8 minute read
Mission Statement
We ensure the proper maintenance of the City’s infrastructure through timely responses to Citizen Concerns with safety taking priority overother considerations and ensuring premium customer service.
Streets Concrete Crew: Gary Fraley, Thomas Gibson, Matthew Jordan, Max Farmer, Grant Harris, Isaiah Brownlee, Tim Smith, Jake Lorenz and Nicholas Mead (not pictured: Bryan Finnegan)
Streets Concrete Crew: Craig Salonies, Rich Sieve, Courtland Kurre, Jeff Swindle, Colton Pethtel, Antonio Gonzales, Chris Hermann, Kevin Kristensen, Phillip Martin, Mike Johnson, Ian Robinson and Matt Sollis
The Street Maintenance Crews provides infrastructure maintenance to improvements within the City’s right-of-way. The department currently maintains approximately 705 lane miles of streets and boulevards worth over $330 million dollars.
With safety and emergencies taking priority over all other operations, the Street Maintenance Crews’ time and resources go toward the removal and replacement of damaged road slabs, crack sealing, safety correction in sidewalks, street creep remediation and “A” joint installation. The Street Maintenance Crews are also tasked with pothole repairs, street sweeping, pavement markings, a wide variety of construction projects, supporting activities directed by other departments and snow and ice operations during winter months. The Street Maintenance Crews will also conduct infrastructure improvements as budget and time allows.
Street crews worked hard on completing requests from citizen concerns, emergency repairs (when they pop up) and assisting other city departments during unprecedented flooding (and other city functions).
A variety of trainings were conducted throughout the year for all new/existing Streets and Storm employees.
The Stormwater Maintenance Crew is responsible for the repair and maintenance of all pipes and structures within the city limits. The Stormwater Maintenance Crew maintains approximately 320 miles of pipe and 19,311 structures and 41 box culverts throughout the city. This maintenance includes repairing cracked or broken pipes and inlets, backfilling sinkholes that are caused by infrastructure deficiencies and leaks into the storm sewer system. The Stormwater Maintenance Crew also cleans structures and sills on an as needed basis as well as inspecting and cleaning pipes when needed. They respond to citizens’ concerns as they come in, and the crew also performs rehab to the system on a rotating cycle, which will allow for the entire system to be inspected on 10-year rotations.
The Maintenance Crew received 435 work order requests in 2022, and the crew was able to close 406 of new and old work orders in 2022.
Performance Measurements
The Inlet Inspection Program
The purpose of the inspection program is to find leaks and problems within the system before they get too big or costly to repair. This will be achieved by clearing debris and providing better customer service by having the issue fixed before a resident calls in with a concern. The program is divided into 10 inspection areas and one area will be completed per year. Once an inspection is completed, a red dot will be put on the inlet which will show up on every I-Pad or computer that is logged into the map system. This will keep the Stormwater Crew from doing the same inlet more than once. This program was developed in 2016 and was put into operation in 2017. In 2022, 2,064 inlet inspections were completed, and 3.30 miles of pipe were also inspected.
Sign Maintenance
The Traffic Technician is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the City’s Street signs. The city maintains approximately 9,500 street ID signs, stop signs, yield signs, no parking signs, plastic reflectors, Omni-Curb reflectors, traffic calming devices and other miscellaneous signs on the City’s arterials, collector roads and within the subdivisions. This maintenance includes repairs, replacements, and new installations.
Salt CO-OP 2021-2022
All (11) CO-OP members purchased Salt and Hauling through the current bid. The current bid was awarded to Compass Minerals and each member of the CO-OP worked directly with Compass Minerals. The City of O’Fallon purchased 3,500 tons for the 2021/2022 Winter Season. Once again, Compass Minerals did agree to make additional salt available for purchase above and beyond what was ordered ifneeded.
Lincoln County Highway Dept.
Winter Weather Operations Training
During the Fall of 2022, the Street Division conducted their annual winter weather operations training. We were able to conduct both hands on training and lessons on-line. New employees and ones that wanted or needed a refresher course reported to the Streets parking lot for hands-on training and to the Streets conference room for training on policy and procedures.
The purpose of this annual training is to present the City’s winter weather operations policy, the route maps, safe plowing procedures, and the proper procedure for filling out paperwork. The handson training at the parking lot includes an obstacle course, salt loading training and equipment troubleshooting. This gives the snow fighters the opportunity to become familiar with equipment and the routes they are assigned to plow.
Snow and Ice Control Operations
During 2021-2022, we had winter weather events that required a response from the city. The city utilizes employees and vehicles from several different departments throughout the city: Parks, Water/Sewer, Environmental Services, Building, Engineering, Fleet, Facility Maintenance, and the Street Division. We had 3,692 snowplow hours that occurred outside of normal business hours.
Public Works Fair
As part of National Public Works Week, the Street Division coordinated the City’s Annual Public Works Fair which was held in May at the Ozzie Smith Ballpark parking lot on T. R. Hughes Boulevard.
The event admission to the fair is free and both parents and teachers are encouraged to bring youngsters to the event which highlights the services provided by all the O’Fallon Public Works Divisions.
Activities of the fair include an opportunity for children and adults to see the City’s big trucks and heavy equipment “up close and personal” and to meet the personnel who run this equipment. Also included in the activities are free rides on O’Fallon’s Krekel Line Train, Red Light – Green Light, giveaways, games, exhibits and a free lunch of hotdogs, chips, and water.
Completed— 2,149 street work orders
Slabs = 443 slabs
Sidewalk = 530 panels
Curb and Gutter = 11 CY
Street Creeps = 168
Sweeper = 1,293 miles swept
Striper = 108.9 linear lanes miles striped, 70 crosswalks, 965 arrows and 375 stop bars painted
Performance Measurements
Environmental Services Division
Mission Statement
The primary mission of the Environmental Services Division is to be the “highest quality” provider of waste collection, environmentally conscious disposal, and recycling services. We will complete our mission by always being professional, efficient, safe, and honest while providing “Superior Customer Service” that is second to none! “Superior Customer Service” is defined as exceeding our resident’s expectations by listening to their needs and responding to them!
Environmental Services Personnel
Environmental Services Superintendent – Jim Wenzara
Operations Supervisor – Dan Iler
Administrative and Budget Coordinator – Wendy Tucker
Customer Service Representatives – Elizabeth Miklas and Joe Ratkewicz
Service Route Operators - Trash Routes
Service Route Operators – Recycle Routes
Fleet Mechanics
Roll off Operators and Cart Service Operators
Performance Measures in 2022
• O’Fallon residents rented 338 roll off dumpsters with our residential roll off program. It generated 537 tons of trash and generated $115,000 in revenue.
• We serviced 28,864 homes in 2022.
• Provided over 3,000,000 services combining trash, recycle, yard waste, carts and bulk services to our residents in 2022.
• Residents dropped off an average of 66 tons of trash, averaging 745 cars per bulk drop off event.
• O’Fallon’s recycle programs generated 2587 tons of good recyclable material.
Performance Measurements
Service Descriptions
Trash Collection- There are eight routes that run Tuesday-Friday. Each driver works four tenhour days. Each home is serviced one time per week. Our trucks operate with an automated arm to allow the driver to stay in the truck. All residents are issued city owned trash carts. Options include 96 or 64 - gallon cart. Some residents choose to request an additional cart for an additional fee. Residents are asked to place all trash in the cart with the lid closed. Any items placed outside the city provided cart will not be serviced. The efficiencies created by this make O’Fallon’s service the lowest cost in the area.
Bulk Service- Bulk service is available at $20 per hopper. We also offer residents an opportunity to bring their bulk trash to our transfer station on a bi-monthly basis at no charge. There are limits and rules that apply.
Recycle Collection- There are four recycle routes that run Tuesday-Friday. Each driver works four ten-hour days. Each home is serviced one time per week. Our trucks are operated with an automated arm which allow the driver to stay in the truck. Residents can choose to have a 64 or 96-gallon cart. Recycling is a FREE part of every resident’s service. We do not offer single stream recycling; therefore, our residents must follow our guidelines to have their recycling picked-up.
Yard Waste Collection- There are two routes that run Tuesday-Friday from mid-March through mid-December. Each driver works four ten-hour days. This service runs with rear-loading trucks with two drivers that alternate responsibilities throughout the day. Yard waste collection is an additional service which requires residents to sign up for at an additional charge.
Roll off Dumpster Rental- Dumpsters sized at 10 yds, 20yds and 30yds are available for residential rental. Residents can fill up to 4 tons and are allotted 7 days to fill at residence. The cost for rental is $325.00.
Appliances Pickup- Residents can call to schedule a pickup of an appliance for $20 per appliance. We offer contact information for an alternative contractor who will pick up appliances for free.
City Trash Containers- Our driver’s service twenty-two rear loading containers throughout the city in various locations on Tuesday and Fridays only.
Paper and Cardboard Recycle bins- Residents have the option of recycling their paper and cardboard at City Hall, the Justice Center, and the Renaud Center 24 hours a day 7 days a week in the parking lot.
Transfer Station Operation- The City of O’Fallon owns the trash transfer station, and it is operated by Republic Services.
Christmas Tree removal- for 4 consecutive Thursday’s following Christmas we offer curb side tree pick up for $10 per tree.
Events Hosted by Environmental Services
Bulk Waste Drop Off- City of O’Fallon residents with an account in good standing are eligible to participate in the drop off event. These events are on a bi-monthly basis. The resident will need to provide identification at the time of drop off. They can bring one truckload or one trailer load full of trash to each event and follow the guidelines provided by the department. This event is held at the Transfer Station located @ 1572 Progress West Lane.
Electronics and Appliance Recycling Event- O’Fallon partnered with Midwest Recycling Center to provide the public with the opportunity to recycle unwanted electronics or appliances. This event is free except for charges on televisions and monitors. The event is held bi-monthly and is located at the Car Shield Field west parking lot.
Shred it Days- Two times a year, O’Fallon residents can have up to five document/banker’s boxes of paper shredded for no charge. For additional boxes there will be a $5 charge per box. The event is open to the public to pay $5 a box. The event is held at the garage connected to the Environmental Services Office.
Bulk Event
2022 Highlights and Accomplishments
• Added a side loader trash truck.
• Added a roll off truck.
• Attended the annual Public Works Fair in May.
• Hosted six electronic recycling events. These events are open to anyone.
• Hosted six bulk drop off events. Open to O’Fallon residents only.
• Hosted two shred events at the Environmental Services building.
• For twenty straight years O’Fallon Residents rates have remained unchanged.
• Environmental Services celebrated 20 years of service.
• Environmental Services celebrated 15 years with Roscoe the Racoon as our mascot.
• After 16 years of service, route operator Dave Moloney retired from the City of O’Fallon.
• The Environmental Services department assisted in the cleanup of the July flood of 2022.