Little Apple Core Challenge Rules & Events

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OPENING CEREMONY Location: Wefald Pavilion (City Park) Time: 6:00 PM Date: Monday, March 16 Information/ Rules: 1. Teams who have half or more of their team roster members present at the opening ceremony will receive a 10 point bonus towards the scavenger hunt event. 2. During opening ceremony we will answer any questions concerning upcoming games. 3. Any additional information concerning the next game will be provided at the conclusion of each event. 4. Teams must turn in their individual event rosters at the start of each competition. 5. Rock/Paper/Scissors will precede every event to determine which team starts first. 6. Bracket seeding will be determined by most previous event results. If more than one event occurred, we will take the two event average place for seeding. 7. Good luck and have fun OPENING PHOTO SCAVENGER HUNT Location: Wefald Pavilion (City Park) Time: 6:30 PM Date: Monday, March 16 Information/ Rules: 1. Directions for the hunt will be given to you at opening ceremony. 2. You will have 1 hour to complete the hunt, using a maximum of 8 people (no more than 4 males or 4 females per team). 3. The first team to successfully complete the list and return to event supervisor located in Aggieville will win. Teams do NOT have to stay together, but must finish together! 4. Incomplete photos will be deducted from final score. 5. No sabotaging, cheating, stealing, or copying of other teams work. ROSTER Business Team Name:



Female: __________________________________


Female: __________________________________


Female: __________________________________


Female: __________________________________

SHUFFLEBOARD Location: Bluemont Hotel Time: 6:00 PM Date: Wednesday, March 18 Special Note: Bar will be open. They do sell adult alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks. Each drink purchased gets the purchaser 1 raffle ticket for the terrific gift basket provided by hotel which includes a free night stay  Thank You Bluemont!! Information/ Rules: 1. 2.



5. 6.

Park for free across the street (west of Bluemont Hotel) at K-State! With two teams (four players), split into teams of two players each. a. Place one player from each team at opposite end of the board. b. The team to go first should slide the first weight toward the opposite end of the board (the scoring end). c. The opponent then shoots their weight in a similar manner, attempting to either knock off the other player’s first weight or to outdistance it. d. Both players should continue shooting their weights alternately until all eight weights have been shuffled. This action completes one round of play. i. NOTE: you’re allowed to knock your opponent’s puck off the playing surface…this is part of the game strategy. The winner of the round is the team player whose leading weights are the furthest down the board. Their score is totaled and registered. a. NOTE: All weights that don’t cross first point line will be cleared immediately. The team players at the opposite end of the board, where the weights are now resting, clear the board and begin another round of play from their end – in exactly the same manner as the first round. a. The partner of the previous round’s winner shoots the first weight. The game continues as many rounds as necessary, until one team score a total of 15 points (Championship Game will be played to 21) Each team will complete only one round.


Business Team Name:


Color: ___________________

Male: __________________________________

CORE’S GOT TALENT Location: Bluemont Hotel Time: 6:30 PM Date: Wednesday, March 18 Special Note: Bar will be open. They do sell adult alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks. Each drink purchased gets the purchaser 1 raffle ticket for the terrific gift basket provided by hotel which includes a free night stay  Thank You Bluemont!! Information/ Rules: 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Park across the street at (west of the Bluemont Hotel) K-State! Teams will draw from a hat to determine participation order. All teams must provide minimum of 2 people (male or female) to pick a song off Set List to Karaoke to. The entire song must be completed, and minimum of two people must sing parts of the song to get points. Each team will receive 50 points for their participation. The team that includes the most participation from roster participants will receive 10 bonus points. The team that involves the most flair & props will receive an additional 10 point bonus! CORE’S GOT TALENT ROSTER

Business Team Name:

Female: List additional team members below:

Color: ___________________

Male: __________________________________

9 HOLE GOLF Location: Wildcat Creek Fitness & Fun (Golf Course) Time: Tee Times will be announced (1st tee time will be 9:30AM) Date: Saturday, March 21 Information/ Rules: 1. 2. 3.


Two teams will play together (4 total people) at your designated tee time. Each team will consist of 2 people (1 male, 1 female) Game will be a scramble: Each person will tee off and choose best ball to play after each shot until the ball is made in hole. You get one club length, to improve your lie, prior to hitting (except on putting green). Each team will record the score of other team you are playing with. Please return score cards to club house.

GOLF ROSTER Business Team Name: 1:

Color: ___________________ ________ 2: __________________________________

MINI GOLF Location: Wildcat Creek Fitness & Fun (Golf Course) Time: Tee Times will be announced (1st tee time will be 9:30AM) Date: Saturday, March 21 Information/ Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Two teams will play together (4 total people) at your designated tee time. Each team will consist of 2 people (1 male, 1 female) Game will be a best ball. Each person will tee off and choose best ball/score to record. Each team will record the score of other team you are playing with. Please return score cards to club house.

MINI GOLF ROSTER Business Team Name: 1:

Color: ___________________ ________ 2: __________________________________

COED VOLLEYBALL Location: MCC Howie’s Activity Gym (1401 Laramie St) Time: 6:15 PM Date: Monday, March 23 Information/ Rules: 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

All teams must be 3 F and 3 M. a. Recommend a sub for each gender. b. Minimum of 4 players (2 M/2 F). c. Teams can play with 5 players but extra player must be female. We will play a single-elimination bracket. All matches will be best 2 out of 3. We will use rally scoring to 15 in all 3 games. No front row player can attack (block) the serves. Net serve is good. A man may hit the ball over himself if it is the first hit on the side. If there is more than one hit on the side, a woman must hit the ball at least once before the ball is sent to the other side. Coed volleyball rules can be found by visiting Have fun and good luck! VOLLEYBALL ROSTER

Business Team Name:

Color: ___________________ MEN


1. _____________________________________ 1. ______________________________________ 2. _____________________________________ 2. ______________________________________ 3. _____________________________________ 3. ______________________________________ SUB: ___________________________________SUB:______________________________________

GIANT JENGA Location: MCC Student Center (1401 Laramie St) Time: 6:30 PM Date: Monday, March 23 Information/ Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


We will use a single-elimination bracket. Each business will include one coed team for Giant Jenga. This classic Giant Jenga game consists of large wood blocks. Stack all of the blocks in levels of three placed next to each other along their long sides and at a right angle to the previous level. Player one takes one block on a turn from any level of the tower (except the one below an incomplete level), and placing it on the uppermost level in order to complete it. Players may use both hands at any time (single hand rules do not apply). Players may tap a block to find a loose one, but may only touch one block at a time. a. Any blocks moved but not played should be replaced, unless doing so would make the tower fall. The game ends when the tower falls - completely or if any block falls from the tower (other than the block a player moves on a turn).

GIANT JENGA ROSTER Business Team Name: Male:

Color: ___________________ Female: __________________________________

MARCH MADNESS BASKETBALL FREE THROW CONTEST Location: MCC Howie’s Activity Gym (1401 Laramie St) Time: 6:30 PM Date: Tuesday, March 24 Information/ Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

We will use a double-elimination bracket. Each business will include one coed team for contest. Higher seed team will shoot first. Each player will shoot 10 shots. Teams will alternate shooters (Team A1, B1, A2, B2) Team with most shots made advance in winners bracket. If teams are tied, after all shots are taken, teams will shoot sudden death until there is a winner. Example A1 shoots and makes, then B1 has to make it. If B1 makes it, B2 shoots first and A2 has to make it. This pattern (any order, but alternating) will continue until there is a winner.

FREE THROW ROSTER Business Team Name: Male:

Color: ___________________ Female: __________________________________

CORE OLYMPICS Location: Tuttle Creek State Park (Park Office) Time: 10AM Check in! Date: Saturday, March 28 (There will be no rainout date, but we could have delayed start!) Special Note: All team members participating/supporting (wearing shirts) will be allowed in the park for free. All other guests shall pay daily park permit.

Information/ Rules: 1. Four activities will be announced at check in at 10:00AM. Two person teams will be divided up at that time to see who will participate in what activity. (Participants can only participate in one activity) 2. Some activities will be based on best score, some will be bracketed. Best total accumulative score of all 5 events will get the most points! 3. Be prepared to potentially get wet and or dirty ď Š Dress for weather also. We will delay time if needed for weather. 4. IF NEEDED‌we will could delay start for inclement weather (12PM would be the latest start time). We will update this delay via FB Page. 5. Pizza & Drinks will be provided immediately after. Please RSVP number of people for your team by Wednesday, March 25th. ROSTER Business Team Name:



Female: __________________________________


Female: __________________________________


Female: __________________________________


Female: __________________________________

BIKE SWAP (NEW IN 2020) Location: Wefald Pavilion (City Park) Time: 12 PM Date: Sunday, March 29 Information/ Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4.

This event is for YOUR community! If your team provides a used bike in working condition your team will receive 50pts If your team provides more than 5 bikes in working condition your team will receive 20 bonus pts. If your team provides a volunteer for this event for 2 hours (shifts are 12-2, 2-4) you will receive additional 20 bonus pts.

Information About Bike Swap! Manhattan Parks and Recreation, Kids Bikes Recycling, and The Pathfinder are working together to bring you the 2020 Bike Swap! This event takes place at the Wefald Pavilion in City Park. Any person, adult or child, can bring in a working bicycle and swap for a bigger or better bike. At 4 PM all remaining bikes are given away to anyone, even if there is nothing to swap. EMS will be fitting and giving away helmets. There will be a freebie table with locks, water bottles, etc. Anyone, from any town, may participate, including children and adults. We will have volunteers who just change tire tubes for free. So someone can bring their bike, or just the tire, and get a free tube change. We are looking for bikes that no one is using but are working, in all sizes. Donations can be dropped off at Pathfinder or Brew Brothers or text Karen Hawes, (785) 564-7249.

TRIVIA (NEW) Location: Tap House Time: 6:30 PM (Firkin Room opens at 5:30 if you want dinner/drinks first‌please support them if you are able for them helping us out!) Date: Tuesday, March 31 Information/ Rules: 1. You MUST be 21!!! 2. Maximum 6, minimum 4 people (any gender) per team (Less than 4 participating is a 10 pt deduction) 3. No phones or computer devises allowed during trivia game. 4. Any rules deemed by DJ that is hosting the event apply. 5. Most correct answers wins. (there can be ties) a. Results will be determined by the number of correct answers. TRIVIA ROSTER Business Team Name:

Color: ___________________


________ 4: __________________________________


________5: __________________________________


________ 6: __________________________________

HATCHET THROW Location: Manhatchet Axe Throw - 316 Poyntz Ave. Time: 6:30 & 7:15PM Date: Tuesday, March 31 Information/ Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Each business will include two coed teams for Hatchet Throw. Each team must have at least one female participant. Each team MUST fill out liability waiver with Manhatchet Axe Throwing. Team 1 will have 2 rounds of throws (10 per round/participant), for a total combined score. Team 2 will have 2 rounds of throws (10 per round/participant), for a total combined score. Final score will be aggregate of Team 1 & 2. Manhatchet employees will go over rules and will have final say in all scoring throws. There will be a cash bar for drinks. MUST BE +21 TO ENTER/PARTICIPATE! HATCHET ROSTER

Business Team Name:

Color: ___________________

6:30 PM - Team 1 - Male:

Female: _____________________________

7:15 PM - Team 2 - Male:

Female: _____________________________

DARTS (CRICKET) Location: Finn’s Pub - 317 Poyntz Ave. Time: 6:30 PM Date: Wednesday, April 1 Information/ Rules: 10. 11. 12. 13.


15. 16. 17. 18.

We will use a single-elimination bracket. Each business will include two teams for Darts. Each team must have at least one female participant. Final points will be determined by the average finish of both teams combined. a. 1st place & 9th place will equal a 5th place finish. b. If still tied, teams will receive and equal amount of points for their position. The object will be to close the numbers 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 and Bull's Eye in any order before the opposing team. a. When a team closes out a number and their opponent hasn't, the team is awarded points each time they hit the open number. b. The team that closes all the numbers and the Bull's Eye first, and has the greater or equal point score, wins. If a dart is thrown and does not stick it will still count as a throw. House darts will be provided. Participants are allowed to throw with their own darts if they prefer. Games will be final by clearing all spots with even or most points scored or by internal timer. MUST BE +21 TO ENTER/PARTICIPATE!

DARTS (CRICKET) ROSTER Business Team Name:

Color: ___________________

Team 1 - Male:

Female: __________________________________

Team 2 - Male:

Female: __________________________________

8-BALL POOL Location: Finn’s Pub - 317 Poyntz Ave. Time: 6:30 PM Date: Wednesday, April 1 Information/ Rules: 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

We will use a single-elimination bracket. Each business will include two teams. Final points will be determined by the average finish of both teams combined. a. 1st place & 9th place will equal a 5th place finish. b. If still tied, teams will receive and equal amount of points for their position. Each team must have at least one female participant. Players must "call pocket": a. You must call the ball you are aiming for and the pocket in which it is supposed to fall. b. If the ball falls in the appropriate pocket then you shoot the next ball. c. You are required to announce if you intend for it to bank off the cushion or kiss off another ball. Scratching on the 8 ball is a loss. Jumping the balls will not be allowed. No ball in hand! Please be courteous of other shooters. MUST BE +21 TO PARTICIPATE! 8-BALL POOL ROSTER

Business Team Name:

Color: ___________________

Team 1 - Male:

Female: __________________________________

Team 2 - Male:

Female: __________________________________

ADVENTURE COURSE CHALLENGE Location: Wildwood Adventure Park, 375 Johnson Rd Time: 6:00 PM Date: Friday, April 3 Information/ Rules: 1. 2. 3.

Each team must have one male and one female participant. Each team is responsible for providing two volunteers for the event. a. Teams failing to provide volunteers will have a 10 point deduction. Best overall combined time wins. COURSE CHALLENGE ROSTER

Business Team Name:

Color: ___________________


Female: __________________________________

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TUG-O-WAR Location: Wildwood Outdoor Adventure Park, 375 Johnson Rd Time: 6:30 PM Date: Friday, April 3 Information/ Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4.

No weight restrictions. Up to 8 participants; men cannot exceed the max limit (up to 4 men). No cleats or spikes of any kind allowed. Gloves are recommended. TUG-O-WAR

Business Team Name:

Color: ___________________ MEN


1. _____________________________________ 1. ______________________________________ 2. _____________________________________ 2. ______________________________________ 3. _____________________________________ 3. ______________________________________ 4. _____________________________________ 4. ______________________________________

BBQ & AWARDS CEREMONY Location: Wildwood Outdoor Adventure Park, 375 Johnson Rd Time: Immediately following the Course Challenge/Tug-o-War Date: Friday, April 3 Information/ Rules: 1. Meals and drinks will be provided by Hy-Vee (THANK YOU HY-VEE!!) 2. Awards presentation will take place while we eat. 3. Stick around for live music!!

Thank you for your participation!!! See you in 2021!!!

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