entertainers and authentic chalets for four days of festive entertainment and shopping at the famous Lincoln Christmas Market.

Advent Wreath Festival

01522 873503

Church of St Mary Magdalene November 29 – December 18

Marmalade Christmas Special

The St Mary Magdalene Parish Church Advent Wreath Festive will exhibit beautiful Christmas wreaths decorated by local businesses throughout Advent. 01522 520401 /

Lincoln Ice Rink Lincoln City Square November 29 – December 31 10am to 9pm Skate on real ice at Lincoln’s ice rink in City Square. Lincoln is truly magical at Christmas time so come and get your skates on in the city centre. 01522 717118 /

Lincoln Drill Hall December 4 7pm If you are a young musician who wants to play in front of an audience, come and take part in the festive open mic session at the Café Bar.

A Victorian Christmas Museum of Lincolnshire Life December 6 – 7 10am to 4pm Get a taste of the Victorian Christmas spirit at the Museum of Lincolnshire Life. There will be a host of friendly Victorian characters preparing for the festive period in the museum’s traditionally set up house and shops. 01522 782040


Find out more at

01522 873735

Pantomime: Jack and the Beanstalk Lincoln Theatre Royal December 8 – January 11 Magic beans, a journey to an enchanted kingdom in the clouds, an evil giant, and some musical mayhem - enjoy a classic pantomime show at Lincoln Theatre Royal. 01522 519999

Christmas Wreath Making Hartsholme Country Park December 9 1pm to 3pm This traditional Christmas craft will see you making your very own festive wreath to decorate your home. This event is for adults. Don’t miss out – there are limited places available and booking is essential. 01522 873735

Carols in the Cornhill Cornhill December 11 6.30pm Lincoln shoppers can witness a magical Christmas tradition around the city centre as Carols in the Cornhill returns. The procession will begin at Newport Arch at 5.30pm with The City of Lincoln Waites, where carollers will stop to ‘Cry Christmas’ at Jews Court and The Cardinal’s Hat before finishing at the Cornhill for the start of the service. 01522 545233 /

Alice in Winter Wonderland Lincoln Performing Arts Centre (LPAC) December 12 – 24 Take the whole family to get lost with Alice in Winter Wonderland this Christmas at LPAC. 01522 837600 /

Pantomime: Aladdin Lincoln Drill Hall December 12 – January 4 Enjoy a spectacular pantomime treat for the whole family at Lincoln Drill Hall. 01522 873894 /

A Ceremony of Carols The Minster Shop December 13 2pm to 9pm Enjoy a performance of Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols followed by a lanternlit tour of Lincoln Cathedral. 01522 561644 / from £5 up to £20

Santa Fun Run and Walk Castle Square December 14 11.30am to 1.30pm The Lincoln Santa Fun Run and Walk is the biggest festive fundraiser in Lincoln, with 2,000 people taking to the streets in the historic Cathedral Quarter dressed as Santa Claus to raise money for some very deserving local charities.

Christmas Crafts

Santa’s Grotto

Hartsholme Country Park December 14 1pm to 3pm

Lincoln Castle December 20 – 23 11.30am to 2.30pm

Try your hand at making your very own Christmas decorations, which you can then take home with you in time for the big day. Don’t miss out – limited places are available and booking is essential.

Come and meet our traditional Santa Claus in his magical Christmas grotto nestled in the Castle grounds. £6 / 01522 782040

01522 873735 / £3.50


A Crackin’ Christmas Celebration Whisby Nature Park December 14 10am to 4pm Enjoy live entertainment, festive food and drink and craft and produce stalls at the Natural World Centre at Whisby Nature Park. Perfect for getting into the Christmas spirit, browse local, traditional craft and produce stalls, enjoy food, drink and treats, watch a programme full of festive performances throughout the day and take part in children’s craft activities, including Christmas card making.

Bird Feeder Making Hartsholme Country Park January 4 1pm to 3pm Help the native birds thrive during the cold spell by making a bird feeder to hang in your garden. Don’t miss out – limited places are available and booking is essential. 01522 873735

FREE / 01522 870273

Lantern Parade & Nativity Lincoln Cornhill December 18 6pm to 7.30pm Join the children of Westgate Academy on a lantern parade through Lincoln, ending with a traditional nativity play in Castle Square. 01522 842702 /

Christmas Crafts Market Cornhill December 20 – 24 9am to 4pm

All events listings are supplied by the venues and are correct at the time of printing.

Make the most of this special four-day market to find a unique Christmas gift for a loved one. Local artisans create a unique place to buy handcrafted gifts, ornaments, jewellery and more.


We’ve bookworms, night owls and cheeky monkeys. Discover your natural habitat at BGU We now have a great range of new courses starting in September 2015, allowing you to study areas such as Archaeology, Business, Counselling, Health & Social Care and Sociology. To find out more, visit our website -

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