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Figure 31 – Personal Responsibility on Climate Change
Personal Responsibility on Climate Change
With respect to preferences and habits, Figure 31 shows that although the top endorsed action was to adopt Step Code, 75% of respondents are ‘not likely’ to purchase a new, higher energy standard home in the next 5 years. On the other hand, 43% of respondents are either ‘likely’ or ‘very likely’ to do home energy retrofits within the next 5 years. On transportation, 67% of respondents said that they’d be likely to walk or cycle regularly once a week in the next year, but 65% are also ‘not likely’ to use public transit at least once a week in the next year. 44% are ‘not likely’ to purchase an e-bike, escooter, or other micro e-mobility device in the next year. Lastly, there was a roughly equal split on whether the respondent would purchase an electric vehicle in the next 5 years.
How likely are you to…
Buy an Electric Vehicle in the next 5 Buy an e-bike/escooter in the next year Cycle/Walk once a week in the next year
Retrofit/improve home energy efficiency in the next 5 years

Figure 31 – Personal Responsibility on Climate Change
Buy an energy efficient new home in the next 5 years
Use public transit at least once a week in the next year