June 23-25, 2023 South Okanagan Events Centre

853 Eckhardt Ave
SnPink’tn (Penticton), BC
Greetings from the Four Seasons Cultural Society
Wai! On behalf of the Four Seasons Cultural Society, I would like to welcome you to the 2023 Pow Wow Between the Lakes. Our team has been working diligently towards this weekend for several months and we are beyond excited to welcome you for this historic occasion – the first time the pow wow has been held on Syilx traditional lands in SnPink’tn at the South Okanagan Events Centre.

This year more than ever, we are hoping to bring together Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities in celebration and healing. There will be opportunities for spectators to enjoy the talents and skills of the dancers and drummers as well as to join in on the fun during the many intertribal dances.
This weekend promises many highlights in addition to the traditional dancing and drumming competition. We encourage you to visit the vendors, enjoy Indigenous foods and the talents of the South Okanagan Immigrant and Community Services. We also hope you will take a moment to acknowledge our sponsors and volunteers for their incredible support. From all of us, lim lemt.

Table of Contents
• Greetings from our sponsors
• Site and Parking Maps
• Schedule of Events – Friday, Saturday and Sunday
• Rules – Judge, Dance and Drum
• General Information –Spectators and Competitors
• Dance Competition Payout
• Sponsored Specials
• Drum Contest
• Grand Entry Lineup
• Thank you!
• Sponsors
Greetings from our sponsors
Wai’ | Hello
It is an honour to welcome Elders, Chiefs and Council, dancers, drummers and guests from across Turtle Island to SnPink’tn for the Four Seasons Cultural Society 2023 Pow Wow Between the Lakes.
This gathering represents a major milestone in our collective journey as it is the first time the pow wow is being held on the traditional and unceded lands in Penticton and it is our pleasure to make the South Okanagan Events Centre available for this historic occasion.
The pow wow is a chance for the people of the Okanagan Syilx nation and all First Nations to come together to heal and celebrate. And it’s an opportunity for us – your neighbours – to learn and embrace new traditions.

On behalf of City Council, I extend my deepest gratitude to the Four Seasons Cultural Society and all performers who are generously sharing their traditions, stories and wisdom with us. To the organizers and volunteers, thank you for your tireless efforts in making this event a reality.

Greetings from our sponsors
wai’ and hello,
The District of Summerland is proud to support the Pow Wow Between the Lakes with its theme of 'Healing the Nation through Reconciliation'.
Meaningful collaboration to support truth and reconciliation is one of Summerland Council’s priorities. We collaborate with both the Penticton Indian Band and the Okanagan Nation Alliance on a range of activities, including the restoration of Trout Creek, interpretative signage on Giant’s Head Mountain, Summerland Bylaw/PIB Guardians joint patrols, and displaying the Syilx Water Declaration in our Council Chambers.
While there has been a healthy evolution at the political level, we know lasting reconciliation needs to happen through personal relationships within our communities.
This is where the Pow Wow comes in. The Four Seasons Cultural Society has made a leap of faith to stage this year’s event at the SOEC. In essence, they are extending an invitation to all residents of the Okanagan, Syilx and non-Syilx.

We would be remiss not to take advantage of this opportunity to come together to celebrate Syilx culture. This is why the District of Summerland is not only sponsoring the Pow Wow, but we’re also promoting it and even held a prize draw for weekend passes and tickets.
Art and music are universal languages that can transcend cultural boundaries. The Pow Wow Between the Lakes brings people together not only physically at the performance space but also socially through its ability to inspire, make connections, build community, and heal a nation.
lim lemt.
Doug Holmes Mayor of SummerlandMaps

FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2023 (7 pm to 12 am)
10 am Doors open to vendors
3 pm Doors open to public Competition Registration
5:30 pm Chinese Instruments Band
6 pm Call for Grand Entry
7 pm –12 am Grand entry
Flag Song
Veterans Song
Opening Prayer
Okanagan Song
Welcoming Speech Chief Gabriel
Visiting Chief and Council

Welcome! Four Seasons Cultural Society
Edna and Clara Jack’s Tiny Tot Special
Men’s Chicken Dance Special
• Battle Song
• Straight Song
• Sneak Song
Intertribals Competitions
Golden Age Women (Combined)
• Traditional / Jingle / Fancy
Golden Age Men (Combined)
• Traditional / Grass / Fancy
Tiny Tots
Junior Girls
• Traditional / Jingle / Fancy
Junior Boys
• Traditional / Grass / Fancy
Teen Girls
• Traditional / Jingle / Fancy
Teen Boys
• Traditional / Grass / Fancy
Adult Women
• Traditional / Jingle / Fancy
Adult Men
• Traditional / Grass / Fancy
12:00 am Retire the Flags
*Arena Director will confirm the schedule and specials.

SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2023 (1 pm to 5 pm)
10 am Doors open to vendors and public
11 am Call for Grand Entry
11 am Japanese Drumming
Okanagan Mexican Folklore

5 pm Grand entry
1 pm –
Flag Song
Veterans Song
Opening Prayer
Okanagan Song
Welcoming Speech Chief Byron Louis
Nicole and Tyrone’s Wedding
Sweetheart Special
Naveah Evan’s Coming Out Special
Intertribals Competitions
Golden Age Women (Combined)
• Traditional / Jingle / Fancy
Golden Age Men (Combined)
• Traditional / Grass / Fancy
Tiny Tots
Junior Girls
• Traditional / Jingle / Fancy
Junior Boys
• Traditional / Grass / Fancy
Teen Girls
• Traditional / Jingle / Fancy
Teen Boys
• Traditional / Grass / Fancy
Adult Women
• Traditional / Jingle / Fancy
Adult Men
• Traditional / Grass / Fancy
5 pm Retire the Flags for Dinner Break (5 to 7 pm)
5:10 pm Sonny Doney Drum Contest Special
*Arena Director will confirm the schedule and specials.

SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2023 (7 pm to 12 am)
6 pm Call for Grand Entry
7 pm Grand entry
Flag Song
Veterans Song
Opening Prayer
Okanagan Song
Welcoming Speech Dignitaries
Sqilxw Dancers Performance
South Okanagan Similkameen Pride Society
Two Spirit Special

Okanagan College Graduation Special
Head Man / Head Lady Special
Intertribals Competitions
Golden Age Women (Combined)
• Traditional / Jingle / Fancy
Golden Age Men (Combined)
• Traditional / Grass / Fancy
Tiny Tots
Junior Girls
• Traditional / Jingle / Fancy
Junior Boys
• Traditional / Grass / Fancy
Teen Girls
• Traditional / Jingle / Fancy
Teen Boys
• Traditional / Grass / Fancy
Adult Women
• Traditional / Jingle / Fancy
Adult Men
• Traditional / Grass / Fancy
12 am Retire the Flags
*Arena Director will confirm the schedule and specials.

SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 2023 (1 pm to 5 pm)
10 am Doors open to vendors and public
11 am Call for Grand Entry
1 pm Grand entry
Flag Song
Veterans Song
Opening Prayer
Okanagan Song
Welcoming Speech Chief Gabriel
Visiting Chief and Council
Okanagan Nation Alliance

• Overdose and Addictions Round Dance
• Residential School Blanket Dance (proceeds to IRSSS)
Tie Breakers
5 pm Honour song for the committee and volunteers
Retire the Flags Payouts
*Arena Director will confirm the schedule and specials.
The Arena Director and Head Drum Judges will choose judges for all competitions.
• If a judge is caught judging a relative, their ballot will be considered invalid.
• All decisions will be final, i.e., you cannot change your decision once it has been submitted to the Head Staff for tallying; and
• Be sure of the numbers, write down the numbers clearly, and sign each ballot.
• All contestants must be registered before the start of the 1 pm grand entry on Saturday, June 24, 2023, and must wear the number issued to them (there will be no late registration of dancers).
• Dancers must self-identify as Indigenous.
• All dance numbers must be visible to the judges and tabulators during the competitions and grand entries.
• All contestants must be in grand entry to receive points. The only exception is for dancers registered to the host drum(s), for which those dancers must be dressed and are responsible for giving their numbers to the tabulators before grand entry.
• Each contestant will be judged on skill, dress, and dance ability. Judging will be strictly on a point system, beginning on Grand Entry Friday as follows: - 1st Grand Entry: 75 points - 2nd to 4th Grand Entry: 50 points - Spot Checks/Exhibitions: 25 points - 1st place: 50 points - 2nd place: 25 points - 3rd place: 15 points - 4th place: 10 points - Tie Breaker: 1 point
• If an eagle feather of a contestant’s regalia falls or is dropped during competition, then they must disqualify themselves for that session and may be disqualified by the Arena Director if the dancer does not disqualify themselves.

• Each contestant can only register in one (1) dance category, with the exception being Specials.
• There is zero tolerance for drugs or alcohol if dancers are in the possession or suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they will be disqualified from the contest.
Pow wow rules will be confirmed by the Arena Director.
• All lead singers must register their drum and all the singers with that drum.
• There will be no late registration for drums, all drums must be registered before Drum Roll Call.
• No singers are allowed to register to more than one (1) drum group, and no drum hopping.
• All singers must be present and ready to sing when called upon. Points will be given for drum roll call, intertribal and contest songs. During contest songs, all drums will be allowed four (4) starts, during intertribal songs, all drums will be allowed five (5) leads unless otherwise directed by head staff.
• Drummers must keep the drum area clean.
• All drums must have a minimum of five (5) singers per group before registration and set up.
• Intertribals will go in left to right drum rotation, and Contest will go in right to left drum rotation.
• There are no drugs or alcohol allowed. If drummers are in possession or suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they will be disqualified.
• Each drum will be judged on a point system as follows: - Present at drum roll call: 10 points for each Grand Entry (1 point deducted for each singer missing) - Leads: 5 points (each lead from a different singer is a point) - Starts singing when called upon: 5 points - Singing: 5 points - Drumming: 5 points - Appropriate song: 5 points
Host Hotel for the 2023 Pow Wow Between the Lakes is the Sandman Hotel Penticton. Here are the details:

• Standard 1 Queen, $129.00 plus applicable taxes.
• Standard 2 double, $129.00 plus applicable taxes.
• Standard 1 Queen with Kitchen, $139.00 plus applicable taxes.
Email: or
Phone: Central Reservation 1-800-726-3626 / 1-800-SANDMAN or Hotel Direct
(250) 493-7151 ext. 0
In order to receive the correct rates, callers must reference SANDMAN HOTEL
1. ADMISSION Entry fee is $10 per day or $20 for the weekend. Children 5 and under are free. Wrist bands with purchase.
3. ELDERS have reserved seating rows in the arena.
4. SPECTATORS can watch from arena seating. No seating on the floor.
5. RECORDERS: Recorders must give mike runners priority to all drums.
6. This is an alcohol and drug-free event, strictly enforced by security.
7. FIRST AID: First Aid & Security are available inside the event centre.
8. LOST OR STOLEN PROPERTY: There will be a lost and found. The Four Seasons Cultural Society and the South Okanagan Event Centre will not be held responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged articles or injuries.
9. PHOTO TAKING: There are appropriate times and places to take pictures. Please do not take pictures surrounding the judges as it may cause interference with contestant number collection and no unauthorized video camera set up inside the arena. Please turn off cameras during the blowing of whistles or feather pick-ups.
10. PETS: No pets are allowed in the event centre.
11. CAMPING: No overnight camping is allowed at the event centre. Camping is available at no charge at the baseball diamonds on the PIB. Tents only on the ball diamonds and trailers in the parking lot on a first-come first-served basis.
12. PARKING: Free parking at the event centre during the day, no overnight camping allowed.
13. SMOKING: No smoking inside the event centre. Please use designated areas.
14. FOOD: Concessions will be open inside the event centre including Jackpot Bannock. There will also be food trucks on the plaza.
1. SHOWER FACILITIES: Showers are available in the event centre change rooms for competitors.
2. Entry fee is $10 per day or $20 for the weekend. Entry fee is also your competition fee, no further fee is required to enter dance and drum categories. Once you purchase your entry, register to receive your competition number.
Thank you, Four Seasons Cultural Society


Adult Two Spirited sponsored by South Okanagan Similkameen Pride Society

$300 • 2nd $200 • 3rd $100 Chicken Battle
sponsored by Four Seasons Cultural Society
Tiny Tots
1st $300, 2nd $200, 3rd $100, 4th 50

• 1ST $10,000
• 2ND $5,000
• 3RD $3,000
• 4TH $2,000
$800 •
$600 •
$600 •
$600 • 3rd $400
Flag Bearers
War Veterans
Okanagan Nation Alliance Chief and Councillors

Visiting Chiefs
Visiting Royalty
Head Man and Head Lady
Local Dignitaries
Major Sponsors
• Total Restoration (Friday)
• TD Bank (Saturday)
• RDOS (Sunday)
Four Seasons Cultural Society Committee
Golden Age Women / Men
Adult Women / Men
Teen Girls / Boys
Junior Girls / Boys
Thank you!
Four Seasons Cultural Society
• Grace Greyeyes
• Kristine Jack
• Marlee Jack
• Anna Tonasket
Pow Wow Committee
• Kristine Jack
• Lainie Greyeyes
• Sheldon Gullion
• JoAnne Kleb
• Tyrone Kruger
• Haley Regan
• Nicole Schellenberg
• Jill Setah
• Tamara Simon
• Andrea Watts
• Alyssha Forrest
• Kevin Webb
• Kevan Scott
• Dean Clarke
South Okanagan Immigrant and Community Services

The Four Seasons Cultural Society would like to thank the following sponsors for their support of the 2023 Pow Wow Between the Lakes.
$2000 +

$1000 - $2000
Duffy Baker Const.
Gorman Brothers LTD.
Greyback Construction
Grizzly Excavating
Naqsmist Transformative Storytellers
Penticton Nissan

Penticton Honda

Penticton Hyundai

South Okanagan

Similkameen Pride Society
Wildstone Const. Group

Penticton Western News

FlaTiles Design Ltd.

Penticton Indian Band

Highrock RV Resort
Westhills Aggregates

$500 - $1000
Fabricland Vernon
Jill Jennex - Realtor
MLA Dan Ashton
P&E Lumber
Wild Mountain Clinical Counselling