Manhattan Parks and Recreation Summer 2023 Activity Guide

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It is our policy to provide persons with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of our services, programs, and activities. In order for us to provide reasonable accommodations, we ask that you request the assistance needed by contacting Parks and Recreation at 1101 Poyntz Avenue in Manhattan, or call 785587-2757 (TDD Kansas Relay Center at 800-766-3777).

We are here to assist you in the registration (application) process as well. Essential eligibility requirements for each program are on file. Assistive devices are available upon request.

First-Come, First-Paid: Space is limited for most of the programs we offer, and registration is accepted on a firstcome, first-paid basis. In some instances, a waiting list may be available.

MHKPRD Scholarship Policy: Some of our programs qualify for scholarships. Scholarships provide 50% off registration fees up to $150 per qualifying household. You must show proof of participation in the USD Free/ Reduced Fees program, or qualification under Federal Income Availability Guidelines.

Refund Policy for Activities Requiring Registration: Registrants will receive a full refund if we cancel the program, or we may be able to transfer you to another class. A full refund is granted if request to withdraw is received 1 week (7 days) before the class or event start date. A partial refund is issued when requested between 1 week and at least 48 hours before the start date. No refunds will be granted if the request is less than 48 hours in advance or if the participant fails to show. Participant withdrawals must be received during business hours.

Please note: Some programs have age restrictions and birth dates are required for each participant. Phone numbers are required for staff to access your account and for emergency purposes. For assistance, please call 785587-2757, or come to our offices, Monday through Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm,

1101 Poyntz Ave, in City Hall. 1101 Poyntz Ave. | 785-587-2757 1101 Poyntz Ave. | 785-587-2757 315 S. 3rd St. | 785-587-2726 2333 Oak St. | 785-587-2737 925 Yuma St. | 785-587-2773 605 Levee Dr. | 785-587-2783 2850 Kirkwood Dr. | 785-340-3349 2415 Browning Ave. | 785-340-3347 Information

Youth Sports

Optimist T-Ball

Youth Baseball

Youth Softball

Flint Hills Volleyball League

My First T-Ball

Boys and Girls MBA Summer


Grade 1st-6th grade Dates May
- June 29 Fee $45-$60
Age Kindergarten Dates May 15 - June 29 Fee $35 @manhattanparksandrec @ManhattanPRD
Grade 1st-6th grade Dates May 15 - June 28 Fee $45-$60 Location Optimist Fields
Grade 4th-6th grade Dates July 10 - August 3 Fee $225/team
Age 3 year olds Dates June 3 - June 24 (Saturdays) Fee $35 Time 10 AM 4 year olds 11 AM 5 year olds 12 PM Grade 7th-12th grade Dates May 30 - June 28 Fee $415/team
Grades 1st-4th Grade Time 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM Fee $50/person per session
1 (Mon-Fri) Session 2 (Mon-Fri) June 5 - June 16 June 19 - June 30 Location Anthony Rec Center 5th-8th Grade

Youth Ninja & Tumbling Classes

Tumbling Clinics

Paragon Performance Sports Fee $50


Nano Ninja (Saturdays)


Fun & Tumbling Clinic


April 15 - May 6 Age 3-4 year olds

Lil Ninja (Saturdays)


April 15 - May 6 Age 5-8 year olds

Tumbling (Sundays)


April 16 - May 7 Age 2-12 year olds

Ninja Training (Sundays)


April 16 - May 7 Age 9-12 year olds

Teen Ninja (Sundays)


April 16 - May 7 Age 13-18 year olds


June 24 & August 5 Age 2-4 year olds

Paragon Performance Sports Fee $50

Intro to Tumbling Clinic


June 24 & August 5 Age 5-12 year olds

Time 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Fee $50

Advanced Tumbling Clinic Dates

June 24 & August 5 Age 5-12 year olds

Time 9:45 AM - 11:45 AM Fee $50

Cheer Fundamentals Clinic


June 24 & August 5 Age 5-12 year olds

Time 3:15 PM - 5:15 PM

Time 1 PM - 3 PM Fee $50

Youth Sports

Ninja Clinics


Paragon Performance Sports

American Ninja Warrior Clinc


June 25 & August 6 Age 5-8 year olds

Time 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Fee $50

American Ninja Warrior Clinic


June 25 & August 6 Age 9-12 year olds


10:45 AM - 12:45 PM

Fee $50

American Ninja Warrior Clinic


June 25 & August 6 Age 13-17 year olds


1 PM - 3 PM

Adult Ninja Warrior Clinic

Fee $50


June 25 & August 6 Age 18+

Time 3:15 PM - 5:15 PM

Fee $50

Want to support

Manhattan Parks & Recreation?

Scan the QR Code to learn about our sponsorship opportunities!

Speakers Bureau

Do you have an upcoming civic group or meeting and are looking for a speaker? Invite us! We have stafff available to come and speak to your group to share what is happening in Manhattan Parks and Recreation. Contact Chris Curtis at chris. to schedule!

Instructional Programs

Basketball Free Throw Shooting League

Age 5-75 year olds

Bowling Blast

Age 5-75 year olds


May 16 - July 18 (Tuesdays)


Fee $80 Time 4 PM - 5 PM


May 18 - July 20 (Thursdays)

Location Anthony Rec Center

Fee $75 Time 4:30 PM - 7 PM

Show Stoppers Theatre Performers Classes

K-State Student Union Bowling Center

3x3 Basketball League

Age 5-75 year olds


May 19 - July 21 (Fridays)


Anthony Rec Center

Fee $75 Time 4:30 PM - 7 PM

Age 5-75 year olds


May 15 - June 28 (Mondays & Wednesdays)

Fee $95 Time 4:30 PM - 6 PM

Instructional Programs

Summer Art Workshops

Age 6-16 year olds

Time 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Fee $70

Days Mondays & Wednesdays

Class Session 1 Class Session 2 May 22 - June 21

Dance Camp

Age 6-16 year olds Time 5:30 PM - 7 PM

Session 1 Session 2

June 26 - July 19

Days Mondays & Wednesdays

May 31 - June 21

June 26 - July 19

Little Apple Theatre

Age 7-9 year olds

Dates May 30 - July 30 (Tuesdays & Thursdays)

Age 10-19 year olds


June 1 - July 30 (Tuesdays & Thursdays)

Fee $125 Time 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Fee $125 Time 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Boys’ Gym Sports Games

& Luncheon

Age 6-14 year olds

Time 8 AM - 12 PM

Dates Saturday, June 17 Saturday, July 15

Girls’ Nintendo Switch Games & Luncheon

Age 6-14 year olds

Time 8 AM - 12 PM

Dates Saturday, June 17 Saturday, July 15


Age 5-12 year olds Time 6 PM - 9 PM

Location Anthony Rec Center

Night Out

Location Anthony Rec Center Location Anthony Rec Center

Friday, March 31

Friday, April 28

Dates Friday, June 30 Friday, July 28

Friday, May 26

Fee $15
Fee $65
Fee $30
Fee $30

Kids who have completed grades K-6th grade as of May 2023 will enjoy a summer full of arts, crafts, games, swimming, special events and excursions at this KDHE-licensed day camp. Snacks are provided, and lunch is provided by USD 383. Attendees may take swimming lessons for an additional fee. Learn more at

Registration Opens

March 27 at 8 AM


Session 1

Session 2

May 30 - June 30


July 5 - August 4 $650

Time 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM Location Wefald Pavilion


Must have completed grades K-6

Swim Lessons for Day Camp

Time 9:15 AM - 9:45 AM

Fee $55/session

Sessions (Monday - Thursday)

Session 1 June 5 - June 15

Session 2 June 19 - June 29

Session 3 July 10 - July 20

Location City Waterpark

Age 5+

50+ Senior Trips

Kansas Star Casino Tour Party Bus


Fee $50 Meet at Anthony Rec Center

8:15 AM

Prairie Band Casino Tour Party Bus

Time Fee $50


Friday, June 2 Time Depart
AM Return to Anthony Rec Center 5 PM
Depart 9 AM Return to Anthony Rec Center 5 PM
Date Friday, July 14
at Anthony Rec Center


50+ Basketball


Anthony Rec Center


Fee $450

June 5 - July 24 (Mondays)

Sand Volleyball

Location City Park Age 18+

Co-Rec (Monday)

Senior 50+ Pickleball

Time 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM Fee $50

Location Anthony Rec Center

Session Dates (Mondays & Wednesdays)

Session 1

Session 2

May 22 - June 21

July 17 - August 16

Senior 50+ Free Throw Shooting Basketball League

June 5 - July 24 Fee $65


Co-Rec (Tuesday)

Time 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM Fee $40


June 6 - July 25 Fee $65

Women (Wednesday)

Location Anthony Rec Center

Session Dates (Tuesdays & Thursdays)

Session 1

May 23 - June 22


June 7 - July 26 Fee $65

Women (Thursday)

Session 2

July 18 - August 17


June 8 - July 27 Fee $65

Summer Open Pickleball


Anthony Rec Center


Fee $65

June 8 - July 27 (Thursdays)

Free Agent registration is available for all adult leagues

Midnight Madness Age 18+ Date August 18-19

Kickball Tournament

Fee $250

Location Anneberg Park

Competitive Cornhole Tournament Fee


Rec League Cornhole Tournament Fee


Douglass Activity Center

Fitness Pass Program

Fitness Classes

Douglass Activity Center Gym

Fee Hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Session Dates Spring Session March 20 - May 11
Adult Pass $20/Month $10/Month Senior Pass (59+) Tuesday & Thursday Saturday 11 AM - Close 1 PM - Close 9 AM - Close Total Body Strong Summer Session May 22 - July 13 Fall Session July 24 - September 14 Time 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Days Mondays & Wednesdays Fee $30/session Total Body Fitness Time 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Days Tuesdays & Thursdays Fee $25/session 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Yoga Time 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Days Tuesdays & Thursdays Fee $25/session
Adult |
Total Body Workout Time 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Days Mondays & Wednesdays Fee $30/session Pickleball Time 8 AM - 12 PM Open Gym Days Monday - Friday Open Play First-come, First-served Time 12 PM - Close Saturday 9 AM - Close Sunday 12 PM - Close Sunday 12 PM - Close Days Monday - Friday








ADULTS (16+): $6

YOUTH (2-15): $4


Twilight Swim

ADULT (16+): $3

YOUTH (2-15): $2


Adults: $65 |




Youth: $45

1-7 PM
CITY 1220 POYNTZ AVE. DAILY: 1-8 PM TWILIGHT SWIM: 6-8 PM 785-587-2710
CICO 3309
water feature 315 S. 3RD ST DAILY: 1O AM-8 PM FREE FOR ALL AGES CITY Splashpark 1220 POYNTZ AVE.
WATERPARKs Daily Admission

Swim Lessons


LADC*: 9:15 AM

LADC*: 9:15 AM

LADC*: 9:15 AM

*Little Apple Day Camp participants can sign up for swim lessons during camp. Participants must be registered for LADC prior to signing up for swim lessons.


Age 5+: 9 AM | 7:45 PM

Session 2

June 19 - June 29

Age 3+: 9:45 AM | 10:30 AM | 11:15 AM

6:15 PM | 7 PM

Age 5+: 9 AM | 7:45 PM

Session 3

July 10 - July 20

Age 3+: 9:45 AM | 10:30 AM | 11:15 AM

6:15 PM | 7 PM

Age 5+: 9 AM | 7:45 PM

Age 5+: 9 AM

Age 5+: 9 AM

Age 5+: 9 AM



Adult Swim Class

Age 18+

June 5 - June 15

Session 2

Session 3

June 19 - June 29

July 10 - July 20

8:45 AM | 9:35 AM | 10:25 AM | 11:15 AM Age 3+
Waterparks Dates (Saturday) June 3, 10, 17, 24 & July 1, 8, 15, 22 Times
9:55 AM | 10:35 AM | 11:15 AM $55
- June
9:55 AM | 10:35 AM | 11:15 AM $55
June 5 - June 15
Session 2 June 19
9:55 AM
10:35 AM
11:15 AM $55
Waterpark Session 1 June 5 - June 15 Age 3+: 9:45 AM | 10:30 AM | 11:15 AM 6:15 PM | 7 PM | 7:45 PM $55 Session 2 June 19 - June 29 Age 3+: 9:45 AM | 10:30 AM | 11:15 AM 6:15 PM | 7 PM | 7:45 PM $55 Session 3 July 10 - July 20 Age 3+: 9:45 AM | 10:30 AM | 11:15 AM 6:15 PM | 7 PM | 7:45 PM $55
Session 3 July 10 - July 20
10:30 AM
11:15 AM 6:15
7 PM $55 Fee $30
Waterpark Session 1 June 5 - June 15 Age 3+:
AM |
PM |
Sessions Session 1 Time 6:30 PM - 7:15
PM City Waterpark
Waterpark Location

Aquatics Exercise Passes

Session Dates & Fees*

Session 1 May 30 - July 7

Session 2 July 10 - August 11

Entire Season May 30 - August 11

Location City/CiCo

$75 $130 $75

Sunday - Saturday

Aquatics Class Schedule

Water Workout

Time 8 AM - 9 AM Days

Monday - Friday


Deep Water Aerobics Time

11:50 AM - 12:50 PM

Location CiCo



Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Lap Swimming Days


Sunday - Saturday 5 PM - 7 PM

River Running Location
Days Times 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM Days Monday - Friday Location City
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Days
Monday - Friday 11:50 AM - 12:50 PM Location City
Body Waves Time 11:50 AM - 12:50 PM Days Monday - Friday Exercise Passes are accepted 7 days a week for any available exercise class. They may also be used multiple times a day for different classes.

T. Russell Reitz Animal Shelter @TRRAnimalShelter @trranimalshelter

T. Russell Reitz Animal Shelter Open House

Come get a behind the scenes tour of the shelter! Staff and volunteers will lead tours and allow you to get an inside look at how the shelter works and operates. We will also have other activities like yard games and food trucks to enjoy!


605 Levee Drive

Tour Times

Date Saturday, June 3

1 PM 4 PM 2:30 PM

Rescue Readers

Be a Rescue Reader for T. Russell Reitz Animal Shelter! On Friday’s during the months of June and July children can come spend time with the animals and work on their reading skills. Children will also get to help make enrichment activities for the animals. Parents are not required to stay. Register online


11 AM - 12:30 PM


Fridays in June & July

Volunteer Orientations

June 7

6 PM - 8 PM

July 25

6 PM - 8 PM

August 23

6 PM - 8 PM

Pet Poolooza

Join us August 19th at City Park Waterpark from 1 – 4 PM to swim with the dogs! $15 suggested donation. Proof of rabies vaccination and city license required for entry. City licenses available on site for $6! Rabies vaccines also available on site for $10. Register online at


August 19

Location City Park Waterpark


1 - 4 PM

Cost $10/per child

Volunteer Application

Flint Hills Discovery Center

Exhibits Youth Programs

Dinosaurs: Fossils Exposed

January 21 - May 7

Explore the bones and fossils belonging to these amazing creatures that once roamed the Earth. Guests can view and even touch six complete dinosaur skeletons from a massive Triceratops to a tiny Jeholopterus. Kids can stand next to a 6-foot1 Apatosaurus femur and use paleontology tools to unearth ancient dinosaur bones.

Summer Discovery Camp

Experience Manhattan, the Flint Hills, and the world like never before! The FHDC continues its Discovery Camp program into the summer to provide a unique experience for kids year-round. We offer full-day, week-long sessions for students entering Grades 1-3 in fall 2023 and half-day, week-long sessions for students entering Grades 4-6 in fall 2023. Camps include hands-on activities such as exciting experiments and creative crafts, outdoor excursions, and time in the exhibits.

1st - 3rd Grade

Mission Aerospace

May 20 - September 10

Discover the history of flight, navigation, and NASA’s vision for the future. Experiment with thrust, lift, control surfaces, and gyroscopes. Build rockets and paper airplanes, then test them for distance and air-dexterity. Launch your rocket to Saturn, your plane to Sydney, or learn about a career at NASA!


Creature Feature


Prairie Keepers

Blast Off!

Ology Camp

May 22 - 26

May 30 - June 2

June 20 - 23

June 26 - 30

July 17 - 21

July 31 - August 4

Time (Full-Day) 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM Price
Members $145 $165 Non-Members Grade 4th - 6th Grade Time (Half-Day) 7:30 AM - 12:30 PM Price
Members $75 $85 Non-Members
FHDC @flinthillsdiscovery @discoverfhdc @DiscoverFHDC

Youth Programs

Splash of Science

Enjoy a 5–10-minute science demonstration by a FHDC Educator while you picnic and splash!


Blue Earth Plaza Water Feature


June 2 - August 4


Time Noon

Price FREE

Preschoolers in the Flint Hills

The wonder of the Flint Hills comes to life as children begin discovering the culture, history, and ecology of the region. Each class includes hands-on activities, crafts, story time, and a snack.


3-5 Year Olds


Time 10:30 - 11:30 AM

Family Programs

Tallgrass Tour: Dinosaur Adventure!

Travel with us to the Sternberg Museum of Natural History in Hays to see the famous “fish within a fish” fossil and galleries filled with life-size dinosaurs. Explore the paleontology, zoology, and geology specimens that document life and environments in the Great Plains region of North America! Finally, enjoy lunch at the Defiance Brewery. Fee covers travel and museum admission.


Saturday, March 11


Time 8:30 AM - 5 PM

June 6, June 20, July 18, August 1, August 15



FHDC Members $10 $14


FHDC Members $30 $35


Family Fossils Hikes

Explore Flint Hills paleontology with a guided hike through prehistory. Uncover ancient life from the interior seaway that once covered the Flint Hills. We will meet at the trailhead for the Tuttle Creek Dam spillway off of Beach Road. Participants are responsible for any state park access fees.


Saturday, March 25

Time 2 - 4 PM

Saturday, April 22 2 - 4 PM


FHDC Members $6 $8

Under 2

Non-Members FREE

Family Programs

Guided Konza Prairie Nature Hikes with K-State Students

Join the Flint Hills Discovery Center and the K-State Park Management and Conservation program to enjoy a 90-minute guided hike through our beautiful Flint Hills on the Konza Prairie Nature Trail.


Saturday, April 29

Price FREE


9 - 11:30 AM tours leave every 20 minutes


Flint Hills Festival

Experience the culture and beauty of the Flint Hills at our annual community festival. Located inside the Discovery Center and at Blue Earth Plaza, this fun-for-all-ages celebration of our beautiful region features live entertainment, food trucks, wine tastings, children’s activities, local craft vendors, and much more!


Saturday, May 6

Sunflower Summer

Sunflower Summer gives Kansas students (grades Pre K-12) FREE admission to Kansas museums, zoos, historic landmarks, and more! The Flint Hills Discovery Center is a destination again this year. Program dates are May 26-August 6. Look for more information in the coming months!

Flint Hills Discovery Center Membership

Flint Hills Discovery Center members receive free admission for one year, program and event discounts, exclusive member events, 10% off in the gift store, free or reduced admission to participating museum and science centers across the country, and much more!

Time 10 AM - 5 PM

National Day of the Cowboy

Join the Flint Hills Discovery Center for National Day of the Cowboy, an annual celebration of the national icon and the history and culture of the American West! Wrangle up the family for a day filled with activities embracing the Wild West. Dress up as a cowboy (or cowgirl) and take a western style photo, then brush up on your cowboy skills.


Saturday, July 22


Time 10 AM - 3 PM

Regular admission rates apply

Aerospace Day

Blast off with the Flint Hills Discovery Center for a day filled with activities embracing the world of aviation and space flight.


Saturday, August 26


Time 10 AM - 5 PM

Regular admission rates apply

Sunset Zoo

Summer Safari Camp

Looking for a fun, rewarding atmosphere for summer camp? Explore the wonderful world of animals through Sunset Zoo’s weekly summer camp adventures! Each day campers will enjoy live animal encounters, presentations, science-oriented lessons, games and crafts. Visits to zoo exhibits and behind the scenes round out the experiences each week. All camps are taught by trained staff in child development. Ages of camps range from kids entering 1st-3rd and 4th-6th grades.


Weekly May 30 – August 11


8 AM - 5 PM


FOSZ Member Rate

Non-Member Rate



Hyena Clan | Entering 1st - 3rd Grades

Animal Investigations

If I Owned a Zoo

Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes

How Animals Eat

Animals of Water

Great Climbers

Animals with Patterns

Jungle Adventures

Ways Animals Interact

Food Chains

Thank You Nature

May 30 - June 2

June 5 - 9

June 12 - 16

June 19 - 23

June 26 - 30

July 3 - 7

July 10 - 14

July 17 - 21

July 24 - 28

July 31 - August 4

August 7 - 11

Chimp Troop | Entering 4th - 6th Grades

Investigating Survival Adaptations

Exploring How Zoos Operate

Animal Structures and How They Use Them

Chomp, Crunch, Gulp

Underwater Adventures

Climbers of the Animal Kingdom

Wild Patterns

The Jungle Habitat

Interactions Across the Animal Kingdom

Who Eats What

Benefits of Nature

May 30 - June 2

June 5 - 9

June 12 - 16

June 19 - 23

June 26 - 30

July 3 - 7

July 10 - 14

July 17 - 21

July 24 - 28

July 31 - August 4

August 7 - 11 @sunsetzoo @sunsetzoomhk


Early Childhood Learning Programs

Sensory Safari | Preschool Ages

Foster your child’s curiosity with sensory focused exploration of the natural world. Through guided interactive activities, children will explore the many aspects of nature and wildlife. Each class will go outside and a parent must accompany the child in the class. Class length will be 30 minutes and families will be invited to visit the Zoo following their program.

Zoofari Tails at the Manhattan Public Library

Slither into reading with Sunset Zoo and the Manhattan Public Library. On the fourth Friday of every month at 10 a.m. Sunset Zoo will bring to life an animal themed children’s story at the Manhattan Public Library. In May, Zoofari Tails will be held at the Zoo. Each storytime includes an activity and a live animal when possible. For full details visit the Zoo website or Manhattan Public Library.


Fourth Friday of every month

Location Manhattan Public Library Time

10 - 10:30 AM

Science on Tap – Monthly talk at Manhattan Brewing Company

Science, beer, and knowledge, a winning combination. This free public discussion held by KSU Scientists about engaging science topics. Held in a relaxed and fun setting each month, Science on Tap will feature a brief informal presentation, often followed by trivia. For full details visit Manhattan Brewing Company’s website or Sunset Zoo.


April 1 & April 3



$8/FOSZ member

Time 11:30 AM


April 5

Price FREE
Location Manhattan Brewing Company
7 PM Price FREE


Family Programs

Painting with the Animals

During this unique family experience, participants will visit a featured animal and use their powers of observation to create an art masterpiece. To kick off your experience, Zoo staff will introduce the featured animal and give guests highlighted facts about the animals in our care at the Zoo. After a brief introduction and interaction with artifacts, families will be guided through a painting experience using tempera paint and an 8x10 canvas. Depending on the animal, this experience may occur outside or an inside area.

Frogwatch for Families

Join us for this fun family program opportunity to learn about the conservation efforts of frogs and toads in and around our area. Training will occur and an overnight observation will happen with families. During your overnight experience you will get a chance to hear and maybe even see frogs and toads in action! This activity is geared for pre-teens and their families. Cost is $30 per family, and registration is limited.

Date June 9 - June 10



May 6, July 8 Time 9 AM



$15/FOSZ member

Friday, June 9 (arrive) 7 PM

Saturday, June 10 (depart) 9:30 AM


$30 per family - Up to 3 family members. Each additional family member is $10.


Sunset Zoo Summer Hours

Sunshine is here and summer hours begin for Sunset Zoo.

Hours (Daily)

9:30 AM – 5 PM

Summer Season

April 1 – October 31

Celebrate Sunset Zoo’s 90th Anniversary Party for the Planet

Activities, music, animals and more! Come celebrate Earth Day with us and learn about conservation! There will be entertainment, activities, face painting and more. To kick off the celebration of Sunset Zoo’s 90th Anniversary, we will have a special treat for visitors! This is a rain or shine activity and regular zoo admission rates apply. For more detailed schedule information please visit


Saturday, April 22


Time 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Regular zoo admission rates

Films for FOSZ

Friends of Sunset Zoo will be treated to a movie under the stars with treats and a great evening at Sunset Zoo. This event is for members only. Not a member? Joining is easy and has lots of benefits. The movie will be announced closer to the event date.


Friday, May 19

Kansas Science Festival

Sunset Zoo is a partner with the Kansas Science Festival and encourages the public to participate in day long activities in Downtown Manhattan from a fun run, to activity booths. For more detailed information please visit the Kansas Science Festival at


Saturday, April 29


Downtown Manhattan- Poyntz Ave.

Mother’s Day at Sunset Zoo

All moms are admitted free to the Zoo on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 14. Bring mom and the entire family for an adventure and visit with some of our amazing animals. While supplies last, mom will also be given a special treat upon entry. Regular admission rates apply to other guests.


Sunday, May 14


Time 9:30 AM - 5 PM

All moms admitted free with another paid admission


Zoo Opens: 7 PM

Movie starts at dark


Wine in the Wild hosted by Friends of Sunset Zoo

Come sip and stroll, and explore our animals at Friends of Sunset Zoo’s Wine in the Wild! Wine in the Wild is a fundraising event with multiple wine tasting stations, food, music and more! Tickets for this event sell out every year and is an event you will not want to miss. Tickets will go on sale April 1 for both VIP ($80) and General Admission ($50).

June is National Zoos and Aquarium Month

Kick off the summer and make sure to visit Sunset Zoo to explore all our animals have to offer. Visit habitats, take part in a feeding experience with a tortoise, or participate in a program. If you are a Friends of Sunset Zoo Member (FOSZ), your membership has benefits to over 150+ different zoos and aquariums across the country! Come explore with us!


Saturday, June 3

Time VIP Reception 5:30 - 7 PM 7 PM - 9 PM General Admission

Time 9:30 AM - 12 PM Price

VIP $80 $50


Father’s Day at Sunset Zoo

Come celebrate dad with a day out at the Zoo! All dads will be admitted free to the Zoo with another paid admission. We will also have a special surprise for dads while they visit. Come enjoy the day with dad and all the animals!


Sunday, June 18


Time 9:30 AM - 5 PM

All dads admitted free with another paid admission


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