Leaders in the Loop August 2023

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You’ll see this icon throughout the newsletter. It indicates items, topics, and information to pass along to your team. A compiled list can be found in the Connect Your Team section.

August 21, 2023

This newsletter is geared toward supervisors and provides monthly updates and information in order to enhance the

with HR and as a City team. Our goal is to keep supervisors informed as well as provide opportunities for personal and professional development.

Questions or ideas for content? Contact Callie Smith in HR (callie.smith@)!


In this issue:

Welcome to the City Team!

Introducing our newest employees - we’re glad you’re onboard!

Shout Outs from July 2023

Leadership Focus

5 Reasons for Documentation

Talk it Out: Connect with Strategies & Skills

Featured TED Talks and other videos with reflection questions

Connect with Resources / Speaking of Documentation…

Highlighted courses and webinars

Learning & Development Spotlight

Announcements & Reminders

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Employee Name Role/Position Department

Sara Russell Ministerial Recorder Municipal Court

Jeffrey Gardner Maintenance Mechanic I Housing Authority

Shayna Anthony Jobs Plus Community Coach Housing Authority

Albert Brackett Maintenance Mechanic I Housing Authority

Shanell Jenkins-Oden Transit Dispatcher Office of Government Affairs

Carldell Moore Line Worker III Utilities – Electric

Tyrone Brown Refuse Truck Operator I Public Works

Rebecca Askew Master Police Officer Police

Matthew Springs Police Officer I Police

William Gardner Police Officer I Police

Gavin Harris Police Officer I Police

Christopher Hoffman Police Officer I Police

Welcome to the City Team!
Join us in welcoming our newest employees

Shout Outs from July 2023

In the June Leaders in the Loop edition, there was a space for anyone to give a shout out to someone else. Here’s what was submitted. The kind words represented here have also been shared with the person featured!

“Officer Samantha Jakell has done a fantastic job over the past few months, helping other officers complete paperwork, so they can get back out on the street. She handles multiple lobby calls and phone calls from citizens each day and any other task that crosses her desk. She is always willing to help others no matter how busy she is. Your hard work does not go unnoticed. Thank you, Officer Jakell

“Vince Simonowicz did a great job with going over cybersecurity tips at our safety meeting recently. It was amazing to learn how much malicious content that tries to hit the City organization on a regular basis that ITS handles without interrupting the work that the rest of us are doing.”

Have a shout out you want to share?

Give a Shout Out


Leadership Focus

Each month, we’ll focus on a relevant topic to explore as leaders. This month’s topic is:

“Successful people do ordinary things with extraordinary consistency, commitment, and focus.” – Jon Gordon (author and speaker on the topics of leadership and teamwork)


“Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally. It comes from what you do consistently.” – Marie Forleo (life coach, entrepreneur, and philanthropist)

Leadership Truth or Dare

Truth: What ways can you improve in documenting? Are there significant events you forget about because they’re not written down? It’s all about consistency.

Dare: Create a habit for yourself to be more consistent with documentation.


5 Reasons for Documentation

Documentation is key to our success as a team. Here are 5 reasons why.


Data-driven Decisions

The decisions supervisors make are often tough and complex. Documenting performance gives supervisors the ability to make decisions using real data and patterns, rather than relying on emotions or confrontation. This way, supervisors are able to do a better job of rewarding top performers and discipline fairly.


Improve Productivity

Documentation helps you identify trends over a period of time so you and your team can make improvements. Tracking reduces the probability of repeated mistakes and helps you see if any areas in your procedures need improvement. Otherwise, time might be wasted trying to come up with surface-level or ineffective solutions.


Reduces Risk

Documenting performance and engagement protects you as the supervisor and the City against litigation and prevents legal issues from arising. If something does happen, documentation ensures a smoother investigation.

Characteristics of Good Documentation

Clear Expectations


Clear Expectations

With documentation, there is no gray area between what’s acceptable and what’s not acceptable. This makes enforcing policies easier. Creating a fair and unbiased system that implies to all also reduces the possibility of conflict and builds a culture of transparency where the same rules apply to everyone.


Level of Care

One of your top priorities as a supervisor is to know your team and be accountable for them and their work. If you are not consistent with documentation or having hard conversations as they’re needed, what does that say about how much you care about your team? By being intentional and consistent, you show that you care not only for their individual improvement but also about creating a positive and healthy team culture where all are able to thrive.

“The responsibility of leadership is not to come up with all of the ideas. The responsibility of leadership is to create an environment in which great ideas can thrive.”

Use D.U.H.

Talk about the behavior not Action Plan on How to Improve Set Deadlines

Sources: LinkedIn, SHRM
Dates / Why was it Unusual? / How did it Help or Harm?

Talk it Out: Connect with Strategies & Skills

“Documenting Employee Performance & Discipline”


How have you been doing with documenting when you need to? Is your paper trail strong or are there parts missing? How can you improve?


Connect with Resources

Highlighted Courses & Webinars

Performance Management

Managing employee performance through standards, observation and feedback may sound easy, but doing it well is another story. Many managers and supervisors see the appraisal process as a single day event on the employee's anniversary date, which is not the case. The performance appraisal process is an ongoing activity that takes effort throughout the year, not just at the time of the appraisal.

Speaking of Documentation…

Open Enrollment this year will be ACTIVE, which means that all employees will need to provide proof of eligibility for ALL dependents.

Children – birth certificate (long form)


• Marriage certificate AND proof of joint ownership via mortgage or rental/lease agreement


• Marriage certificate AND a copy of your most recent tax return


City Learning Institute

Course Catalog 2023

As part of its mission statement, the City of Rock Hill’s Human Resources department strives to cultivate a healthy, highperformance workforce. This is achieved in a variety of ways, including through training and development. The City Learning Institute provides opportunities for employees at all levels to learn and grow in areas like professional development, leadership, personnel relations, and HR procedures. Check it out and sign up!

DiSC Team Time

2.5 hour workshop for teams to learn their DiSC Style and better understand themselves and how they work together Let Deana or Callie in HR know if you’re interested in this for your team!

“The DISC profiles helped our team members to determine which traits are most prominent in their personalities. Since learning this information, we can use it to better understand our environmental reactions and our individual work styles.”

“I believe that our DISC workshop was wildly successful for a multitude of reasons. First, it allowed us as individuals to see where we are on the DISC spectrum and just what does that mean. Then, it showed us how others see us and how we sometimes see them. As a group it allowed us to see where we all fell as leaders within the Department and why some of the decisions and thought processes have gone the way that they have gone. Lastly, I believe that this was the first of hopefully many fun-filled and informative teambuilding events to come.”

Development Spotlight

Announcements & Reminders

We are Over-The-Moon excited to invite you to announce new HR technology that is coming this fall! If you have ever thought it should be easier to see your paycheck, submit time and attendance for payroll, have access to see employee benefit accruals, or have an easier way to complete performance appraisals, then you will be just as excited as HR and the Payroll team to have this new technology!

The City has partnered with Paycom to be our new platform for our Human Capital Management system. All employees, including supervisors, will submit all HR transactions and payroll in ONE application going forward. No more paper! No more sending forms to HR via interoffice mail! Trainings ongoing!

Recording of Performance Appraisals Workshop from May 2023

Announcements & Reminders

2024 Wellness Program: Calendar for Annual Physicals

• March: Last names starting with A or B

• April: C-Fa

• May: Fe-Ja

• June: Je-Ma

• July: Mc-O

• August: P-R

• September: S

• October: T-Z

Peer-to-Peer Appreciation Cards

Share the love and gratitude! Look for these postcards in your area that can be dropped into interoffice mail to fellow employees. Give a shout out or show that you’re thankful for their hard work in making our City awesome!

2022 Quick Links • HR Citywide Files • CRH Training & Development Site • LocalGovU • LifeServices EAP • My Personal Health Portal (Wellness Credit) • Food Truck Fridays • Movies in the Park • Old Town Market Give a Shout Out

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