2011 Annual Report
Message from the Medical Director
Dr. Warren Tripp, MD Stoughton Area EMS Medical Director
Emergency Medical Services in the Stoughton community are functioning well. The local Stoughton area EMS medics are EMT-‐Intermediate Technicians. This current level of training provides for intravenous therapy as well as life saving defibrillation for those in cardiac arrest. I have been the Medical Director for SAEMS since 1999. At that time the agency was an EMT-‐ Basic with defibrillation and CombiTube skills. These skills were essential for life saving interventions for heart and breathing related collapse but didn’t provide for rehydration nor treatment of common diabetic low blood sugar reactions, common asthmatic breathing calls for help or opiate overdoses. Dane County’s EMS training allowed for us to provide first these advanced medical skills of albuterol nebulization for asthmatics and glucagon injections for diabetics along with aspirin for chest pain thought to be from cardiac causes. It also provided intramuscular injection of Narcan to reverse coma from narcotics. The next step was to be able to start intravenous rehydration with the next step up to Intermediate Technician the current level of care at our service. This not only provides resuscitation fluids to those in cardiac arrest but also allows for rehydration and access to injectable medications including Dextrose (sugar) for diabetics and Narcan the medication that reverses the coma caused by heroin and other opiate use/abuse. Currently our EMS can also support breathing with CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) as well as insert King LT airways into those unconscious and not breathing. If the patient has poor veins the EMS has been trained recently to insert cannulas into the bone for intraosseous (through the bone) infusions. Most of the Stoughton EMS District has a short transport time to Stoughton Hospital where I work as the Medical Director of the Hospital Emergency Services. The Hospital contracts with SWEA (Southern Wisconsin Emergency Associates) to provide Board Certified Emergency Physicians that can receive and treat all patients’, medical and traumatic, young and old alike. Some of the more Northern areas of the District tend to be nearly as close to the Madison area Hospitals and do get paramedics from the City for 911 directed life and death emergencies. Stoughton medics then work with the paramedics in these cases and transport to the appropriate hospital in the County. EMS is a constantly changing and evolving area of healthcare but Stoughton can certainly be proud of their local medics and the Stoughton Hospital. I know that I am!
Major changes occurred in 2011 with all city departments learning, identifying, and implementing a new budget process called Budgeting for Outcomes. The concept is based on departments submitting a cost for services (Offer), identifying inputs, outputs and outcomes. Our department had two Offers: “Your Emergency is Our Emergency”, which focuses on three key elements: 1.) Emergency Preparedness -‐ Mitigation, Response, Recovery & Resource Management 2.) Pre-‐Hospital Medical Care 3.) Data Collection/Data Management “Your Life – Our Purpose”, which focuses on two key elements: 1.) Public Relations & Community Education 2.) Public Health & Awareness through EMS This annual report is a reflection of the new data system management we have implemented utilizing software called Image Trend. The data is generated from our Patient Care Reports (PCRs). Throughout this report you will notice more detailed information associated with visual graphs. As in past years, our service continues to be busy. In 2011, Stoughton Area EMS responded to 1,314 calls. This call volume is the second highest on record; and, just falling short (by 4 calls) of the 2010 all time high of 1,318 calls. Our service is very fortunate to have Dr. Warren Tripp, MD as our Medical Director. Dr. Tripp is highly respected by our members. He is dedicated, pro-‐active, approachable, and we all consider him a mentor and a friend. Each month, during our training sessions, Dr. Tripp reviews Patient Care Reports (PCRs), providing feedback, positive reinforcement, gentle reminders and sharing of his extensive medical knowledge. Our standards of care and ongoing quality improvement are in direct relationship to his visions and guidance. Our members are the backbone of our organization, and our most valuable resource. Most people are not aware of the amount of mandated training, skill requirements and on-‐call hours the members must maintain to be a member of our service and State of WI licensed. I appreciate each and every member of our service. We are who we are because of them! Last, but not least, I thank Mayor Donna Olson and all the Stoughton City Council members for their support throughout this past year. Sincerely, Cathy J. Rigdon, CEM, Director Stoughton Area EMS
2011 Board of Directors
2011 Holiday Committee
Dr. Warren Tripp Cathy Rigdon, EMS Director Garry Hanson, EMS Ass’t. Director Ed Bailey, EMS Training Director Kristin Ott, EMS Personnel Director Bill Brue, Member at Large Renee Taylor, Member at Large Dave Erdman, Member at Large Jerry Hendrickson, Member at Large
Dave Erdman, Chair Jenifer Allred Melanie Meckley Meegan Rowe Pam Barrett Kate Collins Chris Dargis
2012 Vehicle Purchasing Committee Steve Wiese, Chair Peggy Hendrickson Derek Weum Pat Shields Jen Allred Rich Smithback Dave Erdman Bryce Bronstad Jeremy Beck Darwin Belcourt
Alphabetic Order Name Allred, Jennifer Bailey, Ed Barrett, Pamela Beck, Jeremy Belcourt, Darwin Boersma, Andrew Brue, Bill Christofferson, Robert Collins, Kate Dargis, Chris Eddy, Christopher Erdman, David Erdman, Mary Griffin, Scott Hale, Lucas Halverson, Chris Hanson, Garry Hendrickson, Jerry Hendrickson, Peggy Holm, Scott Hruska, Nathan Johnson, Ann Johnson, Luke Keniston, Wanda Kreider, Linda Manthe, Karl Meckley, Melanie Ott, Kristin
Pulley, Steve Rigdon, Cathy Rigdon, Terry Rowe, Meegan Ruef, Scott Schieldt, Bette Schimelpfenig, Lisa Shields, Patrick Smithback, Richard Sveum, Susan Taylor, Renee Vernig, Dave Weum, Derek
Wiese, Steve TOTALS
S t a
Years of Service Order
Years of Service (as of 12/31/2011) 5 22 4 1 4 3 32 1 1 29 8 3 10 22 4 20 22 6 8 14 1 5 3 10 6 3 3 14 10 18 3 1 4 3 8 2 3 3 8 13 3 6 349
Name Brue, Bill Dargis, Chris Hanson, Garry Bailey, Ed Griffin, Scott Halverson, Chris Rigdon, Cathy Holm, Scott Ott, Kristin Vernig, Dave Keniston, Wanda Erdman, Mary
Pulley, Steve Eddy, Christopher Schimelpfenig, Lisa Taylor, Renee Hendrickson, Peggy
Wiese, Steve Kreider, Linda Hendrickson, Jerry Johnson, Ann Allred, Jennifer Ruef, Scott Barrett, Pamela Belcourt, Darwin Hale, Lucas Boersma, Andrew Erdman, David Manthe, Karl Weum, Derek Schieldt, Bette Smithback, Richard Sveum, Susan Johnson, Luke Rigdon, Terry Meckley, Melanie Shields, Patrick Collins, Kate Rowe, Meegan Hruska, Nathan Beck, Jeremy Christofferson, Robert TOTALS
Average years of service = 8.31
S t a
Years of Service (as of 12/31/2011) 32 29 22 22 22 20 18 14 14 13 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 349
Alphabetic Order Name
Primary Ambulance (R-88)
Allred, Jennifer Bailey, Ed Barrett, Pamela Beck, Jeremy Belcourt, Darwin Boersma, Andrew Brue, Bill Christofferson, Robert Collins, Kate Dargis, Chris Eddy, Christopher Erdman, David Erdman, Mary Griffin, Scott Hale, Lucas Halverson, Chris Hanson, Garry Hendrickson, Jerry Hendrickson, Peggy Holm, Scott Hruska, Nathan Johnson, Ann Johnson, Luke Keniston, Wanda Kreider, Linda Manthe, Karl Meckley, Melanie Ott, Kristin Peterson, Jenna Phillips, Sean
493 3,576 581 449 512 376 1,103 174 975 732 292 2,260 2,770 2,006 407 244 179 680 361 425 40 16 215 1,190 198 382 732 552 189 37
Pulley, Steve Rigdon, Cathy Rigdon, Terry Rowe, Meegan Ruef, Scott Schieldt, Bette Schimelpfenig, Lisa Shields, Patrick Smithback, Richard Sullivan, Justin Sveum, Susan Taylor, Renee Vernig, Dave Weum, Derek
Wiese, Steve Annual Call Total
Participation Order
Back-up Total Annual Ambulance Call Hours (R-87)
98 1,445 432 110 101 73 980 46 230 45 273 1,274 191 535 0 0 170 287 15 105 0 0 109 159 2 18 18 284 0 0 3 364 0 16 0 122 369 10 150 0 184 0 81 26 26
591 5,021 1,013 559 613 449 2,083 220 1,205 777 565 3,534 2,961 2,541 407 244 349 967 376 530 40 16 324 1,349 200 400 750 836 189 37 272 1,080 43 392 325 509 1,933 638 661 0 395 479 269 571 397
1.59% 13.53% 2.73% 1.51% 1.65% 1.21% 5.61% 0.59% 3.25% 2.09% 1.52% 9.52% 7.98% 6.85% 1.10% 0.66% 0.94% 2.61% 1.01% 1.43% 0.11% 0.04% 0.87% 3.64% 0.54% 1.08% 2.02% 2.25% 0.51% 0.10% 0.73% 2.91% 0.12% 1.06% 0.88% 1.37% 5.21% 1.72% 1.78% 0.00% 1.06% 1.29% 0.72% 1.54% 1.07%
269 716 43 376 325 387 1,564 628 511 0 211 479 188 545
Name Bailey, Ed Erdman, David Erdman, Mary Griffin, Scott Brue, Bill Schimelpfenig, Lisa Keniston, Wanda Collins, Kate Rigdon, Cathy Barrett, Pamela Hendrickson, Jerry Ott, Kristin Dargis, Chris Meckley, Melanie Smithback, Richard Shields, Patrick Belcourt, Darwin Allred, Jennifer Weum, Derek Eddy, Christopher Beck, Jeremy Holm, Scott Schieldt, Bette Taylor, Renee Boersma, Andrew Hale, Lucas Manthe, Karl
Primary Ambulance (R-88) 3,576 2,260 2,770 2,006 1,103 1,564 1,190 975 716 581 680 552 732 732 511 628 512 493 545 292 449 425 387 479 376 407 382
Back-up Total Annual Ambulance Call Hours (R-87)
Wiese, Steve
Sveum, Susan Rowe, Meegan Hendrickson, Peggy Hanson, Garry Ruef, Scott Johnson, Luke
211 376 361 179 325 215
Pulley, Steve
Vernig, Dave Halverson, Chris Christofferson, Robert Kreider, Linda Peterson, Jenna Rigdon, Terry Hruska, Nathan Phillips, Sean Johnson, Ann Sullivan, Justin
188 244 174 198 189 43 40 37 16 0
1,445 1,274 191 535 980 369 159 230 364 432 287 284 45 18 150 10 101 98 26 273 110 105 122 0 73 0 18 26 184 16 15 170 0 109 3 81 0 46 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Annual Call Total
5,021 3,534 2,961 2,541 2,083 1,933 1,349 1,205 1,080 1,013 967 836 777 750 661 638 613 591 571 565 559 530 509 479 449 407 400 397 395 392 376 349 325 324 272 269 244 220 200 189 43 40 37 16 0
13.53% 9.52% 7.98% 6.85% 5.61% 5.21% 3.64% 3.25% 2.91% 2.73% 2.61% 2.25% 2.09% 2.02% 1.78% 1.72% 1.65% 1.59% 1.54% 1.52% 1.51% 1.43% 1.37% 1.29% 1.21% 1.10% 1.08% 1.07% 1.06% 1.06% 1.01% 0.94% 0.88% 0.87% 0.73% 0.72% 0.66% 0.59% 0.54% 0.51% 0.12% 0.11% 0.10% 0.04% 0.00%
In 2011, Members of Stoughton Area EMS dedicated 37,110 hours of their time to be on call. * EMTs are required to maintain a minimum o f 60-‐hours o n call per quarter for the primary ambulance. * The back-‐up ambulance is scheduled 7 days a week from 9p to 5a (no minimum requirements). * Members listed in this report that are under the minimum o n-‐call hrs were either new, o r o n leave of absence.
Alphabetic Order Name Allred, Jennifer Bailey, Ed Barrett, Pamela Beck, Jeremy Belcourt, Darwin Boersma, Andrew Brue, Bill Christofferson, Robert Collins, Kate Dargis, Chris Eddy, Christopher Erdman, David Erdman, Mary Griffin, Scott Hale, Lucas Halverson, Chris Hanson, Garry Hendrickson, Jerry Hendrickson, Peggy Holm, Scott Hruska, Nathan Johnson, Ann Johnson, Luke Keniston, Wanda Kreider, Linda Manthe, Karl Meckley, Melanie Ott, Kristin Phillips, Sean
Pulley, Steve Rigdon, Cathy Rigdon, Terry Rowe, Meegan Ruef, Scott Schieldt, Bette Schimelpfenig, Lisa Shields, Patrick Smithback, Richard Sullivan, Justin Sveum, Susan Taylor, Renee Vernig, Dave Weum, Derek
Wiese, Steve Annual Call Total
Participation Order
Crew Members Incident Participation
87 487 80 119 63 41 197 24 111 72 41 279 362 270 64 17 21 92 63 43 13 2 22 162 24 53 122 91 4 33 109 44 51 35 69 221 89 117 2 23 75 35 87 56
6.62% 37.06% 6.09% 9.06% 4.79% 3.12% 14.99% 1.83% 8.45% 5.48% 3.12% 21.23% 27.55% 20.55% 4.87% 1.29% 1.60% 7.00% 4.79% 3.27% 0.99% 0.15% 1.67% 12.33% 1.83% 4.03% 9.28% 6.93% 0.30% 2.51% 8.30% 3.35% 3.88% 2.66% 5.25% 16.82% 6.77% 8.90% 0.15% 1.75% 5.71% 2.66% 6.62% 4.26% 1314
Name Bailey, Ed Erdman, Mary Erdman, David Griffin, Scott Schimelpfenig, Lisa Brue, Bill Keniston, Wanda Meckley, Melanie Beck, Jeremy Smithback, Richard Collins, Kate Rigdon, Cathy Hendrickson, Jerry Ott, Kristin Shields, Patrick Allred, Jennifer Weum, Derek Barrett, Pamela Taylor, Renee Dargis, Chris Schieldt, Bette Hale, Lucas Belcourt, Darwin Hendrickson, Peggy
Wiese, Steve Manthe, Karl Rowe, Meegan Rigdon, Terry Holm, Scott Boersma, Andrew Eddy, Christopher Ruef, Scott Vernig, Dave
Pulley, Steve Christofferson, Robert Kreider, Linda Sveum, Susan Johnson, Luke Hanson, Garry Halverson, Chris Hruska, Nathan Phillips, Sean Johnson, Ann Sullivan, Justin Annual Call Total
Crew Members Incident Participation
487 362 279 270 221 197 162 122 119 117 111 109 92 91 89 87 87 80 75 72 69 64 63 63 56 53 51 44 43 41 41 35 35 33 24 24 23 22 21 17 13 4 2 2
37.06% 27.55% 21.23% 20.55% 16.82% 14.99% 12.33% 9.28% 9.06% 8.90% 8.45% 8.30% 7.00% 6.93% 6.77% 6.62% 6.62% 6.09% 5.71% 5.48% 5.25% 4.87% 4.79% 4.79% 4.26% 4.03% 3.88% 3.35% 3.27% 3.12% 3.12% 2.66% 2.66% 2.51% 1.83% 1.83% 1.75% 1.67% 1.60% 1.29% 0.99% 0.30% 0.15% 0.15% 1314
This data reflects the number o f paid EMS calls. I t does not represent the total number o f calls that a member may have responded to as a "first responder" to assist the primary crew.
Type of Training
Hours per training
Monthly Training MATC Courses -‐ IV Tech MATC Courses -‐ Basic Refresher Orientation(s) Conferences Misc. Trainings -‐ Director Misc. Trainings -‐ Admin. Ass't.
22 90 30 10 13 80 96
Total Annual Training Hours
Number of Total participants 41 4 36 4 10 1 1
902 360 1,080 40 130 80 96 2,688
Operational Revenues
Operational Budget Revenues
Billing Less Medicare/Medicade Writeoffs Anticipated Collectable Revenue
% of Budget
Less Medicare/ Medicade Writeoffs -‐$194,732
Billing $751,107.60
Salary Personnel (Director/Admin Ass't)
% of Budget
Health Insurance -‐ Admin. Assistant
Longevity -‐ Volunteers
Fitness Membership
Travel, Training, Conferences
Wages -‐ Volunteers Benefits -‐ Salary Personnel
Salary Personnel (Director/Admin Ass't) $1,200 $240
Wages -‐ Volunteers
Benefits -‐ Salary Personnel
Health Insurance -‐ Admin. Assistant
Longevity -‐ Volunteers
Fitness Membership
Travel, Training, Conferences $18,000
Medical Director Contract
Medical Director Contract
Billing Services
Billing Services ALS Intercept
ALS Intercept
Equipment/Maintenance Contracts
Office Supplies
Depreciation/Sinking Fund
Administration Expense
Vehicle Expense
Vehicle Fuel
Public Relations
Uniform Expense
Capital EMS Remodel -‐ Loan Payment
Total Operating Expenses
Operational Supplies Building Maintenance Background Checks (DOJ)
Utilities/Maintenance $50,000
Equipment/Maintenance Contracts Misc.
Office Supplies Rent $45,000
Depreciation/Sinking Fund Administration Expense $21,362
Vehicle Expense
Vehicle Fuel $40,734
Operational Supplies
$15,228 $7,401
Building Maintenance Background Checks (DOJ)
$10,000 $7,390
Public Relations Uniform Expense Capital EMS Remodel -‐ Loan Payment
Annual Call Volume
# of Runs
Time Period (Military Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Hours)
0001-‐0300 0301-‐0600 1601-‐0900 0901-‐1200 1201-‐1500 1501-‐1800 1801-‐2100 2101-‐0000 Unknown
16 12 17 30 22 33 26 15 0
19 12 22 40 28 31 28 19 0
13 8 33 37 32 30 24 25 0
8 7 17 20 24 22 33 22 0
11 13 15 28 22 26 28 14 0
18 15 19 28 27 31 38 29 0
18 15 32 41 31 29 31 28 0
# of Runs 103 82 155 224 186 202 208 152 2
% of Runs
Number of call per in 3 hour increments 250
7.84% 6.24% 200 11.80% 150 17.05% 14.16% 100 15.37% 15.83% 50 11.57% 0 0.15%
1314 100.00%
0001-‐0300 0301-‐0600 1601-‐0900 0901-‐1200 1201-‐1500 1501-‐1800 1801-‐2100 2101-‐0000
Note: Unknown category represents the few times the 911 Center was unable to record data due to multi-‐agency/multi-‐response. 2011 Call trends show highest call volume on weekdays between 0:9:00 to 12:00, then remaining steady from 12:00 to 23:00. 2011 Call trends also show subtle variations between days of week (annual average by day calculates to 187.71%).
Anaphylactic Reaction Animal Bite Assult Asthma Exacerbation Auto vs. Pedestrian Back Pain (Non-‐Traumatic/Recent Trauma) Breathing Problems Burns Cardiac Arrest Chest Pain Chocking CO Poisoning/Hazmat Diabetic Problem Electrocution Fall Victim Fever Fire Standby Head I njury Headache Heart Problems Heat/Cold Exposure Hemorrhage/Laceration Ingestion/Poisoning Invalid Assist/Lifting Assist MCI (Multi C asuality I ncident Medical Alarm Not Known Other Overdose Pain Pregnancy/Childbirth Psychiatric Problems Respiratory Arrest Respiratory Distress Siezure/Convulsions Sick Person Standby Stroke/CVA Suicide Treatment/Attempt Traffic/Transportation Accident Transfer/Interfacility/Palliative C are Traumatic I njury Unnsconscious/Fainting Unknown Problem/Man Down Unknown
3 4 9 1 4 19 113 4 10 91 9 6 22 2 208 3 6 8 7 13 3 34 8 3 2 4 1 58 29 56 6 8 2 7 27 110 5 41 4 115 19 33 72 32 4 1314
0.23% 0.30% 0.68% 0.08% 0.30% 1.45% 8.60% 0.30% 0.76% 6.93% 0.68% 0.46% 1.67% 0.15% 15.83% 0.23% 0.46% 0.61% 0.53% 0.99% 0.23% 2.59% 0.61% 0.23% 0.15% 0.30% 0.08% 4.41% 2.21% 4.26% 0.46% 0.61% 0.15% 0.53% 2.05% 8.37% 0.38% 3.12% 0.30% 8.75% 1.45% 2.51% 5.48% 2.44% 0.30% 100.00%
Medication Administration
# o f Runs
% o f Runs
Albuterol Sulfate
Dextrose 50% (D50)
Epi-‐Pen (Adult)
Glucose (Oral)
Aspirin 60
Dextrose 50% 5
Epi-‐Pen (Adult) 2
Albuterol Sulfate 49
Glucose (Oral) 12 Nytroglycerin 42
(By Nebulizer)
Normal Saline Oxygen
345 99
No Meds Given 316
Oxygen by Nebulizer
Oxygen by Positive Pressure Device
Oxygen (by Blow By) Oxygen by Mask Oxygen by Nasal Cannula
No meds given
Epi-‐Pen (Adult)
Glucose (Oral)
Normal Saline 345
Normal Saline
(by Nasal Cannula)
7.78% 6.60%
Dextrose 50% (D50)
Oxygen (non-‐rebreather mask)
Albuterol Sulfate
Oxygen Oxygen 99
(Possitive Pressure)
Oxygen (non-‐rebreather m ask) Oxygen (by Blow By) Oxygen
(non-‐Rebreath mask)
(by mask)
Oxygen by M ask
(by Blow By) 5
Oxygen by Nasal Cannula Oxygen by Nebulizer Oxygen by Positive Pressure Device No m eds given
Response Zones Municipality Albion, Town of Cambridge, Villiage of Christiana, Town of Deerfield, Town of Dunkirk, Town of Dunn, Town of Edgerton, City of Oregon, City of Pleasant Springs, Town of Rutland, Town of Stoughton, City of
# of Runs % of Runs 1 2 30 2 60 74 5 3 78 16 1043
0.08% 0.15% 2.28% 0.15% 4.57% 5.63% 0.38% 0.23% 5.94% 1.22% 79.38%
2 60
74 5
Albion, Town of Cambridge, Villiage of
Christiana, Town of
Deerfield, Town of Dunkirk, Town of Dunn, Town of
Stoughton 1043
Edgerton, City of Oregon, City of Pleasant Springs, Town of Rutland, Town of Stoughton, City of
Transport Mode TO Scene Initial Lights & Siren, downgraded to no Lights & Siren Initial No Lights & Siren, Upgraded to Lights & Siren Lights & Sirens No Lights & Sirens
# of Runs 10 2 1038 264
% of Runs 0.76% 0.15% 79.00% 20.09%
Initial Lights & Siren, downgraded to no Lights & Siren
1314 100.00% Note: Response mode to scene is set by 911 Center Dispatch Codes A -‐ Alpha calls = no lights & sirens B = Bravo calls can be identified as either no lights & sirens, or lights and sirens. C -‐ Charlie Calls = Lights and Sirens. D -‐ Delta Calls = Lights and Sirens. E -‐ Echo calls = lights and Sirens O -‐ Omega Calls = no lights and Sirens
Initial No Lights & Siren, Upgraded to Lights & Siren 1038
Lights & Sirens No Lights & Sirens
911 Page to Enroute Time 4
Minutes # of Runs % of Runs 0 to 1 2 to 3 4 to 5 > 5 Unknown
67 149 545 549 4
5.10% 11.34% 41.48% 41.78% 0.30%
0 to 1 67
2 to 3 4 to 5
> 5
Enroute to Scene Minutes # of Runs % of Runs 0 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 >15 Unknown
1005 237 30 17 25
76.48% 18.04% 2.28% 1.29% 1.90%
0 to 5 6 to 10
11 to 15 1005
>15 Unknown
“Unknown” describes incidents of no transports
cancelled calls, fire standby and/or scene standby.
At Scene -‐ Leave Scene Minutes # of Runs % of Runs 0 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30 >30 Unknown
0 to 10
189 693 240 39 153
14.38% 52.74% 18.26% 2.97% 11.64%
11 to 20
153 189
21 to 30
240 693
>30 Unknown
On scene times (according to Stoughton Area EMS & Dane County's Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement (QA/QI) Standards should be 20 minutes or less. All calls with on scene times over 20 minutes must identify reason for extended time. Leave Scene -‐ To Hospital Minutes # of Runs % of Runs 0 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 >15 Unknown
537 273 43 302 159
40.87% 20.78% 3.27% 22.98% 12.10%
0 to 5 159
6 to 10
11 to 15 >15 Unknown
“Unknown” describes incidents of no transports
cancelled calls, fire standby and/or scene standby.
At Hospital -‐ Leave Hospital Minutes # of Runs % of Runs 0 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 >15 Unknown
314 370 113 375 142
23.90% 28.16% 8.60% 28.54% 10.81%
0 to 5 142
6 to 10
11 to 15
Average Run Times Response
Enroute To Scene At Scene To Destination Back In Service
07:54 04:23 34:57 11:56 23:05
Total Hours
Enroute To Scene
At Scene 34:57
To Destination Back In Service
This data shows average run times from page, enroute, at scene, to hospital and when crew calls the 911 Center to say they are "back in service". This data does not include the time it takes the crew to leave the hospital, return to quarters, resock the ambulance, clean vehicle and complete patient care report (PCR).
“Unknown” describes incidents of no transports
cancelled calls, fire standby and/or scene standby.
Fire Law Not Applicable Other Other Health Care Provider Rescue (Paramedic Intercept) Utilities
92 544 27 24 240 2 2
9.75% 57.63% 2.86% 2.54% 25.42% 0.21% 0.21%
EMS Mututal Aid
Fire Law Not Applicable Other
Other Health Care Provider Rescue (Paramedic Intercept) Utilities
Transport Mode FROM Scene Initial Lights & Siren, downgraded to no Lights & Siren Initial No Lights & Siren, Upgraded to Lights & Siren Lights & Sirens No Lights & Sirens Unknown (no transport/no patient c ontact)
# of Runs
% of Runs
6 12 148 891
0.46% 0.91% 11.26%
Initial Lights & Siren, downgraded to no Lights & Siren Initial No Lights & Siren, Upgraded to Lights & Siren Lights & Sirens
No Lights & Sirens Unknown (no transport/no patient contact)
Note: Response mode FROM scene is determined at the discression of the EMTs based on patient condition. A -‐ Alpha calls = no lights & sirens B = Bravo calls can be identified as either no lights & sirens, or lights and sirens. C -‐ Charlie Calls = Lights and sirens. D -‐ Delta Calls = Lights and Sirens. E -‐ Echo calls = lights and sirens O -‐ Omega Calls = no lights and sirens
“Unknown” describes incidents of no transports
cancelled calls, fire standby and/or scene standby.
# of Runs % of Runs
Male Unknown
(no transport/no patient c ontact)
Age Less than 1 1 -‐ 4 5 -‐ 9 10 -‐ 14 15 -‐ 19 20 -‐ 24 25 -‐ 34 35 -‐ 44 45 -‐ 54 55 -‐ 64 65 -‐ 74 75 -‐ 84 85 + Unknown (no transport/no patient c ontact)
0.91% 1.14% 0.84% 2.59% 3.42% 3.65% 7.31% 6.77% 8.60% 14.46% 10.58% 16.29% 17.81%
74 1314
5.63% 100.00%
Unknown (no transport/no patient contact)
Number of calls by Age
# of Runs % of Runs 12 15 11 34 45 48 96 89 113 190 139 214 234
250 200 150
100 50 0
“Unknown” describes incidents of no transports
cancelled calls, fire standby and/or scene standby.
Transport by Destination Report Veterans Hospital 12
01/01/11 to 12/31/11 Destination Air Transport (Medflight) Fort Atkinson Meriter St. Marys Stoughton Hospital UW Hospital & Clinic Veterans Hospital Subtotal of transported calls No transport/Not Know/Not Applicable Total Annual Calls
# of Runs 4 2 82 119 767 82 12
% of Runs UW Hospital 0.37% & Clinics 0.19% 82 7.68% 11.14% 71.82% 7.68% Stoughton 1.12%
1068 246 1314
Hospital 767
Air Transport (Medflight) Med Flight 4 Fort Atkinson 2 Meriter 82 St. Marys 119
Fort Atkinson Meriter St. Marys Stoughton Hospital
UW Hospital & Clinic Veterans Hospital
Average Run Mileage Miles
# of Runs % of Runs
0 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 >20 Unknown
750 21 32 184 67 260
57.08% 1.60% 2.44% 14.00% 5.10% 19.79%
0 to 5 6 to 10 260
184 32
11 to 15 16 to 20 >20 Unknown
Average Run Mileage includes only loaded miles (when a patient is in the vehicle). EMS is only allowed to bill mileage when transporting a patient to a destination.
“Unknown” describes incidents of no transports
cancelled calls, fire standby and/or scene standby.
Response Delays Directions Distance Diversion Other Safety Staff Delay Vehicle Crash Weather No delays/Not applicable
# of Runs % of Runs 1 3 1 8 2 2 1 6 1297
0.08% 0.23% 0.08% 0.61% 0.15% 0.15% 0.08% 0.45% 98.18%
Directions Distance Diversion Other Safety Staff Delay Vehicle Crash Weather No delays/Not applicable
Note: Response Delay category allows writer to enter more than one reason for response delay when applicable. Therefore, number of response delays exceed total number of annual calls (1,314).
Stoughton Area EMS CPR Program Recognizing and knowing how to respond in an emergency can be intimidating. SAEMS routinely offers American Heart Association outlined courses in CPR and First Aid for lay rescuers and healthcare providers alike. These learned actions can aid in a swift recovery and even prevent death. In 2011, SAEMS instructed 38 courses with 152 individuals attending. Instruction time equaled an impressive 128 hours. Participants varied in background from: local industry, interested citizens, daycare providers and healthcare professionals. This is no doubt a benefit to all in the City of Stoughton.To the participants of the SAEMS 2011 CPR/First Aid program, we thank you for your dedication to knowledge. 2011 CPR Coordinators: Doris Burdick (Retired June, 2011) Pam Barrett 2011 CPR Instructors: Bill Brue Pam Barrett Doris Burdick Lisa Schimelpfenig Renee Taylor
Stoughton Hospital Liaison In 2007, Beth Amos, R.N. accepted the position of Stoughton Hospital to Stoughton Area EMS Liaison. This position acts as an intermediary between the staff of the Stoughton Hospital Emergency Department and the volunteers of Stoughton Area EMS. Annually, over 71% of SAEMS transports are to Stoughton Hospital. This position provides an important role between our agencies. Beth served this position with exceptional dedication. During her tenure, Beth attended SAEMS monthly meetings, performed annual IV access training (we used Gummy Worms as veins, very creative!), reported on feedback from the emergency department and vice versa, performed annual flu vaccination, performed TB testing, coordinated an appreciation dinner at Stoughton Hospital with full medical jeopardy gaming and most importantly, reinforced with volunteers of SAEMS that we are an integral part of emergency medicine. Beth’s history is as vibrant as her dedication to SAEMS. Beth has worked at Stoughton Hospital as an Emergency Department R.N. for many years. Beth is a scrabble diva and enjoys scuba diving. Beth has authored 6 books and has over 200 free lance articles to her credit. Beth reports, “I suppose it was my love of reading that led to my love of writing”. Beth writes current fiction under the pen name of Annelise Ryan. Sadly, for SAEMS, Beth has accepted a position at St. Mary’s - Janesville in the emergency department and has regrettably resigned her position as the SAEMS/Stoughton Hospital Liaison. We wish Beth the very best in her future adventures.
I expend a special thanks to my Leadership Team. They dedicate many hours of their time to help with duties that can not be accomplished with a staff of only two full-time employees. Leadership Team: Garry Hanson, Assistant Director Ed Bailey, Training Director Kristin Ott, Personnel Director Peggy Hendrickson, Infection Control Officer Renee Taylor, Quality Improvement/Quality Assurance Officer Jerry Hendrickson, Interim Squad Leader, Monday’s Squad Scott Holm, Squad Leader, Tuesday’s Squad Bill Brue, Squad Leader, Wednesday’s Squad Lisa Schimelpfenig, Squad Leader, Thursday’s Squad David Vernig, Squad Leader, Friday’s Squad. Thank you for all you!
Just as 911 calls are unpredictable, so are the work days here in the EMS office. People would not only be surprised to see the volume of work that is done in the office, but also the variety. Lisa wears many hats. As EMS Administrative Assistant, she truly is my right hand person for the day-to-day operations. Lisa’s dedication to her job and our service does not waiver; whether it is administrative work, maintenance, coordinating efforts/schedules, cleaning, CPR/First Aid Instructions or mentoring fellow employees, Lisa is always dependable. I could not ask for a better Administrative Assistant than Lisa Schimelpfenig. In my eyes, she is second to none! Thanks Lisa for all you do for our members, and for me.
Partnering with the Stoughton Street Department, for vehicle maintenance, has proven to be efficient and effective and has resulted in a proven cost savings to our department. Having the ability to utilize Bryce Bronstad, the city’s professional vehicle mechanic, has been a Godsend to EMS. Bryce has assisted our service with weekly maintenance requests, repairs, oil changes, tire rotations, mechanical problem-solving and annual vehicle maintenance budget planning. Since Bryce has assisted the EMS, we have taken our vehicles to a dealership less than five times (for warranty issues). We know how busy Bryce is with other city vehicles, and we appreciate all he does to keep our vehicles running. Thanks Bryce for all you do!
Responding to an emergency is only one part of a coordinated effort in proving a safe and healthy community. Throughout the year, our EMS department partners with many of the other city departments, community events and committees. Here are examples of our partnerships: Interdepartmental cooperation: • Stoughton Police (response/assistance/sharing space during EMS remodel) • Stoughton Fire (response/assistance/sharing space during EMS remodel) • Stoughton Streets (response/assistance) • Stoughton Utilities (response/assistance) • Stoughton Senior Center (follow-up on needs/referrals) • Stoughton Media (videotaping monthly meetings/audio visual needs) • Stoughton Planning & Development (design/remodel of EMS building and building maintenance).
County Participation/partnerships: • Dane County EMS Association - Director Rigdon • Dane County ALS (Advanced Life Support) Subcommittee – Director Rigdon • Dane County BLS (Basic Life Support) Subcommittee – Director Rigdon • Dane County Operational Practices Subcommittee – Training Director Bailey • Dane County Medical Advisory Subcommittee - Dr. Warren Tripp/Dir. Rigdon • Dane County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) training – Director Rigdon
Community Events/Partnerships • Stoughton Jr. Fair • Annual Syttende Mai Celebration • 911 Remembrance Celebration, hosted by Christ the King Church • Stoughton Police Department’s Safety Camp • Stoughton Schools – Football games, participation in Health Care Careers • Community CPR/First Aid/CCR Courses • Daycare/Boy Scout/Girl Scout/individual family tours of facility, vehicles • Memorial Day parade • Senior Center Bingo – EMS participated by sponsoring and calling one of the bingo events Emergency Preparedness: • Dane County Airport Fire Exercise. • EMS Director obtained State of WI certification as an Emergency Manager
Cardiac Save
Stoughton EMS had one cardiac save this year. It involved a middle aged male at work who had a cardiac event. One of our EMTs works at the same facility and was the first responder to provide compressions. Other agencies on scene were: facility nurse, Stoughton Police, Stoughton Fire, MedFlight. EMTs Members credited for save:
Scott Ruef Betty Schieldt
Ed Bailey Steve Wiese
As we look forward to 2012 and beyond, we know there are many goals left to accomplish. We continue to learn new skills, implement new technologies, look for efficiencies, membership recruitment and retention, all while maintaining financial stability. In addition to maintaining our busy schedule, responding to our high call volume, in 2012, we will: • Continue to track and report on measureable outcomes • Implement an electronic scheduling program • Purchase new defibrillators • Purchase a new ambulance • Prepare for implementation of new countywide radio system • Host an Open House