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Our global commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

In September 2015, Australia was one of 193 countries to commit to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals provide a global roadmap for all countries to work towards a better world for current and future generations. We are committed to contributing to their achievement and have adopted the SDGs and New Urban Agenda as cornerstones for our planning.


The COVID-19 pandemic heavily impacted progress on achieving these goals around the world.

During the 2021/2022 financial year, CN renewed action towards the SDGs, considering and responding to the effects of COVID-19 on our community and beyond. We have now embedded the SDGs throughout Newcastle 2040 to ensure action across CN moving forward.

In December 2021, we produced our first Communication on Engagement for publication on the UN Global Compact website, including a statement of continued support for the UN Global Compact and its 10 principles, and a measurement of outcomes.

CN supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Below are some other key initiatives undertaken by CN during the 2021/2022 financial year that supported progress in the achievement of the SDGs.



Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

We are working with cities around the world to be more responsive to emerging priorities.

We are one of 11 cities that took part in the Cities Challenge run by the University of Melbourne and the Banksia Foundation.

We are connecting with business and academics and using our connections with all levels of government to take action.

We are building out our capacity to ensure closer monitoring of SDG 11.

Our outcomes include transparency, commitment, accountability and monitoring progress to achieve the SDG targets in our local context.

Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

We have a significant role to play in the region as a city leader, and we are building on our legacy of action in this space.

We were the first local government in NSW to switch over to 100% renewable energy. This will benefit the environment, as well as CN financially, over the coming decades.

Our Climate Action Plan sets a clear path forward for the organisation, the community and the city as a whole to reduce emissions.

We continue to manage our solar farm, install solar on our assets, and promote electric vehicles (EV) through purchasing EV for our pool cars.

We continue to better understand and share the climate risk to our natural and urban assets and work to build climate-resilient areas.

Consultation has begun on our new Environment Strategy.

Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

We work top down and bottom up.

We chair the SDG High Level Collaborative and have renewed commitment of the group.

We were a founding member of the SDG Hunter Region Task Force.

We are contributing to a regional set of indicators for SDG progress across the Hunter.

We will advocate for action in our region and continue to support, encourage and collaborate with businesses, educational institutions, other local governments, community organisations and the community.

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