Melbourne Magazine April - May 2015

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CARLTON’S NEW HUB Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre


GALLIPOLI A new perspective on an old conflict


LOCAL SOLDIER One Melburnian’s story of war


A CITY FOR PEOPLE Planning tomorrow’s food today




YOUR SAY Letters, tweets and a little love from our friends


CITY NEWS Council takes long-term view with financial plan


EVENTS CALENDAR What’s on in the city


YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD Splish splash Olive’s taking a class


MELBOURNE IN FOCUS Get to know our new CEO

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YOUR COUNCIL LORD MAYOR’S COMMENDATIONS Peter Andrew Barrett Architectural Conservation Consultant

Information and events in this publication are current at the time of printing. Subsequent changes may occur. The City of Melbourne does not guarantee that this publication is without flaw or wholly appropriate for your purposes. It and its employees expressly disclaim any liability, for any loss or damage, whether direct or consequential, suffered by any person as the result of or arising from reliance on any information contained in the publication. © All applicable copyrights reserved for the City of Melbourne. Except for any uses permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), no part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner or in any medium (whether electronic or otherwise) without the express permission of the City of Melbourne.

Lord Mayor Robert Doyle at the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Draft Master Plan launch

On 25 April, Melburnians will join millions of others around the world to commemorate the centenary of the Gallipoli Anzac landing. This will be a poignant and reflective day as we honour and pay tribute to the sacrifices that our service men and women made one hundred years ago. With conflicts and hostilities continuing to plague our world and threaten our way of life, we will also spare a thought for those brave souls currently serving our nation. On 25 April I will join my fellow Melburnians to pay my respects at Victoria’s largest and most visited war memorial of national significance: Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance. In 1928, Melbourne City Council contributed £50,000 towards building the Shrine. Ever since, we have continued to honour the Shrine and have maintained planning controls to prevent its magnificent vista from being overshadowed. As a trustee of the Shrine, I am among those charged with its care, maintenance and preservation and I will continue to champion its sacrosanctity.

The face of Melbourne is constantly evolving. It’s a balancing act to preserve our heritage and culture while maintaining our status as a global city; the most liveable city in the world. This is why we have made the largest investment in our history to secure the future of the Queen Victoria Market forever as a contemporary world-class market in our city. Importantly, we will preserve and celebrate its heritage while making improvements to amenity, facilities and access. Working with the Queen Victoria Market Board and management, we now have a refined strategic direction and Draft Master Plan which will drive the project to deliver a ‘market of markets’, a true Melbourne experience and community meeting place. We have applied for national heritage listing, the necessary precursor to World Heritage listing for the Queen Victoria Market, an acknowledgement that will provide appropriate recognition and protection of this landmark. Like the Shrine, it is vital that we preserve the legacy of Queen Victoria Market for future generations.

Today, Melbourne City Council is acting to preserve and protect another of our cherished icons: Queen Victoria Market. In its 130 years it has been a cemetery, livestock market and a wholesale fruit and vegetable market. Melbourne City Council was originally established to manage the city’s markets.

Robert Doyle, Lord Mayor @LordMayorMelb

Cover: Turkish-Australian artist Elif Sezen stands outside the Shrine of Remembrance at dawn with her artwork, The Red Poppy, part of the commemorative exhibition Gelibolu: A Turkish-Australian perspective on Gallipoli. The exhibition is at the No Vacancy Gallery, QV Building, until 25 April.




WHO WAS KATHLEEN SYME? Kathleen Syme OBE was a prominent journalist, welfare worker, women’s rights advocate and company director at The Age, at a time when few women held prominent roles in business. Kathleen graduated from the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Arts in 1919, got a Master’s degree in 1921 and a Bachelor of Laws in 1923. At this time she also joined the staff of The Age newspaper, where she worked as a writer, women’s editor and pictorial editor. When the newspaper, which was founded by her grandfather David Syme, went public in 1948, she became one of the founding members of the board and remained an active member until 1971. When she died at age 81 in 1977, her obituary in The Age said: ‘Miss Syme was interested in people from their infancy to their twilight’ due to her work in the establishment and operation of the Victorian Women Graduates Association, the University Women’s College and the Greenvale Village for the Aged. Kathleen also served on the board of the Royal Women’s Hospital for decades and it was in her honour that its education centre was named the Kathleen Syme Education Centre. Her name has been associated with the building ever since. The heritage-listed building was acquired by the City of Melbourne in July 2011 and the importance of retaining Kathleen’s name was identified through the community engagement and planning process in 2012–13.

The new library and community centre on Faraday Street

KATHLEEN SYME LIBRARY AND COMMUNITY CENTRE SET TO OPEN Following a $15.5 million refurbishment, the historic Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre is set to open in May as the first community hub of its kind in Carlton.

‘The hub is a warm and welcoming space for all members of the community. A great place to foster community interaction, to gather with friends, expand your knowledge’.

The restoration respected the building’s stunning 1876 Victorian architecture while transforming the interior of the former state school building into modern, accessible community spaces.

The City of Melbourne has commissioned Wurundjeri artist Mandy Nicholson to develop a site specific artwork that acknowledges and shares the stories of the traditional owners of the land on which the venue was built. Elements of Mandy’s artwork have also been interpreted throughout the building’s interior fit out.

The building features a library, cafe, spaces for older people, a recording studio, learning rooms with computer lab and bookable meeting spaces. Councillor Richard Foster, Chair of the People City portfolio, said it’s a great investment in the community. ‘The population of the Carlton community has grown and with this growth comes increased demand for infrastructure and services’, he said.

The Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre will be the fourth community hub for the municipality, following the Boyd Community Hub, Library at The Dock, and the newly reopened Kensington Town Hall. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT

Kathleen Syme





LETTER OF THE MONTH Having visited many tourist information centres in the UK and abroad, your centre [the Melbourne Visitor Centre in Federation Square] is head and shoulders above them all. Every volunteer was amazingly helpful – I cannot commend them enough. I have just returned from a fabulous walk suggested by Clive, but we have called in several times during the week and all the volunteers were great. Melbourne is a wonderful, welcoming city. I plan to return. Carol Berry, United Kingdom

Share your thoughts with us at

Thank you @cityofmelbourne for planting the wildflower meadow on Batman Avenue - absolutely beautiful #melbourne

@cityofmelbourne thanks for putting on great films in the park for #blacknite @PriscillaGaff


Melbourne the greatest events city in the world #WhiteNightMelb #Melbourne #events @thats_ melbourne @cityofmelbourne

Sweet just emailed my first tree, thanks @cityofmelbourne, I’ll be emailing each Plane Tree in turn @norton_tim


RUNNING FREE Where can I walk my dog off the leash in the City of Melbourne? Our interactive maps website provides all sorts of information on services, sites and activities in the municipality, including a map with the location of all dog off leash areas. Visit and select the option of your choice from the menu on the left and watch as a map of the municipality is created to match your request. There are all sorts of things to search, such as mobility gradients, self-guided walks, historic maps and more. SEE WHAT YOU CAN FIND AT

CONNECT WITH US @rawrbar216











Nature in the city

Shape your Southbank

With challenges such as climate change and a growing population, how we protect and enhance our natural environment within the city is an important topic. Help us develop City of Melbourne’s first Urban Ecology and Biodiversity strategy. Tell us what you think online or register to attend an event until 30 April.

Over the next two years, the City of Melbourne will undertake a number of projects to build on Southbank’s reputation as an inviting place for residents, businesses and visitors, and we want you to be involved. Join the conversation on Southbank’s urban forest and the City Road master plan.



CITY NEWS To embrace and respond to change such as population growth, the global economy, climate change and the constant technological advances, our city must have a strong financial position. Work on the City of Melbourne’s new 10-Year Financial Plan is underway. Once complete the plan will prioritise our spending and revenue over the next decade. In line with a Council resolution from late November, the plan will include recommendations on revenue and spending priorities identified by our first People’s Panel – an innovative and extensive new community consultation process undertaken last year. Councillor Stephen Mayne, Chair of Finance and Governance portfolio said: ‘We undertook this process to encourage people to help Council make more consultative decisions and what we have is a report that addresses all of these challenges and opportunities’.

‘...what we have is a report that addresses all of these challenges and opportunities’.


Analysis and financial modeling on these recommendations is underway, with the People’s Panel report to be included into the draft 10-Year Financial Plan as a key reference document. A draft of the 10-Year Financial Plan and draft 2015–16 Annual Plan and Budget will be available for comment shortly. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT

Members of the People’s Panel outside Melbourne Town Hall in late 2014

QUEEN VICTORIA MARKET RENEWAL: UPDATE Thank you to everyone who took part in the third phase of community engagement for the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Draft Master Plan.

Queen Victoria Market facade

We value the feedback of all those who took the time to contribute their thoughts: the shoppers, traders, residents and community groups which bring the market to life.

The feedback will help inform the development of the final Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Draft Master Plan, which is due to be released for a final round of community engagement in May. The final plan will then go to Council in June. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT





‘He placed my coffee into a takeaway coffee tray and lodged the tray firmly into my basket. Simple, I know, but it took someone who was sympathetic to my situation to find a solution’. Tully Zygier enjoys a coffee in the city

ACCESS FOR ALL IN THE CITY Coffee is synonymous with Melbourne, but getting a morning cafe latte isn’t as easy for some as it is for others. As a creature of habit who has worked in the city for several years, Tully Zygier liked to pick up a coffee on her way to the office. Five years ago she began using a walking frame due to a chronic, degenerative illness. ‘I avoid a lot of places’, said Tully. ‘It’s really hard to manoeuvre around in the city. There are lots of people and lots of obstacles: signage, chairs, tables and motorbikes parked on the footpath’. ‘A lot of the buildings in the city are old and have a little step to get in, so it’s really good when businesses have a little portable ramp they can bring out’.

A 2012 report on the economic benefits of universal access in the City of Melbourne, conducted by Monash University, found that for every dollar invested in universal design principles, the return was at least $13 and could be as high as $22. While it is easier and more cost effective to introduce universal design at the construction stage, rather than retrofitting, there are some small concessions business owners can make to help those with accessibility issues. ‘When I first started using my walking frame, I didn’t know where to put my coffee’, said Tully. ‘I was worried that I would never be able to get a takeaway coffee ever again. Eventually one of the cafe owners came up with a solution.

‘He placed my coffee into a takeaway coffee tray and lodged the tray firmly into my basket. Simple, I know, but it took someone who was sympathetic to my situation to find a solution’. Over the last decade there has been a growth in the number of people living with a disability, which means there are even more reasons for businesses to consider the accessibility needs of their customers. Reducing barriers to participation in the city is one of the key themes of our Melbourne for All People strategy. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT melbourneforallpeople

PLACES FOR PEOPLE: NEIGHBOURHOOD STUDY Local neighbourhoods will change as our city grows. Now is the chance to have your say. Melbourne is home to numerous local neighbourhoods, all with distinctive character and diverse identities. As our city grows, the City of Melbourne would like to understand how people currently use their local neighbourhoods and whether people access local goods, services and infrastructure in their local area. From local shops to community services, cultural facilities and schools, we want to hear how our neighbourhoods work.

Residents, workers, students and visitors are invited to join the conversation as part of the second phase of our Places for People study. The results of the study will provide local insight into neighbourhoods and help influence future planning and urban design decisions. Engagement will include a range of face-to-face pop-up sessions around the municipality, including the central city, Docklands and Southbank. The engagement period is open until 26 April. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT

Neighbourhood shops in Bellair Street, Kensington




Melbourne City Mission, a 2014 winner

MELBOURNE AWARDS: WHO WILL YOU NOMINATE? Last year the Melbourne City Mission was one of the many winners in the annual Melbourne Awards. The mission works with some of Melbourne’s most vulnerable individuals, families and communities, and helps thousands of people avoid disadvantage, economic exclusion and social isolation. LEDs light the way in Royal Park

A SHINING LIGHT IN ASSET MANAGEMENT In a municipality the size of the City of Melbourne, there is a lot of housekeeping which needs to be done to keep the city in good working order. Regular maintenance of the municipality’s many assets such as public buildings, public open spaces, public artwork, roads, bridges, litter bins, benches and public lighting all fall to the local council. Well managed assets, kept in good working order, benefit the community and reduce the impact on Council resources. The City of Melbourne is currently undertaking the substantial task of updating all decorative and street lights under Council control to more efficient LED lights, in a three-year program of works. This change will provide the best outcomes for the community in terms of cost, environmental outcomes, safety and city amenity.

The benefits include reduced energy consumption and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The reduction in energy consumption will also lead to cost savings in operation. As LED lights have a longer life span than old technology lights, savings will also be made in ongoing maintenance and replacement costs. The white light of LEDs is close to that of daylight and has the additional amenity benefit of making spaces more attractive at night when compared with the yellow light of old technology lighting. The light from LEDs has also been shown to provide improved facial recognition at night, which in turn makes people feel safer.

These were just some of the qualities that made the organisation stand out in the category of Contribution to Community by a Community Organisation in 2014. The Melbourne Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of organisations and individuals whose passion and commitment makes Melbourne such a unique place to live, visit and do business. Every year the awards recognise significant achievements in the areas of environmental sustainability, community and profile. If you know of an exceptional Melburnian, Melbourne business or organisation, you can nominate them for a Melbourne Award. Nominations are open until 9 June.







‘We are very fortunate in Melbourne that we still have a lot of period buildings and beautiful mansion houses that we can utilise’.

MADE IN MELBOURNE Actors come and go, but one star that continues to get top billing in popular shows and films is Melbourne. The city’s mix of classical boomtown buildings, tree-lined boulevards and diverse housing stock provides a great range of options for television and film makers. Coupled with a film-friendly reputation and first class sound stage facilities at Docklands Studios, Melbourne is the perfect location for filming. For Fiona Eagger, Production Manager for the ABC’s Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, choosing to film in Melbourne was easy as Kerry Greenwood’s detective novels, on which the series is based, are set in and around 1920s Melbourne. ‘We are very fortunate in Melbourne that we still have a lot of period buildings and beautiful mansion houses that we can utilise’, said Fiona. ‘The Town Hall, Parliament House, Treasury, Tasma House and Parkville all have beautiful period details’. Indeed in series one episode four a bank robbery scene was filmed in the foyer of the Melbourne Town Hall. Further afield Ripponlea Estate, Como House and Werribee Mansion all featured.


A scene from Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries series one outside the Windsor Hotel

‘It’s lovely to bring fine buildings to people’s attention’, said Fiona. ‘We have a great partnership with the National Trust and the City of Melbourne’. Filming for the third series wrapped up in January and viewers can expect to see more of Melbourne when the third series goes to air later this year. Fiona and the team hope to bring the State Library of Victoria’s beautiful domed reading room and the historical Melbourne Observatory into future scripts. The City of Melbourne works hard to cultivate Melbourne’s filming friendly image. Around 100 permits are issued for local and international productions each year. Filming permits ensure the protection and proper use of public spaces such as parks and gardens and minimise or control disruption for nearby residents. Recent Australian productions shot in Melbourne include Party Tricks, The Slap, Offspring, Winners and Losers, The Block and Masterchef Australia at the Flemington Showgrounds. International productions include Pre-Destination starring Ethan Hawke, and I, Frankenstein with Aaron Eckhart and Miranda Otto.


Shooting Phryne Fisher at the Polly Woodside for series two

Information on filming in the City of Melbourne, including permits and filming locations, is available on our website. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT enterprisemelbourne




‘Art has always been a powerful tool in reframing history’.

Gelibolu is the Turkish name of the town and district known to most Australians as Gallipoli. One hundred years after the landing at Gallipoli, the Anzac diggers and the local Turks who took part in the conflict are long gone, but the conflict has left a significant and lasting impression on both sides – impressions that have spread through the generations, touching men and women, young and old. Gelibolu: A Turkish-Australian perspective on Gallipoli is a contemporary art exhibition, produced by the City of Melbourne to look at the narrative from a new perspective. ‘Art has always been a powerful tool in reframing history’, said Gelibolu co-curator, Juliette Hanson. ‘I would like viewers to question their beliefs about nationhood, as informed by popular culture and the media, and to recognise that growing up in a certain place determines a particular and potentially limited understanding of history’. The themes of the exhibition were inspired by a set of interviews conducted with a broad range of people from Melbourne’s Turkish community. ‘Each interviewee was asked the same questions, relating to how they identified themselves culturally, socially and ethnically, and the significance of Anzac Day and the battles of Gallipoli’, she said. The common themes that emerged from the interviews and then formed the basis of the commission for the four participating artists were: the promotion of peace, unified remembrance, memorialisation, commemoration, sacrifice and TurkishAustralian cultural heritage. The artists responded to the challenge in a variety of ways including video installation, oil paintings, a multi-panel work and a woven installation. One of the artists, Turkish-Australian Elif Sezen, who was born in Melbourne and lived in Turkey from 1992 to 2007, said creating her work was like being part of a soul retrieval process, adding to, recalling and retrieving from the collective pool of consciousness. ‘This work aims to acknowledge Anzac Day and bring forth the understanding of compassion, love and respect to both Turkish soldiers and Anzacs who lost their lives or became wounded as a result of the Gallipoli Battle’, said Elif.

Thomas, Metim Gokalp, 2015, oil on canvas

Her work, The Red Poppy, reflects on the national identity following the trauma of war. ‘The red poppy in the centre of this work encourages the viewer to refocus their vision on the eternal cycle of remembrance. The images of plastic toy soldiers evoke a glimpse of irony, underlying war that can become an illusion of individuals and nations, blinding our vision of unity’, she said.

The Red Poppy, Elif Sezen, 2015, digital photographic manipulation on paper

Gelibolu: A Turkish-Australian perspective on Gallipoli is on at the No Vacancy Gallery, QV Building, until 25 April. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT








On 4 August 1914, Great Britain declared war on Germany. Two weeks later a 26-year-old electrician from Richmond, named Edward John Falloon, was among the first in Melbourne to enlist. His service number was 27. Employed by the Melbourne City Council’s electrical branch, Edward was presented with a silver teapot before he left, bearing the inscription: ‘Presented to E. Falloon from the Officers & Staff of the MCCEL Supply who is forming part of the First Australian expeditionary force 1914’. His 92-year-old niece, Lesley Falloon, who still has the teapot, described her Uncle Ned as ‘quite a person’ who was remembered among the family as a wonderful brother. ‘His bosses at the City Council must have thought he was a worthy recipient’, she said, adding that she had always thought a teapot was an amusing present to give a young soldier. Edward embarked for Egypt from Station Pier on 21 October 1914, on board the HMAT Orvieto, in the first convoy of the Australian Imperial Forces. Standing well over six feet, Edward, or ‘Tiny’ as he was known to his mates, was a Corporal in the 2nd Field Company, Australian Engineers when he landed at Anzac Cove on the Gallipoli peninsula, on 25 April 1915. He and his fellow engineers sunk wells for water, constructed roads to drag artillery up to the battle lines and connected communication lines in the trenches. While at Gallipoli, Tiny was mentioned in despatches for his gallantry.

It was for his conduct during this battle that Tiny was awarded the prestigious Military Medal. The recommendation reads: ‘he showed high courage and devotion to duty, setting a fine example to the men under him under very heavy shell fire and inspired them with great confidence’. Less than a year later he was again singled out for bravery and awarded a Bar to his Military Medal. Tiny had been promoted to Company Sergeant Major by the time he was shot by machine gun fire near Ypres in Belgium. It was 10 April 1918 – seven months before the Armistice on 11 November 1918. The location of his grave is unknown. Edward John Falloon’s name is now recorded on the Australian National Memorial in Villers-Bretonneux in France, on the Roll of Honour at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, at the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne and on a marble memorial in the Melbourne Town Hall, listing the officers and employees who served in the World Wars of 1914–18 and 1939–45. He was one of the 416,809 men who enlisted in the First World War and one of 62,000 who were killed at a time when Australia’s population numbered less than five million. The Anzac Day Dawn Service commemorating the centenary of the Gallipoli landing will take place at the Shrine of Remembrance on 25 April at 6am.

One recommendation, following the Battle of Lone Pine, on 6 August 1915 said: ‘Under heavy fire this man carried on work building traversen and repairing parapets…he went under fire and did as much as was possible to make the position secure from machine gun fire of the Turks’. After Gallipoli the 2nd Field Company was redeployed to the Western Front in March 1916. Stationed near the French village of Pozières, Tiny and his comrades provided support to the infantry, digging and repairing trenches and gun emplacements under some of the heaviest shell fire of the war. Lesley Falloon with her uncle’s teapot and medals





FOOD CITY: PLANNING TOMORROW’S FOOD TODAY Melbourne is a city renowned for its restaurant scene, cooking shows rate highly on television and grains like quinoa and freekeh are commonplace on city menus. Against this backdrop it is hard to envisage any Melburnians would have to worry about their next meal, yet a recent survey conducted by the City of Melbourne revealed not everyone in the municipality has secure and ongoing access to food. Data from the Future Melbourne Social Survey 2014 revealed many Melburnians cannot find the food they need to live an active and healthy life, due to physical, social and/or economic reasons. Between three to seven per cent of adults in the municipality experience some degree of food insecurity, seven per cent have worried about putting food on the table, six per cent have cut meal size, or skipped meals to make food last longer, and three per cent have run out of food and not been able to afford more. While these seem like relatively low percentages, based on an estimated adult resident population of around 110,000, the number of adults affected by food insecurity in the municipality is up to 7,500 people. These figures are also likely to be an underestimate as the survey did not count children, or other dependents within the household, who may also be affected, or the homeless. Those most at risk of food insecurity are people who live on their own, tertiary students, people with incomes below $31,000 and the homeless. Melbourne food relief services also report seeing an increasing number of low income and single parent families who require support. Councillor Richard Foster, Chair of the People City portfolio said: ‘food security isn’t just about having enough to eat, it’s also about being able to eat the right food. Access to a healthy diet is just as important as eating regular meals’.

Matthew Daniels serves a customer at the Hamodava Cafe window on Westwood Place




Boyd Farmers’ Market, Southbank, 2014

The City of Melbourne became one of the first cities in the world to adopt a food policy when it endorsed Food City, a strategy to help improve people’s health and wellbeing. Today cities with food policies include New York, London, Chicago, Toronto and Vancouver. The aim of Food City is to create a food system that is secure, healthy, sustainable, thriving and socially inclusive, using a framework of five key themes: 1. A strong, food secure community 2. Healthy food choices for all 3. A sustainable and resilient food system 4. A thriving local food economy 5. A city that celebrates food Due to Melbourne’s leadership and longevity in this sphere, the City of Melbourne was invited by the City of Milan (Melbourne’s sister city since 2004), to participate in the development of an international food agreement as part of the city’s Expo 2015 activities. Milan is hosting the ‘Universal Exposition’ from May to October this year, under the theme: Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. As part of the expo, the City of Milan is working to develop an Urban Food Policy Pact to be shared among global cities, to promote the coordination of food-related best practice. International working groups have been set up and meet regularly by webinar to establish standards, common objectives and indicators around the three key areas: nutrition, environment and food security.

Once the details are finalised the pact will be signed during an official event at the Universal Exposition in Milan in October 2015.

Lunchtime pop-up talks about small space gardening and veggie patch basics, rounded out the popular and colourful program.

The City of Melbourne’s participation in the development of the pact demonstrates our leadership in food policy development and underlines the organisation’s ability to build and share knowledge at an international level’, said Cr Foster.

In contrast, there is always a section of society for whom growing food is not an easy option. To help those who need better access to food, the City of Melbourne has put together a comprehensive Community Food Guide.

‘Our participation in the food security working group means we are having discussions at an international level on how to ensure all people have access to food in sufficient quantity and quality, regularly, without compromising access to other basic needs’.

The guide lists the food assistance available and includes food parcels, affordable meals, cooking groups, nutrition advice, community gardens, fresh food markets, food cooperatives, food swaps, community planter boxes and food delivery or shopping support services.

‘This international work ties in well with the practical solutions we have implemented on a local level here in Melbourne’. ‘This international work ties in well with the practical solutions we have implemented on a local level here in Melbourne’. Closer to home, February’s Grow Show saw the Melbourne Town Hall flower beds come alive with herbs, veggies and edible flowers to familiarise people with food plants and encourage city dwellers to grow their own healthy food in relatively small spaces.

One such venue is the Hamodava Cafe in the central city. Run by the Salvation Army and a team of volunteers, the cafe serves free breakfast and lunch on weekdays to a diverse range of people. Cafe coordinator Matthew Daniels said customers include the homeless, international students, refugees and asylum seekers. He estimates the cafe serves about 100 meals at breakfast and 200 to 250 for lunch. ‘There’s just such a mix of people: men and women, young and old, plus a whole range of nationalities and social demographics’, said Matthew. The cafe welcomes everyone to drop in, with the price of coffee for those not in need, just a gold coin donation. As a city which looks after its people and celebrates all things food, it is incumbent upon Melbourne to lead the way in responsible food management, to meet the needs of our growing and diverse population.

The City of Milan hopes the pact will provide mayors worldwide with the tools to make their cities more sustainable and equitable and win the global challenges posed by hunger, malnutrition and climate change.






A few of our favourite things.



ArtPlay: Sounds Like Somewhere







The first game of 2015 Australian Football League season will be played on 2 April and the Grand Final is scheduled to be played on 3 October.

UNTIL 19 APRIL MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL COMEDY FESTIVAL Laugh yourself silly once again as the Melbourne International Comedy Festival returns to Australia’s comedy capital. Take your pick from an enormous and amusing program of stand-up comedy, cabaret, theatre, street performance, film, television and more.

Step back in time with this stunning exhibition of WWI items sourced from the Imperial War Museum of London. This interactive exhibition at the Melbourne Museum features many personal stories and artefacts never seen before in Australia.




This NGV exhibition includes the work of some of Australia’s most well-known artists, such as Arthur Streeton, Russell Drysdale and Max Dupain, as well as soldier artists, to reveal the experiences of Australians actively engaged and those at home. Importantly, it reflects the diversity of attitudes and experiences at this time.

UNTIL 21 APRIL CITY GALLERY: AT DUSK, UNDER THE CLOCKS From 1968-71, high school teacher Angus O’Callaghan walked Melbourne in the evening photographing its streets, people and events, on two Yashicaflex medium format cameras. See the stunning results at the City Gallery.


UNTIL 25 APRIL GELIBOLU: A TURKISH AUSTRALIAN PERSPECTIVE ON GALLIPOLI Read all about this special exhibition at No Vacancy Gallery in the QV Building, on page 9.

17 TO 19 APRIL ARTPLAY: SOUNDS LIKE SOMEWHERE Enter a room where everything hangs in the air. Make shapes and hang ribbons to build a world of colour and listen to the sounds that change the way you look at the landscape all around. Are you under the sea? Or high up in a tree? Bookings essential. Book online.


This year’s Spanish Film Festival returns to the Kino Cinema with a program of 38 feature films from Spain, Latin-America and beyond. The films are as varied as the ceramic tiles on a Gaudi masterpiece, ranging from comedic tales, to Latin love stories. It’s like a holiday in your own city.

Anzac Day at the Shrine of Remembrance

Anzac Day Anzac Day commemorates the landing of Australian and New Zealand forces at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915 and has expanded to include recognition of all Australians who have served in war or on peacekeeping operations. 6am

Dawn Service

8.15am Official Wreath Laying Service 9am

Anzac Day March along St Kilda Road.


Commemorative Service


A one day festival celebrating the Dutch national day as well as the King’s birthday. The festival is family friendly and showcases Dutch food, culture, music and entertainment all day and is easily reached by public transport. Come on down and dress in orange.

1 TO 17 MAY MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL DESIGN WEEK Celebrate design excellence at this annual festival highlighting the role of design as a catalyst for innovation, technology and society. See the best in design from Victoria and beyond and be inspired by the benefits of outstanding design for our lives and our economy.






City Gallery: At dusk, under the clocks

2 TO 3 MAY

16 TO 24 MAY



The South East Asia Festival celebrates the cultural diversity of our near neighbours with street food and cultural performances from 10 member nations. This year we celebrate 40 years of Australian-ASEAN relations. The market place of South East Asia will transform Argyle Square in Lygon Street into an environment familiar to those from the region.

Immerse yourself in the golden goodness of Good Beer Week. Staged at various venues across Melbourne and the state, it’s a great way to get together with friends and get reacquainted with some of Australia’s finest pubs.


9 MAY MSO: NOSTALGHIA – CONCERT 1 OF THE METROPOLIS SERIES The opening concert of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s (MSO) Metropolis Series, ‘Nostalghia’, will be held at the Melbourne Recital Centre. The concert also includes a new work commissioned as part of the MSO’s Cybec 21st Century Australian Composers Program.

11 TO 17 MAY LAW WEEK Discover more about the law in this festival of ideas and discussion. Go behind the scenes at the courts, find answers to everyday legal issues, or simply get carried away in the drama of the law.

Reconciliation Week is a time to share histories, cultures and achievements. The theme for this year is ‘It’s time to change it up’ so keep an eye out for events in and around Melbourne and follow the hashtag #NRW2015.

29 MAY TO 7 JUNE MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL JAZZ FESTIVAL Hear the world’s modern masters of jazz in a thrilling program of big-name artists and soulful singers, alongside the best Australian artists. The free events include lunchtime concerts, a late-night art party, artist talks and soundwalks.



MS Melbourne Cycle

SPORT 12 APRIL THE WOMEN’S RIDE Join Victoria’s first mass participation riding event designed especially for women. Invite your family, friends, or colleagues and help increase the awareness and participation of women in all forms of cycling.

19 APRIL MS MELBOURNE CYCLE Explore Melbourne and show your support for those living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in the fundraising event. Ride through the central city, experience the spectacular view over the West Gate Bridge and cross the finish line with a buzz in Carlton on the 50km or 30km course.

3 MAY PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN WALK Help raise funds for desperately needed research into Pancreatic Cancer on a 5km walk through Melbourne. The walk starts at Alexandra Gardens and follows the scenic river paths to Southbank Promenade. All profits go to Pancreatic Cancer research carried out in the name of Avner’s Foundation.


Courts Open Day at Law Week

Discover all that’s happening in Melbourne at

The Mother’s Day Classic is an annual fun run and walk raising funds and awareness for breast cancer research. A great day out for the family, the run is a fun, healthy and inspirational event that brings the community together on Mother’s Day to support and remember those touched by breast cancer.




Intergenerational music program participants

MUSIC BRIDGES THE AGE GAP IN MELBOURNE A new music program has children and older people dancing to the beat of the same drum, thanks to the City of Melbourne. The intergenerational music playgroup connects children from local child care centres with activity groups for older people. Music therapist Imogen Rees said the idea for the intergenerational music playgroup came from other work that she had been doing in aged care combined with extensive research. Her aim was to provide older people and children with increased community contact where it might otherwise be missing or limited. The program was funded through the City of Melbourne Community Grants program. ‘A program like this aims to provide opportunities for children to develop relationships with older adults and learn that things around ageing and disability are quite acceptable and normal and non-threatening: things such as walking sticks, walking frames, various impairments,’ said Imogen. In turn the program provides opportunities for older adults to have positive experiences with children which they might not regularly have. ‘The nice thing about integrating music into a program like this is because it is such a great tool to bring people together: it’s all inclusive, it’s interactive, it’s quite celebratory in nature and it’s fun and engaging for all ages,’ she said.


‘As far as children’s music goes, it’s familiar to young and old and it therefore provides a nice common ground and a bridge between the generations.’ Another benefit of music is its timelessness. ‘As far as children’s music goes, it’s familiar to young and old and it therefore provides a nice common ground and a bridge between the generations. It’s a really lovely way of bringing people together,’ she said.

Imogen Rees, music therapist

The groups met once a month for music and group activities in 2014 and participants said the sessions provided great experiences for young and old, promoting health and wellbeing for everyone involved. By bringing together people of different ages and backgrounds, this project exemplifies the goal of the City of Melbourne’s Melbourne for All People Strategy. The strategy aims to support all people, from zero to 100+ in six theme areas: Access and inclusion, Safety, Connection, Health and wellbeing, Life-long learning and Having a voice.



Olivia from Gowrie Victoria



Olive and Siew during class

SPLISH SPLASH OLIVE’S TAKING A CLASS The Melbourne City Baths are a long way from the old Bendigo mining dam where Olive Hamilton learnt to swim in the early 1940s.

‘Siew and I both took the Arthritis Foundation Water Exercise Leaders Course in the mid 1990s’, said Olive. Both have gone on to instruct for the last 20 years or so.

These days Olive and her fellow instructor, Siew Cleeland, volunteer at a weekly water exercise class, where the average age of the participants is 80, several have walking sticks, some have heart conditions and one member is on their third hip.

However, Siew notes that the ability to swim is not necessary for water exercise. She herself did not come from a strong swimming background like Olive. It was a backache and a recommendation to try hydro therapy which introduced Siew to this new form of exercise.

At age 82, Olive is adamant that age is no barrier to participation. ‘You just have to see the physio to check that you are fit enough’, she said. The class has both women and men, including some married couples. ‘Don’t ever underestimate the social aspect of it,’ said Olive. For some people she said it was the only thing that gets them out of bed, while other participants crossed suburbs to meet up for their weekly class and catch up.

There are many benefits of the classes. The buoyancy of water makes it possible to do movements many would be unable, or find difficult, to do on land. Often the group goes out for coffee after class and they look out for each other too. ‘We always enjoy ourselves’, said Siew. Water Exercise classes are run at the Melbourne City Baths every Thursday, from 9.30am to 10.30am.

Left to right: Jill Field, Tina Scalzo, Olive Hamilton, Kenn Turnbull, Siew Cleeland, Angela Nicolaci and Alan Watson

For more information or to get involved contact cohealth for a referral on 13 14 50.

FLASH MOB SHAKES UP FED SQUARE A flash mob of active older people took centre stage in Federation Square to celebrate the opening of Victorian Seniors Festival late last year. More than 50 older people put on their dancing shoes for the midday spectacular. Participants were involved in practice sessions in the lead up to the event,

honing all movements in their three minute dance routine. The group was made up of residents and members of different groups who meet in the City of Melbourne. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT

Flash mob in Federation Square during Seniors Week





IN BRIEF RECEIVE YOUR RATES NOTICES VIA EMAIL You can now have your rates notice conveniently emailed to your nominated email address. Available whenever and wherever you are. It’s free and easy. Perfect for when you are away from home.



Ben Rimmer, Chief Executive Officer, City of Melbourne

After seven years in Canberra, and several stints in London, high-achieving Melburnian Ben Rimmer has returned to his hometown as the municipality’s new CEO. The Melbourne magazine took the opportunity to get to know him a bit better as he settles into the role and the city. Where was your first job? Packing orders of school books into boxes over a long hot summer out at the showgrounds. What are the highlights of your career to date? I’m lucky to have had a really diverse set of work opportunities – from working with indigenous groups on economic development opportunities in Cape York, trying to support a British bank to go digital (in 1999!), through to driving national reforms around important social issues such as early childhood development. Every job brings with it highlights and low points, but diversity of experiences across different sectors, cultures and countries keeps you fresh and helps drive ideas and innovation. What attracted you to the job at City of Melbourne? I love this city, and the chance to be part of the next stage of its growth and development was too good to miss, especially given the magnitude of the challenges and opportunities that will face us over the next decade. So many people in this town are working to make Melbourne and Victoria an even better place to be. My sense from a distance was that the City of Melbourne was a very effective organisation with very effective councillors, so that added to the attraction. For my family and I it is also about coming home.


What challenges does the City of Melbourne face? There are some massive challenges facing Melbourne over the next decade. We are now the fastest growing municipality in Australia. Adapting to a changing climate is also front and centre, especially through the Urban Forest Strategy and enhanced water recycling. And community expectations for what we can do will continue to increase, at the same time that we will face significant financial constraints. What opportunities could the organisation seize? Melbourne as a destination, and the City of Melbourne as an organisation, has an enviable reputation around Australia and the world for forward thinking and innovative solutions to improve city liveability. I think our biggest opportunities all come from better partnerships with other organisations, including the new State Government. What do you love most about Melbourne? Ah, too many to mention! Here are just a few: playing with my kids at the Royal Botanic Gardens Children’s garden; cycling along the Yarra; the view over our wonderful city from some of our office buildings; walking the dog around Royal Park; the buzz of ideas and opportunities that seems to come from the area between the State Library, RMIT, the University of Melbourne and our world leading medical research centres. Which football club do you support? Ah hem. Collingwood in AFL; Brumbies in Super Rugby; Melbourne Victory in soccer and the Matildas whenever they play. What do you like doing in your spare time? I try to spend as much time as possible with my beautiful wife and three kids, doing all the normal things – kicking a soccer ball, riding bikes and just providing a taxi service!


Did you know that the City of Melbourne owns and operates a number of venues in the city that are available for community hire at affordable rates? These spaces range from small meeting rooms to large scale event spaces. Visit the website to find out more and book online.

APPLY FOR AN ARTS GRANT Do you have a creative idea for the city? The City of Melbourne is inviting artists and arts organisations to apply for funding of up to $20,000 for the 2016 Arts Grants Program. Applications open 4 May and close 15 June for projects that occur in 2016. grantsandsponsorship

SIGNAL: CALLING ALL ARTISTS Do you have a great idea to engage young people aged 13 to 25? Expressions of interest for the 2016 Signal program open on 13 May. Two information sessions will be held in June and the deadline for proposals is 20 July at 5pm.

COMMUNITY GRANTS 2016 The City of Melbourne 2016 Community Grants allow us to partner with community, schools and sporting groups in the municipality to respond to local issues and deliver projects that improve people’s lives. Applications open 11 May and close on 22 June 2015. Find out if you’re eligible to apply. grantsandsponsorship


YOUR COUNCIL The Right Honourable Lord Mayor Robert Doyle

Deputy Lord Mayor Susan Riley

Future Melbourne (Major Projects) Committee Chair

Future Melbourne (Marketing Melbourne) Committee Deputy Chair

9658 9658

9658 9043

Cr Richard Foster

Cr Ken Ong

Future Melbourne (People City) Committee Chair

Future Melbourne (Planning) Committee Chair

9658 9056

9658 9704

Cr Rohan Leppert

Cr Beverley Pinder-Mortimer

Future Melbourne (Arts and Culture) Committee Chair

Future Melbourne (Marketing Melbourne) Committee Chair

9658 9051

9658 9038

Cr Kevin Louey

Cr Jackie Watts

Future Melbourne (Economic Development) Committee Chair, Docklands Coordination Committee Co-Chair

Future Melbourne (Knowledge City) Committee Chair 9658 8580

9658 9170 or mobile 0413 960 811 Cr Stephen Mayne

Cr Arron Wood

Future Melbourne (Finance and Governance) Committee Chair

Future Melbourne (Environment) Committee Chair

9658 9636 or mobile 0412 106 241

9658 9630

Cr Cathy Oke

Postal address for all councillors

Future Melbourne (Transport) Committee Chair

City of Melbourne, GPO Box 1603, Melbourne VIC 3001

9658 9086

Fax for all councillors 03 9658 9613

COUNCIL MEETINGS All committee meetings are held in: Council Meeting Room, Level 2 Melbourne Town Hall, Swanston Street, Melbourne, except the Docklands Coordination Committee, which is held at: Goods Shed, 710 Collins Street, Docklands, Melbourne.

APRIL 2015

All council meetings are held in: Council Chamber, (Public Gallery, Level 3) Melbourne Town Hall, Swanston Street, Melbourne. On occasion, council meetings are rescheduled or special meetings of the committees and council are called.

Future Melbourne Committee

Tuesday 14 April


Future Melbourne Committee

Tuesday 21 April



Tuesday 28 April


Future Melbourne Committee

Tuesday 5 May


MAY 2015

Future Melbourne Committee

Tuesday 12 May


For upcoming council and committee meeting dates and times, visit


Tuesday 26 May


Changes to the meeting schedule are published at and on the notice board at the front of the Melbourne Town Hall administration building.

Inner Melbourne Action Plan (IMAP) Implementation Committee (Maribyrnong City Council, Maribyrnong Council Offices)

Friday 29 May






PETER ANDREW BARRETT ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION CONSULTANT The view from Peter Barrett’s Collins Street office looks out on a riot of architectural styles and building types. To the left soars 101 Collins Street, a contemporary skyscraper from Denton Corker Marshall. Across the roof of the Grant Hyatt, with its mirrored windows and semi-circular façade, can be seen the sweeping sails of the Sidney Myer Music Bowl, the sequestered tower of Government House, the Grecian portico on the Shrine of Remembrance, and beyond that, the shimmering waters of Port Phillip Bay. It’s a dramatic view and one which instantly brings to mind the diverse architecture in the city and the history which underpins it. Peter has a passion for architectural history and conservation that stemmed from a period he spent working for an architect. Before long he had started his own business, run from the kitchen table! The business grew, and today from his office, Peter specialises in anything to do with the heritage and history of buildings. ‘Every building has a story’, said Peter. ‘Sometimes people just want to know the history of the building as it can add value and be used in foyer displays’.

‘When I started around 20 years ago, for a lot of research you physically had to go to the place where the material was held. In the last five years the need to go to the libraries etc, has really diminished. For example places like the Public Record Office are digitising more and more stuff’. Other clients need more tangible advice. He has worked with developers, architects and planners in situations where a new building or renovation needs to respond to an existing heritage building on or near the site. He can help clients distinguish what is important and significant from a heritage perspective, and what is not. On the often contentious topic of conservation and development, he said everyone has their views and hopefully the best outcome is what moves forward. Reflecting back on Melbourne of the 1970s and 1980s, Peter describes it as grey and depressed in places. ‘We did lose a lot of lovely buildings in the post-war period, but in other respects the city really was lagging behind. To many, it was parochial and provincial’, he said. ‘It’s about trying to find a balance. Keep the heritage, but allow things to move forward’.

Peter Barrett at work in his Collins Street office

LORD MAYOR’S COMMENDATIONS: APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN Long-standing, small and generational businesses are invited to apply for the 2015 Lord Mayor’s Commendations. Applications are open until 22 May. For more information visit

The businesses featured on this page are all recipients of Lord Mayor’s commendations. The commendations recognise the long-term commitment and contributions of Melbourne’s small business proprietors and family-run businesses to the City of Melbourne.




03 9658 9658 (7.30am to 6pm)

City of Melbourne GPO Box 1603 Melbourne VIC 3000

We cater for people of all backgrounds.



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Melbourne Town Hall Administration Building 120 Swanston Street, Melbourne 7.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday

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