September 2018 Monthy Peformance Report

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September 2018 Monthly Performance Report The City of Rock Hill has developed a service strategy with three main ini a ves. Serving embodies our commitment to the community. The City provides a number of important core services— services that promote a livable and safe community. We provide innova ve and efficient service solu ons for our customers. Engaging represents our responsibility to ac vely communicate and connect with our residents. Placing an emphasis on public trust, inclusivity, and empowerment we are focused on moving Rock Hill from a successful to a significant city. Growing encompasses our pledge to work together to encourage balanced growth in our community. Individual success and a vibrant, sustainable local economy are vital to our shared prosperity. This report provides monthly performance data on the City’s ongoing key metrics. This is intended to give a monthly overview of progress that has been made on the City’s strategic goals. For more detailed informa on on the Strategic Plan and other performance informa on, please see reports and dashboards at

Serving Average Public Safety Response Time (in minutes) Police


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We target Police and Fire to be under 4.7 minute average response me.


Response mes are measured so that the data is comparable to other jurisdic ons.

Violent and Property Crime August 2016 to September 2018 

Violent and property crimes trending down over the five-year average.


The City faces a State-wide challenge of scheduling new recruits to a end the State-run Criminal Jus ce Academy.

Serving 



Resource Educa on & Development Ini a ve (REDI) targets a specific neighborhood, Catawba Terrace, with addional resources appropriate to that neighborhood’s needs.

Voluntary Compliance

Voluntary compliance is a measure of what percentage of property owners bring their property back to compliance a er a cita on.


REDI Neighborhood

Target for voluntary compliance is 75%, both in the city as a whole and the REDI neighborhood.



U li es Call Center—Wait Time


U li es are in the process of upda ng to new meters.


Hold mes have been above the target range for 26 of the last 27 months.


Customers have experienced longer hold mes due to the following: ▪Ques ons related to meter installa ons. ▪More complex calls from customers. ▪Wait me was affected by the addi on of new staff.

U li es—Electric Reliability 

System Average Interrup on September 2018 Dura on Index (SAIDI) SAIDI measures the system-wide 116.29 Minutes average power outage duraon per customer.  The SAIDI target is less than 160.18 minutes.  Crews are mobilized to lessen the dura on of issues and equipment automa on is deployed to minimize the impact of events. 2

‘REC in a Box’ Par cipants 

Recrea on, Educa on and Community (REC) in a Box is a new program for FY2019.


A baseline of September 2018 number of 210 Par cipants events is established to create a future target.


Parks, Recrea on & Tourism (PRT) will bring the fun to residents.

Engaging Old Town Events August 2016 to September 2018 

Rock Hill sponsors and supports Old Town and sports tourism events throughout the city.


Over the last 12 months, there have been 33 “Only in Old Town”, City-sponsored events.


The target for Old Town events is two events each month.

Outreach 

Therapeu c Recrea on Program Par cipants September 2018—302 par cipants Target—Increase by 5% each year (on track)

Outreach efforts are measured in part with a count of website visits and “Only in Old Town” Facebook likes.  We tailor our message to offer web content that translates into a format that will best reach the community.  PRT targets programs for special popula ons providing meaningful experiences through leisure ac vi es for children and adults who are disabled. 3


Plan Review Time

Knowledge Park 

The Knowledge Park Ini a ve is an economic development strategy for bringing jobs, businesses, residents and ac vi es to the center of Rock Hill.


A public engagement effort resulted in the Knowledge Park Ac on Plan (details at


The majority of strategic goals for Knowledge Park are project based and long-term.

University Center progress, September 2018


Strategic goal to deliver City services that enhance safety and efficiency for the business community.


Plan review me for new commercial buildings and civil construc ons target is less than seven business days.


For more details, see the Development Ac vity Report compiled by Planning at departments/planning-and-development

Private Investment in Corridors 

Strategic goals are as follows: ▪ Support private development in the Albright/Saluda Corridor.

▪ Iden fy and study the next key Corridor (tenta vely, South Anderson).  Target is $1 million in new investment in each corridor annually. 4

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