September 2020 Monthly Performance Report The City of Rock Hill has developed a service strategy with three main ini a ves. Serving embodies our commitment to the community. Engaging represents our responsibility to ac vely communicate and connect with our residents. Growing encompasses our pledge to work together to encourage balanced growth in our community. This report provides monthly performance data on the City’s ongoing key metrics. For more detailed informa on on the Strategic Plan and other performance informa on, please see reports and dashboards at
Serving Public Safety Response Time (minutes) Police
Target for public safety response me is under 5.4 minutes (on average).
Violent and Property Crimes September 2018 to September 2020
Rock Hill saw some ini al changes in the types of crimes encountered by law enforcement with COVID-19 community response ac ons, most notably a decrease in property crime.
RHPD con nues work on the crea on of a Ci zen Review Board to include residents in review of Police incidents.
COVID‐19 Related Milestones March 13—Ini al Governor’s declara on of State of Emergency March 15—State closure of public schools March 17—State closure of bars and restaurants for dine-in customers March 20—Governor’s second declara on of State of Emergency April 3—State closure of non-essen al businesses April 7—Statewide Home or Work Order May 3—State authorize reopening—outdoor dining May 11—State authorize reopening—indoor dining May 12—Some PRT facili es opened; reserva ons required June 15—City Hall (limited) reopening, employees working remotely return to office July 10—Rock Hill local face covering emergency ordinance goes into effect August 24—Rock Hill local face covering extended un l further direc on is given by Council.
Serving Voluntary Compliance
REDI & Voluntary Code Compliance
Resource Educa on & Development Ini a ve (REDI) target specific neighborhood Catawba Terrace with addi onal resources appropriate to neighborhood needs. Voluntary compliance is a measure of what percentage of property owners bring their property back to compliance a er a cita on.
REDI Neighborhood
Target for voluntary compliance is 75%, both in the city as a whole and the REDI neighborhood.
Call Center— Wait Time
U li es is in the final stage of upda ng all customers to new meters.
Customers in September were affected by the following: ▪ U lity disconnec ons resumed on June 15. ▪ Customers encouraged to use online op ons .
U li es—Electric Reliability
System Average Interrupon Dura on Index (SAIDI) September 2020 SAIDI measures the system-wide average power outage 126.91 Minutes dura on per customer. The SAIDI target is less than 160.18 minutes. Crews are mobilized to lessen the dura on of issues and equipment automa on is deployed to minimize the impact of events. 2
‘REC in a Box’ Par cipants
Recrea on, Educa on and Community (REC) in a Box began in FY2019. September 2020 COVID-19 has 64 Par cipants greatly impacted all Parks, Recrea on & Tourism (PRT) programs including REC in a Box. REC in a Box restarted programs a er the ini al COVID-19 shutdown in June 2020.
Engaging Tour de York—Aerial Parade
COVID-19 & Tax Revenue September 2020 revenues reflect par al recovery from the impact of the coronavirus response in South Carolina.
The Rock Hill-York County Airport held its inaugural Aerial Parade on September 22. The parade event was created to allow an airport event with appropriate social distance in mind. No need to congregate at the airport; residents can enjoy the show from many places in York County. Partnerships with Skytech and EEA Chapter 961 ensured the success of this event.
Rock Hill Finance con nues to carefully monitor revenue numbers as the situa on changes. Revenues have con nued to improve. U lity disconnec ons as a result of nonpayment resumed the week of June 6, which has impacted collec ons in a posi ve way. Resuming disconnecons of u li es for non-payment resulted in strong collec ons in July and August. U lity collec ons in September were down somewhat, but the decrease was expected as bills were high from August hot weather temperatures. Revenue from Sports Tourism con nues to be significantly impacted by the State order limi ng the size of events gatherings, but as restaurants re-open, hospitality tax revenues are con nuing to improve. Overall Hospitality tax collec ons are about 85% of budgeted revenues and expenses are being adjusted accordingly. The City will con nue to monitor the changing circumstances of the public health response and its impact on the City finances.
Therapeu c Recrea on Program Par cipants September 2020
64 program par cipants 3
Private Investment
Private Investment strategic goals are as follows: * Support private development in the Albright/Saluda Corridor. * Iden fy and study the next key corridor Target is $1 million in new private investment in the Saluda corridor annually.
Plan Review Time
Cycling PRT staff con nues to implement safety protocols outlined by SCDHEC, CDC, Governor's Office, and City Council at PRT facilies. This makes events such as the US BMX Labor Day Na onal possible. Balance Bike Race winners show off their trophies. 4