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2022 Water/Sewer Projects
In addition to the Water Treatment Plant, the city also has four deep wells. These wells provide water to customers during times of peak flow, or if the Water Treatment Plant needs to be taken off-line for repairs or maintenance. Wells 3 & 4 were constructed in the early 1960’s. While the wells operate adequately, the associated buildings, softening systems, and disinfection systems needed to be replaced. The project was bid in 2019 and started construction in March 2020. Well 4 upgrades were completed and brought back online in early 2022.
500,000 Gallon Ground Storage Water Tank Painting and Repairs
The existing ground storage water tank was constructed with the water treatment plant and stores the finished water prior to pumping into the City’s water distribution system. Inspections of the storage tank revealed required structural repairs and coating failures. The project was bid, and construction began in the fall of 2021. Completion of the structural repairs and new coating occurred in April.
Raw Water Main Assessment/Repair
The alluvial well raw water main transmits the raw water to the City’s water treatment facility. This main has been experiencing increased pressure and reduced capacity. The City selected Horner & Shifrin with their RFQ process to verify the pipeline condition and make necessary repair recommendations, as needed. Hydraulic modeling of the raw water main was completed in 2021 and further investigation, including pipe coupons, will be obtained from accessible locations along the main in 2023. Following assessment, an investigation and rehabilitation plan will be developed for the repairs.
Water Treatment Plant & Distribution System Capital Improvement Plan Update
The City selected HDR Engineering for the CIP update and completed condition assessments, hydraulic model review, population growth and water demand projections in 2021. Completed in July of 2022.
Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Ammonia & High Flow Discharge Upgrades
Our permit from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) requires the WWTP to reduce the amount of ammonia it discharges into the Mississippi River. The Plant does not currently remove ammonia as part of the treatment process, major improvements to the WWTP were required.
In addition, the City worked with DNR, and received approval, for a high flow discharge from the WWTP into the near-by Peruque Creek. This would be used only during large rain events and should dramatically reduce overflows in the collection system.
The project was bid and awarded to River City Construction in early 2020 and construction began in July 2020. Construction continued throughout 2021 on many of the existing structure upgrades, new structures, and extensive electrical improvements with an anticipated competition in spring 2023.
Alluvial Wells
Implemented Alluvial Well contract which involves a yearly cleaning and pumping system retrofit to the submersible pumps over a five-year contract.
Lift Station SCADA Integration
The City's sanitary sewer system includes 17 lift stations for conveyance of the sanitary sewer flow to the City’s WWTP. This project includes the addition of new Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems to the City’s lift stations providing remote operation monitoring and control of the stations. The project was bid in early 2021 and awarded to Lange Tech. Construction improvements are ongoing and expected to be completed in spring of 2023.
Large Force Main Assessment
The City's sewer system contains three critical large force mains: The West Force Main, the East Force Main, and the WWTP Effluent Force Main. These force mains are critical in conveying raw wastewater to the plant and treated water from the plant to the outfall. These mains have not been inspected since installation. The City selected HDR Engineering with their RFQ process to perform a condition assessment on the WWTP Effluent Force Main and check for corrosive soils. In 2021 HDR Engineering completed Phase I of the assessment which included the electromagnetic conductivity (EMAG) survey, wenner four-pin survey and soil corrosivity survey on the force main. Phase II of the assessment was completed in 2022 and will include a screening level assessment and test pitting. Staff to bid out and install cathodic protection system because of the project. Completion expected in 2023.
WWTP Disinfection System Upgrades
Staff removed concrete baffle walls and installed 4 extra modules as an in-house project. System replacement to be evaluated after the completion of the current WWTP project.
New Public Works Facility
The New Public Works Facility is at 50% completed design which will be located off E Terra Lane west of TR Hughes. The campus will include a new Administration Building and Fleet Maintenance facility. The administration building will house water, sewer, street, and storm crews as well as management and support staff. It will also have a breakroom, locker room, offices, training room, and a winter weather war room. Both Administration and Fleet Buildings will include mezzanine storage areas. The Fleet Building will include parts storage, heavy and light duty truck repair bays, office space, snow prep storage, wash bay, and vactor truck storage.
Missouri American Water Connection
The design was completed, and construction started on the 16” water interconnect with Missouri American Water on Belleau Creek Rd. near QuikTrip. It is anticipated that the connection will be completed in Spring 2023 and will be able to provide the city with up to 1.5 million gallons of drinking water per day.
Thornbury Water Main
The design was completed, and construction started on the new 12” Thornbury water main loop near Thornbury Crossing and Veterans Memorial Parkway. The water main will improve water system connectivity and supply in this area.
Brookside Lift Station
The pump station improvements were designed and bid out to increase lift station pumping capacity to the growing Brookside area. Improvements include larger pumps, variable frequency drives, bypass connection, and safety grating.
WTP Filters and Preoxidation Study
A study was completed to address deficiencies with the water treatment plant peroxidation and sand filters. The Preoxidation study is currently underway but will likely involve an implementing of a mechanical aeration system for optimizing iron removal from raw water coming into the water treatment plant. The project also includes repairs and refurbishment to Filters 2 and 5.