Community Action & Outreach CAO Mission CAO’s mission is to infuse the principles of Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving, Intelligence Led Policing/Crime Fighting, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, resource management and innovative policing principles designed around developing social capital within our communities to reduce crime and calls for police service. CAO also works to infuse those principles into the RPD.
Homeless Outreach Team Newly formed in 2020, the Reno Police Department established a team dedicated to assisting the unsheltered population with homelessness concerns. Consisting of four Officers and a Sergeant, this team partners with other City Departments, other Agencies and Organizations to provide outreach and connect those in need with resources.
Unsheltered Outreach and Homeless Evaluation Liaison Program (HELP) The goal of HELP is to provide homeless individuals, who are utilizing services and generating police calls, with assistance in reuniting with family or friends in a stable environment.