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About our annual report

This report outlines CN’s progress on our Community Strategic Plan (CSP), Newcastle 2030, and achievement of Our Budget 2021/2022. It also presents CN’s audited financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2022.

The annual report provides an insight into the strategic and key actions delivered in 2021/2022 against each of the city’s 7 strategic directions, demonstrating our commitment to deliver on our 2030 vision.


The report is CN’s primary tool for reporting to our community and stakeholders on service delivery and financial performance.

It is also a vital part of our overall governance framework and our commitment to transparency and accountability.

In addition to meeting our legislative obligations, the objectives of this report are to:

• Communicate our vision and strategic directions to the community

• Instil community confidence in our ability to show strong leadership and deliver on our promises

• Recognise the achievements of our staff and organisation on behalf of the community

• Demonstrate our commitment to good governance as an accountable and transparent local government

• Build confidence and satisfaction in the partnerships being created with other levels of government, community groups, local businesses and industry through key projects and services

• Position CN as an employer of choice.

This will be the final annual report relating to the Newcastle 2030 CSP as CN transitions to Newcastle 2040, adopted in 2022.

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